(Letterhead of Morrison Foerster LLP)

February 28, 2006

By Telefacsimile and Mail

Rebekah Moore
Staff Accountant
United States Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20549

Re:      Redwood Mortgage Investors VIII
         Form 10-K for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2004 Form 10-Q for the
         Fiscal Quarter ended June 30, 2005 File No. 000-27816

Dear Ms. Moore:

     On behalf of our client, Redwood Mortgage Investors VIII (the "Company") we
are  responding to the comments of the Staff (the "Staff") of the Securities and
Exchange  Commission (the  "Commission") set forth in your letter of January 23,
2006. The following discussion and answers to your inquiries have been presented
in numbered paragraphs to conform to the numbered paragraphs in your letter. For
the  convenience  of the Staff,  we have set forth the  Staff's  comments  fully
identified in bold and italicized type immediately prior to each response.

     1. Please refer to comment 2 in our letter dated  December 1, 2005. On page
22 of your Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2004, you disclose balances
of loans by property type, i.e. single family homes, apartments,  commercial and
land.  Each type has a different  risk of loss and it is meaningful to investors
to know how you  allocate  your  allowance  for loan losses in response to these
risks.  Further,  disclosure  of the amount of  recoveries  and  charge-offs  by
property  type also lets  investors  know the  results  of your risk  management
strategies.  Please revise your proposed  disclosures  of the  allocation of the
allowance  for loan losses and the roll forward of the  allowance to provide the
information  set forth by the property  types  presented on page 22 of your 2004
Form 10-K and provide us with your proposed disclosures.


     As requested by the Staff, the Registrant  agrees to disclose,  by property
type,  its  allocation  of its  allowance  for loan  losses  and the  amount  of
recoveries and charge-offs.  Specifically,  the Registrant  propose to revise in
future  filings (i) the first table that is set forth in note 2 to its financial
statements in its Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31, 2004 (at page 37 of
that 10-K) to the table  that is set forth in  Attachment  A to this  letter and
(ii) the second  table that is set forth in that note 2 to the table that is set
forth in Attachment B to this letter.  We note that in future Form 10-Q filings,
such proposed tables would set forth information as of the end of the particular
quarter  and as of the end of the  previous  fiscal  year.  In future  Form 10-K
filings,  such tables would set forth  information  as of the end of each of the
three fiscal years in the period ending as of the date covered by the Form 10-K.

     2. Please refer to our previous comment 5 in our letter dated September 29,
2005.  You state that you imputed  interest  expense in accordance  with APB 21.
However, it is still unclear why you have recorded interest income in connection
with the interest free loan from your general partner. Please provide additional
detail regarding this transaction to include the specific accounting  literature
relied  upon in  recording  these  amounts,  the dollar  amounts for the related
assets and liabilities, and sample journal entries for this transaction.


     The  transaction  for which the  Registrant has recorded  imputed  interest
income relates to an  interest-free  loan that the Registrant has made to one of
its general partners, Redwood Mortgage Corp. (RMC). To understand the accounting
that the  Registrant has utilized for this  transaction,  it is helpful to first
understand the accounting for the transaction by RMC.

RMC's Accounting For The Transaction

     RMC  received  an  interest-free  loan  (the  "Formation  Loan")  from  the
Registrant to finance the purchase of the exclusive right to act as the mortgage
loan  broker  (the  "deferred  brokerage  rights")  for  the  Registrant's  loan
portfolio.  Note the accounting for RMC's intangible asset,  deferred  brokerage
rights,  had been  reviewed by the SEC staff via a comment  letter in connection
with the Registrant's 2002 Form S-11 filing.

     The  Formation  Loan from the  Registrant  to RMC is repayable in ten equal
annual  installments,  without  interest,  commencing  in  the  year  after  the
Formation Loan is completed.

     In accordance with Accounting  Principles Board Opinion No. 21 "Interest on
Receivables  and  Payables"  (APB  No.  21),  RMC has  imputed  interest  on the
Formation  Loan.  As described  in  paragraph  12. of APB No. 21 "When a note is
exchanged for property,  goods,  or service in a bargained  transaction  entered
into at arm's  length,  there should be a general  presumption  that the rate of
interest  stipulated  by the  parties  to the  transaction  represents  fair and
adequate  compensation  to the supplier for the use of the related  funds.  That
presumption,  however,  must not permit the form of the  transaction  to prevail
over its  economic  substance  and thus would not apply if (1)  interest  is not
stated,  or  (2)  the  stated  interest  rate  is   unreasonable....   In  these
circumstances,  the note, the sales price, and the cost of the property,  goods,
or service  exchanged  for the note  should be recorded at the fair value of the
property, goods, or services...."

     To reflect the economic  substance  of the  financing  arrangement,  and to
ensure fair and adequate compensation was recorded for the use of the funds, RMC
imputed  interest on the Formation Loan. RMC calculated the present value of the
Formation Loan by discounting all future payments on the loan at an imputed rate
of interest in accordance  with paragraphs 13 and 14 of APB No. 21. As such, the
transaction was recorded as follows assuming the following hypothetical data:

         Amount of Formation Loan                                     $1,000,000
         Formation Loan to be repaid in 10 equal
            installments with no interest - annual pmt.                 $100,000
         Stated interest rate                                                 0%
         Net present value of future loan payments                      $750,000
         First year of imputed interest expense                          $50,000
         First year of amortization of deferred
                brokerage rights                                         $35,000

Entries Recorded:

         Cash                                                   $1,000,000
                  Formation Loan                                     $1,000,000
                  (To record receipt of cash and Formation Loan)

         Deferred brokerage rights (net of discount)              $750,000
         Discount on Formation Loan                               $250,000
                  Cash                                               $1,000,000
                  (To record purchase of deferred brokerage rights
                  and discount on non-interest bearing loan)

         Interest expense                                          $50,000
                  Discount on Formation Loan                            $50,000
                  (Record interest expense on Formation Loan in
                  accordance with amortization schedule using imputed
                  interest rate over 10 year life of loan)

         Amortization expense                                      $35,000
                  Deferred brokerage rights                             $35,000
                  (Record amortization of deferred brokerage
                  rights over 25 year useful life in proportion
                  to expected net cash flow over period)

     The discount on the  Formation  Loan is amortized to interest  expense over
the 10 year term of the loan,  using  amortization  under the interest method at
the imputed rate of  interest.  The Deferred  Brokerage  Rights  (reduced by the
difference  between  its  purchase  price  and the net  present  value of future
payments  to be made on the  Formation  Loan)  are  amortized  over  the 25 year
expected life of the rights in proportion to the expected  receipt of cash flows
over this period.

     In determining that imputing interest was the appropriate  treatment of the
fair  value  of the  Deferred  Brokerage  Rights  and the  Formation  Loan,  RMC
determined that the transaction described did not qualify for the exclusion from
the provisions of APB No. 21 described in paragraph No. 3f "transactions between
parent and subsidiary  companies and between  subsidiaries  of a common parent."
The  Registrant  and RMC do not have a  parent/subsidiary  relationship  and the
rights of the  limited  partners  to  replace  RMC as the  Registrant's  general
partner (i.e. kick-out rights) are substantive. (i.e., a simple majority vote of
the limited partners at any time).

The Registrant's Accounting For The Transaction

     From the Registrant's  standpoint,  the Formation Loan is not simply a note
exchanged  for cash.  As described  above,  the  Registrant  has financed  RMC's
purchase  of the  exclusive  right to act as the  mortgage  loan  broker  to the
Registrant's  loan  portfolio.  The  Registrant  recorded the following  entries
related to this transaction, using the same hypothetical data described above:

 Entries Recorded:
         Formation Loan  **                                      $1,000,000
                  Cash                                               $1,000,000
                  (To record Formation Loan to RMC)

         Deferred costs on interest-free loan                      $250,000
                  Discount on Formation Loan                           $250,000
                  (To record net present value of future cash payments
                  on loan at imputed rate of interest)

         Discount on Formation Loan                                 $50,000
                  Interest income                                       $50,000
         Amort. of discount on imputed interest                     $50,000
                  Deferred costs on interest-free loan                  $50,000
                  (Record interest income on Formation Loan in
                  accordance with amortization schedule using imputed
                  interest rate over 10 year life of loan)

     ** - It should be noted that in accordance with comments  received from the
SEC in the 1990's,  the Formation  Loan is reflected as a reduction in Partners'
Capital in the Registrant's financial statements.

     The Registrant has  capitalized  certain costs of making the Formation Loan
as Deferred Costs on Interest-free Loan. These costs are amortized over the term
of the loan in a manner  consistent  with the  amortization  method used for the
imputed interest discount.

     In making the determination to impute interest,  the Registrant  considered
the accounting  treatment of RMC. The Registrant wanted to ensure consistency of
treatment for the  transaction  by both parties to the  transaction.  As RMC was
required to impute interest as described above,  the Registrant  determined that
it should also impute interest. Consistent treatment of this transaction by both
parties  leads to better  transparency  into the  transaction  by readers of the
Registrant's  offerings.  Note that the balance  sheet of RMC is included in the
offerings of the Registrant.

Very truly yours,

/s/ Stephen J. Schrader

Stephen J. Schrader

cc:    Michael R. Burwell, Redwood Mortgage Investors VIII

                                  Attachment A

                   Allocation of the Allowance for Loan Losses
                                 (in thousands)


                                                 December 31,                    December 31,                    December 31
                                        -----------------------------    ----------------------------   ----------------------------
                                                    2003                            2004                           2005
                                        -----------------------------    ----------------------------   ----------------------------

                                                                                                               Percent of
                                                Percent of                      Percent of                      loans in
                                                 loans in                        loans in                         each
                                                   each                            each                         category
                                                category to                     category to                      to total
                                    Amount      total loans         Amount      total loans         Amount         loans
                                  ----------     -------------    ----------     -------------   -----------    ------------
Balance at End of Period
Applicable to:
- ---------------------------------------

  Real estate - mortgage

    Single Family (1-4 units)       $1,072            45.27%        $  850            49.12%             -                -
    Apartments                         315             15.39           430             18.04             -                -
    Commercial                         880             35.67         1,033             31.83             -                -
    Land                               382              3.67            30              1.01             -                -
                                 -----------     -------------    ----------     -------------   -----------     ------------
Total                              $ 2,649              100%       $ 2,343              100%         $   -               -%
                                 ===========     =============    ==========     =============   ===========     ============

                                  Attachment B

                    Analysis of the Allowance for Loan Losses
                                 (in thousands)


                                                                        Years Ended December 31

                                                             2003                2004                2005
                                                        ----------------    ----------------    ----------------
Balance at beginning of year                            $         3,021          $    2,649           $   2,343

        Real estate - mortgage                                                                                -
            Single Family (1-4 units)                           (1,068)               (842)
            Apartments                                             (86)                 (0)
            Commercial                                              (0)               (110)
            Land                                                    (0)                 (0)                   -
                                                        ----------------    ----------------    ----------------
                                                                (1,154)               (952)                   -
                                                        ----------------    ----------------    ----------------
         Real estate - mortgage                                                                               -
            Single Family (1-4 units)                                 0                   0
            Apartments                                                0                   0
            Commercial                                                0                   0
            Land                                                      0                   0
                                                        ----------------    ----------------    ----------------
                                                                      0                   0                   -
                                                        ----------------    ----------------    ----------------
Net Charge-Offs                                                 (1,154)               (952)                   -
                                                        ----------------    ----------------    ----------------
Additions charge to operations                                      782                1146                   -
                                                        ----------------    ----------------    ----------------
Transfer to real estate held for sale reserve                         0               (500)
                                                        ----------------    ----------------    ----------------

Balance at end of year                                    $       2,649        $      2,343            $      -
                                                        ================    ================    ================

Ratio of net charge-offs during
    the period  to average secured loans
    outstanding during the period                                 1.00%               0.60%                  -%
                                                        ================    ================    ================