Exhibit 1.2
                        300,000 Limited Partnership Units
                                 ($100 per Unit)
                         REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VIII
                               ADVISORY AGREEMENT

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     D. Russell Burwell, Michael R. Burwell and Gymno Corporation,  a California
corporation  are the General  Partners of Redwood  Mortgage  Investors  VIII,  a
California  Limited  partnership  (the  "Partnership")  engaged in business as a
mortgage lender. The General Partners, on behalf of the Partnership,  propose to
offer  and sell to  qualified  investors,  upon the  terms  and  subject  to the
conditions   set  forth  in  the   Prospectus   dated   __________,   1996  (the
"Prospectus"),  limited partnership interests ("Units") of the Partnership at an
offering price of $100 per Unit, with a minimum  investment of twenty (20) Units
per purchaser. The offering is for a maximum of 300,000 Units ($30,000,000).

     1. Advisory Relationship.  You are in the business of advising clients with
respect to certain  investments  including  investments in the Partnership  (the
"Advisor").  As an Advisor  you do not receive  any sales  commissions  or other
compensation  from the Partnership,  but instead receive your fees directly from
your  client.  You  do  not  act  as a  broker  dealer  and  investments  in the
Partnership are made directly by the Investor.

     2. Eligible  Purchasers of Units.  You agree not to advise to any client to
invest in Units  who does not meet the  suitability  standards  set forth in the
Prospectus. You agree that you will deliver and cause each prospective purchaser
to  complete  and  execute  a  Subscription  Agreement,  and  return  it to  the
undersigned  together with such other  documents,  instruments or information as
the General Partners may request together with a check in the full amount of the
purchase  price for the  number  of Units  subscribed  for.  You agree to inform
purchasers that a purchaser's  check shall be made payable to "Redwood  Mortgage
Investors VIII" and remitted directly to Redwood Mortgage Investors VIII, 650 El
Camino Real,  Suite G, Redwood City,  California  94063,  Attention:  D. Russell
Burwell.  You shall  ascertain  that each  Subscription  Agreement  sent in by a
prospective purchaser of Units has been fully completed and properly executed by
such prospective purchaser.

     3. No  Compensation.  As an Advisor  to the  Investor  you will  receive no
compensation  from the  Partnership in connection  with any Units purchased by a
client who you have advised to invest in the Partnership.

     4. Further Agreements of Advisor.

     (a) You covenant and agree to comply with any  applicable  requirements  of
the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the Securities Act of 1933, the California
Corporations Code, the laws of the state in which you are advising clients,  the
published rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  and
any other applicable agency.  Furthermore,  you specifically  covenant and agree
not to deliver the Partnership's sales literature,  if any, to any person unless
such sales literature is accompanied or preceded by a copy of the Prospectus.


         5.       Further Agreements of Advisor.

     (a) You covenant and agree to comply with any  applicable  requirements  of
the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the Securities Act of 1933, the California
Corporations Code, the laws of the state in which you are advising clients,  the
published rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  and
any other applicable agency.  Furthermore,  you specifically  covenant and agree
not to deliver the Partnership's sales literature,  if any, to any person unless
such sales literature is accompanied or preceded by a copy of the Prospectus.

     (b) You  will  not give any  information  or make  any  representations  or
warranties in connection  with the offering of Units other than, or inconsistent
with,  those  contained in the  Prospectus  and any sales  material  approved in
writing by the General Partners of the  Partnership.  You will deliver a copy of
the  Prospectus to each investor to whom you are advising.  You will not deliver
the  approved  sales  material  to any  person  unless  such sales  material  is
accompanied or preceded by the Prospectus. You expressly agree not to prepare or
use any sales  literature,  advertisements or other materials in connection with
your advisory services.  You agree that to the extent information is provided to
you marked "For  Broker-Dealer  and/or  Advisor Use Only",  you will not provide
such information to prospective investors.

     (c) You will  only  advise  eligible  purchasers  of Units to invest in the
Partnership as described in the Prospectus under "INVESTOR SUITABILITY STANDARDS
- - Minimum Unit Purchase."

     (d) You agree to make diligent  inquiries and maintain a record thereof for
a period of at least six years of all clients  who you advise to purchase  Units
in, in order to ascertain  whether the  purchase of Units  represents a suitable
investment for such purchaser,  and whether the purchaser is otherwise  eligible
to purchase Units in accordance with the terms of the offering. Accordingly, you
shall satisfy the following requirements:

     (i) In  recommending to a prospective  investor the purchase of Units,  you
shall have reasonable grounds to believe,  on the basis of information  obtained
from the investor  concerning  his  investment  objectives,  other  investments,
financial  situation and needs, and any other  information  known by you or your
representatives,  that the investor (or, if the investor is acting as trustee or
custodian  of a trust or other  entity,  that such other  trust or entity) is or
will be in a financial  position to realize to a significant extent the benefits
described  in the  Prospectus,  that such  investor  has a fair market net worth
sufficient  to sustain the risks  inherent in the  purchase of Units,  including
loss of investment and lack of liquidity,  and that Units are otherwise suitable
as an investment.

     (ii) You shall also maintain in your files  documents  disclosing the basis
upon which your determination of suitability was reached as to each investor.

     (e) In connection with your advisory activity, you agree to comply with all
of the  applicable  requirements  under the  Securities  Act of 1933, as amended
(hereinafter  referred to as the "Act"), the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended,  the "Securities Exchange Act"). We have no due diligence obligation to

     (f) You  agree to  diligently  make  inquiries  as  required  by law of all
clients who you  recommend to purchase  Units in order to  ascertain  whether an
investment in Units is suitable for each such purchaser,  and not rely solely on
information supplied by each purchaser. You shall retain all records relating to
investor  suitability  as to each  purchaser  for a period  of six  years.  Upon
reasonable  notice to you, the General  Partners,  or their  designated  agents,
shall have the right to inspect such records.


     (g) By executing  this  Agreement,  you represent and warrant that you have
reasonable grounds to believe (based on information made available to you by the
General Partners of the Partnership  through the Prospectus and other materials,
or  otherwise  obtained  as a result  of  inquiries  conducted  by you) that all
material  facts   concerning  the  Partnership  are  adequately  and  accurately
disclosed and provide a basis for evaluating the  Partnership,  including  facts
relating to items of compensation,  physical properties,  tax aspects, financial
stability and experience of the sponsor, conflicts of interest and risk factors,
and appraisals or other reports.

     5.  Termination.  Either party may  terminate  this  Agreement at any time,
effective immediately, by giving written notice to other party.

     6.  Expenses.  You shall bear all your own expenses  incurred in connection
with your advisory activities and shall not be entitled to any reimbursement.

     7. Indemnification.

     (a) The  Partnership  and the General  Partners agree to indemnify  against
losses, claims, damages or liabilities (including reasonable attorneys' fees) to
which you or such other  persons  may  become  subject,  under  federal or state
securities  laws or  otherwise,  insofar  as such  losses,  claims,  damages  or
liabilities  (or actions in respect  thereof) arise out of or are based upon any
untrue  statement of a material fact contained in the Prospectus or the omission
to state  therein,  material fact required to be stated  therein or necessary to
make the statements therein in light of the circumstances  under which they were
made not misleading.  The foregoing indemnity shall include reimbursement of any
legal or other expenses  reasonably incurred in connection with investigation or
defending any such loss, claim,  damage,  liability or action, and shall be paid
by you as such expenses are incurred.

     (b) You agree to indemnify and hold harmless the  Partnership,  its General
Partners,  their affiliated  mortgage company  (Redwood  Mortgage),  against any
losses, claims, damages or liabilities (including reasonable attorneys' fees) to
which any of such persons may become subject,  under federal or state securities
laws or otherwise,  insofar as such losses,  claims,  damages or liabilities (or
actions  in  respect  thereof)  arise out of or are based  upon any  statements,
actions or  omissions by you or any person  controlled  by you or acting on your
behalf, which statement, action or omission is untrue or is inconsistent with or
in violation of any provision of federal or state securities laws, the rules and
regulations  of the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission,  or other  applicable
agency.  The foregoing  indemnity  shall include  reimbursement  of any legal or
other expenses reasonably incurred in connection with investigation or defending
any such loss, claim,  damage,  liability or action, and shall be paid by you as
such expenses are incurred.

         8.       Arbitration.

     (a)  As  between  the  parties  hereto,  all  questions  as to  rights  and
obligations   arising  under  the  terms  of  this   Agreement  are  subject  to
arbitration,  including  any  question  concerning  any right or duty  under the
Securities Act of 1933, the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, and the securities
laws of any state in which  Units are  offered,  and such  arbitration  shall be
governed by the rules of the American Arbitration Association.

     (b) If a dispute should arise under this Agreement, any Party may within 60
days make a demand for arbitration by filing a demand in writing for the other.

     (c) The parties may agree upon one  arbitrator,  but in the event that they
cannot agree,  there shall be three, one named in writing by each of the parties
within five (5) days after demand for arbitration is given and a third chosen by
the  two  appointed.  Should  either  party  refuse  or  neglect  to join in the
appointment of the arbitrator(s) or to furnish the arbitrator(s) with any papers
or  information  demanded,  the  arbitrator(s)  are empowered by both parties to
proceed ex parte.


     (d) Arbitration shall take place in San Mateo, California,  and the hearing
before the arbitrator(s) of the matter to be arbitrated shall be at the time and
place within said city as is selected by the  arbitrator(s).  The  arbitrator(s)
shall select such time and place promptly after his (or their)  appointment  and
shall give written  notice  thereof to each party at least sixty (60) days prior
to the date so fixed.  At the hearing any relevant  evidence may be presented by
either  party,  and  the  formal  rules  of  evidence   applicable  to  judicial
proceedings  shall not govern.  Evidence may be admitted or excluded in the sole
discretion of the arbitrator(s). Said arbitrator(s) shall hear and determine the
matter and shall execute and acknowledge their award in writing and cause a copy
thereof to be delivered to each of the parties.

     (e) If there is only one  arbitrator,  his  decision  shall be binding  and
conclusive on the parties,  and if there are three  arbitrators  the decision of
any two shall be binding  and  conclusive.  The  submission  of a dispute to the
arbitrator(s)  and the rendering of his (or their) decision shall be a condition
precedent to any right of legal action on the dispute. A judgment confirming the
award of the arbitrator(s) may be rendered by any Court having jurisdiction;  or
such Court may  vacate,  modify,  or correct  the award in  accordance  with the
prevailing sections of California State Law.

     (f) If three arbitrators are selected under the foregoing procedure but two
of the three fail to reach an  Agreement in the  determination  of the matter in
question,  the matter  shall be decided  by three new  arbitrators  who shall be
appointed  and  shall  proceed  in the same  manner,  and the  process  shall be
repeated  until a decision  is finally  reached by two of the three  arbitrators

     (g) The costs of such arbitration  shall be borne by the losing party or in
such proportions as the arbitrator(s) shall determine.

     9. Authority.  It is understood that your relationship with the Partnership
is as an  independent  contractor and that nothing herein shall be construed and
creating a relationship of partnership,  joint venturers,  employer and employee
or any other agency relationship between you and the Partnership.

     10. Survival of Indemnities, Warranties and Representations.  The indemnity
agreements  and the  representations  and warranties of the parties as set forth
herein shall remain  operative  and in full force and effect,  regardless of any
termination or cancellation of this Agreement, and shall survive the delivery of
any payment for Units.

     11. Notices. All communications  hereunder shall be in writing and shall be
mailed,  hand delivered or telegraphed,  all charges prepaid,  to the respective
parties at the addresses set forth herein.  The address of the  Partnership  and
its General  Partners is 650 El Camino Real,  Suite G, Redwood City,  California
94063 (telephone: (415) 365-5341), until changed by written notice.

     12.  Successors  and Assigns.  This  Agreement and the terms and provisions
hereof  shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding  upon the  successors
and assigns of the parties hereto; provided,  however, that in no in event shall
the term "successors and assigns" as used herein include any purchaser, as such,
of any Units. In addition, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
the  indemnity  agreements  contained  herein  shall inure to the benefit of the
successors and assigns of the parties hereto, and shall be valid irrespective of
any investigation made or not made by or on behalf of any party hereto.

     13.  Applicable  Law.  This  Agreement  shall be governed and  construed in
accordance with the laws of the State of California and the  appropriate  courts
in the County of San Mateo,  California  should be the forum for any  litigation
arising hereunder.

     Please  confirm  your  Agreement  with the  General  Partners  to the terms
contained herein and return a fully executed copy of this Advisory  Agreement to

                                           D. Russell Burwell, General Partner


ACCEPTED this                           day of
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        (Print Name)



        Taxpayer I.D. No.

        (Telephone Number)

        Type of Entity:
        (corporation, partnership or proprietorship)