Exhibit 10.2
                            LOAN SERVICING AGREEMENT
                          AND AUTHORIZATION TO COLLECT

     This  Agreement  is  entered  into as of the  date set  forth  below by and
between Redwood Home Loan Company, a California corporation dba Redwood Mortgage
(BROKER) and BENEFICIARY for the purpose of establishing the terms, conditions
and authority for the  servicing of a loan  evidenced by a promissory  note (the
Note) and deed of trust (the Deed of Trust), described as follows:

Borrower:  ____________________________________________________________________
Loan Amount:  $ __________ Term: ____________         Interest Rate: _________%

Late Charge:  $ ___________         Prepayment Bonus:  Yes _____       No _____

Deed of Trust Recorded:  Instrument No. __________   County _______________, CA

Beneficiarys Investment:  $ ________    Percentage of Ownership:  ___________%

     It is  understood  that the  BENEFICIARYS  interest  in said Note may be a
partial ownership, and that other lenders (partial beneficiaries) also may own
fractional  undivided interests in said Note.  BENEFICIARY and the other partial
beneficiaries (collectively Beneficiaries) are not engaged in a partnership or
joint  venture,  but their  relationship  is  specifically  agreed to be that of
tenants in common.  This  Agreement  shall be  executed  in  counterpart  by all
Beneficiaries,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an  original  and all of which
together shall constitute one agreement, and the terms hereof shall be uniformly
binding upon and enforceable by BENEFICIARY and all other partial beneficiaries,
against BROKER and as between themselves.

     BENEFICIARY  hereby  appoints BROKER to service the Note on his behalf from
and after the close of escrow,  to hold the original  Note and the original Deed
of Trust as BENEFICIARYS agent, and to deliver copies of all other documents as
provided in BENEFICIARYS  escrow instructions  executed in connection with this
loan transaction to BENEFICIARY at the address  indicated below.  Such servicing
activities shall include all activities  reasonably and customarily  required to
collect,  disburse and account for payment of principal,  interest, late charges
and  prepayment  bonuses  under  the  Note  and to  enforce  all the  terms  and
provisions of the Note and Deed of Trust.  BROKER accepts such  appointment  and
agrees to use diligence in the performance of its duties hereunder.

     BROKER further agrees as follows:  (1) All loan payments received by BROKER
hereunder  shall be deposited  immediately  into BROKERS trust  account,  which
trust account shall be maintained in accordance  with the  provisions of law and
rule for trust accounts of licensed real estate  brokers and in accordance  with
the provisions of Rule  260.105.30 of Title 10 of the California  Administrative
Code;  (2) Such loan payments  shall not be commingled  with the other assets of
BROKER or any affiliate,  or used for any transaction other than the transaction
for which such funds are received by BROKER;  (3) All loan payments  received on
the Note (less  service fees as described  below and other costs,  charges,  and
anticipated  foreclosure  expenses)  shall be transmitted to BENEFICIARY and the
other partial  beneficiaries  pro rata according to their respective  percentage
ownership  interests in the Note within 25 days after receipt thereof by BROKER;
(4) BROKER shall  provide  BENEFICIARY  with a monthly and annual  accounting of
BENEFICIARYS  interest in the Note;  (5) BROKER shall use diligence and care to
assure that proper casualty insurance is maintained on the real property covered
by the Deed of Trust or Deeds of Trust securing the Note; (6) BROKER shall issue
demands for payment and  otherwise  enforce the terms of the note in  accordance
with its  established  policies;  (7) BROKER shall request Notices of Default on
prior  encumbrances  pursuant to California  Civil Code Section 2924(b) and will
promptly notify BENEFICIARY of any such defaults, and (8) To the extent required
by 10 Cal.Adm.C.  Rule 260.105.30(j)(3),  BROKER will arrange for the inspection
of BROKERS  trust account by an  independent  certified  public  accountant and
forward  the  report  of  such  accountant  to the  California  Commissioner  of
Corporations in the manner required by law.

     In the event of any  default  by the  obligor or  obligors  under the Note,
Broker shall  perform all acts and execute all  documents  necessary to exercise
the  power of sale  contained  in the  Deed of Trust or Deeds of Trust  securing
same, including without limitation the following:  Substitute trustees, select a
foreclosure agent, give demands,  accept reinstatements,  commence litigation to
enforce the collection of the note, obtain relief from any court-ordered stay of
foreclosure  proceedings,  defend any litigation which may seek to restrain said
foreclosure,  receive a  trustees  deed for the  benefit of  BENEFICIARIES,  as
tenants-in-common,  and  otherwise  to do all  things  reasonably  necessary  or
appropriate to enforce  BENEFICIARYS rights under the Note and Deed of Trust or
Deeds of Trust.  BENEFICIARY  hereby  authorizes  BROKER to  initiate,  maintain
and/or defend any such legal actions or proceedings in the name of  BENEFICIARY,
and to employ attorneys therefor at BENEFICIARYS expense.

     BENEFICIARY agrees that BROKER shall not be liable for any costs,  expenses
or damages  that may arise from or in  connection  with any acts or omissions of
BROKER or its agents or employees hereunder, so long as any such act or omission
shall have been undertaken in good faith,  notwithstanding any active or passive
negligence  (whether sole or contributory) of BROKER or its agents or employees,
and BENEFICIARY shall hold BROKER harmless therefrom.

     In consideration for the services to be rendered hereunder, BROKER shall be
entitled  to receive  an annual  service  fee equal to one and one half  percent
(1.5%), or such lesser amount as may be agreed to by BROKER and BENEFICIARY from
time to time, of the outstanding principal balance of the Note, payable in equal
monthly  installments,  or in other periodic payments if payments by obligor are
made other than  monthly.  BROKER is hereby  authorized to deduct and retain all
such  service  fees from the  collected  monthly  loan  payments.  In  addition,
BENEFICIARY  hereby assigns to BROKER fifty percent (50%), or such lesser amount
as may be  agreed  to by  BROKER  and  BENEFICIARY  from  time to  time,  of all
collected late charges that become due and owing under the Note,  and,  further,
in the event BROKER has advanced its own sums to BENEFICIARY  shall be deemed to
have  assigned to BROKER one  hundred  percent  (100%) of all such late  charges
accruing and paid with respect to such payments. In addition, BENEFICIARY hereby
assigns to BROKER twenty percent  (20%),  or such lesser amount as may be agreed
to by BROKER and  BENEFICIARY  from time to time,  of all  collected  prepayment
penalties that become due and owing under the Note.

     In the event of default  in  payment of any sum due under the Note,  BROKER
shall be authorized to advance such payments to  BENEFICIARY,  but shall have no
obligation  whatsoever  to do so. In the event the  source  for any  payment  to
BENEFICIARY  is not the  obligor  under  the  Note,  then  BROKER  shall  inform
BENEFICIARY  of the  actual  source  of  such  payment.  BROKER  shall  also  be
authorized to advance monthly  payments or other sums to any senior lien holder,
to pay insurance and taxes and to pay any other expenses  reasonably incurred in
connection  with the  enforcement of the Note and the protection of the security
of the Deed of Trust securing  same, but shall have no obligation  whatsoever to
do so.

     In the  event  of a  default  under  the  Note  or Deed  of  Trust,  or any
foreclosure action,  legal action, sale or any other event in which payments are
advanced to  BENEFICIARY or any other person or expenses are incurred to protect
the rights of  BENEFICIARY  under the Note and Deed of Trust,  then  BENEFICIARY
agrees to pay (or reimburse  BROKER for) his pro rata share of such advances and
expenses upon demand therefor by BROKER,  according to his respective  ownership
interest  in the  Note.  In the  event  BENEFICIARY  fails to pay such sums upon
demand, then the following  provisions shall apply: (1) interest shall accrue on
such sums at the same rate as is  provided  in the Note,  and (2) BROKER and the
other partial  beneficiaries  shall have the option, but not the obligation,  to
advance  such  sums  for the  benefit  of  BENEFICIARY,  and in such  event  the
defaulting BENEFICIARY shall and hereby agrees to forfeit, in favor of the other
partial  Beneficiaries who advance defaulting  BENEFICIARYS share of such sums,
twenty-five percent (25%) of defaulting  BENEFICIARYS ownership interest in the
Note and Deed of Trust.  It is further agreed that said  defaulting  BENEFICIARY
shall forfeit, in favor of the other partial Beneficiaries,  all interest in any
profits or excess  funds  that said  defaulting  BENEFICIARY  may  otherwise  be
entitled to. All sums thereafter  collected by BROKER hereunder shall be applied
in the following  priority;  (1) first, to the reinstatement of any senior liens
or encumbrances; (2) Second, to reimburse BROKER for any advances made by BROKER
hereunder;  (3) Third, to reimburse all  Beneficiaries  for any advances made to
enforce the Note or protect the  security of the Deed of Trust or Deeds of Trust
securing same, in the same order as such advances were make; (4) Fourth,  to the
payment of principal  under the Note;  (5) Fifth,  to the payment of accrued but
unpaid  interest  under the Note (such  principal  and  interest to be allocated
among all BENEFICIARIES after providing for any defaulting BENEFICIARYS partial
forfeiture as described above); and (6) Thereafter,  any remaining sums shall be
allocated only among those  BENEFICIARIES who did not default in the advancement
of sums upon demand therefor by BROKER.

     In the event  BENEFICIARY  assigns his  interest in the Note to any person,
such  assignment  shall be evidenced  by execution  and delivery to BROKER of an
Assignment of Note and Deed of Trust in recordable  form, and the assignee shall
be required to execute a counterpart of this Agreement.

     BENEFICIARIES  holding 50% or more of the unpaid  dollar amount of the Note
may determine and direct the actions by BROKER on behalf of all BENEFICIARIES in
the event of default or with respect to other matters requiring the direction or
approval of the BENEFICIARIES.

     Upon any default under the Note or Deed of Trust BENEFICIARY shall have the
right to (1) direct the Trustee under the Deed of Trust to exercise the power of
sale contained therein,  or (2) to bring an action of judicial  foreclosure,  in
which event all other partial BENEFICIARIES shall be joined therein. BENEFICIARY
understands and acknowledges  that, if the power of sale under the Deed of Trust
securing the Note is exercised,  all  BENEFICIARIES may acquire fee title to the
security property as tenants-in-common.  In such event,  reasonable  cooperation
between  all  BENEFICIARIES  will  be  essential  for  the  protection  of  this
investment,  and  BENEFICIARY  therefore  agrees to execute in favor of BROKER a
special power of attorney  authorizing  BROKER on behalf of  BENEFICIARY to sell
such  property  on such  terms and  conditions  as BROKER  may deem  proper  and

     BENEFICIARY  hereby authorizes  BROKER, as BENEFICIARYS  agent, to receive
and act upon any Notice of Rescission  delivered by any borrower under the Truth
in Lending Simplification and Reform Act (the Act) with respect to the Note or
any refinancing  thereof. In the event that BENEFICIARY is a creditor as defined
in the  Act,  BENEFICIARY  hereby  agrees  that  BROKER  shall  comply  with all
requirements  of the Act and  regulations  issued  thereunder, and to give all
written disclosures required thereby.

     In the event at the time of maturity of this Note,  the  borrower is in the
process of refinancing  the loan with the assistance of BROKER,  the BENEFICIARY
agrees to extend  the term of this loan for an  additional  period not to exceed
(90)  days or such  other  period of time to which the  BROKER  AND  BENEFICIARY
agree.  All other terms and  conditions  of the original  Promissory  Note shall
continue in full force and effect during said extension period.

     This Agreement may be terminated by the parties as follows:  (1) by BROKER,
at any time,  upon 30 days written  notice to  BENEFICIARY,  (2) by  BENEFICIARY
and/or other  partial  BENEFICIARIES  holding 50% of the  outstanding  ownership
interests  in the  Note,  upon 30 days  written  notice to  BROKER.  BENEFICIARY
understands  that this  Agreement  may not be terminated  by  BENEFICIARY  alone
without the written  consent of such 50% interest of all owners of the Note, and
further  that  other  partial  Beneficiaries  have the right to  terminate  this
Agreement as to all Beneficiaries including the undersigned BENEFICIARY, without
BENEFICIARYS  consent, if such other partial BENEFICIARIES  constitute such 50%
interest of all owners of the Note. In such event,  BENEFICIARY agrees to accept
the  substitution  of any servicing agent chosen by such 50% interest so long as
the compensation to be paid shall not exceed the amounts set forth herein.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the
respective dates set forth below.

           BROKER:          REDWOOD HOME LOAN COMPANY, a
                            California corporation, dba REDWOOD MORTGAGE

                             D. Russell Burwell, President

                             Date: __________________________________________

         BENEFICIARY:         _______________________________________________

                              By: ____________________________________________
                              D. Russell Burwell, General Partner

                              Date: __________________________________________