Washington, D.C. 20549
                 QUARTERLY REPORT UNDER SECTION 13 OR 15 (d) OF
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                      For the quarter ended August 29, 2000

                         Commission file number 1-11276

                            DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS, INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

         Florida                                      59-1447420
- -------------------------                       -----------------------------
 (State or other jurisdiction of            (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
Incorporation or organization)

4900 Frontage Road, South
Lakeland, Florida                                       33815
- -----------------------------                   -----------------------------
(Address of principal executive offices)                (zip code)

                           (863) 687-9226
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               Registrant's telephone number, including area code

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such shorter  periods that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes (X) No


Indicate the number of shares  outstanding  of each of the  issuer's  classes of
common stock, as of the latest practical date.

Common Stock $.01 Par Value - 16,695,044 shares as of August 29, 2000

                            Discount Auto Parts, Inc.


PART I.  FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                              Page

Item 1.  Financial Statements (Unaudited)

Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets - August 29, 2000 and May 30, 2000 ..... 3

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income - for the thirteen weeks ended
August 29, 2000 and August 31, 1999........................................... 4

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows - for the thirteen weeks ended
August 29, 2000 and August 31, 1999 .......................................... 5

Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements...........................6

Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
of Operations..................................................................7

Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk............10


Item 1. Legal Proceedings.....................................................10

Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K..................................... 11

SIGNATURES ...................................................................12

Item 1.  Financial Statements (Unaudited)
Discount Auto Parts, Inc.
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited)

                                                                               August 29                 May 30
                                                                                  2000                    2000
                                                                           -------------------      ------------------
                                  ASSETS                                                 (In thousands)
Current  assets:
     Cash                                                                $              5,938     $            12,612
     Inventories                                                                      248,789                 253,113
     Prepaid expenses and other current assets                                         15,428                  14,455
                                                                           -------------------      ------------------
             Total current assets                                                     270,155                 280,180

Property and equipment                                                                534,390                 524,053
     Less allowances for depreciation and amortization                              (110,669)               (104,771)
                                                                           -------------------      ------------------
                                                                                      423,721                 419,282

Other assets                                                                            5,439                   5,247
                                                                           -------------------      ------------------
Total assets                                                             $            699,315     $           704,709
                                                                           ===================      ==================

Current liabilities:
     Trade accounts payable                                              $             65,368     $           100,804
     Other current liabilities                                                         18,567                  23,207
     Current maturities of long-term debt                                               2,400                   2,400
                                                                           -------------------      ------------------
            Total current liabilities                                                  86,335                 126,411

Deferred income taxes                                                                  10,494                  10,494
Long-term debt                                                                        295,713                 264,600

Stockholders' equity:
     Preferred stock
                                                                           -                        -
     Common stock                                                                         167                     167
     Additional paid-in capital                                                       142,379                 142,379
     Retained earnings                                                                164,227                 160,658
                                                                           -------------------      ------------------
     Total stockholders' equity                                                       306,773                 303,204
                                                                           -------------------      ------------------
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                               $            699,315     $           704,709
                                                                           ===================      ==================

See accompanying notes.

Discount Auto Parts, Inc.
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited)

                                                                                     Thirteen                   Thirteen
                                                                                       Weeks                   Weeks Ended
                                                                                --------------------         ----------------
                                                                                     August 29                  August 31
                                                                                       2000                       1999
                                                                                --------------------         ----------------
                                                                                            (In thousands, except per share

Net sales                                                                     $             167,074        $         143,625
Cost of sales, including distribution costs                                                 103,150                   85,198
                                                                                --------------------         ----------------
     Gross profit                                                                            63,924                   58,427

Selling, general and administrative expenses                                                 52,850                   43,694
                                                                                --------------------         ----------------
       Income from operations                                                                11,074                   14,733
Other income, net                                                                                85                      638
Interest expense                                                                            (5,583)                  (3,651)
                                                                                --------------------         ----------------
Income before income taxes                                                                    5,576                   11,720
Income taxes                                                                                  2,007                    4,374
                                                                                --------------------         ----------------
Net income                                                                    $               3,569        $           7,346
                                                                                ====================         ================
Net income per share:
       Basic net income per common share                                      $                            $
                                                                                               0.21                     0.44
                                                                                ====================         ================
                                                                                ====================         ================
       Diluted net income per common share                                    $                            $
                                                                                               0.21                     0.44
                                                                                ====================         ================

Average common shares outstanding                                                                                     16,690
Dilutive effect of stock options
                                                                                                  -                      117
                                                                                --------------------         ----------------
Average common shares outstanding - assuming dilution                                                                 16,807
                                                                                ====================         ================

See accompanying notes.

Discount Auto Parts, Inc.
Condensed Consolidated Statements Of Cash Flows (Unaudited)

                                                                                 Thirteen                  Thirteen
                                                                                Weeks Ended            Weeks Ended

                                                                                 August 29                August 31
                                                                                   2000                      1999
                                                                            --------------------       -----------------
Operating  activities                                                                     (In thousands)
Net income                                                                $               3,569      $            7,346
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash used in operating activities:
       Depreciation  and  amortization                                                    6,129                   5,411
       Gain on disposals of property and equipment                                          (3)                   (664)
       Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
          Decrease (increase) in inventories                                              4,324                (12,056)
          (Increase) decrease in prepaid expenses and other
               current assets                                                             (973)                   1,045
          (Increase) in other assets                                                      (423)                   (755)
          (Decrease) in trade accounts payable                                         (35,436)                (15,299)
           (Decrease)  increase in other current liabilities                            (4,640)                     488
                                                                            --------------------       -----------------
                                                                            --------------------       -----------------
Net cash used in operating activities                                                  (27,453)                (14,484)

Investing  activities
Proceeds from sales of property and equipment                                               282                   1,149
Purchases of property and equipment                                                    (10,616)                (18,189)
                                                                            --------------------       -----------------
                                                                            --------------------       -----------------
Net cash used in investing activities                                                  (10,334)                (17,040)

Financing  activities
Proceeds from short-term borrowings and
            long-term debt                                                               57,374                  38,492
Payments of short-term borrowings and long-term debt                                   (26,261)                 (8,987)
                                                                            --------------------       -----------------
Net cash provided by financing activities                                                31,113                  29,505

Net decrease in cash                                                                    (6,674)                 (2,019)
Cash at beginning of period                                                              12,612                   8,795
                                                                            --------------------       -----------------
                                                                            ====================       =================
Cash at end of period                                                     $               5,938      $            6,776
                                                                            ====================       =================
                                                                            ====================       =================

See accompanying notes.

                            Discount Auto Parts, Inc.

        Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)
                                 August 29, 2000

     1. Basis of Presentation

The  accompanying  unaudited  condensed  consolidated  financial  statements  of
Discount Auto Parts,  Inc. (the "Company") have been prepared in accordance with
generally accepted accounting  principles for interim financial  information and
with  the   instructions  to  Form  10-Q  and  Article  10  of  Regulation  S-X.
Accordingly,  they do not include all of the information and footnotes  required
by generally accepted accounting  principles for complete financial  statements.
In the opinion of management,  all adjustments  (consisting of normal  recurring
accruals) considered  necessary for a fair presentation have been included.  For
further  information,  refer to the financial  statements and footnotes  thereto
included in the Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended May 30,

Operating  results for the  thirteen-week  period  ended August 29, 2000 are not
necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for the entire fiscal

2.  Long-Term Debt

Long-term debt consists of the following (in thousands):

                                                                       August 29               May 30
                                                                           2000                  2000
                                                                      ---------------      -----------------
Revolving credit agreements                                      $           243,313  $             211,000
Senior term notes                                                             50,000                 50,000
Senior secured notes                                                           4,800                  6,000
                                                                      ---------------      -----------------
                                                                             298,113                267,000
Less current maturities                                                      (2,400)                (2,400)
                                                                      ===============      =================
                                                                 $           295,713  $             264,600
                                                                      ===============      =================

Effective July 29, 1999,  the Company  entered into a new five year $265 million
unsecured revolving credit agreement (the "New Revolver").  The rate of interest
payable  under the New  Revolver is a function of LIBOR or the prime rate of the
lead  agent  bank,  at the  option of the  Company.  During  the term of the New
Revolver,  the Company is also obligated to pay a fee, which fluctuates based on
the Company's  debt-to-capitalization  ratio,  for the unused portion of the New

Effective  August 8, 1997,  the  Company  issued $50  million  senior term notes
facility (the "Notes"). The Notes provide for interest at a fixed rate of 7.46%,
payable  semi-annually,  with  semi-annual  principal  payments of $7.1 million,
beginning on July 15, 2004.

At August 29, 2000 and May 30, 2000,  the Company's  weighted  average  interest
rate on its  borrowing  under its  revolving  lines of credit was 7.6% and 7.3%,

As of August 29, 2000, the Company had approximately  $21.7 million of available

The Company has issued two senior secured notes, each for an original  principal
amount of $12 million, to an insurance company.  The notes are collateralized by
a first  mortgage on certain  store  properties,  equipment  and  fixtures.  The
agreements  provide  for  interest  at fixed  rates of 10.11% and 9.8%,  payable
quarterly,  with annual  principal  payments of $1.2 million on each December 15
and May 31.

The  Company's  debt  agreements  contain  various  restrictions,  including the
maintenance of certain  financial  ratios and  restrictions  on dividends,  with
which the Company was in compliance.

3.       Comprehensive Income

Comprehensive income for the periods presented equals net income.

     Item 2.  Management's  Discussion  and Analysis of Financial  Condition and
Results of Operations Results of OperationsThirteen  Weeks Ended August 29, 2000
Compared to Thirteen Weeks Ended August 31, 1999

Total  sales for the first  quarter  of fiscal  2001  increased  16.3% to $167.1
million,  as compared to $143.6  million for the first  quarter a year  earlier.
Comparable  store sales  increased  6.5% for the first quarter of fiscal 2001 as
compared to the first  quarter of fiscal 2000.  Comparable  store sales  results
include sales from the Company's commercial delivery program. The balance of the
increase in total sales for the first  quarter were  attributable  to sales from
new stores opened since the beginning of fiscal 2000.

At August 29, 2000,  the Company had 653 stores in operation,  compared with 643
stores at May 30, 2000 and 580 stores at August 31, 1999.

Gross  profit  for the first  quarter  of fiscal  2001  increased  9.4% to $63.9
million as compared to $58.4  million for the first quarter of fiscal 2000. As a
percentage of sales, gross profit was 38.3% for the first quarter of fiscal 2001
as compared to 40.7% for the first quarter of fiscal 2000.  Gross profit for the
first  quarter  of fiscal  2001 was  negatively  impacted  by  continued  margin
pressure in commodity  categories such as oil and freon, higher than anticipated
inventory shrinkage expense and higher product distribution costs.

Selling, general and administrative (" SG&A") expenses increased as a percentage
of sales  from 30.4% in the first  quarter of fiscal  2000 to 31.6% in the first
quarter of fiscal 2001. The increase is due in part to increases in salaries and
wages at our retail  stores that are  primarily  being driven by the  continuing
strong economy and resulting lower levels of unemployment.

Income from operations for the first quarter of fiscal 2001 was $11.1 million as
compared to $14.7 million for the first quarter of fiscal 2000.

Interest  expense for the first quarter of fiscal 2001  increased  52.9% to $5.6
million as compared to $3.7 million for the first  quarter of fiscal  2000.  The
increase was the result of increased  borrowings  primarily  associated with new
store growth and overall higher interest rates.

The Company's  effective tax rate for the first quarter of fiscal 2001 was 36.0%
as compared to 37.3% for the first  quarter of fiscal  2000.  The lower tax rate
primarily is the result of state planning and restructuring  initiatives,  which
were implemented as of the end of the second quarter of fiscal 2000.

Taking into account all of the above described factors, the Company reported net
income for the first  quarter of fiscal 2001 of $3.6 million or $.21 per diluted
share as  compared to net income of $7.3  million or $.44 per diluted  share for
first quarter of fiscal 2000.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

For the thirteen weeks ended August 29, 2000, net cash of $27.5 million was used
in  the  Company's  operations  versus  $14.5  million  used  by  the  Company's
operations  for the comparable  thirteen week period of fiscal 2000.  During the
thirteen weeks ended August 29, 2000,  this net use of cash was due primarily to
a reduction in trade accounts payable. These uses of cash were offset in part by
current period earnings and depreciation. The variance between the $27.5 million
net cash used in operations  for fiscal 2001 and the $14.5 million net cash used
by  operations  for  the  fiscal  2000  period  is  primarily  due to  the  more
significant decrease in accounts payable for the fiscal 2001 period.  During the
fourth  quarter of fiscal  2000 the  Company  was able to obtain  more  extended
vendor terms than in the prior year.  Such extended terms  generally come due in
the first quarter of the new fiscal year.

Capital  expenditures  for the  thirteen  weeks ended August 29, 2000 were $10.6
million.  The majority of the capital  expenditures related to the 12 new stores
opened  during  that  period.  The  Company  also  closed two stores  during the
quarter.  For all of fiscal 2001, the Company expects to open  approximately  40
new stores.

In May 2000, the Company broke ground on a second  distribution center in Copiah
County,   Mississippi.   The  second  distribution  center  is  expected  to  be
approximately  400,000 square feet and,  ultimately,  support  approximately 450
stores.  The new  distribution  center is expected to be opened and  operational
early in calendar 2001.  Expenditures  associated  with the  construction of the
second  distribution  center are expected to be approximately  $30 million.  The
second  distribution  center is being leased  under a new $28 million  operating
lease  agreement,  which was  consummated  in May 2000. The lease will cover the
land,  buildings and certain integrated  operating  equipment,  such as conveyor
systems.  Additional  rolling  stock,  computer  equipment,  etc. will be funded
through other lease  arrangements  or the Company's  existing  revolving line of

The Company also  continued  the roll-out of its  commercial  delivery  service,
which  began in the third  quarter  of fiscal  1998.  The  Company's  commercial
delivery  service  consists of a program whereby  commercial  customers (such as
auto service  centers,  commercial  mechanics,  garages and the like)  establish
commercial  accounts  with the  Company  and  order  automotive  parts  from the
Company,  with such parts  being  delivered  by the  Company or picked up by the
customer from nearby Discount Auto Parts stores. The commercial delivery program
requires the Company to extend trade credit to certain of the commercial account
customers as part of the  ordinary  course of  business.  The  extension of such
trade credit increases the capital requirements  associated with the roll-out of
the program and exposes the Company to credit risk from uncollectible  accounts.
The Company has established  systems to manage and control such credit risk. The
amount of capital  that is needed to cover  extension  of trade  credit  will be
dependent  in large part upon the  success of the  commercial  delivery  service
roll-out  and how  quickly  the  commercial  business  develops.  To  date,  the
commercial delivery program has incurred operating losses of approximately $10.5
million,  which have been  funded by the  Company's  retail  operations  and its
revolving  line of  credit.  Although  there  can be no  assurances,  management
expects  the  commercial  delivery  program to break even on a direct cost basis
during fiscal 2001.

The  Company  anticipates  that total  capital  expenditures  for  fiscal  2001,
including the costs associated with the addition of approximately 40 new stores,
and the expenditures associated with the construction of the second distribution
center  exclusive  of the  operating  lease  will be in the  range of $35 to $40

The Company has  historically  been able to finance most of its new store growth
through unsecured lines of credit and medium and longer-term  mortgage financing
provided by banks and other  institutional  lenders,  and through cash flow from
operations.  As  further  discussed  in  Note 2 of  the  Notes  to  Consolidated
Financial  Statements,  effective July 29, 1999, the Company  entered into a new
five year $265 million unsecured revolving credit facility with a syndication of
banks.  As of August 29,  2000,  the  Company  had $21.7  million of  additional
availability under its existing financing agreements.

The Company is currently in the process of seeking to complete a  sale/leaseback
transaction for  approximately  150 of its store locations  outside the state of
Florida.  The  transaction  is expected  to provide the Company  with $80 to $85
million  of net  proceeds.  The  proceeds  will be used  to  reduce  outstanding
indebtedness  under  the  Company's  revolving  line of  credit,  thus  creating
additional  borrowing  availability  under that line.  Although  the Company had
expected to have closed on this  transaction  during its first  fiscal  quarter,
there have been delays in putting the financing  arrangements  in place for such
transaction.  The Company is continuing its efforts to finalize this transaction
and, although there can be no assurance that the financing  arrangements will be
satisfactorily  completed,  the Company  expects the transaction to close during
November 2000.

As of August 29, 2000,  89 or  approximately  14% of the  Company's  stores were
leased.  Upon completion of the sale/leaseback  transaction the Company's leased
store  percentage  would  increase to  approximately  35%.  Although the Company
generally anticipates a similar own/lease percentage relationship for new stores
in the  future,  the  Company  may  explore  opportunities  that  could  lead to
increases in this percentage.

The  Company  is  exposed  to changes  in  interest  rates,  primarily  from its
revolving  credit  agreement.  The Company also has long-term  debt that bears a
fixed rate.  As to the fixed rate debt,  there is a risk that market  rates will
decline and the  required  payments  will exceed  those based on current  market
rates on the long-term debt.

The Company believes that the expected cash flows from operations, proceeds from
the pending  sale/leaseback  transaction,  available  bank  borrowings and trade
credit,  will be  sufficient  to fund the  capital  and  liquidity  needs of the
Company  for the  next  two to  three  years.  If the  sale/leaseback  were  not
completed,  the Company  would need to  immediately  seek  alternative  types of
funding in order to supplement the existing  revolving credit facility and there
can be no assurance  that such  alternative  funding  would be available  or, if
available,  would  be  available  on terms  favorable  to the  Company.  If such
alternative  funding proved  unavailable,  the Company may have to further scale
back certain of its growth plans.

Inflation and Seasonality

The Company does not believe its  operations  have been  materially  affected by
inflation.  The Company has been  successful,  in many  cases,  in reducing  the
effects of merchandise cost increases  principally by taking advantage of vendor
incentive  programs,  economies of scale  resulting  from  increased  volumes or
purchases, and selective forward buying.

Although sales have  historically  been somewhat higher in the Company's  fourth
quarter  (March  through May),  the Company does not consider its business to be

Forward Looking Statements

The Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial  Condition and Results of
Operations and other sections of this quarterly  report contain  forward looking
statements that are based on the current expectations, estimates and projections
about the industry in which the Company operates,  management's  beliefs and the
assumptions   made  by   management.   These   statements   include   the  words
"anticipates",  "expects", "expected",  "should", and "believes",  variations of
such words, and similar  expressions which are intended to identify such forward
looking  statements.  These forward looking  statements are subject to potential
risks and  uncertainties  that could cause actual  results to differ  materially
from historical results or those currently anticipated.

These  potential  risks  and  uncertainties  include,  but are not  limited  to,
increased competition,  extent of the market demand for auto parts, availability
of inventory supply,  inventory shrinkage,  propriety of inventory mix, adequacy
and  perception  of customer  service,  product  quality and defect  experience,
availability  of and ability to take  advantage of vendor  pricing  programs and
incentives, sourcing availability,  rate of new store openings,  cannibalization
of store sites, mix and types of merchandise  sold,  governmental  regulation of
products,  new  store  development  and the  like,  performance  of  information
systems,  effectiveness of deliveries from the distribution  center,  ability to
hire,  train and retain  qualified team members,  availability  of quality store
sites, ability to successfully implement the commercial delivery service, credit
risk  associated  with the commercial  delivery  service,  environmental  risks,
availability  of expanded and  extended  credit  facilities,  and the ability to
successfully and efficiently  establish and coordinate  operations at the second
distribution center.

     Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk

         No material  changes have occurred in the  quantitative and qualitative
market risk  disclosure  of the Company as  presented  in the  Company's  Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the year ended May 30, 2000.


     Item 1. Legal Proceedings

Coalition for a Level Playing Field, et. al. V. AutoZone,  Inc. et. al, Case No.
00-0953 in and for the United District Court,  Eastern  District of New York. In
February  2000, the Coalition for a Level Playing Field  ("Coalition")  and over
one hundred independent  automotive parts and accessories  aftermarket warehouse
distributors  and and/or  jobbers filed a lawsuit in the United States  District
for the Eastern  District of New York against the Company.  The plaintiffs claim
that the defendants have knowingly received volume discounts,  rebates, slotting
and other  allowances,  fees, free inventory,  sham  advertising and promotional
payments,  a share in the  manufacturers'  profits,  and excessive  payments for
services  purportedly  performed  for  the  manufacturers  in  violation  of the
Robinson-Patman  Act. The complaint  seeks  injunctive and  declaratory  relief,
unspecified  treble  damages  on  behalf of each of the  plaintiffs,  as well as
attorneys' fees and costs. Responsive pleadings from the defendants are expected
to be filed by the end of October 2000 with discovery following thereafter.  The
Company believes the claims to be without merit and intends to vigorously defend
the action.

The Company is  currently  involved in  litigation  with its  insurance  carrier
pursuant to which the Company is seeking  recovery under its insurance policy of
certain amounts incurred in connection with the previously reported Airgas, Inc.
litigation  and the  settlement  thereof.  Recently,  the  separate  motions for
summary judgment by the Company and by the insurance carrier were denied and the
litigation is proceeding. The ultimate outcome of such litigation or an estimate
of the amount of potential insurance recoveries, if any, cannot be determined at
this time. No benefit for any recovery,  which may result, has been reflected in
the Company's accompanying financial statements.

Discount  Auto Parts is not a party to any other legal  proceedings,  other than
various  claims  and  lawsuits  arising in the  normal  course of the  Company's
business.   The  Company  does  not  believe  that  such  claims  and  lawsuits,
individually  or in the  aggregate,  will have a material  adverse effect on its
financial condition or results of operations.

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

(a) Exhibits

10.25    Form of Indemnification Agreement with each C. Michael Moore, Clement
         A. Bottino, Michael D. Harrah, Thomas Merk and David C. Viele.

10.26    Second  Amendment to Revolving  Credit Agreement dated as of August 29,
         2000 by and among Discount Auto Parts,  Inc. the Lenders,  and SunTrust

27       Financial Data Schedule  (For SEC Use Only)

(b)      Reports on Form 8-K

         The Company  did not file any  reports on Form 8-K during the  thirteen
         week period ended August 29, 2000.


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                       DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS, INC.

Date:    October 12, 2000                            By: /s/ Peter J. Fontaine
         ----------------                                ---------------------
                                                             Peter J. Fontaine
                                                         Chief Executive Officer
                                                   (Principal Executive Officer)

Date:   October 12, 2000                             By: /s/ C. Michael Moore
        ----------------                                 --------------------
                                                             C. Michael Moore
                                                         Chief Financial Officer
                                                        (Principal Financial and
                                                             Accounting Officer)


     THIS  INDEMNIFICATION  AGREEMENT  is made and entered into this ____ day of
_________, 2000, by and between ______________________ (the "Indemnified Party")
and DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS, INC., a Florida corporation (the "Corporation").

                                                W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS,  it is  essential  to the  Corporation  to retain  and  attract as
Directors and/or Executive Officers the most capable persons available; and

     WHEREAS,   the  substantial   increase  in  corporate  litigation  subjects
directors and officers to expensive  litigation  risks at the same time that the
availability of directors' and officers'  liability  insurance has been severely
limited; and

     WHEREAS,  in addition,  the  statutory  indemnification  provisions  of the
Florida  Business  Corporations  Act  and  Article  VI  of  the  bylaws  of  the
Corporation (the"Article") expressly provide that they are non-exclusive; and

     WHEREAS,  the  Indemnified  Party does not regard the protection  available
under  the  Article  and   insurance,   if  any,  as  adequate  in  the  present
circumstances,  and  considers  it necessary  and  desirable to his service as a
Director  and/or  Executive  Officer  to  have  adequate  protection,   and  the
Corporation  desires the  Indemnified  Party to serve in such capacity have such
protection; and

     WHEREAS,  the Florida Business Corporation Act and the Article provide that
indemnification  of Directors and Executive  Officers of the  Corporation may be
authorized by agreement,  and thereby contemplates that contracts of this nature
may be entered  into  between the  Corporation  and the  Indemnified  Party with
respect  to  indemnification  of the  Indemnified  Party  as a  Director  and/or
Executive Officer of the Corporation.

     NOW THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the premises and the mutual covenants
and agreements contained in this Agreement, it is hereby agreed as follows:


     (a) Grant of  Indemnity.  Subject to and upon the terms and  conditions  of
this Agreement, the Corporation hereby agrees to indemnify the Indemnified Party
in respect of any and all  claims,  losses,  damages and  expenses  which may be
incurred by the Indemnified Party as a result of or arising out of:

     (1) any  threatened,  pending,  or completed  action,  suit or  proceeding,
whether  brought by or in the right of the  Corporation or otherwise and whether
of a civil,  criminal,  administrative  or  investigative  nature,  in which the
Indemnified  Party may be or may have  been  involved  as a party or  otherwise,
arising  out of the  fact  that  the  Indemnified  Party  is or was a  director,
officer,  employee,  agent  or  stockholder  of  the  Corporation  or any of its
"Affiliates"  (as such term is defined in the rules and regulations  promulgated
by the Securities and Exchange  Commission under the Securities Act of 1933), or
served  as  a  director,  officer,   stockholder,   agent,  employee,  salesman,
independent  contractor,  partner,  franchisor  or joint  venturer in or for any
person,  firm,  partnership,  corporation  or other entity at the request of the
Corporation  (including  without  limitation  service in any  capacity for or in
connection  with any employee  benefit plan  maintained by the Corporation or on
behalf of the Corporation's employees).

     (2) any  attempt  (regardless  of its  success)  by any person to charge or
cause the  Indemnified  Party to be charged with  wrongdoing  or with  financial
responsibility  for damages  arising out of or incurred in  connection  with the
matters indemnified against in this Agreement; or

     (3) any expense,  assessment,  fine,  tax,  judgment or settlement  payment
arising out of or incident  to any of the  matters  indemnified  against in this
Agreement including  reasonable fees and disbursements of counsel (before and at
trial and in appellate proceedings).

     (b) Claims for  Indemnification.  (i)  Whenever  any claims shall arise for
indemnification  under this Agreement,  the  Indemnified  Party shall notify the
Corporation promptly and in any event within 30 days after the Indemnified Party
has actual  knowledge of the facts  constituting  the basis for such claim.  The
notice  shall  specify all facts known to the  Indemnified  Party giving rise to
such  indemnification  right and the  amount  or an  estimate  of the  amount of
liability (including estimated expenses) arising therefrom.

     (ii) Any  indemnification  under this Agreement shall be made no later than
30 days after receipt by the Corporation of the written  notification  specified
in Section 1(b)(i),  unless a determination is made within such 30 day period by
(X) the  Board  of  Directors  by a  majority  vote of a  quorum  consisting  of
directors  who were not  parties  to the matter  described  in the notice or (Y)
independent  legal counsel,  agreed to by the Corporation,  in a written opinion
(which counsel shall be appointed if such a quorum is not obtainable),  that the
Indemnified Party has not met the relevant standards for  indemnification  under
this Agreement.

     (c) Rights to Defend or Settle;  Third Party Claims,  etc. (i) If the facts
giving rise to any indemnification  right under this Agreement shall involve any
actual or  threatened  claim or demand  against the  Indemnified  Party,  or any
possible  claim by the  Indemnified  Party  against any third party,  such claim
shall be referred to as a AThird Party Claim.@ If the  Corporation  provides the
Indemnified   Party  with  an  agreement  in  writing  in  form  and   substance
satisfactory to the Indemnified Party and his counsel, agreeing to indemnify and
hold the  Indemnified  Party harmless from all costs and liability  arising from
any Third Party Claim (an "Agreement of Indemnity"),  and  demonstrating  to the
satisfaction  of the Indemnified  Party the financial  wherewithal to accomplish
such  indemnification,  the  Corporation  may at its own expense  undertake full
responsibility  for the defense or  prosecution  of such Third Party Claim.  The
Corporation  may contest or settle any such Third Party Claim for money  damages
on such terms and conditions as it deems  appropriate  but shall be obligated to
consult in good faith  with the  Indemnified  Party and not to contest or settle
any Third  Party Claim  involving  injunctive  or  equitable  relief  against or
affecting the  Indemnified  Party or his  properties or assets without the prior
written  consent of the  Indemnified  Party,  such  consent  not to be  withheld
unreasonably.  The Indemnified Party may participate at his own expense and with
his own counsel in defense or  prosecution  of a Third  Party Claim  pursuant to
this Section 1(c)(i),  and such participation  shall not relieve the Corporation
of its obligation to indemnify the Indemnified Party under this Agreement.

     (ii) If the  Corporation  fails to  deliver  a  satisfactory  Agreement  of
Indemnity and evidence of financial  wherewithal within 10 days after receipt of
notice pursuant to Section 1(b), the Indemnified Party may contest or settle the
Third Party Claim on such terms as it sees fit but shall not reach a  settlement
with respect to the payment of money  damages  without  consulting in good faith
with the  Corporation.  The  Corporation  may participate at its own expense and
with its own counsel in defense or  prosecution  of a Third Party Claim pursuant
to this  Section  1(c)(ii),  but any such  participation  shall not  relieve the
Corporation  of its  obligations to indemnify the  Indemnified  Party under this
Agreement.  All expenses  (including  attorneys'  fees) incurred in defending or
prosecuting  any Third Party Claim shall be paid promptly by the  Corporation as
the suit or other matter is proceeding, upon the submission of bills therefor or
other  satisfactory  evidence of such  expenditures  during the  pendency of any
matter as to which  indemnification  is  available  under  this  Agreement.  The
failure to make such payments within 30 days after submission shall constitute a
breach of a material obligation of the Corporation under this Agreement.

     (iii) If by reason of any Third Party Claim a lien, attachment, garnishment
or  execution  is placed upon any of the  property or assets of the  Indemnified
Party, the Corporation  shall promptly furnish a satisfactory  indemnity bond to
obtain the prompt release of such lien, attachment, garnishment or execution.

     (iv) The  Indemnified  Party  shall  cooperate  in the defense of any Third
Party Claim which is controlled by the  Corporation,  but the Indemnified  Party
shall continue to be entitled to indemnification and reimbursement for all costs
and  expenses  incurred  by him in  connection  therewith  as  provided  in this

     (d) Cooperation. The parties to this Agreement shall execute such powers of
attorney as may be necessary or appropriate to permit  participation  of counsel
selected by any party hereto and, as may be reasonably related to any such claim
or action, shall provide to the counsel,  accountants and other  representatives
of each party access during normal business hours to all properties,  personnel,
books,  records,  contracts,  commitments and all other business records of such
other party and will furnish to such other party copies of all such documents as
may be reasonably requested (certified, if requested).

     (e)  Choice of  Counsel.  In all  matters  as to which  indemnification  is
available to the Indemnified  Party under this Agreement,  the Indemnified Party
shall be free to choose and retain counsel,  provided that the Indemnified Party
shall consult in good faith with the Corporation regarding such choice.

     (f)  Consultation.  If the Indemnified Party desires to retain the services
of an attorney prior to the  determination  by the  Corporation as to whether it
will  undertake the defense or  prosecution of the Third Party Claim as provided
in Section 1(c),  the  Indemnified  Party shall notify the  Corporation  of such
desire in the notice  delivered  pursuant  to Section  1(b)(i),  and such notice
shall identify the counsel to be retained.  The  Corporation  shall then have 10
days within  which to advise the  Indemnified  Party  whether it will assume the
defense or  prosecution  of the Third Party  Claim in  accordance  with  Section
1(c)(i).  If the  Indemnified  Party does not  receive an  affirmative  response
within such 10 day period, he shall be free to retain counsel of his choice, and
the indemnity  provided in Section 1(a) shall apply to the  reasonable  fees and
disbursements  of such  counsel  incurred  after the  expiration  of such 10 day
period.  Any fees or  disbursements  incurred prior to the expiration of such 10
day period shall not be covered by the indemnity of Section 1(a).

     (g) Repayment.  (i)  Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Agreement
to the contrary,  if the  Corporation  has incurred any cost,  damage or expense
under this Agreement paid to or for the benefit of the Indemnified  Party and it
is determined by a court of competent  jurisdiction  from which no appeal may be
taken that the Indemnified  Party has engaged in  "Nonindemnifiable  Conduct" as
that terms is defined in Section 1(g)(ii), the Indemnified Party shall reimburse
the  Corporation  for any and all  such  amounts  previously  paid to or for the
benefit of the Indemnified Party.

     (ii) For these purposes,  "Nonindemnifiable  Conduct" shall mean actions or
omissions of the Indemnified  Party material to the cause of action to which the
indemnification under this Agreement related determined to involve:

     (1) a violation  of the  criminal  law,  unless the  Indemnified  Party had
reasonable  cause to believe his conduct was lawful and no  reasonable  cause to
believe his conduct was unlawful;

     (2) a  transaction  in which the  Indemnified  Party  derived  an  improper
personal benefit;

     (3)  if  the  Indemnified  Party  is  a  director  of  the  Corporation,  a
circumstance  under which the liability  provisions of Section  607.0834 (or any
successor or similar statute) are applicable;

     (4) willful  misconduct or a conscious  disregard for the best interests of
the Corporation in a proceeding by or in the right of the Corporation to procure
a judgment in favor of the  Corporation or in a proceeding by or in the right of
a stockholder; or

     (5)  conduct   pursuant  to  then   applicable   law  that  prohibits  such

        2. TERM.

     This  Agreement  shall be effective  upon its  execution by all parties and
shall continue in full force and effect until the date five years after the date
of this  Agreement,  or five  years  after the  termination  of the  Indemnified
Party's  employment  or term of office,  whichever is later,  provided that such
term shall be extended by any period of time during which the  Corporation is in
breach of a material obligation to the Indemnified Party, plus ninety days. Such
term shall also be extended  with respect to each Third Party Claim then pending
and as to which notice  under  Section  1(b) has  theretofore  been given by the
Indemnified  Party to the  Corporation,  and this Agreement shall continue to be
applicable to each such Third Party Claim.


     (a) Authority. The Corporation represents, covenants and agrees that it has
the corporate  power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to carry out
its obligations under this Agreement. The execution, delivery and performance of
this Agreement and the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated by this
Agreement  have  been  duly   authorized  by  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
Corporation. This Agreement is a valid and binding obligation of the Corporation
and is enforceable against the Corporation in accordance with its terms.

     (b) The Corporation's  Insurance and  Indemnification.  (i) The Corporation
represents, covenants and agrees that during the term of this Agreement, it will
use its best  efforts  to  maintain  a  policy  or  policies  of  officers'  and
directors'  liability  insurance  providing coverage to the Indemnified Party in
respect  of  his  service  as  an  officer,  director  and/or  employee  of  the
Corporation,  which policy at all times shall be in an amount and shall  contain
terms and  conditions no less  favorable  than the policy in effect at such time
for the Corporation's other officers and directors.

     (ii) During the term of this Agreement,  to the fullest extent permitted by
law,  the  Corporation  will  cause  those  sections  of  its  bylaws  regarding
indemnification  of directors and officers currently in effect to remain in full
force  and  effect,  and it and its  directors  will  act in good  faith  and in
accordance with the procedures and spirit of such bylaws.

     (c)  Noncontestability.  The Corporation  represents,  covenants and agrees
that it will not initiate, and that it will use its best efforts to cause any of
its Affiliates not to initiate,  any action, suit or proceeding  challenging the
validity or enforceability of this Agreement.

     (d) Good Faith Judgment. The Corporation  represents,  covenants and agrees
that it will exercise good faith judgment in determining  the entitlement of the
Indemnified Party to indemnification under this Agreement.


     (a)   Nonexclusivity.   This  Agreement  and  all  rights  granted  to  the
Indemnified  Party under this Agreement are in addition to and are not deemed to
be  exclusive  with  or of  any  other  rights  that  may  be  available  to the
Indemnified  Party  under  any  Articles  of  Incorporation,   bylaw,   statute,
agreement, or otherwise.

     (b)   Availability,   Contribution,   Etc..   (i)   The   availability   or
nonavailability  of  indemnification  by way of  insurance  policy,  Articles of
Incorporation, bylaw, vote of stockholders, or otherwise from the Corporation to
the  Indemnified  Party shall not affect the right of the  Indemnified  Party to
indemnification  under  this  Agreement,  provided  that all  rights  under this
Agreement  shall be subject to  applicable  statutory  provisions in effect from
time to time.

     (ii) Any funds received by the Indemnified Party by way of  indemnification
or payment from any source other than from the Corporation  under this Agreement
shall reduce any amount  otherwise  payable to the Indemnified  Party under this

     (iii) If the  Indemnified  Party is entitled  under any  provision  of this
Agreement to  indemnification  by the  Corporation  for some  claims,  issues or
matters, but not as to other claims, issues or matters, or for some or a portion
of the expenses,  judgments, fines or penalties actually and reasonably incurred
by him or amounts  actually  and  reasonably  paid in  settlement  by him in the
investigation,   defense,   appeal  or   settlement  of  any  matter  for  which
indemnification  is sought  under this  Agreement,  but not for the total amount
thereof, the Corporation shall nevertheless  indemnify the Indemnified Party for
the portion of such  claims,  issues or matters or expenses,  judgments,  fines,
penalties  or  amounts  paid in  settlement  to which the  Indemnified  Party is

     (iv) If for any  reason a court of  competent  jurisdiction  from  which no
appeal can be taken rules that the indemnity  provided  under this  Agreement is
unavailable,  or if for  any  reason  the  indemnity  under  this  Agreement  is
insufficient  to  hold  the  Indemnified  Party  harmless  as  provided  in this
Agreement, then in either event, the Corporation shall contribute to the amounts
paid or  payable  by the  Indemnified  Party  in such  proportion  as  equitably
reflects the relative  benefits  received by, and fault of the Indemnified Party
and the Corporation and its Affiliates.

     (c) Allowance for Compliance with SEC  Requirements.  The Indemnified Party
acknowledges that the Securities and Exchange  Commission  ("SEC") has expressed
the opinion that  indemnification  of directors  and officers  from  liabilities
under the  Securities  Act of 1933 (the "1933 Act") is against  public policy as
expressed  in the 1933 Act and, is  therefore,  unenforceable.  The  Indemnified
Party  hereby  agrees  that it will not be a breach  of this  Agreement  for the
Corporation to undertake with the Commission in connection with the registration
for sale of any stock or other  securities of the Corporation  from time to time
that, in the event a claim for  indemnification  against such liabilities (other
than the payment by the  Corporation of expenses  incurred or paid by a director
or officer of the Corporation in the successful  defense of any action,  suit or
proceeding) is asserted in connection with such stock or other  securities being
registered,  the  Corporation  will,  unless in the  opinion of its  counsel the
matter has been settled by controlling precedent, submit to a court of competent
jurisdiction  on the  question of whether or not such  indemnification  by it is
against  public  policy as expressed in the 1933 Act and will be governed by the
final adjudication of such issue. The Indemnified Party further agrees that such
submission  to a court of competent  jurisdiction  shall not be a breach of this


     (a) Notices. All notices,  requests, demands and other communications which
are required or which may be given under this Agreement  shall be in writing and
shall be deemed to have been duly given if personally delivered or mailed, first
class mail, postage prepaid to:

        If to the Indemnified Party:       ______________________

        If to the Corporation:                    Discount Auto Parts, Inc.
                            4900 Frontage Road South
                             Lakeland, Florida 33801

     (b) Construction and Interpretation.  (i) This Agreement shall be construed
pursuant to and  governed by the  substantive  laws of the State of Florida (and
any  provision  of  Florida  law  shall  not  apply  if the  law of a  state  or
jurisdiction other than Florida would otherwise apply).

     (ii) The headings of the various  sections in this  Agreement  are inserted
for  the   convenience  of  the  parties  and  shall  not  affect  the  meaning,
construction or interpretation of this Agreement.

     (iii) Any  provision of this  Agreement  which is  determined by a court of
competent jurisdiction to be prohibited,  unenforceable or not authorized in any
jurisdiction  shall,  as to such  jurisdiction,  be ineffective to the extent of
such prohibition, unenforceability or non-authorization without invalidating the
remaining  provisions  hereof  or  affecting  the  validity,  enforceability  or
legality of such  provision in any other  jurisdiction.  In any such case,  such
determination  shall not affect any other provision of this  Agreement,  and the
remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. If
any  provision  or  term  of  this  Agreement  is  susceptible  to two  or  more
constructions  or  interpretations,  one or  more  of  which  would  render  the
provision or term void or  unenforceable,  the parties agree that a construction
or interpretation which renders the term or provision valid shall be favored.

     (c) Entire Agreement.  Except as otherwise  expressly provided herein, this
Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement,  and supersedes all prior agreements
and understandings,  oral and written,  among the parties to this Agreement with
respect to the subject matter hereof.

     (d) Specific Enforcement. (i) The parties agree and acknowledge that in the
event of a breach by the Corporation of its obligation promptly to indemnify the
Indemnified Party as provided in this Agreement, or breach of any other material
provision of this Agreement,  damages at law will be an  insufficient  remedy to
the Indemnified Party.  Accordingly,  the parties agree that, in addition to any
other  remedies or rights that may be available to the  Indemnified  Party,  the
Indemnified  Party  shall  also be  entitled,  upon  application  to a court  of
competent  jurisdiction,  to obtain temporary or permanent injunctions to compel
specific performance of the obligations of the Corporation under this Agreement.

     (ii) There  shall exist in such action a  rebuttable  presumption  that the
Indemnified Party has met the applicable standard(s) of conduct and is therefore
entitled  to  indemnification  pursuant  to this  Agreement,  and the  burden of
proving that the relevant  standards have not been met by the Indemnified  Party
shall be on the Corporation.  Neither the failure of the Corporation  (including
its Board of Directors or independent  legal counsel) prior to the  commencement
of such action to have made a determination  that  indemnification  is proper in
the circumstances  because the Indemnified Party has met the applicable standard
of conduct, nor an actual determination by the Corporation  (including its Board
of Directors or independent  legal counsel) that the  Indemnified  Party has not
met such applicable  standard of conduct,  shall (X) constitute a defense to the
action,  (Y) create a  presumption  that the  Indemnified  Party has not met the
applicable  standard of conduct, or (Z) otherwise alter the presumption in favor
of the Indemnified Party referred to in the preceding sentence.

     (e) Cost of Enforcement; Interest. (i) If the Indemnified Party engages the
services of an attorney or any other third party or in any way  initiates  legal
action to enforce his rights under this Agreement,  including but not limited to
the collection of monies due from the Corporation to the Indemnified  Party, the
prevailing  party shall be entitled to recover all reasonable costs and expenses
(including  reasonable  attorneys'  fees  before  and at trial and in  appellate
proceedings).  Should the  Indemnified  Party  prevail,  such costs and expenses
shall be in addition to monies otherwise due him under this Agreement.

     (ii) If any monies shall be due the Indemnified  Party from the Corporation
under  this  Agreement  and  shall  not be paid  within 30 days from the date of
written request for payment,  interest shall accrue on such unpaid amount at the
rate of 1% per annum in excess of the prime rate  announced from time to time by
Sun Bank, National Association,  Orlando,  Florida, or such lower rate as may be
required to comply with applicable law.

     (f) Binding  Effect.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the
benefit  of  the  successors  in  interest  and  assigns,   heirs  and  personal
representatives, as the case may be, of the parties.

     (g) Further  Assurances.  The parties to this  Agreement  will  execute and
deliver,  or cause to be executed  and  delivered,  such  additional  or further
documents, agreements or instruments and shall cooperate with one another in all
respects for the purpose of carrying out the  transactions  contemplated by this

     (h) Venue;  Process.  The parties to this Agreement agree that jurisdiction
and venue in any action brought  pursuant to this Agreement to enforce its terms
or  otherwise  with  respect to the  relationships  between  the  parties  shall
properly lie in the Circuit Court of the Tenth Judicial  Circuit of the State of
Florida in and for Polk County or in the United  States  District  Court for the
Middle District of Florida,  Tampa  Division.  Such  jurisdiction  and venue are
merely  permissive;  jurisdiction  and venue  shall also  continue to lie in any
court where  jurisdiction and venue would otherwise be proper. The parties agree
that  they  will  not  object  that  any  action   commenced  in  the  foregoing
jurisdictions is commenced in a forum non conveniens.  The parties further agree
that the mailing by certified or registered mail, return receipt  requested,  of
any process required by any such court shall constitute valid and lawful service
of process  against  them,  without the necessity for service by any other means
provided by statute or rule of court.

     (i)  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in  any  number  of
counterparts,  each of which shall be considered  an original,  but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

     (j)  Waiver and Delay.  No waiver or delay in  enforcing  the terms of this
Agreement  shall be construed as a waiver of any  subsequent  breach.  No action
taken by the  Indemnified  Party shall  constitute  a waiver of his rights under
this Agreement.

       IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this Agreement on the date
first above written.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this  Agreement on the date
first above written.

WITNESSES:                                        DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS, INC.

                                                      William Perkins, President

                               SECOND AMENDMENT TO
                           REVOLVING CREDIT AGREEMENT

Amendment")  dated and  effective as of August 29, 2000,  by and among  DISCOUNT
AUTO  PARTS,  INC.,  a  Florida   corporation  (the  "Borrower"),   the  Lenders
signatories to the Credit Agreement (the "Lenders") and SUNTRUST BANK, a Georgia
corporation,  successor by merger to SUNTRUST BANK,  CENTRAL  FLORIDA,  NATIONAL
ASSOCIATION,  a  national  banking  association,  as  Administrative  Agent (the
"Administrative Agent").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

         WHEREAS,  the Borrower,  the Lenders and the Administrative  Agent have
entered into that certain  Revolving Credit Agreement dated as of July 29, 1999,
as amended by that certain First  Amendment  dated January 12, 2000 (as amended,
the "Credit Agreement"); and

         WHEREAS,  the Borrower has requested the Lenders to modify the interest
rate  applicable  to the LIBOR  Loans (as defined in the Credit  Agreement),  to
revise certain of the financial  covenants contained in the Credit Agreement and
to otherwise modify certain terms of the Credit Agreement; and

         WHEREAS,  the Lenders and the Administrative Agent have agreed to amend
the Credit  Agreement  to provide  for the  foregoing,  subject to the terms and
conditions set forth herein.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the premises and other good and
valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  and  sufficiency  of  which  are  hereby
acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:

     1. Amendments to Credit  Agreement.  The Credit Agreement is hereby amended
as follows:

(a) The definition of "Applicable Margin" contained in Section 1.1 of the Credit
Agreement  is hereby  deleted in its  entirety  and, in lieu  thereof,  there is
substituted the following:

                  "'Applicable  Margin'  shall mean,  with  respect to Revolving
         Loans which are LIBOR Advances:

         The  Applicable  Margin shall be the number of basis points  designated
         below based on the Borrower's  Consolidated Funded Debt to Consolidated
         EBITDAR Ratio, measured quarterly:


               Consolidated Funded Debt to Consolidated EBITDAR Ratio
      <1.5:1      >1.5:1 &     >2.0:1 &     >2.5:1 &      >3.0:1 &      >3.25:1 &     >3.5:1 &     >3.75:1 &
                   <2.0:1       <2.5:1       <3.0:1        <3.25:1       <3.5:1       <3.75:1       <3.9:1
     62.50 bp     75.00 bp     87.50 bp     100.0 bp      112.50 bp     125.0 bp      150.0 bp     190.0 bp

         provided,  however, that adjustments,  if any, to the Applicable Margin
         based  on  changes  in  the  Borrower's  Consolidated  Funded  Debt  to
         Consolidated  EBITDAR  Ratio as set forth above shall be  calculated by
         the Administrative Agent quarterly, based upon the Borrower's quarterly
         financial statements,  beginning with the Borrower's statements for the
         period ended August 29, 2000,  and shall become  effective on September
         22,  2000 for any change  calculated  with  respect  to the  Borrower's
         quarterly  financial  statements  for the period  ended August 29, 2000
         and, thereafter, on the first day of the next succeeding fiscal quarter
         following  the  date  of  each  such  calculation;  provided,  further,
         however,  if the  Borrower  shall  fail to deliver  any such  quarterly
         financial  statements  within the time  period  required by Section 7.7
         hereof,  then the  Applicable  Margin for LIBOR  Advances shall be that
         shown  above for a  Consolidated  Funded Debt to  Consolidated  EBITDAR
         Ratio equal to or greater than 3.75:1, and provided,  further, however,
         if the  Borrower  shall fail to deliver  any such  quarterly  financial
         statements within the time period required by Section 7.7 hereof,  then
         the Applicable Margin for LIBOR Advances which will be effective on the
         first day of the next succeeding  fiscal quarter following such failure
         shall  be  that  shown  above  for  a   Consolidated   Funded  Debt  to
         Consolidated  EBITDAR  Ratio equal to or greater than 3.75:1,  it being
         understood  that if and when such  quarterly  financial  statements are
         subsequently delivered, then the Applicable Margin shall be readjusted,
         effective upon and as of the date of such  delivery,  to that number of
         basis  points  designated  above based on the  Borrower's  Consolidated
         Funded  Debt  to  Consolidated  EBITDAR  Ratio  as  reflected  in  such
         delivered quarterly financial statements."

(b)      The  definition  of "Sale  Leaseback" is hereby added to Section 1.1 of
         the Credit Agreement, in the proper alphabetical order, as follows:

                  "'Sale  Leaseback'  shall  mean that  certain  sale  leaseback
         transaction  proposed to be entered  into by the  Borrower  involving a
         lease or series  of  substantially  identical  leases  under  which the
         Borrower or one or more of its Subsidiaries becomes liable as lessee of
         approximately  150 retail  locations of the Borrower,  which  locations
         were, immediately prior to establishing such lease or series of leases,
         owned by the  Borrower and sold or  transferred  by the Borrower to any
         other  Person  (other  than  any of the  Borrower's  Subsidiaries)  and
         involving consideration exceeding $50,000,000.00 in the aggregate."

(c) The definition of "Capital  Expenditures"  is hereby added to Section 1.1 of
the Credit Agreement, in the proper alphabetical order, as follows:

                  "'Capital  Expenditures'  shall mean for any  period,  without
         duplication,  (a) the  additions to property,  plant and  equipment and
         other  capital  expenditures  of  the  Borrower  and  its  Consolidated
         Subsidiaries  that  are (or  would  be)  set  forth  on a  consolidated
         statement  of cash flows of the  Borrower  for such period  prepared in
         accordance with GAAP and (b) Capitalized Lease Obligations  incurred by
         the Borrower and its Consolidated Subsidiaries during such period."

(d) The definition of "Consolidated Funded Debt" contained in Section 1.1 of the
Credit  Agreement is hereby deleted in its entirety and, in lieu thereof,  there
is substituted the following:

                  "'Consolidated  Funded Debt' shall mean, without  duplication,
         all  Indebtedness   for  money  borrowed,   purchase  money  mortgages,
         Capitalized Lease Obligations,  amounts outstanding in respect of asset
         securitization vehicles,  conditional sales contracts and similar title
         retention debt  instruments,  including any current  maturities of such
         indebtedness,  plus the net  present  value of future  operating  lease
         payments  (excluding  payments relating to synthetic leases) calculated
         using standard S&P methodology, plus the redemption amount with respect
         to any redeemable  preferred stock of the Borrower or any  Consolidated
         Subsidiaries  required  to be  redeemed  within  the next  twelve  (12)
         months,  provided,  however,  that solely for purposes of computing the
         Consolidated   Fund  Debt  to   Consolidated   EBITDAR  Ratio  and  the
         Consolidated Funded Debt to Total Capitalization  Ratio,  wherever such
         ratios may be utilized or referenced in this  Agreement,  any synthetic
         lease ("Permitted Synthetic Leases") to which the Required Lenders have
         consented  and any  Indebtedness  incurred by any Person in  connection
         with any  Permitted  Synthetic  Lease  shall  not be  considered  to be
         included as part of Consolidated Funded Debt.  Consolidated Funded Debt
         shall also include any  Consolidated  Funded Debt, other than Permitted
         Synthetic  Leases and  Indebtedness  incurred in connection  therewith,
         which  has  been  guaranteed  by  the  Borrower  or  any   Consolidated
         Subsidiary  or which is supported by a letter of credit  issued for the
         account of the Borrower or any Consolidated Subsidiary."

(e) The  definition  of  "Consolidated  Tangible  Net Worth" is hereby  added to
Section  1.1 of the Credit  Agreement,  in the  proper  alphabetical  order,  as

                  "'Consolidated Tangible Net Worth' shall mean, as of any date,
         (i) the total assets of the Borrower and its Consolidated  Subsidiaries
         that would be reflected on the Borrower's consolidated balance sheet as
         of such date prepared in accordance  with GAAP,  after  eliminating all
         amounts  properly  attributable to minority  interests,  if any, in the
         stock and surplus of  Consolidated  Subsidiaries,  minus the sum of (i)
         the total liabilities of the Borrower and its Consolidated Subsidiaries
         that would be reflected on the Borrower's consolidated balance sheet as
         of such date prepared in accordance  with GAAP,  (ii) the amount of any
         write-up in the book value of any assets  resulting  from a revaluation
         thereof or any  write-up in excess of the cost of such assets  acquired
         reflected on the consolidated  balance sheet of the Borrower as of such
         date prepared in accordance  with GAAP and (iii) the net book amount of
         all assets of the Borrower and its Consolidated Subsidiaries that would
         be classified as intangible  assets on a consolidated  balance sheet of
         the Borrower as of such date prepared in accordance with GAAP."

(f) Section  4.5(a) of the Credit  Agreement  is hereby  deleted in its entirety
and, in lieu thereof, the following is substituted:

                  "(a) Commitment Fee. Borrower shall pay to the  Administrative
         Agent,  for the account of and ratable  distribution to each Lender,  a
         Commitment  Fee for the period  commencing  on the Closing  Date to and
         including the Termination Date, on the average daily unused portions of
         the Revolving  Loan  Commitment of each Lender,  such fee being payable
         quarterly in arrears on the last calendar day of each fiscal quarter of
         Borrower and on the Termination  Date,  computed at a rate equal to the
         number  of  basis  points  designated  below  based  on the  Borrower's
         Consolidated  Funded  Debt  to  Consolidated  EBITDAR  Ratio,  measured


             Consolidated Funded Debt to Consolidated EBITDAR Ratio
        <1.5:1       >1.5:1 &    >2.0:1 & <2.5:1    >2.5:1 &       >3.0:1 &      >3.25:1 &     >3.5:1 &     >3.75:1 &
                      <2.0:1                         <3.0:1        <3.25:1        <3.5:1       <3.75:1       <3.9:1
       15.0 bp        17.5 bp       22.50 bp        25.0 bp        27.50 bp       30.0 bp      32.5 bp       35.0 bp

         provided,  however,  that  adjustments,  if any, to such Commitment Fee
         based  on  changes  in  the  Borrower's  Consolidated  Funded  Debt  to
         Consolidated  EBITDAR  Ratio as set forth above shall be  calculated by
         the Administrative Agent quarterly, based upon the Borrower's quarterly
         financial statements,  beginning with the Borrower's statements for the
         period ended August 29, 2000,  and shall become  effective on September
         22,  2000 for any change  calculated  with  respect  to the  Borrower's
         quarterly  financial  statements  for the period  ended August 29, 2000
         and, thereafter, on the first day of the next succeeding fiscal quarter
         following the date of each such calculation;  provided, however, if the
         Borrower shall fail to deliver any such quarterly financial  statements
         within  the time  period  required  by  Section  7.7  hereof,  then the
         Commitment Fee shall be that shown above for a Consolidated Funded Debt
         to Total Consolidated EBITDAR Ratio equal to or greater than 3.75:1 and
         provided,  further,  however, if the Borrower shall fail to deliver any
         such quarterly financial  statements within the time period required by
         Section 7.7 hereof,  then the Commitment Fee which will be effective on
         the first day of the next  succeeding  fiscal  quarter  following  such
         failure  shall be that shown  above for a  Consolidated  Funded Debt to
         Consolidated  EBITDAR  Ratio  equal to or greater  than 3.75:1 it being
         understood  that if and when such  quarterly  financial  statements are
         subsequently  delivered,  then the  Commitment Fee shall be readjusted,
         effective upon and as of the date of such  delivery,  to that number of
         basis  points  designated  above based on the  Borrower's  Consolidated
         Funded  Debt  to  Consolidated  EBITDAR  Ratio  as  reflected  in  such
         delivered quarterly financial statements."

(g) Schedule 6.5 to the Credit  Agreement is hereby  deleted in its entirety and
the revised Schedule 6.5 attached hereto is substituted in lieu thereof.

(h)  Paragraphs  (a) and (c) of Section 7.8 of the Credit  Agreement  are hereby
deleted in their entirety and, in lieu thereof, the following are substituted:

                  "(a) Interest  Coverage Ratio.  Maintain as at the last day of
         each fiscal  quarter,  a ratio of (i)  Consolidated  EBITDAR to (ii)(y)
         Consolidated  Interest Expense plus (z) Consolidated  Rental Expense of
         at least (A) 3.0:1 for the period from July 29,  1999 to  November  29,
         1999;  (B) 2.5:1 for the period from November 30, 1999 to May 30, 2000;
         (C) 2.25:1 for the period  from May 31,  2000 to the end of  Borrower's
         fiscal year ending in 2002;  (D) 2.5:1 for the  Borrower's  fiscal year
         ending  in 2003;  and (E)  2.75:1  thereafter,  computed  on a  rolling
         four-quarter basis in each instance,  based on information contained in
         the Borrower's current financial statement and its financial statements
         for the preceding three quarters.

                  (c)  Consolidated  Funded Debt to Consolidated  EBITDAR Ratio.
         Maintain a maximum ratio of  Consolidated  Funded Debt to  Consolidated
         EBITDAR  of less than or equal to (A)  3.90:1  through  the  Borrower's
         fiscal year ending in 2001; (B) 3.75:1 for the  Borrower's  fiscal year
         ending in 2002; and (C) 3.50:1 thereafter,  tested quarterly at the end
         of each fiscal  quarter,  computed on a rolling four  quarter  basis in
         each instance, based on information contained in the Borrower's current
         financial  statements  and its financial  statements  for the preceding
         three fiscal quarters."

(i)  Section  7.8 of the  Credit  Agreement  is hereby  amended  by  adding  the
following new paragraphs (d) and (e) and closing paragraph:

                  "(d)   Minimum   Tangible   Net  Worth.   Maintain  a  minimum
         Consolidated Tangible Net Worth equal to or greater than (i) at the end
         of the Borrower's fiscal year ending in 2000, $265,000,000.00, and (ii)
         at the end of each  subsequent  fiscal year, the sum of (A) the minimum
         Consolidated  Tangible Net Worth  requirement that was in effect at the
         end of the  Borrower's  immediately  preceding  fiscal  year  plus  (B)
         seventy-five percent (75%) of the Borrower's positive  Consolidated Net
         Income for the fiscal year being tested, in each case, tested quarterly
         at the end of each fiscal quarter. For example, if the Consolidated Net
         Income  for the  Borrower's  fiscal  year  ending  in  2001  were to be
         $40,000,000,  then the minimum Consolidated  Tangible Net Worth for the
         end of fiscal  year  2001 and each of the  following  three (3)  fiscal
         quarters  shall be  $295,000,000.00  ($265,000,000.00  + {$40,000,000 X

                  (e) Capital Expenditures.  The Borrower shall not make Capital
         Expenditures in excess of (i) $45,000,000 in the Borrower's fiscal year
         ending in 2001, (ii)  $55,000,000 in the Borrower's  fiscal year ending
         in 2002 and (iii)  $65,000,000 in the Borrower's  fiscal year ending in
         2003.  If, as at the end of any  fiscal  quarter,  Borrower's  Interest
         Coverage Ratio is greater than 2.75:1 and its Consolidated  Funded Debt
         to  Consolidated  EBITDAR  Ratio is less than  3.50:1,  and  Borrower's
         projections  indicate  that on a pro forma basis it will  sustain  such
         ratios at such levels, the foregoing limitation on Capital Expenditures
         will be  removed;  provided,  however,  that said  limitation  shall be
         reinstated at any time and for so long as Borrower's  Interest Coverage
         Ratio is less than or equal to 2.75:1 or its  Consolidated  Funded Debt
         to Consolidated EBITDAR Ratio is greater than or equal to 3.50:1.

                  In the event the Sale  Leaseback  is not  consummated  and the
         Borrower writes off the costs associated  therewith,  the Borrower will
         be  allowed  to  add  back,   in  making  the  various   income-related
         computations,  up to  $2,500,000  of such costs for all purposes  under
         this   Agreement,   including   without   limitation  for  purposes  of
         calculating  (i) compliance with the financial  covenants  contained in
         this Section 7.8, (ii) the  Applicable  Margin and (iii) the Commitment

(j) Article 8 of the Credit  Agreement is hereby  amended by adding  thereto the

     "Section 8.1. Indebtedness.  The Borrower will not, and will not permit any
of its Consolidated  Subsidiaries to, create,  incur,  assume or suffer to exist
any Indebtedness, except:

                  (a) Indebtedness created pursuant to the Credit Documents;

                  (b) Indebtedness  existing on the date hereof and set forth on
         its financial  statements  delivered to the Lenders pursuant hereto and
         extensions,  renewals and replacements of any such Indebtedness that do
         not increase the  outstanding  principal  amount  thereof  (immediately
         prior to giving effect to such  extension,  renewal or  replacement) or
         shorten the maturity or the weighted average life thereof;

                  (c)  Capitalized  Lease  Obligations  of the  Borrower  or any
         Consolidated  Subsidiary  incurred  to finance the  acquisition  of new
         equipment,  provided,  however,  that the aggregate principal amount of
         such  Indebtedness  added  during  any  fiscal  year  shall not  exceed

                  (d) other  unsecured  Indebtedness  in an aggregate  principal
         amount not to exceed  $25,000,000  at any time  outstanding;  provided,
         however,  that no new  Indebtedness may be incurred in reliance on this
         exclusion if the Borrower is not then in  compliance on a current basis
         with all financial  covenants  contained in this Agreement or if, after
         giving effect to such new  Indebtedness,  the Borrower  would not be in
         compliance on a pro forma basis with all financial  covenants contained
         in this Agreement; and

                  (e)  Indebtedness  of the Borrower  owing to any  Wholly-Owned
         Subsidiary which has executed and delivered a Guaranty Agreement to the
         Administrative  Agent and of any such Wholly-Owned  Subsidiary owing to
         the Borrower or any other such Wholly-Owned Subsidiary.

         If, as at the end of any fiscal quarter,  Borrower's  Interest Coverage
         Ratio is  greater  than  2.75:1  and its  Consolidated  Funded  Debt to
         Consolidated   EBITDAR  Ratio  is  less  than  3.50:1,  and  Borrower's
         projections  indicate  that on a pro forma basis it will  sustain  such
         ratios at such levels, the foregoing limitation on Indebtedness will be
         removed; provided, however, that said limitation shall be reinstated at
         any time and for so long as Borrower's  Interest Coverage Ratio is less
         than or equal to 2.75:1 or its Consolidated Funded Debt to Consolidated
         EBITDAR Ratio is greater than or equal to 3.50:1."

(k) Article 8 of the Credit  Agreement is hereby amended by adding the following
new Sections 8.15 and 8.16:

                  "Section  8.15.  Sale  and  Leaseback.  Except  for  the  Sale
         Leaseback,  the  Borrower  will  not,  and will not  permit  any of the
         Consolidated  Subsidiaries to, enter into any arrangement,  directly or
         indirectly,  whereby it shall sell or transfer  any  property,  real or
         personal,  used  or  useful  in its  business,  whether  now  owned  or
         hereinafter  acquired,  and  thereafter  rent or lease such property or
         other  property  that it  intends  to use for  substantially  the  same
         purpose or purposes as the property sold or transferred.  If, as at the
         end of any  fiscal  quarter,  Borrower's  Interest  Coverage  Ratio  is
         greater than 2.75:1 and its  Consolidated  Funded Debt to  Consolidated
         EBITDAR Ratio is less than 3.50,  and Borrower's  projections  indicate
         that on a pro forma basis it will  sustain  such ratios at such levels,
         the foregoing restriction will be removed; provided, however, that said
         restriction  shall  be  reinstated  at any  time  and  for so  long  as
         Borrower's  Interest  Coverage Ratio is less than or equal to 2.75:1 or
         its Consolidated  Funded Debt to Consolidated  EBITDAR Ratio is greater
         than or equal to 3.50:1.

                  Section 8.16.  Share  Repurchases.  Except as specifically set
         forth to the  contrary  in the final  sentence  of this  Section  8.16,
         unless and until the Sale Leaseback is  consummated,  the Borrower will
         not  repurchase or enter into any  agreements to repurchase  any of its
         capital stock. If the Sale Leaseback is consummated,  the Borrower will
         not  repurchase or enter into any  agreements to repurchase  any of its
         capital stock in excess of $10,000,000 in the aggregate.  If, as at the
         end of any  fiscal  quarter,  Borrower's  Interest  Coverage  Ratio  is
         greater than 2.75:1 and its  Consolidated  Funded Debt to  Consolidated
         EBITDAR Ratio is less than 3.50:1, and Borrower's  projections indicate
         that on a pro forma basis it will  sustain  such ratios at such levels,
         the foregoing  restriction  against share  repurchases will be removed;
         provided,  however,  that said  restriction  shall be reinstated at any
         time and for so long as Borrower's Interest Coverage Ratio is less than
         or equal to  2.75:1 or its  Consolidated  Funded  Debt to  Consolidated
         EBITDAR Ratio is greater than or equal to 3.50:1."

2.  Counterparts.  This  Second  Amendment  may be  executed  in any  number  of
counterparts,  each of which  shall be  deemed  to be an  original  and shall be
binding upon all parties, their successors and permitted assigns.

3.  Capitalized  Terms.  All capitalized  terms contained  herein shall have the
meanings  assigned to them in the Credit  Agreement  unless the  context  herein
otherwise  dictates or unless different  meanings are  specifically  assigned to
such terms herein.

4.  Representations  and Warranties.  The Borrower  hereby  reaffirms all of its
representations and warranties  contained in the Credit Agreement as though made
and given in connection with the execution and delivery of this Second Amendment
and further certifies that all such  representations and warranties are true and
correct  on  and  as of  the  date  hereof  (except  to  the  extent  that  such
representations and warranties expressly relate to an earlier date).

5. Ratification of Credit Documents;  Miscellaneous. Except for any modification
of and/or amendment to the Credit  Agreement as herein provided,  no other term,
condition or provision of the Credit Agreement shall be considered to be altered
or amended, and this Second Amendment shall not be deemed a novation. The Credit
Agreement as amended hereby, and all other Credit Documents shall remain in full
force and effect.  Each and every reference to the Credit Agreement in any other
Credit  Document shall be deemed to refer to the Credit  Agreement as amended by
this Second  Amendment.  The Borrower  hereby  acknowledges  and agrees that the
Credit Documents are, as of the date hereof, valid and enforceable in accordance
with their  respective terms and that all amounts extended by the Lenders to the
Borrower  pursuant thereto are absolutely and  unconditionally  due and owing to
the Lenders,  and are not subject to any  defenses,  counterclaims  or rights of
set-off whatsoever.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this Second Amendment as
of the day and year first above written.


                                                     DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS, INC.

                                                     By: /s/ C. Michael Moore
                                                        C. Michael Moore,
                                                        Chief Financial Officer/

                         AND DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS, INC.]

                                                    SUNTRUST BANK, individually,
                                                     and as Administrative Agent

                                            By:      /s/ William C. Barr, III
                                                     William C. Barr, III,
                                                     Vice President

                         AND DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS, INC.]

                             BANK OF AMERICA, N.A.,
                                       individually and as Syndication Agent

                                     By:       /s/ Timothy H. Spanos
                                            Timothy H. Spanos, Managing Director

                         AND DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS, INC.]

                  BANK ONE, NA  (formerly  known as THE FIRST  NATIONAL  BANK OF
                                         individually and as Documentation Agent

                             By:        /s/ Catherine A. Muszynski
                                          Catherine A. Muszynski, Vice President

                         AND DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS, INC.]

                  SOUTHTRUST BANK (formerly known as SOUTHTRUST  BANK,  NATIONAL

                                       By:  /s/William Tsukalas
                                       Name:   William Tsukalas
                                       Title:  Vice President

                         AND DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS, INC.]

                                         AMSOUTH BANK

                                         By:/s/Anthony Stiffler
                                         Anthony Stiffler, Senior Vice President

                                         By:s/ Harold Garlock, Jr.
                                         Harold Garlock, Jr., Vice President

                         AND DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS, INC.]

                                     FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK

                                     By: /s/ Anthony D. Braxton
                                              Anthony D. Braxton, Vice President

                         AND DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS, INC.]

                       BNP PARIBAS (formerly known as BANQUE NATIONALE DE PARIS)

                                 By: /s/John Stacy
                                      John Stacy, Vice President

                         AND DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS, INC.]

                                   REGIONS BANK

                                  By: /s/ Anthony D. Nigro
                                  Name:  Anthony D. Nigro
                                  Title: Vice President

                         AND DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS, INC.]

                             HIBERNIA NATIONAL BANK

                             By: /s/ Connie Disbrow
                                Name:        Connie Disbrow
                               Title:   Relationship Manager

                         AND DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS, INC.]

                                      THE HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK

                                        By: /s/ Davis A. Barnhill
                                           Davis A. Barnhill, Vice President

                                 Schedule 6.5

                    Certain Pending and Threatened Litigation

     Certain  federal  investigations  concerning  the Airgas  Litigation may be
ongoing.  Federal  grand  jury  proceedings  in  Savannah,  Georgia in which the
Company has been called upon to respond to subpoenas may be  continuing  and the
Company is aware that the SEC  commenced  its own  informal  investigation  with
respect to these  matters.  The  Company is  unaware as to whether  the  federal
investigations or the SEC investigations remain open.

     Coalition for a Level Playing Field, et. al. v. AutoZone, Inc. et. al, Case
No. 00-0953 in and for the United District Court,  Eastern District of New York.
In February 2000, the Coalition for a Level Playing Field ("Coalition") and over
one hundred independent  automotive parts and accessories  aftermarket warehouse
distributors  and jobbers filed a lawsuit in the United States  District for the
Eastern  District  of New York  against the  Company  and other  retailers.  The
plaintiffs claim that the defendants have knowingly  received volume  discounts,
rebates,  slotting and other allowances,  fees, free inventory, sham advertising
and promotional  payments, a share in the manufacturers'  profits, and excessive
payments for services  purportedly  performed for the manufacturers in violation
of the  Robinson-Patman  Act. The complaint  seeks  injunctive  and  declaratory
relief,  unspecified treble damages on behalf of each of the plaintiffs, as well
as attorneys' fees and costs.

     Discount Auto Parts, Inc. v. Nationwide Insurance. The Company is currently
involved in litigation with its insurance  carrier pursuant to which the Company
is seeking  recovery under its insurance  policy of certain amounts  incurred in
connection  with  the  previously  reported  Airgas,  Inc.  litigation  and  the
settlement thereof.  Recently,  the separate motions for summary judgment by the
Company  and  by the  insurance  carrier  were  denied  and  the  litigation  is
proceeding. The ultimate outcome of such litigation or an estimate of the amount
of potential insurance recoveries, if any, cannot be determined at this time. No
benefit for any recovery,  which may result, has been reflected in the Company's
fiscal year 2000 financial statements.