Procter & Gamble

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          The Procter & Gamble Company
                          Sharon Woods Technical Center
             11520 Reed Hartman Highway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45241-2422

                             MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT

                                                   Fabric Care Purchases
                                                   Sharon Woods Technical Center
                                                   11520 Reed Hartman Highway
                                                   Cincinnati, Ohio 45241

(1)      Buyer:            The Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Company

(2)      Seller:           Tredegar Molded Products Company
                           1100 Boulders Parkway
                           Richmond, Virginia 23225

(3)      Commodity:        The Fabric Care & Conditioners product ("FCC
                           Product") is Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner Collars
                           and Cups. Specification numbers are included on
                           attachment titled "Specification Numbers."

                           The Automatic Downy Dispenser product parts ("ADD
                           Parts") are components of the Downy Liquid Dispensing
                           unit. Specification numbers are included on
                           attachment titled "Specification Numbers."

                           The Hard Surface Cleaners product ("HSC Product") is
                           Comet Powder Sifter Caps. Specification numbers are
                           included on attachment titled "Specification

                           "Products" are the FCC Products, ADD Parts, and HSC

(4)      Quantity:         100% of Buyer's requirements, estimated at
                           [_____]* FCC Products per year, [_____]* ADD Parts
                           per year, and [_____]* HSC Parts per year, for the
                           period of this agreement.

(5)      Quality:

         (a) Products are to be equal to or superior to Buyer's applicable
         general and individual specifications and other written quality
         standards, including any subsequent additions or alterations agreeable
         to Buyer and Seller. The quality throughout the Agreement Period shall

         equal or surpass that of commercially available competitive products.

         (b) Seller will work with Buyer to continuously improve the quality of
         the products Seller provides to Buyer. Quality targets will include,
         but will not be limited to, zero short shipments and zero contamination
         of the Product. Further quality performance targets will be developed
         jointly by Buyer and Seller to ensure superior products.

- ---------------

* Confidential portion omitted and filed separately with the Securities and
Exchange Commission.

Page 2 of 8

(5)      Quality (continued):

         (c) Seller, at its own expense, will clean, inspect, and perform all
         routine maintenance on all equipment and tooling required to
         manufacture the Products on a regular basis, such as replacement of
         leader pin bushings, leader pins, standard ejector pins, and heater
         bands (if a hot runner system). Buyer will be responsible for
         performing all other maintenance on the tools required to manufacture
         the Products, including repair or replacement of components, provided
         that Buyer may ask Seller to perform such maintenance at Buyers

(6)      Period:

         The contract will commence on July 1, 1995 and terminate on September
         30, 1998.

(7)      Price:

         (a) Base Pricing

         Products' base pricing will be as per Attachment 1. Seller's obligation
         to price Products in accordance with Attachment 1 is contingent on
         Buyer's annual purchases of the volume estimates set forth in Paragraph
         4, plus or minus fifteen (15) percent. If Buyer's annual purchases of
         any of the Products falls outside this range (noted on Table 1 below),
         either Buyer or Seller has the option to open discussion of price

Table 1

                           Minimum Amount                       Maximum Amount
                           --------------                       --------------

         FCC Product       [_____]*                             [_____]*

         ADD Parts         [_____]*                             [_____]*

         HSC Parts         [_____]*                             [_____]*

         (b) (De)escalation Factors

         The base price is based on Polypropylene ("PP") and High Density
         Polyethylene ("HDPE") prices as of June 1, 1995. Seller has the right
         to escalate and the obligation to de-escalate the price of the Products
         based on actual changes in Seller's resin costs. Price changes on HDPE
         and PP will be subject to the attached policy dated July 18, 1994 and
         titled "Procter & Gamble Injection-Molding Resin Price Change Policy".

         (De)escalation factors for Products will be as per Attachment 2.

- ---------------

* Confidential portion omitted and filed separately with the Securities and
Exchange Commission.

Page 3 of 8

(7)      Price (continued):

         (c) Non-Material Price Increases

         Both parties agree that non-material price increases (understood to be
         all increases not related to resin, colorant, or other packaging
         materials) will be negotiated annually (on September 30, 199X) with a
         maximum of a [_____]* increase each year.

         This provision is independent of any volume-related price change that
         may occur under the provisions of Paragraph 7(a).

(8)      Shipments:

         From time to time as Buyer may request on specific purchase orders or

(9)      Terms:

         Seller agrees to invoice Buyer for Products and applicable freight
         charges at the time of Products' shipment by Seller to Buyer or Buyer's

         Invoice payment is due net thirty (30) days from Buyers receipt of


(I0)     Environmental Compliance:

         Seller warrants that all goods comply in all respects with the
         applicable requirements of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act,
         the US Toxic Substance Control Act, including all Regulations under
         said Acts and all other relevant legislation.

         Seller warrants that all substances it provides to Buyer will
         accurately correspond to Buyer's specification(s) and that it will
         notify Buyer in advance of any proposed change in the substance(s)
         specified and supplied hereunder which could alter or add to any of the
         Chemical Abstract (CAS) number(s) for those substances which are listed
         in the Raw Material Specification(s) cited herein. Any such changes
         must be mutually agreed upon by Buyer and Seller prior to shipment to

         Seller agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Buyer and its affiliates
         from all damages and liability resulting from a breach of these
         warranties by Seller.

- ---------------

* Confidential portion omitted and filed separately with the Securities and
Exchange Commission.

Page 4 of 8

(11)     Termination

         Should Buyer by reason of package redesign, product reformulation,
         process change or similar good faith commercial reason deem it
         necessary to reduce or discontinue its usage of any item covered by
         this Agreement, Buyer shall have the right to reduce or discontinue
         Seller's shipments hereunder. Any such reduction or discontinuance will
         be in the same proportion as applied by Buyer to other suppliers, if
         any, supplying this material to Buyer, and provided further, that Buyer
         has given Seller not less than thirty (30) days' notice of such
         reduction or discontinuance, with the understanding that Buyer will
         give Seller as much notice as is possible for the given circumstances,
         and provided further that Buyer agrees to purchase from Seller
         commercially reasonable quantities of its inventory (whether finished
         goods or raw materials) designated for the manufacture of Products or
         readied for shipment to Buyer that cannot be used elsewhere by Seller.
         For safety or health-related reductions or discontinuances, Seller
         agrees to discontinue production immediately upon receipt of written
         notice and justification from Buyer.

(12)     Releases

         To enable Buyer to maintain inventory control, Products are to be
         manufactured by Seller only upon receipt of specific authority,
         including releases from the Procter & Gamble Lima, OH Plant ("Lima"),
         Owens-Brockway - Findlay, OH Plant ("Owens"), or the Procter & Gamble -
         St. Louis, MO Plant ("St. Louis"). Products are to be released and
         shipped by Seller in accordance with the Lima's, Owens', or St. Louis'
         instructions. Seller may not accrue storage charges for Buyer's account
         unless specifically authorized to do so in writing by Buyer.

(13)     Specification Changes:

         (a) If at any time during the period of the Agreement, Buyer and Seller
         are unable to agree on any portion of Buyer's specifications, and Buyer
         can purchase material meeting said specifications from another
         supplier(s), Buyer shall notify Seller and Seller shall have the
         opportunity to meet said specifications. If Seller fails to do so
         within thirty (30) days from said notification, with the understanding
         that Buyer will give Seller as much notice as is possible for the given
         circumstances, Buyer shall have the right to purchase elsewhere the
         quantities required for consumption for the balance of the contract

         (b) If Buyer desires to make minor changes in the specifications of any
         of the materials covered herein during the period of this Agreement, it
         shall be Buyer's privilege to do so, and Seller shall have the right to
         change prices accordingly, provided that any changes in price shall be
         based only upon any increase or decrease in the cost of material and
         labor involved in producing materials under the revised specifications
         provided any changes do not materially affect Seller's production speed
         or efficiency. If Seller is unable to produce the materials in
         quantities required by Buyer, in accordance with the new specifications
         established by Buyer, with thirty (30) days notice, and at a price
         acceptable by both parties, Buyer shall have the option of purchasing
         such materials from another source and terminating its obligations
         under this Agreement for the item involved.

Page 5 of 8

(14)     Warranty:

         (a) In the event of any failure or defect in Products produced
         hereunder resulting from Seller's failure to comply with the terms of
         this Agreement, including but not limited to Buyers specifications,
         Seller agrees, if Buyer so requests, to rework and/or scrap any
         defective product, or authorizes Buyer to do so, and Seller shall, at
         Buyer's option, replace any defective Products or credit Buyer for
         total cost thereof, including, to the extent undertaken by Buyer at
         Sellers request, the cost of inspecting, sorting, reworking, and

         scrapping. In addition, Seller shall be responsible for claims by third
         parties against Buyer for loss or damage to the extent such loss or
         damage is the result of Seller's failure to produce Products of
         merchantable quality.

         (b) By acceptance of this Agreement and in consideration thereof,
         Seller warrants and agrees that it will defend any suit that may arise
         against the Buyer or any subsidiary or affiliated company thereof for
         alleged infringement of any patents relating to any Products, article
         or articles furnished hereunder, and that the Seller will indemnify and
         save harmless the Buyer and any subsidiary or affiliated company
         thereof, against any loss. including damages, costs and expenses,
         including attorneys' fees, which may be incurred by the assertion of
         any patent rights by other persons. Buyer agrees to hold Seller
         harmless with respect to liability for infringement of a design patent
         by reason of making or furnishing to Buyer hereunder, any article or
         articles the ornamental appearance of which was specified by Buyer and
         not offered by Seller as an option.

         (c) Seller warrants that Products will conform to the provisions of
         Paragraph 5.

         (d) Seller makes no other warranties, express or implied, regarding the
         Products other than as expressly set forth in this Agreement.

(15)     Trial Orders:

         Buyer reserves the right to place trial orders outside of this
         Agreement for any materials included herein if this becomes necessary
         in the process of qualifying new suppliers. Such trial orders will be
         limited in size and/or frequency so that the intent of Paragraph 4 is
         not violated.

(16)     Cost Savings:

         Buyer and Seller agree to engage in cost savings projects to improve
         and/or reduce costs of the Products. Buyer and Seller will negotiate
         the sharing of net cost savings from such projects on a case by case

(17)     Confidentiality:

         Seller agrees to take all reasonable precautions to ensure the
         confidentiality of Buyer's Products and/or confidential information
         related to all materials necessary to make Buyer's Products. If this
         confidentiality is breached, Buyer shall have the right to terminate
         this Agreement immediately.

Page 6 of 8

(18)     Transferability:

         This Agreement shall not be transferred or assigned by a party to any
         third party without prior consent of Buyer. Buyer at its sole
         discretion may terminate this Agreement without further obligation if
         there is a change in controlling ownership of Seller.

(19)     Robinson-Patman Act:

         Seller warrants that the prices set forth in this Agreement are valid
         under the provisions of the Robinson-Patman (Price Discrimination) Act
         and all other pertinent laws, orders and regulations.

(20)     Meet Or Release:

         If at any time during the period of this Agreement Buyer can purchase
         Products of like quality and like quantity at a price which will result
         in a delivered cost to Buyer that is lower than the delivered cost of
         the material purchased hereunder, Buyer may notify Seller of such a
         delivered cost and Seller shall have an opportunity of pricing material
         hereunder on such a basis as to result in the same delivered cost to
         Buyer within forty-five (45) days of said notification. If Seller fails
         to do so or cannot legally do so, Buyer may purchase from the supplier
         of the lower delivered cost material, and any purchase so made shall be
         held to apply on this Agreement, and the obligation of Buyer and Seller
         shall be reduced accordingly. The spirit of this Paragraph is to
         protect Buyer from being disadvantaged by manufacturing breakthroughs
         in Seller's industry, If such breakthroughs would enable Buyer to
         achieve superior value by purchasing any of the Products covered by
         this agreement from another source, it will be Buyer's right to do so.

(21)     Favored Nations:

         If, during the life of this Agreement, the Seller sells any products or
         articles substantially the same as those listed herein at prices,
         including applicable freight equalization terms, lower than the prices
         then effective under this Agreement, said lower price shall apply on
         all goods thereafter shipped under this Agreement during the period of
         sale at such lower price to others, provided Seller can legally extend
         such lower price to Buyer.

(22)     Freight:

         On goods bought "delivered" or "F.O.B. destination," Seller should
         prepay freight or other transportation charges. On goods bought "F.O.B.
         point of origin" or 'F.O.B. Sellers Plant," on which Seller prepays
         freight and invoices Buyer, invoice including transportation charges
         must show weight of shipment, freight rate charged, and name of
         carrier, or be accompanied by a copy of the prepaid freight bill: Buyer
         may withhold payment of freight portion of Seller's invoice until date
         that this condition has been fulfilled. The "non-recourse" clause an

         the bill of lading covering the shipments must not be signed, and any
         over-charges which may accrue will be for Seller's account.

Page 7 of 8

(23)     Force Majeure:

         Fire, flood, strikes, lock-out, epidemic, accident, shortage of
         customarily used transportation equipment (or suitable substitute), or
         other causes beyond the reasonable control of the parties, which
         prevent Seller from delivering or Buyer receiving and/or using the
         Products covered by this Agreement, shall operate to reduce or suspend
         deliveries during the period required to remove such cause. In the
         event of reduced deliveries by Seller under the provisions of this
         paragraph, Seller shall allocate its available supply of Products,
         component raw materials, and related manufacturing facilities among
         purchasers and Seller's divisions, departments, and affiliates on such
         basis that Buyer's percentage reduction will not be greater than the
         overall percentage reduction in total quantity of Products, component
         raw materials, and related manufacturing facilities Seller has
         available for supply. Any deliveries suspended under this paragraph
         shall be canceled without liability, and the Agreement quantity shall
         be reduced by the quantities so omitted.

         In the event non-availability of raw materials causes Seller to reduce
         shipments to Buyer, Seller agrees to give Buyer the option to provide
         such raw materials to Seller at a price not to exceed Buyer's market
         place. If Buyer provides such raw materials to Seller at such price,
         Seller will increase deliveries of Products to Buyer by the amount
         produced with the raw materials supplied by Buyer up to the quantity
         specified in the Agreement.

(24)     Compliance With Other Laws:

         Whether this Agreement refers to manufactured items or to work, Seller
         warrants and agrees that it has complied, and will comply, with (1)
         applicable employment laws of the U.S., including without limitation
         Social Security, unemployment compensation, unemployment insurance,
         workers' compensation laws and the Fair Labor Standards Act as amended,
         (Each invoice must bear the following certification: "Materials or work
         covered by this invoice were produced in conformity with the Fair Labor
         Standards Act as amended.") and (2) all other applicable U.S. laws,
         codes, regulations, rules, and orders, and all other applicable
         Canadian laws, codes, regulations, rules and orders to Seller's
         knowledge. Seller agrees to indemnify Buyer and save Buyer harmless
         from any damage to Buyer resulting from Seller's failure to comply with
         the foregoing, and in the event of such failure Buyer may, in addition,
         cancel this Agreement.

(25)     Headings:

         Paragraph headings or titles are intended for ease of reading and are
         not intended to have any legal meaning.

Page 8 of 8

(26)     U.S. Government Contract:

         Some of the material or services covered by this Agreement is to be
         used on a contract with the Federal Government to which the provisions
         of Section 202 of Executive Order 11246, Section 402 of The Vietnam Era
         Veterans Readjustment Act of 1974 and Section 503 of The Rehabilitation
         Act of 1973 apply, and consequently the provisions of Section 202,
         Section 402 and 503 will become binding upon the Seller upon acceptance
         of this Agreement, if this Agreement exceeds $10,000 or applies against
         a contract exceeding $10,000 in one year with respect to Sections 202
         and 402, and $2,500 with respect to Section 503. Regulations under the
         Executive Order, The Vietnam Era Veteran's Readjustment Act and the
         Rehabilitation Act may require Seller to develop an Affirmative Action
         Compliance Program, to file an Employee Information Report EEO-1 or
         other reports as prescribed, and to certify that its facilities are not
         segregated on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin.
         (See 41.CFR 60.)

(27)     Jurisdiction:

         The parties hereto agree that all of the provisions of this contract
         and any questions concerning the interpretations and enforcement shall
         be governed by the internal laws of the state of Ohio, U.S.A.

The Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Company    Tredegar Molded Products
BUYER                                         SELLER

BY: /s/ J.M. Kelly                            BY /s/ David Reed
   ----------------------------------            -------------------------------
            (Signature)                                   (Signature)

            J.M. Kelly                                    David Reed
- -------------------------------------         ----------------------------------
TITLE:   Purchasing Director                  TITLE:  General Manager-Molded 
                                                      Products Division
      -------------------------------               ----------------------------
DATE:           8/8/85                        DATE:           8/4/95
      -------------------------------               ----------------------------

                              Specification Numbers

                                    Production Description         Spec. Number
                                    ----------------------         ------------
FCC Products
                           3X Collar - Blue (World Color)          1862226
                           3X Cap - Pink (AF)                      1862234
                           3X Cap - Yellow (SR)                    1863034
                           3X Cap - Green (MS)                     1863042
                           3X Cap - White (FR)                     1863059
                           1 X Collar - Blue (AF)                  1864248
                           1X Cap - Pink (AF)                      1864192

ADD Products

                           Valve                                   1451616
                           Weight                                  1451608
                           Chain                                   1451624
                           Collar                                  1451632

HSC Product

                           Red Sifter Cap                          1860071-2

                                Procter & Gamble

                                                              July 18, 1994


This document outlines Procter & Gamble's policy regarding resin-based price
changes for all resins used in the production of Procter & Gamble's
injection-molded products. This policy is in effect as of July, 1994 and applies
to all items not previously covered by a written price escalation/de-escalation
clause in a Memorandum of Agreement or purchase order.


Procter & Gamble is pursuing several objectives with this policy. Our company is
working very hard to manage and improve all aspects of product cost, so as to
deliver greater value to the consumer. Plastic resin across all packaging forms
is a huge cost category for our company and, specifically, it is a major cost
component for injection-molded parts. Historically, P&G has taken a "hands-off"

approach to the Purchase of resin, allowing our suppliers to purchase these
commodities directly on our behalf. However, in most of our commercial
arrangements, P&G has assumed the risk of resin market fluctuations by allowing
cent-for-cent direct price change pass-throughs from molders when increases or
decreases occurred in the market. Net, we have borne the impact of resin changes
with little involvement in, or verification of, the process.

As we work to better manage our costs, however, it has become clear to us that
resin is an area that deserves more attention. First, we intend to gain a better
understanding of resin attributes and markets, so that we can play a more
proactive role in developing technical and commercial synergy in this area
across our businesses. We obviously want to work with our key suppliers in this
effort. Second, we want to better understand how well our suppliers manage the
resin costs that go into the final price that we pay. We plan to keep track of
each supplier's resin-based price change history which P&G. Companies that
aggressively and professionally manage resin costs on our behalf will be better
positioned to grow their business with us in the future. Third. recent movements
in resin markets and the way that they have been implemented lead us to feel
that verification of the resin prices used in our products is a key step it we
are to better manage costs.


These objectives have led us to implement the following resin price change

1 ) All communication concerning resin-based price change requests - increases
or decreases should be directed to a single contact within P&G. For all
injection-molding resins, with the exception of HDPE, SAN, and ABS, that contact
will be Lynne Keister, Associate Director, Procter & Gamble Purchases. The
contact for HDPE changes will be Karen Eller, Associate Director, Procter &
Gamble Purchases, and the contact for SAN/ABS will be John Lown, Purchasing
Manager, P&G Cosmetics & Fragrances Purchases. These three contacts will be
responsible for communicating the fact that a supplier has made a price change
request to the pertinent buyers within P&G. If a supplier wishes, they may
communicate a requested change to the individual buyers at the same time that
the change is communicated to the resin contact person specified above, but the
single notification contact - and single contact for providing P&G's official
response - will be the three individuals previously identified. Addresses for
Ms. Eller, Ms. Keister and Mr. Lown are attached.

Once we have indicated official acceptance of a change, price change sheets for
individual parts should be sent to the appropriate buyer - you do not need to
send these via Ms. Eller, Ms. Keister or Mr. Lown.

2 ) P&G will continue to assume the risk for resin market moves via direct price
change pass-through if a supplier so desires, as we have in the past. However,

we will be requesting verification of resin price changes that the supplier is
seeking to pass on to our company. We are defining verification as the
submission of copies of resin invoices to P&G that the molder has received from
its resin vendor "before" and "after" the resin price change. The set of
invoices should demonstrate the magnitude of the change and the effective date
to the molder of the change. There should be a set of invoices for each product
code on which a change is being requested.


- - P&G will accept any reasonable resin-based price increase that a supplier may
request in its entirety if the supplier provides us with a set of "before" and
"after" resin invoices that demonstrate the increase magnitude and timing that
the molder has accepted from its resin suppliers. These invoices should be
provided by resin product code and should be sent to Ms. Eller, Ms. Keister or
Mr. Lown, depending on the resin involved. If the invoices verify the request
that is being made, the increase will be effective 30 days from the date of
receipt of the invoices, to reflect standard customer notification timing.
Requests for increases from suppliers who verify can be made at anytime.
Suppliers that can work to keep costs flat or declining over time will hold
particular value for P&G.

- - Suppliers that decline to submit invoices verifying increase requests are
subject to the following. Increase requests may be made once a quarter and must
be submitted no later than the first day of the month preceding the start of the
calendar quarter, if they are to be considered for implementation the following
quarter. For example, an increase request must be received by September 1st for
the increase to become effective October 1st. It the September 1st deadline is
missed, the supplier would not have the opportunity to realize a resin-based
price increase until the following quarter or January 1st. Suppliers choosing
not to verify will be granted the average of the increase requests made by the
suppliers that verify for that quarter. The average will be calculated across
the number of vendors that sell us parts using the resin in question, to include
"zeros" for suppliers that have not requested an increase for that quarter. For
example, if there are ten suppliers selling P&G LDPE parts, the average would
include the verified requests for that quarter, including zeros for the
suppliers not requesting increases and the sum would be divided by ten to get
the average. The quarterly system is aimed at simplifying the execution and is
effective immediately.

- - Our long-term vision for this system is to ultimately eliminate the averaging
mechanism and offer suppliers two options: either quote on our business with
verified direct increase pass-throughs or submit quotations that do not call for
resin escalation over the life of the agreement ("flat" pricing proposals). We
expect to implement this vision in the second phase of our team's supply base
consolidation efforts, in 1-2 years.

To emphasize the point, no supplier will be disadvantaged if they use the
verification mechanism.


- - P&G will accept all resin-based decreases - those resulting from broad market
moves and more narrow supplier negotiations - at any time. We will expect to

receive all market decreases that are reported by reliable industry trade
publications like Plastics News and ChemData and that are legal and in
compliance with the Robinson-Patman Act.

- - P&G will monitor market news as we do now, and when a decrease is reported, we
will notify molders of our read on the decrease in question, both in terms of
magnitude and timing (a hypothetical example - "we believe that prices decreased
$.01/lb. in August"). We would expect to receive the decrease per our read on
the market, unless a supplier informs us that they have not realized the
decrease either on the same timing or in the same magnitude as we have

suggested. If the supplier can verify via "before" and "after" invoices that
there is, in fact, a different set of circumstances in their situation they
will, of course, be honored. If P&C's view of the market decrease cannot be
disproved, we would expect to receive the decrease per our notification.

Again, no supplier will be disadvantaged if they verify their individual
circumstances with invoices.

3) All resin price information disclosed via the invoice system will be
quarantined with the single point contact (Ms. Eller, Ms. Keister or Mr. Lown).
We will monitor each supplier's resin-based price change history and how
competitively suppliers purchase resin will be used as one factor in business
awards. However, no supplier's individual resin price will be shared within P&G.
Today, some suppliers choose to discuss their resin pricing with individual
buyers. Suppliers may continue that practice it they wish to but we would like
to have an idea of where this is happening so that we can maintain the integrity
of the confidentiality that we have promised in this situation.

To repeat, our goals are to work to more carefully manage our resin costs, to
develop a better understanding of resin market issues and to use resin
purchasing effectiveness as an element of value in future sourcing decisions. We
believe that this modification to our "pass-through" policy meets our objectives
and still affords the supplier every opportunity to pass the risk for resin
movements onto P&G, it they are verified.

L. D. Keister
for the P&G North American
Injection-Molded Parts Strategy Team

                                 RESIN CONTACTS

Mr. John R. Lown - SAN/ABS
Purchasing Manager
The Procter & Gamble Cosmetics & Fragrances Company
11050 York Road
Hunt Valley, Maryland 21030
Phone: (410) 527-5857
FAX:   (410) 785-4661

Ms.  Karen A. Eller - HDPE
Associate Director
The Procter & Gamble Company
1 Procter & Gamble Plaza
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Phone: (513) 945-9284
FAX:   (513) 945-9547

Ms. Lynne D. Keister - for all other resins
Associate Director
The Procter & Gamble Company
Sharon Woods Technical Center
11520 Reed Hartman Highway
Cincinnati, Ohio 45241-2422
Phone: (513) 626-3520
FAX :  (5l3) 626-4155

                                  ATTACHMENT 1

                                  Base Pricing

Product Description                                                Price (Per M)

Downy 3X Cup - Red
         Spec. #1862234                                                 [_____]*

Downy 3X Cup - Green
         Spec. #1863042                                                 [_____]*

Downy 3X Cup - Yellow
         Spec. #1863034                                                 [_____]*

Downy 3X Cup - white
         Spec- #1863059                                                 [_____]*

Downy 3X Collar - Blue
         Spec. 11862226                                                 [_____]*

Downy 1X Cup - Pink
         Spec. 11864198                                                 [_____]*
         Spec. 0270081310.1 (Canadian)                                  [_____]*

Downy 1X Collar - Blue
         Spec. #1864206                                                 [_____]*

Comet Powder Sifter Cap - Red
         Spec. #1860071                                                 [_____]*

- ---------------

* Confidential portion omitted and filed separately with the Securities and
Exchange Commission.

                            ATTACHMENT 1 (continued)
                                  Base Pricing
                                Downy Ball (ADD)

Annual Volume Below 5.5mm Units
Description                                                 Price (Molding only)

ADD Valve                                                    [_____]*

ADD Weight                                                   [_____]*

ADD Collar                                                   [_____]*

ADD Chain                                                    [_____]*

Assembly                                                     [_____]*

Building Lease                                               [_____]*

Annual Volume Above 5.5mm Units
Description                                                 Price (Molding only)

ADD Assembly                                                 [_____]*

ADD Valve                                                    [_____]*

ADD Weight                                                   [_____]*

ADD Collar                                                   [_____]*

ADD chain                                                    [_____]*

Building Lease                                               [_____]*

Freight - F.O.B. Seller's Plant

- ---------------

* Confidential portion omitted and filed separately with the Securities and
Exchange Commission.

                                  Attachment 2

                          Resin (De)Escalation Factors

Product                                           Factor (per $.01/lb change)

Downy 1X Cup                                                [_____]*

Downy 3X Cup                                                [_____]*

Downy 1X Collar                                             [_____]*

Downy 3X Collar                                             [_____]*

ADD Valve                                                   [_____]*

ADD Weight                                                  [_____]*

ADD Collar                                                  [_____]*

ADD Chain                                                   [_____]*

Comet Sifter Cap                                            [_____]*

- ---------------

* Confidential portion omitted and filed separately with the Securities and
Exchange Commission.