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                            Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-K

OF 1934

For the fiscal year ended June 30, 1998.

Commission file number: 0-11895

                            KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.

              Formerly named Continental Health Affiliates, Inc.

            (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          Delaware                                             22-2362097
(State or other jurisdiction of                            (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)                              Identification No.)

          910 Sylvan Avenue
          Englewood Cliffs, N.J.                                  07632
(Address of principal executive offices)                        (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (201) 567-4600

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:  NONE

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: Common Stock, par
value $.06

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to
such filing requirements for the past 90 days.    YES      NO  X
                                                      ---     ---

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the
best of registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or information statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to
this Form 10-K. [X]

As of September 23, 1998 the aggregate market value of the voting stock held
by non-affiliates of the registrant was $17,598,098.

As of September 23, 1998, 3,409,732 shares of the registrant's common stock
were outstanding.

       Portions of definitive proxy statement to be filed not later than
                               October 29, 1998

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

Part I


             Item 1.    Business................................................   3 - 12
             Item 2.    Properties..............................................    12
             Item 3.    Legal Proceedings.......................................    12
             Item 4.    Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.....    12

Part II

             Item 5.    Market Information......................................    13
             Item 6.    Selected Consolidated Financial Data....................    14
             Item 7.    Management's Discussion and Analysis of Consolidated
                        Financial Condition and Results of Operations...........  15 - 19
             Item 8.    Consolidated Financial Statements and Supplementary Data    20
             Item 9.    Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on
                        Accounting and Financial Disclosures....................    20

Part III          ..............................................................    21

Part IV

             Item 14.   Exhibits, Consolidated Financial Statements, Financial
                        Statement Schedules, and Reports on Form 8-K............    22

Signatures     ................................................................. Last Page

                                    PART I

Item 1.   Business.


         Kuala Healthcare, Inc. ("KUAL") and, together with its subsidiaries,
the ("Company") provides a variety of non-hospital based health care services
to patients. These alternate-site health care services include long term care
and residential health care facilities, home infusion therapy (including
enteral and parenteral nutrition and intravenous therapies) and provision of
medical products and services, including infusion therapy, to patients in long
term care facilities. The Company has also commenced development of three
assisted living projects in New Jersey totaling 320 units. It is focused on
developing, acquiring and operating assisted living facilities and other forms
of senior housing primarily in the northeastern United States, and possibly in
some mid-Atlantic and southeastern states. The Company is in the process of
disposing of at least some of the assets it has been using in its historical
businesses, including some or all of its skilled nursing facilities and,
possibly some or all of its stock of Infu-Tech, Inc., a 58% owned publicly
traded company through which the Company conducts its home infusion therapy
and related businesses. It will use the net proceeds of these asset sales
(after payment of related debt) to develop and acquire assisted living

         On January 27, 1998, the Company effected a one-for-three reverse
split of its common stock. In conjunction with the reverse split, the Company
(formerly known as Continental Health Affiliates, Inc.) changed its name to
Kuala Healthcare, Inc. Its common stock is listed on the Nasdaq Small Cap
Market under the symbol "KUAL". Effective August 10, 1998 the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System has included KUAL common stock as
qualifying for margin status.

         Common share and per share amounts in the financial statements
reflect the impact of the reverse stock split in all periods.

         In November 1995, the Company changed its fiscal year to end on June
30 of each year from December 31. Therefore, unless otherwise noted,
references to a year are to the fiscal year ending June 30.

New Developments

         In December 1997, the Company acquired a 75% interest in a limited
liability company (L.L.C.) to provide institutional pharmacy services. The
minority interest is held by Bach's Drug Store, a New Jersey Corporation
("Bach's"), based in Hackettstown, which contributed its existing business to
the L.L.C.. The Company paid $210,000 in common stock to a principal of Bach's
in consideration for (a) the 75% interest in the L.L.C., (b) a four-year
employment agreement (at $120,000/year) with the pharmacist of Bach's (the
manager of the L.L.C.) and (c) a four-year lease with the shareholders of
Bach's to lease the premises (at $18,000/year) where the L.L.C. operates.
The Company has guaranteed the employment and lease agreements.

         In September 1998, the Company signed a non-binding letter of intent
with Care One, L.L.C., a privately held New Jersey based long term care
company, to sell Care One a 49% stake in its five nursing homes (with an
option to purchase the other 51%) and a 100% interest in the Company's
institutional pharmacy business. Furthermore an assisted living joint venture
will be formed with the Company initially contributing its 120 unit project
based in Norwood, New Jersey. The Company would receive approximately $15
million in cash for its 49% stake in its nursing homes and the


Company's institutional pharmacy business. The Company would also receive $2
million for the 49% stake in the assisted living venture with Care One L.L.C..

Nursing Homes

         As of June 30, 1998, the Company was operating or managing five
nursing homes with approximately 800 beds. Typically, the Company provides
lodging, meals and nursing assistance to residents of its nursing homes for a
per diem charge and provides limited additional treatment for additional

         The following table provides information about the nursing homes the
Company was operating (as owner or as lessee) or managing as of July 1, 1998.

                                                    Average Occupancy Percentage
                                                         Years Ended June 30,
                                        Number      --------------------------
         Location                       of Beds     1996       1997       1998
         --------                       -------     ----       ----       ----
Nursing Homes Being Operated:
Cedar Grove, NJ ...................       180        95%        91%        90%
Cape May Courthouse, NJ ...........       116        97%        96%        97%
Philadelphia, PA ..................       135        95%        93%        92%
West Orange, NJ ...................       131        94%        93%        92%
Nursing Homes Being Managed:
Norwood, NJ (Heritage)
   Skilled ........................       180        98%        94%        94%
   Residential Care ...............        66       100%        93%       100%

         As of June 30, 1998, the Company owned the nursing homes in
Philadelphia, Cedar Grove, West Orange and the real property of the long term
and residential care facility located in Norwood, New Jersey (the "Heritage
Facility"). The Company leases the nursing home in Cape May Courthouse.

         The Company leases the Heritage Facility to Senior Care Foundation,
Inc. ("SCF"), a not for profit corporation, for twenty-five years at a rental
of $2.4 million per year. The Company manages the Heritage Facility and
receives a management fee of 5% of the gross revenues of the Heritage Facility
(after the payment of rent to the Company). The operations of Heritage are
included in the consolidated financial statements from October 31, 1995, which
was when the Company purchased the real property of the Heritage facility.

Infusion Therapy and Other Medical Services

         The Company through Infu-Tech, provides infusion therapy (i.e.,
administration of nutrients, antibiotics and other medications either
intravenously or through feeding tubes) and other medical products to patients
in their homes, in Infu-Tech's ambulatory suites and in nursing homes. The
Company was one of the early marketers of equipment and nutrients for infusion
therapy and was one of the first to market equipment and formulations for
intravenous infusion of nutrients and medication outside hospitals.

         Infu-Tech is organized into three units. The Intravenous Infusion
Unit provides a broad range of home, ambulatory and subacute infusion therapy
services, including intravenous total parenteral nutrition therapy, antibiotic
therapy, enteral nutrition therapy, chemotherapy, chronic pain management
therapy, hydration therapy and a variety of other therapies. The Contract
Services Unit provides medical products and services, including enteral
nutrition therapy, intravenous infusion therapy,


urological products and wound care products, to residents in long term care
facilities. Infu-Tech's Disease Management Unit continues to focus on
developing comprehensive preventive treatment programs for patients with
chronic conditions, such as asthma, diabetes, congestive heart failure and
sickle cell.

         Infu-Tech's sales and marketing efforts are primarily directed
towards Managed Care. Infu- Tech has over 65 agreements with Managed Care
companies covering over 19 million members to provide infusion therapy and
other home health services. The agreements with Managed Care companies vary
from preferred provider relationships to being one of several providers.
Reimbursement is generally on a per diem basis.

         Infu-Tech's continued marketing efforts directed at managed care
companies bring significant opportunity to drive new programs like Disease
Management through existing relationships.

         In 1998, Infu-Tech renewed its non-exclusive distribution agreement
with Genzyme Corporation for Ceredase(R) enzyme and Cerezyme(TM), which are
the only products approved by the FDA as therapy for patients with Gaucher's
disease. Genzyme estimates that there are between 2,000 and 2,500 Gaucher
patients in the United States who require treatment with those drugs. Cost of
the therapy normally ranges from approximately $150,000 to $250,000 per year
per patient.

         The following table sets forth the percentages of Infu-Tech's
revenues, by service unit, from the various therapies, products and services.

                                 Year ended                         Year ended                          Year ended
                                June 30, 1996                      June 30, 1997                       June 30, 1998
                      ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------
                      Intravenous  Contract      Total   Intravenous  Contract      Total    Intravenous  Contract       Total
                        Infusion   Services    Revenues    Infusion   Services     Revenues    Infusion   Services     Revenues
                        --------   --------    --------    --------   --------     --------    --------   --------     --------
Enteral Nutrition          3%         72%         20%          3%         71%         20%          4%         77%         19%
Antibiotic                30%          --         23%         27%          --         20%         19%          --         15%
TPN                        7%          --          5%          5%          --          4%          6%          --          4%
Orthotics                  --          1%          --          --          --          --          --          --        --
Immune Globulin            8%          --          6%         10%          --          7%          9%          --          7%
Ceredase/Cerezyme         27%          --         20%         32%          --         24%         41%          --         33%
Wound Care                 --          2%          1%          --          1%          --          --          --        --
Other                     25%         25%         25%         23%         28%         25%         21%         23%         22%
                        --------   --------    --------    --------   --------     --------    --------   --------     --------
                         100%        100%        100%        100%        100%        100%        100%        100%        100%
                        ========   ========    ========    ========   ========     ========    ========   ========     ========

Overview of the Home Health Care Industry

         One of the major factors contributing to the rapid growth of home
health care has been the use of alternate site health care to contain the
rising costs of health care. Consumers of all types, including governmental
bodies, managed care organizations, insurance companies and private payors are
recognizing the savings that can be realized by offering care in the home as
opposed to institutional settings. In addition, an aging population and
patients' preferences for receiving health care in the comfort of the home,
combined with advances in medical technology making the delivery of
sophisticated treatments in the home a reality, are all contributing to the
continued growth of the home health care industry.

         Managed care organizations are becoming important players in the home
health market and have exerted pricing pressure on the providers of home
health care services. Such pressure has negatively impacted the profit margins
of home health care producers. In addition, as the managed


care organizations continue to grow, they may show a preference to deal only
with those home health care service providers who can offer a comprehensive
range of services throughout such managed care organizations' area of
operations. In response, what once was a very fragmented industry is
undergoing a wave of consolidation.

         With the development of additional oral medications to replace
medications that are administered intravenously, there has been a decrease in
the demand for home infusion therapies. Providers of oral pharmaceuticals are
servicing an increasing number of patients who previously required infusion

Intravenous Infusion Therapy

         Intravenous infusion therapy principally involves the intravenous
administration of nutrients, antibiotics or other medications to patients in
their homes, in Infu-Tech ambulatory suites, or in Infu-Tech credentialed
subacute facilities, often as a continuation of treatment initiated in the
hospital. The national non-hospital infusion therapy market has grown to over
$4 billion since its inception approximately 17 years ago. The Company
believes the primary factors contributing to the rapid growth of the
non-hospital infusion therapy market have been health care cost containment
pressures, incentives by third party payors to use home care, rapid growth of
the elderly population and increased acceptance of home infusion therapy by
the medical community and patients. Additionally, the number of therapies that
can be administered safely outside the hospital has increased significantly in
recent years because of technological innovations such as more sophisticated
portable infusion control devices, implantable injection ports, new vascular
access devices and advances in drug therapy. Consequently, more infections and
diseases that would otherwise have required patients to be hospitalized are
now considered treatable without hospitalization.

         Before accepting a patient for infusion therapy, Infu-Tech consults
with the physician or clinician and hospital personnel in assessing the
patient's specific medical needs and suitability for home infusion therapy.
This assessment process includes an analysis of the patient's physical
condition as well as social factors such as the stability of the patient's
home life and the availability of family members or others who can assist in
the administration of the patient's infusion therapy. Once the patient is
accepted for therapy, Infu-Tech provides training and education to the patient
and his family or others relating to proper infusion techniques, care and use
of equipment, care of infusion sites, and other aspects of the patient's
infusion therapy. Infusion therapy equipment, consisting primarily of poles
and pumps, is owned or leased by Infu-Tech and provided to patients along with
other services.

         Throughout the course of treatment, all prescribed drugs and
solutions are delivered directly to the patient's home or to an Infu-Tech
credentialed subacute care facility. In approximately 90% of the cases,
Infu-Tech's own pharmacies provide the prescribed drugs, solutions and
supplies. Due to geography, patients who cannot be adequately serviced through
an Infu-Tech owned pharmacy are covered by one of six satellite pharmacies.
Infu-Tech maintains contact with the patient and the patient's physician in
order to monitor and, when directed by the physician, refine the patient's
plan of care. Infu-Tech's nursing and pharmacy services are available on-call
24 hours a day for consultation, home visits and special prescription needs.

         A registered nurse clinical-coordinator follows each case and
monitors the therapy with the patient, the nurses assigned to the case and the
patient's physician. Billing information is coordinated at a central billing
department which bills the appropriate payor and tracks payments.


         During 1994, Infu-Tech began also to provide infusion therapy
services in ambulatory infusion suites attached to its pharmacies, where
patients receive infusion therapy on an out-patient basis. In addition,
Infu-Tech began arranging with nursing homes and other subacute facilities to
have patients admitted on a short term basis to receive infusion and other
subacute therapies.

Contract Services

         Infu-Tech's contract services involve the distribution of products
and services to residents in long term care facilities. Products and services
are provided through arrangements with the long term care facilities for
specific residents' use. Generally, Infu-Tech bills a third party payor,
principally Medicare, on behalf of the individual resident.

         Until late 1990, a large majority of the products and services the
Company provided to residents of long term care facilities involved enteral
nutrition therapy. Beginning in late 1990, the Company began marketing other
products to residents of long term care facilities in circumstances in which
these products are eligible for reimbursement under Medicare and other
programs. These include, in addition to enteral feeding, parenteral feeding,
medical/surgical products, wound care products, urological products and other

         Since late 1990, the Contract Services unit has expanded the number
of products it offers to nursing homes and other health care institutions, and
it expects to offer additional products, embodying advances in health care
technology, in the future. On the other hand, changes in reimbursement
regulations or interpretations have led the Contract Services unit to reduce
sales of products in the past and may do so in the future.

         As part of providing its products and services to residents in long
term care facilities, Infu-Tech handles the procedures for obtaining
reimbursement from Medicare and other third party payors for these products
and services.

         Infu-Tech's sales representatives call upon long term care facilities
within their respective geographical territories to review the medical status
of the facilities' residents in order to determine the needs of individuals
for the products and services provided by Infu-Tech. Since most of the
residents participate in the Medicare program, the representatives review
insurance coverage and the appropriateness of the products and services under
Medicare reimbursement regulations. The sales representatives are responsible
for processing the paperwork for billing by the central billing department.

         Orders for products and services are processed through the customer
service department at Infu-Tech's corporate offices in Englewood Cliffs and
shipped from its Moonachie, New Jersey warehouse. Infu-Tech primarily uses its
own trucks for local (New York-New Jersey) deliveries and common carriers for
deliveries outside the local area.

Other Activities

         A wholly owned subsidiary of the Company has a non-exclusive
distribution agreement with Eli Lilly Export S.A. to market, sell and
distribute Lilly's pharmaceuticals in Russia. During 1998 the Company's total
sales approximated $660,000 under its arrangement with Lilly.


Reimbursement For Services

         Approximately 70% of the revenues of the five nursing homes the
Company operates were third-party reimbursements from Medicare and Medicaid.
Governmental reimbursement for nursing home care is at cost-based per diem

         Infu-Tech is reimbursed for its products and services by Medicare,
Medicaid, private payors (private insurance companies, self-insured employers,
health maintenance organizations, other managed care systems and patients) and
other third party sources. Prior to accepting a patient, Infu-Tech's
reimbursement specialists determine the availability and amount of third party
coverage and, thereafter, Infu-Tech processes all payment claims on behalf of
the patient.

         Most of Infu-Tech's contract services revenues result from Medicare
reimbursement. Infu- Tech has more than thirteen years' experience in billing
Medicare. Medicare provides reimbursement for 80% of the amounts shown on fee
schedules it has developed. The remaining 20% co-insurance portion is not paid
by Medicare, although in most cases, Medicaid reimburses the remaining 20% for
"medically indigent" patients. In other cases, Infu-Tech bills other third
party payors or patients responsible for co-insurance reimbursement. Infu-Tech
often has difficulty collecting the 20% co-insurance portion of charges for
Medicare-eligible items, particularly when there is no third party
reimbursement and these sums must be collected directly from patients.
Inability to collect the 20% co-insurance portion of bills is the principal
reason for Infu-Tech's provision for uncollectible accounts.

         Infu-Tech also bills private payors (primarily private insurance
companies, self-insured employers, health maintenance organizations and
managed care systems), which generally pay for services and products based
upon contracted rates or "reasonable and customary" charges. Infu-Tech's
billing specialists work closely with these payors to maximize reimbursement
in the shortest possible time. Private payors have been increasingly concerned
about cost containment and often seek to negotiate lower rates directly with
providers, including Infu-Tech. While these efforts tend to reduce profit
margins, Infu-Tech has for several years been able to operate in this

         The following table details the sources of payments to Infu-Tech
during the twelve months ended June 30, 1998:

                             Home                Contract               Total
                           Infusion              Services             Revenues
                           --------              --------             --------

Medicare.................       3%                   88%                  20%
Private Pay..............      91%                   12%                  75%
Medicaid.................       6%                   -                     5%
                         ---------              --------                -----
                              100%                  100%                 100%
                         =========                  ====                 ====
Sales and Marketing

         The Company's nursing homes have historically been marketed to
doctors, hospitals and social services agencies in the areas in which they are
located, and directly to patients' families. Recently, they have increasingly
been marketed to health maintenance organizations, preferred provider
organizations and managed care systems. Each nursing home has an admissions
staff which interviews the family, makes financial arrangements and
coordinates the admission of the new resident.

         Infu-Tech's principal sources of patient referrals are health
maintenance organizations, physicians, hospital discharge planners, other
hospital officials, nursing homes, insurance companies


and other managed care systems. Infu-Tech's products and services are marketed
through its sales force and clinicians. Infu-Tech's sales force is responsible
for establishing and maintaining referral sources. At June 30, 1998, the sales
force included 3 full time sales employees and approximately 6 sales and
service representatives, who report to their respective regional managers.
Sales employees receive a base salary plus commissions based on revenues.
Infu-Tech conducts regular sales training programs, intended to enable its
sales force to generate more revenue from current and new sources of patient
referrals and to assist them in targeting and developing new revenue sources.

         The "Infu-Tech" trademark is registered and is established in the
areas in which Infu-Tech does business.


         The Company purchases supplies, drugs and other materials and leases
equipment from many suppliers. The Company has generally not experienced
difficulty in purchasing supplies or leasing equipment. The Company believes
there are alternative sources for virtually all the supplies and equipment it
requires, other than Ceredase(Registered) enzyme and Cerezyme(Trademark),
which are available only from one supplier, Genzyme Corp. The Company has a
distribution agreement with Genzyme which automatically renews for one year
terms unless cancelled at the end of a term on 90 days prior notice.
The agreement may also be terminated at any time on 60 days' notice.

Potential Liability and Insurance

         Participants in the health care market are subject to lawsuits based
upon alleged negligence or similar legal theories, many of which involve large
claims and significant defense costs. The Company could be subject to such
suits. The Company maintains general liability insurance, including insurance
against professional and products liability, with coverage limits of $10
million. The Company's insurance policy provides coverage on an "occurrence"
basis and is subject to annual renewal. A successful claim against the Company
in excess of the applicable insurance coverage could have a material adverse
effect upon the Company's business and results of operations. Claims against
the Company, regardless of their merit or eventual outcome, also may have a
material adverse effect upon the Company's reputation. There can be no
assurance that the coverage limits of the Company's insurance policies will be
adequate. While the Company has been able to obtain liability insurance in the
past, such insurance varies in cost, is difficult to obtain and may not be
available in the future on acceptable terms or at all.


         The Company's long-term care and prospective assisted living
facilities compete or will compete with other facilities in the areas in which
they are located, as well as, to a limited extent, hospitals and home health
care providers. Competition is based primarily on location and quality of the
facilities and price.

         The segments of the health care market in which Infu-Tech operates
are highly competitive. In each of its lines of business there are relatively
few barriers to entry, a limited number of national providers, as many of the
large national providers have recently merged, and numerous regional and local
providers. The principal competitors for sales to patients in long term care
facilities are local providers of health care products and the operators of
the facilities themselves.


         The competitive factors most important in Infu-Tech's lines of
business are quality of care and service, on-time delivery, reputation with
referring health care professionals, ease of doing business with the provider,
ability to develop and maintain the confidence of potential sources of patient
referrals and price of service. Some competitors in Infu-Tech's lines of
business have also attempted to enhance sales by entering into joint ventures
or other financial relationships with potential referral sources. Increasingly
stringent, and increasingly enforced, laws prohibiting remuneration between
health care providers has reduced these arrangements as a competitive factor.
Infu-Tech believes that it competes effectively in each of its service areas
with respect to all of the above factors. Some of Infu-Tech's current and
potential competitors have or may obtain significantly greater financial and
marketing resources than Infu-Tech. It is likely that Infu-Tech will encounter
increased competition in the future, which could limit Infu-Tech's ability to
maintain or increase its market share and could adversely affect Infu-Tech's
operating results. Other types of health care providers, including hospitals,
physician groups and home health agencies, have entered, and may continue to
enter, Infu-Tech's lines of business.

Government Regulation

         Most states require that a certificate of need be obtained prior to
establishing or expanding, a nursing home. However, only a minority of states,
inclusive of New Jersey, require obtaining a certificate of need for
establishing an assisted living facility. Some states also require
governmental approval prior to the acquisition of a nursing home or assisted
living facility by a new owner. While the need for certificates of need and
approval to acquire facilities could affect the Company in specific instances,
the Company does not believe they would significantly impede any efforts the
Company might make to expand its overall long term care and assisted living
activities. A few states, most notably New York, make it very difficult for
nursing homes to be owned by corporations. This could prevent the Company from
acquiring or building nursing homes in those states.

         A New Jersey statute requires that any nursing home in that state
which participates in the Medicaid program may not discriminate in admission
policy against Medicaid patients until the number of Medicaid patients is a
specified percentage (currently 45%) of the beds in the nursing home.
Generally, non-Medicaid patient reimbursement is at higher rates than Medicaid
patient reimbursement.

         Health care is an industry subject to extensive regulation and
frequent regulatory change. Changes in the law or new interpretations of
existing law can have a dramatic effect on permissible activities, the
relative cost associated with doing business and the amount of reimbursement
by government and third party payors, such as Medicare and Medicaid. Charges
under government programs are also subject to audit. A reduction in coverage
or payment rates by third party payors, or significant audit adjustments, can
have a material adverse effect on the Company's business and results of

         The Federal government and each of the states in which Infu-Tech
currently operates regulate some aspects of Infu-Tech's business. In
particular, the operations of Infu-Tech's branch locations are subject to
Federal and state laws. Infu-Tech's operations also are subject to state laws
governing pharmacies, nursing services and certain types of home health agency
activities. Certain of Infu-Tech's employees are subject to state laws and
regulations governing the ethics and professional practice of people providing
various therapies, pharmacy and nursing. Certificates of need, permits or
licenses may be required for certain business activities and may be restricted
or otherwise difficult to obtain. Infu-Tech believes it and its employees have
all certificates of need, permits and licenses which are required for the
business currently being conducted by Infu-Tech. The failure to obtain, renew


maintain any of the required regulatory approvals or licenses could adversely
affect Infu-Tech's business and could prevent the location involved from
offering products and services to patients.

         There are Federal laws which generally prohibit any remuneration in
return for the referral of Medicare or Medicaid patients, and prohibit the
referral of any Medicare or Medicaid patient by a health care practitioner to
a provider in which the practitioner has an ownership or financial interest.
In addition, the Federal government and several states in which Infu-Tech
operates have laws that prohibit financial arrangements, certain direct or
indirect payments or fee-splitting arrangements between health care providers.
Infu-Tech maintains an internal regulatory compliance review program and uses
in house counsel to monitor compliance with all such laws and regulations.
Increased attention has been paid recently to enforcement of these laws and
regulations. Possible sanctions for failure to comply with these laws and
regulations include exclusion from the government programs, loss of license
and civil and criminal penalties.

Executive Officers of the Company

         The following is a list of the executive officers of the Company as
of June 30, 1998, together with a brief description of the business experience
of the last five years of the officers who are not directors. A brief
description of the business experience of officers who are directors is
included in Item 10, "Directors."

    Name                                 Office                           Age
    ----                                 ------                           ---
Jack Rosen            Chairman, President and Director                    52
Joseph Rosen          Vice President, Assistant Secretary and             47
Roy Smolarz           Executive Vice President and General                47
Israel Ingberman      Secretary, Treasurer and Director                   52

         Roy Smolarz became Executive Vice President and General Counsel of
the Company and of Infu-Tech in March 1998. From December 1992 until March
1998, he was affiliated with Coopers & Lybrand, a public accounting and
financial services firm and was a managing director of Coopers & Lybrand
Securities LLC. For more than seven years prior to that, he was a corporate
vice president and corporate counsel of Paine Webber Incorporated, an
investment banking firm. He is a member of the New York and New Jersey Bars
and is a Certified Public Accountant.


         At June 30, 1998, the Company had approximately 950 employees. These
employees include 142 full-time management, marketing, technical-professional
and clerical personnel. Additionally, the Company's five nursing homes were
staffed by approximately 131 full-time management, marketing,
technical-professional and clerical personnel, approximately 194 registered or
practical nurses and 458 other employees, for a total of approximately 800
people. All of the Company's nursing homes have collective bargaining
agreements. The Company believes its relations with its employees are
generally satisfactory. As of June 30, 1998, Infu-Tech had approximately 128
employees. Of these employees, two were in executive capacities (in addition
to executives of Kuala who rendered services to Infu- Tech), approximately 9
were in sales or service capacities, approximately 57 were in clinical or
pharmaceutical capacities and the remainder were administrative or
distribution personnel. Infu-Tech's employees are not currently represented by
a labor union or other labor organization. Infu-Tech believes that its
employee relations are good.


Item 2.        Description of Properties.

         As of June 30, 1998, the Company owned a nursing home in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It also owned the nursing homes in Cedar Grove and
West Orange, New Jersey and the real property of the long term and residential
care facility located in Norwood, New Jersey (The "Heritage Facility"). (See
Item 1, "Business -- Nursing Homes.") The Company leases the nursing home in
Cape May Courthouse, New Jersey.

         The Company maintains corporate offices in Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey and it leases five branch offices for Infu-Tech's branch operations.
Offices provide a home base for sales personnel, clinicians and administrative
and technical personnel, as well as storage for excess equipment and supplies.
In addition, Infu-Tech maintains a central pharmacy and a warehouse in
Moonachie, New Jersey and pharmacies and ambulatory infusion suites in
Memphis, Tennessee, Boston, Massachusetts, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Fort
Lauderdale, Florida. The lease payments for the five branch offices, the
central pharmacy, the Memphis, Boston, Philadelphia and Fort Lauderdale
pharmacies, the infusion suites and the warehouse total $35,874 per month,
payable to unrelated parties. The Company pays rent of $27,720 per month for
corporate office space. In communities which cannot be serviced from an
Infu-Tech office, staffing and administration is handled by a representative
residing in the area. The Company believes its facilities are adequate for its
current needs.

Item 3.        Legal Proceedings.

         The Company and its subsidiaries are subject to legal proceedings and
claims which arise in the ordinary course of its business. The Company does
not believe any litigation to which it is a party is likely to have a material
adverse effect upon its financial condition or results of operations.

Item 4.           Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

         One matter was submitted to a vote of security holders during the
year ended June 30, 1998. At the Annual Meeting of Stockholders on January 26,
1998, the security holders voted upon an amendment to the Company's to the
Certificate of Incorporation which changed (i) the name of the Company to
"Kuala Healthcare, Inc." (ii) changed the par value of the common stock from
$.02 per share to $.06 per share, (iii) combined the shares of common stock so
that each three shares became one share.


                                    PART II

Item 5.        Market for the Registrant's Common
               Stock and Related Security Holder Matters.

         The Company's shares are listed on the Nasdaq Small Cap Market. The
Company's shares became marginable as of August 10, 1998, pursuant to the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Listing.

         According to the National Quotation Bureau, Inc. the high bid and low
bid prices of the common stock during each calendar quarter during 1996, 1997
and June 30, 1998 were as follows:
(All prices reflect the one-for-three reverse split)

                                            High               Low
                                            Bid                Bid
                                            ---                ---
         First Quarter                      4 1/8              3 3/16
         Second Quarter                     6 3/16             3
         Third Quarter                      7 1/2              3 9/16
         Fourth Quarter                     6 3/8              4 7/8
         First Quarter                     11 7/16             7 1/2
         Second Quarter                     9 3/16             7 1/2
         Third Quarter                      9 3/8              6
         Fourth Quarter                     9 3/16             5 5/8
         First Quarter                      8 7/16             4 5/8
         Second Quarter                     9 1/8              6 1/4
         The Company has not declared any cash dividends on its Common Stock
since the Common Stock was initially sold to the public in 1983, and the
Company has no current plans to declare any dividends on its Common Stock.

         Dividends on the Company's 5% Exchangeable Preferred Stock are
cumulative and are payable semi-annually on January 27 and July 27 at the rate
of $5 per share per year, when and as declared by the Company's Board of
Directors. The dividends on the 13,884 outstanding shares of 5% Exchangeable
Preferred Stock total less than $70,000 per year. Under Delaware law, the
Company is only permitted to pay dividends out of accumulated surplus or the
current or prior year's net profits. At June 30, 1998, the Company had a
surplus of $2,716,000 and during the twelve months ended June 30, 1998, it had
a net loss of ($3,080,000).

         At September 23, 1998 there were 254 holders of record of the
Company's Common Stock.


set r m 132
Item 6.        Selected Financial Data.

         The following table sets forth selected financial data of the Company
and should be read in conjunction with the audited consolidated financial
statements for the years ended June 30, 1998, 1997, 1996, the six months ended
June 30, 1995 and for the year ended December 31, 1994, and the related notes
included elsewhere in this Report:

                                                                                             Six Months     Years Ended
                                                           Years Ended June 30,             Ended June 30,  December 31,
                                                     --------------------------------       --------------  ----------
                                                       1998          1997          1996          1995          1994
                                                     --------      --------      --------      --------      --------
                                                                                (In thousands, except per share amounts)

Revenues .......................................     $ 63,926      $ 70,694      $ 69,880      $ 28,724      $ 54,378
                                                     --------      --------      --------      --------      --------
Income (loss) from operations ..................        1,262         3,007         4,116          (924)         (917)
Interest and dividend income ...................          225           104           221           183            98
Interest and other financing costs .............        4,904        (6,343)       (4,044)         (632)       (1,481)
Other income, net ..............................          746           541           550           458           877
Minority interest ..............................         (154)         (395)         (494)          353           375
                                                     --------      --------      --------      --------      --------
Income (loss) before income taxes ..............       (2,825)     $ (3,086)          349           562        (1,048)
Provision (benefit) for income taxes ...........          149           662           270          --            (341)
                                                     --------      --------      --------      --------      --------
Income (loss)before extraordinary items ........       (2,974)       (3,748)           79          (562)         (707)
Extraordinary items (a) ........................         (106)        5,191           777          --           1,058
                                                     --------      --------      --------      --------      --------
Net income (loss) ..............................       (3,080)        1,443           856          (562)          351
Preferred Dividends ............................         (114)         (130)          (70)          (35)          (69)
                                                     --------      --------      --------      --------      --------
Net income (loss) available to common
     shareholders ..............................     $ (3,194)     $  1,313      $    786      $   (597)     $   (282)
                                                     ========      ========      ========      ========      ========
Earnings (loss) per share:

   Earnings (loss) before extraordinary items ..     $   (.92)     $  (1.15)     $     --      $   (.08)     $   (.09)
   Extraordinary items .........................     $   (.03)     $   1.54      $    .28      $     --      $    .13 
                                                     --------      --------      --------      --------      --------
Basic Earnings (loss) per share(1)..............     $   (.95)     $    .39      $    .28      $   (.08)     $    .04
                                                     ========      ========      ========      ========      ======== 
   Earnings (loss) before extraordinary items...     $   (.92)     $  (1.15)     $     --      $   (.08)     $   (.09)
                                                     --------      --------      --------      --------      --------
   Extraordinary items..........................     $   (.03)     $   1.54      $    .28      $     --      $    .13
                                                     --------      --------      --------      --------      --------
Diluted Earnings (loss) per share(2)............     $   (.95)     $    .39      $    .28      $   (.08)     $    .04
                                                     --------      --------      --------      --------      -------- 

                                                                                Six Months     Years Ended
                                                Years Ended June 30,           Ended June 30,  December 31,
                                          ------------------------------       --------------  ------------
BALANCE SHEET DATA                          1998           1997        1996         1995           1994
                                                                      (In thousands)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Working capital (deficit) ...........     $ (1,300)     $    512     $     45     $ (6,060)     $ (4,392)
Total assets ........................       66,517        71,350       75,572       29,675        30,485
Total liabilities and deferred income       61,223        61,313       67,847       28,119        27,980
Minority interest ...................        2,578         2,424        2,029        1,524         1,877
Mandatorily redeemable preferred
 stock ..............................        1,114         1,989        3,500         --            --
Stockholders' equity ................        2,716         5,624        2,196           32           628

(a)In 1998 includes net gains on extinguishment of debt and loss on sale of a
medical facility in West Orange, NJ. In 1997 includes net gains on sale of
land, two nursing homes and an exchange of the Company's common stock at a
lesser amount than the recorded liability.

(1)Based on 3,375,661, 3,381,068 and 2,806,119 shares outstanding in June 30,
1998, 1997 and 1996. Share amounts for 1997 and 1996 are restated.

(2)Based on 3,375,661, 3,385,746 and 2,816,400 shares outstanding in June 30,
1998, 1997 and 1996. Share amounts for 1997 and 1996 are restated.


Item 7.           Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                  Financial Condition and Results of Operations.

Results of Operations

Twelve Months Ended June 30, 1998 Compared with Twelve Months Ended June 30,

         Total revenues of $63,926,000 were $6,768,000 or 9% lower in the 1998
period compared to the same period of the prior year. The reduction in revenue
from the prior period was primarily attributable to the sale of two
facilities, Oceanside Convalescent Center, Atlantic City, New Jersey as well
as King David Center in West Palm Beach, Florida. It also reflected a
reduction of $500,000 in anticipated medicare receipts in order to more
reasonably estimate the balance in consideration of the current reimbursement

         Infusion therapy and other medical services revenues increased by
$2,271,000 or 8%, from $26,661,000 in 1997 to $28,932,000 in 1998, primarily
due to a $1,410,000, or 7% increase in home infusion division revenues and
revenues from the Company's majority interest in Bach's institutional
pharmacy, acquired in December, 1997. This increase in revenues is offset by
decreased therapy days and lower pricing on sales through managed care

         Personnel costs decreased by $6,344,000 or 12% for the current twelve
months. This decrease is primarily attributed to the sale of the two nursing
facilities previously mentioned, partially offset by a bonus payable of
$642,000 and $108,000 by Infu-Tech to the Company's Chairman of the Board and
President (who also is the Chairman of the Board and President of Infu-Tech,
Inc.), under bonus arrangements tied to increases in the price of the
Company's and Infu-Tech's stock. This decrease also reflected normal cost of
living increases.

         Costs of medical and nutritional products sold to patients and other
customers increased by $2,808,000 or 21%, from $13,224,000 in 1997 to
$16,032,000 in 1998. As a percentage of infusion therapy and other medical
services revenues, medical and nutritional product costs increased from 51% in
1997 to 56% in 1998. This increase in product costs as a percentage of sales
is partially attributable to increased pricing pressures from certain vendors
and the Company's need to secure immunoglobulin products which due to a
national shortage are only available at a premium price. These products were
needed to provide continued treatment for existing patients.

         Health care and lodging expenses, which are incurred in connection
with nursing home services decreased by $1,984,000 or 20%. This decrease is
attributed to the sale of the two nursing facilities previously mentioned.

         Selling, general and administrative costs in 1998 increased by
$578,000, or 9% from $6,683,000 in 1997 to $7,261,000 in 1998, due primarily
to the Company's majority interest in Bach's Pharmacy, acquired in December

         The Company increased the provision for uncollectible accounts from
$447,000 in 1997 to $625,000 in 1998. The increase in the provision includes
the effect of unresolved prior claims regarding previously owned facilities,
as well as a comprehensive evaluation of days outstanding of its accounts

         Other income, net of $746,000 in 1998 primarily consisted of write
offs of accounts payable the Company does not believe it will be required to
pay and unrealized foreign currency translation gain. Other income, net of
$541,000 in 1997 primarily consisted of $308,000 of income resulting from


the re-evaluation of accruals, an unrealized foreign currency translation gain
of $161,000 and $72,000 of deferred income.

         Minority interest in earnings of subsidiaries of $154,000 in 1998 and
$395,000 in 1997 represents the portion of the net income of Infu-Tech
allocable to minority stockholders. For 1998, this amount also includes
$75,000 attributable to the minority interest in Bach's Pharmacy.

         The provision for income taxes of $149,000 in 1998 reflects a full
charge for Infu-Tech, a 58% owned subsidiary which files its own federal tax

         Fiscal year 1998 includes an extraordinary loss of $106,000 as

         During the second quarter of fiscal 1998, the Company prepaid debt of
approximately $300,000 and received a $150,000 credit which was recorded as an
extraordinary gain. During the fourth quarter of fiscal 1998, the Company sold
a medical facility in West Orange, New Jersey, reflecting an extraordinary
loss of $256,000.

         The preferred stock dividend does not include dividends on
mandatorily redeemable preferred stock issued as part of an October 31, 1995
refinancing which is accounted for as interest and financing costs.

         The net loss realized by common shareholders in 1998 was $3,194,000
or 95 cents per share (basic) compared to a net income available to common
shareholders in 1997 of $1,313,000 or 39 cents per share (basic).

Twelve Months Ended June 30, 1997 Compared with Twelve Months Ended June 30,

         Total revenues of $70,694,000 were $814,000 or 1% higher in the 1997
period compared to the same period of the prior year. This is due to an
improved patient mix yielding higher reimbursement, the inclusion of the
Heritage Facility, for twelve months compared to eight months in the prior
period while being partially offset by lower occupancy at the West Palm Beach,
Cedar Grove and the Heritage facilities and the exclusion of the Hilltop
facility (sold in May 1996) for the current twelve months.

         Infusion therapy and other medical services revenues increased by
$1,365,000 or 6% to $26,000,000 in 1997, primarily due to a $913,000, or 4%
increase in home infusion division revenues. This increase is primarily
attributed to a 3% increase in the number of patients serviced, although these
patients experienced shorter terms of therapy and pricing negotiated with
managed care companies was discounted.

         Costs of medical and nutritional products sold to patients and other
customers increased by $1,594,000 or 13%, from $11,920,000 in 1996 to
$13,514,000 in 1997. As a percentage of total revenues, medical and
nutritional product costs increased from 48% in 1996 to 52% in 1997. The
increase in the nutritional product costs as a percentage of sales is
partially attributable to the increased pricing pressures from certain

         Health care and lodging expenses, which are incurred in connection
with nursing home services decreased by $960,000 or 9%. A review of old
accounts payable and outstanding checks resulted in the company writing back
to income an aggregate of $565,000 of which $417,000 was reflected in the
fourth quarter. The prior year included four months of rent expense incurred
prior to the October 1995 Nomura refinancing. The rent expenses have been
replaced by interest and depreciation charges. The Hilltop facility was sold
in May 1996 and thus no health care and lodging expenses have been incurred in


1997. During the year, the Company settled litigation with a vendor which
enabled $460,000 to be released from payables into income. The Heritage
facility is included for twelve months compared to eight months in the prior

         Selling, general and administrative costs decreased by $175,000, or
3%. A review of old accounts payables and outstanding checks resulted in the
Company writing back to income an aggregate of $415,000.

         Due to an October 31, 1995 refinancing for the acquisition of four
facilities, depreciation and amortization expenses increased by $269,000 and
interest and other financing costs increased by $2,299,000.

         Other income, net of $541,000 in 1997 primarily consisted of $308,000
of income resulting from the re-evaluation of accruals, an unrealized foreign
currency translation gain of $161,000 and $72,000 of deferred income. Other
income of $550,000 in 1996 consisted of deferred income of $543,000, an
unrealized foreign translation gain of $130,000, which were offset by
miscellaneous expense.

         Minority interest in earnings of subsidiary of $395,000 in 1997 and
$494,000 in 1996 represents the portion of the net income of Infu-Tech
allocable to minority stockholders.

         The provision for income taxes of $662,000 in 1997 reflects a full
tax charge for Infu-Tech, a 58% owned subsidiary which files its own federal
tax return.

         Fiscal year 1997 includes extraordinary gains of $5,191,000 as

         In December 1996 the Company sold 8 acres of land which secured a
five year $1.5 million loan and utilized the proceeds to pay-down that
borrowing recording a gain of $875,000. In March 1997, the Company agreed to
convert certain liabilities into Common Stock of the Company. The transaction
resulted in an increase to shareholders equity of $2,542,000 of which
$1,192,000 is reflected as an extraordinary gain in the results of operations.
In June 1997, the Company sold Oceanside Convalescent Center, Atlantic City,
N.J. as well as King David Center in West Palm Beach, FL. The sale of these
facilities yielded $2,124,000 of an extraordinary gain. In addition, the
Company sold a 15% interest in a limited partnership for $700,000 which in
1987, purchased a property in Teaneck, New Jersey from the Company and
constructed a 224-bed congregate care facility. A forfeited deposit by a
potential nursing home buyer resulted in a gain of $300,000. The extraordinary
gain of $777,000 in fiscal year 1996 resulted primarily from the sale of
assets relating to the Hilltop facility.

         The preferred stock dividend does not include dividends on
mandatorily redeemable preferred stock issued as part of as October 31, 1995
refinancing, which is accounted for as interest and financing costs.

         The net income available to common shareholders in 1997 was
$1,313,000 or 39 cents per share (restated) (basic) compared to a net income
available to common shareholders in 1996 of $786,000 or 28 cents per share
(restated) (basic).

Liquidity and Capital Resources

         At June 30, 1998, the Company had stockholders' equity of $2,716,000
and total liabilities of $61,223,000. At June 30, 1998, debt amounted to
$45,947,000, the majority of which arose from a refinancing of four facilities
in October of 1995. Other debt included SFr 662,215 (approximately $370,000)
principal amount of 6% Swiss franc denominated bonds which remain unpaid
although they


matured on June 27, 1995 (the "Bonds"); SFr 619,500 (approximately $410,000)
principal amount of 8% Swiss franc denominated bonds originally due June 27,
1998 (amended repayment schedule requires payment of four equal quarterly
installments ending June 1999); $1,213,000 principal amount of 8% notes due
1999; and $3,400,000 principal amount of 6% notes due 2003.

         On October 31, 1995, the Company obtained a 15 year borrowing of
$41.0 million secured by mortgages on four of the company's nursing homes and
a five year borrowing of $1.5 million secured by 8 acres of land in West
Orange, New Jersey. In addition, four subsidiaries of the Company sold
preferred stock for a total of $3.5 million. The $46.0 million borrowing
allowed the Company to purchase 4 nursing homes (three of which previously had
been operated by the Company under leases and the fourth of which the Company
had sold in 1990 and managed under a management contract since then) and to
repay $301,000, and extend the balance of a $601,000 secured note which would
have matured in December 1995. At the same time, the company converted
$1,476,000 of trade payables into a three year note. In September 1996 the
Company converted an additional $904,467 of trade payables into one to three
year notes.

         In December 1996, The Company sold the 8 acres of land which secured
a five year $1.5 million loan and utilized the proceeds to pay-down that
borrowing, leaving a balance of $454,000. The Company exercised its right to
prepay that loan in full by December 31, 1997 and recognized a $150,000

         In June 1997 the Company sold one of the nursing homes which had
secured the October 31, 1995 borrowing and issuance of preferred stock. The
proceeds of the sale were used, in part, to pay down the 15 year borrowing and
redeem the preferred stock. The balance of the 15 year borrowing is
$36,483,000 and the balance of the preferred stock outstanding is $1,114,000
at June 30, 1998.

         The Company's cash and cash equivalents balance decreased from
$3,796,000 at June 30, 1997 to $395,000 at June 30, 1998. Included in the June
30, 1998 balance is $163,000 held by Infu-Tech. In connection with the initial
public offering of Infu-Tech common stock, the Company entered into a
management and non-competition agreement with Infu-Tech, extended to July
2000, which prohibits Infu- Tech from lending money to (or borrowing money
from) the remainder of the Company.

         Operating activities used $987,000 of cash primarily due to a net
loss of $3,080,000, partially offset by an increase in payables and other
current liabilities of $1,113,000 and an increase in accounts receivable of

         At June 30, 1998, the balance in net accounts receivable for
Infu-Tech was $6.9 million compared to $6.4 million at June 30, 1997,
resulting from increased sales and slower collections, partially offset by
write-offs of old balances. This reclassification reduced the Company's
accounts receivable from 102 days sales outstanding ("DSO") at June 30, 1997
to 96 DSO at year end. The 96 DSO compares favorably to an industry average of
125 days. The 96 DSO is a result of continuing delays in claims processing
experienced by managed care companies and Medicare.

         The Company has limited arrangements under which it can make
borrowings. At June 30, 1998, the Company had a working capital deficit of
$1,300,000. Excluding Infu-Tech, which had working capital of $3,502,000, the
Company had a working capital deficit of $4,802,000. Further, at June 30,
1998, Infu-Tech's cash and cash equivalents of $163,000 were $349,000 less
than the balance of $512,000 at June 30, 1997 and its accounts payable of
$5,057,000 were $769,000 higher than the $4,288,000 at June 30, 1997.

         During the twelve months ended June 30, 1998, the Company repaid
$1,828,000 of debt, $875,000 of mandatorily redeemable preferred stock and
paid preferred dividends of $114,000.


         At June 30, 1998, the Company has approximately $3.9 million of debt
due the upcoming year. The Company is required to make mandatory principal
redemption payments with regard to its subsidiaries' Preferred Stock of
$73,000 per month.

         While the Company continues to experience tight cash flow
constraints, it expects to meet ongoing obligations. It is focused on
generating sufficient funds through operating cash flow or the realization of
assets into cash to meet those obligations.

Impact of Year 2000

         The Company is in the process of conducting a review of its business
systems, including its computer systems, and has sent written inquiries to its
customers, distributors and vendors as to their progress in identifying and
addressing problems that their systems may face in correctly interpreting and
processing date information as the year 2000 approaches and is reached. This
review is expected to be completed by March 1999. Based on this review, the
Company will implement a plan to achieve year 2000 compliance. The Company
believes that it will achieve year 2000 compliance in a manner which will be
non-disruptive to its operations. In addition, the Company has commenced work
on various types of contingency planning to address potential problem areas
with internal systems, suppliers and other third parties. Year 2000 compliance
should not have a material adverse effect on the Company, including the
Company's financial condition, results of operations or cash flow. The Company
has incurred no costs to date to year 2000 problems. The Company estimates the
cost of its year 2000 efforts to be approximately $650,000. The total cost
estimate is based on management's current assessment and is subject to change.

         However, the Company may encounter problems with supplier and or
revenue sources which could adversely affect the Company's financial
condition, results of operations or cash flow. The Company cannot accurately
predict the occurrence and or outcome of any such problems, nor can the dollar
amount of such problem be estimated. In addition, there can be no assurance
that the failure of third parties to achieve year 2000 compliance would not
have a material adverse effect on the Company.

Item 6.           Financial Statements and Supplementary Data.

         The consolidated financial statements and supplementary data required
by this item appear beginning at page F-1.

Item 7.           Disagreements on Accounting and Financial Disclosure.

         Not Applicable.


                                   PART III

Part III Items 10 through 13 to be filed by October 29, 1998 as part of
definitive proxy statement.


                                    PART IV

Item 14.          Exhibits, Financial Statements
                  Schedule, and Reports on Form 8-K

(a)      Documents filed as part of this Report.

         1.       Financial Statements

                  Listed on Index to Consolidated Financial Statements and
                  Financial Statement Schedule.

         2.       Financial Statement Schedule

                  Listed on Index to Consolidated Financial Statements and
                  Financial Statement Schedule.

         3.       The following exhibits are filed with this Report or 
                  incorporated by reference:

                  3(a)     Certificate of Incorporation, as amended.  (1)(6)

                  3(b)     By-Laws, as amended.  (1)

                  4(a)     Specimen of Common Stock Certificate.  (1)

                  4(b)     Public Bond Issue Agreement dated as of May 31,
                           1985 with Banque Gutzwiller, Kurz, Bungener S.A. as
                           representative of a consortium of Swiss financial
                           institutions. (2)

                  4(c)     Indenture dated as of September 4, 1986 relating to
                           14-1/8% Subordinated Debentures due 1996. (3)

                  4(d)     Supplemental Indenture No. 1 dated as of September
                           27, 1991. (10)

                  10(a)    Agreement dated July 20, 1987 among Continental
                           Teaneck Realty, Inc., Forest City Residential
                           Development, Inc. and the Company. (4)

                  10(b)    Certificate and Articles of Limited Partnership of
                           CR Teaneck Limited Partnership . (4)

                  10(c)    Lease dated November 28, 1988 between Midlantic
                           National bank, Trustee, and Jayber, Inc. (5)

                  10(d)    Lease dated November 28, 1988 between Midlantic
                           National Bank, Trustee, and Jayber, Inc. (5)

                  10(e)    Lease dated December 28, 1998 between Midlantic
                           National Bank & Trust Company/Florida, Trustee, and
                           P.V.M. Associates, Inc. (5)


                  10(f)    Management Agreement dated as of January 1, 1994
                           between Senior Care Foundation and Continental
                           Norwood, Inc. (8)

                  10(g)    Distribution Agreement between Infu-Tech, Inc. and
                           Genzyme Corporation dated November 11, 1994.

                  10(h)    1996 Key Employees and Key Personnel Stock Option 
                           Plan. (9)

                  10(i)    Employment Agreement dated November 1, 1996 between
                           Continental Health Affiliates, Inc. and Jack Rosen.

                  11       Calculation of Earnings Per Share.

                  13       1998 Annual Report to Stockholders - to be
                           furnished by amendment - that report, except for
                           any portions which are expressly incorporated by
                           reference this filing, is not to be deemed "filed"
                           as part of this filing.

                  21       List of Subsidiaries

                  (b)      Reports on Form 8-K filed during the quarter ended
                           December 31, 1994.


                  (c)      The exhibits to this Report are listed item 14(a)3.

                  (d)      The financial statement schedule required by
                           Regulation S-X which is excluded from the annual
                           Report to Stockholders by Rule 14a-3(b)(1) is
                           listed in Item 14(a)(2).


         (1)    Incorporated by reference to Registration Statement No.
         (2)    Incorporated by reference to Registration Statement No. 33-611
         (3)    Incorporated by reference to Registration Statement No.
         (4)    Incorporated by reference to Report on Form 10-K for the year
                ended December 31, 1987.
         (5)    Incorporated by reference to Report on Form 10-K for the year
                ended December 31, 1988.
         (6)    Incorporated by reference to definitive proxy statement dated
                July 13, 1989. 
         (7)    Incorporated by reference to Registration Statements Nos.
                33-74474 and 33-7476. 
         (8)    Incorporated by reference to Report on Form 10-K for the year
                ended December 31,
         (9)    Incorporated by reference to definitive proxy statement 
                approved at the 1996 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.


                            KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.


                         June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996
                  (With Independent Auditors' Report Thereon)

                                              KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.

                                  Index to Consolidated Financial Statements and
                                           Financial Statement Schedule


1.    Consolidated Financial Statements:

      Independent Auditors' Report.........................................F-3

      Balance Sheets

           June 30, 1998 and 1997..........................................F-4

      Statements of Operations:

           Years Ended June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996........................F-5

      Statements of Stockholders' Equity:

           Years Ended June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996........................F-6

      Statements of Cash Flows:

           Years Ended June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996.................F-7  -  F-8

      Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.....................F-9 - F-30

2.    Financial Statement Schedule:

      Valuation and Qualifying Accounts...................................S - 1

Other schedules are omitted because of the absence of conditions under which
they are required or because the required information is given the
consolidated financial statements or notes thereto.

                         Independent Auditors' Report

The Board of Directors and Stockholders
Kuala Healthcare, Inc.

We have audited the consolidated financial statements of Kuala Healthcare,
Inc. and subsidiaries as listed in the accompanying index. In connection with
our audits of the consolidated financial statements, we also have audited the
financial statement schedule as listed in the accompanying index. These
consolidated financial statements and financial statement schedule are the
responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express
an opinion on these consolidated financial statements and financial statement
schedule based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of
material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis
for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above
present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Kuala
Healthcare, Inc. and subsidiaries as of June 30, 1998 and 1997 and the results
of their operations and their cash flows for each of the years in the
three-year period ended June 30, 1998, in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles. Also, in our opinion, the related financial statement
schedule, when considered in relation to the basic consolidated financial
statements taken as a whole, presents fairly, in all material respects, the
information set forth therein.

                                              KPMG Peat Marwick LLP

October 8, 1998
New York, New York


                            KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                          Consolidated Balance Sheets
               (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                                                      June 30,
                            ASSETS                                            1998                 1997
                                                                              ----                 ----
Current Assets:

      Cash and cash equivalents..........................................$         395         $       3,796
      Patients' funds....................................................          204                   188
      Accounts receivable, net of allowances for uncollectible
         accounts of $3,681 and $4,252...................................       13,763                13,346
      Inventories........................................................        1,987                 1,861
      Deferred income taxes..............................................          551                   702
      Prepaid expenses and other current assets..........................          993                   803
                                                                         -------------         -------------
           Total current assets..........................................       17,893                20,696

Property and equipment, at cost, net of accumulated
      depreciation of $5,937 and $4,916..................................       44,724                46,991
Goodwill, net of accumulated amortization ...............................          125                   139
Other assets.............................................................        3,775                 3,524
                                                                         -------------         -------------
           Total assets..................................................$      66,517         $      71,350
                                                                         =============         =============


Current Liabilities:

      Short-term borrowings..............................................$          28         $         105
      Current portion of long-term debt..................................        3,916                 5,686
      Income taxes payable...............................................          180                   437
      Accounts payable...................................................       10,389                 9,696
      Other current liabilities..........................................        4,680                 4,260
                                                                         -------------         -------------
           Total current liabilities.....................................       19,193                20,184

Long-term debt, net of current portion...................................       40,916                41,129
Mandatorily redeemable preferred stock (includes $875 and
      $1,166 current portion)............................................        1,114                 1,989
                                                                         -------------         -------------

           Total liabilities.............................................       61,223                63,302

Minority interest in subsidiaries........................................        2,578                 2,424

Commitments and contingencies

Stockholders' equity:

      Preferred stock, $.02 par value; $100 liquidation preference
           per share.....................................................            1                     1
      Series A 11% convertible preferred stock $.02 par value,
           1,200 shares authorized, $1,000 liquidation preference,
           per share, 34 shares outstanding..............................           34                    34
      Common stock, $.06 par value; 5,000,000 shares authorized;
           3,409,299 and 3,373,034 shares outstanding                              208                   206
      Additional paid- capital...........................................       23,571                23,401
      Accumulated deficit................................................      (21,098)              (18,018)
                                                                         --------------        -------------
           Total stockholders' equity....................................        2,716                 5,624
                                                                         -------------         -------------
           Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                 $         66,517        $       71,350
                                                                         =============         =============

         See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                            KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                     Consolidated Statements of Operations
               (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                                                       Years Ended June 30,
                                                                       1998               1997               1996
                                                                       ----               ----               ----

      Nursing home services.......................................$       34,994     $      44,033      $      44,440
      Infusion therapy and other medical services                         28,932            26,661             25,440
                                                                  --------------     -------------       ------------

              Total revenues......................................        63,926            70,694             69,880
                                                                  --------------     -------------      -------------

Operating expenses:

      Personnel...................................................        28,902            35,284             32,955
      Medical and nutritional product.............................        16,032            13,224             12,001
      Health care and lodging.....................................         8,146            10,130             11,090
      Selling, general and administrative.........................         7,261             6,683              6,858
      Provision for uncollectible accounts........................           625               447              1,210
      Depreciation and amortization...............................         1,698             1,919              1,650
                                                                  --------------     -------------      -------------

              Total operating expenses............................        62,664            67,687             65,764
                                                                  --------------     -------------      -------------

              Income from operations..............................         1,262             3,007              4,116
Interest and dividend income......................................           225               104                221
Interest and other financing costs................................       ( 4,904)           (6,343)            (4,044)
Other income, net.................................................           746               541                550
Less: Minority interest in earnings of subsidiary                           (154)             (395)              (494)
                                                                  --------------     -------------      -------------

              Income (loss) before income taxes and
                extraordinary items...............................        (2,825)           (3,086)               349
Provision for income taxes........................................           149               662                270
                                                                  --------------     -------------      -------------
              Income (loss) before extraordinary gains                    (2,974)           (3,748)                79
Extraordinary gains (losses) .....................................          (106)            5,191                777
                                                                  ---------------    -------------      -------------

              Net income (loss)...................................        (3,080)            1,443                856

Preferred dividends...............................................          (114)             (130)               (70)
                                                                  ---------------    -------------      -------------

              Net income (loss) applicable to common
                shareholders......................................$       (3,194)    $       1,313      $         786
                                                                  ===============    =============      =============

Income (loss) per share:

      Income (loss) before extraordinary gains (losses)           $        (0.92)    $       (1.15)     $        0.00
      Extraordinary gains (losses)................................         (0.03)             1.54               0.28
                                                                  ---------------     ---------------   ---------------

              Net income (loss) per share

                 Basic ...........................................$       (0.95)       $      0.39      $        0.28
                                                                  ==============       ==============   ===============
                 Diluted .........................................$       (0.95)       $      0.39      $        0.28
                                                                  ==============       ==============   ===============

Basic weighted average number of common and
      common shares ..............................................     3,375,661         3,381,068          2,806,119
Diluted weighted average number of common and
      common shares ..............................................     3,375,661         3,385,746          2,816,400

         See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                            KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity
                   Years Ended June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996
               (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                                                  Additional                       Total
                                  Preferred Stock           Common Stock            Paid-        Accumulated    Stockholder's
                                 Shares     Amount      Shares       Amount        Capital         Deficit     Equity(Deficit)
                                 ------     ------      ------       ------        -------         -------     ---------------
     June 30, 1995...........     13,884   $   1     7,830,059     $    156      $   20,192     $  (20,317)    $         32
Exercise stock options.......         --      --        21,000           --              21             --               21
Debt to equity conversion             --      --     1,435,157           30           1,327             --            1,357
Preferred dividends..........         --      --            --           --             (70)            --              (70)
Net income...................         --      --            --           --              --            856              856
                                  ------   ----------------------   -------      -----------    ----------     ------------

     June 30, 1996...........     13,884   $   1     9,286,216     $    186      $   21,470     $  (19,461)    $      2,196
New stock issued.............         --      --            --           --             100             --              100
Exercise stock options.......         --      --        12,150            1              11             --               12
Warrants        .............         --      --            --           --              98             --               98
Debt to equity conversions            --      --       820,735           19           1,852             --            2,005
Preferred Series A 11%                --      34            --           --              --             --               34
Preferred dividends..........         --      --            --           --            (130)            --             (130)
Net income...................         --      --            --           --              --          1,443            1,443
                                  ------   -----     ---------     --------      -----------     ----------     -------------

     June 30, 1997 (a).......     13,884   $  35    10,119,101     $    206      $   23,401     $  (18,018)    $      5,624
Restated balance
     June 30, 1997 ..........     13,884   $  35     3,373,034     $    206      $   23,401     $  (18,018)    $      5,624
New stock issued.............         --      --            --           --              --             --               --
Exercise stock options.......         --      --         7,784           --              76             --               76
Warrants        .............         --      --            --           --              --             --               --
Bach's Investment............         --      --        28,481            2             208             --              210
Debt to equity conversions            --      --            --           --              --             --               --
Preferred Series A 11%                --      --            --           --              --             --               --
Preferred dividends..........         --      --            --           --            (114)            --             (114)
Net income (loss)............         --      --            --           --              --         (3,080)          (3,080)
                                 -------   -----    ----------     --------      -----------    -----------    -------------

     June 30, 1998...........     13,884     $35     3.409,299     $    208     $     23,571    $  (21,098)    $      2,716
                             ===========   =====    ==========     ========     ============    =============  =============

(a) common stock share amounts at June 30, 1997 and prior are before the
reverse stock split which was effective on January 27, 1998.

         See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                            KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                     Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
               (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                                    Years Ended June 30,
                                                           1998             1997             1996
                                                           ----             ----             ----
Operating activities:
  Net income (loss)....................................$   (3,080)       $    1,443      $       856

  Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to
     net cash provided by (used ) operating
  Depreciation and amortization expense................     1,698             1,919            1,537
  Warrants issued .....................................        --                98               --
  Amortization of deferred financing cost..............       143               517              266
  Provision for uncollectible accounts.................       625               447            1,210
  Amortization of deferred income......................        --               (72)            (543)
  Provision for deferred income taxes..................       151               172              195
  (Gain) loss on foreign currency debt.................       (82)             (161)            (130)
  Extraordinary losses (gains).........................       106            (3,316)            (693)
  Minority interest....................................       154               395              494
  Net gains on extinguishment of debt..................        --                --              (84)
  Increase (decrease) in cash due to changes in:
  Patients funds.......................................        (16)               (4)              --
  Accounts receivable..................................     (1,042)           (3,517)          (5,349)
  Inventories..........................................       (126)              135             (310)
  Prepaid expenses and other current assets............       (190)              348              (35)
  Other assets.........................................       (184)             (228)          (2,755)
  Taxes payable........................................       (257)              437               --
  Accounts payable.....................................        693             2,687           (2,174)
  Other current liabilities............................        420             1,014            1,717
  Other liabilities....................................         --               (16)            (227)
                                                     -------------     -------------      -------------
  Net cash (used in) provided by
 operating activities..................................       (987)             2,298            (6,025)
                                                     --------------    -------------     -------------

Investing activities:

  Expenditures for property and equipment..............       (814)             (374)           (39,848)
  Acquisition of Universal Home Infusion...............         --              (190)             2,390
  Cash received on sale of facilities..................         --             8,116                 --
  Proceeds from sale of building.......................      1,141                --                 --
                                                     --------------    -------------     -------------

      Net cash (used in) provided by
      investing activities...........................          327             7,552           (37,458)
                                                     --------------    -------------     -------------

                           (Continued on next page)


                            KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.

                     Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
               (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                                    Years Ended June 30,
                                                           1998             1997             1996
                                                           ----             ----             ----
Financing activities:
  Net proceeds from not-for-profit borrowings........$          --     $          --     $          --
  Net proceeds from long-term borrowings.............           --                --            47,592
  Payments on debt...................................       (1,828)           (7,406)           (1,706)
  Payment of preferred dividends.....................         (114)              (83)              (70)
  Payments on mandatorily redeemable
      preferred stock................................         (875)           (1,511)               --
 Cost of debt exchange offers........................           --                --                --
  Net proceeds from exercise of common
      stock options..................................           76                46                21
                                                     -------------     -------------     -------------

      Net cash (used in) provided by financing
      activities.....................................       (2,741)           (8,954)           45,837
                                                     -------------     -------------     -------------

      Net (decrease) increase cash and
         cash equivalents............................       (3,401)              896             2,354

Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of
      the period.....................................        3,796             2,900               546
                                                     -------------     -------------     -------------

Cash and cash equivalents, end of
      the period.....................................$         395     $       3,796     $       2,900
                                                     -------------     -------------     -------------

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow data:
      Interest paid..................................$       4,647     $       5,600     $       4,292
                                                     =============     =============     =============
      Income taxes paid..............................$         154     $         110     $          26
                                                     =============     =============     =============

Non cash investing and financing activity:

      Property and equipment obtained under
         capital lease obligation....................$          --     $         --      $         223
  Acquisition of property and equipment for
         forgiveness of receivable...................$          --     $         --      $       7,399
  Conversion of trade payable into notes             $          --              904                 --
      Conversion of convertible notes                $          --     $         --      $       1,357
  Debt to equity conversions.........................$          --     $      1,824      $          --
  Dividend conversion to common stock................$          --     $         47      $          --
  Stock issued in connection
         with acquisition............................$         210     $        100      $          --

         See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                            KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                  Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                         June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996
               (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

1.     The Company

       Kuala Healthcare, Inc. ("The Company" or "KUAL") present operations
       consist primarily of nursing home services and infusion therapy and
       other medical services. Nursing home services include the ownership,
       leasing, operation and management of nursing homes. Infusion therapy
       and other medical services include enteral and other medical services,
       primarily for patients in nursing homes, and intravenous and other
       infusion therapies for patients at home and in nursing homes. However,
       the Company has commenced development of three assisted living projects
       in New Jersey, totaling 320 beds, and is seeking to focus on
       developing, acquiring and operating assisted living facilities and
       other forms of senior housing, primarily, in the northeastern United
       States and possibly in some mid- Atlantic and southeastern states.

       The Company is subject to certain risks and uncertainties as a result
       of changes that could occur in the health care industry, including
       changes in Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement rates.

2.     Significant Accounting Policies

       Basis of Consolidation
       The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of KUAL and
       its subsidiaries (the "Company"). All significant intercompany accounts
       and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation.

       KUAL owns 58% of the common stock of Infu-Tech, Inc. ("Infu-Tech"); the
       other 42% is publicly traded. The minority interest in the consolidated
       financial statements represents the minority stockholders'
       proportionate share of equity in Infu-Tech.

       Accounting Estimates
       The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally
       accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates
       and assumptions that effect the reported amounts of assets and
       liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the
       date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues
       and expenses during the reported period. Actual results could differ
       from those estimates.

       Reverse Stock Split
       In January 1998, the Company effected a one-for-three reverse split of
       its common stock. All per share amounts of common stock reflect this

       Cash and Cash Equivalents
       Cash and cash equivalents at June 30, 1998 and 1997 includes $163 and
       $512, respectively, held by Infu-Tech. In connection with Infu-Tech's
       initial public offering (see note 3), a management and non-competition
       agreement between KUAL and Infu-Tech, which was extended to July 2000,
       prohibits Infu-Tech from lending money to (or borrowing money from)
       KUAL and its other subsidiaries subsequent to December 31, 1992.

       The Company classifies all highly liquid investments with maturities of
       three months or less when purchased as cash equivalents.

       Certain items have been reclassified in the 1997 consolidated balance
       sheet to conform to the 1998 balance sheet.


                            KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                  Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                         June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996
               (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

       Patients' Funds
       Patients' funds represent cash balances which have been deposited by
       the Company into separate bank accounts and are restricted for the use
       of patients. The related liability is included in other current

       Revenue Recognition
       Revenue is reported at the net amounts estimated to be realized from
       patients, third-party payors and others for services rendered. The
       Company receives payments for services to eligible patients under
       Medicare and various state Medicaid programs. Approximately 55% (1998),
       54% (1997) and 60% (1996) of total revenues were derived from such
       medical assistance programs. Revenues under these programs are based
       upon government approved rates which are subject to audit. In the
       opinion of management, retroactive adjustments, if any, would not be
       material to the Company's financial position or results of operations.

       Inventories, which consist of medical and nutritional products and
       supplies, are valued at the lower of cost (first-in, first-out method)
       or market.

       Long-Lived Assets
       Depreciation of property and equipment is computed using the
       straight-line method at rates that charge the cost of various classes
       of assets over the periods of expected use. The range of useful lives
       estimated for buildings and improvements is generally 7 to 40 years,
       and the range for furniture and equipment is three to ten years.
       Leasehold improvements are amortized over the lesser of the term of the
       lease or the estimated life of the asset. Goodwill is being amortized
       over periods ranging from 7 to 40 years.

       Deferred Financing Costs
       Deferred financing costs (included in other assets) incurred in
       connection with the issuance of long-term debt are being amortized on a
       straight-line basis over the term of the related debt agreements. In
       the event of an early retirement of debt, these costs would be written
       off in an amount relative to the amount of principal retired.

       Income Taxes
       Income taxes are provided for on a liability method whereby deferred
       tax assets are recognized for deductible temporary differences and
       operating loss carryforwards and deferred tax liabilities are
       recognized for taxable temporary differences. Temporary differences are
       the differences between the reported amounts of assets and liabilities
       and their tax bases. Deferred tax assets are reduced by a valuation
       allowance when, in the opinion of management, it is more likely than
       not that some portion or all of the deferred tax assets will not be
       realized. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are adjusted for the
       effects of changes in tax laws and rates on the date of enactment.

       Employee Stock Options
       The Company accounts for its stock option plans and its employee stock
       purchase plan in accordance with the provisions of the Accounting
       Principles Board's Opinion No. 25 (APB 25), "Accounting for Stock
       Issued to Employees." Effective July 1, 1996 the Company adopted the
       Financial Accounting Standards Board" Statement of Financial Accounting
       Standard No. 123 "Accounting for Stock Based Compensation."
       Accordingly, the Company has elected to provide pro forma disclosures
       as required by SFAS 123.

       Earnings Per Share
       In February 1997, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued
       Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 128, Earning Per Share
       ("EPS"), which is effective for both interim and annual periods ending
       after December 15, 1997. This standard changes the way companies


                            KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                  Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                         June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996
               (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

       EPS to require all companies to show "basic" and "dilutive" EPS and is
       to be retroactively applied, including each 1997 interim quarter.

       Basic earnings per share is based on the net income for the relevant
       period divided by the weighted average number of shares issued and
       outstanding during the period. For purposes of the diluted earning per
       share calculation, the exercise or conversion of all dilutive potential
       common shares is included, for the years ended June 30, 1998, 1997 and
       1996. As of June 30, 1998, the Company had basic and dilutive 3,375,661
       common shares outstanding. During 1998, no potentially dilutive shares
       were considered due to the loss for the year.

3.     Extraordinary Gains (Losses)

       Extraordinary gains (losses) reflected in the financial statements
result from the following:

                                                                          June 30,
                                                                   1998        1997           1996
                                                                   ----        ----           ----

    Net gain on extinguishment of debt.........................$    150       $     --    $     84
    Gain on conversion of liabilities to equity................      --          1,192          --
    Forfeited deposit..........................................      --            300          --
    Disposal of assets.........................................    (256)         3,699         693
                                                               -----------    ----------  ---------
                                                               $   (106)      $  5,191    $    777
                                                               ===========    ==========  =========

4.     Acquisitions and Dispositions

       Sale of Assets

       Fiscal 1998
       In June 1998, a Company subsidiary sold a medical building located in
       West Orange, New Jersey for an extraordinary loss of $256.

       Fiscal 1997
       In December 1996, the Company sold 8 acres of land contiguous to the
       West Orange Facility for an extraordinary gain of $875.

       In June 1997, facilities in West Palm Beach, Florida and Atlantic City,
       New Jersey were sold. The Company recorded an extraordinary gain of
       $2.1 million.

       In June 1997, the Company sold its 15% interest in a limited
       partnership which owned and operated a congregate care facility in
       Teaneck, New Jersey for an extraordinary gain of $700,000.

       Fiscal 1996
       In May 1996, the Company closed its nursing home in Pine Brook, New
       Jersey and sold the assets of that nursing home, other than the land
       and buildings and certain current assets, to another health care
       provider for $2,390. The Company recorded an extraordinary gain of

       Nursing Home Group
       On October 31, 1995, the Company obtained $41,000 in mortgage loans
       secured by four nursing home facilities located in West Orange, Cedar
       Grove and Norwood, New Jersey and West Palm Beach, Florida, and
       proceeds from the issuance of subsidiary Floating Rate Series A
       Cumulative Preferred Stock totaling $3,500. In addition, the Company
       obtained a $1,500 loan secured by a mortgage on approximately 8 acres
       of land located in West Orange, New Jersey.


                            KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                  Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                         June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996
               (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

       The combined proceeds, totaling $46,000 were used to purchase the West
       Orange, Cedar Grove and West Palm Beach facilities which were
       previously operated under operating leases and to purchase the real
       property of the long term and residential care facility located in
       Norwood, New Jersey (the "Heritage Facility"), which the Company has
       been managing since 1988 on behalf of a not for profit corporation

       Proceeds of the sale of the West Palm Beach property were used to pay
       down the mortgage loans and redeem $1,000 of preferred stock. At June
       30, 1998 the balance of the mortgage loan is $35,368 and $1,114 of
       preferred stock is outstanding.

       As a result of the previously noted purchase of the Heritage Facility
       by the Company, the Company now owns the facility and manages the
       operations of SCF. Since October 31, 1995, SCF has been included in the
       consolidated financial statements of the Company.

5.     Property and Equipment

       Property and equipment, at cost, is comprised as follows:

                                                                                             June 30,

                                                                                     1998                1997
                                                                                     ----                ----
                  Land and improvements...........................................$     6,049        $     6,232
                  Buildings and improvements......................................     38,908             41,458
                  Furniture and equipment.........................................      4,614              3,285
                  Leasehold improvements..........................................        915                751
                  Construction  progress..........................................        175                181
                                                                                  -----------        -----------
                                                                                       50,661             51,907
                  Less: accumulated depreciation and amortization.................      5,937              4,916
                                                                                  -----------        -----------
                                                                                  $    44,724        $    46,991
                                                                                  ===========        ===========

6.        Long-Term Debt

          Long-term debt is comprised as follows:

                                                                                               June 30,

                                                                                      1998                1997
                                                                                      ----                ----

               6% notes due 2003 .................................................$     3,400       $     3,400
               6% convertible bonds in the face amount of 662,215
               Swiss francs, due June 27, 1995(a).................................        370               453
               8% face amount of Swiss francs 619,500 due June 27, 1998(a)                407               424
               8% notes due 1999 (b)..............................................      1,213             1,213
               Nomura financing (c) (excludes preferred stock) (d)................     36,483            37,295
               8 1/2% to 11% mortgage notes (e)...................................      2,400             2,963
               Other (f)..........................................................        559             1,067
                                                                                  -----------        ----------
                                                                                       44,832            46,815
                  Less:  current portion                                                3,916             5,686
                                                                                  -----------       -----------
                                                                                  $    40,916       $    41,129
                                                                                  ===========       ===========


                            KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.

                  Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                         June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996
               (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

         (a)      The principal balance of SFr 2,900,000 (approximately
                  $2,525,000) and accrued interest of SFr 174,000
                  (approximately $152,000) pertaining to the Company's 6%
                  Swiss franc denominated convertible bonds (the "Bonds") was
                  due on June 27, 1995. The Company did not make these
                  payments to redeem the Bonds. Non-payment did not result in
                  a default under any other financing agreements. Between June
                  30, 1995 and June 30, 1996, the Company acquired SFr
                  2,164,000 principal amount of Bonds, including accrued
                  interest on those Bonds, for a total of SFr 1,122,375 and
                  $315,000 plus a SFr 619,500 note originally maturing in June
                  1998 (this note is scheduled to be repaid in four equal
                  installments ending June 1999). During the year ended June
                  30, 1998 the Company acquired an additional SFr 85,000
                  principal amount of bonds (with interest) for $78,000.

         (b)      In September 1993, the Company acquired SFr 4,005,000
                  (approximately $2,647) principal amount of Bonds in exchange
                  for 10,579 shares of 5% exchangeable preferred stock
                  ("Preferred Stock") and $965 principal amount (which
                  included accrued interest on those Bonds) of 8% notes due
                  1999 ("8% Notes"). In October 1993, the Company acquired an
                  additional SFr 1,250,000 (approximately $826) principal
                  amount of Bonds in exchange for 3,305 shares of Preferred
                  Stock and $248 principal amount of 8% Notes. Interest on the
                  8% Notes is payable on January 27 and July 27. The Company
                  has the option to redeem in part or in full the 8% Notes at
                  any time for par.

         (c)      On October 31, 1995, the Company obtained mortgage loans of
                  $41.0 million and $1.5 million and subsidiaries issued $3.5
                  million of preferred stock (see (f)). The proceeds of this
                  financing were used to purchase three nursing homes which
                  had been sold and leased back in 1988, to reacquire the
                  Heritage Facility, which the Company had sold in 1990 to a
                  non-profit corporation and had been operating under a
                  management agreement, and to retire debt. The $41.0 million
                  mortgage loan bears interest at 9.86% per annum and requires
                  payments of principal and interest totaling $4.28 million
                  per year for 15 years. If the Company is unable to pay the
                  balance of $28.19 million which will remain due at the end
                  of 15 years, the interest rate on the mortgage loan will
                  increase, and all cash flow from the mortgaged facilities
                  will have to be used to amortize the balance of the mortgage
                  loan. The mortgage has been paid down by $3,484 with the
                  proceeds of the sale of the West Palm Beach facility. The
                  $1.5 million mortgage loan was paid down and the mortgaged
                  property released. The remaining balance of that loan is

         (d)      The $3.5 million of subsidiary preferred stock requires
                  cumulative dividends which have been charged to interest
                  expense, equal to interest at LIBOR plus 13% on the
                  liquidation preference of the preferred stock. The preferred
                  stock is mandatorily redeemable in monthly installments at
                  the rate of $876,000 per year in 1998 through 2000. $1,000
                  of preferred stock was redeemed using the proceeds of the
                  sale of the West Palm Beach facility. The payments during
                  the period from October 31, 1995 to June 30, 1996 with
                  regard to the $42.5 million of mortgage loans and the $3.5
                  million subsidiary preferred stock totaled approximately
                  $3.6 million and $1,511 for the period July 1, 1996 to June
                  30, 1997. Under the terms of the $41 million loan and $3.5
                  million subsidiary preferred stock, use of the cash receipts
                  of the four facilities is restricted to: mortgage payments,
                  real estate taxes, insurance


                            KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                  Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                         June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996
               (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

                  and carrying charges, operating expenses, and payment of
                  preferred stock dividends, with any excess retained by the

         (e)      The 8 1/2 to 11% mortgages include debt consisting of an
                  Economic Development Authority mortgage loan ("EDA. loan")
                  with a principal balance of $747 at June 30, 1998 payable
                  monthly installments, including interest at 11%, through
                  2009. The EDA. loan is secured by property with a net book
                  value of approximately $1,464 at June 30, 1998. The
                  remaining mortgage notes are payable in monthly
                  installments, including interest at notes ranging from 10%
                  to 12% with final payments due between 1997 and 2009. These
                  are secured by properties with an aggregate net book value
                  of approximately $2,623 at June 30, 1998.

         (f)      On October 31, 1995, the Company negotiated, and subsequent
                  to June 30, 1998 amended, terms to convert $1,464 in trade
                  accounts payable into notes with interest at a rate of 10%.
                  This agreement was amended to allow for the payment of the
                  balance due on the notes, along with additional accounts
                  payable, over 24 months, commencing September 1998. The
                  monthly payment of principal and interest of $62 will fully
                  amortize the loan at the end of the term. Current principal
                  payments due under the terms of the note total $744. On
                  October 2, 1996, the Company also negotiated terms to
                  convert $143 in trade accounts payable into a note with
                  interest at 10%. Subsequent to June 30, 1998, the agreement
                  was amended to allow for the payment of the balance due on
                  the notes over 13 months, commencing October 1998. To fully
                  amortize the note, two payments of approximately $7,
                  followed by ten payments of approximately $5 with a final
                  payment of approximately $4 will be due.

The Company has aggregate maturities of debt in each of the five year periods
ending on June 30 subsequent to June 30, 1998 as follows: 1999-$ 3,916; 2000-$
562; 2001-$ 611; 2002-$ 661; and 2003-$ 4,112.


                            KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                  Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                         June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996
               (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

7.     Other Current Liabilities

       Other current liabilities are comprised as follows:

                                                       June 30,
                                                 1998             1997
                                                 ----             ----

       Accrued interest.......................$     265       $       293
       Accrued payroll and related expenses...    3,955             3,063
       Other accrued liabilities..............      460               904
                                              -----------     -----------
                                              $    4,680      $     4,260
                                              ===========     ===========

       Effective May 1, 1997, the nursing home group is covered under a third
       party health insurance plan. Under the previous self-insured health
       insurance program, the Company's estimate of its liability for both
       outstanding as well as incurred but not reported claims is based upon
       its historical loss experience and is included as a component of
       accrued payroll and related expenses.

8.     Stockholders' Equity

       During 1997, 41,666 warrants (adjusted for the one-for-three reverse
       split of Company common stock) were issued to financial consultants of
       the Company. The costs of the warrants had been calculated at $54 and
       charged to expense. 33,333 of the warrants are two year warrants, with
       11,111 shares at an exercise price of $6.00, 11,111 shares at an
       exercise price of $7.50, and 11,111 shares with an exercise price of
       $9.00. The remaining 8,333 warrants expired prior to June 30, 1998.

       Preferred Stock
       In 1993, the Company issued 13,884 shares of Preferred Stock as part of
       an exchange offer to holders of its Bonds. Each share of Preferred
       Stock has a liquidation preference of $100. Dividends on the Preferred
       Stock are cumulative and are payable on January 27 and July 27 at the
       annual rate of $5 per share, when and as declared by the Company's
       Board of Directors.

       The Preferred Stock is exchangeable for Infu-Tech common stock at an
       exchange price of $6.20 liquidation preference of Preferred Stock per
       share of Infu-Tech common stock, subject to adjustment to prevent
       dilution. The shares of Infu-Tech common stock issuable upon the
       exchange of Preferred Stock are shares owned by KUAL.

       All (but not less than all) of the Preferred Stock is redeemable at the
       Company's option at any time when the current market price of Infu-Tech
       common stock has for at least 20 consecutive trading days been at least
       120% of the exchange price, upon at least 45 days' notice at a
       redemption price equal to the liquidation preference of the shares
       being redeemed plus accumulated unpaid dividends on those shares.
       Shares may be exchanged for Infu-Tech common stock during the 45-day

       The Company may not pay any dividends or make any other distributions
       on, or repurchase, its common stock or any other of its stock which
       ranks junior to the Preferred Stock if the Company is not at the time
       current in its dividend payments on the Preferred Stock.


                            KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                  Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                         June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996
               (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

       On October 4, 1996, the Company completed an exchange offer to holders
       of its 14 1/8% Subordinated Debentures that were due on September 1,
       1996. The Company offered for each $1 principal amount of subordinated
       debentures a share of a new 11% convertible Preferred Stock with a
       liquidation preference of $1. Of the total of $1,200 subordinated
       debentures outstanding, $474 principal elected to exchange into Series
       A 11% Convertible Preferred Stock.

       After the three years, the Preferred Stock will be convertible into
       common stock which has a market value totaling 100% of the liquidation
       preference of the Preferred Stock or for cash if the Company elects to.
       During the period ended June 30, 1997, $440 face amount of the Series A
       Convertible Preferred Stock converted into common stock of the Company,
       leaving $34 face amount of the Series A Convertible Preferred Stock
       outstanding at June 30, 1998 and 1997.

       Stock Option Plans

       The 1989 Key Employees and Key Personnel Stock Option Plan (the "1989
       Plan") authorized the Company to grant stock purchase options relating
       to a maximum of 400,000 shares of common stock. Options may not be
       granted at a price that is less than 100% of fair market value on the
       date of the grant (110% of fair market value for persons owning 10% or
       more of the Company's common stock). Options become exercisable six
       months after the date of the grant and after the employee has been
       employed for 12 months, and are exercisable for a term of up to ten

       In January 1997, the Company adopted the 1996 Key Employees and Key
       Personnel Stock Option Plan, which replaced the 1989 Plan. The 1996
       Plan authorized 500,000 additional shares and the conditions are
       essentially the same as the 1989 Plan.


                            KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                  Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                         June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996
               (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

       Stock option transactions for the years ended June 30, 1998, 1997 and
       1996 are summarized as follows:

                                                                                                         Weighted Average
                                                                                       Number              Option Price
                                                                                      of Shares             Per Share

                       Outstanding, June 30, 1995...................................   112,017              $2.88
                       Granted (1989 Plan)..........................................   174,917              $3.03
                       Exercised (1989 Plan) .......................................    (7,000)             $1.96
                       Cancelled (1989 Plan)........................................    (1,350)             $1.20

                       Outstanding, June 30, 1996...................................   278,584              $3.00
                       Granted (1989 Plan)..........................................    90,667              $8.46
                       Exercised (1989 Plan)........................................      (333)             $2.82
                       Cancelled (1989 Plan)........................................    (7,517)             $3.18

                       Outstanding, June 30, 1997...................................   361,401              $1.46
                       Granted (1996 Plan)..........................................   225,481              $7.22
                       Exercised (1996 Plan)........................................   (23,983)             $6.83
                       Cancelled (1996 Plan)........................................    (7,983)             $3.38
                                                                                    ----------              -----

                       Outstanding June 30, 1998....................................   554,916              $5.44
                                                                                    ==========              =====

          Options to purchase 819,818 shares were available for grant at June
30, 1998 under the 1996 Plan.

    The following table summarizes information about stock options outstanding
at June 30, 1998:

                             Number             Weighted              Weighted         Number         Weighted
         Range of          Outstanding       Average Remaining         Average     Exercisable at      Average
       Exercise Prices     at 6/30/98     Contractual Life Years   Exercise Price      6/30/98     Exercise Price
       ---------------     ----------     ----------------------   --------------      -------     --------------

        $0.75 - $3.75        223,769               5.4                 $2.80           173,769         $ 3.61
        $4.13 - $6.36        164,777               8.7                 $5.45            59,777          $15.02
        $7.00 - $15.00       166,370               9.6                 $8.97            99,703          $14.96
                           ---------           ------------         -----------        ------          ------
                             554,916               7.7                 $5.44           333,249         $ 9.05
                           =========           ============         ===========        =======         ======

                             KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                          June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

     The Company has computed, for pro forma disclosure purposes for the
     weighted average fair value per option granted under the stock option plan
     to be $5.93, $2.19 and $.93 for 1998,1997 and 1996, respectively. The
     computations were made using the Black-Scholes model, as prescribed by SFAS
     123, with the following weighted average assumptions for grants 1998, 1997
     and 1996:

                                                       Years Ended June 30,
                                                     1998      1997      1996
          Risk-free interest rate...............     4.9%       4.9%     5.1%
          Expected dividend yield...............    0%         0%       0%
          Expected term until exercise (years)       8.8        6.9      4.00
          Expected volatility...................    68.66%     66.67%   75.72%

Other Stock Options

In January 1994, the Company's Chairman of the Board was granted a seven-year
option to purchase 500,000 shares of the Company's common stock for $1 per

Infu-Tech Stock Option Plans

In July 1992, Infu-Tech adopted a stock option plan (the "Infu-Tech Plan") under
which it is authorized to grant stock options to designated employees, officers
and directors of the Company. The Plan authorized grant of stock options up to a
maximum of 150,000 shares of common stock. In 1994, the maximum number of shares
which may be granted under the Plan was increased to 300,000 shares of common
stock. Options may not be granted at a price that is less than 100% of fair
market value on the date of the grant (110% of fair market value for persons
owning 10% or more of Infu-Tech common stock). Options become exercisable 12
months after the date of the grant and are exercisable until ten years from the
date of grant.

In January 1997, Infu-Tech adopted the 1996 Key Employees and Key Personnel
Stock Option Plan which replaced the 1992 Plan. The Plan authorized 500,000
shares and the conditions are essentially the same as the 1992 Plan.


                             KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                          June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

Stock option transactions related to the Infu-Tech plan for the years ended June
30, 1998, 1997 and 1996 are summarized as follows:

                                                               Weighted average
                                                   Number        Option Price
                                                 of shares        Per Share
                                                 ---------     ----------------
       Outstanding, June 30, 1995.............    178,250           $4.57

       Granted           .....................     60,100           $2.60
       Cancelled         .....................    (17,300)          $2.64
       Exercised         .....................    (12,750)          $1.21
                                                  -------           -----
       Outstanding, June 30, 1996.............    208,300           $4.37

       Granted           .....................    461,744           $4.16
       Cancelled         .....................    (41,400)          $4.71
       Exercised         .....................    (10,750)          $2.46
                                                  -------           -----
       Outstanding, June 30, 1997.............    617,894           $4.24
                                                  =======           =====
       Granted           .....................    213,500           $5.23
       Cancelled         .....................    (77,800)          $3.92
       Exercised         .....................     (8,900)          $3.27
                                                  -------           -----
       Outstanding, June 30, 1998.............    744,694           $4.59
                                                  =======           =====

Options to purchase 136,562 shares were available for grant at June 30, 1998
under Infu-Tech's 1996 Plan.

The following table summaries information about Infu-Tech stock options
outstanding at June 30, 1998:

                                  Number            Weighted          Weighted         Number           Weighted
             Range of           Outstanding     Average Remaining      Average     Exercisable at        Average
          Exercise Prices       at 6/30/98      Contractual Life   Exercise Price      6/30/98       Exercise Price
          ---------------       -----------     -----------------  --------------  --------------    --------------
         $1.00 - $3.13              56,450               7.2             $2.38         56,450               $2.38
         $3.38 - $4.13             138,576               8.8             $3.69        113,076               $4.51
             $4.25                 200,000               8.6             $4.25        200,000               $4.25
         $4.50 - $5.88             193,668               9.5             $5.10        178,668               $5.53
         $6.00 - $7.00             156,000               7.0             $6.25        110,000               $8.86
                                  --------           -------         ---------      ---------           ---------
                                   744,694               8.5             $4.65        658,194               $5.25
                                  ========           =======         =========      =========           =========


                             KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                          June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

Infu-Tech computed, the pro forma weighted average fair value per option granted
under the stock option plan to be $5.92, $3.41 and $2.10 for 1998, 1997 and
1996. The computations were made using the Black-Scholes model, as prescribed by
SFAS 123, with the following weighted average assumptions for grants in 1998,
1997 and 1996:

                                                          Years Ended June 30,
                                                         1998    1997      1996

          Risk-free interest rate...................     4.2%     4.9%     5.1%
          Expected dividend yield...................      0%       0%       0%
          Expected term until exercise (years)......     8.2      8.5      5.4
          Expected volatility.......................    60.79%   68.61%   84.68%

If the Company had accounted for its plans and the Infu-Tech plans in accordance
with SFAS 123, the Company's net income (loss) and net income (loss) per share
applicable to common shareholders would have decrease as reflected in the
following pro forma amounts:

                                                          Years Ended June 30,
                                                         1998    1997      1996

          Net Income: (Loss)........................

             As reported............................$  (3,194)  $ 1,313   $ 786
             Pro forma..............................   (3,880)      730     730

          Net Income (loss) per share:

             Basic as reported......................$    (.95)  $   .39   $ .28
             Basic pro forma........................    (1.15)      .00     .35

          Net Income (loss) per share:

              Diluted as reported...................$   ( .95)  $   .39   $ .28
              Diluted pro forma.....................    (1.15)      .00     .35

     The pro forma effects on net income may not be representative of the
     effects in future years since compensation costs are primarily attributed
     to the year of grant as vesting is within one year.


                             KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                          June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

9.        Related Party Transactions

          At December 31, 1989, the three nursing homes controlled and partially
          owned by the Principal Stockholders (including the Chairman of the
          Board of the Company) owed the Company $2,804 which included amounts
          for supplies, services and management fees. The Chairman of the Board
          of the company no longer has an ownership interest in two of the
          nursing homes described below. However, the Principal Stockholders
          asserted on behalf of the three nursing homes that management fees for
          all years should have been limited to amounts eligible for
          reimbursement from Medicare and Medicaid. Early in 1990, this dispute
          was resolved, with the three nursing homes agreeing to pay a total of
          $1,940 in satisfaction of all their obligations to the Company at
          December 31, 1989. During 1992, the settlement agreement between the
          company and the three nursing homes was modified, whereby the February
          1992 balance of $1,046 would be paid in sixteen equal quarterly
          payments of $76 (including interest at 7 1/2%) beginning June 15, 1992
          and continuing through March 15, 1996. In January 1995, the settlement
          agreement was further modified to provide for a $227 principal and
          interest payment to be made on or before March 30, 1995 (which payment
          was received) and the remaining principal balance of $626 to be paid
          in twelve equal quarterly payments of $60 (including interest at 8
          1/2%) beginning July 1, 1995 and continuing through March 31, 1998.
          The $227 payment included all previously unpaid principal under the
          prior agreement through December 31, 1993 and all accrued interest
          under that agreement through March 30, 1995. In June 1997, a credit of
          $300 was applied against the balance then due. The credit arose
          because the purchase price obtained by the Company for the sale of a
          property in Atlantic City was enhanced by $300 due to the
          contemporaneous sale of a property owned by the principal shareholders
          to the same buyer. There was no balance remaining on the modified
          settlement agreement at June 30, 1998. Interest income includes $0,
          $30 and $44 of interest on this receivable for 1998, 1997 and 1996,

          One of the Company's nursing homes was on several occasions forced to
          temporarily evacuate its residents due to weather-related emergencies.
          The residents were evacuated to a nursing home controlled and
          partially owned by the Principal Stockholders. Management believes
          this course of action was preferable to the alternatives. The Company
          paid the nursing home to which the residents were evacuated at that
          nursing home's daily Medicaid rate. Amounts charged to health care and
          lodging expenses as a result of this were $0, $0 and $31 in 1998, 1997
          and 1996, respectively.

          In 1998, 1997 and 1996, the Company was charged $31, $46 and $73,
          respectively, by a corporation owned by the Company's Chairman of the
          Board for use of an airplane owned by that corporation. The Company
          believes the rates it was charged for use of that airplane were lower
          than those which would have been available from an independent charter
          company for use of a similar airplane.

          Included in selling, general and administrative expenses in 1996 is
          rent expense of $326, for office space leased from an entity owned by
          the Principal Stockholders. Space is no longer owned by the Principal

          The Company administered a self-funded health plan on behalf of three
          nursing homes controlled and partially owned by the Company's
          Principal Stockholders (the "Principal Stockholders' Nursing Homes").
          Included in accounts receivable at June 30, 1998 and 1997 are amounts
          due from the Principal Stockholders' Nursing Homes of $15 and $15,

          Included in the balance sheet were additional amounts due from
          entities owned by the Principal Stockholders totaling $246 at June
          1998 and $246 at June 30, 1997.


                             KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                          June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

          John A. Schepisi is the president of Senior Care Foundation, Inc., the
          owner of the Heritage Facility, which is included in the consolidated
          financial statements. He is also a partner a law firm which provides
          legal services to the Company.

10.       Income Taxes

               The provision (benefit) for income taxes on income (loss) from
operations is presented below:

                                                       Years Ended June 30,
                                                     1998      1997        1996
                                                     ----      ----        ----

                  Federal.....................    $   --     $ 425       $   70
                  State     ..................        --        90            5
                                                  ------     -----       ------
                                                      --       515           75
                                                  ------     -----       ------

                  Federal.....................       124       143          165
                  State     ..................        25        29           30
                  Other     ..................        --                     --
                                                  ------     -----       ------
                                                     149       172          195
                                                  ------     -----       ------
                                                  $  149     $ 662       $  270
                                                  ======     =====       ======

       Infu-Tech had recorded a Federal and state income tax payable of $194
       which is included in other current liabilities in the accompanying June
       30, 1998 balance sheet.


                             KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                          June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

       The following table reconciles the Federal income tax provision (benefit)
       computed at statutory Federal income tax rates applied to income (loss)
       from continuing operations to the provision (benefit) for income taxes.

                                                                    Years Ended June 30,
                                                              1998          1997             1996
                                                              ----          ----             ----
          Federal income tax provision (benefit) at
              statutory rate applied to income (loss)
              from continuing operations..................$   (961)      $  (1,049)     $     119
          State income tax provision, (benefit), net
              of Federal income tax benefit                   (194)           (216)            24
          Extraordinary gains (loss)......................     (36)          2,128            319
          Change in valuation allowance...................   1,292              --           (203)
          Allowance for temporary differences                   --            (162)            --
          Permanent difference arising from
              acquisitions and dispositions                     --              --             --
          Refunds of prior years' Federal income taxes                          --             --
          Other  .........................................      48             (39)            11
                                                          --------       ---------      ---------
                                                          $    149       $     662      $     270
                                                          ========       =========      =========

       The Company has approximately $11,947 of net operating tax loss
       carryforwards for federal income tax purposes which will expire in the
       years 2005 through 2011.


                             KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                          June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

       The tax effects of temporary differences that give rise to significant
       portions of the deferred income tax assets are as follows:

                                                                                              June 30,
                                                                                      1998                1997
                                                                                      ----                ----
          Net deferred income tax assets:

              Allowances for uncollectible accounts receivable.....................$     1,509     $     1,743
              Net operating tax loss carryforwards.................................      4,551           3,225
              Cumulative unrealized losses on translation of foreign
                currency debt......................................................         34             (66)
              Compensated absences, principally due to accrual for
                financial reporting purposes.......................................        335             328
              Difference between book and tax bases of investment in
                subsidiary.........................................................       (686)           (662)
              Difference between book and tax bases of property and
                equipment..........................................................         74              89
              Other         .......................................................        103             122
                                                                                   -----------      ----------
                  Sub-total........................................................      5,920           4,779
          Valuation allowance......................................................     (5,369)         (4,077)
                                                                                   -----------      ----------
                Net deferred income tax assets.....................................$       551      $      702
                                                                                   ===========      ==========

       A valuation allowance is provided when it is more likely than not that
       some portion of the deferred tax assets will not be realized. Based upon
       the Company's historical losses from operations before extraordinary
       gains, the Company has recorded a valuation allowance of $5,369. This
       represents a 100% valuation allowance for all net deferred income tax
       assets, except for part of those pertaining to its 58% owned subsidiary,
       Infu-Tech. Infu-Tech has historically been profitable and anticipates
       taxable income in future years. In the opinion of management, Infu-Tech
       will realize the net deferred income tax assets.


                             KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                          June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

11.    Other Income, Net

       Other income (expense) is comprised as follows:

                                                                    Years Ended June 30,
                                                              1998          1997            1996
                                                              ----          ----            ----

          Gains on sales and leasebacks of property
              and equipment ...............................$   --      $      --      $      417
          Gains (losses) on translation of foreign
              currency debt................................    82            161             130
          Amortization of deferred income related to
              non-compete agreement .......................     --            72             126
          Other, net ......................................   664(a)         308            (123)
                                                           ------      ---------      ----------
                                                           $  746      $     541      $      550
                                                           ======      =========      ==========

       (a)    Of this amount, $543 relates to the review and writeoff of
              accounts payable, partially related to the previous sale of two
              nursing homes.

12.    Commitments and Contingencies

          Lease Commitments

          The Company is obligated under various operating leases for nursing
          homes, office space and equipment with initial terms expiring at
          various dates through 2002. The leases generally require the Company
          to pay all costs of maintaining the leased properties. The Company has
          options to renew certain of these leases for periods ranging from 7 to
          80 years.

          The following is a schedule of future minimum annual rental payments
          required under operating leases as of June 30, 1998:

    Year ending                        Nursing
      June 30,                          Homes         Office       Equipment           Total
    -----------                        -------        ------       ---------           -----
    1999.............................      318           370              3              691
    2000.............................      321           325           ---               646
    2001.............................      286            49           ---               335
    2002.............................      266            25           ---               291
    2003 and thereafter..............      200             4           ---               204
                                        ------        ------           ----           ------
                                        $1,705        $1,259           $  3           $2,967
                                        ======        ======           ====           ======

Rent expense was $901, $668 and $2,764 in 1998, 1997 and 1996, respectively.


                             KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                          June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

       Employment Commitments

       The Company has an employment agreement with its Chairman of the Board
       and President, who is also Chairman of the Board of Infu-Tech, Inc.,
       through July 2000. He renders services to Kuala for a salary of $250 per
       year. Pursuant to this employment agreement, he is entitled to a bonus
       based upon an increase in the market capitalization of the Company (based
       on a fixed number of shares as defined in the agreement), above the 1995
       base year. As of June 30, 1998, a bonus payable of $642 has been
       reflected which is net of $108 payable by Infu-Tech. No amount was earned
       in the prior period, prior to the 1:3 reverse stock split of the Company,
       that was effected in January 1998.


       The Company is obligated to issue 33,333 shares of common stock, should
       the holders of warrants of the Company's common stock, which expire in
       December 1998, elect to exercise their warrants, at an average of $7.50
       per share.

       The Company recorded as a receivable an amount of $591 based on a
       settlement of Medicaid audits. The Company has received a payment of
       $175, with the balance being held by a State agency to offset purported
       claims. The Company has filed a legal action to enforce the settlement to
       receive the balance of the settlement amount.

       Participants in the health care market are subject to lawsuits based upon
       alleged negligence or similar legal theories. The Company currently has
       in force general liability insurance, including professional and product
       liability, with coverage limits of $10 million, per occurance, which is
       subject to annual renewal. The Company has not recorded any related loss
       liabilities as of June 30, 1998.

       In March 1997, the Company exchanged 600,000 shares of common stock to
       extinguish liabilities of $2,542, based on the fair value of shares. Of
       this, $1,192 was reflected as an extraordinary gain in the results of
       operations in 1997.

       In the opinion of management, the ultimate liability with respect to
       these activities will not materially affect the financial position or
       results of operations of the Company.

13.    Distribution Agreement

       In November 1994, the Company entered into a distribution agreement with
       a drug manufacturer under which the company provides a specific home
       infusion therapy utilizing the manufacturer's drug. This agreement was
       renewed in January 1998 for another year. Under this agreement, accounts
       payable to the drug manufacturer ($1,210 at June 30, 1998) are secured by
       the Company's inventories of the drug ($118 at June 30, 1998) and related
       accounts receivable ($1,121 at June 30, 1998).

14.    Business and Credit Concentrations

       The Company generally does not require collateral or other security in
       extending credit to patients; however, the Company routinely obtains
       assignment of (or is otherwise entitled to receive) patients' benefits
       payable under health insurance programs, plans or policies (e.g.,
       Medicare, Medicaid, Blue Cross, health maintenance organizations, and
       commercial insurance policies). At June 30, 1998, the Company had gross
       receivables from the Federal Government (Medicare) of approximately
       $3,600 and from various state Medicaid programs of approximately $3,500
       at June 30,1998 and $5,243 and $4,982, respectively, at June 30, 1997.


                             KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                          June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

15.    Business Segment Data

       The Company's operations are conducted primarily through two business
       segments: nursing home services and Infu-Tech, which provides infusion
       therapy and other medical services to the non-hospital based health care

       Information about the Company's operations is presented below. Operating
       income is comprised of total revenues less operating expenses, excluding
       expenses incurred at the corporate headquarters. The elimination of
       inter-segment revenues is included in other services and eliminations.

                                                                         Years Ended
                                                                           June 30,
                                                              1998            1997          1996
                                                              ----            ----          ----


          Nursing home services...........................$    34,994    $    44,033    $    44,440
          Infu-Tech . . . . ..............................     26,029         26,003         24,114
          Other services and eliminations.................      2,903            658          1,326
                                                          -----------    -----------    -----------
              Consolidated................................$    63,926    $    70,694    $    69,880
                                                          ===========    ===========    ===========
          Operating income (loss):

          Nursing home services...........................$     3,393    $     3,660    $     4,329
          Infu-Tech . . . . ...............................       617          1,793          1,745
          Other services . . .............................         43            --             --
          Expenses incurred at corporate headquarters          (2,791)        (2,446)        (1,958)
          Interest and dividend income....................        225            104            221
          Interest and other financing costs..............     (4,904)        (6,343)        (4,044)
          Other income, net...............................        746            541            550
          Less: Minority interest in earnings of
              subsidiaries  ..............................       (154)          (395)          (494)
                                                          -----------    -----------    -----------
              Consolidated................................$    (2,825)   $    (3,086)   $       349
                                                          ===========    ===========    ===========

          Nursing home services...........................$    50,506    $    54,855    $    61,592
          Infu-Tech    ...................................     12,122         11,618          9,484
          Corporate    ...................................      3,889          4,877          7,366
                                                          -----------    -----------    -----------
              Consolidated................................$    66,517    $    71,350     $   75,572
                                                          ===========    ===========    ===========

          Depreciation and amortization of property
              and equipment
          Nursing home services...........................$     1,435    $     1,655     $    1,331
          Infu-Tech    ...................................        152            139            108
          Corporate    ...................................        111            125             98
                                                          -----------    -----------    -----------
              Consolidated................................$     1,698    $     1,919     $    1,537
                                                          ===========    ===========    ===========
          Capital expenditures:
          Nursing home services...........................$       571    $       298     $   47,472
          Infu-Tech    ...................................        243             62             19
          Corporate    ...................................        --              14            101
                                                          -----------    -----------    -----------
              Consolidated  ..............................$       814    $       374     $   47,592
                                                          ===========    ===========    ===========


                             KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                          June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

16.    Estimated Fair Value of Financial Instruments

       The estimated fair value of financial instruments has been determined
       based upon available market information and appropriate valuation
       methodologies. However, considerable judgement is necessarily required in
       interpreting market data to develop the estimates of fair value.
       Accordingly, the estimates presented herein are not necessarily
       indicative of the amounts that the Company might realize in a current
       market exchange. The use of different market assumptions and or
       estimation methodologies may have a material effect on the estimated fair

       The carrying amounts of short term financial instruments are reasonable
       estimates of their fair values. The carrying value of long term debt
       approximates its fair value. While interest rates have generally
       declined, the cost of borrowing to the Company has not changed

17.    Fourth Quarter Adjustments and Changes in Estimates
       Changes in Estimates

       During the fourth quarter of 1998, the Company conducted a review of
       annually submitted Medicare cost reports and reflected a reduction of
       $500 in anticipated Medicare receipts in order to more reasonably
       estimate the balance in consideration of the current reimbursement

       During 1997, the Company evaluated various liabilities and accruals in
       the nursing home operation. The result of this review enabled the Company
       to write back to income $1,252 from various liabilities and payables not
       expected to be paid. Further, a settlement with a vendor enabled the
       Company to reduce a liability by $460 of which $190 was reflected in the
       fourth quarter.

       Fourth Quarter Adjustments.

       Personnel Expenses

       As described in note 12 regarding Employment Commitments, the Company
       reflected a bonus payable of $642 to its Chairman and President during
       the fourth quarter of fiscal 1998. A bonus payable of $108 by Infu-Tech,
       Inc. to its and the Company's Chairman of the Board and President was
       also reflected during the fourth quarter. No such bonus was earned in the
       prior fiscal year.

       Extraordinary Losses

       A Company subsidiary sold a medical building located in West Orange, New
       Jersey for $1,200, resulting in an extraordinary loss of $256 during the
       fourth quarter of fiscal 1998.

       Provision for Uncollectible Accounts

       The Company conducted a comprehensive review of days outstanding of its
       accounts receivable. As a result, it increased the provision for
       uncollectible accounts by approximately $500 during the fourth quarter of
       1998 to better estimate their net realizable value.


                             KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                          June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

       Miscellaneous Accrued Expenses

       During the fourth quarter of 1998, miscellaneous accrued expenses of
       approximately $200 were reflected by the Company, primarily attributed to
       recognition of various legal expenses.

       The Company's 58% owned subsidiary Infu-Tech recorded the following
       adjustments in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 1997. No such
       adjustments were necessary for the fourth quarter of fiscal 1998.


       Infu-Tech recorded an inventory adjustment during the fourth quarter of
       fiscal 1997. A gross amount of $450 before taxes was recorded as a
       decrease to inventory with a corresponding increase to medical and
       nutritional product costs. The adjustment arose as a result of a physical
       inventory conducted on June 30, 1997. Infu-Tech conducted quarterly
       physical inventory counts during the year. No significant differences
       arose during these quarterly physical counts.

       Reserve for Uncollectible Accounts

       Beginning in the quarter ending March 31, 1997, Infu-Tech reviewed its
       allowance for uncollectible accounts in light of its changed payor mix.
       Infu-Tech's business focus is on managed care relationships which now
       accounts for 73% of its payor mix. The managed care relationships are
       generally governed by contracts which provide for payment within defined
       terms. Infu-Tech's collection experience for these contracts has been
       good and greatly improved from the historical collection experience upon
       which the allowance for uncollectible accounts had been established. As a
       result of this review, the allowance for uncollectible accounts was
       reduced by a total of $1,366 before taxes ($348 in the quarter ending
       March 31, 1997, and a further $1,018 in the fourth quarter of fiscal
       1997) resulting in a credit to the provision for the year of $196
       compared to a charge of $1,269 in the prior year.

18.    Liquidity

       During fiscal 1998, the Company experienced a decrease in working capital
       resulting in a negative current ratio. Although the Company continues to
       experience cash flow constraints, it anticipates being able to meet its
       financial obligations from fiscal 1999 operations. In addition, the
       Company has signed a non-binding letter of intent with a purchaser of
       nursing homes to sell a 49% interest in five of the Company's nursing
       homes. Furthermore, cash realized from the sale of certain other assets
       could assist the Company, where necessary, in meeting its obligations.

19.    Subsequent Event

       In September, 1998, the Company signed a non-binding letter of intent
       with Care One, LLC, a privately held New Jersey based long term care
       company, for the acquisition by Care One of a 49% interest in its five
       nursing homes and a 100% interest in the Company's institutional pharmacy
       business. Care One would have the option to purchase the remaining 51%
       interest in the nursing homes in the future. Furthermore, an assisted
       living joint venture will be formed with the Company initially
       contributing its 120 unit project based in Norwood, New Jersey. The
       Company would receive approximately $15 million in cash for its 49%
       interest in its nursing homes and its institutional pharmacy business.
       The Company would also receive $2 million for a 49% interest in the
       assisted living venture.



       Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the Company has duly caused this Report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                                      KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.

       Date: October   , 1998                  By:    /S/  JACK ROSEN
             ----------------                         ---------------------
                                                      Chairman of the Board

       Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this
Report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the Company
and the capacities and on the dates indicated:

          /S/  JACK ROSEN                      Chairman of the Board, Director
       ---------------------------             (Principal Executive Officer)
               Jack Rosen                     

          /S/  ROY SMOLARZ                     Executive Vice President 
       ---------------------------             (Principal Financial Officer)
               Roy Smolarz

          /S/  KATHLEEN GAGE                   Principal Accounting Officer
               Kathleen Gage

          /S/  JOSEPH ROSEN                    Director
               Joseph Rosen

          /S/  ISRAEL INGBERMAN                Director
               Israel Ingberman

          /S/  JOSEPH M. GIGLIO                Director
               Joseph M. Giglio

          /s/  Carl D. Glickman                Director
               Carl D. Glickman

          /s/  Bruce Slovin                    Director
               Bruce Slovin

                                                                     Schedule II

                             KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                        Valuation and Qualifying Accounts
                             (Dollars in thousands)
                    Years Ended June 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996

                                    Column A          Column B           Column C           Column D         Column E
                                    Balance at       Charged to                                               Balance
                                    beginning         cost and                                                at end
  Description                       of period         expenses            Other           Deductions (a)     of period
  -----------                       ----------       ----------           -----           --------------     ---------
  Allowance for
      1998                          $4,252            $  625              $     --           $1,196           $3,681
                                    ======            ======              ========           ======           ======
      1997                          $4,193            $  (66)             $    513           $  388           $4,252
                                    ======            ======              ========           ======           ======
      1996                          $3,712            $1,210              $     --           $  729           $4,193
                                    ======            ======              ========           ======           ======

(a) Uncollectible accounts charged-off during the year, net of recoveries.

                                      S - 1

                                                                      Exhibit 11

                             KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                        Calculation of Earnings Per Share
                            Year ended June 30, 1998
               (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

Earnings Per Share: (restated for 1:3 common stock split)

    Net income (loss) available to common shareholders..............$    (3,194)
       Weighted average shares......................................  3,375,661
       Plus: Incremented shares from assumed conversions warrants ..         --

       Dilutive potential common shares.............................         --
       Adjusted weighted average shares.............................  3,375,661

Basic EPS

       Income (loss) before extraordinary item......................$     (0.92)
       Extraordinary item...........................................      (0.03)
       Net income (loss) ...........................................$     (0.95)
Diluted EPS

       Income (loss) before extraordinary item......................$     (0.92)
       Extraordinary item...........................................      (0.03)
       Net income  .................................................$     (0.95)

                                                                    Exhibit 11.1
                             KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                        Calculation of Earnings Per Share
                            Year ended June 30, 1997
               (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

Earnings Per Share: (restated for 1:3 common stock split)

Net income available to common shareholders....................$    1,313
Adjustment of shares outstanding:

       Weighted average number of shares outstanding........... 3,199,886
       Average net additional equivalent shares issuable.......   181,182
       Weighted average number of common and common 
       equivalent shares....................................... 3,381,068
Earnings per share.............................................$     0.39

                                                                    Exhibit 11.2
                             KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                        Calculation of Earnings Per Share
                            Year ended June 30, 1996
               (Dollars in thousands except per share amounts)

Earnings Per Share: (restated for 1:3 common stock split)
Net income available to common shareholders................................$       786
Adjustment of shares outstanding:
       Weighted average number of shares outstanding.......................  2,673,879
       Average net additional equivalent shares issuable...................    132,240
       Weighted average number of common and common equivalent shares......  2,806,119
Earnings per share.........................................................$       .28
The above does not give effect to the assumed conversion of the 6% 
SFr convertible bonds since the effect is antidilutive as shown below:

       Net income available to common shareholders.........................$       786
       Add after tax effect of eliminating interest expense
          applicable to 6% SFr convertible bonds...........................         55
       Net income as adjusted..............................................$       841
       Weighted average number of common and common
         equivalent shares.................................................  2,814,768
       Additional weighted average shares from assuming
         conversion of 6% SFr convertible bonds............................      6,253
       Weighted average number of common and common
         equivalent shares, as adjusted....................................  2,821,021
Earnings per share.........................................................$       .30

                                                                      Exhibit 21

                             KUALA HEALTHCARE, INC.
                                AND SUBSIDIARIES

The following are the subsidiaries of Kuala Healthcare, Inc..

A)        Alternative Care, Inc. (a Massachusetts corporation).

B)        TNS Nur-Temps, Inc.  (a New York corporation).

C)        Temporary Nursing Services of California, Inc. (a California 

D)        Temporary Nursing Services of Florida, Inc. (a Florida corporation).

E)        Temporary Nursing Services of Philadelphia, Inc. (a Pennsylvania 

F)        Temporary Nursing Services of Kansas, Inc. (a Kansas corporation).

G)        Temporary Nursing Services of Texas, Inc. (a Texas corporation).

H)        Infu-Tech, Inc. (a Delaware corporation).

          1)      Infu-Tech, Inc. (a New Jersey corporation) (formerly Temporary
                  Nursing Services, Inc.).

          2)      Infu-Tech of Florida, Inc. (a Florida corporation).

          3)      Infu-Tech of Illinois, Inc. (a Illinois corporation).

          4)      Infu-Tech of Massachusetts, Inc. (a Massachusetts 

          5)      Infu-Tech of New York, Inc. (a New York corporation).

          6)      Infu-Tech of Tennessee, Inc. (a Tennessee corporation).

          7)      Intrx Medical, Inc. (a New Jersey corporation).

I)        TNS Nursing Homes, Inc. (a Delaware corporation).

          1)     Jayber, Inc. (a New Jersey corporation).

          2)     Pompton Avenue Associates, Inc. (a New Jersey corporation).

          3)     Cape May Care Center, Inc. (a New Jersey corporation).

          4)     Hilltop Care Center, Inc. (a New Jersey corporation).

          5)     P.V.M. Associates, Inc. (a Florida corporation).

          6)     Continental Beachview, Inc. (a New Jersey corporation).

          7)     Continental Beachview Realty, Inc. (a New Jersey corporation).

          8)     Continental Norwood, Inc. (a New Jersey corporation).

          9)     Continental Norwood Holdings, Inc. (a New Jersey corporation).

          10)    TNS Nursing Homes  of Pennsylvania, Inc. (a Pennsylvania 

          11)    Continental Teaneck Realty, Inc. (a New Jersey corporation).

          12)    Continental Riverview Realty, Inc. (a New Jersey corporation).

J)        Continental Media, Inc. (a Delaware corporation).

K)        Continental Home Care, Inc. (a New Jersey corporation).

          1)      Marketech, Inc. (a Delaware corporation).

L)        TNS Certified Home Health Care Corp. (a New York corporation).

M)        Mid-South Comprehensive Home Health and Hospice, Inc. (a Tennessee 

N)        Mid-South Staffing Services, Inc. (a Tennessee corporation).

O)        Continental Florida Management, Inc. (a Delaware corporation).

P)        TNS Home Life Support System, Inc. (a New Jersey corporation).

Q)        CH Acquisition, Inc. (a Delaware corporation).

R)        CompreMedx Corporation (a Delaware corporation) (formerly CompreMedx
          Cancer Centers Corporation).

          1)      Medparc Development Corp. (a New Jersey corporation).

          2)      CompreMedx Medical Management, Inc. (a New Jersey 

          3)      Continental Property Management Corp. (a New Jersey 

          4)      Continental Nutrition Corp. (a Ohio corporation).

          5)       CompreMedx Case Management, Inc. (a Delaware corporation) 
                   (formerly CompreMedx, Inc.).

          6)       CompreMedx Rehabilitation Services, Inc. (a New Jersey 

          7)       CompreMedx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (a New Jersey corporation).

S)        First American Norwood, Inc. (a New Jersey corporation).

T)        Cambridge Home Health Care, Inc. (a Delaware corporation).

U)        Continental Pharmaceuticals International, Inc. (a Delaware 
          corporation) (formerly Continental Sana International, Inc.).

V)        Continental Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (a Delaware corporation).