Agreement made the 28th day of January one thousand nine hundred and eighty
between BOC LIMITED whose registered office is situated at Harmmersmith House,
London W6 and hereinafter called "Carbide Industries" of the one part and
GUNNESS WHARF LIMITED whose registered office is situated at Gunness Wharf, Nr
Scunthorpe, Humberside of the other part


         (1)      Under a Licensing Agreement dated 2 July 1973 Carbide
                  Industries have been granted by Gunness Wharf Limited the
                  use of certain lands at Althorpe Wharf, Althorpe, Humberside
                  to erect and operate a facility for the production and
                  distribution of Carbide Mixtures

         (2)      Carbide Industries now wish to expand the facility at
                  Althorpe Wharf aforesaid and under a Licensing Agreement
                  dated 28th January 1980 Carbide Industries have been granted
                  by Gunness Wharf Limited the use of certain lands at
                  Althorpe Wharf aforesaid for the erection and operation of
                  the extended facility for the production and distribution of
                  Carbide Mixtures

         (3)      Under an Agreement dated 2 July 1973 Gunness Wharf Limited
                  were appointed Managing Agents of the facility.

         (4)      Carbide Industries are desirous of appointing Managing
                  Agents to manage the said extended facility and have
                  requested Gunness Wharf Limited to accept such appointment

         (5)      Gunness Wharf Limited has agreed to accept such appointment
                  and is hereinafter in the Agreement referred to as the
                  "Managing Agents"



         In this Agreement except where the context otherwise requires the
         following expressions shall mean:

         The mixing and grinding plant together with all ancillary plant
         equipment and services which is situated at Althorpe Wharf on the
         Effective Date including the containers used in connection therewith
         for the distribution of CILTREAT

         Extended Facilities

         The Facilities as defined above as modified developed expanded and
         changed so as to enable Carbide Industries to supply increased
         quantities of CILTREAT together with a warehouse built at Althorpe
         Wharf and a laboratory and any other equipment which the Parties have
         agreed shall be installed.

         The Facilities and all or part of the Extended Facilities as the case
         may be.

         The Carbide Mixtures as specified in Appendix I hereto or as may be
         specified by Carbide Industries from time to time during the period
         of this Agreement.

         Althorpe Wharf
         The lands licensed to Carbide Industries by the Managing Agents
         situated at Althorpe, Humberside.

         Gunness Wharf
         The site where the calcium carbide and diamidkalk are discharged from

         Raw Materials
         The calcium carbide diamidkalk and nitrogen and any other materials
         agreed from time to time and required for the production of CILTREAT

         BSC Works
         The works of the British Steel Corporation situated at Scunthorpe,
         Humberside and/or Lackenby, Teesside and/or Ravenscraig, Lanarkshire
         or such other locations as are specified by Carbide Industries

         Carbide Industries Representative
         An employee or employees of Carbide Industries based at the Plant.

         Effective Date
         1 November 1979

         Completion Date
         The date when Carbide Industries shall certify to the Managing Agents
         and the Managing Agents shall agree (such agreement not to be
         unreasonably withheld) that the extended Facilities are complete and
         capable of supplying [          ] of CILTREAT.

         8,400 sq. ft. of warehouse accommodation suitable for the storage of
         calcium carbide and diamidkalk which is owned by the Managing Agents
         and is situated at Althorpe Wharf and hired to Carbide Industries.


         Operating Instructions
         Written instructions on operation of the Plant issued by the Carbide
         Industries Representative or other nominated Carbide Industries

         Maintenance Procedures
         Written procedures for Plant Maintenance issued by the Carbide
         Industries Representative or other nominated Carbide Industries

         A metric ton of 1,000 kilogrammes

         A period of seven days commencing 00.01 hours Sunday

         A calendar month

         Programme Period
         6 months commencing on any 1 October or 1 April

         12 months commencing on any 1 October


         Except as otherwise expressly provided for in this Agreement the
         relationship between Carbide Industries and the Managing Agents shall
         be that of principal and agent. The Managing Agents accept the duty
         of managing and operating the Plant and agree to afford to Carbide
         Industries the full benefit of their ability, knowledge and

3.       DUTIES
         Within the overall concept of their general managership of the Plant,
         the Managing Agents shall inter alia be responsible for:

         (i)      The receipt and storage at the Plant and/or the Store of the 
                  Raw Materials required for the production of CILTREAT.  The
                  ordering and calling forward of Raw Materials shall normally
                  be carried out by the Carbide Industries Representative, but
                  when so requested by Carbide Industries the Managing Agents
                  shall order and call forward from the suppliers nominated by
                  Carbide Industries Raw Materials required for the production
                  of CILTREAT. No responsibility shall attach to the Managing
                  Agents as a result of any failure to obtain the Raw Materials
                  on time when properly requisitioned by them.


         (ii)     The receipt of the calcium carbide and diamidkalk at Gunness 
                  Wharf or at such other site as may be arranged by the Managing
                  Agents with the prior authorisation of Carbide Industries, the
                  clearing of correctly prepared ships documents, the discharge
                  of the said materials from ship to the Plant or to Store as
                  directed by Carbide Industries and the transfer of the said
                  materials from Store to the Plant or within the Plant. The
                  most recently published Standard Trading Conditions currently
                  the 1978 Edition as set out in Appendix III of the Institute
                  of Freight Forwarders Limited, and the General Conditions of
                  Contract of the National Association of Warehouse Keepers, as
                  amended and set out in Appendix III thereto shall apply as
                  appropriate except insofar as in conflict with this Agreement
                  in which case the terms of this Agreement shall prevail.

         (iii)    The storage of the Raw Materials in the warehouse located at
                  the Plant and in the Store.

         (iv)     From the Effective Date until the Completion Date the 
                  production of such quantities of CILTREAT as Carbide
                  Industries may require and as are agreed by the Parties to be
                  capable of achievement by the Plant having regard to the fact
                  that on occasions during this period, Carbide Industries will
                  require to interfere with normal production in the Facilities.
                  The Parties will use their best endeavours to maintain a
                  CILTREAT supply capability averaging at least [             ] 
                  during this period.  Carbide Industries shall advise the
                  Managing Agents in advance of the occasions and likely
                  duration of dislocation to normal production and the Managing
                  Agents shall use their best endeavours to meet the
                  requirements of the BSC Works

         (v)      With effect from the Completion Date the production of such
                  quantities of CILTREAT as Carbide Industries may require up
                  to a maximum rate of [
                            ] week or up to such greater production rate as
                           may be shown and agreed by the Managing Agents to
                           be capable of achievement from time to time under
                           normal operating conditions by the carrying out of
                           the grinding and mixing process in the Plant in
                           accordance with the Operating Instructions

         (vi)     The transfer of such quantities of CILTREAT so produced 
                  into containers provided at the cost of Carbide Industries
                  for delivery to the BSC Works (and elsewhere as agreed from
                  time to time) as are required in accordance with the
                  contractual arrangements between Carbide Industries and the
                  British Steel Corporation provided that such Contractual
                  arrangements be in accord with the terms and provisions of
                  the arrangement between Carbide Industries and the Managing

         (vii)    The weighing of and despatch by road transport of the loaded
                  containers to the BSC Works (or elsewhere as agreed from
                  time to time) and the return or the


                  recovery of the empty containers from the BSC Works to the
                  Plant. The road transport shall be selected or provided by
                  the Managing Agents at competitive rates to be agreed with
                  Carbide Industries save that if Carbide Industries in good
                  faith consider such rates to be uncompetitive or the service
                  offered by a third party to be superior then Carbide
                  Industries shall be entitled to nominate other road
                  haulier(s) subject to the right of the Managing Agents to
                  require Carbide Industries not to use a particular road
                  haulier if the Managing Agents have valid and bona fide
                  reasons for not wishing to operate with that road haulier,
                  such reasons being unconnected with the preference of
                  Carbide Industries to use such alternative road haulier
                  instead of the Managing Agents and the Managing Agents shall
                  be responsible for calling forward such other transport to
                  meet Carbide Industries delivery requirements. Where the
                  Managing Agents are used as hauliers, the most recently
                  published Conditions of Carriage of the Road Haulage
                  Association Limited, currently the 1967 edition (Clause 3(4)
                  amended December 1971) as set out in Appendix I hereto shall
                  apply as appropriate except insofar as in conflict with this
                  Agreement, in which case the terms of this Agreement shall

         (viii)   The carrying out or provision by others of certain routine
                  scheduled maintenance of the Plant in accordance with
                  Maintenance Procedures issued in writing by Carbide

         (ix)     The carrying out or provision by others of certain
                  incidental non-routine or extraordinary maintenance and the
                  repair of the Plant in accordance with instructions issued
                  by Carbide Industries

         (x)      The provision of services and consumable supplies other than
                  power necessary for the operation of the Plant including oil
                  grease cleaning materials and first aid and protective

         (xi)     The packing or repacking of calcium carbide into drums or
                  other containers provided by Carbide Industries at Carbide
                  Industries cost and the labelling, weighing and despatch
                  thereof in accordance with the instructions issued by
                  Carbide Industries

         (xii)    The provision of an analytical service in a form to be
                  agreed in writing from time to time for the purpose of
                  checking that the CILTREAT produced in the Plant conforms to
                  the specification set out in the said Operating Instructions

         (xiii)   The provision of such management information including
                  accounting recording of Raw Materials production and
                  finished product stocks and maintenance reporting as may be
                  agreed in writing from time to time

         (xiv)    The consultation with the Carbide Industries representative
                  on matters affecting 


                  the management operation and maintenance of the Plant


         With effect from the Effective Date Carbide Industries shall pay to
         the Managing Agents in respect of their duties

                  (i)      in managing operating and maintaining the Plant the 
                           following Charges:

                           (a)      an Operation Charge, being the actual
                                    costs incurred by the Managing Agents in
                                    providing labour to operate and maintain
                                    the Plant, in providing protective
                                    clothing and services for and provision of
                                    fork lift trucks as set out in Appendix II

                           (b)      a Management Charge being
                                    A   A Standing Charge being

                                        (i)      [                            ]
                                        (ii)     [                            ]
                                        (iii)    [                            ]

                                    B   A Tonnage Charge of [


                  (ii)     in discharging the calcium carbide and diamidkalk
                           from vessel to road transport (as set out In Clause
                           3 (ii)) a Handling Charge being

                           [                                                 ]
                           [                                                 ]
                           [                                                 ]

                  (iii)    in transporting the calcium carbide and diamidkalk
                           from Gunness Wharf to the Plant or the Store and
                           the return of empty packages from the Plant or the
                           Store to Gunness Wharf and the loading onto vessels
                           a Transport Charge of [


                  (iv)     in storing calcium carbide and diamidkalk in the
                           Store in accordance with the provisions of Clause 8
                           a Storage Charge to be mutually agreed by the



                  (i)      In respect of the Labour Charge as provided for in 
                           Clause 4 and Appendix II the Managing Agents will
                           invoice Carbide Industries with the best possible
                           estimate of the amount of the Labour Charge at the
                           beginning of the month to which the Charge refers and
                           within 10 days of receipt of invoice Carbide
                           Industries will pay the Managing Agents this amount.
                           Within 7 days of the end of the month to which the
                           Labour Charge relates the Managing Agents will send
                           Carbide Industries a statement showing the exact
                           amount of the Labour Charge in that month and will
                           issue an appropriate credit or debit which will be
                           paid within 10 days.

                  (ii)     In respect of the Charges as set out in Clause 4
                           (except for the Labour Charge), the Managing Agents
                           will invoice Carbide Industries in respect of these
                           Charges within ten days of the end of the month
                           concerned and Carbide Industries will pay the
                           Managing Agents by the end of the month immediately
                           following the month to which the Charge relates.


         The Charges as set out in Clause 4 of this Agreement may be varied in
         accordance with the following provisions:

                  (i)      [


                  (ii)     [



                  (iii)    [


7.       DURATION

                  (i)      This Agreement shall come into effect from the
                           Effective Date and shall continue in force until

                           (a)      by Carbide Industries giving to the
                                    Managing Agents not less than 12 months
                                    written notice, such notice expiring on
                                    the third anniversary of the Effective
                                    Date or at any time thereafter.

                           (b)      by the Managing Agents giving to Carbide
                                    Industries not less than 12 months written
                                    notice expiring not earlier than the
                                    eleventh anniversary of the Appointed Date
                                    as provided for in an agreement between
                                    Carbide Industries and British Steel
                                    Corporation and such date to be advised by
                                    Carbide Industries to the Managing Agents.

                  (ii)     [



8.       STORAGE

         The Managing Agents shall make available to Carbide Industries the
         Store. In respect of the hiring of the Store Carbide Industries shall
         be liable for payment of rates levied by the local authority in
         addition to the Storage Charge provided for in Clause 4 (iv). The
         Managing Agents shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair
         of the Store and for the insurance against fire, explosion and other
         usual perils as agreed by the Parties for full reinstatement value of
         the building. Storage shall be in accordance with The General
         Conditions of Contract of the National Association of Warehouse
         Keepers and the Standard Trading Conditions of the Institute of
         Freight Forwarders Limited as amended and set out in Appendix III
         hereto which shall apply as appropriate except insofar as in conflict
         with this Agreement in which case the terms of this Agreement shall


         The Managing Agents undertake to keep in confidence all information
         relating to the plant and process for the manufacture of CILTREAT
         disclosed to them by Carbide Industries and shall not disclose such
         information in whole or in part to any third party without the prior
         written consent of Carbide Industries.


         (i)      The Plant and all Raw Materials and work in progress and all 
                  stores spares plans designs specifications accounts records
                  and other, documents associated with the construction and
                  operation of the Plant and all monies provided by Carbide
                  Industries and held by the Managing Agents in connection
                  therewith shall at all times remain the property of Carbide
                  Industries and shall be dealt with as they may direct. For the
                  avoidance of doubt this clause shall not apply to payments due
                  or made under Clause 4 hereof and Carbide Industries shall
                  indemnify the Managing Agents against all actions or claims 
                  resulting from or related to the Managing Agents complying
                  with this Clause save such actions and claims as result from
                  the negligence or default of the Managing Agents, provided
                  always that the conduct and control of all claims arising
                  under this indemnity shall be vested in Carbide Industries

         (ii)     Carbide Industries shall have the right at all times to enter
                  the Plant and to inspect the same and all Raw Materials and
                  work in progress  thereat and subject to 


                  reasonable notice being given to inspect all agency documents
                  in relation thereto

         (iii)    The Managing Agents shall in the performance of their
                  obligations as Managing Agents under this Agreement take all
                  reasonable steps to ensure the safety of the Plant and the
                  Raw Materials and work in progress therein and to prevent
                  the occurrence of any event whereby the operation of the
                  Plant might be interrupted or any property of Carbide
                  Industries might be damaged or destroyed provided always
                  that where such steps shall necessitate financial
                  expenditure they shall consult with Carbide Industries who
                  shall meet all expenditure approved by them.


         (i)      From the Effective Date until the Completion Date while the
                  extended Facilities are being built and commissioned Carbide
                  Industries and the Managing Agents will work as closely as
                  possible with the British Steel Corporation in meeting their
                  requirements for CILTREAT.

         (ii)     Two weeks prior to any Programme Period the Managing Agents
                  will be given Carbide Industries' best possible estimate of
                  the production and sales requirements of CILTREAT for that
                  Programme Period. The Managing Agents shall be provided with
                  written details of the weekly production and sales
                  requirements of CILTREAT (by grades) not less than 57 hours
                  before the commencement of each week.


         (i)      Carbide Industries and the Managing Agents shall be entitled 
                  to terminate this Agreement by not less than three months
                  notice in writing given by the one to the other at any time if
                  (subject always to the right of the other party to refer the
                  matter to arbitration under Clause 14 hereof) after hearing
                  any representation that the other may make that the other has
                  committed any breach of or has failed to observe and perform
                  to a significant degree any of the provisions of  this
                  Agreement and has failed to rectify such breach or omission on
                  reasonable written notice thereof

         (ii)     Either Party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement
                  either in whole or in part by notice in writing given by
                  that Party to the other at any time if the other Party shall
                  have passed a Resolution providing for their liquidation
                  except for the purposes of reconstruction or amalgamation or
                  if a receiver shall be appointed of any of their assets or
                  if circumstances shall have arisen which shall entitle any
                  person to appoint a receiver

         (iii)    Upon the termination of this Agreement either in whole or in
                  part under either of the above provisions Carbide Industries 
                  shall be entitled to employ any person firm 


                  or Company for the purpose of carrying out duties required 
                  to be performed under the terms of this Agreement.


         If at any time during this Agreement either Party shall be prevented
         by force majeure (which expression where used in this Agreement shall
         include acts of God strikes lockouts labour disputes fire accident or
         any other cause whatsoever whether or not of a like kind beyond that
         Party's control) from carrying out the duties or performing the
         services to be provided hereunder they shall not be liable to the
         other Party for any loss thereby sustained but shall take all
         reasonable steps expeditiously to ensure the resumption of the duties
         and services with the minimum of delay. During any such force majeure
         period Carbide Industries shall advise the Managing Agents as to
         which services Carbide Industries require the Managing Agents to
         provide at the Plant and Carbide Industries shall reimburse to the
         Managing Agents the actual costs incurred by the Managing Agents in
         providing services authorised by Carbide Industries. It is agreed
         that during any force majeure period the Management Fee as provided
         for in Clause 4 shall continue to be paid.

         In the case of any dispute or difference arising between the Parties
         as to the construction of this Agreement or the rights duties or
         obligations of either party hereunder or any matter arising out of or
         concerning the same and assuming the Parties cannot come to a
         mutually agreeable understanding within a thirty day period every
         such dispute or matter of difference shall be referred to a single
         arbitrator in the case the Parties can agree upon one otherwise to
         some person appointed by the President for the time being of the
         London Chamber of Commerce and in either case in accordance with and
         subject to the provisions of the Arbitration Act 1950 c: any
         Statutory Modification or Re-enactment thereof for the time being in


         It is hereby agreed that an Agreement dated 2 July 1973 between the
         Parties shall from the Effective Date cease to be of any further
         force and effect except insofar as relating to liabilities incurred
         or obligations outstanding by either Party at such date.


The Parties have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written


Signed by /s/
          For and on behalf of BOC Limited

In the presence of /s/
Signed by /s/                                        Director

     /s/                                             Secretary
     For and on behalf of Gunness Wharf Limited


                                  APPENDIX I

1      Size Specification

       All grades of CILTREAT shall conform to the following size specification

                  [                                           ]
                  [                                           ]
                  [                                           ]

2      Carbide content










                               OPERATION CHARGE

The Operation Charge shall comprise a Labour Charge and a Plant Charge being

(1)      Labour Charge




         [                           ]

         [                                     ]





         [                                           ]
         [                                           ]
         [                                           ]



(2)      Plant Charge

         [                                                          ]

         [                                               ]




                  [                                                ]

         [                                                                   ]
