DATED 01.10.1998

                        (1)Philipp Brother Chemicals Inc

                                 (2)BOC Limited



                                    SUPPLY OF

                                 CALCIUM CARBIDE


Clause Number                               Heading
- -------------                               -------

1                                           Definitions
2                                           Supply of Products
3                                           Duration and Termination
4                                           Volumes
5                                           Price
6                                           Purchasing Procedures
7                                           Conditions of Sale
8                                           Force Majeure
9                                           General Provisions

- --------

1                                           Specification
2                                           Conditions of Sale


THIS AGREEMENT is made the 1 day of October 1998.


(1)      Philipp Brothers Chemicals, Inc. with principal offices at 1 Parker
         Plaza, Fort Lee, NJ07024 USA (PB)

(2)      BOC Limited, a British company with principal offices at The Priestley
         Centre, 10 Priestley Road, The Surrey Research Park, Guildford, Surrey
         GU2 5XY (BOC)

IT IS AGREED as follows:

I.       Definitions

1.1      In this Agreement:

         "Products" means calcium carbide to the specification set out in
         Schedule 1.

         "Year" means any period commencing on 1 October and ending on the
         following 30 September.

         "Tonne" means a metric tonne, being 1000 kilograms, or 2205 pounds.

         "Container" means a bulk package for supply of Products holding between
         1.45 and 1.65 tormes.

2.       Supply of Products

2.1      PB shall supply and BOC shall purchase Products in accordance with the
         provisions of this Agreement.

2.2      Products shall, unless otherwise agreed in writing, be delivered to
         BOC's acetylene works in the United Kingdom or, in the case of
         deliveries to Ireland, on a CIF Dublin basis.

2.3      For each shipment a certificate of analysis containing the data shown
         in Schedule I will be faxed to the BOC department which has ordered the

2.4      Delivery shall be in accordance with Incoterms 1990.

2.5      Products delivered shall conform to the BOC Calcium Carbide Purchase
         Specification attached to this Agreement as schedule I, or the latest
         version thereof.

2.6      Products shall be packed and labeled safely and in accordance with the
         detail set out on schedule 1 of this agreement.


2.7      Arrangements for the supply of Products to other BOC's Group companies
         around the world shall be covered, if appropriate, by another separate

3.       Duration and Termination

3.1      This Agreement shall be for an initial period commencing on 1      1998
         and ending on 30 September 2003, and shall continue thereafter unless
         and until terminated by either party giving to the other not less than
         12 months' notice in writing expiring on, or after, 30 September 2003.

3.2      Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 3.1 BOC may terminate this
         Agreement forthwith by notice in writing sent to PB upon the
         bankruptcy, insolvency or liquidation of PB (except for a voluntary
         liquidation to effect a reconstruction in such manner that the
         resulting company effectively assumes the obligations imposed on PB
         under this Agreement);

3.3      Notwithstanding the provisions of 3.1, either party may terminate this
         Agreement forthwith by notice in writing sent to the other if:

         3.3.1    the other party commits a material irremediable breach of any
                  term of this Agreement;

         3.3.2    the other party remains in breach of any other term of this
                  Agreement 50 days after the aggrieved party has given notice
                  to remedy the same.

3.4      Upon termination of this Agreement from any cause:

         3.4.1    all BOC's debts to PB shall become due and payable;

         3.4.2    no rights already accrued shall be affected but neither party
                  shall be liable to the other for loss, damage or compensation
                  arising out of lawful termination;

         3.4.3    BOC shall have the right to purchase up to [                 ]
                  of a type used to Supply this Contract [                     ]

4.       Volumes

4.1      PB shall supply BOC's total requirements of Products for consumption in
         [                      ]

4.2      BOC estimates that its demand for Products will be [                  ]
         in the year commencing 1 October 1998. This volume is solely an
         estimate and shall in no way be considered legally binding on BOC but
         is purely to assist PB in planning.


5.       Price

5.1      For shipments made from the date of this Agreement until and including
         30 September 1999 or beyond if no amendment is requested, the price
         shall be:

         1.       For deliveries to [              ] per tonne

         2.       For deliveries to [              ] per tonne

         The price invoiced shall be that ruling on the date of delivery and
         will be subject to any charged tax and/or government duty or tax
         applicable, unless agreed otherwise in writing.

5.2      On 1 October 1999 and each subsequent 1 October for the duration of the
         Agreement the price of the Products is liable to amendment by the
         lowest of the following:

         a)       [                                    ] increase in price 
                  during the previous year;

         b)       [                                  ] costs for the six months 
                  from 1 January of the current year versus the supply costs for
                  the six months from 1 January of the previous year. Using the
                  same accounting conventions and costing methods as used in the
                  previous year.

         c)       A maximum annual increase of [              ]

         PB shall give BOC a minimum of two months written notice of their
         intended variation in price.

5.3      [


5.4      PB shall at BOC's request provide an auditor's certificate confirming
         the [                           ]

6.       Purchasing Procedures

6.1      In order to assist with PB's production and delivery planning, BOC
         shall during June in each year provide to PB an estimate of the volume
         of Products that it will require under this Agreement in the next Year,
         together with an indication of scheduled delivery times, and such other
         information as may be requested that is relevant and non confidential
         to BOC. This estimate and schedule shall in no way be considered
         legally binding on BOC but is purely to assist PB in planning.


6.2      BOC shall place purchase orders on PB for the volumes of Products it
         requires from PB. BOC shall state its delivery requirements and PB
         shall use best endeavors to meet such requirements.

6.3      PB shall maintain adequate stocks of Products at all times to supply
         BOC's reasonable requirements. PB shall also inform BOC a minimum of 3
         months before a planned shutdown and shall ensure, in consultation with
         BOC, that enough Products are held in stock exclusively for BOC to meet
         BOC's reasonable demand over the expected shutdown and restart period
         plus an additional amount to cover a 20% overrun in down time.

7.       Conditions of Sale

7.1      BOC's conditions of purchase shall apply to this Agreement unless
         superseded by a clause within this Agreement or its attached schedules.

7.2      An invoice for the Products shall be issued by the end of the month of
         delivery, and payment shall be issued by the end of the month following
         the month of invoice.

7.3      Any recommendation or suggestion relating to the use of the goods made
         by PB, either in technical literature or in response to specific
         enquiry or otherwise, is given in good faith; it is for BOC to satisfy
         itself of the suitability of the goods for its own particular purpose.
         PB gives no warranty as to the fitness of the goods for any particular
         purpose and any implied warranty or condition (statutory or otherwise)
         is excluded except insofar as such exclusion is prevented by law.

7.4      PB's liability in contract or tort for any loss or damage (other than
         for death or personal injury) arising directly or indirectly out of the
         supply of or use of the goods or the packages in which the goods are
         delivered shall be limited to (pound)1,000,000 per instance.

7.5      PB shall provide BOC with health and safety information and product
         literature concerning the Products and their use. Should BOC require
         any further information or advice in connection with safe use of the
         goods in question, BOC shall immediately contact PB.

7.6      The property and risk in the goods shall remain in PB until, and shall
         pass to BOC at, delivery. Delivery shall be in accordance with the
         provisions of INCOTERMS 1990.

7.7      All claims for damage to the Products in transit must be submitted in
         writing to PB within 30 days of delivery.

7.8      As soon as is reasonably practical, and in any event within 30 days of
         receipt of the goods, BOC shall examine them for the purpose of
         ascertaining whether they conform to the Agreement. If such goods do
         not conform, BOC shall immediately give written notice 


         thereof to PB with sufficient particulars.

7.9      PB warrants that clause 1.3 within the schedule 1 shall apply and,
         where appropriate, credits will be issued for Products Supplied with
         low yields.

8.       Force Majeure

         Neither party shall be liable to the other for any loss or damage which
         may be suffered as a direct or indirect result of performance by that
         party being prevented, hindered or delayed by reason of circumstances
         or events beyond that party's reasonable control including, but not
         limited to, act of God, war, riot, strike, lockout, trade dispute or
         labor disturbance, flood, storm, or tempest.

         If performance is so delayed or prevented for more than 90 days, either
         party may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect. During this
         period BOC may purchase its requirements for Products elsewhere.

9.       General Provisions

9.1      Any notice hereunder shall be in the English language and shall be sent
         to the latest advised contact and address responsible for managing the
         Agreement. Currently they are:

         John Needell                      George Moffett
         BOC Gases                         Ferro Metal and Chemical Corp. Ltd.
         The Priestley Centre              179 Kings Road
         10 Priestly Road                  Reading
         The Surrey Research Park          RG1 4EX
         Guildford Surrey
         GU2 5XY

         Fax: +44 (0) 1483 303921          +44 (0) 118 950 92316
         Tel:. +44 (0) 1483 244285         +44 (0) 118 959 1961

9.2      No variation, modification or waiver of any of the terms of this
         Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed on behalf of
         both parties.

9.3      Neither Party can assign this Agreement without prior written consent
         of the other Party, such consent shall not be withheld unreasonably.

9.4      The creation, performance and discharge of this Agreement shall be
         governed by the laws of England and its interpretation shall be subject
         to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

9.5      All details of this Agreement and the activities of both companies
         associated with it shall 


         remain confidential between the two parties until one year after the
         termination of the Agreement

9.6      The safety contacts for this contract are

         Dave Hook                                   J C Borke
         BOC Gases                                   Odda Smelteverk AS
         The Priestley Centre                        PO Box 68
         10 Priestley Road                           5751 Odda
         The Surrey Research Park                    Norway
         GU2 5XY

         Fax:     +44 (0) 1483 505921                +
         Tel:     +44 (0) 1483 244161                +47 536 48691

Attachments to Agreement



         IN WITNESS whereof this Agreement has been duly executed after the

         Signed for and on behalf of Buyer    Signed for and on behalf of Seller

         /s/ John Needell                     /s/ Jack C. Bendheim

         Name   J. Needell                    Name   J. C. Bendheim
             -----------------------------        ------------------------------

         Position   Supply Manager            Position  Pres.
                 -------------------------            --------------------------
         Date    4 Aug '98                    Date     Sept. 7, 1998
             -----------------------------        ------------------------------


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1.0      Product

1.1      General

Calcium Carbide purchased by BOC Gases, for the generation of [                ]
except as may be specified in the additional requirements set out below. The BOC
Group operates a number of different sizes and types of [                      ]
in its subsidiary companies around the world. Where specific requirements are
necessary to suit these plants, these are detailed in Appendices to this
specification. Calcium carbide suppliers must pay careful attention to both the
body and appendices of this specification in order to fully meet BOC Gases'

1.2      Size and Dust content

1.2.1    Graded Size

Graded sizes of calcium carbide shall be as set out in [                      ]
The size range to be supplied shall be [                      ]

1.2.2    Limits of oversize and undersize

Calcium carbide will only be accepted if all the following conditions are met:

o        Needle like pieces must be no more than 1.5 times the upper limit of
         the particle size

o        No more than 5% may be oversize and no more than 15% may be undersize

o        Of undersize product, at least 70% must be of the next finer size

o        100% of oversize product must be of the next coarser size

o        Oversize pieces of 50/80 must pass through a test sieve of 90mm hole
         size in accordance with DIN 4187

1.2.3    Dust



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1.3      Gas Yield

1.3.1    Gas yield



1.3.2    Shortfall from specified yield

[                                                      ] Any such carbide will 
be returned to the supplier, freight collect, and the supplier will issue a full
credit to BOC Gases for the carbide and any freight costs incurred.

1.4      Purity of Gas Generated

1.4.1    Phosphine



1.4.2    Hydrogen Sulphide

The level of hydrogen sulphide in the [                                ] shall
not [                      ]

1.4.3    Ammonia (and derivatives of ammonia)

The level of ammonia in the [                                 ] shall not
[                               ]

1.5      Residual Products

may result in environmental or Calcium carbide supplied shall react with water
to form [                      ] leaving residual sludge, which is essentially 
[             ] Metallic inclusions and other foreign bodies cause serious 
operational problems, may cause dangerous blockages of [                      ]


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1.5.1    Metallic inclusions

Metallic inclusions in calcium carbide shall be less than [

1.5.2    Other residual products

Particles of brick, stones and other nonmetallic products must be less than [

1.6      Test Certificate

For each consignment, the manufacturer shall provide a Test Certificate showing
the average gas yield, phosphine, hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, arsenic, silicon
and metallic residual content, determined in their laboratory, plus size grading
and net weight. The specific packing date, batch number to which the certificate
refers must be clearly designated on the certificate.

1.7      Packaging

Calcium carbide will be packed in bulk containers or in sealed, unlined steel
drums. Steel drums shall have capacity of [                   ] The drums will 
be palletised with each pallet load not to exceed [                           ]
The palletised drums will be strapped and the pallets stacked in a shipping
container in a stable and safe manner, so that the shipping container can be
unloaded by forklift truck at BOC Gases' sites, without manual handling of
individual drums. Pallets shall have either [                             ] 
drums on, as directed by BOC.

Packaging requirements are determined by individual countries legislation.

1.8      Marking and Labeling

Marking and labeling will generally be covered by individual countries
legislation. As a minimum, all drums must be identified with the following:

         Trade name (if applicable) & Product description "Calcium carbide" 
         UN number "UN1402",
         Name of Consignee, Name of Supplier, Country of Origin Emergency
         contact details
         The appropriate Hazard Diamond for flammable solids "Class 4.3"
         Mesh Size


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         Net Weight
         Date of Filling & Batch Number

The (external) shipping container shall be marked on both sides and both ends by
a label or sign bearing the class label and the UN number, such sign to be not
less than 250 mm square.

1.9      Complaints

Any complaints about product quality or packaging will be referred to the
supplier within 30 days of receipt of the shipment at the consignee's plant.
Product which is subject to any complaint shall be quarantined until the issue
is resolved.


                       BOC Limited conditions of purchase

1.       Introduction and Definitions

1.1      Incorporation of These Conditions
         The following Conditions of Purchase apply to and are deemed to be
         incorporated in the Purchase Agreement ("Purchasing Agreement") or
         Purchase Order ("Purchase Order") set out overleaf relating to the
         supply of goods ("Goods") and / or services ("Services"). Purchasing
         Agreements, contracts concluded by call-off Purchase Orders under,
         Purchasing Agreements, and contracts concluded by the suppliers
         acceptance of independent Purchase Orders are all covered by the
         expression "Purchase Contract".

1.2      Exclusion of The Supplier's Conditions
         These Conditions exclude any terms and conditions proffered by the
         person, firm or company ("the Supplier") with whom the Purchasing
         Agreement is made or to whom the Purchase Order is addressed, unless
         the contrary is expressly and specifically agreed in writing by BOC.
         They are in addition to and without prejudice to BOC's rights at common
         law or by statute as purchasers.

1.3      BOC
         "BOC" means the BOC Company as stated on the Purchase Order of Purchase

2        General

2.1      Purchase Orders
         BOC will be responsible for payment for Goods or Services only if
         ordered on an official BOC Purchase Order form.

2.2      Variations
         Neither BOC nor the Supplier shall be bound by any variation to a
         Purchase Contract, except as agreed in writing by both parties by means
         of a Purchasing Agreement Amendment or Purchase Order Amendment (as

2.3      Acceptance
         In the case of Purchase Orders calling off Goods or Services under a
         Purchasing Agreement, the contract for the Goods or Services in
         question shall be complete and binding as soon as the Purchase Order is
         received by the Supplier (the Purchasing Agreement being deemed to
         constitute a standing offer which is accepted by the Purchase Order).
         The terms of the Purchasing Agreement shall apply and prevail over any
         of these Conditions or any terms of a Purchase Order which are
         inconsistent with the Purchasing Agreement.

2.4      Price


         2.4.1    Prices shall remain firm and fixed and shall not be subject to
                  any increase or escalation whatsoever for the duration of the
                  Purchase Contract (unless a variation to a Purchasing
                  Agreement is agreed by means of a BOC Purchasing Agreement

         2.4.2    Unless otherwise stated in the Purchasing Agreement of
                  Purchase Order, and subject to 2.4.3 below, the price of Goods
                  shall be inclusive of the cost of carriage and packing and the
                  price of Goods or Services shall be inclusive of the cost of
                  carriage and packing and the price of Goods or Services shall
                  be inclusive of any duties, taxes (other than VAT), royalties,
                  tariffs or other impositions chargeable or liveable on Goods
                  or Services, and of any other sums whatsoever payable to any
                  person in respect of Goods or Services.

         2.4.3    Where applicable VAT shall be paid by BOC at the rate ruling
                  at the time of supply.

2.5      Payment
         Unless otherwise specified, payment instructions for the Goods or
         Services shall normally be issued by the end of the month following the
         month of invoice, which shall be rendered promptly after delivery and
         acceptance of Goods or performance of Services.

2.6      Termination for breach or Bankruptcy
         If the Supplier is in breach of any obligation under a Purchase
         Contract or Commits any act of bankruptcy or, being a company, goes
         into liquidation, has a receiver appointed or has an administration
         order made, then, notwithstanding any previous waiver, BOC shall be
         entitled to terminate the Purchase Contract immediately by written
         notice, but without prejudice to any then existing rights of either
         party, and to enter the Supplier's premises and remove any property of

2.7      Assignment and Subletting
         Purchase Contracts are made with the Supplier on the basis that the
         Goods will be supplied and/or the Services performed by the Supplier
         and no assignment or subletting may be made (except in minor respects)
         without the specific written consent of BOC.

2.8      Materials Provided by BOC
         The supplier shall be fully responsible for any loss or damage to any
         free issue materials or to any BOC materials, equipment or other
         property whist in the Suppliers possession for any purpose connected
         with the Purchase Contract, and will promptly replace or repair as
         required by BOC, at the Suppliers own cost, any equipment or other
         property lost or damaged by the supplier.


2.9      Confidentiality/Proprietary Rights
         All plans, drawings, specifications, patterns or other technical
         information, artwork or origination provided by BOC, relating to the
         Goods or Services and all information provided by BOC or otherwise
         acquired by the Supplier relating to BOC's business shall remain the
         property of BOC, and (if in documentary form) forthwith upon completion
         of the purchase Contract shall be returned to BOC in good condition. No
         such plan, drawing, specification, pattern, information, artwork or
         origination shall be shown nor its contents disclosed to any other
         person, nor shall it be copied or used for any purpose other than for
         the completion of the Purchase Contract.

2.10     Public Knowledge, etc.
         The provisions of Clause 2.9 shall not apply to information already
         known to the Supplier through sources owing no obligation of confidence
         to BOC. Or which becomes public knowledge otherwise than through the
         default of the Supplier.

2.11     Publicity
         The Supplier shall make no reference to BOC in its advertising or
         literature or correspondence (other than correspondence concerning the
         Purchase Contract) without BOC's prior agreement in writing.

2.12     Indemnity and Insurance

         2.12.1   The Supplier shall indemnify BOC against any liability, loss,
                  cost, expense, damage or injury in consequence of a defect in
                  design (other than a design made, furnished or specified by
                  BOC), materials or workmanship or any breach by the Supplier
                  of a Purchase Contract, save to the extent that such
                  liability, loss, cost, expense, damage or injury is due to the
                  negligence of BOC.

         2.12.2   Unless otherwise stated in the Purchase Contract, the Supplier
                  shall be deemed to have arranged for, and the Supplier's price
                  shall be deemed to include the cost of, all necessary
                  insurances. In particular, insurance must be effected for:

                           (i)      Public liability for not less than
                                    (pound)1,000,000 for any one incident.
                           (ii)     Product liability for not less than
                                    (pound)1,000,000 for any one incident
                                    subject to an aggregate of not less than
                                    (pound)2,000,000 each year.
                           (iii)    Employer's Liability Insurance Evidence of
                                    these insurances shall be produced on

2.13     Legal Construction

         2.13.1   The Purchase Contract, acceptance, all correspondence,
                  specifications and other documents shall be in the English


         2.13.2   These conditions and the Purchase Contract shall be governed
                  by and construed in accordance with English Law.

         2.13.3   Headings to Clauses are for guidance only and do not form part
                  of these Conditions.

         2.13.4   References to Acts in these conditions are deemed to include
                  regulations thereunder and any amending legislation.

3.       Supply of Goods

3.1      Expediting
         BOC's staff or nominees shall be given access at all reasonable times
         to the Suppliers works and premises, or those of its subcontractors, in
         order to view and expedite work in progress.

3.2      Inspection and Training
         The Supplier shall comply with the inspection and/or testing
         requirements stated in the Purchase Contract. The Supplier is to advise
         BOC at least seven days in advance when material will be ready for
         inspection and/or testing. BOC's inspection shall not relieve the
         Supplier from its guarantee or any obligation or responsibility to
         furnish satisfactory material. BOC shall be entitled to waive
         inspection at any point of manufacture, without prejudice to its right
         to reject unsuitable material or equipment after arrival at

3.3      Delivery

         3.3.1    The Goods, properly packed and secured, shall be delivered by
                  the Supplier at the time and at the place and in the manner
                  specified in the Purchase Contract.

         3.3.2    The time stipulated for delivery or completion may not be
                  altered without the express written consent of BOC.

         3.3.3    An Advice Note shall be sent by the Supplier to the BOC
                  address specified on the Purchase Contract on the same day as
                  the Goods are dispatched. The Advice Note shall reference the
                  BOC order number, quantities, item numbers, part numbers and
                  descriptions cross referenced to the Purchase Order and
                  clearly state the contents of the consignment.

         3.3.4    A Delivery Note containing the same information as the Advice
                  shall accompany the Goods on delivery.


3.4      Title and Risk

         3.4.1    Title to all or any part of the Goods shall pass to BOC on the
                  earlier of: 
                  - identification or allocation of such goods to the Purchase
                  - payment for such Goods
                  - delivery of such Goods

         3.4.2    Risk in all or any part of the Goods shall be with Supplier
                  and shall only pass to BOC on delivery of such Goods.

3.5      Rejection
         BOC shall be entitled, by notice in writing given within a reasonable
         time after delivery, to reject Goods delivered which are not in
         accordance with the Purchase Contract.

3.6      Storage
         If, for any reason, BOC is unable to accept delivery of the Goods at
         the time specified in the Purchase Contract, the Supplier shall, by
         prior agreement with BOC, store the Goods and take all reasonable steps
         to maintain them in a merchantable condition. BOC shall, subject to
         written agreement, reimburse the Supplier for the reasonable costs of
         such storage actually incurred.

3.7      Intellectual Property, Patents and Design Work

         3.7.1    The Supplier warrants that the Goods to be supplied do not
                  infringe any intellectual property rights including patents,
                  designs (whether registered or not), copyright and trade
                  marks, and undertakes to indemnify BOC against all royalties
                  or licence fees (to the extent not specifically provided for)
                  and against all damages, losses or costs suffered by BOC in
                  respect of any breach of this warranty. The Supplier will give
                  BOC all such support and assistance as BOC reasonably requires
                  in defending any claim that the Goods infringe and
                  intellectual property right. If it should come to BOC's
                  knowledge that a claim may arise under this warranty. BOC
                  reserves the right to determine the Purchase Contract
                  forthwith on written notice and without further liability.

         3.7.2    All intellectual property rights, including patents,
                  trademarks, designs and copyright, arising from work conducted
                  by the Supplier for the purpose of producing Goods
                  specifically for BOC shall belong to BOC, unless specifically
                  agreed otherwise by BOC in writing, and the supplier agrees at
                  BOC's expense to execute all documents and do all such other
                  things as may reasonably be required to assign such rights to
                  BOC. All copies of any designs and drawings and of any other
                  relevant documentation prepared by the Supplier or any third
                  party on its behalf for such purpose shall be provided to BOC
                  on request.

3.8      Statutory Requirements


         3.8.1    It is condition of the Purchase Contract that the Goods
                  supplied should conform in all relevant respects with the
                  requirements of the Health and Safety at Work, etc Act 1974
                  and comply with any other applicable Act, Regulation,
                  Directive or Code of Practice.

         3.8.2    Information and advice regarding the transporting, storage,
                  operation or use of the Goods, together with notice of
                  potential hazards and safety precautions to be taken, shall be
                  provided to BOC in writing with the Goods, unless BOC and the
                  Supplier agree that they should be provided earlier.

3.9      Printed Supplies and Services
         If the Purchase Contract is for the provision of printed supplier's
         photographs and/or associated services (referred to in this Clause as
         "the Work") then 

         (i)      the Supplier agrees to assign to BOC copyright and property in
                  the Work prepared by it for BOC under this Purchase Contract
                  on completion thereof and undertakes to provide BOC, on
                  request and free of charge with all designs under takes to
                  provide BOC on request and free of charge with all designs.
                  drawings, illustrations, film negatives, positives. bromides,
                  proofs, photographs, special tools (including dies, cutters
                  and moulds) and any other material associated with the Work.

         (ii)     if the Supplier assigns or sublets any area of the Work to any
                  person who is not a party to the Purchase Contract, the
                  Supplier shall ensure that such person agrees to be bound by
                  this Condition as though a party to the Purchase Contract
                  failing to do so, including any claim made by such person
                  which it could not make if it were a party to the Purchase

4.       Supply of Services

4.1      Performance
         Services shall be performed by competent trained staff to the
         reasonable satisfaction of BOC.

4.2      Complaints
         Without prejudice to any other rights of BOC, any complaint by BOC will
         be investigated immediately by the Supplier and the Supplier will.,
         upon BOC's written request, as soon as practicable at its own cost
         remedy any defects in the Services, or perform the Services again, to
         BOC's reasonable satisfaction.


4.3      Statutory Requirements
         The supplier shall observe the provisions of any statute, regulation or
         statutory instrument applicable for the time being to the Services,
         including the Health and Safety at Work, etc Act 1974.

4.4      Work on Site
         If under the terms of the Purchase Contract the Supplier's employees
         are required to work on BOC site the following Clauses 4.5 to 4.7 will

4.5      Responsibility
         Materials used or to be used are at the Supplier's risk until
         completion of the Purchase Contract and acceptance of the work.

4.6      Regulations
         The Supplier must at all times abide by BOC's Rules and Regulations at
         BOC sites, details of which will be made available by the Branch or
         Depot Manager of the site concerned. Particular attention must be paid
         to the site safety rules, "No Smoking" requirements and other warming

4.7      Site Clearance
         The Supplier shall when required by BOC's site engineer or nominated
         representative, carry away excavated and other unwanted material
         arising from the execution of any works by the Supplier and shall from
         time to time, as works progresses, remove all surplus materials,
         debris, rubbish, temporary erections, etc and shall on completion leave
         the site clear and tidy to BOC's satisfaction. These duties shall be
         performed at the Supplier's cost.

5.       Warranty
         If within [                               ] after putting into service 
         Zof the Goods (but not more than [                              ] after
         delivery) BOC gives written notice to the Supplier of any defect in the
         Goods arising under proper use from faulty design, materials or
         workmanship, the Supplier shall at its own cost (including labour,
         dismantling, reassembling, transport and other incidental costs)
         immediately, and without prejudice to any other right of BOC, repair or
         replace the defective Goods. If any such defect or damage is not
         remedied within, a reasonable time, BOC may proceed to do the work at
         the Suppliers risk and expense, provided that the work to be undertaken
         is carried out by competent personnel. Such repair or replacement shall
         be covered by a further equivalent guarantee period.
