THIS LICENSING AGREEMENT is made the 28th day of January one thousand nine
hundred and eighty between GUNNESS WHARF LIMITED having their registered office
at Gunness Wharf, Nr Scunthorpe, Humberside (hereinafter called "the Licensor"
which expression where the context so admits shall include all persons deriving
title under them) of the one part and BOC LIMITED having their registered office
at Hammersmith House, London W6 (hereinafter called "the Licensee" which
expression where the context so admits shall include all persons deriving title
under them) of the other part


1. The Licensee under an Agreement between the Parties dated 2 July one thousand
nine hundred and seventy three has been granted a licence by the Licensor to
occupy and use certain land and premises to carry on the manufacture and
distribution of Carbide Mixtures and

2. The Licensee wishes to expand its operations for the manufacture and
distribution of Carbide Mixtures and to take on licence from the Licensor
additional land and premises and the Licensor is willing to make such lands and
premises available to the Licensee


1. IN CONSIDERATION of the payments covenants conditions and agreements
hereinafter contained the Licensor hereby grants to the Licensee full right
licence and authority to occupy and use the undermentioned premises to enable
the Licensee to construct, operate, and maintain a facility for the manufacture
and distribution of Carbide Mixtures and such other activities as are set out in
the Managing Agents Agreement dated 28th January 1980 (hereinafter referred to
as "the Facilities") ALL THAT piece or parcel of land containing 8,000 square
metres or thereabouts situated within the Althorpe Wharf Site at Althorpe,
Humberside ('hereinafter referred to as "Althorpe") and delineated and marked
"A" on the plan annexed hereto which plan is hereinafter referred to as "the
Plan" and thereon coloured pink and hereinafter referred to as "the licensed
premises" TOGETHER WITH the right from time to time during the continuance of
the term hereby granted (a) to use such existing services in and about Althorpe
as may be reasonably required by the Licensee and to request the Licensor to
provide such additional or modified services in and about Althorpe as may be
reasonably required by the Licensee whether in accordance with any statute or
bye-law or otherwise in connection with the use of the licensed premises for the
purposes above mentioned and to connect the said services to any of the
Licensor's existing services which in the opinion of the Licensor are suitable
for the purpose (b) the right for the Licensee and all persons authorised by
them to pass and repass on foot and with or without vehicles over such routes
(hereinafter called the "Access roads") and on such conditions as are agreed by
the Licensor from time to time for the purpose of going to and from the licensed
premises and (c) the use on such terms and for such payments as shall be agreed
during the period of construction or reconstruction or any expansion or
modification of the

Facilities or in the event of the termination of that part of the Managing
Agents Agreement dated 28th January 1980 between the Parties relating to the
supervision and carrying out of the grinding and mixing process of such office
and canteen accommodation telephones and toilets as are at the time existing at
Althorpe and can reasonably be made available by the Licensors to the Licensee
and all persons authorise by them TO HOLD -- the licensed premises unto the
Licensee until the expiry of 20 years from the Effective Date as defined in the
said Managing Agents Agreement SUBJECT ALWAYS to the right of the Licensee
exercisable at any time after 31 December 1981 to terminate this Licensing
Agreement by six months prior notice in writing expiring on any anniversary of
31 December 1981 YIELDING AND PAYING therefor the yearly payment of [
         ] or such greater or lesser payment as may be mutually agreed or
determined in accordance with the provisions of Clause 4 hereof by equal
quarterly payments in arrear on the last day of March the last day of June the
last day of September and the last day of December in every year commencing on
the last day of December 1979

2. The Licensee hereby covenants with the Licensor in manner following:

         (1)      to make the said payments at the times and in the manner above
                  provided without any deduction

         (2)      to pay and discharge all existing and future rates taxes
                  duties and charges payable in respect of the licensed premises

         (3)      to consult with the Licensor before erecting or placing upon
                  the licensed premises any buildings plant and equipment deemed
                  necessary by the Licensee for the purpose of manufacturing the
                  said Carbide Mixtures the Licensor where requested by the
                  Licensee applying for and on behalf of the Licensee and
                  obtaining for and at the cost of the Licensee all necessary
                  planning permissions bye-law consents and other consents
                  required to enable the licensed premises to be used as a
                  manufacturing and distribution facility as aforesaid

         (4)      (a)      to provide details of all services required by
                           the Licensee to enable the licensed premises to be
                           used as aforesaid and to consult with the Licensor in
                           order to determine the most suitable manner in which
                           such services can be installed or provided

                  (b)      to meet the cost of the provision by the Licensor of 
                           all additional or modified services as provided for 
                           in Clause 1 (a) hereof

         (5)      Not during the said term hereby granted to erect or place on
                  or in the licensed premises any buildings or plant drains
                  pipes cables or services except in consultation with the
                  Licensor and in accordance with descriptions previously
                  provided for the Licensor's information


         (6)      (a)      to agree with the Licensor reasonable times for the
                           execution of all works under these presents in
                           connection with the preparation for and expansion or
                           modification of the Facilities which work to be
                           undertaken by the Licensee with all reasonable
                           despatch and to arrange for the restoration and
                           making good to the reasonable satisfaction of the
                           Licensors of all lands and works of Licensors which
                           may be interfered with in the execution thereof all
                           such matters to be at the cost of the Licensee

                  (b)      to comply with all existing and reasonable future
                           rules and regulations laid down by the Licensor and
                           other responsible officials and authorities from time
                           to time in order to secure proper and reasonable
                           conduct of Althorpe which has multiple occupancy

         (7)      From time to time and at all times during the continuance of
                  the said term and at their own risk and expense well and
                  sufficiently to arrange for the maintenance upholding and
                  keeping of the licensed premises and all other approved works
                  in good order repair and condition to the reasonable
                  satisfaction of the Licensor at the cost of the Licensee

         (8)      To permit the Licensor and their servants or agents as often
                  as is reasonably necessary during the said term during normal
                  working hours to enter upon the licensed premises or any part
                  thereof to examine the state of repair and condition thereof
                  and the Licensee will arrange for the repair and making good
                  of all defects and wants of reparation for which the Licensee
                  is liable at the cost of the Licensee

         (9)      To indemnify the Licensor and their servants or agents against
                  any injury or damage arising out of the use or otherwise of
                  the licensed premises due to the fault or negligence of the
                  Licensee and during the continuance of the said term to insure
                  and keep insured the plant and buildings (except a warehouse
                  of approximately 8,400 square feet accommodation situated on
                  the licensed premises and which is the property of the
                  Licensor) erected on the licensed premises and all other
                  approved works in connection therewith against the risk of
                  loss or damage by fire explosion aircraft riot and malicious
                  damage in a sum equal to the full value thereof for the time
                  being and public liability to a limit of indemnity to be
                  agreed by the Licensor in some insurance office or offices of
                  repute and to pay all premiums necessary for effecting and
                  maintaining such insurances provided always that the conduct
                  and control of all claims arising under the indemnity granted
                  in this clause shall be vested in the Licensee

         (10)     Not at any time during the said term hereby granted to use or
                  occupy the licensed premises or any part thereof for any
                  purpose other than the manufacture and distribution of Carbide
                  Mixtures, the receipt and storage of raw materials required
                  for the manufacture of Carbide Mixtures and the repacking and
                  the despatch of calcium carbide or Carbide Mixtures or such
                  other activities as are carried out from


                  time to time with the prior consent of the Licensor which
                  consent not to be unreasonably withheld.

         (11)     Not at any time during the said term hereby granted to sell
                  assign or transfer underlet make over or part with or share
                  the possession or the occupation of the licensed premises or
                  any part thereof except to BOC International Limited or its
                  subsidiaries or associates without the written consent of the
                  Licensor which consent is not to be unreasonably withheld.

         (12)     If as provided in Clause 1 hereof the Licensee shall terminate
                  this Licensing Agreement on 31 December 1982, or any
                  anniversary thereof prior to the expiry of 20 years from the
                  Effective Date as defined in the said Managing Agents
                  Agreement the Licensee shall pay to the Licensor by way of
                  compensation a sum equivalent to [                      ] the 
                  yearly payment (or such other payment as may be mutually
                  agreed or determined in accordance with the provisions of
                  Clause 4 hereof) which has been payable during the twelve
                  months immediately prior to the expiry of the notice of
                  termination subject always to the provision that if the
                  Licensee shall terminate the Licensing Agreement during the
                  period commencing 2 1/2 years prior to the [    ] anniversary
                  of the Effective Date and terminating on the twentieth
                  anniversary of the Effective Date then the Licensee shall pay
                  to the Licensor by way of compensation a sum equivalent to the
                  [ ] payment that would have been paid between the termination
                  date and the [ ] anniversary of the Effective Date had this
                  Licensing Agreement not been terminated by the Licensee.

         (13)     At the expiration or sooner termination of the said term
                  hereby granted peaceably and quietly to yield up to the
                  Licensor the licensed premises and within nine months
                  immediately following the date of termination unless otherwise
                  agreed with the Licensor in writing to remove at the cost of
                  the Licensee all plant and buildings and appliances and
                  services existing thereon or laid in connection therewith and
                  to reinstate and make good the licensed premises to the
                  reasonable satisfaction of the Licensor, the Licensee during
                  such nine months or lesser period paying to the Licensor [


         (14)     Any persons visiting the licensed premises in connection with
                  the business of the Licensee shall conform to the rules set
                  from time to time by the Licensor and other responsible
                  officials and authorities for proper conduct of the site which
                  has multiple occupation

3. The Licensor hereby covenants with the Licensee:


         (1)      That the Licensee making the said yearly and other payments
                  hereby reserved and performing and observing the covenants
                  conditions or agreements herein contained shall peaceably and
                  quietly hold and enjoy the licensed premises during the said
                  term hereby granted without any interruption or disturbance
                  from or by the Licensor or any person or persons claiming
                  under or in trust for them.

         (2)      To carry out at the reasonable cost and to the reasonable
                  satisfaction of the Licensee either themselves or by their
                  sub-contractors all works required in connection with the
                  modification of or additions to the Althorpe services as
                  provided for in Clause 1 (a) hereof

         (3)      To provide without charge to the Licensee access roads from
                  public roadways to the Licensed premises that are suitable to
                  enable the Licensee and all persons authorised by them to
                  construct, operate and maintain the facility for manufacture
                  and distribution of Carbide Mixtures and to conduct the
                  business of the facilities.

4. The Parties shall meet [          ] prior to the [           ] anniversary of
the Effective Date to review the yearly payment of [          ] and to agree 
what if any adjustment may be necessary to such payment having particular regard
to any change that may have occurred up to that time or thereabouts in the
appropriate index figure. Such appropriate index figure shall be the [
                                                                     ]   If such
index be discontinued during the continuance of the Agreement then the Index
replacing it will be used and the figure of [         ] for June 1979 will be 
adjusted to such figure as will give as near as reasonably possible the like
comparison on the basis of the information available as to the relationship
between the indices.

5. For the avoidance of doubt it is agreed by the Parties that all buildings
appliances plant or other constructions erected on the licensed premises (except
for a warehouse of approximately 8,400 square feet accommodation situated on the
licensed premises and which is the property of the Licensor) shall not become
annexed to the said licensed premises and shall be the property of the Licensee
or their contractors.

6. In the case of any dispute or difference arising between the Parties as to
the construction of this Licensing Agreement or the rights duties or obligations
of either party hereunder or any matter arising out of or concerning the same
every such dispute or matter of difference shall be referred to a single
arbitrator in case the Parties can agree upon one otherwise to some person
appointed by the President for the time being of the London Chamber of Commerce
and in either case in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the
Arbitration Act 1950 or any Statutory Modification or Reenactment thereof for
the time being in force.

7. Either Party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement either in whole or
in part by notice in writing given by that Party to the other at any time if the
other Party shall have passed a Resolution providing for their liquidation
except for the purposes of reconstruction or amalgamation


or if a receiver shall be appointed of any of their assets or if circumstances
shall have arisen which shall entitle any person to appoint a receiver.

8. It is hereby agreed that a Licensing Agreement dated 2 July 1973 between the
Parties shall with effect from the 1st day of October 1979 cease to be of any
further force and effect except insofar as relating to liabilities incurred or
obligations outstanding by either Party at such date.

9. In entering into this Licensing Agreement, the Parties have agreed that,
subject to the provisions of Clause 1, the Agreement shall continue in full
force and effect until the expiry of from twenty years the Effective Date. If
the Licensee should wish to extend the Licence Agreement beyond that date or
alternatively to enter into a new Licensing Agreement with the Licensor, the
Parties agree that they will in good faith endeavour to negotiate equitable
terms for such extension or new Agreement.


The Parties have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written

Signed by /s/_____________________________________ Director

          /s/_____________________________________ Secretary

         For and on behalf of Gunness Wharf Limited

Signed by /s/ ___________________

       For and on behalf of BOC Limited

In the presence of /s/____________________




With effect from 1st February 1990 the yearly payment will be [                ]

The parties shall meet 12 months prior to the fifteenth anniversary of the
effective date, that being during January 1994 to review and agree terms for a
further five year period and at this time Licensee (B.O.C. Ltd.) shall have the
right to give 1 year's termination of contract if terms cannot mutually be
agreed subject to compensatory payments to the licenser, Gunness Wharf Limited
provided for in Clause 2 (paragraph 12).


DATE:      1-9-89                            DATE:      15-9-89

SIGNATURE: /s/_______________                SIGNATURE: /s/________________

For and on behalf of:-                            For and on behalf of:-

GUNNESS WHARF LIMITED                        BOC LTD -

                                             Carbide Industries
