Executive Pension Benefits Plan
                   (As Amended Effective April 1, 1995)

1. Purpose of the Plan

This Carter-Wallace, Inc. Executive Pension Benefits Plan, as amended and 
restated (the "Plan"), is effective with respect to eligible employees 
who retire or otherwise terminate employment after having been actively 
employed on at least one day on or after April 1, 1995.

The Plan is intended to replace the benefits that certain employees would be 
entitled to receive under the Employees' Retirement Plan of 
Carter-Wallace, Inc. (the "Retirement Plan"), but which cannot 
be paid to such employees as a result of the restrictions imposed by Sections 
401(a)(17) and 415 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, which 
limit the amount of individual compensation that can be recognized and the 
benefits that can be provided under the Retirement Plan, or because of the 
exclusion from the Retirement Plan compensation base of annual pay deferred 
under the Carter-Wallace, Inc. Executive Savings Plan. The Plan is intended to 
remedy the inequities created by these limitations, as well as to provide 
enhanced benefits to certain executives upon their retirement or death while 
in active service.

An additional purpose of the Plan is to mitigate the reduction in retirement 
benefits of certain key executives who elect early retirement. The Plan is 
also intended to protect the retirement benefit expectations of senior 
executives against the effects of a Change in Control and as a result of such 
protection to obtain the continued availability of such executives' services.

2. Definitions

(a) "Annuity Starting Date" shall mean the later of (i) the 
date as of which a participant commences to receive, or receives in a lump 
sum, his vested accrued benefit under the Retirement Plan or (ii) the first 
business day of the month coinciding with or next following the participant's 
retirement or other termination of employment.

(b) "Applicable Interest Rate" shall mean the interest rate 
used under the Retirement Plan as of the Annuity Starting Date, or, if 
earlier, the Retirement Benefit Date, for purposes of determining lump-sum 

(c) "Cause" shall mean the conviction of a felony involving injury to 
the Company's business or assets.

(d) "Change in Control" shall have the meaning ascribed 
thereto in Section 10.

(e) "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended 
from time to time.

(f) "Company" shall mean Carter-Wallace, Inc. and any 
successor thereto.

(g) "Corporate Officer" shall mean an elected 
corporate officer of the Company, or an employee or former employee 
who was an elected corporate officer of the Company at any time after first 
becoming eligible to elect an immediate retirement benefit under the 
Retirement Plan.

(h) "Death Benefit Date" shall mean the date following a participant's 
death and preceding his Annuity Starting Date that is (i) the earliest date as 
of which a participant's spouse is eligible to begin receiving a 50 percent 
preretirement survivor annuity under the Retirement Plan, or 
(ii) if earlier, 30 days after the occurrence of a Change in Control; 
provided, however, that in the case of a participant to whom Section 
6(c) applies, the Death Benefit Date shall mean the date 30 days after the 
administrator receives notification of the participant's death.

(i) "Earliest Retirement Date" shall mean the earliest date as of 
which a participant could elect to retire and begin receiving his benefit 
under the Retirement Plan, based on the participant's service rendered through 
the date on which the Earliest Retirement Date is being determined.

(j) "Executive Savings Plan" shall mean the Carter-Wallace, 
Inc. Executive Savings Plan, as amended from time to time.

(k) "Immediate Annuity" as of a reference date shall mean a single 
life annuity commencing on such date.

(l) "Includible Compensation" shall mean compensation as defined for 
benefit calculation purposes under the Retirement Plan, but calculated without 
regard to the limitation imposed by Section 401(a)(17) of the Code and without 
excluding amounts that would have constituted includible compensation for 
benefit calculation purposes under the Retirement Plan had the participant not 
elected to defer such amounts under the Executive Savings Plan. In addition, 
in the case of a participant who was a Corporate Officer on the date of his 
retirement or other termination of employment, or at any time during the 
six-month period ending on such date, such participant's Includible 
Compensation during any period relevant to the calculation of his benefit 
under the Plan shall include any bonuses accrued by such participant during 
such period under the Company's profit-sharing plan (whether or not the 
payment of such bonuses is deferred). For purposes of the preceding sentence, 
a bonus shall be deemed to "accrue" only if it is ultimately awarded, 
and then shall be deemed to have accrued ratably over the 12 months of the 
Company's fiscal year to which the bonus relates (or, in the case of a 
prorated bonus awarded to a participant who retires or otherwise separates 
from service before the end of the fiscal year, over the months of service 
during such fiscal year on account of which the bonus is awarded).

(m) "Modified Average Compensation" shall mean 12 times the average 
monthly Includible Compensation of a participant during the 60 months (not 
necessarily consecutive) out of the participant's last 120 months of 
continuous service (as defined in the Retirement Plan) affording the highest 
such average (or during all months of continuous service if less than 60 

(n) "Normal Retirement Date" shall mean the participant's normal 
retirement date under the Retirement Plan.

(o) "Plan" shall mean this Carter-Wallace, Inc. Executive Pension 
Benefits Plan, as amended from time to time.

(p) "Retirement Benefit Date" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto 
in Section 8.

(q) "Retirement Plan" shall mean the Employees' Retirement Plan of 
Carter-Wallace, Inc., as amended from time to time.

(r) "Savings Plan" shall mean the Carter-Wallace, Inc. Supplemental 
Retirement and Savings Plan, as amended from time to time.

(s) "Supplemental Preretirement Death Benefit" shall mean the benefit 
payable under the Plan pursuant to Section 6.

(t) "Supplemental Retirement Benefit" shall mean the benefit payable 
under the Plan pursuant to Section 5.

3. Participation

Participation in this Plan shall be limited to (i) those employees of the 
Company whose benefits under the Retirement Plan would be adversely affected 
by the limitations imposed by Sections 401(a)(17) or 415 of the Code or by the 
deferral of annual pay under the Executive Savings Plan, and (ii) Corporate 
Officers. In determining whether an employee's benefit under the Retirement 
Plan has been adversely affected by Section 415 of the Code, any contributions 
made to the Savings Plan by the employee which are not matched by the Company, 
i.e., which exceeded 4% of his compensation as defined in the Savings Plan, 
shall not be taken into account. Each affected employee shall automatically 
become a participant in the Plan whenever (i) the application of either of
the foregoing Code sections, in the manner described, or the deferral of 
annual pay under the Executive Savings Plan, would reduce the benefit payable 
to him under the Retirement Plan in any manner, or (ii) he becomes a Corporate 

4. Vesting

A benefit shall be payable under this Plan only to the extent that it is 
vested. A participant's benefits hereunder shall vest in accordance with the 
vesting provisions of the Retirement Plan (i.e., at the same time and to the 
same extent that his benefit under such plan vests); provided, however, that a 
participant's benefits under the Retirement Plan following a Change in Control 
shall be deemed to be fully vested for purposes of determining his benefits 
under this Plan if the participant was actively employed by the Company 
immediately before such Change in Control, or if his employment with the 
Company was involuntarily terminated (other than for Cause) by the Company 
within six months prior to such Change in Control.

5. Supplemental Retirement Benefit

(a) Each participant shall be entitled under this Plan to a benefit (the 
"Supplemental Retirement Benefit") commencing on his Retirement 
Benefit Date, provided that no benefit shall be payable pursuant to this 
Section 5 after the death of a participant occurring before his Annuity 
Starting Date. The amount of such benefit shall be determined by applying the 
following steps (or, if applicable, the steps described in Section 5(b)), 
modified, to the extent applicable, by Sections 5(c) through 5(e):

(1) Determine the participant's accrued benefit (expressed as an Immediate
Annuity as of the Annuity Starting Date) under the applicable provisions
of the Retirement Plan, calculated (i) by substituting Modified Average
Compensation for the Retirement Plan's definition of final average
compensation, and (ii) without regard to any benefit limitation pursuant
to Section 415 of the Code. Such Immediate Annuity value shall be
determined using the early retirement reduction factors and actuarial
assumptions applicable under the Retirement Plan as of the Annuity
Starting Date.

(2) Determine the greater of (a) the participant's actual accrued benefit under
the Retirement Plan or (b) the participant's accrued benefit that would
have resulted under the Retirement Plan if his Participant Contributions
to the Savings Plan had never exceeded 4% of his compensation as
defined in the Savings Plan, such accrued benefit being expressed in either
case as an Immediate Annuity as of the Annuity Starting Date using the
early retirement reduction factors and actuarial assumptions applicable
under the Retirement Plan as of the Annuity Starting Date.

(3) Subtract the benefit determined in Step 2 from the benefit determined in
Step 1.

(4) Convert the net benefit determined in Step 3 to an equivalent benefit
payable as of the Retirement Benefit Date in the form in which the
participant's Supplemental Retirement Benefit under the Plan is payable,
using whichever of the following procedures is applicable:

(A) If the participant's benefit is payable in the form of annuity,
determine such equivalent benefit using the early retirement and
actuarial assumptions employed in Step 1.

(B) If the participant's benefit is payable in a lump sum, convert the
net benefit determined in Step 3 to an equivalent lump-sum
payment as of the Annuity Starting Date using the actuarial
assumptions applicable under the Retirement Plan as of such date.
If the Retirement Benefit Date is later than the Annuity Starting
Date, the amount calculated pursuant to the preceding sentence
shall then be credited with interest at the Applicable Interest Rate,
compounded annually, for the period between the Annuity Starting
Date and the Retirement Benefit Date.

(b) If, as a result of a Change in Control, a participant's Retirement Benefit 
Date precedes his Annuity Starting Date, the Supplemental Retirement Benefit 
payable in a lump sum on such Retirement Benefit Date shall be calculated in 
the manner set forth in this Section 5(b) rather than as set forth in Section 

(1) Determine the lump-sum value as of the participant's Earliest Retirement
Date of his accrued benefit under the applicable provisions of the
Retirement Plan, calculated (i) by substituting for benefit calculation
purposes Modified Average Compensation for the Retirement Plan's
definition of final average compensation, and (ii) without regard to any
benefit limitation pursuant to Section 415 of the Code. Such lump-sum
value shall be determined using the early retirement reduction factors and
actuarial assumptions applicable under the Retirement Plan as of the
Retirement Benefit Date.

(2) Determine the greater of (a) the lump-sum amount that would be payable
to the participant under the Retirement Plan on the Earliest Retirement
Date and (b) the lump-sum amount that would be payable to the
participant under the Retirement Plan on the Earliest Retirement Date if
his Participant Contributions to the Savings Plan had never exceeded 4%
of his compensation as defined in the Savings Plan. Such lump-sum
amounts shall be determined by (i) using the early retirement reduction
factors and actuarial assumptions applicable under the Retirement Plan as
of the Retirement Benefit Date and (ii) projecting future increases in the
limitations under Section 415 of the Code in such manner as the enrolled
actuary for the Retirement Plan shall determine.

(3) Subtract the amount obtained in Step 2 from the amount obtained in Step
1 and, if the Retirement Benefit Date is earlier than the Earliest
Retirement Date, discount the difference to its present value as of the
Retirement Benefit Date using the Applicable Interest Rate. The result is
the participant's Supplemental Retirement Benefit.

(c) In the case of a participant who was a Corporate Officer on the date of his
retirement or other termination of employment, or at any time during the 
six-month period ending on such date, (i) the calculations in Step 1 of 
Section 5(a) or of Section 5(b), whichever is applicable, shall be modified as 
set forth in subsection (1) and (except as otherwise provided in Section 5(d)) 
subsection (2) below, and (ii) the calculations in Step 4 of Section 5(a) and 
Step 1 of Section 5(b) shall be modified as set forth in subsection (3) below:

(1) In determining credited service for benefit calculation purposes, the
participant shall be deemed to have become a participant in the Retirement
Plan on the date his participation would have commenced if the eligibility
requirements of the Retirement Plan as in effect on April 1, 1994 had
been in effect under such plan on and after the date the participant became
an employee.

(2) There shall be substituted for the early retirement reduction factors under
the Retirement Plan the following factors:

     Age   Reduction Factor

    62-65        0%
      61         3%
      60         6%
      59        12%
      58        18%
      57        24%
      56        30%
      55        36%

(3) The interest rate used in calculating the lump-sum equivalent of an annuity
under Section 5(a)(4)(B) or 5(b)(1) shall be the lesser of (i) 5 percent or
(ii) the interest rate determined under such respective sections without
regard to this Section 5(c)(3).

(d) In the case of a participant who (a) is employed by the Company immediately
prior to a Change in Control, or whose employment with the Company is
involuntarily terminated (other than for Cause) by the Company within six months
prior to a Change in Control and (b) was a Corporate Officer at any time during
the six-month period ending on the date of such Change in Control, (i) the
calculations in Step 1 of Section 5(a) or Step 1 of Section 5(b), whichever is
applicable, shall be modified by eliminating any early retirement reduction
factors, and (ii) the calculation in Step 3 of Section 5(b), if applicable, 
shall be modified by applying a zero percent discount rate in lieu of the 
Applicable Interest Rate.

(e) If a participant's employment continues past his original Retirement 
Benefit Date occurring by reason of a Change in Control, he shall continue to 
accrue benefits under the Plan and shall become entitled to a second benefit 
as of his subsequent Retirement Benefit Date (as determined under Section 8 
without regard to the occurrence of such Change in Control). The amount of 
such benefit shall be (x) the benefit to which he would otherwise be entitled 
under the terms of the Plan, offset by (y) the lump-sum amount paid to him on 
the original Retirement Benefit Date plus interest, compounded annually, at 
the Applicable Interest Rate in effect on such original Retirement Benefit 
Date, credited from the original Retirement Benefit Date to such subsequent 
Retirement Benefit Date. If such second benefit is payable in a form other 
than a lump sum, the offset amount calculated in clause (y) of the preceding 
sentence shall be converted to an equivalent benefit in the form in which the 
participant's benefit is payable, using the early retirement reduction factors 
and actuarial assumptions applicable under the Retirement Plan as of such 
subsequent Retirement Benefit Date.

6. Supplemental Preretirement Death Benefit

(a) In the case of a participant who dies before receiving a benefit under 
this Plan and before his Annuity Starting Date and whose spouse is entitled to 
a 50 percent preretirement survivor annuity under the Retirement Plan, a 
Supplemental Preretirement Death Benefit shall be payable to the participant's 
spouse commencing on the Death Benefit Date pursuant to this Section 6.

(b) A participant's Supplemental Preretirement Death Benefit shall be paid in 
the form of an annuity over the lifetime of the participant's spouse unless the
participant shall have filed with the plan administrator a valid election to 
have such benefit paid in a lump sum. Such an election may be made or revoked at
any time, provided, however, that no such election or revocation shall be valid
in the event of the participant's death within one year after such election or
revocation is made.

(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b), if, at the time of the 
death of a participant to whom subsection (a) applies, the lump-sum value of his
Supplemental Preretirement Death Benefit does not exceed $10,000, his Death
Benefit Date shall be the date 30 days after the administrator receives 
notification of such death, and his Supplemental Preretirement Death Benefit 
shall be paid in a lump sum on such date.

(d) The Supplemental Preretirement Death Benefit shall be calculated using the
procedures set forth in Section 5, modified by substituting the Death Benefit 
Date for the Retirement Benefit Date and applying such procedures to the 50 
percent preretirement survivor annuity under the Retirement Plan rather than the
participant's accrued benefit under such plan.

(e) In the event of a participant' s death following his original Retirement 
Benefit Date occurring by reason of a Change in Control, but before receiving 
the portion of his benefit attributable to service rendered after such 
original Retirement Benefit Date, his Supplemental Preretirement Death 
Benefit, as calculated pursuant to the preceding paragraph, shall be offset by 
the lump-sum payment previously distributed to him on his original Retirement 
Benefit Date plus interest, compounded annually, at the Applicable Interest 
Rate in effect on his original Retirement Benefit Date.

7. Elections

(a) As soon as practicable following his commencement of participation in the 
Plan, each participant shall file an election with the plan administrator, on 
such form as the administrator shall prescribe, specifying (i) the form in 
which his Supplemental Retirement Benefit is to be paid and (ii) the time at 
which such benefit is to commence or is to be paid in a lump sum. For purposes 
of this subsection:

(1) In the event a participant fails to make an initial election within 90 days
after the commencement of his participation in the Plan, he shall be
deemed to have made an initial election to receive his benefit in a lump
sum on his Annuity Starting Date.

(2) A participant whose initial election of the timing of his benefit was made
before the Plan was amended to permit annuity forms of payment shall be
deemed to have elected to receive a lump-sum payment.

(b) An election pursuant to Section 7(a) may be changed from time to time, 
provided, however, that no such change shall be valid if the participant's 
separation from service from the Company occurs less than one year after the 
date on which such change is made. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, if 
a participant whose most recent valid election is for an annuity form of 
benefit demonstrates to the satisfaction of the administrator that a relevant 
change in family circumstances has occurred since the filing of such election, 
such participant may change his election to a different form of annuity (but 
not to a lump sum) commencing on the same date as that specified on such prior 
election, or may designate a new contingent beneficiary, without regard to 
such one-year requirement.

(c) The forms of benefit that a participant may elect under the Plan are (i) a 
lump sum and (ii) any form of annuity available (as determined without regard 
to spousal consent rules) under the Retirement Plan.

(d) A participant who elects a joint and survivor form of benefit shall 
designate his contingent beneficiary in conjunction with such election. In the 
event of such contingent beneficiary's death before the Retirement Benefit 
Date, the participant's Supplemental Retirement Benefit shall be paid in the 
form of a single life annuity unless he has filed a valid change in election 
form pursuant to Section 7(b).

(e) In the event of a participant's death following his Annuity Starting Date 
but before his Retirement Benefit Date, notwithstanding any contrary provision 
herein his Supplemental Retirement Benefit shall be paid in a lump sum within 
30 days after the administrator receives notification of such death.

8. Payment of Supplemental Retirement Benefit

(a) A participant's Supplemental Retirement Benefit shall commence, or shall 
be paid in a lump sum, on the date (the "Retirement Benefit Date") 
which is (x) the first business day of the month coinciding with or next 
following the later of (i) the date specified in his most recent election or 
valid change in election pursuant to Section 7, but in no event later than his 
Normal Retirement Date or later date of actual retirement, or (ii) his Annuity 
Starting Date, or (y) if earlier, 30 days following the occurrence of a Change 
in Control. Such benefit shall be paid in the form elected in the most recent 
valid election filed by the participant pursuant to Section 7 except in the 
event of a Change in Control, in which event such benefit shall be paid in a 
lump sum irrespective of the form of benefit elected by the participant.

(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a), if, at the time a 
participant retires or otherwise separates from service, the lump-sum value of 
his Supplemental Retirement Benefit (determined using the principles of 
Section 5) does not exceed $10,000, his Retirement Benefit Date shall be the 
date 30 days following such separation from service, and his Supplemental 
Retirement Benefit shall be paid on such date in a single payment equal in 
amount to such lump-sum value. This subsection (b) shall not apply to the 
lump-sum Supplemental Retirement Benefit that becomes payable to a participant 
by reason of a Change in Control pursuant to the last sentence of subsection 

9. Other Plans

If an employee is entitled to a benefit under a defined benefit plan 
maintained by the Company other than the Retirement Plan, and if such benefit 
is required to be taken into account for purposes of Section 415 of the Code, 
such benefits shall be added to the benefits accrued under the Retirement Plan 
for purposes of determining whether the employee is entitled to participate in 
the Plan and the amount of any benefit payable hereunder.

10. Change in Control

(a) For purposes of this Plan, a Change in Control shall mean the acquisition 
by any person (including an individual, a corporation, a partnership, an 
association, a joint-stock company, a trust, or any unincorporated 
organization, but excluding a member of the Hoyt Family, a trust primarily for 
the benefit of members of the Hoyt Family or parties controlled by members of 
the Hoyt Family) in one or in a series of transactions of (i) shares of stock 
which would, alone or aggregated with shares of stock already owned by such 
person, result in such person owning more than 50 percent of the voting power 
of the securities of the Company possessing the right to vote on the election 
of directors and all other matters which require the approval of shareholders 
generally; (ii) all or substantially all of the properties and assets of the 
Company; or (iii) the power, whether direct or indirect, whether exercised or 
not, to direct or cause the direction of the management or policies of the 
Company, whether through record or beneficial ownership of voting securities 
or other equity or debt interests, by contract, by proxy or otherwise. For 
purposes of this definition, the "Hoyt Family" shall mean the family 
of Henry H. Hoyt, Sr., his descendants, and members of such descendants' 

(b) In the case of any participant for whom the payment in the form of an 
annuity of a Supplemental Retirement Benefit or Supplemental Preretirement 
Death Benefit has commenced as of the time of the Change in Control, the 
payment of such annuity shall be discontinued and in lieu thereof the 
actuarial present value (as determined by applying the principles of Section 
5) of future payments under such annuity shall be paid in a lump sum within 30 
days following such Change in Control.

(c) If a participant becomes subject to an excise tax under Section 4999 of the 
Code upon the occurrence of a Change in Control, the amount of any benefit 
payable under the Plan with respect to such participant shall be increased by 
the amount necessary to make him whole, on an after-tax basis (based on 
applicable federal, state, and local income tax rates and after giving effect 
to the federal deduction arising from such state or local income taxes), for 
the amount of increase in such excise tax arising as a result of the payment of 
such benefit.

11. Administration

This Plan shall be administered by the Retirement Committee established to 
manage the Retirement and Savings Plans. The Retirement Committee shall have 
discretionary authority to interpret the Plan, and the Retirement Committee's 
good-faith determination with respect to any issue relating to the 
interpretation of the Plan shall be conclusive and final.

12. General Provisions

(a) The establishment of the Plan shall not be construed as conferring any 
legal rights upon any participant for a continuation of employment, nor shall 
it interfere with the rights of the Company to discharge a participant and to 
treat him without regard to the effect which such treatment might have upon 
him as a participant in the Plan.

(b) As a condition to a participant's entitlement to benefits hereunder, the 
Company shall have the right to deduct (or cause to be deducted) from any 
amounts otherwise payable to a participant, whether pursuant to the Plan or 
otherwise, or otherwise to collect from the participant, any required 
withholding taxes with respect to benefits under the Plan.

(c) Notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary, nothing in this Plan 
shall require the duplication of any benefit previously paid to a participant 
under the Plan.

(d) Subject to any applicable law, no benefit under the Plan shall be subject 
in any manner to, nor shall the Company be obligated to recognize, any 
purported anticipation, alienation, sale, transfer, assignment, pledge, 
encumbrance, or charge, and any attempt to do so shall be void. No such 
benefit shall in any manner be liable for or subject to garnishment, 
attachment, execution, or a levy, or liable for or subject to the debts, 
contracts, liabilities, engagements, or torts of the participant.

(e) The Plan shall not be construed as conferring on a participant any right, 
title, interest, or claim in or to any specific asset, reserve, account, or 
property of any kind possessed by the Company. To the extent that a 
participant or any other person acquires a right to receive payments from the 
Company, such rights shall be no greater than the rights of an unsecured 
general creditor.

(f) This plan shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the Company. 
The Company shall require any successor (whether direct or indirect, and 
whether by purchase, merger, consolidation, or otherwise) to all or 
substantially all of the business or assets of the Company, by written 
agreement to expressly assume and agree to perform the Company's obligations 
under the Plan in the same manner and to the same extent that the Company 
would be required to perform them if no such succession had taken place. The 
provisions of this Section 12(f) shall continue to apply to each subsequent 
employer of the participant hereunder in the event of any subsequent merger, 
consolidation, or transfer of assets of such subsequent employer.

(g) The laws of the State of New York shall govern the construction of this 
Plan and the rights and the liabilities hereunder of the parties hereto.

(h) The masculine pronoun shall mean the feminine wherever appropriate.

13. Plan Year

The plan year shall be the calendar year.

14. Recalculation of Benefits

In the case of a participant whose Includible Compensation includes his 
accrued bonus under the Company's profit-sharing plan, the participant's 
entitlement to, and amount of, any such accrued bonus for the fiscal year in 
which, or immediately following which, he retires or otherwise separates from 
service may not be determinable at the time the participant's benefit 
commences or is paid in a lump sum. In such event, the participant's benefit 
payment or payments shall initially be based on the assumption that his 
accrued bonus for such fiscal year is zero. In the event the participant is
subsequently awarded a bonus on account of such fiscal year, his benefit under 
the Plan shall be recalculated. If such recalculation results in an increased 
benefit, the Company shall, within 30 days after the date the amount of such 
bonus award is determined, pay the participant (or, in the case of a 
supplemental preretirement death benefit, his spouse) a single-sum adjustment 
equal to the aggregate amount by which the benefit payment or payments 
previously made with respect to the participant would have been increased if
such recalculation had been given effect. The recalculation shall also be 
taken into account for purposes of determining the amount of any subsequent 
benefit payments under the Plan.

15. Source of Benefits

The Plan is an unfunded plan maintained by the Company for the purpose of 
providing deferred compensation for a select group of management or highly 
compensated employees. Benefits under the Plan shall be payable from the 
general assets of the Company except to the extent paid from the 
Carter-Wallace, Inc. Executive Plan Trust, and any payment made from such 
trust on account of a participant shall reduce the Company's obligation 
hereunder with respect to such participant. The Plan shall not be construed as 
conferring on a participant any right, title, interest, or claim in or to any
specific asset, reserve, account, or property of any kind possessed by the 
Company. To the extent that a participant or any other person acquires a right 
to receive payments from the Company, such right shall be no greater than the 
right of an unsecured general creditor.

16. Effective Date

This Plan shall be effective upon adoption by the Board of Directors of the 

17. Amendment or Termination

The Board of Directors of the Company reserves the right to amend or terminate 
this Plan at any time; provided, however, that without such participant's 
written consent, (i) no amendment or termination of the Plan shall adversely 
affect the right of any participant to receive, or otherwise result in a 
material adverse effect on such participant's rights under the Plan with 
respect to, his accrued vested benefits (including contingent rights 
conditioned upon a subsequent Change in Control), as determined as of the date 
of amendment or termination, and (ii) no amendment (other than one which
has no material adverse effect on such participant) or termination of the Plan 
shall be effective with respect to such participant if he was a Corporate 
Officer immediately prior to such amendment or termination.