(RULE 14A - 101)
                           INFORMATION IN PROXY STATEMENT
                              SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                     EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 (AMENDMENT NO.      )

Filed by the Registrant [X]                      [ ] Confidential, for Use
Filed by a Party other                               of the Commission Only
 than the Registrant [ ]                       (as permitted by Rule 14a-(e)(2))
Check the appropriate box:
[ ]   Preliminary Proxy Statement
[X]   Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]   Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]   Soliciting Material Pursuant to  240.14a-11(c) or 240.14a-12

                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                           DENNIS E. NIXON, PRESIDENT
                    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[ ]   $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii). 14a-6(1)(l), or 14a-6(j)(2).
[ ]   $500 per each party to the controversy pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 14a-
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

      1)    Title of each class of securities to which transaction
      2)    Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

      3)    Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
            pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which
            the filing fee is calculated and sate how it was determined:

      4)    Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


      Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how
      it was determined.

[ ]   Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]   Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
      Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
      paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
      number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

      1)    Amount Previously Paid:
      2)    Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
      3)    Filing Party:
      4)    Date Filed:

                               Post Office Drawer 1359
                              Laredo, Texas  78042-1359

                              TO BE HELD MAY 18, 1995

     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of
International Bancshares Corporation (the "Company") will be held at the offices
of the Company, 1200 San Bernardo, Laredo, Texas, on May 18, 1995 at 7:00 p.m.
for the following purposes:

     (1) To elect ten (10) directors of the Company to serve until the next
         Annual Meeting of Shareholders and until their successors shall have
         been duly elected and qualified;

     (2) To approve the appointment of independent auditors for the 1995
         fiscal year;

     (3) To consider and vote upon a proposal to amend the Certificate of
         Incorporation of the Company to increase the number of authorized
         shares of Common Stock of the Company;

     (4) To approve and adopt an Agreement and Plan of Merger providing for the
         merger of the Company into a wholly-owned Texas subsidiary for purposes
         of changing the state of incorporation of the Company from Delaware to
         Texas and effecting certain changes in the Certificate of Incorporation
         and the By-Laws of the Company; and

     (5) To transact such other business as may lawfully come before the meeting
         or any adjournment thereof.

     The record date for the meeting has been fixed at April 3, 1995. Only
shareholders of record at the close of business on that date will be entitled to
vote at the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     In order to ensure the representation of a quorum at the meeting,
shareholders who do not expect to attend the meeting in person are urged to sign
the enclosed proxy and return it promptly to the Trust Division, International
Bank of Commerce, P. O. Drawer 1359, Laredo, Texas 78042-1359. A return envelope
is enclosed for that purpose.

                                       INTERNATIONAL BANCSHARES CORPORATION

                                       DENNIS E. NIXON

Dated:  April 20, 1995

                            1200 San Bernardo Avenue
                               Laredo, Texas 78040

                                 PROXY STATEMENT


     The accompanying proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors of
International Bancshares Corporation, a Delaware Corporation (the "Company") to
be voted at the 1995 Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held on May 18, 1995
at 7:00 p.m. at the offices of the Company, 1200 San Bernardo, Laredo, Texas.
The Company will bear the cost of such solicitation. It is expected that the
solicitation of proxies will be primarily by mail. Proxies may be solicited
personally by regular employees of the Company at a nominal cost. Any
shareholder giving a proxy has the power to revoke it at any time prior to the
voting of the proxy by giving notice in person or in writing to the Secretary of
the Company or by appearing at the annual meeting and voting in person. The
approximate date on which this proxy statement and the accompanying form of
proxy are first sent or given to security holders is April 20, 1995.

                                VOTING AT MEETING

     Only holders of record of common stock, par value $1.00 per share ("Common
Stock"), of the Company at the close of business on April 3, 1995, shall be
entitled to vote at the meeting. There were 5,492,086 shares of Common Stock
issued and outstanding on the record date held of record by approximately 1,175
shareholders. Each share of Common Stock is entitled to one vote.

     All shares entitled to vote represented by a properly executed and
unrevoked proxy received in time for the meeting will be voted at the meeting in
accordance with the instructions given, but in the absence of instructions to
the contrary, such shares will be voted affirmatively. Persons empowered as
Proxies will also be empowered to vote in their discretion upon such other
matters as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment thereof. If
any nominee shall be unable to serve, which is not now contemplated, the proxies
will be voted for such substitute nominee(s) as the Board of Directors

     A quorum for the transaction of business at the Annual Meeting consists of
a majority of the outstanding shares of the Common Stock, present in person or
by proxy. The election of directors shall be determined by a plurality of the
votes cast at the meeting and all other standard proposals shall be determined
by a majority of the votes cast on such proposal. Shares of Common Stock of the
Company for which an abstention is indicated or a broker non-vote is received
will be treated as shares that are present and entitled to vote for purposes of
determining the quorum; however, such shares will not be considered to be a vote
cast in connection with the approval of any proposal.


                                  PROPOSAL - 1

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     Ten directors, constituting the entire Board of Directors, are to be
elected at the Annual Meeting. Each director is to hold office until the next
Annual Meeting and until his successor is elected and qualified. The Proxies
named in the accompanying proxy, who have been designated by the Board of
Directors of the Company, intend to vote for the following nominees, all of whom
are currently directors, unless otherwise instructed in such proxy. All of the
nominees are currently directors, except for Mr. Sanchez. Certain information
concerning such nominees is set forth below including information regarding
their positions with International Bank of Commerce, the Company's lead bank
                         Served as
  Nominee for            Director
   Director              Since (1)     Age      Principal Occupation (2)
  -----------            ---------     ---      ------------------------
Lester Avigael            1966          68      Retail Merchant
                                                (Las Novedades, Inc.)

R. David Guerra           1993          42      Vice President of the Company
                                                since 1986 and President of the
                                                IBC branch in McAllen, Texas and
                                                Director of IBC since 1990

Irving Greenblum          1981          65      Retail Merchant (Muebleria
                                                Mexico, S.A.), Advisory Director
                                                of IBC since 1977

Richard E. Haynes         1977          52      Attorney at Law; Real Estate

Roy Jennings Jr.          1966          71      Vice Chairman of the Board of
                                                IBC; Investments

Sioma Neiman              1981          67      International entrepreneur;
                                                Advisory Director of IBC
                                                since 1976

Dennis E. Nixon           1975          52      Chairman of the Board since
                                                May 1992 and President of the
                                                Company since 1979; President
                                                and Chief Executive Officer
                                                of IBC

Leonardo Salinas          1976          61      Vice President of the Company
                                                since 1982; Senior Executive
                                                Vice President and Director
                                                of IBC

Antonio R. Sanchez Jr.     -            52      Chairman of the Board of Sanchez
                                                O'Brien Oil & Gas Corporation;

Alberto A. Santos         1966          67      Investments; Director of IBC
- ------------
(1)  Includes time served as director of IBC. The Company became the successor
     issuer to IBC on July 28, 1980.

(2)  Except as otherwise noted, each nominee has held the office indicated or
     other offices in the same company for the last five years.

     None of the nominees for director and none of the executive officers have a
family relationship with any of the other nominees for director or executive
officers, except for Leonardo Salinas and Alberto A. Santos, who are first

     None of the above nominees is a director of any other company which has a
class of securities registered under, or is required to file reports under, the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or of any company registered under the
Investment Company Act of 1940, except for Mr. Sanchez who is Chairman of the
Board of Sanchez O'Brien Oil & Gas Corporation.

                               EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

     The executive officers of the Company are Dennis E. Nixon, President and
Chairman of the Board; Leonardo Salinas, Vice President; R. David Guerra, Vice
President; and Arnoldo Cisneros, Secretary-Treasurer, all of whom are nominees
for director except for Arnoldo Cisneros. Arnoldo Cisneros, age 43, is presently
Secretary-Treasurer of the Company and Executive Vice President of IBC and has
served both organizations since 1982.


     The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors during 1994 consisted of
Lester Avigael, Alberto A. Santos and Richard E. Haynes. The Committee met four
times during the 1994 fiscal year. Each member of the Committee attended all
four meetings, except Lester Avigael who attended only two. The functions of the
Audit Committee are to recommend the appointment of the independent auditors; to
review the annual plan of the internal and independent auditors; to review
annual and quarterly financial reports and to review the results of examinations
by the internal auditor and the independent auditors, including recommendations
regarding internal controls and operating procedures, along with management's
response and follow-up to ensure any necessary corrective action has been
implemented. Under applicable law, the Audit Committee is required to review
with management and the independent auditors the basis for all financial

     The Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors during 1994 consisted
of Lester Avigael, Roy Jennings Jr., Richard E. Haynes and Alberto A. Santos.
The Committee met once during the 1994 fiscal year. The primary function of the
Compensation Committee is the administration of the Company's 1987 Key
Contributor Stock Option Plan.

     The Board of Directors of the Company does not have a standing nominating
committee or a committee which performs similar functions.

     During 1994, the Board of Directors held five meetings. All of the
directors attended 100% of the aggregate of the total number of meetings of the
board and of committees on which they served, except for Lester Avigael and
Richard E. Haynes who missed one meeting and Sioma Neiman who attended fewer
than 75% of such meetings.
                             PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDERS

     Insofar as is known to the Company, no person beneficially owned, as of
April 3, 1995, more than five percent of the outstanding Common Stock of the
Company, except as follows:

                                   Shares of Common Stock      Percent
      Name and Address             Beneficially Owned as         of
     of Beneficial Owner             of April 3, 1995           Class
     -------------------           ----------------------      ------

     Alicia M. Sanchez (1)             1,036,356                18.86%
     2119 Guerrero Street
     Laredo, Texas 78040

     A. R. Sanchez Jr. (2)               551,136                10.03%
     P.O. Box 2986
     Laredo, Texas 78041
- ------------
(1)  Mrs. Alicia M. Sanchez serves as independent trustee for several trusts.
     Mrs. Sanchez has the sole power to vote and to dispose of all of the shares
     owned under these trusts; however, 202,723 shares are held by her as
     trustee for trusts in which certain of her children and grandchildren have
     a vested interest in the income and corpus of the trusts.

(2)  A. R. Sanchez Jr. owns directly and has the sole power to vote and to
     dispose of 21,187 shares owned beneficially by him. Mr. Sanchez has the
     shared power to vote and to dispose of 306,217 shares, which shares are
     held in the name of a revocable trust for which Mr. Sanchez is the settlor
     of the trust and his children are the beneficiaries. The trust, as the
     registered owner of such shares, acting by and through its trustee, has the
     power to vote such shares, provided that said trustee obtains the prior
     written consent of one of two designated investment advisors for the trust.
     As a practical matter, because the trust is revocable at will, Mr. Sanchez
     controls the voting of the shares held by the trust, and all decisions with
     respect to the voting of such shares are made with his approval. Mr.
     Sanchez holds and controls the disposition of the remaining 223,732 shares
     as trustee for other trusts which his children have a vested interest in
     the income and corpus and George M. Sanchez, the brother of Mr. Sanchez,
     has the power to vote the 223,732 shares.

                          SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF MANAGEMENT

     Based upon information received from the persons concerned, each of whom is
a nominee for director, the following individuals and all directors and
executive officers of the Company as a group owned beneficially as of April 3,
1995, the number and percentage of outstanding shares of Common Stock of the
Company indicated in the following table:

    Name of Individual           Shares Beneficially Owned     Percent
    or Identity of Group            as of April 3, 1995        of Class
    --------------------         -------------------------     --------
    Lester Avigael (1)                     62,591                1.14%
    Irving Greenblum (2)                   54,046                1.00%
    R. David Guerra  (3)                   46,517 +                *
    Richard E. Haynes                       6,772                  *
    Roy Jennings Jr. (4)                   85,578                1.56%
    Sioma Neiman (5)                      222,432                4.05%
    Dennis E. Nixon (6)                   262,315 +              4.77%
    Leonardo Salinas (7)                   22,577 +                *
    A. R. Sanchez Jr (8)                  551,136               10.03%
    Alberto A. Santos                      42,598                  *

All Directors and Executive Officers
    as a group (11 persons) (9)         1,369,391               24.92%

   * Ownership of less than one percent
   + Include shares which are issuable upon the exercise of currently
     exercisable, but unexercised, stock options under the Company's 1987 Key
     Contributor Stock Option Plan.

(1)  The holdings shown for Mr. Avigael include 1,217 shares which he holds as
     trustee for the benefit of his grandchildren.

(2)  The holdings shown for Mr. Greenblum include 6,413 shares in the name of
     his wife.

(3)  The holdings shown for Mr. Guerra include 42,861 shares which he and his
     wife hold in their names jointly. Total holdings for Mr. Guerra include
     3,656 shares which are issuable upon the exercise of currently exercisable,
     but unexercised, stock options under the Company's 1987 Key Contributor
     Stock Option Plan.

(4)  The holdings shown for Mr. Jennings include 27,135 shares which he and his
     wife hold in their names jointly, and 13,632 shares held in the name of his

(5)  The holdings shown for Mr. Neiman include 222,432 shares in the name of
     Inar Investments, Corp., of which he is the Managing Director.

(6)  The holdings shown for Mr. Nixon include 32,812 shares which are issuable
     upon the exercise of currently exercisable, but unexercised, stock options
     under the Company's 1987 Key Contributor Stock Option Plan. The holdings
     shown for Mr. Nixon also include 290 shares held in the name of his wife.

(7)  The holdings shown for Mr. Salinas include 2,578 shares which are issuable
     upon the exercise of currently exercisable, but unexercised, stock options
     under the Company's 1987 Key Contributor Stock Option Plan.

(8)  The holdings shown for Mr. A. R. Sanchez Jr. include 306,217 shares which
     are held in the name of a revocable trust for which Mr. Sanchez is the
     settlor of the trust and his children are the beneficiaries. The holdings
     shown for Mr. A. R. Sanchez Jr. also include 223,732 shares for other
     trusts which his children have a vested interest and Mr. Sanchez is the

(9)  The holdings shown for all directors and executive officers as a group
     include 40,364 shares which are issuable upon the exercise of currently
     exercisable, but unexercised, stock options under the Company's 1987 Key
     Contributor Stock Option Plan.

     Except as reflected in the notes to the preceding table, each of the
individuals listed in the table owns directly the number of shares indicated in
the table and has the sole power to vote and to dispose of such shares.

                               EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     The following table contains information concerning the compensation
awarded during each of the last three years for the CEO and the other most
highly compensated executive officers of the Company whose total annual salary
and bonus exceeded $100,000 in 1994.

                                                               Long Term
                                                              Compensation     All Other
    Name and                            Annual Compensation   Stock Options   Compensation
Principal Position               Year   Salary (1)   Bonus     (in shares)         (2)
- ------------------               ----   ----------   -----    -------------   -------------
Dennis E. Nixon                  1992   $251,977   $375,000       15,000        $11,691
President and Director of        1993    275,554    450,000          -           11,394
the Company and of IBC           1994    298,580    500,000          -            7,291

Leonardo Salinas                 1992    135,699     22,800        2,500          6,657
Vice President and               1993    139,799     19,191          -            6,379
Director of the Company;         1994    144,099     19,581          -            6,302
Director and Senior
Executive Vice President
of IBC

R. David Guerra                  1992    137,600     30,057        4,000          6,593
Vice President of the            1993    152,430     31,844          -            6,449
Company; President of IBC        1994    162,687     33,558          -            6,461
branch in McAllen, Texas
and Director of IBC


   (1)   These amounts do not include certain perquisites and other personal
         benefits, securities or property received by the officers which did not
         exceed the lesser of $50,000 or 10% of such executive officer's total
         salary and bonus set forth in the table; however, such amounts include
         directors fees as well as certain expense allowances.

   (2)   All amounts shown in this column consist of funds contributed or
         allocated by the Company pursuant to the Company's Employee Profit
         Sharing Plan and Trust.

     Each director of the Company and each director of IBC receives compensation
for his services as a director in the amount of $700 for each meeting of the
Board he attends and $200 for each meeting of a committee of the Board he
attends. Salaried officers who are directors are not compensated for committee
meetings. The director fees paid to the named executive officers are included in
the salary totals set forth in the table.

Stock Options

     During 1994, the Company did not grant any options to the executive
officers of the Company.

     The following table sets forth certain information regarding individual
exercises of stock options during 1994 by each of the named executive officers.

                         AGGREGATED OPTION EXERCISES IN 1994
                              AND FY-END OPTION VALUES

                                                  Number of
                                                  Underlying         Value of
                                                  Shares of         Unexercised
                                                  Unexercised       In-the-Money
                                                   Options at        Options at
                      Shares                        12/31/94          12/31/94
                    Acquired on     Value         Exercisable/      Exercisable/
                     Exercise      Realized      Unexercisable     Unexercisable
      Name              (#)         ($) (1)           (#)              ($) (1)
      ----          -----------    --------      -------------     -------------
Dennis E. Nixon          -             -            32,812/          1,350,600/
                                                    22,265             853,250

Leonardo Salinas         -             -             2,578/            101,900/
                                                     3,328             129,400

R. David Guerra        6,375       224,875           3,656/            148,800/
                                                     6,656             258,800

     (1) Market value of underlying shares at exercise, minus aggregate exercise


     The Company's compensation package for each of its executive officers
consists of base salary, annual discretionary bonus and a discretionary
incentive stock option grant. Stock option grants are determined by the
Company's Compensation Committee and are discussed under the Committee's
separate report below. All cash compensation paid to executive officers of the
Company is paid by IBC. Base salary levels and annual bonuses are recommended by
the Salary and Steering Committee of IBC (the "Committee").


     The Committee's recommendations regarding each executive officer's
compensation is subjective with regard to both the base salary and bonus. The
annual financial performance of IBC is the most important factor in the
subjective analysis. The bonus program is intended to compensate each executive
officer for the officer's contribution to IBC's financial performance during the
previous year. At the end of each year based on the financial performance of IBC
and the perceived contribution by each executive officer, a base salary
recommendation for the next year and a bonus recommendation for the previous
year is made for each executive officer by the Committee. The overall bonus pool
for executive officers is affected by the earnings performance of IBC for the
previous year. All base salary and bonus recommendations of the Committee are
subject to final approval of the Board of Directors of IBC.

     With respect to the compensation of Mr. Nixon, the CEO of the Company, the
Committee recommends to the Board of Directors the CEO's salary and bonus based
on its subjective determination. In determining the CEO compensation, the
Committee reviews the objectives of the Company for the previous year and the
attainment thereof, principally including the Company's financial performance.
Mr. Nixon received a bonus award of $500,000 for 1994, which determination was
largely affected by the financial results of the Company during 1994, which
included net income of $37.8 million, or $6.65 per share, an amount which
represents a 25% increase in earnings per share compared to the previous year.
Also, a key element in Mr. Nixon's performance compensation is the Company's
excellent return on assets of 1.63% and its very strong return on equity of

     The Salary and Steering Committee has considered the limitations on
deductibility of certain compensation under Section 162(m) of the Internal
Revenue Code. The Steering Committee's current policy is to ensure that all
compensation is deductible under Section 162(m) when paid.

             Lester Avigael                    Roy Jennings, Jr.
             Richard E. Haynes                 Dennis E. Nixon


     The Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors determines the stock
option grants to executive officers and key salaried employees of the Company.
During 1994, the Compensation Committee did not meet and none of the executive
officers or key salaried employees of the Company were granted stock options.
The primary purpose of the Company's 1987 Key Contributor Stock Option Plan is
to increase the interest of the executive and key salaried employees of the
Company and the subsidiary banks in its future growth and success through the
added incentive created by the opportunity afforded for stock ownership under
the Plan. Over the last few years, the market value of the Common stock has
increased significantly and this increase has influenced the decision of the
Compensation Committee not to grant any stock options during the last two years.

             Lester Avigael                    Roy Jennings Jr.
             Richard E. Haynes                 Alberto A. Santos

                             AND INSIDER PARTICIPATION

     The Salary and Steering Committee members are Lester Avigael, Richard E.
Haynes, Roy Jennings, Jr. and Dennis E. Nixon. Mr. Nixon, President and Chairman
of the Board of the Company and President and CEO of IBC, participates in the
compensation decisions for all executives and key salaried employees other than
himself. The Compensation Committee members are Lester Avigael, Richard E.
Haynes, Roy Jennings Jr. and Alberto A. Santos. Messrs. Richard E. Haynes,
Dennis E. Nixon and Alberto A. Santos each have total indebtedness outstanding
with the subsidiary banks of the Company in an amount which exceeds $60,000,
which indebtedness is fully performing and is included in the summary disclosure
regarding the aggregate amount receivable to the banks from certain related
parties of the Company set forth on page 8, under the caption "Interest of
Management in Certain Transactions".

Financial Performance

     The graph below summarizes cumulative return experienced by the Company's
shareholders over the years 1989 through 1994, compared to the S&P 500 Stock
Index and the S & P Regional Banks Index. The calculations were prepared on a
dividendsreinvestment basis.

                                TOTAL RETURN ANALYSIS

                                 VS. MARKET INDICES
                           YEAR END: 12/31/89 TO 12/31/94


                          1989     1990      1991      1992      1993      1994
                          ----    ------    ------    ------    ------    ------
Int. Bchs. Corp. .......   100    122.22    157.07    214.37    229.75    249.75
S&P 500 ................   100     96.89    126.42    136.05    149.76    151.74
S&P Regional Banks .....   100     71.33    127.61    162.5     172.28    163.06

                            INTEREST OF MANAGEMENT IN
                              CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS

     Some of the directors, executive officers and nominees for directors of the
Company and IBC and principal shareholders of the Company and their immediate
families and the companies with which they are associated were customers of, and
had banking transactions with, the Company's subsidiary banks in the ordinary
course of the subsidiary banks' business during 1994, and the Company
anticipates that such banking transactions will continue in the future. All
loans and commitments to loan included in such banking transactions were made in
the ordinary course of business, in compliance with applicable laws and on
substantially the same terms, including interest rates and collateral, as those
prevailing in the industry at the time for comparable transactions with
non-insiders, and, in the opinion of management of the Company, did not involve
more than a normal risk of collectibility or present other unfavorable features.


     At December 31, 1994, loans outstanding made by all subsidiary banks to
directors, executive officers and nominees for directors of the Company and
principal shareholders of the Company and to persons or entities affiliated with
such individuals aggregated $ 15,997,343.35. At December 31, 1994, all of such
loans were current with respect to principal and interest.

     As of July 15, 1994, IBC had sold approximately 44% of its other real
estate portfolio to IBC Partners, Ltd., a Texas real estate limited partnership
(the "Partnership") owned by certain shareholders of the Company and as a result
thereof IBC's total other real estate dropped from $10,831,000 to $6,119,000.
Lester Avigael, Roy Jennings Jr., Dennis E. Nixon, A. R. Sanchez, Jr. and
Alberto Santos serve as the five managers of IBC Properties, L.C., the general
partner of IBC Partners Management, Ltd., which is the general partner of the
Partnership. During 1994, the Partnership entered into banking transactions with
IBC. All loans and commitments to loan included in such banking transactions
were made in the ordinary course of business, in compliance with applicable laws
and on substantially the same terms, including interest rates and collateral, as
those prevailing in the industry at the time for comparable transactions with
non-insiders and, in the opinion of management of the Company, did not involve
more than a normal risk of collectibility or present other unfavorable features.


     Under the securities laws of the United States, the Company's directors,
its executive officers and any persons holding more than ten percent of the
Company's Common Stock are required to report their initial ownership of the
Company's Common Stock and any subsequent changes in that ownership to the
Securities and Exchange Commission. Specific due dates for these reports have
been established and the Company is required to disclose in this proxy statement
any failure to file by the applicable dates during 1994. The Company believes
that all of these filing requirements were timely satisfied. In making these
disclosures, the Company has relied solely on written representations of its
directors, executive officers and its ten percent holders and copies of the
reports that they have filed with the Commission.

                                  PROPOSAL - 2


     The Board of Directors of the Company has appointed the firm of KPMG Peat
Marwick LLP to audit the accounts of the Company for the 1995 fiscal year. The
firm has audited the books of the Company and its predecessor, IBC, annually
since 1979.

     Audit services rendered by KPMG Peat Marwick LLP for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 1994 included the annual examination of the Company's financial
statements, including reports to shareholders and the Securities and Exchange
Commission; and consultation on accounting and related matters and services
performed in connection with the registration of securities and other regulatory

     Representatives of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP are expected to be present at the
annual meeting of shareholders with the opportunity to make a statement if they
desire to do so and are expected to be available to respond to appropriate

     Approval of the appointment of independent auditors is not a matter which
is required to be submitted to a vote of shareholders, but the Board of
Directors considers it appropriate for the shareholders to express whether they
approve or withhold their approval of the appointment. If shareholder approval
should be withheld, the Board of Directors would consider an alternative
appointment for the succeeding fiscal year. The Board of Directors of the
Company recommends that the shareholders approve the appointment of KPMG Peat
Marwick LLP as the independent auditors. A majority of the votes cast will
constitute approval.

                                    PROPOSAL - 3


      The Company is proposing to amend its Certificate of Incorporation to
increase the authorized number of shares of Common Stock, $1.00 par value per
share, from 7,000,000 to 15,000,000 (the "Increase in Authorized Shares
Proposal"). The Company is requesting its shareholders to approve the proposed
increase in the number of authorized shares of Common Stock.

      For the reasons set forth below, the Board of Directors believes that the
best interests of the Company and its shareholders will be served if the
Company's Certificate of Incorporation is amended to increase the authorized
number of shares of Common Stock, $1.00 par value per share, from 7,000,000 to
15,000,000 shares. The Board of Directors has unanimously approved and
recommends a vote "For" the Increase in Authorized Shares Proposal.


      The Board of Directors has approved for submission to the shareholders a
proposal relating to the amendment of Article Fourth of the Certificate of
Incorporation of the Company to increase the number of authorized shares of
Common Stock, par value $1.00 per share, from 7,000,000 to 15,000,000. The
additional 8,000,000 shares of Common Stock, which will be authorized if this
proposal is approved, will increase the number of authorized, unissued and
unreserved shares of Common Stock of the Company. Currently, before the proposed
increase, the number of authorized, unissued, and nontreasury shares of Common
Stock of the Company is 1,506,776. Of this amount, 300,000 shares are reserved
for issuance pursuant to the exercise of certain stock options of the Company.
The newly authorized shares would, if and when issued, have the same rights and
privileges as the shares of Common Stock presently outstanding. The holders of
Common Stock have no preemptive rights to acquire any of the Company's Common
Stock under the existing Certificate of Incorporation and will not have any such
rights if this proposal is approved.

      The Board of Directors believes that it is desirable to have the
additional authorized shares of Common Stock available for stock dividends or
splits, stock options, future financing and acquisition transactions, and other
general corporate purposes, as well as to enable the Company to take advantage
of favorable opportunities which may arise in the future. The additional shares
of Common Stock would be available for issuance without further action by the
shareholders and without the accompanying delay and expense involved in calling
a special meeting of shareholders, except as may otherwise be required by law.
The issuance of any additional shares of Common Stock may result in a dilution
of the voting power of the shareholders, as well as their respective equity
interests in the Company. At the date of this Proxy Statement, the Company has
no arrangements, commitments or plans with respect to the sale or issuance of
any of the additional shares of Common Stock as to which authorization is
sought, except for a 25% stock split-up effected through a stock dividend
declared on April 3, 1995, subject to approval by the shareholders of the
Increase in Authorized Shares Proposal.

      The proposed amendment to the Company's Certificate of Incorporation would
cause Article Fourth thereof to read in its entirety as follows:

      Fourth: The total number of shares of stock which the Corporation shall
      have authority to issue is fifteen million (15,000,000) shares of the par
      value of One Dollar ($1.00) per share, amounting in the aggregate to
      Fifteen Million Dollars ($15,000,000). All such shares are of one class
      and are designated as Common Stock.


      Approval of the Amendment to Article Fourth requires the affirmative vote
of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock
represented in person or by proxy at the Annual Meeting. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
specified, all properly executed proxies received by the Company will be voted
in favor of the approval of the amendment.

                                    PROPOSAL - 4

                              REINCORPORATION PROPOSAL

      For the reasons set forth below, the Board of Directors believes that the
best interests of the Company and its shareholders will be served by changing
the state of incorporation of the Company from Delaware to Texas (the
"Reincorporation" or the "Reincorporation Proposal"). The Board of Directors has
unanimously approved and recommends a vote "FOR" the Reincorporation Proposal.
The primary purpose of the Reincorporation is to enable the Company to realize a
significant savings in state franchise taxes. Shareholders are urged to read
carefully the following sections of this Proxy Statement, including the related
appendices, before voting on the Reincorporation Proposal. As used herein, the
term "IBC Delaware" refers to the Company as it now exists as a Delaware
corporation, the term "IBC Texas" refers to the Texas corporation to be formed
by IBC Delaware in connection with the Reincorporation, which corporation will
be a wholly-owned subsidiary of IBC Delaware. IBC Texas, through the
Reincorporation, will become the successor to the business of IBC Delaware.
After the Reincorporation, the name of the Company will continue to be
"International Bancshares Corporation." The term "Company" as used herein refers
to either or both of IBC Delaware and IBC Texas as the context requires.

      If the Increase in Authorized Shares Proposal is approved by the
shareholders, the Company's authorized number of shares of common stock, par
value $1.00 per share, will be increased from 7,000,000 to 15,000,000. The form
of Articles of Incorporation of IBC Texas, which will be the Articles of the
Company after the Reincorporation (the "IBC Texas Articles"), currently
authorize 15,000,000 shares of common stock, par value $1.00 per share ("IBC
Texas Common Stock"). If, however, the Reincorporation Proposal is approved, but
the Increase in Authorized Shares Proposal is not approved, the number of
authorized shares of IBC Texas Common Stock will be decreased to reflect IBC
Delaware's currently authorized 7,000,000 shares. The Increase in Authorized
Shares Proposal and the reasons for such proposal are described separately in
this Proxy Statement. See "Increase in Authorized Shares Proposal" (Proposal

      The discussion contained herein is qualified by reference to the form of
the Agreement and Plan of Merger (the "Merger Agreement") by and between IBC
Delaware and IBC Texas and the form of the IBC Texas Articles in substantially
the form attached hereto attached hereto as Appendices "A" and "B,"
respectively. The IBC Texas Articles in substantially the form attached hereto
have been or will be filed with the Texas Secretary of State. The provisions of
the IBC Texas By-Laws are substantially similar to the IBC Delaware By-Laws. The
Company will provide a copy of the IBC Texas By-Laws, which will be the By-Laws
of the Company after the Reincorporation, to any shareholder of the Company who
submits a request in writing, mailed or delivered to the Secretary at the
corporate offices of the Company prior to the Annual Meeting. Please see the
discussion below entitled "Certain Differences Between the Corporate Statues of
Delaware and Texas" for more information regarding the Articles and By-Laws of
IBC Texas.


      The Reincorporation will be effectuated by merging (the "Merger") IBC
Delaware with and into IBC Texas, a Texas corporation being formed by IBC
Delaware for the purpose of the Reincorporation. Upon completion of the Merger,
IBC Delaware will cease to exist and IBC Texas will continue to operate the
business of the Company under the name "International Bancshares Corporation."


      Shareholders of IBC Delaware will automatically become shareholders of IBC
Texas, and their rights will be governed by Texas law and the IBC Texas Articles
and the IBC Texas By-Laws rather than by Delaware law and the existing
Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws of IBC Delaware. If approved by the
shareholders of IBC Delaware and if certain other conditions set forth in the
Merger Agreement are satisfied, the Reincorporation will become effective upon
the filing of Articles of Merger with the Texas Secretary of State (the
"Effective Date").

      The Reincorporation is intended to be consummated as soon as practicable
following the Annual Meeting, and the Company will publicly announce the
consummation of the Reincorporation promptly after its completion. However,
pursuant to the Merger Agreement, at any time before the Effective Date, the
Merger Agreement may be terminated and the Reincorporation may be abandoned for
any reason whatsoever by the Board of Directors of either IBC Delaware or IBC
Texas. In addition, the Merger Agreement, as well as the IBC Texas Articles, may
be amended by the Boards of Directors of IBC Delaware and IBC Texas at any time
prior to the Effective Date, provided that an amendment made subsequent to the
approval and adoption of the Merger Agreement by the shareholders of IBC
Delaware shall not: (1) alter or change the current rate of exchange of one
share of IBC Texas Common Stock for each outstanding share of Company Common
Stock ("IBC Delaware Common Stock"), (2) alter or change any term of the IBC
Texas Articles (except revisions made to change the registered agent or
registered office of IBC Texas or to reduce the number of authorized shares of
IBC Texas Common Stock in the event the Increase in Authorized Shares Proposal
is not approved), or (3) alter or change any of the terms and conditions of the
Merger Agreement, if such alteration or change would adversely affect the
shareholders of IBC Delaware, without further approval of the shareholders.
Further, the Boards of Directors of IBC Delaware and IBC Texas may make any
necessary amendments to the Merger Agreement, the IBC Texas Articles or the IBC
Texas By-Laws in response to the comments of the Delaware Secretary of State,
the Texas Secretary of State or the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

      Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, on the Effective Date the outstanding
shares of IBC Delaware Common Stock will automatically be converted on the basis
of one (1) share of IBC Texas Common Stock for one (1) share of IBC Delaware
Common Stock, and each outstanding option of IBC Delaware to purchase shares of
IBC Delaware Common Stock will, by operation of law, be assumed by IBC Texas and
will be deemed to constitute an option to purchase, on the same terms and
conditions as were applicable under such option immediately prior to the
Effective Date, the same number of shares of IBC Texas Common Stock. Each stock
certificate representing issued and outstanding shares of IBC Delaware Common
Stock will continue to represent the same number and class of shares of IBC
Texas Common Stock. It will not be necessary for shareholders to exchange their
existing stock certificates for certificates of IBC Texas Common Stock. However,
shareholders may exchange their certificates if they so choose. The Company
expects that shares of IBC Texas Common Stock will be traded in the
over-the-counter market and reported in the National Quotation Bureau's "Pink
Sheets" (the "Pink Sheets"), as is currently the case with the IBC Delaware
Common Stock.


      The Board of Directors and management believe that it is in the best
interests of the Company and its shareholders to change the state of
incorporation of the Company from Delaware to Texas. The Board of Directors has
determined that the Company can reincorporate in the State of Texas and maintain
substantially all of the initially desired benefits of doing business as a
Delaware corporation without the significant tax burden of the State of
Delaware. Absent the Delaware franchise tax burden upon the Company, management
and the Board of Directors would not be recommending the Reincorporation at this

      Delaware imposes an annual franchise tax on corporations incorporated in
that state. The Delaware franchise tax is assessed based on the lesser value
determined by either of two complex equations. The Company's annual franchise
tax in Delaware is based on the number of authorized shares and gross assets of
the Company. If the Company were to increase its authorized shares of Common
Stock to 15,000,000, as proposed in the Increase in Authorized Shares Proposal,
the annual franchise tax in Delaware would be approximately $75,000. Based on
the current 7,000,000 authorized shares, the annual Delaware franchise tax is
approximately $35,000. Texas also imposes an annual franchise tax on its
corporations. However, the Company is already subject


to the Texas franchise tax laws because the Company has qualified to do business
in the State of Texas as a foreign corporation. Thus, the Reincorporation would
eliminate the Company's Delaware franchise tax liability while not subjecting
the Company to any Texas franchise tax to which it is not already subject.
Moreover, Texas does not calculate franchise tax liability based on the number
of shares a Company has authorized for issuance, a method which, due to the
Company's capital structure, currently results in a high franchise tax liability
in Delaware. Therefore, significant franchise tax savings will be recognized
through the Reincorporation.

      The Board of Directors and management believe that the business
corporation law set forth in the Texas Business Corporation Act ("TBCA") is a
modern corporate body of law that will meet the business needs of the Company
once the Reincorporation is effectuated. Texas has comprehensive, modern,
flexible corporate statutes that are periodically updated and reviewed to meet
changing business needs. Due to a concerted effort by the Texas Legislature over
the last decade, Texas has become a significantly more desirable jurisdiction in
which to incorporate. In view of these corporate law developments and the fact
that the Company is a bank holding company with all of its bank operations in
Texas, the Board of Directors recommends that the Company reincorporate in
Texas. The Board of Directors believes that the Reincorporation will allow the
Company to continue to plan the legal aspects of its future activities with
certainty and without the additional cost of the Delaware franchise tax


      Notwithstanding the belief of the Board of Directors and management as to
the benefits to shareholders of the Reincorporation, shareholders should realize
that there are certain possible adverse effects of the Reincorporation. The
primary adverse effect is the lack of predictability resulting from a more
limited body of case law interpreting the TBCA as compared to the established
body of case law interpreting the Delaware General Corporation Law (the "DGCL").
The Delaware courts have developed considerable expertise in dealing with
corporate issues, and a substantial body of case law has developed construing
Delaware law and establishing public policies with respect to Delaware
corporations. Thus, the DGCL and the court decisions construing it are widely
regarded as the most extensive and well-defined body of corporate law in the
United States, although some commentators believe the Delaware courts establish
principles that often create more questions than they resolve. Conversely, there
is substantially less case law in Texas interpreting the TBCA. For a detailed
summary of significant differences between Delaware and Texas corporate law, see
"Certain Differences Between the Corporation Statutes of Delaware and Texas" set
forth below.


      The Reincorporation will effect a change in the legal domicile of IBC
Delaware from Delaware to Texas It will also produce those changes resulting
from the difference between Delaware and Texas law and between IBC Delaware's
Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws and the IBC Texas Articles and By-Laws
and other changes of a legal nature, certain of which are described in this
Proxy Statement. The changes that will result from the Reincorporation include:
(a) a substantial annual savings in state franchise taxes; (b) the Company will
be subject to Texas law; and (c) the increase in the number of authorized shares
of Common Stock to 15,000,000 (if the Increase in Authorized Shares Proposal is
approved by the shareholders).

      The Reincorporation will not result in any change in the business,
management, location of the principal facilities, fiscal year, assets,
liabilities or net worth of the Company and will have no material accounting
implications. Upon completion of the Merger, all of the previously outstanding
shares of IBC Delaware Common Stock will be automatically converted into the
same number and class of shares of IBC Texas Common Stock. The 1987
International Bancshares Corporation Key Contributor Stock Option Plan, as
Amended and Restated, will be continued by IBC Texas. The Company's employee
benefit arrangements will be continued by IBC Texas upon the terms and subject
to the conditions then currently in effect. The directors of IBC Texas will be
the same as the directors of IBC Delaware immediately preceding the Merger;
accordingly, only those individuals elected as directors of IBC Delaware at the
Annual Meeting will serve as directors of IBC Texas after the Merger.



      The Company intends to treat the Merger for federal income tax purposes as
an event from which the Company will recognize no taxable income or loss.
Furthermore, the shareholders should recognize no gain or loss on the exchange
of their shares of IBC Delaware Common Stock for shares of IBC Texas Common
Stock, and the tax basis in and the holding period (provided that the shares of
IBC Delaware Common Stock held by such exchanging shareholder are held as a
capital asset) of each such shareholder's shares of IBC Texas Common Stock will
be the same as the basis in and holding period of such shareholder in the shares
of IBC Delaware Common Stock exchanged therefor.



      The Reincorporation will have no impact on the carrying amount of assets
or liabilities of the Company as currently reported.


      The shares of IBC Texas Common Stock to be issued in exchange for shares
of IBC Delaware Common Stock will not be registered under the Securities Act of
1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"). In that respect, IBC Texas will rely on
Rule 145(a)(2) promulgated under the Securities Act, which provides that a
merger which has as its sole purpose a change in the domicile of a corporation
does not involve the sale of securities for purposes of the Securities Act.
After the Merger, IBC Texas will be deemed to be registered pursuant to Section
12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, as a successor issuer
to IBC Delaware, and it will be required to file with the Securities and
Exchange Commission and provide to its shareholders the same type of information
that IBC Delaware has previously been required to file with the Securities and
Exchange Commission and provide to its shareholders. The IBC Texas Common Stock
is expected to be reported in the National Quotation Bureau's "Pink Sheets."
Shareholders whose stock in IBC Delaware is freely tradable before the Merger
will receive freely tradable shares of IBC Texas. Shareholders holding
restricted securities of IBC Delaware will continue to hold restricted
securities of IBC Texas, and, if they decide to exchange their certificates,
will receive stock certificates of IBC Texas bearing substantially the same
restrictive legend as appears on their present stock certificates. For purposes
of computing compliance with the holding period of Rule 144, shareholders will
be deemed to have acquired their shares of IBC Texas Common Stock on the date
they acquired their shares of IBC Delaware Common Stock. In summary, IBC Texas
and its shareholders will be in the same respective position under the federal
securities laws after the Merger as were IBC Delaware and its shareholders prior
to the Merger.


      Although the DGCL and the TBCA are similar in many respects, there are a
number of differences between the two statutes which should be carefully
considered by the shareholders in evaluating the proposed Reincorporation. The
following summary, which sets forth certain material differences between the two
statutes, does not purport to be a complete statement of all differences between
the DGCL and the TBCA, nor does it purport to be a complete statement of the
provisions of the two statutes which it compares.


      The following summary is qualified in its entirety by the laws of Delaware
and Texas, and reference is made to those laws for a complete statement of their
provisions. Certain of the significant differences between the provisions of the
DGCL and the TBCA that could materially affect the rights of shareholders are
discussed below.


            Under the DGCL, a merger or consolidation must be approved by the
      board of directors and by the holders of a majority of outstanding stock
      of the corporation entitled to vote thereon, provided that no vote of
      shareholders of a constituent corporation surviving a merger is required
      (unless the corporation's certificate of incorporation provides otherwise)
      if (a) the merger agreement does not amend the existing certificate of
      incorporation, (b) each share of stock of the surviving corporation
      outstanding before the merger is an identical outstanding share after the
      merger, and (c) either no shares of common stock of the surviving
      corporation and no shares, securities or obligations convertible into such
      stock are to be issued or delivered under the plan of merger, or the
      authorized, unissued shares or the treasury shares of common stock of the
      surviving corporation to be issued or delivered under the plan of merger
      plus those initially issuable upon conversion of any other shares,
      securities or obligations to be issued or delivered under such plan do not
      exceed 20% of the shares of common stock of such constituent corporation
      outstanding immediately prior to the effective date of the merger.

            Under the TBCA, shareholders generally have the right, subject to
      certain exceptions, to vote on mergers to which the corporation is a
      party. In certain circumstances, different classes of securities may be
      entitled to vote separately as classes with respect to such mergers.
      Unless the articles of incorporation provide otherwise, approval of the
      holders of at least two-thirds of all outstanding shares entitled to vote
      is required by Texas law to approve a merger. The IBC Texas Articles
      contain a provision limiting the vote required to a majority of the shares
      entitled to vote on such matter. The approval of the shareholders of the
      surviving corporation in a merger is not required under Texas law if (i)
      the corporation is the sole surviving corporation in the merger; (ii)
      there is no amendment to the corporation's articles of incorporation;
      (iii) each shareholder holds the same number of shares after the merger as
      before with identical designations, preferences, limitations and relative
      rights; (iv) the voting power of the shares outstanding after the merger
      plus the voting power of the shares issued in the merger does not exceed
      the voting power of the shares outstanding prior to the merger by more
      than 20%; (v) the number of shares outstanding after the merger plus the
      shares issued in the merger does not exceed the number of shares
      outstanding prior to the merger by more than 20%; and (vi) the board of
      directors of the surviving corporation adopts a resolution approving the
      plan of merger. Additionally, under the TBCA certain mergers involving a
      corporation and its wholly-owned subsidiary do not require the approval of
      the shareholders of one or both corporations.


            Under the DGCL, a corporation may sell, lease or exchange all or
      substantially all of its property and assets when and as authorized by a
      majority of the holders of the outstanding stock of the corporation
      entitled to vote thereon, unless the corporation's certificate of
      incorporation provides otherwise. IBC Delaware's Certificate of
      Incorporation is silent on this matter, so the applicable provisions of
      the DGCL apply.

            The TBCA provides that the sale, lease, exchange or other
      disposition (not including any pledge, mortgage, deed of trust or trust
      indenture, unless otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation) of
      all, or substantially all, the property and assets of a corporation, if


      not made in the usual and regular course of its business, requires the
      approval of the holders of at least two-thirds of the outstanding shares
      of the corporation, unless the corporation's articles of incorporation
      specify another proportion. The IBC Texas Articles contain a provision
      limiting the vote required to a majority of the shares entitled to vote on
      such matter.


            Under the DGCL, a shareholder in certain mergers or consolidations
      may, under varying circumstances, be entitled to appraisal rights pursuant
      to which such shareholder may receive cash in the amount of the fair
      market value of his or her shares in lieu of the consideration he or she
      would otherwise receive in the transaction. Appraisal rights are not
      available under the DGCL with respect to certain mergers involving
      corporations and their wholly-owned subsidiaries and with respect to
      certain other types of mergers. Shareholders of IBC-Delaware will have no
      appraisal rights in connection with the Reincorporation. See "Appraisal
      Rights of Dissenting Shareholders."

            Under the TBCA, a shareholder is entitled, with certain exceptions,
      to dissent from and, upon perfection of the shareholder's appraisal
      rights, to obtain the fair value of his or her shares in the event of
      certain corporate actions, including certain mergers, share exchanges,
      sales of substantially all the assets of the corporation, and certain
      amendments to the corporation's articles of incorporation that materially
      and adversely affect shareholder rights.


            The DGCL prohibits a Delaware corporation from engaging in a
      "business combination" with an "interested shareholder" for three years
      following the date that such person becomes an interested shareholder.
      With certain exceptions, an interested shareholder is a person or group
      who or which owns 15% or more of the corporation's outstanding voting
      stock or is an affiliate or associate of the corporation and was the owner
      of 15% or more of such voting stock at any time within the previous three
      years. A Delaware corporation may elect not to be governed by this
      restriction through a provision of its original certificate of
      incorporation or an amendment thereto or to the bylaws, which amendment
      must be approved by majority shareholder vote and may not be further
      amended by the board of directors. IBC Delaware has not opted out of this

            The TBCA does not have a provision similar to this restriction.


            Under the DGCL, unless a corporation's certificate of incorporation
      provides otherwise, any action to be taken by shareholders may be taken
      without a meeting, without prior notice and without a vote, if a consent
      in writing, setting forth the action so taken, is signed by the holders of
      outstanding stock having not less than the minimum number of votes that
      would be necessary to authorize or take such action at a meeting. The
      Certificate of Incorporation of IBC Delaware is silent on this matter.

            Under the TBCA, any action to be taken by shareholders at a meeting
      may be taken without a meeting if all shareholders entitled to vote on the
      matter consent to the action in writing. In addition, a Texas
      corporation's articles of incorporation may provide that shareholders may
      take action by a consent in writing signed by the holders of outstanding
      stock having not less than the minimum number of votes that would be
      necessary to authorize or take such action at a meeting. The IBC Texas
      Articles contain such a provision.


            Under the DGCL, unless otherwise provided in a corporation's
      certificate of incorporation or by-laws, any director or the entire board
      of directors may be removed, with or without cause, by the holders of a
      majority of the shares then entitled to vote at an election of directors,
      except (i) in the case of a corporation having a classified board, and
      unless the certificate of incorporation provides otherwise, shareholders
      may affect such removal only for cause, and (ii) in the case of a
      corporation having cumulative voting, if less than the entire board is to
      be removed, no director may be removed without cause if the votes cast
      against his removal would be sufficient to elect him if they were
      cumulatively voted at an election of the entire board of directors.

            The TBCA provides that if a corporation's articles of incorporation
      or bylaws so provide, at a meeting of shareholders called for that
      purpose, any director or the entire board of directors may be removed with
      or without cause, by the vote of the holders of the portion of shares
      specified in the corporation's articles of incorporation or bylaws, but
      not less than a majority of the shares entitled to vote at an election of
      directors. The IBC Texas By-Laws provide that at any special meeting of
      shareholders called for that purpose, directors may be removed with or
      without cause by the holders of a majority of the shares entitled to vote
      for the election of directors.


            Under the DGCL, unless a corporation's certificate of incorporation
      or bylaws provide otherwise, vacancies and newly created directorships
      resulting from any increase in the authorized number of directors may be
      filled by a majority of the directors then in office.

            Under the TBCA, any vacancy occurring in the board of directors of a
      corporation may be filled by the shareholders or by the affirmative vote
      of a majority of the remaining directors. A directorship to be filled by
      reason of an increase in the number of directors may be filled by the
      shareholders or by the board of directors for a term of office continuing
      only until the next election of one or more directors by the shareholders,
      provided that the board of directors may not fill more than two such
      directorships during the period between any two successive annual meetings
      of shareholders.


            The DGCL permits any shareholder of record to inspect a
      corporation's stock ledger, the shareholder list and its other books and
      records for any purpose reasonably related to such person's interest as a
      shareholder provided that his written demand under oath is directed to the
      company's registered office in Delaware or to its principal place of

            The TBCA permits any person who shall have been a shareholder for at
      least six months immediately preceding his demand, or who is the holder of
      at least 5% of the outstanding stock of the corporation, upon written
      demand stating the purpose thereof, to examine the relevant books and
      records of account, minutes, and share transfer records of the


            Under the DGCL, special meetings of the shareholders may be called
      by the board of directors or such other persons authorized in the
      certificate of incorporation or bylaws.


            Under the TBCA, a special meeting of shareholders may be called by
      the president, board of directors or shareholders as may be authorized in
      the articles of incorporation or bylaws of the corporation or by the
      holders of at least 10% of all the shares entitled to vote at the proposed
      special meeting, unless the articles of incorporation provide for a number
      of shares greater than or less than 10%, in which event, special meetings
      of the shareholders may be called by the holders of at least the
      percentage of shares so specified in the articles of incorporation, but in
      no event shall the articles of incorporation provide for a number of
      shares greater than 50%.

            Under the By-Laws of IBC Delaware and the IBC Texas Articles and
      ByLaws, special meetings of the shareholders may be called by the Board of
      Directors, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the President, or the
      holders of at least a majority (or 50% in the case of IBC Texas) of the
      outstanding shares entitled to vote at the proposed special meeting.


            Under the DGCL, an amendment to a corporation's certificate of
      incorporation must be approved by a majority of the board of directors and
      by the holders of a majority of the corporation's stock entitled to vote
      thereon, unless the certificate of incorporation provides for a greater
      number. The Certificate of Incorporation of IBC Delaware does not provide
      for such a greater number.

            Under the TBCA, an amendment to a corporation's articles of
      incorporation requires the approval of the holders of at least two-thirds
      of the outstanding shares of the corporation, unless a different amount,
      not less than a majority, is specified in the articles of incorporation.
      The IBC Texas Articles contain a provision limiting the vote required to a
      majority of the shares entitled to vote on such matter.


            Under the DGCL, cumulative voting is not available unless so
      provided in a corporation's certificate of incorporation. The Certificate
      of Incorporation of IBC Delaware does not provide for cumulative voting.

            Under the TBCA, cumulative voting is available unless prohibited by
      the articles of incorporation. The IBC Texas Articles expressly prohibit
      cumulative voting.


            The DGCL provides that a corporation may, unless otherwise
      restricted by its certificate of incorporation, declare and pay dividends
      out of surplus, or if no surplus exists, out of net profits for the
      current and/or preceding fiscal year so long as the amount of capital of
      the corporation following the declaration and payment of the dividend is
      not less than the aggregate amount of the capital represented by the
      issued and outstanding stock of all classes having a preference upon the
      distribution of assets. Additionally, the DGCL generally provides that a
      corporation may redeem or repurchase its shares only if such redemption or
      repurchase would not impair the capital of the corporation. The ability of
      a Delaware corporation to pay dividends on, or to make repurchases or
      redemptions of, its shares is dependent on the financial status of the
      corporation standing alone and not on a consolidated basis.

            The TBCA provides that, subject to restrictions in a corporation's
      articles of incorporation, the board of directors of the corporation may
      authorize, and the corporation may make, distributions. A distribution may
      not be made by a corporation, however, if after giving effect thereto the
      corporation would be insolvent or the distribution exceeds the surplus


      of the corporation, provided, however, that if the net assets of the
      corporation are not less than the amount of the proposed distribution, the
      corporation may make a distribution involving a purchase or redemption if
      made by the corporation to: (a) eliminate fractional shares; (b) collect
      or compromise indebtedness owed by or to the corporation; (c) pay
      dissenting shareholders entitled to payment for their shares under Texas
      law; or (d) effect the purchase or redemption of redeemable shares in
      accordance with the TBCA.


            The DGCL permits a corporation to include in its certificate of
      incorporation a provision eliminating or limiting a director's liability
      to the corporation or its shareholders for monetary damages for breaches
      of fiduciary duty, including conduct which could be characterized as
      negligence or gross negligence. The DGCL expressly provides, however, that
      the liability for breaches of the director's duty of loyalty, acts or
      omissions not in good faith or involving intentional misconduct or knowing
      violations of the law, the unlawful purchase or redemption of stock or
      payment of unlawful dividends or the receipt of improper personal benefits
      cannot be eliminated or limited in this manner. The DGCL further provides
      that no such provision shall eliminate or limit the liability of a
      director for any act or omission occurring prior to the date when such
      provision becomes effective. The Certificate of Incorporation of IBC
      Delaware contains a provision eliminating director liability to the extent
      permitted by the DGCL.

            Texas law permits a corporation to include in its articles of
      incorporation a provision that a director of the corporation is not liable
      to the corporation or its shareholders for monetary damages for an act or
      omission in the director's capacity as a director, except that such a
      provision cannot eliminate or limit the liability of a director for (a) a
      breach of a director's duty of loyalty to the corporation or its
      shareholders; (b) an act or omission not in good faith that constitutes a
      breach of duty of the director to the corporation or an act or omission
      that involves intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of the law;
      (c) a transaction from which a director received an improper benefit,
      whether or not the benefit resulted from an action taken within the scope
      of the director's office; or (d) an act or omission for which the
      liability of a director is expressly provided for by statute. The IBC
      Texas Articles contain a provision eliminating director liability to the
      fullest extent provided by Texas law.


            Both Texas and Delaware permit corporations to indemnify their
      directors and officers for liabilities incurred by them by reason of
      serving as directors or officers of their corporations or of other
      corporations and entities at the request of their corporations.

            Under the TBCA, a corporation may indemnify a director for
      liabilities and expenses in respect to actions brought against him by
      reason of serving as a director of officer of the corporation (or of
      another entity at the request of the corporation) if he conducted himself
      in good faith and reasonably believed that (i) in the case of conduct in
      his official capacity as a director, his conduct was in the corporation's
      best interests, and (ii) in all other cases, that his conduct was at least
      not opposed to the best interest of the corporation. Indemnification for
      criminal actions also requires the director to have had no reasonable
      cause to believe his conduct was unlawful. Expenses may also be advanced
      to a director in respect of a proceeding if the corporation receives a
      written affirmation of his good faith belief that he has met the standards
      for indemnification and undertakes to reimburse the corporation for the
      expenses if it is ultimately determined that he did not meet the standard


      or is otherwise not entitled to indemnity. In addition, if the director is
      found liable to the corporation on the basis that a personal benefit was
      improperly received by him, indemnification will be limited to expenses
      actually incurred and will not be available if the director is found
      liable for willful or intentional misconduct in the performance of his
      duty to the corporation. The IBC Texas Articles and By-Laws provide for
      the mandatory indemnification of directors, officers and certain other
      persons to the extent permitted by the TBCA.

            Under the DGCL, a director or officer may be indemnified if he acted
      in good faith and in a manner he reasonably believed to be in or not
      opposed to the best interests of the corporation, and, in the case of a
      criminal action or proceeding had no reasonable ground to believe his
      conduct was unlawful. If the action is in the name of the corporation, no
      indemnification may be provided if the person is adjudged liable unless
      the court determines that such indemnification is proper. Expenses may
      also be advanced to a director or officer upon receipt of an undertaking
      by or on behalf of such director or officer to repay such amounts advanced
      if it is ultimately determined the director or officer is not entitled to
      indemnification. The DGCL provides that the indemnification permitted by
      statute is not exclusive. The Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws of
      IBC Delaware provide for the mandatory indemnification of directors,
      officers and certain other persons.


            Under the DGCL, shareholders of a corporation have no preemptive
      rights to subscribe to additional issues of stock or to any security
      convertible into such stock unless, and except to the extent that, such
      rights are expressly provided in the corporation's certificate of
      incorporation. The Certificate of Incorporation of IBC Delaware does not
      provide for preemptive rights.

            Under the TBCA, shareholders of a corporation have a preemptive
      right to acquire additional, unissued, or treasury shares of the
      corporation, or securities of the corporation convertible into or carrying
      a right to subscribe to or acquire shares, except to the extent limited or
      denied by statute or by the corporation's articles of incorporation. The
      IBC Texas Articles expressly deny preemptive rights.


            The TBCA requires that voluntary dissolution occur upon the
      affirmative vote of the holders of two-thirds of the outstanding shares
      entitled to vote thereon, unless a different amount, not less than a
      majority, is specified in the articles of incorporation. The IBC Texas
      Articles contain a provision limiting the vote required to a majority of
      the shares entitled to vote on such matter. Under the DGCL, voluntary
      dissolution of a corporation requires the adoption of a resolution by a
      majority of the board of directors and the affirmative vote of a majority
      of the outstanding shares entitled to vote thereon, together with a
      majority vote of the outstanding shares of each class or series entitled
      to vote as a class. Alternatively, both the TBCA and the DGCL permit the
      voluntary dissolution of a corporation without the approval of the board
      of directors pursuant to the written consent of all shareholders.



      Under some circumstances, a shareholder of a Delaware corporation has the
right under Delaware law to object to a merger and to demand payment in cash for
the fair value of his shares. Such right does not apply in a short form merger
involving the merger of a parent corporation into a wholly-owned subsidiary
corporation. Consequently, shareholders of the Company will have no appraisal
rights with respect to the Merger.


      Other than the issuance of Certificates of Merger by the Secretary of
State of Delaware and the Secretary of State of Texas and the approval of the
waiver request submitted to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas in connection
with the Merger, the Company knows of no approval or consent required by any
governmental agency or unit in connection with the Merger.


      The Reincorporation Proposal has been approved by the Board of Directors,
which unanimously recommends a vote "FOR" the Reincorporation Proposal. The
Reincorporation will require the affirmative vote of the holders of at least a
majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock represented in person or by
proxy at the Annual Meeting. All of the directors and executive officers of the
Company have advised the Company that they will vote their shares of Common
Stock "FOR" the Reincorporation Proposal. As of April 3, 1995, these individuals
beneficially owned an aggregate of 1,329,027 shares of Common Stock, or
approximately 24.19% of the shares of Common Stock outstanding and entitled to


      The 1996 annual meeting of shareholders will be held on May 17, 1996.
Proposals from shareholders intended to be presented at the 1995 annual meeting
must be received in writing by the Company at its principal executive offices
not later than December 22, 1995. The Company's principal executive offices are
located at 1200 San Bernardo Avenue, Laredo, Texas 78040.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

      No business other than the matters set forth in this proxy statement is
expected to come before the meeting, but should any other matters requiring a
vote of shareholders arise, including a question of adjourning the meeting, the
persons named in the accompanying proxy will vote thereon according to their
best judgment in the interest of the Company. In the event that any of the
nominees for director should withdraw or otherwise become unavailable for
reasons not presently known, the persons named as Proxies will vote for such
substitute nominee(s) as the Board of Directors recommends, or in the absence of
such recommendation, such other persons as they consider to be in the best
interests of the Company.

                                           INTERNATIONAL BANCSHARES CORPORATION

                                           Dennis E. Nixon
Dated:  April 20, 1995


P. O. DRAWER 1359
LAREDO, TEXAS 78042-1359
(210) 722-7611 EXTENSION 675

                                   APPENDIX A

                                    FORM OF
                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

      THIS AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER ("Agreement") is made and entered into
as of the ________ day of MAY, 1995 by and between INTERNATIONAL BANCSHARES
CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation (hereinafter referred to as "IBC Delaware"),
and INTERNATIONAL BANCSHARES CORPORATION, a Texas corporation (hereinafter
referred to as "IBC Texas") being sometimes hereinafter together referred to as
the "Constituent Corporations."

      WHEREAS, IBC Delaware is a corporation duly organized and existing under
the laws of the State of Delaware, and having authorized capital stock
consisting of 15,000,000 shares of Common Stock, par value $1.00 per share, of
which ____________ shares are outstanding;

      WHEREAS, IBC Texas is a corporation duly organized and existing under the
laws of the State of Texas, and having an authorized capital stock consisting of
15,000,000 shares of Common Stock, par value $1.00 per share, of which 1,000
shares are outstanding;

      WHEREAS, all of the outstanding shares of IBC Texas are held by IBC

      WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of each of the Constituent Corporations
deems it advisable for the general welfare and to the benefit of such
corporations and their respective shareholders that IBC Delaware merge with and
into IBC Texas pursuant to the provisions of Section 253 of the Delaware General
Corporate Law (the "DGCL") and Sections 5.01 ET SEQ. of the Texas Business
Corporation Act (the "TBCA");

      WHEREAS, the respective Boards of Directors of the Constituent
Corporations have, by resolutions duly adopted, approved this Agreement and
directed that it be executed by the undersigned officers and that it be
submitted to the shareholders of IBC Delaware for approval; and

      WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Constituent Corporations that the
Merger shall be a tax-free reorganization pursuant to the provisions of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended;

      NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual agreements
herein contained, the parties hereby agree, in accordance with the applicable
provisions of the laws of the States of Delaware and Texas, that the Constituent
Corporations shall be merged into a single corporation, to-wit: International
Bancshares Corporation, a Texas corporation, one of the Constituent
Corporations, and the terms and conditions of the merger hereby agreed upon
(hereafter called the "Merger") which the parties covenant to observe, keep and
perform, and the mode of carrying the same into effect are and shall be as
hereafter set forth:

and conditions of this Agreement, IBC Delaware shall be merged into IBC Texas in
accordance with the applicable provisions of the DGCL and the TBCA. The Merger
shall become effective upon the filing with the Secretary of State of the State
of Texas of the articles of merger with respect thereto. For purposes hereof,
the term "EFFECTIVE TIME" shall mean the time when such articles of merger are
filed with the Texas Secretary of State, and the term "SURVIVING CORPORATION"
shall mean IBC Texas as the corporation surviving in the Merger which will be
governed by the laws of the State of Texas.


      (b) At the Effective Time, by virtue of the Merger, all the rights,
privileges, immunities and franchises, of a public as well as of a private
nature, of each of the Constituent Corporations and all property, real, personal
and mixed, and all debts due on whatever account, including choses in action,
and all and every other interest of or belonging to or due to each of the
Constituent Corporations shall be taken and deemed to be transferred to and
vested in the Surviving Corporation without further act or deed, and the
Surviving Corporation shall thenceforth be responsible and liable for all the
liabilities and obligations of each of said Constituent Corporations, all with
the full effect provided for in the DGCL and TBCA.

      (c) All corporate acts, policies, resolutions, approvals and
authorizations of the shareholders, Board of Directors, committees elected or
appointed by the Board of Directors, officers and agents of IBC Delaware, which
were valid and effective immediately prior to the Merger shall be taken for all
purposes as the acts, plans, policies, resolutions, approvals and authorizations
of the Surviving Corporation and shall be as effective and binding thereon as
the same were with respect to IBC Delaware. The employees of IBC Delaware shall
become the employees of the Surviving Corporation and continue to be entitled to
the same rights and benefits which they enjoyed as employees of IBC Delaware.

      (d) The Articles of Incorporation of IBC Texas in effect immediately prior
to the Effective Time shall be the Articles of Incorporation of the Surviving
Corporation until further amended in accordance with the provisions thereof and
the TBCA.

      (e) The By-Laws of IBC Texas in effect immediately prior to the Effective
Time shall be the By-Laws of the Surviving Corporation, until altered, amended
or repealed as provided therein and in the Articles of Incorporation of the
Surviving Corporation.

      (f) The directors of IBC Delaware immediately prior to the Effective Time
shall constitute the directors of the Surviving Corporation immediately
following the Effective Time. Such directors shall hold their positions until
their resignation or removal or until their successors are elected in accordance
with the By-Laws of the Surviving Corporation and shall have duly qualified.

      (g) The officers of IBC Delaware immediately prior to the Effective Time
shall constitute the officers of the Surviving Corporation immediately following
the Effective Time. Such officers shall hold their offices until their
resignation or removal or until their successors are elected or appointed in
accordance with the By-Laws of the Surviving Corporation and shall have duly

      SECTION 2.  CONVERSION OF STOCK.  At the Effective Time:

      SECTION 2.1 IBC TEXAS. Each share of the common stock, par value $1.00 per
share, of IBC Texas ("IBC Texas Common Stock") which shall be issued and
outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall, at the Effective
Time, be cancelled and retired, all rights in respect thereof shall cease to
exist and no shares of IBC Texas Common Stock or other securities of the
Surviving Corporation shall be issuable with respect thereto.

      SECTION 2.2 IBC DELAWARE. (a) Each share of the common stock, par value
$1.00 per share, of IBC Delaware ("IBC Delaware Common Stock") which shall be
issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall, at the
Effective Time, be converted into and become one (1) share of IBC Texas Common

      (b) Each of the outstanding stock options granted by IBC Delaware which is
outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be changed and
converted into a stock option of IBC Texas having the same terms and conditions
as were in effect immediately prior to the Effective Date, provided, that each
such option shall be exercisable for a number of shares of IBC Texas Common
Stock equal to the number of shares of IBC Delaware Common Stock into which such
option was exercisable immediately prior to the Effective Time.

      SECTION 2.3 STOCK CERTIFICATES. Each outstanding certificate that
immediately prior to the Effective Time represented outstanding shares of IBC
Delaware Common Stock shall from and after the Effective Time be deemed for all
purposes to evidence ownership of and to represent the number of shares of IBC
Texas Common Stock into which the shares of IBC Delaware Common Stock
represented by such certificate shall have been converted as provided herein and
shall be so registered on the books and records of IBC Texas or its transfer
agents. The registered owner of any such outstanding stock certificate shall,
until such certificate shall have been surrendered for transfer or conversion or
otherwise accounted for to IBC Texas or its transfer agent, have and be entitled
to exercise any voting and other rights with respect to and to receive any
dividend and other distributions upon the shares of IBC Texas Common Stock
evidenced by such outstanding certificate as provided above. It will not be
necessary for holders of IBC Delaware Common Stock to exchange their existing
stock certificates for certificates of IBC Texas Common Stock in connection with
the Merger. However, shareholders may exchange their certificates if they so

      SECTION 3. ACCOUNTING MATTERS. The assets and liabilities of the
Constituent Corporations, as of the Effective Time of the Merger, shall be taken
upon the books of the Surviving Corporation at the amounts at which they shall
be carried at that time on the books of the respective Constituent Corporations,
subject to such adjustments or eliminations of inter-company items as may be
appropriate in giving effect to the Merger. The amount of the capital surplus
and earned surplus accounts, if any, of the Surviving Corporation after the
Merger shall be determined by the Board of Directors of the Surviving
Corporation in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and with generally
accepted accounting principles.

      SECTION 4. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT. The obligations of the parties to effect
the Merger shall be subject to (a) the approval of this Agreement by the Board
of Directors of each of the Constituent Corporations and (b) the approval of
this Agreement by the affirmative vote of the holders of at least a majority of
the outstanding shares of IBC Delaware Common Stock entitled to vote thereon at
a meeting of IBC Delaware stockholders duly called and held. Thereupon, Articles
of Merger shall be duly filed and recorded in Texas and a Certificate of Merger
shall be duly filed and recorded in Delaware.

      SECTION 5. AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION. (a) This Agreement and the Articles
of Incorporation of the Surviving Corporation may be amended by the parties
hereto, with the approval of their respective Boards of Directors, at any time
prior to the Effective Time, whether before or after approval of this Agreement
by the stockholders of IBC Delaware, but, after such approval by the
stockholders of IBC Delaware, no amendment shall be made which (1) alter or
change the current rate of exchange of one share of IBC Texas Common Stock for
each outstanding share of IBC Delaware Common Stock, (2) alter or change any
term of the IBC Texas Articles (except revisions made to change the registered
agent or registered office of IBC Texas or to reduce the number of authorized
shares of IBC Texas Common Stock in the event the Increase in Authorized Shares
Proposal is not approved by the IBC Delaware stockholders at IBC


Delaware's 1995 Annual Meeting of Shareholders), or (3) would adversely affect
the shareholders of IBC Delaware, without further approval of the shareholders.
This Agreement may not be amended except by an instrument in writing signed on
behalf of each of the parties hereto.

      (b) This Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to the Effective
Time, whether before or after approval hereof by the stockholders of IBC
Delaware, by the Board of Directors of either IBC Texas or IBC Delaware.

      (c) If this Agreement is terminated for any reason, no party hereto shall
have any liability hereunder of any nature whatsoever to the others.

      SECTION 6. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas.

      SECTION 7. FURTHER ASSURANCES. From time to time after the Effective Time
as and when requested by the Surviving Corporation and to the extent permitted
by law, the officers and directors of each of IBC Texas and IBC Delaware last in
office shall execute and deliver such assignments, deeds and other instruments
and shall take or cause to be taken such further or other actions as shall be
necessary in order to vest or perfect in or to confirm of record or otherwise to
the Surviving Corporation title to, and possession of, all of the assets,
rights, franchises and interests of each of IBC Texas and IBC Delaware in and to
every type of property (real, personal and mixed) and choses in action, and
otherwise to carry out the purposes of this Agreement, and the proper officers
and directors of the Surviving Corporation are fully authorized to take any and
all such actions in the name of IBC Texas or IBC Delaware or otherwise.

      SECTION 8. EXECUTION IN COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in
any number of counterparts, which together shall constitute a single agreement.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, IBC Texas and IBC Delaware have caused this Agreement
to be signed by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized, all as of
the date first written above.

                                   INTERNATIONAL BANCSHARES CORPORATION,
                                           a Texas corporation

                                   By: ______________________________
                                         Dennis E. Nixon, President

By: ___________________________
    Arnoldo Cisneros, Secretary

                                   INTERNATIONAL BANCSHARES CORPORATION,
                                           a Delaware corporation

                                   By: ______________________________
                                         Dennis E. Nixon, President

By: ___________________________
    Arnoldo Cisneros, Secretary


                                   APPENDIX B

                                    FORM OF
                           ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION




      Pursuant to the provisions of Article 3.01 of the Texas Business
Corporation Act (the "TBCA"), the undersigned Incorporator adopts the following
Articles of Incorporation:

                                    ARTICLE I

      The name of the corporation is International Bancshares Corporation.

                                   ARTICLE II

      The period of duration of the corporation is perpetual.

                                   ARTICLE III

      The purpose for which the corporation is organized is to transact any or
all lawful business for which corporations may be organized under the TBCA.

                                   ARTICLE IV

      The aggregate number of shares which the corporation shall have the
authority to issue is Fifteen Million (15,000,000) shares of Common Stock of the
par value of One Dollar ($1.00) per share.

                                    ARTICLE V

      The corporation will not commence business until it has received for the
issuance of its shares consideration of the value of at least One Thousand
Dollars ($1,000.00), consisting of money, labor done or property actually
                                   ARTICLE VI

      The street address of the initial registered office of the corporation is
1200 San Bernardo, Laredo, Texas 78041, and the name of the initial registered
agent for the corporation at such address is Dennis E. Nixon.


                                   ARTICLE VII

      The initial Board of Directors of the corporation shall consist of nine
members, whose names and addresses are as follows:

                  Name                            Address
                  ----                            -------
            Dennis E. Nixon                     1200 San Bernardo
                                                Laredo, Texas  78041

            Alberto A. Santos                   1200 San Bernardo
                                                Laredo, Texas  78041

            R. David Guerra                     1200 San Bernardo
                                                Laredo, Texas  78041

            Leonardo Salinas                    1200 San Bernardo
                                                Laredo, Texas  78041

            Roy Jennings, Jr.                   1200 San Bernardo
                                                Laredo, Texas  78041

            Lester Avigael                      1200 San Bernardo
                                                Laredo, Texas  78041

            Richard E. Haynes                   1200 San Bernardo
                                                Laredo, Texas  78041

            Irving Greenblum                    1200 San Bernardo
                                                Laredo, Texas  78041

            Sioma Neiman                        1200 San Bernardo
                                                Laredo, Texas  78041

                                  ARTICLE VIII

      The undersigned Incorporator, Dennis E. Nixon, is a natural person of the
age of eighteen (18) years or more whose address is 1200 San Bernardo, Laredo,
Texas 78041.
                                   ARTICLE IX

      The corporation shall indemnify to the fullest extent permitted by the
TBCA, as presently in effect and as hereafter amended, any person who was, is,
or is threatened to be made a named defendant or respondent to an action, suit
or proceeding, whether criminal, civil, administrative or investigative, by
reason of the fact that the person (i) is or was a director or officer of the
corporation, or (ii) while a director or officer of the corporation, is or was
serving at the request of the corporation as a director, officer, partner,
venturer, proprietor, trustee, employee, agent or similar functionary of another
foreign or domestic corporation, partnership, joint venture, sole
proprietorship, trust, employee benefit plan or other enterprise, against
expenses (including attorneys' fees), judgments, fines and amounts paid in
settlement actually and reasonably incurred by such person in connection with
such action, suit or proceeding. Such right of indemnification shall be a
contract right which may be enforced in any manner desired by such person. The
corporation shall have the power to purchase and maintain liability insurance
for those persons or make other arrangements on such persons' behalf as and to
the fullest extent permitted by the TBCA, as presently in effect and as
hereafter amended.

                                    ARTICLE X

      Cumulative voting by the shareholders of the corporation at any election
for directors or upon any other matter is expressly prohibited, and the
directors of the corporation shall be elected by plurality vote of the
shareholders entitled to vote at such election.

                                   ARTICLE XI

      A director of the corporation shall not be personally liable to the
corporation or its shareholders for monetary damages for an act or omission in
the director's capacity as a director, except for liability for (a) a breach of
the director's duty of loyalty to the corporation or its shareholders; (b) an
act or omission not in good faith or that involves intentional misconduct or a
knowing violation of the law; (c) a transaction from which the director received
an improper benefit, whether or not the benefit resulted from an action taken
within the scope of the director's office; or (d) an act or omission for which
the liability of the director is expressly provided by an applicable statute.

      If the TBCA or the Texas Miscellaneous Corporation Laws Act (the "TMCLA")
hereafter is amended to authorize further elimination or limitation of the
liability of directors, then the liability of a director of the corporation, in
addition to the limitation on the personal liability provided herein, shall be
limited to the fullest extent permitted by the TBCA, as amended and the TMCLA,
as amended. Any repeal or modification of this Article XI by the shareholders of
the corporation shall be prospective only, and shall not adversely affect any
limitation on the personal liability of a director at the time of such repeal or
                                   ARTICLE XII

      No shareholder of the corporation shall, by reason of his holding shares
of any class of the capital stock of the corporation, have any preemptive or
preferential right, other than such preemptive or preferential rights, if any,
as the Board of Directors in its discretion may fix, to purchase, subscribe to
or otherwise acquire any unissued or treasury shares of any class of the capital
stock of the corporation, now or hereafter to be authorized, or any notes,
debentures, bonds or other securities convertible into, exchangeable for, or
carrying or accompanied by warrants, options or rights to purchase or subscribe
to shares of any class of the capital stock of the corporation, now or hereafter
to be authorized, whether or not the issuance of any such shares of capital
stock or such notes, debentures, bonds or other securities would adversely
affect the dividend or voting rights of such shareholder, and the Board of
Directors may issue shares of any class of the capital stock of the corporation,
now or hereafter to be authorized, or any notes, debentures, bonds or other
securities convertible into, exchangeable for, or carrying or accompanied by
warrants, options or rights to purchase or subscribe to shares of any class of
the capital stock of the corporation, now or hereafter to be authorized, without
offering any such shares of any class of capital stock of the corporation,
either in whole or in part, to the existing shareholders of any class of the
capital stock of the corporation.

                                  ARTICLE XIII

      Any action required by the TBCA, as presently in effect and as hereafter
amended, to be taken at any annual or special meeting of shareholders, or any
action which may be taken at any annual or special meeting of shareholders, may
be taken without a meeting, without prior notice, and without a vote, if a
consent or consents in writing, setting forth the action so taken, shall be
signed by the holder or holders of shares having not less than the minimum
number of votes that would be necessary to take such action at a meeting at
which the holders of all shares entitled to vote on the action were present and
                                   ARTICLE XIV

      Special meetings of the shareholders may be called only by (i) the Board
of Directors, the President, or such other person(s) so authorized by the
by-laws of the corporation or (ii) the holders of at least fifty percent of the
outstanding shares entitled to vote at the proposed special meeting.

                                   ARTICLE XV

      With respect to any matter for which the affirmative vote of the holders
of a specified portion of the shares entitled to vote is required by TBCA, as
presently in effect and as hereafter amended, the act of the shareholders on
that matter shall only require the affirmative vote of the holders of at least a
majority of the shares entitled to vote on such matter, rather than the
affirmative vote otherwise required by the TBCA, as presently in effect and
hereafter amended.

      EXECUTED this ____ day of May, 1995.

                                           Dennis E. Nixon, Incorporator
