THIS AGREEMENT dated for reference the 26th day of July, 1996


            BREENE M. KERR,




            GWEN D. SHARP,

            MARK THOMSON BT.,


            CHARLES B. ISRAEL,


            JUSTIN B. ISRAEL,

            (all of the above hereinafter collectively called the "Vendors")


            SEVEN SEAS PETROLEUM INC., a company incorporated under the laws of
            the Province of British Columbia with registered offices at 800 -
            885 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, British
            Columbia, Canada, V6C 3H1

            (hereinafter called "SSPI")


            SEVEN SEAS PETROLEUM COLOMBIA INC., a company incorporated under the
            laws of the Cayman Islands, and having a business address of 1900
            Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 960, Houston, Texas, 77056, in the United
            States of America

            (hereinafter called "SSPC")

                                   - 2 -

            ROBERT A. HEFNER, III, Businessman, 2121 Kirby Drive
            #65E, Houston, Texas, 77019, in the United States of America

            (hereinafter called "Hefner")


A. The following Vendors are the registered and beneficial owners of the
following Vendors' Interests in the Company;

   NAME                                    PERCENTAGE INTEREST IN THE
Breene M. Kerr                                    40.7407
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Petroleum Properties Management                    7.4074
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Gwen D. Sharp                                      7.4074
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Mark Thomson Bt.                                   3.7037
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Charles B. Israel                                  1.8519
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Justin B. Israel                                   1.8519

which collectively forms a total 62.963% membership interest in the Company;

B. The Vendors have agreed to sell and SSPI has agreed to purchase the Vendors'
Interests on the terms and conditions detailed herein.

THEREFORE in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants and
agreements herein set forth, the parties hereto covenant and agree each with the
other as follows:


1.1 In this Agreement, including the schedules hereto, except as otherwise
expressly provided:

      (a)   "Agreement" means this agreement, including the preamble and the
            Schedules hereto, as it may from time to time be supplemented or

                                   - 3 -

      (b)   "Association Contracts" means the association contracts between the
            Company and Empress Colombiana de Petroles S.A. respecting the

      (c)   "the Company" means Cimarrona Limited Liability Company;

      (d)   "Closing" means the completion of the transactions contemplated in
            this Agreement in accordance with its terms;

      (e)   "Closing Certificate" means a closing certificate executed by, or on
            behalf of, inter alia, the parties to this Agreement;

      (f)   "Closing Date" means the date of the closing of the transactions
            contemplated herein;

      (g)   "Esmeralda" means Esmeralda Limited Liability Company;

      (h)   "Esmeralda Agreement" means the agreement of even date between the
            members of Esmeralda on the one hand, and SSPI, SSPC and Seven Seas
            Petroleum Holdings Inc. on the other hand, respecting the
            acquisition by SSPI of the members' interests in Esmeralda;

      (i)   "Escrow Agreement" means the escrow agreement in the form attached
            as Schedule "A" hereto;

      (j)   "Final Prospectus" means a final prospectus of SSPI which qualifies
            INTER ALIA the exchange of the SSPI Special Warrants for the SSPI

      (k)   "Financial Statements" mean the financial statements of the Company
            attached as Schedule "J" hereto;

      (l)   "GHK Agreement" means the agreement of even date between, inter
            alia, SSPI and Hefner providing for the purchase of all of the
            shares of GHK Colombia;

      (m)   "GHK Colombia" means GHK Company Colombia Inc.;

      (n)   "Indenture" means the special warrant indenture between SSPI and
            Montreal Trust in the form attached as Schedule "B" hereto;

      (o)   "JOA" means that joint operating agreement dated August 1, 1994
            respecting the operatorship of the Properties;

      (p)   "Liens" means all liens, mortgages, debentures, charges,
            hypothecations, pledges or other security interests or encumbrances
            of whatever kind;

                                   - 4 -

      (q)   "Management Contract" means that management contract of even date
            between, inter alia, SSPI and the GHK Company L.L.C.;

      (r)   "Material Adverse Effect" means an adverse effect that is, or would
            be, singly or in the aggregate material;

      (s)   "Montreal Trust" means the Montreal Trust Company of Canada;

      (t)   "1933 Act" means the SECURITIES ACT OF 1933 (United States) as

      (u)   "Preliminary Prospectus" means a preliminary prospectus of SSPI
            which qualifies the exchange of the SSPI Special Warrants for the
            SSPI Shares;

      (v)   "Properties" means the Dindal and Rio Seco areas located in the
            Upper Magdalena Basin of Colombia described in the Association

      (w)   "Public Record" means, in respect of SSPI, the financial statements,
            offering memoranda, material change reports, information circulars
            and press releases and all other documents and information filed or
            required to be filed with the Ontario Securities Commission or the
            Alberta Securities Commission on or during the 12 months preceding
            the date of this Agreement;

      (x)   "Registration Rights Agreement" means that registration rights
            agreement between, inter alia, SSPI and the Vendors, in the form
            attached as Schedule "K" hereto;

      (y)   "SSPI Financial Statements" means the audited, consolidated
            financial statements of SSPI as at and for the year ended December
            31, 1995 and the unaudited, consolidated financial statements of
            SSPI for the six month period ended June 30, 1996;

      (z)   "SSPI Special Warrants" means a total of 7,305,143 special warrants
            of SSPI to be issued to the Vendors in accordance with the terms of
            the Indenture;

      (aa)  "SSPI Shares" means the common shares of SSPI to be issued upon
            exercise of the SSPI Special Warrants;

      (ab)  "U.S. Person" has the meaning as set out in Regulation S under the
            1933 Act;

      (ac)  "Vendor's Interest" means the membership interest of each Vendor in
            the Company and "Vendors' Interests" means collectively the
            membership interests of all the Vendors in the Company as set out in
            recital A hereto;

                                   - 5 -

      (ad)  "Voting Support Agreement" means the shareholders voting support
            agreement in the form attached as Schedule "C" hereto;

      (ae)  all references in this Agreement to a designated "Section" or other
            subdivision or to a Schedule are to the designated Section or other
            subdivision of, or Schedule to, this Agreement;

      (af)  the words "herein", "hereof" and "hereunder" and other words of
            similar import refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to any
            particular Section or other subdivision or Schedule;

      (ag)  the headings are for convenience only and do not form a part of this
            Agreement and are not intended to interpret, define, or limit the
            scope, extent or intent of this Agreement or any provision hereof;

      (ah)  the singular of any term includes the plural, and vice versa; the
            use of any term is equally applicable to any gender and, where
            applicable, a body corporate; the word "or" is not exclusive and the
            word "including" is not limiting (whether or not non-limiting
            language, such as "without limitation" or "but not limited to" or
            words of similar import, is used with reference thereto);

      (ai)  in respect of the Company, any accounting term not otherwise defined
            has the meanings assigned to it in accordance with United States tax
            basis accounting practices;

      (aj)  in respect of SSPI, any accounting term not otherwise defined has
            the meaning assigned to it in accordance with Canadian generally
            accepted accounting principles; and

      (ak)  where any representation or warranty is made "to the knowledge of"
            any party, such party will not be liable for a misrepresentation or
            breach of warranty by reason of the fact, state of facts, or
            circumstance in respect of which the representation or warranty is
            given being untrue if such party proves it did not have actual
            knowledge thereof.

      (al)  where any representation or warranty of the Vendors references
            disclosure to either SSPI or SSPC, disclosure to one is deemed to be
            disclosure to both.

                                   - 6 -

1.2 The following are the Schedules to this Agreement:

              SCHEDULE          DESCRIPTION

                  A           Escrow Agreement
                  B           Special Warrant Indenture
                  C           Voting Support Agreement
                  D           Outstanding Indebtedness
                  E           Managers of the Company
                  F           Limited Liability Company Agreement
                  G           Surviving Contracts
                  H           Costs Allocation
                  I           U.S. Securities Law Questionnaire
                  J           Financial Statements
                  K           Registration Rights Agreement


2.1 Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, each of the Vendors
hereby sells and assigns to SSPI, and SSPI hereby purchases from each of the
Vendors, his, her or its Vendor's Interest free and clear of any Liens

2.2 SSPI hereby directs each Vendor to transfer his, her or its Vendor's
Interest to and into the name of SSPC and SSPC hereby acknowledges its
entitlement to and receipt of such Vendor's Interest from each Vendor.

2.3 The Purchase Price payable by SSPI for each Vendor's Interest shall be the
SSPI Special Warrants which are hereby issued and tendered to the Vendors in the
following amounts:

     NAME                                    NUMBER OF SPECIAL WARRANTS
                                                       OF SSPI
Breene M. Kerr                                        4,726,858
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Petroleum Properties Management Company                 859,428
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gwen D. Sharp                                           859,428
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mark Thomson Bt.                                        429,715
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Charles B. Israel                                       214,857
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Justin B. Israel                                        214,857

2.4 Each Vendor hereby directs the SSPI Special Warrants issued and tendered to
him, her or it to be delivered to Hefner on his, her or its behalf and Hefner
hereby acknowledges receipt of same.

                                   - 7 -


3.1 Hefner warrants and represents to SSPI, with the intent that SSPI will rely
thereon in entering into this Agreement and concluding the purchase and sale
contemplated herein, that he is the duly authorized agent and duly appointed
attorney of each of the Vendors will full power and authority on their behalf to
execute this Agreement and to execute all such other documents and do all such
other acts and things on behalf of the Vendors and each of them as is necessary
to give full force and effect to this Agreement.


4.1 Each of the Vendors severally warrants and represents to SSPI, with the
intent that SSPI will rely thereon in entering into this Agreement and in
concluding the purchase and sale contemplated herein, that:

      (a)   such Vendor is the registered holder and beneficial owner of the
            Vendor's Interest set opposite the Vendor's name in recital "A"
            herein, free and clear of all Liens, and the Vendor has no interest,
            legal or beneficial, direct or indirect, in any shares of, or the
            assets or business of, the Company other than such Vendor's Interest
            as set out in recital "A";

      (b)   such Vendor has good and sufficient right and authority to enter
            into this Agreement on the terms and conditions herein set forth and
            to transfer the legal and beneficial title and ownership of the
            Vendor's Interest as set out in recital "A" to SSPC;

      (c)   the Vendor either:

            (i)   is not a U.S. Person and is not acquiring the securities
                  offered hereby for the account or benefit of a U.S. Person; or

            (ii)  is a U.S. Person and has completed the questionnaire attached
                  as Schedule "I" hereto and in which case the Vendor represents
                  and warrants to the Purchaser as to the accuracy of all
                  matters set out therein;

      (d)   the Vendor is aware that neither SSPI Special Warrants nor the SSPI
            Shares have been registered under the 1933 Act and may not be
            offered or sold in the United States unless registered under the
            1933 Act and the securities laws of all applicable states of the
            United States unless an exemption from such registration
            requirements is available or registration is not required pursuant
            to Regulation S under the 1933 Act or registration is otherwise not
            required under the 1933 Act and that SSPI has no obligation or
            present intention of filing a registration statement under the 1933
            Act in respect of the SSPI Special Warrants or the SSPI Shares;

                                   - 8 -

      (e)   if the Vendor is not a U.S. Person, the Vendor is further aware

            (i)   no offers in respect of the SSPI Special Warrants were made by
                  any person to the Vendor while the Vendor was in the United

            (ii)  the Vendor was outside the United States at the time of
                  execution and delivery of this Agreement;

            (iii) the certificates representing the SSPI Special Warrants will
                  bear a legend stating that such securities have not been
                  registered under the 1933 Act or the securities laws of any
                  state of the United States and the SSPI Special Warrants may
                  not be exercised in the United States or by or on behalf of a
                  U.S. Person unless registered under the 1933 Act and the
                  securities laws of all applicable states of the United States
                  or an exemption from such registration requirements is
                  available; and

            (iv)  any person who exercises a SSPI Special Warrant will be
                  required to provide to SSPI:

                  (1)   written certification that it is not a U.S. Person and
                        the SSPI Special Warrant is not being exercised within
                        the United States or on behalf of a U.S. Person; or

                  (2)   a written opinion of counsel to the effect that the SSPI
                        Special Warrants and the SSPI Shares underlying such
                        securities have been registered under the 1933 Act and
                        applicable state securities laws or are exempt from
                        registration thereunder.

4.2 Subject to Section 12.2 hereof, each of the Vendors severally warrants and
represents as follows with the intent that SSPI will rely thereon in entering
into this Agreement and in concluding the purchase and sale contemplated herein

      (a)   the Vendors' Interests, taken together represent a 62.963%
            membership interest in the Company 

      (b)   with the exception of this Agreement, no party has any agreement,
            consensual or arising by law, present or future, contingent or
            absolute, or capable of becoming an agreement:

            (i)   to require the Company to admit such party as a member of the
                  Company; or

                                   - 9 -

            (ii)  to require the Company to convert or exchange any securities
                  into a membership interest in the Company; or

            (iii) to purchase or otherwise acquire any membership interest in
                  the Company;

      (c)   the Vendor does not have any specific information relating to the
            Company which is not generally known and which, to the knowledge of
            the Vendor, has not been disclosed to SSPI and which if known could
            reasonably be expected to have a materially adverse effect on the
            value of the Vendor's Interest;

      (d)   the Company is duly formed, validly existing and in good standing
            under the laws of the State of Oklahoma;

      (e)   to the Vendors' knowledge, the limited liability company agreement
            of the Company dated December 8, 1993, as amended, attached as
            Schedule "F" hereto remains in full force and effect and has not
            been amended or modified except or set forth in schedule "F";

      (f)   to the Vendor's knowledge, the managers of the Company are as
            described in Schedule "E" and there are no officers of the Company;

      (g)   to the Vendor's knowledge, the Company is duly registered to carry
            on business in all jurisdictions in which the Company carries on
            business except where the failure to so register would not have a
            Material Adverse Effect on the Company;

      (h)   to the Vendor's knowledge, the Company has the power, authority and
            capacity to carry on its business as presently conducted by it;

      (i)   the Company holds a 25.38% participating interest under the
            Association Contracts free and clear of all Liens and the Company
            has no other material assets;

      (j)   the Company carries on no business other than holding the 25.38%
            participating interest under the Association Contracts;

      (k)   to the Vendor's knowledge, the Company holds all licences and
            permits required for the conduct in the ordinary course of its
            business as presently conducted by it and all such licences and
            permits are in good standing and the conduct and uses of the same by
            the Company are in compliance with all laws, and other restrictions,
            rules, regulations and ordinances applicable to the Company and its
            business, save and except for breaches which do not have a Material
            Adverse Effect on the Company or its business as presently conducted
            and with the exception that no such representation and warranty is
            given with respect to any permit, consent, licence, contract or
            authority granted under or in connection with the Association

                                   - 10 -

      (l)   the making of this Agreement and the completion of the transactions
            contemplated hereby and the performance of and compliance with the
            terms hereof will not:

            (i)   conflict with or result in a breach of or violate any of the
                  terms, conditions, or provisions of the constating documents
                  of the Company;

            (ii)  to the Vendor's knowledge, conflict with or result in a breach
                  of or violate any of the terms, conditions or provisions of
                  any law, judgment, order, injunction, decree, regulation or
                  ruling of any court or governmental authority, domestic or
                  foreign, to which the Company or the Vendor is subject or
                  constitute or result in a default under any agreement,
                  contract or commitment to which the Company or the Vendor is a

            (iii) to the Vendor's knowledge, give to any person any remedy,
                  cause of action, right of termination, cancellation or
                  acceleration in or with respect to any understanding,
                  agreement, contract, or commitment, written, oral or implied,
                  to which the Company is a party with the written exception
                  that no such representation and warranty is made with respect
                  to the Association Contracts;

            (iv)  to the Vendor's knowledge, give to any government or
                  governmental authority including any governmental department,
                  commission, bureau, board, or administrative agency any right
                  of termination, cancellation, or suspension of, or constitute
                  a breach of or result in a default under any permit, license,
                  control, or authority issued to the Company and which is
                  necessary or desirable in connection with the conduct and
                  operation of the businesses currently conducted by the Company
                  with the exception that no such representation and warranty is
                  given with respect to any permit, consent, license, contract 
                  or authority granted under or in connection with the 
                  Association Contracts;

            (v)   to the Vendor's knowledge, constitute a default by the Company
                  or an event which, with the giving of notice or lapse of time
                  or both, might constitute an event of default or
                  non-observance under any agreement, contract, indenture or
                  other instrument relating to any indebtedness of the Company
                  which would give any party the right to accelerate the
                  maturity for the payment of any amount payable under that
                  agreement, contract, indenture, or other instrument with the
                  exception that no such representatives and warranty is given
                  with respect to any permit, licence, consent, contract or
                  authority granted under or in connection with the Association

            so as to have a Material Adverse Effect on the Company;

                                   - 11 -

      (m)   the Financial Statements were prepared on a cash basis in accordance
            with U.S. tax regulations applied on a basis consistent with prior
            years and are true and correct in every material respect;

      (n)   to the Vendor's knowledge, there is no indebtedness of the Company,
            including to the Vendor which is not disclosed or reflected in the
            Company's Financial Statements other than as detailed in Schedule

      (o)   to the Vendor's knowledge, the Company has been assessed for income
            tax for all years to and including the most recent fiscal year end
            of the Company to which the Financial Statements are made up, and
            the Company has withheld and remitted to all applicable tax
            collecting authorities all amounts required to be remitted to all
            tax collecting authorities respecting payments to employees or to
            non-residents, or otherwise and has paid all instalments of
            corporate taxes due and payable as of the date hereof;

      (p)   to the Vendor's knowledge, all tax returns and reports of the
            Company required by law to be filed prior to the date hereof
            including all income tax returns and all other corporate tax returns
            required to be filed with any governmental taxing authority or board
            have been filed and are true, complete and correct, and all taxes
            and other government charges including all income, excise, sales,
            business and property taxes and other rates, charges, assessment,
            levies, duties, taxes, contributions, fees and licenses required to
            be paid have been paid, and if not required to be paid as at the
            date hereof, have been accrued in the Financial Statements;

      (q)   to the Vendor's knowledge, adequate provision has been made for
            taxes payable by the Company which are not yet due and payable and
            there are no agreements, waivers or other arrangements providing for
            an extension of time with respect to the assessment or re-assessment
            of any tax return by any taxing authority or for the filing of any
            tax return by or payment of any tax, governmental charge or
            deficiency by the Company, and to the knowledge of the Vendor, there
            are no contingent tax liabilities or any grounds which would prompt
            a re-assessment;

      (r)   to the Vendor's knowledge, no authorization, approval, order,
            license, permit or consent of any governmental authority, regulatory
            body or court, and no registration, declaration or filing by the
            Vendor or the Company with any such governmental authority,
            regulatory body or court remains outstanding in order for the Vendor
            to complete the within purchase and sale, to duly perform and
            observe the terms and provisions of this Agreement, and to render
            this Agreement legal, valid, binding and enforceable in accordance
            with its terms with the exception that no representation and
            warranty is given as to any authorizations, approvals,

                                   - 12 -

            order, licences, permits or consents granted under or in connection
            with the Association Contracts;

      (s)   (i)   to the Vendor's knowledge, the business of the Company as
                  currently carried on by it complies with all applicable laws,
                  judgments, decrees, orders, injunctions, rules, statutes and
                  regulations of all courts, arbitrators or governmental
                  authorities, including all environmental, health and safety
                  statutes and regulations except where the failure to comply
                  would not have a Material Adverse Effect on the Company;

            (ii)  to the Vendor's knowledge, the Company's business, assets or
                  properties are not subject to any judicial or administrative
                  proceeding alleging the violation of any applicable
                  environmental, health or safety law, judgment, decree, order,
                  injunction, rule, statute or regulation except where such
                  proceeding would not have a Material Adverse Effect on the

      (t)   to the Vendor's knowledge, since the date of the Company's most
            recent Financial Statements there has not been any occurrence or
            event which has had, or might reasonably be expected to have, a
            Material Adverse Effect on the business of the Company as currently
            carried on or the results of its operations;

      (u)   to the Vendor's knowledge, other than as disclosed in Schedule "G"
            hereto, the Company does not have any material contract, agreement,
            undertaking or arrangement, whether oral, written or implied, which
            cannot be terminated on not more than one month's notice and the
            Company does not have any outstanding material agreements, contracts
            or commitments (whether written or oral) whatsoever relating to or
            affecting the conduct of its business as currently carried on or any
            of its assets or for the purchase, sale or lease of its assets with
            the exception of this Agreement;

      (v)   there are no actions, suits, judgments, investigations or
            proceedings outstanding or pending or to the knowledge of the Vendor
            threatened against or affecting the Company at law or in equity or
            before or by any court or federal, state, municipal or other
            governmental authority, department, commission, board, tribunal,
            bureau or agency and the Company is not a party to or threatened
            with any litigation which in either case would have a Material
            Adverse Effect on the Company;

      (w)   [intentionally left blank]

                                   - 13 -

      (x)   the Company has not guaranteed, or agreed to guarantee, any
            indebtedness or other obligation of any party except in the ordinary
            course of its business and, except as described in the Financial
            Statements and under the Association Contracts;

      (y)   the Company has no employees;

      (z)   since the date of the most recent Financial Statements:

            (i)   no dividends of any kind or other distribution on any
                  membership interest in the Company has been declared or paid
                  by the Company;

            (ii)  except as required under the Association Contracts, no single
                  capital expenditure or commitment therefor has been made by
                  the Company other than as previously disclosed in writing to
                  SSPI; and

            (iii) the Company has not increased the pay of or paid or agreed to
                  pay any pension, bonus, share of profits or other similar
                  benefit to or for the benefit of any agent of the Company,
                  except increases in the normal course of business.

                                   - 14 -


5.1 SSPI warrants and represents to the Vendors, with the intent that the
Vendors will rely thereon in entering into this Agreement and in concluding the
purchase and sale contemplated herein, that on the date hereof:

      (a)   SSPI has been duly and validly incorporated and is a validly
            existing corporation in good standing under the laws of the Province
            of British Columbia, with all necessary power, authority and
            capacity to own its property and assets and carry on its business as
            presently carried on by it and to complete the transactions provided
            for herein;

      (b)   SSPI is a reporting issuer in good standing under the securities
            laws of Ontario and Alberta and, since March 31, 1996, no material
            change relating to SSPI has occurred with respect to which the
            requisite material change report has not been filed under the
            applicable securities laws in Ontario and Alberta and no such
            disclosure has been made on a confidential basis;

      (c)   SSPI is not a reporting issuer under the securities laws of any
            other province, state, country or other jurisdiction;

      (d)   SSPI has full corporate power and authority to issue the SSPI
            Special Warrants and the SSPI Shares upon the exercise of the SSPI
            Special Warrants; the SSPI Special Warrants have been duly and
            validly created, authorized, allotted and issued, the SSPI Shares
            issuable upon exercise of the SSPI Special Warrants have been duly
            and validly authorized, allotted and reserved for issuance upon such
            exercise and will, upon exercise in accordance with the terms of the
            Indenture, be duly and validly issued as fully paid and
            non-assessable shares;

      (e)   the authorized capital of SSPI consists of 100,000,000 common shares
            without par value and 10,000,000 Class "A" preferred shares without
            par value of which 12,995,463 common shares (and no Class "A"
            preferred shares with the exception of the SSPI Class "A" Series I
            preferred shares issued under the GHK Agreement) are issued and
            outstanding as at the date hereof; a further 1,085,000 common shares
            are reserved for issuance pursuant to the exercise of incentive
            stock options; and a further 3,000,000 common shares are reserved
            for issuance pursuant to the exercise of special warrants previously
            issued by way of a private placement; as a result of which the total
            issued and outstanding share capital of SSPI on a fully diluted
            basis is 17,080,463;

      (f)   all alterations to the constating documents of SSPI since its
            incorporation has been duly approved by the shareholders of SSPI and
            registered with the appropriate authorities;

                                   - 15 -

      (g)   SSPI is duly registered to carry on business in all jurisdictions in
            which it carries on business except where the failure to register
            would not have a Material Adverse Effect on the condition (financial
            or otherwise) business, properties, prospects or net worth of SSPI;

      (h)   SSPI has full corporate power and authority to enter into this
            Agreement and the Indenture and to perform its obligations set out
            herein and therein, and the Agreement and the Indenture have been
            duly authorized, executed and delivered by SSPI and constitute
            legal, valid and binding obligations of SSPI enforceable in
            accordance with their terms;

      (i)   SSPI has the power, authority and capacity to carry on its business
            as presently conducted by it;

      (j)   SSPI is not in default or breach of, and the execution and delivery
            of this Agreement or the Indenture by SSPI and the performance of
            the transactions contemplated thereby will not result in a breach
            of, and do not create a state of facts which, after notice or lapse
            of time or both, will result in a breach of, and do not and will not
            conflict with, any of the terms, conditions or provisions of the
            constating documents, resolutions or by-laws of SSPI;

      (k)   SSPI holds all licenses and permits required for the conduct in the
            ordinary course of its business as presently conducted by it and all
            such licenses and permits are in good standing and the conduct and
            uses of the same by it are in compliance with all laws and other
            restrictions, rules, regulations and ordinances applicable to it and
            its business, save and except for breaches which do not have a
            Material Adverse Effect on SSPI, or its business as currently
            conducted, and neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement
            or the Indenture nor the completion of the purchase and sale hereby
            will give any person the right to terminate the said licenses or
            permits or affect such compliance;

      (l)   SSPI has the right, power and authority to direct the transfer of
            the Vendors' Interests to SSPC and SSPC has the right, power and
            authority to receive same, and neither such direction nor reception
            of the Vendors' Interests gives rise to any liability under taxation
            or other laws;

      (m)   SSPI has obtained all consents and approvals required to complete
            the transactions contemplated herein in accordance with the terms
            and conditions hereof;

      (n)   the making of this Agreement and the Indenture and the completion of
            the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby and the performance
            of and compliance with the terms hereof and thereof do not and will

                                   - 16 -

            (i)   conflict with or result in a breach of or violate any of the
                  terms, conditions or provisions of any law, judgment, order,
                  injunction, decree, regulation or ruling of any court or
                  governmental authority, domestic or foreign, to which SSPI is

            (ii)  give to any person any right, remedy, cause of action, right
                  of termination, cancellation or acceleration in or with
                  respect to any understanding, agreement, contract, or
                  commitment, written, oral or implied to which SSPI or any
                  predecessor or shareholder thereof is or was a party;

            (iii) give to any government or governmental authority including any
                  governmental department, commission, bureau, board, or
                  administrative agency any right of termination, cancellation,
                  or suspension of, or constitute a breach of or result in a
                  default under any permit, license, control, or authority
                  issued to SSPI and which is necessary or desirable in
                  connection with the conduct and operation of the business
                  currently conducted by SSPI;

            (iv)  constitute a default by SSPI or an event which, with the
                  giving of notice or lapse of time or both, might constitute an
                  event of default or non-observance under any agreement,
                  contract, indenture or other instrument relating to any
                  indebtedness of SSPI which would give any person the right to
                  accelerate the maturity for the payment of any amount payable
                  under that agreement, contract, indenture, or other

            such that there would be a Material Adverse Effect on it;

      (o)   SSPI and its subsidiaries are the beneficial owners of or have the
            right to acquire the interests in the properties, business and
            assets referred to in the Public Record, which interests in the
            properties, business and assets represent all interests of SSPI and
            its subsidiaries in any properties, business or assets and any and
            all agreements pursuant to which SSPI or its subsidiaries hold or
            will hold any such interest in property, business or assets are in
            good standing in all material respects according to their terms, and
            the properties are in good standing in all material respects under
            the applicable statues and regulations of the jurisdictions in which
            they are situated;

      (p)   the Public Record is in all material respects accurate and omits no
            facts, the omission of which makes the Public Record, or any
            particulars therein, misleading or incorrect, as at the date they
            were made;

      (q)   SSPI is not party to and has not granted and no person has any
            agreement, warrant, option, right or privilege, consensual or
            arising by law, present

                                   - 17 -

            or future, contingent or absolute, capable of becoming an agreement,
            warrant, option, right or privilege for the creation, purchase,
            acquisition, subscription, issuance or allotment of any shares of
            SSPI or securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of
            SSPI or to convert or exchange any securities into or for shares of
            SSPI, or to require SSPI to purchase, redeem or otherwise acquire
            any of the issued and outstanding shares in its capital except as
            disclosed in the Public Record or as contemplated hereunder;

      (r)   no judgments, investigations, actions, suits, inquiries or
            proceedings are outstanding or pending or, to the knowledge of SSPI,
            are contemplated or threatened to which SSPI or its subsidiaries is
            a party or to which the property of SSPI or its subsidiaries is
            subject at law or in equity that would have a Material Adverse
            Effect on the business, operations, condition (financial or
            otherwise) of SSPI and its subsidiaries, on a consolidated basis;

      (s)   the SSPI Financial Statements were prepared in accordance with
            Canadian general accepted accounting principles applied on a basis
            consistent with prior years (in respect of any predecessors of SSPI)
            and are true and correct in every material respect and present
            fairly and accurately the financial condition and position of SSPI
            and it subsidiaries as at the dates set out therein and the results
            of its operations and the changes in its financial position for the
            periods then ended, in accordance with Canadian generally accepted
            accounting principles;

      (t)   except as disclosed in the Public Record, there has not been any
            material change in the assets, liabilities or obligations (absolute,
            accrued, contingent or otherwise) of SSPI and its subsidiaries, on a
            consolidated basis, as set forth in the SSPI Financial Statements
            and there has not been any material adverse change in the business,
            operations or condition (financial or otherwise) or results of the
            operations of SSPI and its subsidiaries, on a consolidated basis,
            since June 30, 1996 and since that date there have been no material
            facts, transactions, events or occurrences which could have a
            Material Adverse Effect on the business of SSPI and its
            subsidiaries, on a consolidated basis;

      (u)   none of SSPI's or any of its subsidiaries' businesses, assets or
            properties are subject to any judicial or administrative proceeding
            alleging the violation of any applicable law, judgment, decree,
            order, injunction, rule, statute or regulation except where such
            violation would not have a Material Adverse Effect on SSPI or its

      (v)   except as disclosed in Schedule "G", neither SSPI nor any of its
            subsidiaries has any material contract, agreement, undertaking or

                                   - 18 -

            arrangement, whether oral, written or implied, which cannot be
            terminated on not more than one month's notice and neither SSPI nor
            any of its subsidiaries has any outstanding material agreements,
            contracts or commitments (whether written or oral) whatsoever
            relating to or affecting the conduct of their businesses as
            currently carried on or any of their assets or for the purchase,
            sale or lease of any of their assets with the exception of this

      (w)   each of SSPI and its subsidiaries has been assessed for income tax
            for all years to and including the fiscal year of each of SSPI and
            its subsidiaries ended on December 31, 1995, and each of SSPI and
            its subsidiaries has withheld and remitted to all applicable tax
            collecting authorities all amounts required to be remitted to all
            tax collecting authorities respecting payments to employees or to
            non-residents, or otherwise and has paid all instalments or
            corporate taxes due and payable as of the date hereof;

      (x)   all tax returns and reports of each of SSPI and its subsidiaries
            required by law to be filed prior to the date hereof including all
            income tax returns and all other corporate tax returns required to
            be filed with any governmental taxing authority or board have been
            filed and are true, complete and correct, and all taxes and other
            government charges including all income, excise, sales, business and
            property taxes and other rates, charges, assessment, levies, duties
            taxes, contributions, fees, licenses, interest and penalties
            required to be paid have been paid, and if not required to be paid
            as at the date hereof, have been accrued in the SSPI Financial

      (y)   adequate provision has been made for taxes payable by each of SSPI
            and its subsidiaries which are not yet due and payable and there are
            no agreements, waivers or other arrangements providing for an
            extension of time with respect to the assessment or reassessment of
            any taxing authority or board or the filing of any tax return by or
            payment of any tax, governmental charge or deficiency by any of SSPI
            or its subsidiaries, and there are no contingent tax liabilities or
            any grounds which would prompt a re-assessment, including aggressive
            treatment of income and expenses in filing earlier tax returns;

      (z)   no authorization, approval, order, license, permit or consent of any
            governmental authority, regulatory body or court, and no
            registration, declaration or filing by SSPI with any such
            governmental authority, regulatory body or court is required in
            order for SSPI to complete the within purchase and sale, to duly
            perform and observe the terms and provisions of this Agreement and
            to render this Agreement legal, valid, binding and enforceable in
            accordance with its terms;

                                   - 19 -

      (aa)  SSPI has not guaranteed or agreed to guarantee any indebtedness or
            other obligation of any party except as described in the SSPI
            Financial Statements;

      (ab)  no order ceasing or suspending trading in securities of SSPI or
            prohibiting the sale of securities by SSPI has been issued and no
            proceedings for this purpose have been instituted, are pending,
            contemplated or threatened;

      (ac)  SSPI has not, directly or indirectly, declared or paid any dividend
            or declared or made any other distribution on any of its shares or
            securities of any class, or, directly or indirectly, redeemed,
            purchased or otherwise acquired any of its shares or securities or
            agreed to do any of the foregoing;

      (ad)  since June 30, 1996, there has not been any occurrence or event
            which has had, or might reasonably be expected to have, a Material
            Adverse Effect on the business of SSPI as currently carried on or
            the results of its operations;

      (ae)  SSPI has not increased the pay of or paid or agreed to pay any
            pension, bonus, share of profits or other similar benefit of any
            individual named on the "Summary Compensation Table" in the
            Management Information
            Circular of SSPI as at May 8, 1996;

      (af)  since June 30, 1996, no single capital expenditure or commitment
            therefor has been made by SSPI other than as previously disclosed in
            writing to the Vendor;

      (ag)  there is not, in the constating documents or by-laws of SSPI or in
            any agreement, mortgage, note, debenture, indenture or other
            instrument or document to which SSPI is a party, any restriction
            upon or impediment to the declaration or payment of dividends by the
            directors of SSPI or the payment of dividends by SSPI to the holders
            of its common shares;

      (ah)  SSPI is not:

            (i)   in breach of any of the terms, covenants, conditions or
                  provisions of, is in default under, or has done or omitted to
                  do anything which, with the giving of notice or lapse of time
                  or both, would constitute a breach of or a default under any
                  contract to which it is a party;

            (ii)  in violation of nor are any present uses by SSPI of any of its
                  assets in violation of or contravention of any applicable law,
                  statute, order, rule or regulation;

                                   - 20 -

            (iii) in breach or default under any judgment, injunction or other
                  order or aware of any judicial, administration, governmental,
                  or other authority or arbitrator by which SSPI is bound or to
                  which SSPI or any of its assets are subject except where such
                  breach or violation would not have a Material Adverse Effect;

      (ai)  Montreal Trust Company at its office in Calgary, Alberta has been
            duly appointed as the transfer agent and registrar for all of the
            outstanding common shares of SSPI;

      (aj)  each of the material contracts referred to in the Public Record to
            which SSPI or its subsidiaries is a party has been duly authorized,
            executed and delivered by the parties thereto and is a legal, valid
            and binding obligation of the parties thereto enforceable in
            accordance with their respective terms; and

      (ak)  SSPI is not a non-resident of Canada for the purposes of section 116
            of the INCOME TAX ACT (Canada).


6.1         Each of the Vendors shall:

      (a)   duly and punctually perform all the obligations to be performed by
            him, her or it under this Agreement; and

      (b)   execute all such documents and do all such things as shall be
            reasonably necessary to give full effect to this Agreement.


7.1         SSPI shall:

      (a)   use its best efforts to file the Preliminary Prospectus within two
            weeks of the Closing Date and to obtain a receipt for the Final
            Prospectus by September 30, 1996;

      (b)   use its best efforts to obtain a listing of SSPI's common shares on
            a stock exchange recognized under the INCOME TAX ACT (Canada) by
            September 30, 1996;

      (c)   ensure that at the respective times of filing and at all times
            subsequent to the filing thereof during the distribution of the SSPI
            Shares, the Preliminary Prospectus, and the Final Prospectus will
            fully comply with the requirements of applicable securities

                                   - 21 -

      (d)   duly and punctually perform all the obligations to be performed by
            it under this Agreement, and cause SSPI to duly and punctually
            perform all the obligations to be performed by it under this

      (e)   execute all such documents and shall do all such things as shall be
            reasonably necessary to give full effect to this Agreement;


8.1 The representations, warranties, covenants and agreements of the Vendor
contained herein and those contained in the documents and instruments delivered
pursuant hereto will survive the Closing Date for a period of one year from the
date hereof, and notwithstanding the completion of the transactions herein
contemplated, the waiver of any condition contained herein (unless such waiver
expressly releases the Vendor of such representation, warranty, covenant or
agreement), or any investigation by SSPI, the same will remain in full force and
effect during that period.

8.2 The representations, warranties, covenants and agreements of SSPI contained
herein and those contained in the documents and instruments delivered pursuant
hereto will survive the Closing Date for a period of one year, and
notwithstanding the completion of the transactions herein contemplated, the
waiver of any condition contained herein (unless such waiver expressly releases
SSPI of such representation, warranty, covenant or agreement), or any
investigation by the Vendor, the same will remain in full force and effect
during that period.


9.1 The obligations of SSPI to consummate the transactions herein contemplated
are subject to the fulfilment of each of the following conditions at the times

      (a)   the representations and warranties of Hefner in Section 3 and the
            representations and warranties of the Vendors contained in Section 4
            are true and correct in all respects;

      (b)   all covenants, agreements and obligations hereunder on the part of
            the Vendors to be performed or complied with at or prior to the
            Closing, including the Vendors' obligations to deliver the documents
            and instruments herein provided for, shall have been performed and
            complied with at and as of the Closing;

      (c)   all contracts, other than as detailed in Schedule "G", shall have
            been terminated without further obligation to the Company;

      (d)   the Vendors shall have entered into the Escrow Agreement and shall
            have executed all such other documents as may be required by the
            Ontario Securities Commission providing for restrictions on the
            resale of the SSPI Special Warrants and the SSPI Shares; and

                                   - 22 -

      (e)   the Esmeralda Agreement and the GHK Agreement shall have been
            executed by all parties thereto, and all conditions precedent to the
            consummation of the transactions contemplated therein for the
            benefit of SSPI shall have been satisfied or waived.

9.2 The conditions set forth in Section 9.1 are for the exclusive benefit of
SSPI and may be waived by SSPI in writing in whole or in part at any time.

9.3 The obligations of the Vendors to consummate the transactions herein
contemplated are subject to the fulfilment of each of the following conditions:

      (a)   the representations and warranties of SSPI contained herein are true
            and correct in all material respects; and

      (b)   all covenants, agreements and obligations hereunder on the part of
            SSPI to be performed or complied with at or prior to the Closing,
            including SSPI's obligations to deliver the documents and
            instruments herein provided for, shall have been performed and
            complied with as at the Closing;

      (c)   the terms of any escrow restrictions imposed by the Ontario
            Securities Commission with respect to the resale of the SSPI Special
            Warrants and the SSPI Shares shall be acceptable to the Vendors;

      (d)   SSPI shall have executed the Management Contract, the Registration
            Rights Agreement, the GHK Agreement and the Esmeralda Agreement.

9.4 The conditions set forth in Section 9.3 are for the exclusive benefit of the
Vendor and may be waived by the Vendor in whole or in part at any time.

9.5 The obligations of the Vendor and SSPI to complete and give effect to the
transactions herein contemplated are further subject to the due execution of the
Closing Certificate by or on behalf of all parties whose execution is provided
for therein.


10.1 At the Closing, the Vendors will execute and deliver or cause to be
executed and delivered all documents, instruments, resolutions and certificates
as are necessary to effectively transfer the Vendors' Interests to SSPC, free
and clear of all Liens, including:

      (a)   such documents and consents as are required under the Limited
            Liability Company agreement to effect the transfers of the Vendors'

      (b)   documents as are required to evidence the admission of SSPC as a
            member of the Company;

                                   - 23 -

      (c)   resignations in writing of all the managers of the Company;

      (d)   all records and books of account of the Company;

      (e)   the Escrow Agreement duly executed by each of the Vendors together
            with duly executed copies of such other documents as may be required
            under Section 9.1(d) of this Agreement;

      (f)   a closing Warranty and Certificate from each of the Vendors
            confirming that the conditions to be satisfied by the Vendors unless
            waived, set out in Section 9.1 and this Section 10.1 have been
            satisfied at the Closing;

      (g)   a legal opinion from counsel to the Company addressed to SSPI in
            form satisfactory to SSPI; and

      (h)   all such other documents and instruments as SSPI may reasonably
            require including but not limited to all accounting information,
            vouchers, receipts, accounting entries and diaries of the Company.


11.1 At the Closing, SSPI will deliver or cause to be executed and delivered all
documents, instruments, resolutions and share certificates as are necessary to
effectively transfer the SSPI Special Warrants to the Vendors, free and clear of
all Liens, including:

      (a)   certified copies of resolutions of the directors of SSPI authorizing
            the entering into of this Agreement and the carrying out of the
            transactions contemplated herein and certified copies of resolutions
            of the directors of SSPI authorizing the issuance of SSPI Special
            Warrants and the SSPI Shares;

      (b)   duly issued special warrant certificates representing the SSPI
            Special Warrants in the names of the Vendors as provided in Section
            2.3 hereof;

      (c)   a Closing Warranty and Certificate from SSPI confirming that the
            conditions to be satisfied by SSPI, unless waived, set out in
            Section 9.3 have been satisfied at the Closing;

      (d)   a legal opinion from counsel to SSPI and SSPC addressed to the
            Vendor and in form satisfactory to the Vendor;

      (e)   the Management Contract duly executed by SSPI;

      (f)   the Registration Rights Agreement duly executed by SSPI; and

                                   - 24 -

      (g)   all such other documents and instruments as the Vendor may
            reasonably require with respect to SSPI, including but not limited

            (i)   a draft form of the Preliminary Prospectus;

            (ii)  a letter from counsel to SSPI advising of the status of SSPI's
                  application to list its common shares on the Alberta Stock
                  Exchange; and

            (iii) a letter from SSPI and Yorkton Securities Inc. discussing the
                  plans of Yorkton Securities Inc. to carry out a private
                  placement for SSPI.


12.1 Subject to Section 12.2 herein, each of the Vendors will indemnify and
hold harmless SSPI from and against:

      (a)   any and all losses, damages or deficiencies resulting from any
            misrepresentation, breach of warranty or non-fulfilment of any
            covenant on the part of such Vendor under this Agreement or from any
            misrepresentation in or omission from any certificate or other
            instrument furnished or to be furnished to SSPI hereunder;

      (b)   any and all actions, suits, proceedings, demands, assessments,
            judgments, costs and legal and other expenses incidental to any of
            the foregoing; and

and if any action or claim shall be asserted against SSPI in respect of which
indemnity may be sought hereunder, SSPI shall promptly notify the appropriate
Vendors in writing and the appropriate Vendors shall assume the defence thereof
at their expense through legal counsel acceptable to SSPI. No party shall effect
a settlement of such action or claim without the written consent of the other
party, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

12.2 The maximum extent of the liability of each of the Vendors for all claims
individually or in the aggregate under Section 12.1 herein (with the exception
of liability arising directly or indirectly by reason of a misrepresentation or
breach of warranty as it relates to the representations and warranties contained
in Section 4.1) shall be limited in the aggregate to the market value, as at the
date of a claim for indemnity, of the SSPI Special Warrants or SSPI shares of
such Vendor, as the case may be, acquired pursuant to this Agreement and then
held subject to the Escrow Agreement as at such date, and the Vendors shall have
no further personal liability to SSPI in this regard.

12.3 In circumstances where more than one Vendor is liable under Section 12.1 as
a result of a misrepresentation or breach of warranty contained in Section 4.2,
the liability of such Vendors shall be apportioned such that each Vendor who is
liable bears that Portion of the entire

                                   - 25 -

such liability, limited in the aggregate as stated in Section 12.2, as is equal
to the percentage of the total number of SSPI Special Warrants issued under this
Agreement as are acquired by such Vendor pursuant to this Agreement in relation
to the total number of Special Warrants acquired by all the Vendors who are

12.4 Subject to the maximum limit on liability in Section 12.2, each Vendor can
satisfy any liability referred to in Section 12.2 and Section 12.3 herein by
either paying the amount thereof to SSPI or surrendering or causing to be
surrendered to SSPI such of the Vendor's SSPI Special Warrants or SSPI Shares or
the rights thereto then held subject to the Escrow Agreement as at the date of
receipt of a claim for indemnity as have a market value equal to the amount of
the liability.

12.5 In circumstances where a Vendor is liable under Section 12.1 in respect of
a misrepresentation or breach of warranty as it relates to a representation or
warranty contained in Section 4.1, SSPI agrees that it shall first exhaust
recourse against the SSPI Special Warrants or SSPI Shares of such Vendor, as the
case may be, then held subject to the Escrow Agreement, to satisfy such
liability in which case the provisions of Section 12.4 apply mutatis mutandis,
and SSPI will only further seek recourse against such Vendor generally in
circumstances where the market value of such SSPI Special Warrants or SSPI
Shares, as the case may be, is not sufficient to satisfy such liability under
Section 12.1.

12.6 For the purposes of Section 12.2 and Section 12.4 herein the "market value"
of the SSPI Special Warrants or SSPI shares or the rights thereto shall be
deemed to be equal to the weighted average of the closing prices at which SSPI's
common shares have traded on the Alberta Stock Exchange or, if such shares are
not then listed on the Alberta Stock Exchange, on such stock exchange or
electronic trading facility on which the shares then trade as may be selected by
the board of directors of SSPI, during the 20 most recent trading days ending on
the trading day immediately prior to the date of a claim for indemnity.

12.7 The provisions of this Section 12 and apply mutatis mutandis to Hefner with
respect to any misrepresentation or breach of warranty on the part of Hefner
under this Agreement.

12.8 SSPI will indemnify and hold harmless the Vendors from and against:

      (a)   any and all losses, damages or deficiencies resulting from any
            misrepresentation, breach of warranty or non-fulfilment of any
            covenant on the part of SSPI under this Agreement or from any
            misrepresentation in or omission from any certificate or other
            instrument furnished or to be furnished to the Vendors hereunder;

      (b)   any and all actions, suits, proceedings, demands, assessments,
            judgments, costs and legal and other expenses incidental to any of
            the foregoing;

and if any action or claim shall be asserted against the Vendors in respect of
which indemnity may be sought hereunder, the Vendors shall notify SSPI in
writing and SSPI shall assume the

                                   - 26 -

defence thereof at its expense through legal counsel acceptable to the Vendors.
No party shall effect a settlement of such action or claim without the written
consent of the other party, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or

12.9 SSPI shall bear the costs relating to the test procedures in respect of the
El Segundo No. 1 well as detailed in Schedule "J". To the extent such costs
exceed the amounts set forth in Schedule "J", the Vendors, together with the
vendors under the Esmeralda Agreement and GHK Agreement, shall reimburse SSPI
for the excess pursuant to Section 12.10 hereof.

12.10 If the costs relating to the test procedures in respsct of El Segundo No
1 well exceed the amounts set forth in Schedule "J", GHK Company Colombia shall
submit invoices to the Manager (as defined in the Management Contract), SSPI and
the Vendors in respect of such excess amounts within 90 days of the date hereof.
Once satisfied that such invoices accurately reflect actual costs incurred in
respect of the test procedures, the Vendors shall within 30 days after such
90-day period pay to the Manager, and direct the Manager to pay to SSPI, a
portion of such costs equivalent to their pro rata share of the aggregate number
of warrants and preference shares in SSPI issued to the Vendors under this
Agreement and the vendors under the Esmeralda Agreement and the GHK Agreement.

12.11 The Vendors shall be entitled to a portion, equivalent to their pro rata
share of the aggregate number of warrants and preference shares in SSPI issued
to the Vendors under this Agreement and the vendors under the Esmeralda
Agreement and the GHK Agreement, of any revenues generated by the production or
sale of oil produced from El Segundo No. 1 well prior to the Closing. The
Vendors shall be entitled to require from GHK Company Colombia an accounting of
any such revenues within 90 days of the date hereof and SSPI shall within 30
days after such 90-day period pay to the Vendors the portion of such proceeds
set forth in this Section 12.11.


13.1 The Vendors hereby irrevocably direct SSPI to deliver such of the SSPI
shares as are issuable upon the exercise of the SSPI Special Warrants held by
Montreal Trust under the terms of the Escrow Agreement to Montreal Trust to be
held under the terms of the Escrow Agreement.


14.1 SSPI shall have the right to rescind this Agreement in circumstances where
any approvals which are required to be obtained by the parties hereto under the
Association Contracts are not obtained.


15.1 This Agreement may be executed in any number of facsimile counterparts,
each of which shall be deemed to be an original and all of which together shall
be deemed to be one and the same document.


16.1 Time is of the essence of this Agreement.


17.1 This Agreement, together with the agreements and documents provided for
herein, contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto in respect of
the purchase and sale of the Vendors' Interests and there are no warranties,
representations, terms, conditions or collateral agreements, express or implied,
other than expressly set forth or provided for in this Agreement.


18.1 The parties will execute and deliver such further documents and instruments
and do all such acts and things as may be reasonably necessary or requisite to
carry out the full intent and meaning of this Agreement and to effect the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement, and the parties will cooperate in
respect of any requirement to file an application with Investment Canada.

                                   - 27 -


19.1 This Agreement will enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties
hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and
permitted assigns.


20.1 Any notice required or permitted to be given under this Agreement will be
validly given if in writing and delivered or sent by pre-paid registered mail,
to the following addresses:

      (a)   If to the Vendors:

                  c/o Robert A. Hefner III
                  2121 Kirby Drive, #65E
                  Houston, Texas 77019

      (b)   If to SSPI and SSPC:

                  SEVEN SEAS PETROLEUM INC.
                  Suite 960 - 1900 Post Oak Boulevard
                  Houston, Texas  77056
                  Attention:  Timothy Stephens
or to such other address as any Party may specify by notice in writing to the

20.2 Any notice delivered on a business day will be deemed conclusively to have
been effectively given on the date notice was delivered.

20.3 Any notice sent by prepaid registered mail will be deemed conclusively to
have been effectively given on the third business day after posting; but if at
the time of posting or between the time of posting and the third business day
thereafter there is a strike, lockout or other labour disturbance affecting
postal service, then the notice will not be effectively given until actually


21.1 The Vendors or any of them may, without SSPI's consent, elect to nominate a
company or other legal entity, including a company which may be hereafter
incorporated, to be the recipient of all or any part of the SSPI Special
Warrants which are to be issued by SSPI and to which the Vendor shall be
entitled pursuant to Section 2.3 herein. Such nomination will not take effect
until communication thereof to SSPI, or to SSPI's solicitors. Once such
communication has been made, the nominee elected by such Vendor will be deemed
to be such Vendor hereunder for purposes of receiving the applicable SSPI
Special Warrants and for all purposes after the Closing Date, but the Vendor
will in no way be released from its representations, warranties and obligations
hereunder despite the election or appointment of a nominee.

                                   - 28 -


22.1 This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the
laws of the Province of British Columbia and the laws of Canada applicable
therein and the parties will attorn to the Courts thereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed and
delivered this 26th day of July, 1996.

SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED on              )                                  
behalf of BREENE M. KERR by his lawful       )                                  
attorney Robert A. Hefner, III in the        )                                  
presence of:                                 )                                  
- --------------------------------------       )  ------------------------------- 
Signature                                    )  BREENE M. KERR, by his attorney 
- --------------------------------------       )  Robert A. Hefner, III           
Print Name                                   )                                  
- --------------------------------------       )                                  
Address                                      )                                  
- --------------------------------------       )                                  
- --------------------------------------       )                                  
Occupation                                   )                                  
MANAGEMENT CO. by its lawful attorney
Robert A. Hefner, III

Per:  _________________________________
      Authorized Signatory

                                   - 29 -

SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED on           )                                    
behalf of GWEN D. SHARP by her lawful     )                                    
attorney Robert A. Hefner, III in the     )                                    
presence of:                              )                                    
- --------------------------------------    )     -------------------------------
Signature                                 )     GWEN D. SHARP, by her attorney 
- --------------------------------------    )     Robert A. Hefner, III          
Print Name                                )                                    
- --------------------------------------    )                                    
Address                                   )                                    
- --------------------------------------    )                                    
- --------------------------------------    )                                    
Occupation                                )                                    

SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED on behalf    )                                    
of MARK THOMSON BT by his lawful attorney )                                    
Robert A. Hefner, III in the presence of: )                                    
- --------------------------------------    )                                    
Signature                                 )     -------------------------------
- --------------------------------------    )     MARK THOMSON BT, by his        
Print Name                                )     attorney Robert A. Hefner, III 
- --------------------------------------    )                                    
Address                                   )                                    
- --------------------------------------    )                                    
- --------------------------------------    )                                    
Occupation                                )                                    

                                   - 30 -

SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED on           )                                     
behalf of CHARLES B. ISRAEL by his        )                                    
lawful attorney Robert A. Hefner, III     )                                    
in the presence of:                       )                                    
- --------------------------------------    )     -------------------------------
Signature                                 )     CHARLES B. ISRAEL, by his      
- --------------------------------------    )     attorney Robert A. Hefner, III 
Print Name                                )                                    
- --------------------------------------    )                                    
Address                                   )                                    
- --------------------------------------    )                                    
- --------------------------------------    )                                    
Occupation                                )                                    

SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED on           )                                     
behalf of JUSTIN B. ISRAEL by his         )                                     
lawful attorney Robert A. Hefner, III     )                                     
in the presence of:                       )                                     
- --------------------------------------    )    -------------------------------  
Signature                                 )    JUSTIN B. ISRAEL, by his attorney
- --------------------------------------    )    Robert A. Hefner, III            
Print Name                                )                                     
- --------------------------------------    )                                     
Address                                   )                                     
- --------------------------------------    )                                     
- --------------------------------------    )                                     
Occupation                                )                                     


Per:  _________________________________
      Authorized Signatory


Per:  _________________________________
      Authorized Signatory

                                   - 31 -

SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED by           )                                     
ROBERT A. HEFNER, III in the presence of: )                                    
- --------------------------------------    )                                    
Signature                                 )                                    
- --------------------------------------    )     -------------------------------
Print Name                                )     ROBERT A. HEFNER, III          
- --------------------------------------    )                                    
Address                                   )                                    
- --------------------------------------    )                                    
- --------------------------------------    )                                    
Occupation                                )                                    

This is page 32 of an Agreement dated the 26th day of July, 1996 between BREENE