PETRODRILL ENGINEERING N.V.

                                     - AND -

                           WORKSHIPS CONTRACTORS B.V.


                                SUPPLY AGREEMENT


THIS AGREEMENT is made the 5th day of November 1998,


1.    PETRODRILL ENGINEERING N.V. a company incorporated in the Netherlands
      Antilles under registration number 77521 and having its registered office
      at Anthony Veder Building, Kaya Jacob Posner, Willemstad, Curacao,
      Netherlands Antilles (hereinafter referred to as the Construction
      Manager); and

2.    WORKSHIPS CONTRACTORS B.V. a corporation incorporated in the Netherlands
      of KP Van Der Mandeleaan 34, 3062 MD Rotterdam (Brainpark), The
      Netherlands (Workships). The Construction Manager and Workships are also
      hereinafter referred to collectively as PARTIES and individually as


A.    The Construction Manager has entered into an agreement with Petrodrill
      Seven Limited (such company as its assignee pursuant to a Construction
      Contract Assignment, the Owner) of even date herewith (the Construction
      Management Agreement) whereby the Construction Manager has been appointed
      by the Owner to oversee the construction of the Owner's dynamically
      positioned semisubmersible drilling unit (the Vessel).

B.    The Construction Manager is desirous that Workships should provide to the
      Construction Manager personnel in accordance with the terms and conditions
      of this Agreement to assist the Construction Manager with various of the
      technical services required by the Owner to be provided during the period
      of the construction of the Vessel by the shipyard (the Builder) pursuant
      to a different shipbuilding contract (the Shipbuilding Contract).

NOW, THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations
hereafter set forth, it is hereby agreed between the Parties as follows:


      Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the
      meanings assigned to such terms in the Amethyst Financial Company Ltd.'s
      Shareholders' Agreement of every date herewith among Drillpetro Inc.,
      Westville Management Corporation and Techdrill Inc.

2.    OBJECT

      The object of this Agreement is the supply by Workships to the
      Construction Manager of personnel such as, but not limited to, specified
      in Clause 4 of this Agreement.

3.    TERM

      The term of this Agreement is for the period of the construction of the
      Vessel by the Builder.



      Workships shall provide to the Construction Manager such personnel (the
      Technical Personnel) as are requested by the Construction Manager to
      assist the Construction Manager in relation to the marine construction of
      the Vessel and the fulfilment of the Construction Manager's obligations to
      the Owner as set out in the Construction Management Agreement. The
      provision of the Technical Personnel shall be on the following basis:

4.1   the Technical Personnel provided by Workships shall be suitably qualified
      to advise and assist in connection with matters relating to the
      construction of the Vessel as a drilling or workover unit;

4.2   at no time shall the Technical Personnel be deemed to be employees, either
      temporarily or permanent, of the Construction Manager and shall at all
      times be deemed to be employees of Workships;

4.3   Workships shall have the sole responsibility for the preparation of
      payroll and the payment of the Technical Personnel wages, compensation,
      remittance, allowance, insurance and indemnities of whatever kind and in
      complying with all applicable labour and local taxation regulations.

4.4   Both Parties agree to refrain from any and all actions, direct or
      indirect, that may lead to employment by such Party of an employee of the
      other Party, unless such Party obtains the prior written approval of the
      other Party, which approval shall not unreasonably be withheld.

4.5   Workships shall be entitled to invoice the Construction Manager for the
      travel, accommodation and repatriation of the Technical Personnel during
      the period of construction of the Vessel.

4.6   The Technical Personnel shall assist the Construction Manager in the
      fulfilment of its obligations as set out in Clause 4 of the Construction
      Management Agreement.

4.7   The Construction Manager may, if it is reasonably dissatisfied with any of
      the Technical Personnel, make a request in writing to Workships that such
      Technical Personnel be replaced with another suitably qualified person and
      Workships shall provide the same forthwith PROVIDED ALWAYS that Workships
      shall only do so if in its reasonable opinion the request of the
      Construction Manager is justified.

4.8   In the event that the Construction Manager requires such Technical
      Personnel to undertake tasks not included within the scope of the services
      to be provided as set out in Clause 4 of the Construction Management
      Agreement and agreed hereunder then the Construction Manager shall seek
      the prior written consent of Workships which consent shall not be
      unreasonably withheld and Workships shall instruct the Technical Personnel
      concerned to comply with such request of the Construction Manager.


4.9   Workships shall only be required to provide to the Construction Manager
      such Technical Personnel as are available at the time that the
      Construction Manager requires them and the choice/identity of such
      Technical Personnel shall be decided upon by Workships in its absolute
      discretion and PROVIDED ALWAYS that the provision of such Technical
      Personnel from time to time shall not materially disrupt or adversely
      affect Workships's own business in which case Workships shall be entitled
      to postpone the supply of such Technical Personnel until such time as it
      is more able to comply with the requirements of the Construction Manager.


5.1   All Technical Personnel are to be provided by Workships to the
      Construction Manager on an open book, at cost basis, duly justified by
      direct reference to industry standards.

      For the supply of the Technical Personnel forming the object of this
      Agreement, the Construction Manager will pay Workships the rates
      stipulated in Appendix A herein increased on an annual basis by 3% unless
      otherwise agreed.

5.2   Workships shall receive compensation from the Construction Manager in the
      amount of US $2,083.33 per month as from May 1, 1998 for services
      provided hereunder. This amount is due at the end of each month.

5.3   In the case of disputed invoice, the Construction Manager will inform
      Workships of the item under dispute specifying the complaint within
      fifteen (15) days of receipt of such invoice but will pay the undisputed
      part. The disputed item will be paid as may be mutually agreed. This
      amount is due at the end of each month.

5.4   Payments shall be made to a bank account nominated on each invoice.

5.5   In case of sale of the Vessels Clause 5.2 of the contract shall remain in
      place for the total period of 24 months. Any outstanding amount shall be
      discounted at the rate of ten percent (10%).

6.    TAXES

      Any taxes or charges incurred by Workships in connection with its duties
      and obligations hereunder whilst supplying the Technical Services shall be
      for the account of Workships.



      Workships represents that the provision by it of the Technical Personnel
      under this Agreement will comply with all applicable laws and regulations
      in France, the Netherlands, Brazil and the jurisdictions in which the
      Technical Personnel are required to operate.


      7.2.1 Workships shall hold harmless and indemnify the Construction Manager
            from and against all claims, costs expenses or liabilities arising
            from or connected with the performance of this Agreement in respect

            (i)   death of or  personal  injury to any of the  personnel  of
                  the Workships Group;


            (ii) loss of or damage to the property of the Workships Group;

            (iii) any consequential or economic loss or damage suffered by the
                  Workships Group;

      howsoever arising and irrespective of negligence or other breach of legal
      duty by the Construction Manager Group.

      7.2.2 The Construction Manager shall hold harmless and indemnify Workships
            from and against all claims, costs, expenses or liabilities arising
            from or connected with the performance of this Agreement in respect

            (i)   death of or personal injury to any of personnel of the
                  Construction Manager Group;

            (ii)  loss of or damage to the property of the Construction Manager
                  Group; and

            (iii) any consequential or economic loss or damage suffered by the
                  Construction Manager Group;

            howsoever arising and irrespective of negligence or other breach of
            legal duty bY the Workships Group.

      7.2.3 For the purposes of this Clause 7.2, the Construction Manager
            Group means the Construction Manager, its associated companies, its
            other sub-contractors and suppliers, the Owner, Petrobras, and the
            officers, employees and agents of any of them.

      7.2.4 For the purposes of this Clause 7.2 the Workships Group means
            Workships, its associated companies, its sub-contractors and
            suppliers and the officers, employees and agents of any of them.

      7.2.5 For the express purposes of Clause 7 of this Agreement only, the
            Construction Manager contracts on its own behalf and expressly as
            agent on behalf of and as trustee for the benefit of all persons who
            are or may be from time to time within the Construction Manager
            Group (as defined in Clause 7.2.3) and all such persons shall to
            this extent be deemed to be parties to this Agreement.

      7.2.6 For the express purposes of Clause 7 of this Agreement only,
            Workships contracts on its own behalf and expressly as agent on
            behalf of and as trustee for the benefit of all persons who are or
            may be from time to time within the Workships Group (as defined in
            Clause 7.2.4) and all such persons shall to this extent be deemed to
            be parties to this Agreement.



      Save as is provided in Article 7.2. above, the Construction Manager shall
      indemnify and hold harmless and shall procure that Owner shall indemnify
      and hold harmless Workships from and against all actions, proceedings,
      claims, demands or liabilities whatsoever that may be brought by any other
      person against, or incurred by Workships in relation to or in connection
      with its performance of this Agreement unless same has arisen from the
      gross negligence or wilful misconduct of Workships, in which event the
      liability of Workships shall be limited to the aggregate of the management
      fee received by Workships in the preceding 12 months.


      All information related to this Agreement regardless or whether such
      information concerns the Construction Manager, its clients, its associated
      companies or its contractors shall be treated as confidential and shall
      not be divulged by Workships or the Technical Personnel to any third party
      without the prior written consent of the Construction Manager. The
      hereabove obligations shall survive the termination of the Agreement and
      shall remain in force for so long as the information covered by
      confidentiality has not otherwise become public knowledge.



      Workships undertakes that it will take out all insurance policies to cover
      its liabilities and those of the Technical Personnel as set forth in
      Article 7 of this Agreement, such insurances shall include but not be
      limited to the following:

      9.1.1 Workmen's Compensation insurance and Employer's Liability insurance

            for damage suffered by its personnel in amounts not less than
            those required by applicable laws in The Netherlands and the
            jurisdiction in which the Technical Personnel are required to

      9.1.2 Comprehensive general liability insurance for its responsibility to
            third parties.

      9.1.3 All insurance policies as required to cover its equipment and/or
            materials and those belonging to any service companies and for which
            Workships is responsible.


      The Construction Manager will take out insurance policies to cover the
      Construction Manager's responsibilities including but not limited to those
      responsibilities set out in Clause 5.2 of the Construction Management


      For all insurance policies taken out:

      9.3.1 Workships shall comply with the relevant insurance regulations in

      9.3.2 Construction Manager shall bear the costs of the premiums,
            deductibles, fees and expenses relative to all policies effected
            pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement.


      9.3.3 Each Party shall procure that the other Party shall be named as
            co-assured to the extent permitted so as to give effect to the
            provisions of Article 6 of this Agreement.

      9.3.4 All of the insurance policies taken out shall state the
            underwriter's waiver of subrogation to give effect to the provisions
            of Article 6 of this Agreement.

10.   AUDIT

      Workships shall keep and cause its Technical Personnel, its contractor(s)
      and subcontractor(s) to keep the books, payrolls, receipts, vouchers,
      financial records, personnel records and any document related to the work
      thereunder and required for administration purposes for the term of the
      Agreement and for a limited period of two (2) years after termination
      hereof. The Construction Manager, through its duly authorised
      representatives, shall have free access with 15 days notice with no
      restriction, to such information, whenever required by the Construction
      Manager, and it shall also have the right, at any time subject to previous
      notification to Workships, to perform the audits it deems necessary of the
      aforementioned books, payrolls, receipts, vouchers, records and files in

      The Construction Manager reserves the right to audit the activities of
      Workships and/or the Technical Personnel as deemed necessary and/or
      appropriate by the Construction Manager, in order to check the contents
      and compliance with the terms herein.

      Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall the Construction
      Manager's right of audit be construed as a release or waiver of any of
      Workships's obligations under this Agreement.



      11.1.1 Each Party to this Agreement shall be relieved from complying with
             any term of this Agreement to the extent that, and only so long as,
             such compliance is prevented or delayed by force majeure, which is
             defined as civil or labour disturbances, riots, strikes (other than
             a strike limited to the employees of either Party), wars (declared
             or undeclared), military actions, insurrections, rebellion, acts of
             any governmental or military agency and actual or assumed
             authority, action of elements, floods, storm or other acts of God
             or any cause beyond the control of either Party, whether or not
             similar to the matters herein specifically enumerated and provided
             that the event shall not have been caused by the action or
             negligence of that Party. That Party and/or the Parties affected
             shall do its, or their, utmost to remedy the above circumstances.

      11.1.2 Any Party claiming force majeure shall promptly notify the other
             Party, with the evidence of the occurrence of such event.

      11.1.3 If either Party hereto is prevented from or delayed in performing
             all or any of its obligations thereunder as a direct result of
             force majeure, such non-performance shall not be considered as a
             breach of this Agreement and that Party shall be relieved from such
             obligation which shall suspend payment by the other Party for the
             duration of such force majeure.



      Should Workships become insolvent or enter into any arrangement with or
      for the benefit of its creditors or become unable or refuse or neglect to
      perform its obligations hereunder or if Workships's equipment is seized or
      taken in execution, the Construction Manager may, by notice in writing to
      Workships, terminate this Agreement without thereby affecting in other
      respects the obligations or liabilities of Workships.


      Neither Party may assign this Agreement, either wholly or in part, except
      with the prior written authorisation of the other Party, which
      authorisation may not be unreasonably withheld.

12.   NOTICE

      All notices, invoices and other communications required pursuant to this
      Agreement shall be in writing and deemed to have been sufficiently given
      or made if delivered by hand or send by fax to the addressee at the
      address set out below;

      in the case of the Construction Manager to:

                           PETRODRILL ENGINEERING N.V.
                           c/o Winkel, Sliana & Grul
                           Attn: Thoma Aardenburg
                           Pietermaai 23 Postbus 113
                             Netherlands Antilles

                           Fax: 011 599 9 465 2890

      with copies to:

                           Attn: John C.G. O'Leary
                           5847 San Felipe, Suite 3300
                           Houston, Texas 77057

                           Fax: 713 914 9796


     in the case of Workships to:

                           WORKSHIPS CONTRACTORS B.V.
                           KP Van Der Mandeleaan 34
                           3062 MD Rotterdam (Brainpark)
                           The Netherlands

                           Fax: 011 31 10 452 8176

or to such other address as the relevant Party may from time to time notify to
the other.


13.1  This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in all respects in
      accordance with the laws of England.

13.2  Any dispute or difference arising in connection with this Agreement shall
      if possible be settled by mutual amicable agreement.

13.3  If any dispute should arise in connection with the interpretation and
      fulfilment of this Agreement the same shall be decided by arbitration in
      the city of London and shall be referred to a single arbitrator (an
      Arbitrator) to be appointed by the Parties hereto. If the Parties cannot
      agree upon the appointment of the single Arbitrator the dispute shall be
      settled by three Arbitrators, each Party appointing one Arbitrator, the
      third being appointed by the Chairman for the time being of the London
      Maritime Arbitrators' Association.

13.4  If either of the appointed Arbitrators refuses or is incapable of acting,
      the Party who appointed him shall appoint a new Arbitrator in his place.

13.5  If one of the Parties fails to appoint an Arbitrator, either originally or
      by way of substitution, for two weeks after the other Party having
      appointed his Arbitrator has sent the Party making default notice by mail
      or facsimile to make the appointment, the Party appointing the third
      Arbitrator shall, after application from the Party having appointed his
      Arbitrator, also appoint an Arbitrator on behalf of the Party making

13.6  The award rendered by the Arbitration Court shall be final and binding
      upon the Parties and may if necessary be enforced by the Court or other
      competent authority in the same manner as a judgment in the Court of

13.7  Work under this Agreement shall, if reasonably possible, continue during
      the arbitration proceedings.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement has been executed in two duplicate originals
by or on behalf of the Parties hereto the day and year first above written.


SIGNED by                     )/s/ Illegible
for and on behalf of          )
in the presence of:           )/s/ Illegible

SIGNED by                     )/s/ Illegible
for and on behalf of          )
in the presence of:           )/s/ Illegible


                                   APPENDIX 1
                               SCHEDULE OF RATES

- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    NAME                         COST PER WORKING DAY
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Grob B.H.M.                                              500
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Minnes R.A.                                              569
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Charalampopoulos M.                                      111
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jolles W.                                                519
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nijs J. de                                               469
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hogg T.                                                  474
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bugel A.                                                 582
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


All prices above are inclusive of salaries, social security costs, insurance,
provision for holidays and travel days.

All prices are exclusive of direct flight and travel charges, accomodations.

The prices shown are valid for 12 months commencing 1st January 1998 and are
subject to annual revision of 3% (three percent) unless otherwise agreed.
