FORMARITIMA LTD

                                     - AND -

                           WORKSHIPS CONTRACTORS B.V.




THIS AGREEMENT is made as of the 5th day of November 1998,


1.  FORMARITIMA LTD, a company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands and
    having its principal office at c/o Arias, Fabrega & Fabrega Trust Co., Omar
    Hodge Building, Wickham s Cay, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands
    (hereinafter referred to as "Formaritima"); and

2.  WORKSHIPS CONTRACTORS B.V., a company incorporated in the Netherlands having
    its principal office at K.P. van der Mandelelaan 34, 3062 MB Rotterdam
    (hereinafter referred to as "the Manager").

    Formaritima and the Manager are hereinafter also referred to individually as
    "Party" and collectively as "Parties".


A.  Formaritima will be the direct or indirect legal owner of a dynamically
    positioned semi-submersible drilling vessel (each hereinafter called "the
    Vessel") and intends to carry out worldwide offshore drilling operations
    using the Vessel, subsequent to its Delivery to Formaritima.

B.  The Manager possesses the know-how and skilled personnel to enable it to
    manage the Marine and Nautical operation and maintenance of the Vessel.

C.  The Manager will support and render services relevant to the mobilization of
    the Vessel to Brazil and operations pursuant to assigned charter agreement
    between Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. (hereinafter referred to as "Petrobras")
    and Maritima as novated and assigned to Formaritima (together the "Charter

D.  Manager has been provided with a copy of the aforesaid Charter Agreements.

E.  Formaritima is desirous of contracting with the Manager for the provision of
    the services in accordance with the terms and conditions set out herein.



    Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the
    meanings assigned to such terms in the Amethyst Financial Company Ltd. s
    Shareholders  Agreement of even date herewith among Drillpetro Inc.,
    Westville Management Corporation and Techdrill Inc.


2.1 This Agreement shall take effect from the date hereof and shall continue
    unless terminated pursuant to the provisions of Clause 7.

2.2 The effective performance of this Agreement shall include without limitation
    the preparations in Brazil prior to the commencement of the Charters and the
    assistance to demobilize upon termination of the Charters and the resolution
    of any outstanding unresolved contractual issues at the end of the Charters.


3.1 The Parties acknowledge as at the date of signing of this Agreement that the
    Vessel is to be constructed. Formaritima undertakes to provide the Manager
    with copies of all relevant documentation in respect of the Vessel in the
    English language, including detailed drilling equipment lists.

3.2 This Agreement shall commence with respect to the Vessel prior to
    commencement of the sea trials under the relevant Construction and Sale

3.3 The Manager will furnish the relevant personnel and services to assist
    during the sea trials.

3.4 The Manager shall at all times maintain proper and adequate office and
    technical facilities and a competent and sufficient staff for the
    performance of its duties, and shall, on behalf of Formaritima and at
    Formaritima s risk and expense, manage and maintain the Vessel in accordance
    with good marine practice, efficiently and economically, to the best of its
    professional ability in regard to performance, safety and shipshape
    appearance, and will arrange, at all times, technical supervision to ensure
    that the Vessel is kept in a seaworthy condition and with valid

3.5 Notwithstanding the foregoing, Formaritima has, subject only to the
    provisions of Clause 6, ultimate and complete responsibility for the Vessel
    and shall indemnify the Manager in accordance with Clause 6.


The object of this Agreement is the supply of by the Manager to Formaritima of
services with respect to the Rig including, but not limited to, those specified
in Appendix 1 to this Agreement.


    4.1.1 The Manager shall provide a sufficient number of relevantly qualified
          personnel in order to ensure that the marine operations of the Vessel
          is at all times undertaken safely and in accordance with good industry
          practice and in compliance with the lawful and proper instructions of
          any client contracting for use of the services of the Vessel and in
          accordance with the contract with such client and any regulations from
          relevant regulatory bodies, authorities or Classification Societies
          and in particular compliance with ISM code.


    4.1.2 The Manager shall ensure at all times that it has an adequate pool of
          qualified personnel available to cover vacancies due to leave
          requirements, sickness, injury, replacement of personnel as
          contemplated by the provisions of Clause 4.1.3 or for any other reason

    4.1.3 Should Formaritima be dissatisfied with the performance of any of the
          personnel provided by the Manager, Formaritima shall notify the
          Manager thereof, stating the reasons for its dissatisfaction. Should
          the cause of Formaritima s dissatisfaction remain unremedied for a
          period of twenty days from the giving of Formaritima s said notice,
          Formaritima shall have the right to request the replacement of the
          personnel concerned and in such event the Manager shall, as soon as
          practicable thereafter, replace the personnel concerned.

    4.1.4 The Manager shall:

          (a)   keep Formaritima fully informed regarding incidents which give
                or could give rise to claims by or against third parties
                including damage to the Vessel or serious sickness of personnel;

          (b)   use all reasonable endeavours to protect Formaritima s interests
                with respect to marine claims by or against third parties,
                including personnel employed aboard the Vessel.

    4.1.5 Formaritima has entered into a contract with Formaritima Ltd. for the
          provision of Technical Management Services to the Vessel.

    4.1.6 No personnel of the Manager shall be deemed to be employees, either
          temporary or permanent, of Formaritima and shall at all times be
          deemed employed by the Manager.

          The Manager shall have the sole responsibility for the preparation of
          payroll and the payment of Manager personnel, wages, compensation,
          remittance, allowance, insurance and indemnities of whatever kind and
          in complying with all applicable labour and local taxation

          In particular and depending upon the regulations for employing Dutch
          personnel or any of Manager personnel, an extra charge may be imposed
          when changing of zone of operations or lay off charges may have to be
          paid when changing of zone of operations or when each Charter
          terminates. The Manager shall be liable for and agrees to protect,
          defend and hold Formaritima harmless from and against any lawsuit or
          claim of any kind whatsoever which may arise as a consequence of or
          related to the payment of these charges.

          Both Parties agree to refrain from any and all actions, direct or
          indirect, that may lead to employment by such Party of an employee of
          the other Party, unless such Party obtains the prior written approval
          of the other Party, which approval shall not unreasonably be withheld.



    4.2.1 The Manager shall arrange for the marine operation of the Vessel and
          all marine equipment used on or from the Vessel.

    4.2.2 The Manager is authorised to act, on behalf of Formaritima , in
          respect of all matters that may pertain to the everyday operation of
          the marine services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, where in
          connection with such operation, the Manager will or is likely to incur
          expenditure not contemplated by or greater than the amount specified
          in respect thereof in any budget as is referred to in Clause 4.5.2 and
          where any such expenditure will or is likely to exceed US$50,000 or,
          in any calendar month, sums which, in the aggregate, are in excess of
          US$50,000, the Manager shall, prior to incurring such expenditure,
          obtain the consent of Formaritima so to do. Nevertheless the Manager
          shall, in any case where, in its reasonable opinion, it is necessary
          to take immediate action to avert danger to life or health or loss or
          damage to any Vessel or other property of Formaritima , be entitled
          and obligated to take such action without the prior consent of
          Formaritima but, in every such case, the Manager shall promptly notify
          Formaritima of the action so taken by it and of the amount of
          expenditure incurred by it in so doing.

    4.2.3 Subject to Clauses 4.2.2 and 4.4.3 the Manager shall procure the
          supply of all equipment and materials required in connection with the
          marine operation and maintenance of the Vessel including an adequate
          supply of spare parts, stock for stores, and generally so as to ensure
          that the Manager will at all times be able to fulfil its obligations

          The Manager will use its best endeavours to ensure that materials and
          equipment procured by it are purchased on the most economical terms
          available, as to price and payment, and having regard to the quality
          and availability of the materials and equipment concerned.

    4.2.4 The Manager shall provide for technical supervision, repairs,
          classification, customary maintenance and, in all other respects, use
          its best endeavours so that, at all times and subject to the
          provisions of Clauses 4.5.2 and 4.5.3, the Vessel is kept duly
          seaworthy, and maintain its certificates and permissions for maritime
          operations all in accordance with good oil industry practice. Minimum
          personnel will be maintained during periods of lay up in order to
          minimise cost to Formaritima.

    4.2.5 Formaritima s representatives shall be entitled to board the Vessel
          for the purpose of examining the Vessel and its operations subject, at
          all times, to the consent of the client where applicable.

    4.2.6 The Manager will not by act or omission of the Manager cause
          Formaritima to be in breach of any provision of the mortgage
          registered over the Vessel and has been provided with a copy of said
          mortgage, and will provide such confirmation as may be reasonably
          required by the Lenders.



    4.3.1 Formaritima shall ensure and provide that the Vessel and all
          consumable materials and equipment thereof and the Manager s and
          Formaritima s employees are at all times adequately insured with
          reputable underwriters on the best possible terms. Formaritima shall
          ensure that such insurance shall be fully in compliance with the
          requirements of the holder of any mortgage on the Vessel. Subject to
          the foregoing, the following minimum insurance coverage will be
          maintained by Formaritima at all times:

          (a)   All Risks Hull and Machinery Insurance (including underwater and
                in-hole equipment) against marine and war risks, to the full
                market value of each Vessel; and

          (b)   Full Protection and Indemnity Insurance, or equivalent, in
                respect of liabilities of Formaritima and/or the Manager to
                third parties including but not limited to pollution or
                contamination, removal of wreck and recovery of equipment lost

    4.3.2 The insurance effected on behalf of Formaritima and Manager shall be
          endorsed with a statement that each is co-assured and that the
          underwriters waive their rights of subrogation and/or recourse,
          whether express or implied, against the other party and/or its
          subcontractor and against any party designated in writing by such
          party with whom the such party has entered into a hold harmless
          agreement or otherwise in respect of a Vessel and operations involving
          such Vessel. This Agreement shall be copied by such party to the
          relevant underwriters and their written approval that the indemnities
          herein contained are acceptable as being normal in the oil industry
          shall be obtained by each party.

    4.3.3 The Manager undertakes that it will take out and maintain all
          insurance policies to cover its liabilities as set forth in Clause 6
          of this Agreement and as required of Formaritima under the terms of
          the Charter, such insurances shall include but not be limited to the

          (a)   Workmen s Compensation insurance and Employer s Liability
                insurance for damage suffered by its personnel in amounts not
                less than those required by applicable laws in Brazil.

          (b)   Comprehensive general liability insurance for its responsibility
                to third parties in amount not less than those required for any
                one occurrence by the Charters.

          (c)   All insurance policies as required to cover its equipment and/or
                materials and those belonging to any service companies and for
                which Manager is responsible.



          For all insurance policies taken out:

          (a)    Manager shall comply with the insurance regulations in force in

          (b)    Formaritima shall bear the costs of the premiums, deductibles,
                 fees and expenses relative to all policies effected pursuant to
                 the provisions of this Agreement.

          (c)    Each Party shall procure that the other Party shall be named as
                 co-assured to the extent permitted so as to give effect to the
                 provisions of Clause 8 of this Agreement.

          (d)    All of the insurance policies taken out shall state the
                 underwriter s waiver of subrogation to give effect to the
                 provisions of Clause 8 of this Agreement.

          (e)    Manager shall, on request by Formaritima , furnish copies of
                 the insurance policies it is bound to take out


    4.4.1 The Manager will prepare and submit to Formaritima at least sixty
          days prior to the commencement of marine operations a budget of marine
          related expenditures for the period of twelve calendar months
          following that commencement. At least sixty days prior to each
          anniversary of the date of aforesaid commencement, the Manager shall
          prepare and submit to Formaritima a budget of operating income and
          expenditure and any contemplated capital expenditure, for the
          following twelve months.

          Each budget shall contain sufficient detail of likely expenditure as
          will enable Formaritima to check actual costs when they are incurred
          against estimates. All assumptions shall be clearly stated. The
          budgets shall be subject to Formaritima s approval but when approved,
          Formaritima shall promptly notify the Manager thereof. Formaritima
          will provide details of costs in respect of personnel and any other
          services to be provided by Formaritima.

    4.4.2 Quarterly reports and accounts shall be presented to Formaritima as
          soon as reasonably possible after the end of each three month period
          following the commence of operations but no later than 40 calendar
          days after the end of such period.

          The quarterly report shall contain the following:

          Major repairs/capital investments. The accounts/financial reports
          shall contain the following in a format to be mutually acceptable to
          both Parties, Formaritima from time to time to provide the Manager
          with a copy of its preferred format:

                Quarterly  actual and year to date costs  compared  with the

                Description/analysis of variances actual/budget;

                Cash flow/fund requirements;

                Estimates for the year.


   4.4.3  Subject to the provisions of Clause 4.2.2 the Manager shall utilize
          funds credited to or standing in the Disbursement Account (defined in
          Clause 4.4.4 to meet the following expenses and disbursements, inter
          alia, the Operating Costs:

          -     Cost of Manager provided personnel;

          -     Travel costs for Manager provided personnel;

          -     Purchases of materials, supplies, equipment, parts and storage,
                transport and assembling thereof, and cost of subcontractors in
                connection with specific marine related assignments;

          -     Expenses incurred for keeping the Vessel in compliance with
                certification and classification requirements. This will apply
                for annual surveys only. Expenses for Special Periodic surveys
                are not included in Operating Costs but will be shown in each
                relevant budget submitted under the provisions of this

          -     Professional services for all analysis or technical assistance
                required to the extent that such services qualitatively cannot
                be performed by the Manager or the Manager s own employees;

          -     Direct   Internal   Quality  and  Safety  audit  costs  when
                carried out on board the Vessel;

          -     Customs duties, corporate taxes, withholding taxes, and other
                taxes of whatsoever nature arising solely from contracts entered
                into in respect of the Vessel and levied in jurisdictions where
                the Vessel are located from time to time and/or in connection
                with this Agreement;

          -     All other reasonable expenses and costs of similar nature which
                are budgeted and such other reasonable costs and expenses that
                the Manager in its discretion considers to be necessary to
                ensure the safety of the personnel on the Vessel itself, as well
                as mitigation of non-performance under the Charter subject to a
                limitation of US$250,000; and

          -     Insurance costs including deductibles.

   4.4.4  The Manager shall be required, pursuant to its duties under this
          Agreement, to open and keep a separate bank account in the name of
          Formaritima (the "Disbursement Account") and books, records and
          accounts relating to the marine management of the operation and marine
          maintenance of the Vessel in accordance with internationally accepted
          applicable accounting principles and in the English language. All such
          books, records, accounts and other related documents mentioned above
          shall be available to Formaritima or its appointees for inspection at
          all reasonable times. In addition to the reports referred to in Clause
          2.4.3 the Manager shall furnish to Formaritima all information
          (financial or otherwise) reasonably required throughout the year by
          Formaritima for its own accounts or audits and any assistance required
          to be given to its auditors.



    Subject always to such other instructions as Formaritima may give to the
    Manager pursuant to arrangement with the holder of the mortgage over the
    Vessel, or otherwise:

    4.5.1 Formaritima undertakes to transfer a sum of US$500,000 for the Vessel
          (the "minimum working capital") into the Disbursement Account within
          30 days prior to commencement of the services by the Manager under
          this Agreement with respect to the Vessel.

    4.5.2 The Manager will provide Formaritima not less than seven working days
          prior to the end of each month with a statement of its working capital
          requirements in respect of the Vessel and the Manager s obligations
          hereunder for the next month.

          If the funds received from the Vessel s operations are insufficient at
          any time to meet the Manager s costs, as listed under 4.4.4 and 5 or
          any other expenditure rightfully incurred, the Manager shall notify
          Formaritima of its cash requirements by giving at least ten (10)
          working days notice.

          Formaritima is obliged, at all times, to ensure that the Managers
          request for adequate working capital is met within the said notice
          period of ten (10) working days and to maintain that the minimum
          working capital balance is maintained in the Disbursement Account.

    4.5.3 Any funds credited to the Disbursement Account in excess of necessary
          working capital to meet expenses listed under Clauses 2.4.3 and 3
          shall be promptly paid over to such account as Formaritima may specify
          from to time unless Formaritima requests the Manager to temporarily
          administer such spare funds in consultation with Formaritima .

    4.5.4 The Manager will provide Formaritima on a monthly basis with copies of
          all Disbursement Account statements.

    4.5.5 Any interest earned/or payable in respect of the Disbursement Account
          shall be for the credit of the Disbursement Account.

    4.5.6 Under no circumstances shall the Manager, without the prior written
          approval of Formaritima (which approval may be withheld at
          Formaritima s sole discretion), be entitled to borrow funds or enter
          into any agreement to borrow funds in such a manner as to bind
          Formaritima PROVIDED ALWAYS that a requirement for funds to meet a
          safety obligation shall supersede this provision.


5.1 With effect from start of pre-delivery sea trials of the Vessel the Manager
    shall be paid a fee (the "Fee") of US$1,250 per day for the Vessel for the
    duration of this Agreement. The Fee shall be paid against invoice to
    Formaritima such invoice to be rendered by the tenth day of the month
    following the month in which the Fee was earned.


5.2 In the event of a sale of the Vessel and termination of this Agreement
    pursuant to Clause 7.4 and the purchaser not accepting an assignment of the
    rights and obligations of Formaritima under this Agreement, the Fee shall be
    deemed earned by the Manager and shall be paid as compensation to the
    Manager in respect of the aggregate number of days of management fee lost in
    respect of the Vessel each day between date of sale and the final day of the
    firm term of the Charter Agreement discounted at ten per cent (10%) per

5.3 In the case of a disputed invoice, Formaritima will advise the Manager of
    the item under dispute specifying the complaint within fifteen (15) days of
    receipt of such invoice but will pay the undisputed part. The disputed item
    will be paid as may be mutually agreed.

5.4 Payments shall be made to a Bank account nominated on each invoice.


6.1 Except to the extent that the Manager would be liable under Clause 5.2,
    Formaritima hereby undertakes to keep the Manager indemnified and to hold
    the Manager harmless against all actions, proceedings, claims, demands or
    liabilities whatsoever which may be brought against or incurred by the
    Manager in relation to any act or thing done or caused to be done as
    aforesaid, and against all costs, damages and expenses which the Manager may
    suffer or incur in defending or settling the same.

6.2 Subject to Clause 6.4 below, Formaritima indemnifies and holds harmless the
    Manager against all liability whatsoever, whether in law, tort or in
    contract or otherwise, and Formaritima shall be solely liable for any
    damage, loss or claim of whatsoever nature and howsoever arising, whether
    relating to the Vessel, their hirers and users (including, without prejudice
    to the generality of the foregoing, for damage to or loss of property,
    including the Vessel, and all direct and consequential loss) unless the same
    is proved to have resulted solely from the gross negligence or wilful
    default of the Manager, its employees, agents or subcontractors in which
    case the Manager s liability during any one year of the term of this
    Agreement shall not exceed the aggregate of the Fee received by the Manager
    in the preceding twelve months.

6.3 The Manager shall be under no liability whatsoever in respect of any
    consequential loss (including without prejudice to the generality of the
    foregoing liability due to detention of or delay of the Vessel or otherwise)
    arising out of or in connection with the management and/or operation of the

6.4 Liabilities Between the Parties

    6.4.1 The Manager shall hold harmless and indemnify Formaritima from and
          against all claims, costs expenses or liabilities arising from or
          connected with the performance of this Agreement in respect of:

          (i)   death of or personal  injury to any of the  personnel of the
                Manager s Group;

          (ii)  loss of or damage to the property of the Manager s Group;

          (iii) any consequential or economic loss or damage suffered by the
                Manager s Group;

          howsoever arising and irrespective of negligence or other breach of
          legal duty by Formaritima s Group.


    6.4.2 Formaritima shall hold harmless and indemnify the Manager from and
          against all claims, costs, expenses or liabilities arising from or
          connected with the performance of this Agreement in respect of:

          (i)   death of or personal injury to any of personnel of
                Formaritima s Group;

          (ii)  loss of or damage to the property of Formaritima s Group; and

          (iii) any consequential or economic loss or damage suffered by
                Formaritima s Group;

          howsoever arising and irrespective of negligence or other breach of
          legal duty by the Manager s Group.

    6.4.3 For the purposes of this Clause 6.4, Liabilities Between the Parties,
          "Formaritima s Group" means Formaritima, its associated companies,
          its other subcontractors and suppliers, Petrobras, and the officers,
          employees and agents of any of them.

    6.4.4 For the purposes of this Clause 6.4, Liabilities Between the Parties,
          "the Manager s Group" means the Manager, its associated companies, its
          subcontractors and suppliers and the officers, employees and agents of
          any of them.

    6.4.5 For the express purposes of Clause 6.4, Liabilities Between the
          Parties, of this Agreement only, Formaritima contracts on its own
          behalf and expressly as agent on behalf of and as trustee for the
          benefit of all persons who are or may be from time to time within
          Formaritima s Group and all such persons shall to this extent be
          deemed to be parties to this Agreement.

    6.4.6 For the express purposes of Clause 6.4, Liabilities Between the
          Parties, of this Agreement only, The Manager contracts on its own
          behalf and expressly as agent on behalf of and as trustee for the
          benefit of all persons who are or may be from time to time within the
          Manager s Group and all such persons shall to this extent be deemed to
          be parties to this Agreement.


    Save as is provided in Article 6.4 above, Liabilities Between the Parties,
    Formaritima shall indemnify and hold harmless the Manager from and against
    all actions, proceedings, claims, demands or liabilities whatsoever that may
    be brought by any other person against, or incurred by the Manager in
    relation to or in connection with its performance of this Agreement unless
    same has arisen from the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of the
    Manager, in which event the liability of the Manager shall be limited to the
    aggregate of the management fee received by the Manager in the preceding 12



7.1 Formaritima may terminate this Agreement at any time if:

    7.1.1 Formaritima is dissatisfied, with sound reasons, with the performance
          of the Manager because of incompetence of the Manager or
          unsatisfactory performance of its duties and obligations hereunder the
          Manager s control, and the Manager, after having been given, by
          Formaritima , written notice in which Formaritima shall have specified
          in detail the grounds for its dissatisfaction, shall fail to take
          effective steps to remedy the matters complained of within thirty days
          after the giving of the said written notice, Formaritima shall have
          the right to terminate this Agreement effective thirty (30) days after
          a date specified by Formaritima without any further compensation to
          the Manager other than any money due and owing at the date this
          Agreement is to terminate.

    7.1.2 The Manager shall go into liquidation (otherwise than voluntarily for
          the purpose of reorganisation or reconstruction), make an assignment
          for the benefit of creditors, make an arrangement, composition or
          compromise with its creditors or have a receiver or administrator
          appointed in respect of the whole or any part of its assets or shall
          otherwise be unable to pay its debts as and when they become due.

    7.1.3 The Manager ceases to carry on its business.

7.2 This Agreement shall be terminated with respect to the Vessel in the event
of the actual or constructive or compromised or arranged total loss or
requisition for title of the Vessel on the date four months after such total
loss occurs or is agreed with insurance underwriters (as the case may be, or
such other date as may be agreed).

7.3 (a) In the event of the termination of this Agreement pursuant to Clause 7.1
    or Clause 7.2, Formaritima shall pay to the Manager all such amounts to
    which the Manager may be entitled pursuant to the provisions of Clause 5.1
    as and when such amounts fall due for payment;

    (b) In addition, Formaritima shall pay such amounts (if any) as the Manager
    (notwithstanding the Manager s best efforts to minimise the effects to any
    such termination) may become legally liable to pay under any contract of
    employment or by reason of any regulation or legislation for employee
    protection to personnel who may have been employed by the Manager or its
    group companies on the Vessel to perform any part of the services to be
    provided under this Agreement and who shall become redundant as a result of
    such termination. Formaritima s exposure under this Clause 7.2.2 is limited
    to a maximum of three months  salary per employee in the employ of the
    Manager at the time of receipt of notice of termination. Formaritima is only
    responsible for any redundancy payments or equivalent for the period of time
    the Manager s personnel have been employed on the Vessel from the date of
    this Agreement and provided timely notice is issued to all affected
    personnel, Manager shall make its best efforts to assist and support
    Formaritima or Formaritima s nominee in procuring the services of such
    employees or sub-contractors as Formaritima may wish to employ.


7.4 If the Vessel is sold, Formaritima shall be entitled to terminate this
Agreement by giving notice to the Manager, such notice to expire on such date as
Formaritima may specify.

7.5 If Formaritima fails to pay the remuneration payable to the Manager within
thirty (30) days of the due date, the Manager may at any time thereafter
terminate this Agreement by thirty calendar days prior written notice to

In the event that Formaritima fails to make payment on due date to the Manager
of any moneys owing to the Manager under this Agreement, Formaritima agrees that
the amount unpaid for the time being shall bear interest at a rate of two
percentage point units above the three months  LIBOR rate as quoted in the
Financial Times on the due date.

7.6 Termination of this Agreement under any circumstances shall be without
prejudice to any outstanding claims hereunder which either Formaritima or the
Manager may have against the other.

7.7 Upon any termination of this Agreement with respect to the Vessel, the
Manager shall use its best endeavours to assist in a smooth transfer of the
Vessel to any new manager and/or Formaritima .

8.1 The rights and obligations of a Party hereunder may not be assigned without
    the prior written consent of the other Party (such consent not to be
    unreasonably withheld).

8.2 Either Party may however assign such rights to any subsidiary, affiliate or
other group company designated by it PROVIDED THAT such Party effecting the
assignment shall remain responsible for the proper performance of this

8.3 The Manager may with the approval of Formaritima , wherever necessary,
engage subcontractors on an arms length basis for the performance of specific
assignments, without thereby in any way being relieved of its responsibility for
the performance, administration and direction of these services. The indemnity
as contained in 6 above shall, as between Formaritima and the Manager, apply in
respect of actions or omissions of aforesaid sub-contractors and may be passed
on to the sub-contractor in the discretion of the Manager.

Any taxes or charges applied by local authorities in the Netherlands or the
Netherlands Antilles shall be for the Manager s account.


10.1 Each Party to this Agreement shall be relieved from complying with any term
     of this Agreement to the extent that, and only so long as, such compliance
     is prevented or delayed by force majeure, which is defined as civil or
     labour disturbances, riots, strikes (other than a strike limited to the
     employees of either Party), wars (declared or undeclared), military
     actions, insurrections, rebellion, acts of any governmental or military
     agency under actual or assumed authority, action of elements, floods, storm
     or other acts of God or any cause beyond the control of either Party,
     whether or not similar to the matters herein specifically enumerated and
     provided that the event shall not have been caused by the action or
     negligence of either of the Parties, and that the Party and/or the Parties
     affected shall do its, or their, utmost to remedy the above circumstances.

10.2 Any Party claiming force majeure shall promptly notify the other Party,
     with the evidence of the occurrence of such event.

10.3 If either Party hereto is prevented from or delayed in performing all or
     any of its obligations thereunder as a direct result of force majeure, such
     non performance shall not be considered as a breach of this Agreement and
     that Party shall be relieved from such obligation which shall suspend
     payment by the other Party for the duration of such force majeure.

10.4 Notwithstanding the foregoing to the extent that the event claimed as force
     majeure impacts upon or would impact upon the performance of any Charter
     Agreement, such event must be recognised as a force majeure event in terms
     of such Charter Agreement before it can qualify as a force majeure event

11.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in all respects in
     accordance with the laws of England.

11.2 Any dispute or difference arising in connection with this Agreement shall
     if possible be settled by mutual amicable agreement.

11.3 If any dispute should arise in connection with the interpretation and
     fulfilment of this Agreement the same shall be decided by arbitration in
     the city of London and shall be referred to a single arbitrator (an
     "Arbitrator") to be appointed by the Parties hereto. If the Parties cannot
     agree upon the appointment of the single Arbitrator the dispute shall be
     settled by three Arbitrators, each Party appointing one Arbitrator, the
     third being appointed by the Chairman of the London Maritime Arbitrators

11.4 If either of the appointed Arbitrators refuses or is incapable of acting,
     the Party who appointed him shall appoint a new Arbitrator in his place.

11.5 If one of the Parties fails to appoint an Arbitrator, either originally or
     by way of substitution, for two weeks after the other Party having
     appointed his Arbitrator has sent the Party making default notice by mail
     or facsimile to make the appointment, the Party appointing the third
     Arbitrator shall, after application from the Party having appointed his
     Arbitrator, also appoint an Arbitrator on behalf of the Party making


11.6 The award rendered by the Arbitration Court shall be final and binding upon
     the Parties and may if necessary be enforced by the Court or other
     competent authority in the same manner as a judgment in the Court of

11.7 Performance under this Agreement shall, if reasonably possible, continue
     during the Arbitration proceedings.

All information related to this Agreement, regardless of whether such
information concerns Formaritima, its clients, its associated companies, or its
contractors, shall be treated as confidential and shall not be divulged by the
Manager to any third party without the prior written consent of Formaritima .
The hereinabove obligations shall survive termination of this Agreement and
shall remain in force for so long as the information covered by confidentiality
has not otherwise become public knowledge.

13.1 All communications and notices in relation to this Agreement and
     obligations to be performed hereunder shall be in writing and delivered by
     fax or by hand and if given to Formaritima addressed to:

                                                with a copy to:

    FORMARITIMA LTD                             WESTVILLE MANAGEMENT
    c/o Arias, Fabrega & Fabrega                CORPORATION
    Omar Hodge Building                         President
    Wickham's Cay                               5847 San Felipe, Suite 3300
    Road Town, Tortola                          Houston, Texas 77057
    British Virgin Islands

    Fax: (284) 494 4980                         Fax: (713) 914-9796
    and if given to the Manager addressed to:

    K.P. van der Mandelelaan 34
    3062 MB Rotterdam (Brainpark)
    The Netherlands

    Fax: 31 10 452 81 76

13.2 Either Party may give reasonable notice to the other Parties of any change
     of address at any time.

13.3 A notice by fax shall be deemed to have been received at the time of
     dispatch provided that if the day of dispatch is not a Working Day in the
     country of the addressee or if the time of dispatch is after close of
     business in the country of the addressee, it shall be deemed to have been
     received at the opening of business on the next such Working Day.


This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties hereto and
supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements relating
directly to the subject matter of this Agreement whether written or oral. No
changes, alterations or modifications to this Agreement shall be affected unless
in writing and signed by the Parties hereto.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have signed this Agreement the day and year first
above written.

SIGNED by                    ) /s/ GERMAN EFROMOVICH
for and on behalf of         )
FORMARITIMA LTD              )
in the presence of:          ) /s/ MARCELO VIOLLAND

SIGNED by                    ) /s/ Illegible
for and on behalf of         )
in the presence of:          ) /s/ Illegible


                                   APPENDIX 1


- - -   Marine Operations and Technical Support

- - -   Logistics

- - -   Marine and Technical Personnel (as per the personnel and payment schedule
    attached as Appendix 2).

- - -   Local base  personnel for Marine  Operations  and  Technical  Support at
    industry standard dayrates

- - -   Liaison with Marine subcontractors and suppliers

- - -   Purchase of parts, services and supplies.

- - -   Procurement of Visas, work permit applications and formalities.

- - -   Assistance  and advice to  minimise  the  impact of  customs  duties and
    import taxes.

- - -   Assistance in providing Vessel insurances and settling claims


                                   APPENDIX 2


                                                             FUNCTIONS TO BE
TECHNICAL CREW                    US$ PER DAY             SUPPLIED ON BOARD (*)
- - --------------                    -----------             ---------------------

Chief Engineer                        605                          1
2nd Engineer                          503                          1
3rd Engineer                          455                          2
4th Engineer                          412                          2
Electrical Supervision                465                          1
Assistant or Rig Electrician          267                          1
Electronic Engineer                   329                          1
Rig Mechanic                          467                          1

- - -----------
Captain                               615                          1
Chief Mate                            545                          1
DP Operator                           435                          2
Warehouse Man                         431                          1
Crane Operator                        375                          1

The above dayrates are payable for each day worked on the vessel, based on a
28/28 rata.

Dayrates are inclusive of salaries, overheads and allowances, costs related to
social security and medical care.

Dayrates are exclusive of travel and accommodation related costs between the
point of origin and rig site, visa costs and personnel taxes which are or may
become applicable in Brazil. In case of delays in Brazil, all related costs
including dayrate are for Formaritima s account.

Dayrates are exclusive of any taxes in Brazil.

Dayrates are at cost and of an indicative nature only based on rates at 01/01/98
and shall be revised annually based on actual market costs of personnel.

o   The positions on board could be changed at the request of Formaritima at its
    discretion, with at least three months notice for replacement of the same.
    This should not result in an unreasonable crewing functions  mixture.
