DRILLPETRO INC.

                                     - AND -

                                 TECHDRILL INC.

                                     - AND -




THIS AGREEMENT is made the 5th day of November 1998,


      A company incorporated in the Bahamas of
      Saffrey Square
      Suite 205
      Bank Lane
      P.O. Box N 8188


      A company incorporated in the Bahamas of
      Saffrey Square
      Suite 205
      Bank Lane
      P.O. Box N 8188


      A corporation incorporated in the British Virgin Islands of
      c/o Arias Fabrega & Fabrega Trust Co
      of Omar Hodge Building
      Wickhams Cay - Road Town Tortola
      British Virgin Islands


      DRILLPETRO, TECHDRILL and WESTVILLE shall hereinafter collectively be
      known as "Shareholders" or "Parties" and individually as "Shareholder" or


(A)   The Parties have agreed to co-operate in the construction, ownership and
      operation of six dynamically positioned semi-submersible drilling units
      named or to be named "Amethyst II" through "Amethyst VII" (the "Vessels")
      through the medium of Amethyst Financial Company Ltd., a corporation
      registered in the British Virgin Islands (the "Holding Company") and its
      six wholly owned subsidiaries (the "Operating Companies").


(B)   The Parties have agreed to enter into this Agreement for the purposes of
      recording the terms and conditions of their joint venture and of
      regulating their relationship with each other and certain aspects of the
      affairs of and their dealings with the Holding Company.



      "AFFILIATE" of a Party means a company which owns, or is owned by, or
      which is owned by an entity which owns that Party; owns and owned mean in
      this definition the ownership directly or indirectly of at least 30% of
      the voting shares.

      "AMETHYST II DESIGN" means the design purchased by BiGem from De Hoop that
      will be used to construct the Vessels.

      "BUILDER(S)" means the relevant shipyard which has been selected or will
      be selected to construct each Vessel.

      "CONSTRUCTION AND SALE CONTRACT" means the contract between the Holding
      Company and each Builder for the construction and sale of the Vessel.

      "CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT ASSIGNMENT" means, where applicable, the assignment
      by the Holding Company to an Operating Company of all of the Holding
      Company's rights under the Construction and Sale Contract, including title
      to the Vessel.

      "DAY" means a calendar day.

      "EQUITY" means any and all risk bearing capital provided to the Holding
      Company by its shareholders in the form of share capital, subordinated
      loans or otherwise.

      "FORAMER" means Pride-Foramer S.A.

      "FORMARITIMA" means Formaritima Ltd., a company to be incorporated in the
      British Virgin Islands, to be a 50/50 joint venture company to be formed
      by Pride and Maritima for the provision of services to operate drilling
      and workover rigs.

      "HOLDING  COMPANY"  means  Amethyst  Financial  Company  Ltd., a company
      incorporated in the British Virgin Islands,  Arias,  Fabrega &  Fabrega,
      P.O.  Box 985,  Omar Hodge Building,  Wickhams Cay, Road Town,  Tortola,

      "LENDERS" means the financial institutions or bond purchasers which may
      finance up to 90% of the construction, equipping and mobilization cost of
      each of the Vessels and includes their respective successors in title and


      "LOAN AGREEMENT" means the pre-delivery and post-delivery loan contracts
      and indentures between the Holding Company and the Lenders and any related
      offering documents and prospectuses in respect of, inter alia, the
      financing of the construction, equipping and mobilization of the Vessels.

      "MARITIMA" means Maritima Petroleo e Engenharia Ltda., a company
      incorporated under Brazilian Laws; of Avenida Almirante Barroso, 52, 3400
      GR, 20031-000 Centro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

      "OPERATING COMPANIES" means Petrodrill Two Limited, Petrodrill Three
      Limited, Petrodrill Four Limited, Petrodrill Five Limited, Petrodrill Six
      Limited and Petrodrill Seven Limited, each a corporation registered in the
      British Virgin Islands and each a wholly owned subsidiary of the
      Holding Company.

      "THE PETROBRAS  CHARTER" means the relevant  Charter  Agreement  between
      Maritima  and  Petroleo  Brasileiro  S.A.  (hereinafter  referred  to as
      Petrobras  ) for the  provision  of each  Vessel,  as  assigned or to be
      assigned  in  respect  of the rights  and  obligations  to the  relevant
      Operating Company.

      "PETRODRILL ENGINEERING" means Petrodrill Engineering N.V., a company
      incorporated in the Netherlands Antilles under registration number 77521
      with its registered office at Anthony Veder Building, Kaya Jacob Posner,
      Willemstad, Curacao, acting as construction manager on behalf of the
      relevant Project Company during the period of construction of the Vessels.

      "PROJECT" means all arrangements, including all financing arrangements
      with the Lenders, by the Parties to have the Vessels constructed and
      delivered to the Operating Companies for the purpose of performing the
      Petrobras Charters.

      "PROJECT COMPANIES" means the Holding Company and the Operating Companies.

      "PROJECT GROUP" means the Holding Company, BiGem and Petrodrill

      "RELATED AGREEMENTS" means all the following agreements with regard to
      each Vessel:-

      (i)    Local Services Agreement between Maritima and Formaritima.

      (ii)   Management Agreement between Formaritima and the Holding Company
             (the "Formaritima Management Agreement").

      (iii)  Technical Services Agreement between Foramer and Formaritima N.V.

      (iv)   Agreement between Scheepswerf De Hoop Lobith B.V. ("DeHoop") and
             BiGem Holdings N.V. ("BiGem").


      (v)    Construction Management Agreement between the Holding Company and
             Petrodrill Engineering B.V.

      (vi)   Shareholders Agreement for BiGem among Westville, Drillpetro and

      (vii)  Marine and Nautical Services Agreement between the Holding Company
             and a third party.

      (viii) Supply Agreement between Petrodrill Engineering and Foramer.

      (ix)   Supply Agreement between Petrodrill Engineering and Maritima.

      (x)    Supply Agreement between Petrodrill Engineering and a third party.

      (xi)   Licencing Agreement between BiGem and the Holding Company together

      (i)    Shareholders Agreement for Petrodrill Engineering among Westville,
             Drillpetro and Techdrill.

      (ii)   Shareholder s Agreement for Formaritima between Westville and

      (iii)  Matters Relating to the Petrobras Amethyst Contracts.

      (iv)   Agency Agreement between the Holding Company and Barrier Enterprise
             and Rapisardi Investments Ltd.

      "VESSEL(S)" means semi-submersible dynamically positioned drilling or
      workover units to be owned by the Operating Companies for the purpose of
      the Project and built using the DeHoop Amethyst II Design licensed to the
      Holding Company by BiGem.


      This Agreement shall be effective as at the date hereof


      The Shareholders hereby enter into this Agreement for the purpose of
      managing and operating their joint venture through the Holding Company,
      the main objects being to ensure that the Holding Company purchases, owns
      and operates the Vessels, directly or through the Operating Companies, for
      not only the initial purpose of making them available for performance
      under the Petrobras Charters, but also thereafter, always in the best
      interests of the Holding Company.



4.1   Upon effectiveness the authorised share capital of the Holding Company
      will be US$1,000 with US$1,000 paid up and divided into 1,000 ordinary
      shares of US$1 each.

      On Completion the Shareholders shall acquire, subscribe and pay up in full
      for cash at par for shares in the Holding Company so that their respective
      legal and beneficial ownership of ordinary shares shall be:

      DRILLPETRO: a Fifty-five per cent (55%) interest in the Holding Company;

      TECHDRILL: a Fifteen per cent (15%) interest in the Holding Company; and

      WESTVILLE: a Thirty per cent (30%) interest in the Holding Company.

      The appropriate share certificates shall be issued by the Holding Company
      in favour of each of the Shareholders.

4.2   Any increase or decrease in the authorised or issued share capital of the
      Holding Company shall be decided by the unanimous consent of the
      Shareholders. Increases shall be contributed to by the Shareholders in
      full and in cash, in the same proportions as they are required to
      contribute to the initial issued capital of the Holding Company pursuant
      to Clause 4.1 above, unless the Shareholders unanimously agree otherwise
      in writing.

4.3   No capital as aforesaid shall carry interest for the Shareholders, nor
      shall it be withdrawn by the Shareholders once deposited, except with the
      unanimous written consent of the Shareholders and the approval by any
      appropriate regulatory authority.


5.1   Each Shareholder shall contribute to the capital/operating budget of the
      Holding Company, in proportion to its respective shareholding, those
      amounts stipulated in Appendix 1 through Appendix 6 hereto. The
      Shareholders undertake to advance such amounts on the dates/times
      stipulated in the said Appendix, and in any event within ten (10) Days of
      such date/time.

5.2   Each Shareholder shall also contribute to any overruns in the
      capital/operating budget of the Holding Company as and when the same shall
      become necessary, in the same manner as for the capital/operating budget
      referred to in Clause 5.1 above, save that such contributions shall be
      made within ten (10) Days of notice having been given by the Board of
      Directors of the Holding Company of the amount required. In the event of a
      failure of the Board of Directors to give such notice, the General
      Assembly acting by simple majority, may issue the said notice.


5.3   If each of the Parties complies with their obligations under Clauses 5.1
      and 5.2 hereof on the dates and at the times specified therein then the
      amounts advanced by each of the Parties shall be treated as subordinated
      loans repayable only following amortisation of any outstanding amounts
      owing to any applicable financing institutions PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT if one
      or more of the Parties fails to comply with its obligations under Clause
      5.1 or Clause 5.2 then any contributions made by the performing Parties
      pursuant to the provisions of Clause 5.1 and Clause 5.2 above shall be
      made in return for the issue of further shares in the Holding Company and
      shall not be interest bearing.

5.4   In the event that one or more Parties fails to advance the amounts
      required on the dates and at the times on which such contributions are
      required to be made (or within the grace period referred to in Clause 5.1
      or 5.2 hereof) then the Parties performing their obligations under this
      Clause 5 shall be entitled within a further period of ten (10) Days to
      contribute towards the outstanding amount in proportion to their
      respective shareholding whereupon the number of shares which would have
      been issued to the Party concerned shall be allocated to those Parties
      performing their obligations under this Clause 5 in proportion to their
      existing shareholding.

5.5   All amounts required by the Holding Company in respect of its capital and
      operational needs, as approved from time to time by the Board of Directors
      of the Holding Company shall be incorporated in the Budget.


      The profits or loss for each financial year of the Holding Company shall
      be determined by audited financial statements drawn up in accordance with
      US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and practices (US GAAP) and
      shall be submitted for approval by the Shareholders in Annual General


7.1   Proper books of accounts of the Holding Company shall be maintained in
      accordance with US GAAP approved by its auditors for the time being. All
      such books of account shall be made available for inspection at all
      reasonable times by a Shareholder or its authorised representative.

7.2   The financial year of the Holding Company shall run from January 1st
      through to December 31st. The first financial year, however, shall
      commence upon the date of incorporation of the Holding Company.

      Financial statements (balance sheet and profit/loss account) shall be
      prepared within three months of the end of each financial year. Forthwith
      thereafter such statements shall be audited by the auditors for the
      Holding Company and upon approval of the same by the Board of Directors
      shall be submitted to the Shareholders in Annual General Assembly and upon
      approval by the Shareholders become binding on the Shareholders (except


      a Shareholder shall be entitled to require the rectification of any
      manifest error discovered therein within three months of the date on which
      such accounts were certified by the auditors and submitted by the Board of
      Directors to the Shareholders in Annual General Meeting).

      Ninety percent (90%) of the profits shown in an audited profit and loss
      account and available for distribution shall unless otherwise required by
      loan covenants of the Holding Company be distributed to the Shareholders
      following approval by the Holding Company's auditors of the relevant
      audited accounts and 10% shall not be distributed. The Shareholders
      recognise that until the Lenders have been repaid under the Loan
      Agreements no distribution shall be made to the Shareholders.


      Bank accounts shall be opened in London and elsewhere as decided by the
      Management Committee and pursuant to a Resolution of the Board of
      Directors and maintained in the name of the Holding Company in which shall
      be placed all sums received by the Holding Company and from which all
      disbursements on behalf of the Holding Company shall be made.

      The signatories to the accounts shall be appointed by the Board of
      Directors and all financial transactions above such amount as may from
      time to time be specified by the Board of Directors will require 3
      authorised signatories, one to be appointed by each of the Shareholders.

      Closing of bank accounts shall take place exclusively pursuant to a
      decision to that effect by the Management Committee and a Resolution of
      the Board of Directors.


      The auditors of the Holding Company shall be a firm of accountants of
      international standing decided upon by the Management Committee and
      appointed by the Board of Directors.


      Any Shareholder holding a 5% or greater interest in the Holding Company
      may require a Shareholders Meeting at any time to be held by providing 7
      days prior written notice of same. A unanimous written resolution of the
      Shareholders shall be as effective as a resolution adopted at a meeting of
      the Shareholders. No business shall be transacted at any General Assembly
      Meeting of the Shareholders nor shall any resolutions be passed there
      unless one representative of each of the Shareholders is present PROVIDED
      ALWAYS that if the absence of one or more representatives of each
      shareholder prevents the passing of any resolution, then those
      representatives present may reconvene the meeting in question at the same
      location and on a date falling not earlier than 10 days nor


      later than 30 days after the date of the failed meeting and shall give
      notice of such reconvened meeting to all the shareholders and of the
      agenda, proposed therefor, including all resolutions proposed for adoption
      at such meeting which shall be the same as the resolutions proposed for
      passing at the failed meeting. At such reconvened meeting the members
      present shall be entitled to deal with all items of business on the agenda
      and pass the resolutions proposed for such reconvened meeting provided
      that the members representing the majority of the issued shares in the
      Holding Company vote in favour of such resolution.


10.1  Subject as herein otherwise provided, the Shareholders shall delegate to
      the Board of Directors the overall supervision and control of the Holding
      Company and all the powers requisite and necessary to enable the said
      Board of Directors to carry out its duties in that regard. The Board shall
      meet at least once every two months during the construction of the Vessel
      and at least once every three months thereafter.

      Subject to Clause 10.2 decisions in respect of the supervision and control
      of the Holding Company shall be shall be taken by way of a simple majority
      of the shares held in the Holding Company as voted by the holding

      In the event of a disagreement concerning a matter proposed by one or more
      shareholder(s) constituting a majority of the shares in the Holding
      Company and provided that the matter does not require unanimity of the
      Board of Directors per Clause 10.2 below, then the matter will be resolved
      in the following order:

      1.    The Parties will further discuss and use their best efforts to reach
            a consensus the matter within 5 business days; or

      2.    Failing agreement under 1 above, the Party or Parties proposing the
            matter for decision will withdraw the proposal and/or modify it to
            the satisfaction of the disagreeing Party; or

      3.    Failing  resolution  after 2 above  within a period of  5 business
            days,  any  disagreeing  Party will, at its option,  either accept
            the  proposed  matter or have the right to  exercise  a put option
            over its  interest in the Holding  Company to the Party or Parties
            proposing the matter whereupon the Party or Parties  proposing the
            matter  will be obliged to  purchase  the  disagreeing  Party's or
            Parties' interest.  The put option price will be the  aggregate of
            (a) the  amount  paid by the  disagreeing  party for its shares in
            the  Holding  Company  and (b) the  principal  amount  outstanding
            under  any  shareholders  loan  of the  disagreeing  Party  to the
            Holding Company and (c) 12%  interest per annum accrued on (a) and

      For the avoidance of doubt, any dispute regarding the financing of the
      construction of the Vessel shall be dealt with under this Clause 10.1.


10.2  The Shareholders shall exercise all voting rights and other powers of
      control available to them in relation to the Holding Company so as to
      procure (insofar as they are able by the exercise of such rights and
      powers) that the Holding Company shall not, without the unanimous consent
      of the Board of Directors:

      (a)   enter into or agree to any variation, amendments, cancellation or
            termination to the Related Agreements or any of them or the
            Petrobras Charters;

      (b)   create any fixed or floating charge or debenture, lien (other than a
            lien arising by operation of law) or other encumbrance over the
            whole or any part of the undertaking, property or assets of the
            Holding Company except for the purpose of securing the indebtedness
            of the Company to its bankers/lenders for sums borrowed in the
            ordinary course of business or in connection with the initial
            financing of the construction of the Vessels;

      (c)   borrow any sum (except from the Holding Company's bankers in the
            ordinary and proper course of business or in connection with the
            initial finance of the construction of the Vessels) in excess of a
            maximum aggregate sum outstanding at any time of US$500,000;

      (d)   give any guarantee or indemnity to secure the liabilities or
            obligations of any person other than in the ordinary course of

      (e)   sell, transfer, lease, assign or otherwise dispose of a material
            part of the undertaking, property and/or assets of the Holding
            Company or contract so to do;

      (f)   engage any new employees at remuneration which could exceed the rate
            of US$125,000 per annum;

      (g)   alter any rights attaching to any class of share in the capital of
            the Holding Company;

      (h)   consolidate, sub-divide or convert any of the Holding Company's
            share capital or in any way alter the rights attaching thereto;

      (i)   issue renounceable allotment letters or permit any person entitled
            to receive an allotment of shares to nominate another person to
            receive such allotment except on terms that no such renunciation or
            nomination shall be registered unless the renounces or person
            nominated is approved by the Board of Directors; or

      (j)   create,  acquire or dispose of any  subsidiary or of any shares in
            any subsidiary;

      (k)   enter into any partnership or profit sharing agreement with any


      (l)   do or permit to be done any act or thing whereby the Holding Company
            may be wound up (whether voluntarily or compulsorily) save as
            otherwise expressly provided for in this Agreement;

      (m)   issue any securities convertible into shares or debentures or any
            share warrants or any options in respect of shares;

      (n)   acquire, purchase or subscribe for any shares, debentures, mortgages
            or securities (or any interest therein) in any company, trust or
            other body;

      (o)   appoint or dismiss any Director but without prejudice to the rights
            conferred on each of the Shareholders pursuant to Clause 10.3 to
            appoint and remove Directors;

      (p)   create any contract or obligation to pay money or money's worth to
            any Shareholder or to any Affiliate of such Shareholder or to any
            other subsidiary of such Affiliate or to any person as a nominee or
            associate of any such Shareholder (including any renewal thereof or
            any variation in the terms of any existing contract or obligation);

      (q)   issue any shares, options, warrants, rights of pre-emption or any
            similar rights otherwise than pursuant to the provisions of Clause

      (r)   carry on any business or activity other than the construction,
            ownership, chartering and operation of the Vessel;

      (s)   make any loans; or

      (t) pass any resolutions altering the Holding Company's Statutes.


      Unless and until the Shareholders shall otherwise unanimously agree to the
      contrary, the Board of Directors shall consist of four (4) persons of whom
      two shall be appointed by Drillpetro and one each shall be appointed by
      and represent Techdrill and Westville. Each Shareholder may at any time
      and from time to time by notice in writing to the others revoke the
      appointment of the Director(s) appointed by it and appoint another person
      in his place, and the Shareholders agree to use all their votes in General
      Meeting to procure such appointment or revocation in accordance herewith.


      The first members of the Board of Directors of the Holding Company under
      this joint venture shall be appointed by the Shareholders within 15 days
      of the signing hereof



      Each of the Shareholders may appoint any person (including a person who is
      already a Director) to be the alternate of a Director appointed by it.

      An alternate who is also a Director in his own right shall be entitled
      when acting as an alternate to a separate vote on behalf of the Director
      whom he represents in addition to his own vote. A Shareholder may at any
      time revoke the appointment of an alternate appointed by it and appoint
      another person in his place. An alternate shall cease to be an alternate
      upon the revocation of the appointment of the Director for whom he acts as


      All appointments and revocations of appointment of Directors and their
      alternates shall be notified in writing by the Shareholder(s) making or
      revoking the same to the other Shareholders.


      The Board of Directors shall meet at least once in every financial year.
      The Board shall be convened by the President (or his alternate) either on
      his own initiative or at the request of any other member of the Board of
      Directors or a Shareholder on 7 days written notice to all Directors.
      Meetings shall be held at the principal place of business of the Holding
      Company or at such other place or places as the Board of Directors shall
      decide. The meeting of the Board of Directors shall be chaired by a
      Director nominated by Drillpetro. The Board shall keep and maintain in
      writing minutes of its meetings and a record of all decisions taken
      thereat, which, minutes shall be signed by the President and those
      Directors or their alternates who attended the meeting.

      The language used in the meeting of the Board of Directors shall be
      English and all minutes and covering letters shall be written in English.
      The Directors/Officers of the Holding Company shall, unless otherwise
      agreed in writing, be entitled to no remuneration or fees and shall not be
      entitled to charge the Holding Company with any travelling, accommodation
      and other expenses incurred by them in connection with the meetings of the
      Holding Company.

10.8  QUORUM

      Every Director for the time being shall be entitled to receive 7 days
      written notice of and to attend any meeting of the Board of Directors
      unless notice is waived in writing by all the Directors entitled to attend
      and vote. No such meeting shall be validly held unless attended by all
      four Directors or their alternates.


10.9  VOTES

      A decision of the Board of Directors shall be by resolution of the
      Directors passed (unless the provisions of Clause 10.10 shall apply) at a
      duly constituted Board Meeting. A meeting for which the 7 days notice
      period has not been observed (whether waived in writing in accordance with
      Clause 10.8 or not) but at which all Directors either personally or
      through their alternates are present may pass valid resolutions. However,
      a Director, or an alternate thereof, shall not be eligible to vote at a
      meeting of the Board of Directors until and unless the Shareholder whom he
      represents has contributed in full that amount of other capital
      contribution from time to time required to be deposited by such
      Shareholder pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement.

      Subject to the provisions of Clause 10.2 above, a resolution of the Board
      of Directors shall be valid if the majority of the votes validly cast on
      such resolution at the meeting are in favour thereof after following the
      procedures set forth in Clause 10. 1.


      Without the Directors meeting as provided in Clause 10.9 above, an
      unanimous resolution confirmed in writing by all the Directors or their
      alternates shall be as effective as a resolution adopted at a meeting of
      the Board of Directors.


11.1  The Shareholders may form a management committee (the "Management
      Committee") to supervise the operations in connection with the
      construction of the Vessel and subsequent operations. Each Party will
      appoint one representative to the Management Committee and each
      representative will have one vote. The Management Committee will meet at
      least once every two months during the construction of the Vessel and once
      every six months during the duration of the Petrobras Charter and
      subsequent drilling contracts. All decisions of the Management Committee
      shall be unanimous. In the event of deadlock in the Management Committee
      the matter will be referred to the board of the Holding Company for


12.1  Each Shareholder warrants its power and authority to enter into this
      Agreement and agrees and undertakes with the other Shareholders that:

      12.1.1Save as may otherwise be agreed in writing between the Shareholders
            or specifically provided in this Agreement, it will not without the
            prior written approval of the other Shareholders, sell, mortgage,
            charge, assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of its interests in
            this Agreement or in the Holding Company.


      12.1.2Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 12.1.1 hereof, a
            Shareholder may transfer to an Affiliate all of its rights duties
            and obligations under and pursuant to this Agreement provided that
            the assigning Shareholder shall throughout the duration of this
            Agreement remain primarily liable for proper performance by its

12.2  The Shareholders shall keep strictly secret and confidential and shall not
      disclose or communicate to any third party whatsoever any technical,
      economic, financial, commercial or other information whether or not
      acquired in an official manner from the other Shareholders or from the
      Holding Company except if the disclosure of such information is expressly
      permitted by this Agreement or required by law.

      The Shareholders also undertake not to use for themselves or for other
      activities the information obtained from the other Shareholder(s) or from
      the Holding Company without the prior written approval of the Party from
      whom the information was obtained and each of the Shareholders undertakes
      to obtain from their employees having access to such information any
      undertaking to respect the same secrecy obligation.

      The secrecy obligations arising from this Clause 12.2 do not apply to
      information which is or which may become public or which was already known
      to the Shareholder(s) when the information was transmitted or which has
      been received by a third party having power to disclose it.

      The secrecy obligations provided hereinabove will apply after the expiry
      or the termination of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever during the
      period of 5 years under the same conditions as those applying during the
      term of this Agreement.

12.3  The Shareholders shall use their best endeavours to develop the activities
      of the Holding Company and to further its goodwill within the framework of
      the laws and regulations applicable to the Holding Company and in the
      spirit of co-operation which forms the basis of this Agreement.


      Each shareholder (the "Non Performing Shareholder") agrees to indemnify
      the other Shareholder or Shareholders ("the Performing Shareholder(s)") in
      the event of nonperformance or partial performance by the Non Performing
      Shareholder of any obligation undertaken towards the Lenders under any
      guarantee if the other shareholder or shareholders voluntarily or by
      virtue of any counter indemnity or counter guarantee given by it or them
      to the Lenders performs the obligation on behalf of the Non Performing



13.1  The Parties agree that one or a combination of the following exit
      mechanisms could apply for the realisation of their investments in the
      Holding Company:

      (a)   the sale of any Vessel and/or all the shares in the Holding Company
            to a third party.

      (b)   the purchase by Westville or its nominee of the interests of
            Drillpetro and Techdrill in any Vessel or in the Holding Company,

      (c)   the flotation of the Holding Company on a public market; and/or

      (d)   the exchange of the interests held in the Holding Company by
            Drillpetro and Techdrill for shares in Pride International at terms
            to be agreed and based on industry practice.

      The exit mechanisms to come into effect as and from September 2001. In the
      event, of a difference of opinion as to the optimum exit strategy, the
      Parties agree to appoint Jefferies and Company, Inc., investment bankers,
      to provide advice on the various alternatives in order to maximise each of
      the Shareholders short term return on investment giving priority to
      liquidity. Except as otherwise provided herein and unless otherwise
      advised by Jefferies and Company, Inc., disposition or reduction by a
      Shareholder of its interest in the Holding Company shall not affect the
      rights and obligations of any party to the Formaritima Management

13.2  Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, Foramer and
      Maritima shall at all times each have preemption purchase rights to
      purchase the others or the others Affiliates direct or indirect
      interests or beneficial interests in the Project Companies and the Joint
      Venture in accordance with the procedure in Clause 14.


14.1  Save where the transfer of shares and quasi equity (the Interest is not
      authorized pursuant to Clause 12 for a given period as defined therein,
      any Shareholder may be authorized to seek to dispose of all its Interest -
      and not only part of it - to a non Affiliate, by the remaining
      Shareholders under the following conditions and procedure.

      FIRST, the Shareholder wishing to dispose of all its Interest must have
      received from a bona fide non Affiliate an offer to buy all of its
      Interest in the Holding Company together with an acceptance to be bound by
      all the terms and conditions of this Agreement including where relevant
      the performance of any guarantee or other outstanding obligation, which is
      due by the Shareholder wishing to sell by way of substitution of guarantee
      or Counter Guarantee Indemnity (if approved by the Lenders).


      SECOND, upon receipt of such offer the Shareholder wishing to sell shall
      inform forthwith the Holding Company and each Shareholder in writing
      ("Transfer Notice") of its intention to dispose of all its Interest in the
      Holding Company together with the sale price and conditions of sale, the
      name and particulars of the non Affiliate ready to purchase and request
      authorisation to do so.

      THIRD, the other Shareholders shall have a period of 21 days to consider
      the proposed sale of Interest. At the expiry of the said 21 days period,
      each of the other Shareholders shall notify to the Shareholder wishing to
      sell their decision either approving the sale, in which case the sale
      shall proceed subject to the non Affiliate entering into a Deed of
      Adherence in the agreed form given in Appendix 2, or disapproving the sale
      to the non Affiliate.

      FOURTH, in the case where all of the other Shareholders disapprove of the
      sale, these other Shareholders shall be obliged to purchase all of the
      Interest of the disposing Shareholder at the conditions specified in the
      offer of the non Affiliate - the sale to the remaining shareholders shall
      be done prorata with their existing Interest in the Holding Company.
      Should not all of the other Shareholders accept to purchase the offered
      Interest, it shall be sold to the accepting Shareholder in exchange for
      payment of the sale price in full.

      However, should the accepting Shareholder not be prepared to take all of
      the offered Interest, the offering Shareholder will be permitted to sell
      all of its Interest only to the non Affiliate who made the original bona
      fide offer.

      FIFTH, the sale to the incoming Shareholder shall only be registered in
      the Register of Shareholders of the Holding Company when payment has been
      made in full and the Deed of Adherence entered into and the documentation
      relating to outstanding obligations of the disposing Shareholder have been
      transferred to the acquiring Shareholder and have been completed and are
      in force.

14.2  Provided always that where the Loan Agreements restricts in any way and
      whatever form such transfer of Interest, the Shareholders shall not (i)
      transfer their Interest without prior written approval from the Lenders
      and (ii) do anything which may cause an Event of Default under the Loan


      If at any time any Shareholder shall become bankrupt or go into
      receivership, administration or liquidation whether compulsory or
      voluntary or enter into any scheme of arrangement or composition with its
      creditors (except for the purpose of a bona fide reconstruction or
      amalgamation) then its interest in the Holding Company shall be disposed
      of in accordance with the procedure set out in Clause 14 unless that
      procedure cannot, in law, be followed.



16.1  This Clause shall apply in any case where a matter relating to the affairs
      of the Holding Company has been considered by the Board of Directors but
      the Board of Directors is unable to reach a unanimous decision where
      required by Clause 10.2, on the matter or in the event that a meeting of
      the Board of Directors has been convened in accordance with 10.7 herein
      and no quorum in accordance with 10.8 has been achieved at said meeting or
      subsequent reconvened meeting called within the next 10 Days. Any such
      case is hereinafter referred to as a "deadlock". For purposes of this
      Clause 16, Drillpetro and Techdrill shall be deemed to be one Shareholder
      for as long as they are under common control.

16.2  In any case of deadlock, each of the Shareholders shall within seven (7)
      Days of such deadlock having arisen or become apparent, cause its
      appointees on the Board of Directors to prepare and circulate to the other
      Shareholders and other Directors a memorandum or other form of statement
      setting out its position on the matter in dispute and its reasons for
      adopting such position. Each such memorandum or statement shall be
      considered by the Managing Director (or equivalent officer) of each
      Shareholder then holding office who shall respectively use their
      reasonable endeavours to resolve such dispute. If they agree upon a
      resolution or disposition of the matter they shall jointly execute a
      statement setting forth the terms of such resolution or disposition and
      the Shareholders shall exercise the voting rights and other powers of
      control available to them in relation to the Holding Company to procure
      that such resolution or disposition is fully and promptly carried into

16.3  If the dispute has not been resolved in accordance with the provisions set
      out above within fifteen (15) Days after delivery of the memorandum or
      statement mentioned herein or such longer period as the Shareholders may
      agree in writing then any Shareholder (the "Offeror") may serve a notice
      in writing (the "Offer Notice") on both of the other Shareholders (the
      "Offerees") of its desire to resolve the position by offering to sell its
      Shares (the "Offerors Shares") to the Offerees pro-rata to each of the
      Offerees participation in the Holding Company or, failing which, to
      purchase one or both of the Offerees, Shares at the same price.

16.4  The Offer Notice shall be expressed to:

      (i)   constitute an offer, open for acceptance by each Offeree for 90 Days
            from the date of service of the Offer Notice ("Offeree Purchase
            Period") by the Offeror to sell at a specified price (the "Sale
            Price") (but on no other conditions) all (but not some only) of the
            Offeror's Shares to each of the Offerees pro-rata to the Offerees
            participation in the Holding Company;

      (ii)  constitute an Offer by the Offeror to purchase all (but not some
            only) of each of the Offeree's Shares at the Sale Price in
            accordance with the provisions of this paragraph on the business day
            (as defined in Clause 20.3) falling 30 Days after the


            end of the Offeree Purchase Period provided that such Offeree has
            not exercised its right to purchase the Offerors Shares before the
            end of the Offeree Purchase Period; and

      (iii) be irrevocable without the written consent of all Shareholders.

16.5  Each Offeree may at any time before the expiry of the Offeree Purchase
      Period serve notice in writing upon the Offeror of its desire to purchase
      all (but not some only) of the Offeror's Shares offered to it at the Sale
      Price (the "Offeree Purchase Notice") which may not be expressed to be
      subject to the fulfillment of any conditions whatsoever. Upon service of
      an Offeree Purchase Notice on the Offeror, the Offeror shall be bound to
      sell, and the Offeree shall be bound to purchase, all the Offerors Shares
      offered to it at the Sale Price, which the Offeror shall transfer free
      from all claims, equities, liens and encumbrances together with all rights
      attached thereto,

16.6  If either Offeree does not serve an Offeree Purchase Notice before the
      expiry of the Offeree Purchase Period, it shall be deemed to have declined
      the offer constituted by the Offer Notice to sell the Offeror Shares to
      the Offeree and such Offeree shall be bound to sell, and the Offeror shall
      be bound to purchase, all such Offeree's Shares at the Sale Price and
      which such Offeree shall transfer free from all claims, equities, liens,
      charges and encumbrances together with all rights attached thereto.

16.7  Completion of any sales and purchases contemplated by this Clause 16 shall
      take place within fourteen Days of such sale and purchase obligation
      becoming binding as above written and the selling party(ies) shall deliver
      to the purchasing party(ies) executed transfer(s) and documents of title
      in exchange for a banker's draft drawn on a first class U.S. bank for an
      amount equal to the relevant Sale Price. Each of the Shareholders appoints
      the other Shareholders irrevocably and by way of security for the
      performance of their respective obligations under this Clause 16 its
      attorney to execute any necessary document required to be executed by it
      under the provision of this Clause 16.

16.8  In the event that more than one Offer Notice is served, the notice first
      served shall prevail. In the event that more than one Offer Notice is
      served simultaneously, then the Offer Notice with the higher Sale Price
      shall prevail.

16.9  In the event that, at the time of any failure to find a resolution or
      disposition in accordance with sub-clause 16.3 above, there are only two
      Shareholders, the provisions of this Clause 16 shall apply mutatis

16.10 In the event that a Party, pursuant to the provisions of this Clause 16 or
      those of Clause 14 (Transfer of Shares), has disposed or is disposing of
      the whole of its interest in the Holding Company (the "Disposing Party"),
      then if the Disposing Party has during the course of its participation in
      the joint venture been required to provide to any Lender or Lenders
      guarantee(s) of the performance by the Holding Company of any of its
      obligations under any loan or security documentation executed in favour of


      Lender(s) or any counter indemnities in favour of any third party(ies) and
      such guarantee(s) or counter indemnities is/are still outstanding and in
      full force and effect at the time of the disposition by the Disposing
      Party of its interest in the Holding Company, then at the option of the
      Disposing Party and having regard to the requirements of any Lender(s),

      (i)   the  acquirer of such  interest  from the  Disposing  Party or the
            remaining      Shareholder(s)      shall     issue     replacement
            guarantee(s)/counter  indemnities in favour of and satisfactory to
            such  Lender(s)/third  party(ies)  on  the  same  terms  as  those
            guarantee(s)/counter   indemnities  originally  provided  to  such
            Lender(s)/third   party(ies)   by  the   Disposing   Party   whose
            guarantee(s)/counter  indemnities shall then be deemed terminated;

      (ii)  the acquirer of such interest or the remaining Shareholder(s) shall
            be obliged to procure the issue of an indemnity in favour of the
            Disposing Party and its Affiliate(s) in respect of such
            guarantee(s)/counter indemnities by a company of substance or
            reputable bank or lending institution acceptable to the Disposing
            Party and in a form reasonably satisfactory to the Disposing Party.

16.11 In the event that a Party, has pursuant to the provisions of this Clause
      16 or those of Clause 14, disposed of the whole of its Interest in the
      Holding Company, that Party shall be entitled to receive for the benefit
      of its relevant Affiliate from the acquirer or acquirers of aforesaid
      interest an early termination fee for termination of management (if that
      occurs) equal to the aggregate of the number of Days of management fee
      lost between date of transfer of sale of shares and the final date of the
      firm term of the Charter discounted at ten per cent (10%) per annum.


17.1  Upon the dissolution of the Holding Company pursuant to this Agreement the
      Shareholders shall each forthwith account to the Holding Company for any
      unpaid capital or other indebtedness owing by them to the Holding Company
      and the assets of the Holding Company shall be applied and distributed in
      the following manner and order of distribution:

      17.1.1   To the payment of all debts and liabilities (if any) of the
               Holding Company exclusive of capital contributions of the

      17.1.2   To the repayment to the Shareholders rateably of the net amount
               of capital contributed by the Shareholders and which has not
               already been withdrawn; and

      17.1.3   The surplus, if any, of the assets then remaining shall be
               divided between the Shareholders in accordance with the
               proportions in which they contributed to the capital at the time
               immediately prior to liquidation.


      17.1.4   All accounting decisions and accounting of termination shall be
               in accordance with US GAAP approved or adopted by the auditors
               for the time being of the Holding Company.

      17.1.5   Nothing in this Clause 17 shall be deemed a satisfaction, waiver
               or discharge of any claims or causes of action by one Shareholder
               against the others except to the extent that the same may have
               been agreed as having been taken into account in any computation
               or adjustment made pursuant to this Clause.


      Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as constituting the
      Shareholders the partners of each other, nor as restricting the
      Shareholders (or any of them) in the conduct of their separate businesses.


19.1  The Shareholders shall each bear all legal fees and other expenses
      incurred by them in negotiating this Agreement.

19.2  During the construction of the Vessel each Shareholder shall invoice the
      Holding Company at an agreed rate of US$150,000 per annum (pro rated for
      partial years) in respect of its internal administration costs etc in
      relation to its support to the Holding Company.

20.   NOTICE

      Any notice or communication required pursuant to this Agreement shall be
      in writing and shall be deemed to have been sufficiently given or made:

20.1  On the next business day after the same shall have been delivered by hand
      to the relevant Shareholder(s) against receipt at the addresses specified
      below or immediately if sent by fax:

      The addresses for service shall be as follows:

      (a)   in the case of DRILLPETRO
            Saffrey Square
            Suite 205
            Bank Lane
            P O Box N8188
            Nassau Bahamas
            Fax: 44 1481 710254


      (b)   in the case of TECHDRILL
            Saffrey Square
            Suite 205
            Bank Lane
            P O Box N8188
            Nassau Bahamas
            Fax: 44 1481 710254

      (c)   in the case of WESTVILLE                      WITH A COPY TO:
            c/o Arias Fabrega & Fabrega Trust Co     Pride International, Inc.
            Omar Hodge Building                      President
            Wickhams Cay                             5847 San Felipe, Suite 3300
            Road Town                                Houston, Texas 77057
            Tortola                                  Fax: 1 713 914 9796
            British Virgin Islands
            Fax: 1809 494 4980

20.2  A Shareholder may from time to time notify to the others within five Days
      prior notice of a change of address and/or fax. Any notice sent by fax
      shall also be promptly confirmed by prepaid registered mail.

20.3  For the purpose of Clause 20.1 "business day" shall be a day on which
      Banks and similar financial institutions are open for business in the
      United States of America, England, France and Brazil.


21.1  The Shareholders may waive specifically but only in writing, any breaches
      of this Agreement, but no such waiver shall be deemed to constitute a
      waiver of similar, subsequent or other breaches.

21.2  No alterations to the provisions of this Agreement shall be effected
      unless made in writing duly executed by or on behalf of each of the

21.3  Each Shareholder shall at all times execute such further documents and
      carry out such further actions as may be requisite for giving full effect
      to the provisions of this Agreement.

21.4  The clause and other headings contained in this Agreement are for
      reference only and shall not affect its interpretation.

21.5  The provisions of this Agreement shall prevail over any provision of the
      constitution of the Holding Company and each Shareholder undertakes to do
      whatever is required to give effect to that intention.



22.1  This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in all respects in
      accordance with the laws of England,

22.2  Subject to the provisions of Clause 5 and Clause 16 hereof any dispute or
      difference arising in connection with this Agreement shall if possible be
      settled by mutual amicable agreement.

22.3  Should such settlement not be possible the dispute or difference shall be
      referred to Arbitration in London in accordance with the provisions of the
      Arbitration Act 1996 and any statutory modifications or re-enactments
      thereof for the time being in force and shall be referred to a single
      arbitrator (an "Arbitrator") to be appointed by the Parties hereto. If the
      Parties cannot agree upon the appointment of the single Arbitrator the
      dispute shall be settled by three Arbitrators, with Drillpetro appointing
      one Arbitrator and Westville appointing one Arbitrator and the third being
      appointed by the Chairman of the London Maritime Arbitrators Association.

22.4  If any of the appointed Arbitrators refuses or is incapable of acting, the
      Party who appointed him shall appoint a new Arbitrator in his place.

22.5  If a Party or parties fails to appoint an Arbitrator, either originally or
      by way of substitution, for two weeks after the other party or parties
      having appointed its/their Arbitrators have sent the party(ies) making
      default notice by mail or facsimile to make the appointment, the non
      defaulting Party(ies) may apply to the Chairman for the time being of the
      London Maritime Arbitrators Association to appoint an Arbitrator on behalf
      of the Party(ies) making default.

22.6  The award rendered by the Arbitration Court shall be final and binding
      upon the Parties and may if necessary be enforced by the Court or other
      competent authority in the same manner as a judgment in the Court of

22.7  Performance under this Agreement shall, as far as is reasonably possible,
      continue during the Arbitration proceedings.


      If there is a conflict between any of the terms of this Agreement, and the
      terms of the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Holding Company,
      the terms of this Agreement shall prevail as between the Shareholders, and
      the Shareholders shall take all such action as shall be necessary for the
      purpose of this Clause to ensure that the terms of this Agreement prevail.
      Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything else contained herein or in any
      other Related Agreement, the Shareholders acknowledge that they and their
      respective Affiliates will jointly participate with representatives of the
      Lenders in the negotiation and preparation of the Loan Agreement. If and
      to the extent there are any


      discrepancies or conflicts between the terms of this Agreement or other
      Related Agreements and Statements made in the Loan Agreement, then the
      Loan Agreement will control.


      No public announcement or communication (other than to the extent required
      by law or by any other regulation) concerning the transactions referred to
      in this Agreement shall be made or issued by any Party to this Agreement
      without the prior written consent of all the Parties but such approval
      shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.


      If at any time any one or more of the provisions of this Agreement is or
      becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect under any law or
      regulation, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining
      provisions of this Agreement shall not as a result be in any way affected
      or impaired.


      It is a condition precedent to the coming into effect of this Agreement
      and the Related Documents that Drillpetro shall have procured the
      assignment to the Holding Company of the Petrobras Agreement.

27.   FCPA

      The Parties recognize that Westville and Foramer are both subsidiaries of
      the U.S. Holding Company, Pride International, Inc. All parties are
      familiar with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ("FCPA") and its
      purposes. In particular, all parties are familiar with FCPA's prohibition
      of the payment of or the giving of anything of value, either directly or
      indirectly, by a United States Company or any of its subsidiaries to an
      official of a foreign government for the purpose of influencing an act or
      decision in his official capacity, or inducing him to use his influence
      with a foreign government to assist a company in obtaining or retaining
      business for or with or directing business to any person.

      If there is reason to believe that any monies being paid by or on behalf
      of the Joint Venture are being used for improper purposes, including, but
      not limited to, direct or indirect payments to a government official, any
      member of a ruling family, political party, government official or
      employee or agent of a government controlled oil company for the purposes
      of influencing any act which may result in any of the Project Companies or
      the Project Group obtaining or retaining business, the non-offending
      Parties shall have the right to sell or otherwise dispose of all or a part
      of their interest in the Project Company and/or any of the Project Group
      to the offending Party or Parties or any third party, subject to the
      pre-emption provisions in the Related Agreements, and any cost or expenses
      created by a forced sale or the early sale of such interest in order to
      avoid any


      claim for violation of the FCPA shall be for the account of the offending
      Party or Parties or any third party transferee.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement has been executed by or on behalf of the
Parties hereto the day and year first above.

SIGNED by /s/ GERMAN EFROMOVICH                       )
for and on behalf of                                  )
DRILLPETRO INC. /s/ Illegible                         )
in the presence of:                                   )

SIGNED by /s/ GERMAN EFROMOVICH                       )
for and on behalf of German Efromovich                )
TECHDRILL INC. /s/ Illegible                          )
in the presence of:                                   )

SIGNED by /s/ Illegible                               )
for and on behalf of                                  )
in the presence of: /s/ FRIDA MARTINEZ                )


                                   APPENDIX 1

                            PETRODRILL SEVEN LIMITED


SOURCES OF FUNDS                                               in Thousands)

      Net Proceeds from Issuance of the Notes
      Equity Contribution
      Investment Earnings
      Mobilization Fees


      Completion and Delivery Costs(1)
            Shipyard Costs
            Owner-Furnished Equipment
            Basic Design Engineering
            Mobilization Costs
            Total Interest Expense During Completion and Delivery(2)
            Spare Parts, Manuals and Training
       Total Completion and Delivery Costs
       Development Costs and Fees
       Debt Service Reserve



            DRILLPETRO        (55%)
            TECHDRILL         (15%)
            WESTVILLE         (30%)


1 Assumes no late delivery penalties will be payable on delivery of the Rigs to
Petrobras, either against the mobilization or otherwise. 2 Assumes a weighted
average interest rate of 10.15% per annum.



            Notwithstanding Clause 5.2 of the Agreement, the Shareholders agree
      that in the event of any overruns in the capital/operating budget, each
      Shareholder shall immediately contribute their pro-rata share of any such
      overrun amount up to US$50,000,000 without any further action by the Board
      of Directors or General Assembly, subject only to the other conditions of
      Clause 5 of the Agreement.
