AGENCY AND BROKERAGE AGREEMENT


PETRODRILL SEVEN LIMITED, a company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands
with its registered office at c/o Arias Fabrega & Fabrega Trust Co. BVI Limited,
325 Waterfront Drive, Omar Hodge Building, 2nd floor, Wickhams Cay, Road Town,
Tortola, British Virgin Islands, according to its statutes and registered
bylaws, hereinafter designated as PETRODRILL SEVEN.

U.K. GUARANTY & BONDING CORP.  LIMITED, a company  incorporated in the Bahamas
with its registered  office at Providence  House,  East Hill Street,  P.O. Box
N-3944,  Nassau,  Bahamas,  according to its statutes and  registered  bylaws,
hereinafter designated AGENT ONE and

RAPISARDI INVESTMENT LIMITED, a company incorporated in the British Virgin
Islands, with headquarters in Akara Building, 24 De Castro Street, Wickhams Cay
1, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands, according with its statutes and
registered by laws, hereinafter designated AGENT TWO.


1.    MARITIMA PETROLEO E ENGENHARIS LTDA, a company incorporated in Brazil with
      headquarters at Av. Almirante Barroso, 52/34(0) floor, Centro, Rio de
      Janeiro, 20031-000, Brazil, was successful in being awarded a contract by
      PETROBRAS the Brazilian Oil Company, contract n(0), for the
      provision of a semi-submersible drilling unit as a result of an
      international tender ("THE CONTRACT").

2.    PETRODRILL SEVEN is a company that, will own a semisubmersible drilling or
      workover unit identified as AMETHYST 7, hereinafter designated as the RIG.

3.    AGENTS have long worked in close relationship with PETROBRAS and also have
      extensive knowledge and experience regarding the Brazilian offshore
      drilling market.

4.    The AGENTS have provided MARITIMA during the course of the tender process
      with help and counseling which contributed to MARITIMA's success in being
      awarded the PETROBRAS CONTRACT.

5.    MARITIMA had previously agreed with the AGENTS to pay the sum afterwritten
      in consideration for such help and counseling and for such other on-going

6.    MARITIMA has subsequently assigned all of its rights and obligations in
      terms of the CONTRACT to PETRODRILL SEVEN and PETRODRILL SEVEN has agreed
      in part consideration of such assignment to pay the AGENTS the sums
      afterwritten in settlement of MARITIMA's firm commitment



7.    PETRODRILL SEVEN hereby assumes the obligation to pay (in accordance with
      item 8 below) as agency fee and/or commission for the services rendered
      with respect to such CONTRACT, to AGENT ONE the amount in US$ equivalent
      of 2.0% (two percent) of the total RIG dayrate value of such CONTRACT and
      to AGENT TWO the amount in US$ equivalent of 3.0% (three percent) of the
      total RIG dayrate value of such CONTRACT.

8.    PETRODRILL  SEVEN will pay to the two  AGENTS,  IN US$,  according  with
      item 7, above,  a total  percentage of 5.0% (five  percent) of the total
      RIG dayrate agreed with  PETROBRAS  (i.e.,  excluding  bonus increase or
      reductions  due  to  poor  performance/downtime)  with  respect  to  the
      CONTRACT in  consideration  for the  execution  of such  CONTRACT,  such
      payment  to be made  every  month by  PETRODRILL  SEVEN,  within 2 (two)
      business days of receiving the monthly  installment  from PETROBRAS with
      respect  to the  relevant  CONTRACT  through  wire  deposit  to the bank
      accounts indicated by AGENTS.

9.    These fees will continue to be paid monthly to AGENTS throughout the firm
      period of the CONTRACT within 2 (two) days of the receipt by PETRODRILL
      SEVEN of the monthly installments made by PETROBRAS relating to such
      CONTRACT. In case of contract extension or re-negotiation by PETRODRILL
      SEVEN, the aforesaid agency fees and/or commissions will apply based on
      the same percentage of the then applicable RIG dayrates.

10.   The obligation to pay the agency fees and/or commissions mentioned in this
      contract will start, with respect to the CONTRACT, on the first day after
      PETRODRILL SEVEN receives the monthly installment from PETROBRAS mentioned
      in items 8 & 9 and will be in effect for the period that the RIG is
      chartered under such CONTRACT, including any extensions thereto.

11.   Each of the AGENTS may invoice the above-mentioned agency fees and/or
      commissions on a monthly basis to PETRODRILL SEVEN, which will pay the
      invoices within 2 (two) business days after the respective monthly
      payments from PETROBRAS to PETRODRILL SEVEN and/or its affiliated firms,
      are received.

12.   Each AGENT will present to PETRODRILL SEVEN, by enclosed letter, co-signed
      by PETRODRILL SEVEN, the bank account where the payments must be made. The
      AGENTS have the right to change these bank accounts, informing PETRODRILL
      SEVEN in writing, of the new address 10 days before a payment must be

13.   This agreement is a binding and valid contract between the parties, of
      mandatory execution; and obliges and binds also heirs' successors, subject
      to the condition precedent to effectiveness with respect to the CONTRACT
      that such CONTRACT be confirmed


      between PETRODRILL SEVEN and PETROBRAS. This CONTRACT is made in three
      originals, all signed by the parties and replaces any previous agreement
      of the same scope.

14.   AGENT ONE and AGENT TWO each represents and warrants to PETRODRILL SEVEN
      that AGENT ONE and AGENT TWO have full power and authority to enter into
      this agreement and all transactions contemplated by this agreement and are
      to be bound by all obligations and liabilities on their part contained in
      this agreement and that the performance of the obligations of AGENT ONE
      and AGENT TWO, arising under this agreement and each of the transactions
      contemplated by this agreement will not at the time of the performance
      constitute a breach of any existing law binding upon or regulation, bylaw
      or provision of the constitution of AGENT ONE and AGENT TWO. In addition,
      AGENT ONE and AGENT TWO each represents and warrants to PETRODRILL SEVEN
      that their performance of the obligations under this agreement will not
      involve the payment or giving of anything of value, either directly or
      indirectly, to an official of a non-U.S. government for the purpose of
      influencing an act or decision in his official capacity or inducing him to
      use his influence with a non-U.S. government to assist PETRODRILL SEVEN,
      any AGENT or any other company in obtaining or retaining business for or
      with any person or directing business to themselves or any other person.
      AGENT ONE and AGENT TWO acknowledge that PETRODRILL SEVEN is entering into
      an agreement in reliance upon such representations and warranties. The
      above-mentioned representations and warranties are also back to back from


      15.1) By either party with respect to the RIG, forthwith and without any
            prior notice in the event of the institution of any action or
            proceeding, to be admitted by a competent court, against the other
            party under any bankruptcy or insolvency law or any law for the
            relief creditors, or in the event of the appointment of a receiver
            or trustee for the benefit of creditors of such party; in each case,
            to the extent such action, proceeding or appointment would cause the
            termination of such RIG'S CONTRACT.

      15.2) With respect to the RIG, forthwith and without prior notice in case
            of a constructive, arranged or total loss of the RIG, provided that
            such RIG will not be replaced by PETRODRILL SEVEN in order to
            continue the relevant CONTRACT;

      15.3) With respect to a RIG, forthwith and without notice in the event of
            termination of such RIG'S CONTRACT;

      15.4) By the non-offending party, forthwith and without prior notice in
            the event that the performance of either party under this Agreement
            would result in a violation by any party or any of its affiliates of
            the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, with


            which all parties hereto are familiar, or in the event of breach of
            any warranties and representation made in item 16 above, which
            representations survive for the tem of this Agreement.


      This Agreement shall be governed by English Law and any dispute arising
      out of this Agreement shall be referred to arbitration in London, England.

      Signed this 30th day of April 1998.

      /s/ GERMAN EFROMOVICH                     /s/ G. WILLIAMS
      ------------------------------            ---------------------------
      By: PETRODRILL SEVEN                      By: AGENT ONE
      Name: German Efromovich                   Name: Standard Nominees Limited
      Title: Director                           Title: Director
                                                By: Gary Williams
      By: AGENT TWO
      Name: Paulo Calmon Villas Boas
      Title: Lawful Attorney-in-fact
