Exhibit A

                                 UNITED STATES
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                 April 7, 1995

Mail Stop 7-6

Mr. Richard M. Scrushy
Two Perimeter Park South
Birmingham, Alabama  35243

         Re:      HEALTHSOUTH Corporation
                  Form S-4, filed March 8, 1995 (File No. 33-57987)
                  Form 10-K, for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1994
                           (File No. 1-10315)
                  Surgical Health Corporation
                  Form 10-K, for the fiscal year ended July 31, 1994
                           (File No. 1-13166)

Dear Mr. Scrushy:

         The  staff  has  reviewed  the  above-referenced  filing  and  has  the
following comments.


         1. It is not clear why HEALTHSOUTH holders are being asked to approve a
merger  of one of its subs.  Please  advise.  If the  purpose  is to reduce  the
possibility of shareholder  litigation  regarding the  transaction,  risk factor
disclosure is appropriate.

         2.  Supplementally  advise the staff when the  closing of the merger is
expected to be in relation to the meeting date.

         3. In future filings on EDGAR, please paginate the filing as required.

Letter to Shareholders

         4. Please note that each piece of proxy soliciting material,  including
the  letter  to  shareholders,   such  provide   shareholders  with  a  balanced
presentation,  to the extent the disclosure  goes beyond  statements of fact. In
this regard,  please revise the letter to  shareholders to explain why the Board
believes the transaction is in the best interest of the Company's  shareholders.
Also  balance  the  discussion  of  the  advantages  of the  transaction  with a
discussion of the disadvantages.

Mr. Richard M. Scrushy
Page 2

                        Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus

Incorporation of Certain Information By Reference

         5. Document (b) relating to the Form 8-K reporting the  acquisition  of
ReLife, Inc. was dated December 29, 1994, and was filed January 13, 1995, rather
than dated January 12, 1995. Please revise accordingly.

         6. Document (f) incorporating a Form 8-K dated February 1, 1995, should
be revised as this Form 8-K was  actually  dated  January  22,  1995,  and filed
February 1, 1995.

         7. Please  incorporate by reference the Form 8-K and amendments thereto
relating  to the NME  acquisition.  In  connection  therewith,  the  independent
accountants (KMPG Peat Marwick) should be referenced under the caption "Experts"
and consents should be included in the amendment.

         8. Please incorporate by reference all reports filed by Surgical Health
Corporation  pursuant  to  Section  13(a)  or 15(d) of the  Exchange  Act  since
December 31, 1994.


         9. Disclose what will occur if the merger proposal is not approved.

         Solicitation of Proxies

         10. The staff notes that  solicitations may be made other than by mail.
Any scripts,  outlines,  instructions  or other written  materials  that will be
furnished to individuals  soliciting proxies should be filed pursuant to Item 18
of Form S-4.

Background of the Merger

         11. Identify the other bidder, quantify its bid, and clarify whether it
was allowed to raise its bid against HEALTHSOUTH.

         Comparative Per Share Information

         12. Please delete the comparative per share data for 1991 and 1992.

         13.  Please  delete  all  presentations  of 1993 pro forma  results  of
operations  reflecting  the NME  acquisition  as NME has  been  included  in the
Registrant's historical operations for one year.

         14. Please expand the  presentations  of pro forma and  equivalent  per
share data to include it based upon a .1394 exchange  ratio.  Similarly,  expand
the per share data in the pro forma financial  statements.  See Rule 11-02(b)(8)
of Regulation S-X.

Mr. Richard M. Scrushy
Page 3

Pro Forma Financial Information


         15. Please supplementally discuss how the proposed merger with Surgical
Health  Corporation  (SHC) meets the  requisite  pooling-of-interests  criteria,
specifically  addressing  paragraphs  45  through  48 of APB 16.  In  connection
therewith,  specifically  explain  how the  changes in equity  interests  of the
Registrant  and SHC  occurring  within  the past two  years do not  violate  the
criteria of paragraph 47.d of APB 16.

         Pro Forma Balance Sheet

         16. Please reference all adjustments appearing on the pro forma balance
sheet to the explanatory footnotes.

         17.  Please revise the headnote to state that the SHC merger is assumed
to have  occurred  on January  1, 1992,  for  purposes  of the pro forma  income

         18. Please revise giving effect to the estimated  merger  expense as an
adjustment  to  retained  earnings.  Reference  is made to Rule  11-02(b)(5)  of
Regulation S-X.

         19. Please expand  footnote  B(2) to explain the  methodology  used for
allocating  the purchase  price to net  tangible  assets and $120 million of the
excess to  "leasehold  value."  Advise  supplementally  of the  reasons  for not
allocating the purchase price to other  intangible  assets such as patient lists
and medical licenses.

         Pro Forma Operating Statements

         20. Please revise  footnote B(1) to better explain the  eliminations so
that they agree to the net adjustment to equity of $83 million.

         21. In view of NovaCare's  June 30 year end,  please clarify the period
represented  by  NovaCare's  historical  amounts  appearing  on  the  pro  forma
operating  statement  for the year ended  December  31,  1994.  Also provide the
disclosures set forth in Rule 11-02(c)(3) of Regulation S-X.

         22. Please  supplementally  provide the supporting  computation for the
17,653  adjustment to the weighted average common and common  equivalent  shares
outstanding appearing on the 1994 pro forma operating statement.

         23.  Please delete the pro forma NME  presentation  for 1993 as NME has
been included in the historical  financial statements for one year. The 1993 and
1992 presentations should be for SHC only.

Mr. Richard M. Scrushy
Page 4

         24.  Please  expand  footnotes  B(3) and B(4) to quantify  the material
components of these  adjustments.  Also, please provide an analysis to the staff
explaining the basis for the additional  corporate G&A expenses in footnote B(4)
for the operation of the acquired  facilities and how these expenses  correspond
to the divisional  overhead  costs  eliminated in footnote B(3). The staff would
expect the adjustment to be factually supportable.

         25.  Please  expand Note B(5) to describe why the 40-year  amortization
period for goodwill is appropriate, given the historical operating losses of the
acquiree.  Also, please disclose the basis for the 20-year  amortization  period
for "leasehold value."

         26.  Please  disclose the  interest  rate used to compute the pro forma
interest  expense  associated with the additional  borrowing under the Company's
credit facilities.  If the rate is variable, please disclose the effect of a 1/8
percent variance in the assumed rate.

         27.  Also,  please  revise  footnote  B(6) so that there is  sufficient
information provided that a reader is able to easily recalculate the adjustment.

         28. Please disclose the nature of the $1,918  reduction in depreciation
and  amortization  expense  for the year  ended  December 31,  1994,  and how it
relates to footnote (1). Also,  please disclose the  depreciation  period of the
fixed assets acquired.

         29.  Please  revise  footnote  B(7) to  explain  how the  amount of the
Medicare reim- bursement adjustment was calculated.

         30.   Regarding  the  1993  pro  forma  operating   statement,   it  is
inappropriate  to eliminate  SHC's gain on sale of  partnership  interest  ($1.4
million)  pursuant to Rule  11-02(b)(6)  of  Regulation  S-X.  Please  revise or

The Merger

         31.  Please  disclose  the reasons for the  Board's  acceptance  of the
HEALTHSOUTH offer rather than the other bidder's offer.

         Reasons for Merger; Recommendations of the Boards of Directors

         32. Please include all factors considered by the Boards.  Regardless of
whether they supported the Boards' recommendation,  they should be discussed and
quantified  to the  extent  possible.  To the extent  that any of these  factors
considered did not support the Boards'  determination,  discuss the significance
or relevance of the factor in the Boards' ultimate decision.

         33. The disclosure is summary and does not  adequately  explain why the
proposed  transaction is fair to  shareholders,  nor does it provide  sufficient
information  for   shareholders   to  determine  for  themselves   whether  such
transaction is fair.

Mr. Richard M. Scrushy
Page 5

         Opinion of Financial Advisors

         34.  Generally,  the  discussions  of the analyses  behind the fairness
opinions  should be revised to  illustrate  the relevance of the analysis to the
determination  of fairness.  "Comparison of HEALTHSOUTH  with Selected  Publicly
Traded Companies," for example,  makes the point that on a given day HEALTHSOUTH
traded at a lower multiple than comparable companies. The relevance of that fact
to the opinion should be explained.

         35.  Generally,  for  each  factor  which  does not  indicate  that the
proposed  price is fair,  there should be  explanation  of why, in light of that
factor, the price is fair.  Discounted Cash Flow Analysis,  for example,  values
SHC at $4.37 to $5.99 per share. It is not immediately apparent in light of that
range why $4.50 per share is fair. Please advise.

         36. To facilitate investor understanding,  provide the information from
the  analyses  immediately  next  to the  relevant  data  with  respect  to this
transaction.  The last sentence of the first paragraph of Comparable  Merger and
Acquisition Transaction Analysis, for example, should immediately be followed by
the comparable data from this transaction.

         37.  Expand the  discussion of the net income and EPS  projections  for
Comparable Companies.

         38. Disclose why Alex Brown uses different groups of comparable  public
companies for its comparisons.

         39. Expand the discussion in Analysis of Selected Healthcare Merger and
Acquisi- tion  Transactions of the nineteen  transactions in the  alternate-site

         40.  Disclose  the method of  selection  of the  financial  advisor and
whether any other parties were considered.

         41.  Briefly  discuss  some of the  considerations  that  went into the
comparable merger and acquisition transactions analysis.


         42. Please disclose that  HEALTHSOUTH  Corporation was formerly HEALTH-
SOUTH Rehabilitation Corporation.

Management and Operations of HEALTHSOUTH After the Merger

         43.   Provide  a  reasonably   detailed   discussion  of   management's
expectations  regarding  operation of the combined company following the merger.
The  analysis  should  include  any  expected   operating   synergies,   planned
dispositions or restructurings.

Mr. Richard M. Scrushy
Page 6

Management's Discussion and Analysis-Surgical Health Corporation

         Results of Operations

         44. Please expand the discussion of the $1.3 million  severance  charge
in 1994 to explain  the basis for the  amount  recorded  and the  effects of the
severance transactions on cash flows. Also, this transaction should be described
in a footnote to the  financial  statements,  only a portion of which appears in
Note 7; please revise accordingly.

         45.  Please  expand to describe  the reasons for  considering  advances
aggregating  approximately  $1.3 million to be  uncollectible  during the fourth
quarter of 1994 and charged to earnings.  In this  regard,  reference is made to
Note 12 to the financial statements.

         46.  The  discussion  of  "operating  costs"  should  include  general,
administrative and development costs. Please revise.

         Liquidity and Capital Resources

         47.   Please   expand  to  discuss   why  the  Company   entered   into
sales-leaseback  transactions for certain real estate in 1994, which resulted in
proceeds of $9.4 million.  The discussion  should  address  whether the proceeds
were used for a specific  purpose  and the  considerations  given to selling the
properties at approximately book value.

         48. Please state whether or not the Company was in compliance  with its
debt covenants at the most recent balance sheet date.

Financial Statements--Surgical Health Corporation

         49. Throughout the financial statements and related footnotes,  and the
accountants'  report  from  Ernst &  Young,  references  to "Als"  appear  to be
typographical errors. Please revise or advise.

         50. Please revise the  Statements of Operations  and Statements of Cash
Flows to present a separate  line item  relative to the  provision  for doubtful
accounts. Reference is made to Rule 5-03(b)(5) of Regulation S-X.

         51. Please delete the line item  "operating  income" from the operating
statements as it does not include all operating expenses.  Similarly, revise the
Selected Financial Data.

         52. Please expand the Cash Flows Statement to provide information about
noncash investing and financing activities pursuant to paragraph 32 of FAS 95.

Mr. Richard M. Scrushy
Page 7

         53.  Reference is made to Note 1, Principles of  Consolidation.  Please
confirm sup-  plementally,  if true,  that the  Company's  consolidation  policy
regarding  its  general  partnership   interests  in  limited   partnerships  is
consistent  with  paragraphs  9 and 10 of SOP 78-9,  or advise.  In this regard,
please note that  consolidation  must be applied (only) in those instances where
the Company has the right to  unilaterally  control the  operating and financing
activities  of  the  limited   partnerships,   notwithstanding   the  percentage

         54. Please expand Note 1, Intangible  Assets, to disclose the basis for
allocating the purchase  price to medical  licenses  (Certificates  of Need) and
Management  Contracts.  Also,  please  disclose  the  frequency  with  which the
recoverability assessments are made, which we assume is quarterly.

         55. Please revise Note 1 to be more specific  regarding the methodology
employed to identify when goodwill is impaired.

         56. Regarding Note 1, Deferred Costs, please disclose the circumstances
leading to the abandonment of certain projects during the fourth quarter of 1994
resulting in the write-off of $503,000.

         57.  Reference  is made to Note 3,  Acquisitions,  and the  March  1994
acquisition of Tesson Ferry Anesthesia,  Inc. (TFA). Since the sole recipient of
the purchase price is an officer and director of Surgical Health Corporation and
the  amount is  contingent  on future  earnings  of TFA,  it  appears  that such
payments  should be accrued as  compensation  expense during the periods earned.
Accordingly, please revise the footnote to describe the accounting treatment and
the amount accrued at December 31, 1994, or advise.

         58. Also regarding the TFA  acquisition and with a view toward possible
additional  disclosure,  please advise the staff of the net assets  acquired and
how they were recorded in the acquisition. Also, advise why the Company acquired
TFA  considering it had not started  operations.  Any amounts paid in the Tesson
Ferry  acquisition  over  recorded book value of net assets  acquired  should be
recorded  as  a  distribution  because  of  the  related  party  nature  of  the

         59. Please provide a footnote  describing the "Redeemable  common stock
and warrants" of  approximately $3 million  appearing on the Balance Sheets.  In
this  regard,  the staff  notes only  redeemable  common  stock of  $810,885  is
discussed in Note 7.

         60. Please expand Note 7 to describe how stock option  compensation  of
$804,685  was  calculated.  State the number of options  for which  vesting  was

         61. Also,  please  expand Note 7 to state  whether or not stock options
and warrants  have been  granted at exercise  prices below the fair value of the
underlying  shares at the date of grant,  and if so,  disclose how  compensation
expense was determined. 

Mr. Richard M. Scrushy
Page 8

         62. With  reference to the last  paragraph of Note 11,  please  confirm
supplementally, if true, that any probable and estimable loss arising from legal
claims or other legal matters  would not be material to the Company's  financial
position or results of operations irrespective of insurance coverage, or advise.
If material  losses are  probable,  please  present the probable  liability  and
recovery from insurance  carriers  gross on the Balance  Sheets  pursuant to SAB
Topic 5:Y and FIN 39, and advise how realization of expected  insurance proceeds
was evaluated.

         63.  Please  expand each  paragraph  of Note 12 to describe the factors
considered  by  management  in  concluding   that  the  various   advances  were
uncollectible  and the conditions which existed in the fourth quarter and not in
prior quarters.

         64.  Please  expand the second  paragraph  of Note 17 to  disclose  the
estimated cost to complete  construction  of the medical office building and how
it will be recorded.

         65. With  references to the Company's  intent to acquire  substantially
all of the  assets of an  outpatient  surgery  center in  Washington,  Missouri,
described in Note 19, please provide financial  statements pursuant to Rule 3-05
of Regulation S-X, or advise why they are not required.

         66.  Please  provide  a  footnote  describing  the  status  of and  the
financial statement implications of the legal proceedings described under Item 3
to the 1994 Form 10-K. In connection  therewith,  please disclose the historical
revenues of the Northlake  Center and the likelihood of an  unfavorable  outcome
pursuant to FAS 5.

Appendix B

         It is inappropriate to have a fairness opinion on which holders who are
voting cannot rely. Please revise.


         67.  Reference  is made to the  updating  requirements  of Rule 3-12 of
Regulation S-X.

         68. Please include  manually  signed and currently  dated  accountants'
consents in the amendment.

         69. Please revise Exhibit 23-3 to identify the  registration  statement
in which the financial  statements  are presented and the name of the Company on
which an accountants' report was issued.

Mr. Richard M. Scrushy
Page 9

            HEALTHSOUTH Corporation Form 10-K for December 31, 1994

Management's Discussion and Analysis


         70. It is unclear why data  relating to revenues  derived from Medicare
and Medicaid do not take into account revenues of the ReLife facilities.  Please
revise as appropriate.

         Results of Operations

         71. Reference is made to the paragraph describing the 1994 write-off of
$17.9 million  against the $39 million  reserve.  The reference  made to the $39
million  provision for "discontinued  operations"  should be revised to refer to
the "plan of  consolidation"  since the provision was not based on  discontinued
operations as defined in APB 30.

         72. Please  explain the reasons for the increases in 1994 expenses as a
percentage of revenues.

         73. Due to the  significance  of intangible  assets,  please expand the
discussion to describe how and the frequency with which  management  identifies,
measures and records  impairment.  The description  should be comprehensive  and
identify the factors  considered and  assumptions  made.  Also,  explain how the
amortization  periods,  which range from 20 to 40 years,  for the excess of cost
over the fair value of net assets acquired is determined.

         74. In connection  with the above,  please  discuss why the facility in
central Florida will not reopen,  resulting in the charge of $7.5 million. Also,
state the remaining term of the lease and how the $5.9 million lease accrual was

         Liquidity and Capital Resources

         75.  Regarding the proposed  acquisition  of Rehab Systems  Company,  a
subsidiary of NovaCare, Inc., it is unclear how NC Resources, Inc. is related to
the transaction. Please revise to clarify.

         76. Provide  disclosure  with regard to the  anticipated  effect of the
merger on the Company's liquidity, capital resources and results of operations.

         77.      Please define "reasonably foreseeable future."

Mr. Richard M. Scrushy
Page 10

Executive Compensation

         Chief Executive Officer Employment Agreement

         78. Please disclose what corporate  performance  factors,  if any, were
considered in the $500,000  awarded to Mr.  Scrushy under the  management  bonus

Financial Statements

         79. Please supplementally discuss how the December 29, 1994 merger with
ReLife, Inc. meets the criteria for using the  pooling-of-interests  method. The
response  should address each criteria  contained in paragraphs 45 through 48 of
APB 16.

         80.  Proceeds from  borrowings on the 1994 Cash Flows  Statement do not
appear gross based upon the new  borrowings  reflected in Note 7. Net borrowings
for 1994 as discussed in MD&A under  Liquidity also do not reconcile to the Cash
Flows Statements.
Please revise or advise.

         81.  Please  expand the Cash Flows  Statements  to present  the noncash
investing/financing  activities  relating to business  acquisitions  pursuant to
paragraph 32 of FAS 95.

         82.  Reference  is  made  to Note  1,  Intangible  Assets.  Partnership
start-up  costs which are not  organization  costs should  either be expensed as
incurred or deferred and  amortized  over no more than 12 months.  Please revise

         83.  Please  expand Note 3 to identify the funds  subject to withdrawal
restrictions and explain the terms of the  restrictions.  Also, funds subject to
withdrawal  restrictions do not meet the definition set forth in FAS 95 as "cash
and cash equivalents." Please revise or advise.

         84. Please revise to provide all disclosures  required by paragraphs 19
through 22 of FAS 115.

         85.  Please  expand  Note 1,  Impairment  of Assets,  to  describe  the
methodology used in assessing whether the excess of cost over net asset value of
purchased  facilities has been impaired and how such impairment is measured.  In
connection   therewith,   disclose  key  underlying   assumptions   and  factors
considered, and the frequency with which such assessments are made.

         86.  Reference  is  made  to Note  10.  Please  expand  the  first  two
paragraphs to disclose:

         a.       The form of the  consideration  comprising the purchase prices
                  of $53,947,000 and $25,861,000.

Mr. Richard M. Scrushy
Page 11

         b.       The   identifiable   intangible   assets   recorded   in   the
                  acquisitions, and how the amounts were determined.

         c.       The  nature  of  contingent   consideration  and  the  related
                  accounting treatment.

         d.       The terms of the non-compete  agreements,  including terms for

         87. Please expand Note 7 to state the interest rate associated with the
Credit Agreement at the most recent balance sheet date.

         88. Please expand Note 7 to disclose the method for estimating the fair
value of long-term debt pursuant to paragraph 10 of FAS 107.

         89.  Please  revise Note 15 to clarify  the basis for sale  recognition
regarding the 1994  sale-leaseback.  Also, disclose the nature and amount of the
associated operating leases' guarantees.

         90.  Please  expand Note 10 to  describe  other  business  combinations
consummated  during all periods  presented.  The  disclosure  should include the
nature of  business  acquired,  amount and nature of  consideration,  net assets
acquired,   allocations   to   intangible   assets,   and  terms  of  contingent
consideration, if applicable.

         91.  Reference  is made to Note 16.  Please  note  that the  lease  and
conversion  costs  incurred  during a  conversion  stage should not be deferred.
Please revise appropriately.

         92.  Regarding the second paragraph of Note 16, it is not clear how the
$5.9 million lease accrual was  determined,  including  whether future  payments
were  discounted.  Please expand to clarify.  Provide the staff with  supporting

         93.  Regarding  the third  paragraph  of Note 16 and with a view toward
possible  additional  disclosure,  please advise as to the breakdown of the $4.5
million write-off and how the components were determined.

                     Form 8-K/A No. 1, dated March 7, 1995
                      (ReLife, Inc. Financial Statements)

         94.  Reference  is made to Note 1,  Nature  of  Business  and  Basis of
Presentation.  With a view toward possible additional disclosure,  please advise
how ReLife of Tennessee,  Inc., a 100%-owned subsidiary of ReLife,  accounts for
its 61% interest in Edgefield Healthcare Limited Partnership,  and the rationale

         95.  Reference is made to the 1994 business  acquisitions  described in
Note 4. Please furnish  audited  financial  statements of acquirees  pursuant to
Rule 3-05 of  Regulation  S-X, or advise why the  significance  criteria of Rule
1-02(w) of Regulation S-X have not been met.

Mr. Richard M. Scrushy
Page 12

         96.  Please  expand  Note  2,  Intangible   Assets,   to  describe  how
acquisition  costs are  allocated to management  contracts and leases.  If these
contracts  are  cancellable,  advise how this has been  considered in evaluating
their  amortization  period.  In addition,  please expand Note 2,  Impairment of
Assets, to explain how impairment is recorded upon contract cancellation and how
a cancellation  affects the assessment of recoverability of remaining  contracts
and goodwill.

         97. If  material,  please  expand  Note 16 to identify  the  historical
revenues  associated  with ReLife's  management  contract with Roper Hospital in
Charleston, SC, and the Nashville Rehabilitation Hospital in Nashville, Tenn.

         98. Please  confirm that the conditions to the merger set forth in Note
16 are not material for  presentation in the pro forma  financial  statements in
Form S-4.

                     Form 8-K/A No. 1, dated March 7, 1995
                 (Rehab Systems Company's Financial Statements)

         99. Reference is made to the Statements of Stockholder's Equity. Please
expand Note 6 to describe the NACC-related  capital  contributions  received and
how the  acquisition  was accounted  for. It would appear that the Company would
have  significant  influence  over  NACC  whereby  the  equity  method  would be
appropriate.  Please advise if otherwise. Further, if the contributions were not
in cash, a footnote to the cash flows statement  should provide a description of
the transaction pursuant to paragraph 32 of FAS 95.

         100.  Reference is made to the acquisition of RHCA discussed in Note 4.
In circumstances  where sufficient common control exists between an acquiror and
acquiree,  use of  historical  cost rather than fair values is  appropriate.  It
appears that NovaCare's  Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer would
control or influence  RHCA prior to the  acquisition.  In connection  therewith,
describe  whether  or not the RHCA  acquisition  required  the  approval  of the
limited partners of the limited  partnership  stockholders and whether they were
related to NovaCare.

         101.  Please revise Note 4 to disclose the form of funding  provided by

         102.  Please  disclose the rationale for amortizing  "goodwill" over 40
years,  in view of the operating  losses of Rehab  Systems  Company and RHCA. In
addition,   describe  the  accounting   policy  for  identifying  and  measuring
impairment,  stating the  methodology  used to (1) determine that impairment has
occurred, and (2) calculate the amount of the impairment.

         103.  Please  expand Note 9 to disclose the amounts and periods  during
which  the   sale-leasebacks   occurred  and  describe  the  related  accounting

Mr. Richard M. Scrushy
Page 13

         104.  Reference  is made to Note 2,  Income  Taxes,  and Note 11. It is
unclear whether the tax benefit, and related assessment as to the recoverability
of the deferred tax asset,  were  determined on the separate return basis. If it
is not based on the separate  return  basis and the effect is  material,  please
present a pro forma income statement for the most recent year and interim period
reflecting a tax provision calculated on the separate return basis.
Reference is made to SAB Topic 1:B.1.

         105.  Please  revise Note 8 to state  whether or not the Company was in
compliance with the debt covenants as of the most recent balance sheet date.

         106.  Since  advances  between Rehab  Systems  Company and NovaCare are
non-interest  bearing,  it appears  appropriate  to present an  analysis  of the
advance account with the average balance  identified.  Please refer to SAB Topic
1:B.1 and revise, or advise.

          Surgical Health Corporation Form 10-K for December 31, 1994


         107.     Please amend based on the relative comments made herein.

Management's Discussion and Analysis

         Results of Operations

         108. With regard to the ownership  structure of the Company's  centers,
disclose the material terms of the  partnership  agreements and any effects upon
the  Company's  liquidity,  capital  resources  and results of  operations.  The
financial  obligations of the Company as general  partner in these  partnerships
should be described.

         Liquidity and Capital Resources

         109. The staff notes that the Company is involved in litigation pending
before the Georgia  Supreme Court. In that regard,  if material,  please discuss
the effect on  liquidity,  capital  resources  and results of  operations if the
Northlake Center were closed.


         To the extent  practicable,  the comments above should be complied with
in all future  filings  with the  Commission.  All data should be updated to the
latest date practicable.

         An  amendment  should be filed in response to these  comments.  A cover
letter  should be  furnished  which keys the  Company's  responses  to the above
comments and which provides any supplemental information requested by the staff.
In the event  compliance  with the  comments  is not deemed  appropriate  by the
Company,  so state and provide the basis  therefor in the letter.  You should be
aware that we may have additional comments based on your response.

Mr. Richard M. Scrushy
Page 14

         Requests for acceleration  should be furnished on behalf of the Company
and the  underwriter  at least two business days prior to the requested  date of
effectiveness.  Such requests should confirm that those requesting  acceleration
are aware of their  responsibilities  under the  Securities  Act of 1933 and the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 as they relate to the proposed  public offering
of the securities specified in the above-referenced registration statement.

         Your  attention  is  directed  to  Rules  460  and  461  regarding  the
distribution  of the  preliminary  prospectus,  requests  for  acceleration  and
notification of NASD review and concurrence.

         Any questions regarding the accounting comments may be directed to Joel
Levine at (202) 942-1857,  or Louise Dorsey,  the Assistant Chief  Accountant at
(202)  942-1844,  and  questions on other  disclosure  issues may be directed to
Roland St. Paul at (202)  942-1861.  In this  regard,  please do not hesitate to
contact Patricia A. Current, the Branch Chief, or Shelley Parratt, the Assistant
Director,  at (202)  942-1850 and (202)  942-1840,  each of whom  supervised the
review of your filing.

         Also,  members of the Division's senior management are always available
to discuss  issues  relating  to your filing in the event that you would like to
request  further  consideration.   Please  do  not  hesitate  to  contact  Terry
Iannaconi,  Associate Director (Accounting Operations) at (202) 942-2860, Robert
Bayless,  Chief Accountant at (202) 942-2850,  Howard Morin,  Associate Director
(Operations) at (202) 942-2830,  and Bill Morley,  Senior Associate  Director at
(202) 942-2820.


                                                     Patricia A. Current
                                                     Branch Chief
cc:      William W. Horton