Exhibit (8)-2


May 9, 1995

Surgical Health Corporation
990 Hammond Drive, Suite 300
Atlanta, Georgia 30328

  Re: Proposed Plan of Merger Involving HEALTHSOUTH Corporation
      and Surgical Health Corporation

Ladies and Gentlemen:

   We  have  acted  as  counsel  to  Surgical  Health  Corporation   ("SHC"),  a
corporation  organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware,  in
connection with the proposed  merger of ASC Atlanta  Acquisition  Company,  Inc.
("ASC"), a wholly-owned  subsidiary of HEALTHSOUTH Corporation ("HSC"), with and
into SHC, with SHC as the surviving  entity (the  "Merger").  The Merger will be
effected  pursuant to the Amended and Restated  Plan and  Agreement of Merger by
and among HSC,  ASC,  and SHC made and entered  into as of January 22, 1995 (the
"Merger  Agreement").  In our  capacity as counsel to SHC,  our opinion has been
requested with respect to certain of the federal income tax  consequences of the
proposed Merger.

   In rendering this opinion,  we have examined (i) the Internal Revenue Code of
1986,  as amended (the "Code") and Treasury  regulations,  (ii) the  legislative
history of  applicable  sections  of the Code,  and (iii)  appropriate  Internal
Revenue Service and court decisional authority. In addition, we have relied upon
certain  information  made  known  to us as  more  fully  described  below.  All
capitalized  terms used  herein  without  definition  shall have the  respective
meanings specified in the Merger Agreement,  and unless otherwise specified, all
section references herein are to the Code.

                            INFORMATION RELIED UPON

   In rendering the opinions  expressed  herein, we have examined such documents
as we have deemed appropriate, including:

   (1) the Merger Agreement;

   (2) the Registration Statement on Form S-4 (Registration No. 33-57987)
relating to the Merger filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission by
HSC on March 8, 1995, as Amended by Amendment No. 1 thereto filed on April
24, 1995 and Amendment No. 2 thereto filed on May 9, 1995 (together with all
amendments, the "Registration Statement");

   (3) the Prospectus-Joint Proxy Statement included as part of the
Registration Statement; and

   (4) such additional documents as we have considered relevant.


   In our  examination of such  documents,  we have assumed,  with your consent,
that all  documents  submitted to us as  photocopies  faithfully  reproduce  the
originals  thereof,  that such originals are authentic,  that all such documents
have  been or will be  duly  executed  to the  extent  required,  and  that  all
statements set forth in such documents are accurate.  We have also obtained such
additional  information  and  representations  as we have  deemed  relevant  and
necessary through  consultation with various officers and representatives of HSC
and SHC.

   With your consent,  we have assumed that the  shareholders  of SHC holding at
least  eighty  percent  (80%)  of  the  total  value  of SHC  stock  outstanding
immediately prior to the Merger will receive voting HSC Common Stock in exchange
for their SHC stock.  No opinion is expressed as to the tax  consequences of the
Merger if this assumption is inaccurate.

   You have  advised us that the proposed  transaction  will enable the combined
organization  to realize  certain  economies  of scale,  yield a wider  array of
health care and other  services to consumers and  businesses,  and provide for a
stronger  market  position  and  for  greater   resources  to  meet  competitive
challenges.  To achieve these goals,  the following  will occur  pursuant to the
Merger Agreement:

   (1) ASC will merge with and into SHC in accordance with the Delaware  General
Corporation  Law. SHC will be the surviving entity and as a result will become a
wholly-owned  subsidiary  of HSC and will continue to be governed by the laws of
the State of Delaware.

   (2) As of the  Effective  Time of the Merger,  by virtue of the  Merger,  and
without  any  action on the part of any  holder of SHC  Shares or any  shares of
capital  stock of ASC,  the  shares  of the  constituent  corporations  shall be
converted as follows:

   (a) Each share of capital  stock of ASC  issued and  outstanding  immediately
prior to the Effective Time of the Merger shall be converted into one fully paid
and nonassessable share of SHC Common Stock.

   (b) Subject to specific  provisions of the Merger  Agreement  concerning  the
nonissuance of fractional  shares,  each issued and outstanding SHC Share (other
than  shares  to be  canceled  in  accordance  with  the  Merger  Agreement  and
Dissenting Shares) shall be converted into the right to receive that fraction of
a share of HSC  Common  Stock  obtained  by  dividing  $4.60 by the Base  Period
Trading Price (as may be adjusted in accordance with the Merger  Agreement) (the
"Merger   Consideration");   provided,   however,  that  for  purposes  of  such
calculation,  the Base Period  Trading Price shall be deemed to equal (i) $18.50
in the event that the Base Period Trading Price is greater than $18.50,  or (ii)
$16.50  in the  event  the  Base  Period  Trading  Price  is  less  than  $16.50
(collectively,  $18.50  and $16.50 are  referred  to herein as the "Base  Period
Trading Price Limitations"). The term "Base Period Trading Price" shall mean the
average  daily  closing  prices for the  shares of HSC  Common  Stock for the 20
consecutive  trading days on which such shares are actually  traded (as reported
on the New York Stock  Exchange  Composite  Transaction  Tape as reported in The
Wall Street Journal,  Eastern  Edition,  or if not reported  thereby,  any other
authoritative  source)  ending at the close of trading on the third  trading day
immediately  preceding the Closing Date. As of the Effective Time of the Merger,
all such SHC Shares shall no longer be outstanding  and shall  automatically  be
canceled and retired and shall cease to exist,  and each holder of a certificate
representing any SHC Shares shall cease to have any rights with respect thereto,
except the right to receive  the  Merger  Consideration  and any cash in lieu of
fractional  shares of HSC  Common  Stock to be  issued or paid in  consideration
therefor  upon  surrender  of such  certificate  in  accordance  with the Merger
Agreement, without interest.

   (c) At the  Effective  Time,  all rights  with  respect  to SHC Common  Stock
pursuant to any SHC stock options or SHC warrants  which are  outstanding at the
Effective  Time,  whether or not then  exercisable,  shall be converted into and
become  rights with respect to HSC Common  Stock,  and HSC shall assume each SHC
stock option or SHC warrant,  in  accordance  with the terms of the stock option
plan  under  which it was  issued  and the stock  option  agreement  or  warrant
agreement, as the case may be, by which it is evidenced. It is intended that the
foregoing  provisions shall be undertaken in a manner that will not constitute a
"modification"  as defined in Section  424 of the Code,  as to any stock  option
which is an "incentive stock option."


   (3) No certificates  or scrip  representing  fractional  shares of HSC Common
Stock shall be issued upon the surrender for exchange of Certificates,  and such
fractional  share interests will not entitle the owner thereof to vote or to any
rights of a  stockholder  of HSC.  Notwithstanding  any other  provision  of the
Merger Agreement, each holder of SHC Shares exchanged pursuant to the Merger who
would  otherwise  have been  entitled  to receive a  fraction  of a share of HSC
Common  stock  (after  taking into  account all  Certificates  delivered by such
holder) shall  receive,  in lieu thereof,  cash (without  interest) in an amount
equal to such fractional  part of a share of HSC Common Stock  multiplied by the
Base Period Trading Price.

   (4)  Notwithstanding  anything in the Merger  Agreement to the contrary,  SHC
Shares outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time of the Merger held by
a holder (if any) who is entitled to demand, and who properly demands, appraisal
for  such  shares  in  accordance  with  Section  262  of the  Delaware  General
Corporation  Law  ("Dissenting  Shares")  shall not be converted into a right to
receive the Merger  Consideration  and any cash in lieu of fractional  shares of
HSC Common Stock  unless such holder  fails to perfect or  otherwise  loses such
holder's right to appraisal, if any. If, after the Effective Time of the Merger,
such holder fails to perfect or loses any such right to  appraisal,  such shares
shall be treated as if they had been  converted as of the Effective  Time of the
Merger into the right to receive the Merger Consideration pursuant to the Merger
Agreement  and the  cash  in  lieu of  fractional  shares  of HSC  Common  Stock
specified in the Merger Agreement.

   (5) In the event that HSC  changes  the number of shares of HSC Common  Stock
issued and outstanding prior to the Effective Time as a result of a stock split,
stock dividend,  or similar  recapitalization with respect to such stock and the
record date  thereof (in the case of a stock  dividend)  or the  effective  date
thereof  (in the case of a stock split or similar  recapitalization  for which a
record date is not  established)  shall be prior to the Effective  Time, (i) the
Base Period Trading Price Limitations shall be adjusted to appropriately  adjust
the ratio  pursuant  to which SHC Shares  will be  converted  into shares of HSC
Common  Stock  pursuant  to the Merger  Agreement,  and (ii) if  necessary,  the
anticipated  Effective Time shall be postponed for an appropriate period of time
agreed upon by the parties in order for the Base Period Trading Price to reflect
the  market   effect  of  such  stock   split,   stock   dividend,   or  similar

   (6) Each share of SHC Common Stock that is owned by SHC or by any  subsidiary
of SHC shall automatically be canceled and retired and shall cease to exist, and
none of the  Common  Stock,  par value $.01 per share,  of HSC,  cash,  or other
consideration shall be delivered in exchange therefor.

   With your consent,  we have also relied on certain factual matters  confirmed
to us by you as true both now and as of the Effective Time of the Merger:
   (a) The ratio for the  exchange of shares of stock of SHC for common stock of
HSC in the Merger was negotiated through arm's length  bargaining.  Accordingly,
the  fair  market  value of the HSC  Common  Stock  to be  received  by each SHC
shareholder  will, in each instance,  be approximately  equal to the fair market
value of the SHC stock surrendered in exchange therefor.
   (b)  There is no plan or  intention  by the  shareholders  of SHC who own one
percent (1%) or more of the SHC stock,  and to the best of the  knowledge of the
management  of SHC,  there is no plan or intention on the part of the  remaining
shareholders  of SHC to sell,  exchange,  or  otherwise  dispose  of a number of
shares  of  HSC  stock  received  in  the  Merger  that  would  reduce  the  SHC
shareholders' ownership of HSC stock to a number of shares having a value, as of
the date of the  Merger,  of less  than 50  percent  of the  value of all of the
formerly  outstanding  stock of SHC as of the same date.  For  purposes  of this
assumption,   shares  of  SHC  stock  exchanged  for  cash  or  other  property,
surrendered by dissenters, or exchanged for cash in lieu of fractional shares of
HSC stock will be treated as  outstanding  SHC stock on the date of the  Merger.
Moreover,  shares of SHC stock and shares of HSC stock held by SHC  shareholders
and otherwise sold,  redeemed,  or disposed of prior or subsequent to the Merger
will be considered in making this representation.

   (c) Following the Merger,  SHC will hold at least ninety percent (90%) of the
fair market value of its net assets and at least  seventy  percent  (70%) of the
fair market value of its gross assets and at least ninety  percent  (90%) of the
fair market value of ASC's net assets and at least seventy percent (70%) of


the fair  market  value of ASC's  gross  assets  held  immediately  prior to the
Merger.  For  purposes  of  this  assumption,  amounts  paid  by  SHC  or ASC to
dissenters, amounts paid by SHC or ASC to shareholders who receive cash or other
property,  amounts used by SHC or ASC to pay  reorganization  expenses,  and all
redemptions and distributions (except for regular, normal dividends) made by SHC
will be included as assets of SHC or ASC, respectively, immediately prior to the

   (d) Prior to the Merger,  HSC will be in control of ASC. For purposes of this
assumption,  "control"  means  ownership  of eighty  percent  (80%) of the total
combined  voting  power of all  classes of stock  entitled  to vote and at least
eighty percent (80%) of the total number of all other classes of stock.

   (e) SHC has no plan or intention to issue additional shares of its stock that
would result in HSC losing control of SHC following the Merger.

   (f) HSC has no plan or intention to reacquire any of its stock issued in
the Merger.

   (g) HSC has no plan or intention to liquidate  SHC; to merge SHC with or into
another corporation; to sell or otherwise dispose of the stock of SHC except for
transfers of stock to corporations controlled by HSC; or to cause SHC to sell or
otherwise  dispose of any of its assets or of any of the  assets  acquired  from
ASC,  except  for  dispositions  made in the  ordinary  course  of  business  or
transfers of assets to a corporation controlled by SHC.

   (h) The liabilities of ASC assumed by SHC (including the liabilities to which
the transferred assets of ASC are subject),  if any, were incurred by ASC in the
ordinary course of its business.

   (i)  Following the Merger,  SHC will continue its historic  business or use a
significant portion of its historic business assets in a business.

   (j) HSC,  ASC,  SHC, and the  shareholders  of SHC will pay their  respective
expenses, if any, incurred in connection with the Merger.

   (k) There is no intercorporate  indebtedness  existing between HSC and SHC or
between ASC and SHC that was issued, acquired, or will be settled at a discount.

   (l) In the Merger,  shares of SHC stock  representing  control of SHC will be
exchanged  solely  for  voting  Common  Stock  of  HSC.  For  purposes  of  this
assumption, shares of SHC stock exchanged for cash or other property originating
with HSC will be treated as outstanding SHC stock on the date of the Merger.

   (m) At the time of the Merger,  SHC will not have  outstanding  any warrants,
options,  convertible  securities,  or any other type of right pursuant to which
any person could acquire  stock in SHC that,  if exercised or  converted,  would
affect HSC's acquisition or retention of control of SHC.

   (n) HSC does not own, nor has it owned during the past five years, any shares
of the stock of SHC.

   (o) For each of HSC and SHC, not more than  twenty-five  percent (25%) of the
fair market value of its adjusted total assets  consists of stock and securities
of any one  issuer,  and not more than fifty  percent  (50%) of the fair  market
value of its adjusted  total assets  consists of stock and securities of five or
fewer  issuers.  For purposes of the  preceding  sentence,  (a) a  corporation's
adjusted total assets exclude cash, cash items  (including  accounts  receivable
and  cash  equivalents),   and  United  States  government  securities,   (b)  a
corporation's  adjusted total assets exclude stock and securities  issued by any
subsidiary  at least fifty  percent  (50%) of the voting power or fifty  percent
(50%) of the  total  fair  market  value  of the  stock of which is owned by the
corporation,  but the  corporation is treated as owning directly a ratable share
(based on the  percentage  of the fair market  value of the  subsidiary's  stock
owned by the  corporation) of the assets owned by any such  subsidiary,  and (c)
all  corporations  that are members of the same  "controlled  group"  within the
meaning of Section 1563(a) of the Code are treated as a single issuer.

   (p) On the date of the  Merger,  the fair  market  value of the assets of SHC
will exceed the sum of its liabilities,  plus the amount of liabilities, if any,
to which the assets are subject.

   (q) SHC is not under the  jurisdiction of a court in a case under Title 11 of
the United States Code or a receivership,  foreclosure, or similar proceeding in
a federal or state court.


   (r) The payment of cash to SHC  shareholders in lieu of fractional  shares of
HSC Common  Stock will not be a  separately  bargained  for  consideration,  but
rather  will  represent  a mere  mechanical  rounding  of the  fractional  share
interests that may result from the Merger, and will be undertaken solely for the
purpose of avoiding the expense and  inconvenience  of issuing and  transferring
fractional  shares.  The  total  cash  consideration  that  will  be paid to SHC
shareholders  in lieu of  fractional  shares of HSC Common Stock will  represent
less than one percent (1%) of the total  consideration  issued in the Merger. No
shareholder  of SHC will receive an amount in cash greater than the value of one
full share of HSC Common Stock in lieu of fractional shares.

   (s) None of the  compensation  received by any  shareholder-employees  of SHC
will be separate  consideration for, or allocable to, any of their shares of SHC
stock.   None   of  the   shares   of  HSC   Common   Stock   received   by  any
shareholder-employees  will be separate  consideration for, or allocable to, any
employment agreement.  Any compensation paid to an SHC  shareholder-employee who
continues  as an employee of HSC  subsequent  to the Merger will be for services
actually  rendered and will be  commensurate  with amounts paid to third parties
bargaining at arm's-length for similar services.

   (t) The Merger Agreement represents the entire understanding of HSC, SHC, and
ASC with respect to the Merger.

   (u) At all times during the five-year  period ending on the effective date of
the Merger,  the fair market value of all of SHC's United  States real  property
interests  was and will have been less than 50 percent of the total fair  market
value of (a) its United  States real  property  interests,  (b) its interests in
real property  located outside the United States,  and (c) its other assets used
or held for use in a trade or business.  For purposes of the preceding sentence,
(x) United States real property  interests  include all interests (other than an
interest solely as a creditor) in real property and associated personal property
(such as movable  walls and  furnishings)  located  in the United  States or the
Virgin  Islands  and  interests  in any  corporation  (other  than a  controlled
corporation) owning any United States real property interest, (y) SHC is treated
as owning its  proportionate  share (based on the relative  fair market value of
its ownership  interest to all  ownership  interests) of the assets owned by any
controlled  corporation or any  partnership,  trust, or estate in which SHC is a
partner or beneficiary, and (z) any such entity in turn is treated as owning its
proportionate  share of the assets owned by any  controlled  corporation  or any
partnership,  trust,  or estate in which the entity is a partner or beneficiary.
As used in this  paragraph,  "controlled  corporation"  means any corporation at
least  fifty  percent  (50%) of the fair  market  value of the stock of which is
owned by SHC, in the case of a first-tier  subsidiary  of SHC or by a controlled
corporation, in the case of a lower-tier subsidiary.


   Based solely on the information  submitted and the  representations set forth
above, we are of the opinion that:

   (1) The Merger will constitute a reorganization within the meaning of Section
368(a)(1)(A)  of the  Code.  SHC,  HSC,  and  ASC  will  each be "a  party  to a
reorganization" within the meaning of Section 368(b) of the Code.

   (2) No gain or loss will be recognized by HSC, SHC, or ASC as a result of the

   (3) No gain or loss will be  recognized to the  shareholders  of SHC upon the
exchange of SHC stock solely for HSC Common Stock.

   (4) The basis of the HSC Common  Stock  received by the  shareholders  of SHC
will be the  same as the tax  basis of the SHC  stock  surrendered  in  exchange
therefor,  excluding  any basis  allocable to a  fractional  share of HSC Common
Stock for which cash is received. In every case in which an SHC stockholder owns
stock of more than one class,  the basis in the hands of the SHC shareholders of
the HSC Common  Stock  received  in  exchange  for each  class of SHC stock,  as
determined  on the basis of all of the  facts,  will be the same as the basis of
the particular class of SHC stock surrendered in exchange therefor.


   (5) The holding period of the HSC Common Stock  received by the  shareholders
of SHC will  include the holding  period or periods  during  which the SHC stock
surrendered  in  exchange  therefor  was held,  provided  the stock of SHC was a
capital asset within the meaning of Section 1221 of the Code in the hands of the
shareholder of SHC on the date of the exchange.

   (6) The  payment  of cash to SHC  shareholders  in lieu of  fractional  share
interests  of HSC  stock  will  be  treated  as if the  fractional  shares  were
distributed  as part of the exchange and then were  redeemed by HSC.  These cash
payments  will be treated  as having  been  received  as  distributions  in full
payment in exchange for the voting common stock  redeemed as provided in Section
302(a) of the Code.

   The opinions expressed herein are based upon existing statutory,  regulatory,
and judicial authority, any of which may be changed at any time with retroactive
effect. In addition, our opinions are based solely on the documents that we have
examined,  the additional  information that we have obtained, and the statements
set out herein, which we have assumed are true as of the date hereof and will be
true on the date the Merger is  consummated.  Our opinions cannot be relied upon
if  any  of  the  facts  contained  in  such  documents  or if  such  additional
information  is, or later becomes,  inaccurate,  or if any of the statements set
out herein is, or later becomes,  inaccurate.  Finally, our opinions are limited
to the tax matters  specifically  covered thereby, and we have not been asked to
address,  nor have we  addressed,  any other tax  consequences  of the  proposed

   This  opinion  is  being  provided  solely  for  the use of  Surgical  Health
Corporation and its shareholders and for purposes of the Registration Statement.
No other  person or party shall be entitled to rely on this  opinion.  We hereby
consent  to the  filing  of  this  opinion  as an  exhibit  to the  Registration
Statement  and  consent  to any  references  to this  opinion or our firm in the
Prospectus-Joint Proxy Statement.

                                   Very truly yours,
                                   ALSTON & BIRD
                                   By: /s/ Pinney L. Allen
                                       Pinney L. Allen