Amendment No. 4 to Acquisition Agreement
          Amendment No. 4, dated as of December 11, 1996 ("Amendment
   No. 4"), to the Acquisition Agreement, dated as of June 17, 1996, as
   amended by Amendment No. 1 dated as of August 12, 1996, Amendment No. 2
   dated as of September 25, 1996 and Amendment No. 3 dated as of October 29,
   1996, by and among ADS/Multicare, Inc. and Alan D. Solomont, David
   Solomont, Ahron M. Solomont, Jay H. Solomont, Meyer Solomont (who has
   become a party to such Agreement in lieu of David Solomont (of Lowell)),
   Susan S. Bailis and the Seller Entities signatory thereto (the "Acquisition
          The parties to the Acquisition Agreement hereby agree as
          1.   Capitalized terms used herein but not otherwise defined
   herein shall have the respective meanings ascribed thereto in the
   Acquisition Agreement.
          2.   The second sentence of the first paragraph of the
   Acquisition Agreement is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with
   the following:
               "The Owner Parties and the selling stockholders and
        partners listed on Schedule A who are not Owner Parties are
        collectively referred to as the 'Owners.'"
          3.   Exhibit A to the Acquisition Agreement is hereby deleted
   in its entirety and replaced by the Exhibit A attached hereto.  At the
   Closing, Buyer shall assume all of the liabilities of Solomont Brookline
   Limited Partnership other than any liabilities as to which Buyer is
   indemnified under the Acquisition Agreement.
          4.   In the first sentence of Section 2.1 of the Acquisition
   Agreement, the sum of "$69,751,000" is hereby deleted and replaced with
   "$67,159,000."  In the second sentence of Section 2.1 of the Acquisition
   Agreement, the sum of "$59,187,300" is hereby deleted and replaced with
   "$56,128,900" and the number "531,507," referring to the number of Parent
   Shares, is hereby deleted and replaced with the number "554,973."  The
   amount of the Indemnification Holdback Amount is increased to $1,500,000 by
   reason of the provisions of paragraph 20 below.
          5.   A new paragraph is hereby added at the end of Section 2.1
   of the Acquisition Agreement as follows:
               "In order to induce Susan S. Bailis and Thomas H. Grape
        to sell their interests in the Seller Entities, Buyer shall pay at
        the Closing in cash $2,400,000 to Susan S. Bailis and $100,000 to
        Thomas H. Grape."
          6.   Clause (b) in the first paragraph of Section 2.3.1 is
   hereby deleted and clause (c) thereof is relettered as clause (b).  Academy
   shall not be considered a Seller Entity for purposes of preparing the
   Closing Balance Sheet under Section 2.3.1.  The parties acknowledge that no
   post closing adjustment will be made respecting Heritage and that mutually
   agreeable adjustments will be made to recognize that such Facility is not
   being purchased at the Closing and post-closing adjustments respecting
   Heritage will be made as of the closing, if any, of the purchase of such
   Facility under procedures as similar as practicable to those set forth in
   the Acquisition Agreement.  Unless and until Heritage is purchased,
   Heritage shall not be considered a Facility and neither ASL, Inc. nor
   Arcadia Associates shall be considered a Seller Entity for purposes of the
   covenants, warranties or indemnification provisions of the Acquisition
          7.   Section 2.3.5 is hereby deleted and the following new
   Section 2.3.5 is substituted in its entirety therefor:
               "2.3.5    Academy.  
                    (a) Within 60 days following the Closing Date, KPMG
        Peat Marwick LLP shall deliver or cause to be delivered to Buyer and
        the Sellers' Representative an audited balance sheet of Academy as at
        the Closing Date, prepared in accordance with generally accepted
        accounting principles consistent with the balance sheet as at
        December 31, 1995 of Academy heretofore delivered to Buyer (the
        "Academy Closing Balance Sheet"), except that all expenses of Academy
        in connection with the preparation, execution and performance of this
        Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby that have not been
        expended since December 31, 1995, shall be deducted from Shareholders
        Equity.  The methods and time periods applicable to finalizing the
        Closing Balance Sheet in accordance with Section 2.3.1 shall also
        apply to finalizing the Academy Closing Balance Sheet.
                    (b)  (1)  If the amount of the shareholders equity
        reflected on the Academy Closing Balance Sheet ("Academy Closing
        Equity") is less than $1,034,393 ("December 31 Academy Equity"), then
        the aggregate Purchase Price shall be reduced by an amount equal to
        the amount by which Academy Closing Equity is less than December 31
        Academy Equity.  If the amount of Academy Closing Equity is greater
        than December 31 Academy Equity, then the Purchase Price shall be
        increased by such excess.  
                         (2)  If the amount of Net Academy Liabilities
        (as defined below) on the Academy Closing Balance Sheet is greater
        than $4,149,536, then the aggregate Purchase Price shall be reduced
        by the amount of such excess.  Net Academy Liabilities means with
        respect to Academy (i) accounts payable plus accrued expenses plus
        short term debt plus long term debt (including current maturities of
        long term debt) less (ii) cash and cash equivalents.
                    (c)  The Buyer shall pay to the Sellers'
        Representative for payment to the relevant Owners, or the Sellers'
        Representative shall pay or cause to be paid to the Buyer the amount
        of the adjustment required under this Section 2.3.5.  Such adjustment
        shall be made in cash not later than on the third business day
        following final determination of the Academy Closing Balance Sheet."
          8.   The first sentence of Section 3.2 is hereby amended by
   inserting "the day next following" immediately preceding "the Closing
          9.   By executing and delivering this instrument (a) Encare of
   Massachusetts, Inc. ("Encare"), hereby joins in and becomes a party to the
   Acquisition Agreement as a Seller Entity with the intention and effect that
   Encare shall be deemed for all purposes to have executed and delivered the
   Acquisition Agreement and shall have all of the rights and benefits,
   subject to all of the obligations, of a Seller Entity thereunder and (b)
   the Owner Parties who are stockholders of Encare (each, an "Encare Owner
   Party") agree that each representation, warranty, covenant or agreement in
   the Acquisition Agreement made by an Encare Owner Party with respect to the
   Seller Entities shall be deemed to have been made with respect to Encare,
   except that (i) the representations and warranties made with respect to
   Encare shall be limited to the matters set forth in Sections 6.1.2, 6.1.3
   and 6.2 (second and third sentences only) (it being understood that Encare
   will not be deemed a Seller Entity in making such representations but that
   the relevant Sellers will be transferring good and marketable title to
   their shares of Encare, free and clear of all Liens) and (ii) Encare shall
   be deemed a Seller Entity only for purposes of Sections 2.2, 3.3.1 (l) and
   (m), 8.7 (but only as to the obligations of Owner Parties respecting their
   shares of Encare and not any action by Encare), 8.13 and 10.8.
          10.  All references to Section 5.9 in Section 5.4 are hereby
          11.  Buyer shall be entitled to indemnification under
   Section 12.2(c) of the Acquisition Agreement only to the extent that the
   amount of such indemnification exceeds the amount reserved for such items
   by the Seller Entity as of the Closing Date (as reflected in the Closing
   Balance Sheet and/or the Academy Closing Balance Sheet), as such reserve
   may be increased in accordance with the following:  The amount reserved for
   such items shall be increased on a dollar for dollar basis by the amount by
   which any refund or other positive adjustment by reason of any audit by any
   Governmental Authority concerning the operation of any Facility prior to
   the Closing exceeds the amount booked as revenue for the period covered by
   such audit.  Any payment required hereunder shall be made first from the
   $1MM Indemnification Deposit or the Academy Indemnification Deposit (as the
   case may be) pursuant to the Escrow Agreement and then, when claims of any
   type against such funds exceed $1,000,000 (in the case of the $1MM
   Indemnification Deposit) or $300,000 (in the case of the Academy
   Indemnification Deposit), from the appropriate Owner Parties as
   contemplated by Article 12.  Not less frequently than once per calendar
   year, Buyer shall deliver a statement to the Sellers' Representative
   setting forth in reasonable detail information reasonably necessary to
   determine the size of any payments due under this Paragraph and the size of
   the reserve for such items.  In no event shall Buyer be obligated to pay
   (but the reserve shall be credited as aforesaid) to any Owner or Seller
   Entity any amount by reason of receipt of refunds or other positive
          12.  Section 6.9 is hereby amended by adding the following
   prefatory language before the subsections thereof:
     "The representations and warranties in Section 6.9.1 and
        Section 6.9.3 are qualified in their entirety by the disclosure set
        forth on Schedule 6.9.1."
          13.  Paragraphs (c),  (h), (k), (l) and (p) of Section 6.17
   are hereby deleted and are replaced in their entirety by the following:
                    "(c)  Subject to Schedule 6.17(c), each Benefit
        Plan conforms to, and its administration is in compliance with, all
        applicable laws and regulations.
                    (h)  No Benefit Plan is a multiemployer plan as
        defined in Code section 414(f) or ERISA sections 3(37) or 4001(a)(3). 
        Except as set forth in Schedule 6.17 (h), no Benefit Plan is a
        multiple employer plan within the meaning of Code section 413(c) or
        ERISA sections 4063, 4064 or 4066.
                    (k)  Except as set forth in Schedule 6.17(k), each
        Benefit Plan which is intended to qualify under Code section 401(a)
        or 403(a) so qualifies and its related trust is exempt from taxation
        under Code section 501(a).
                    (l)  Each Benefit Plan that is a "group health
        plan" (as defined in ERISA section 607(1) or Code section 5000(b)(1))
        has been operated at all times in compliance with the provisions of
        COBRA and any applicable, similar state law.
                    (p)  As of the Closing, none of the Seller Entities
        Commonly Controlled Entity has incurred any liability or obligation
        under the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act, as it
        may be amended from time to time or any similar state law
        (collectively, "WARN") and within the six-month period immediately
        following the Closing, will not incur any such liability or
        obligation if, during such six-month period, only terminations of
        employment in the normal course of operations occur."
          14.  A new Section 8.18 is hereby added to the Acquisition
   Agreement as follows:
               8.18  Individual Account Plan.  The ADS Group 401(k) Plan
        sponsored by The ADS Group, Inc. and the Academy Manor Retirement &
        Savings Plan (each a "Plan," together, the "Plans") as in effect on
        the Closing Date shall remain in effect after the Closing Date, until
        such time as Buyer decides to terminate either or both of said Plans,
        for the benefit of the employees of the Business participating or
        eligible to participate in each such Plan as of the Closing Date or
        who will thereafter become eligible to participate upon satisfaction
        of the applicable eligibility requirements.  If Buyer decides to
        terminate the ADS Group 401(k) Plan after the Closing Date, at a time
        when any entity outside of Buyer's ERISA controlled group is a
        participating employer therein, Buyer shall cooperate in the transfer
        of sponsorship of the ADS Group 401(k) Plan to any such entity
        outside of its ERISA controlled group desiring to continue such Plan. 
        The Buyer, the Owner Parties and the Seller Entities shall cooperate
        and take any and all action, and cause each of their respective
        Affiliates to take any and all action, as may be necessary or
        appropriate to accomplish the purposes of the foregoing, including,
        but not by way of limitation, the adoption of each such Plan as a
        participating employer or plan sponsor effective as of the Closing
          15.  A new Section 8.19 is hereby added to the Acquisition
   Agreement as follows:
               8.19  Post-Closing Environmental Actions.  
                    (a)  As soon as is reasonably practicable after the
        Closing Date, Buyer shall remove the underground storage tanks
        located at Academy Manor Nursing Home and Prescott House Nursing Home
        (the "USTs"), and shall undertake all actions, including, without
        limitation, investigation and remediation of any Hazardous Substances
        in the environment associated with the removal of the USTs,
        reasonably necessary to obtain a written statement from either
        (i) any Governmental Authority which has exercised jurisdiction over
        the removal of the USTs or (ii) from a "Licensed Site Professional"
        (as defined in 310 CMR 40.0006) to the effect that no further action
        is required under applicable Environmental Laws with respect to the
        USTs and any associated Hazardous Substances.
                    (b)  As soon as is reasonably practicable after the
        Closing Date, the Buyer shall undertake all actions, if any,
        necessary to cause the disposal of the wastewater generated in
        connection with floor cleaning and boiler blowdown at Palm Manor
        Nursing Home and Westford Nursing and Rehabilitation Center to comply
        with all applicable Environmental Laws.
                    (c)  Buyer shall have the exclusive right to manage
        and control all action undertaken pursuant to Sections 8.19(a) and
        8.19(b); provided, however, that all such actions shall be reasonably
        cost effective to accomplish the aims set forth by such Sections.
                    (d)  Subject to the limitations set forth in
        Sections 12.4 and 12.6, the Owner Parties shall indemnify and hold
        harmless Buyer and its agents, representatives, employees, officers,
        directors, stockholders, controlling persons and Affiliates
        (collectively, the "Buyer Indemnities"), and shall reimburse the
        Buyer Indemnities for any loss, liability, claim, damage, expense
        (including, but not limited to, reasonable costs of investigation and
        defense and reasonable attorneys' fees), whether or not involving a
        third party claim (collectively, "Damages"), arising from or in
        connection with (a) the actions undertaken pursuant to Sections
        8.19(a) and 8.19(b) (provided, however, that the Owner Parties shall
        not be obligated to indemnify the Buyers Indemnities to the extent
        that such actions are not conducted in accordance with reasonable and
        customary practices in order to accomplish the aims set forth by such
        Sections), (b) the USTs and the presence of any "reportable
        concentrations" (as defined in 310 CMR 40.0006) of Hazardous
        Substances in the environment resulting from the presence, use or
        operation of the USTs, (c) the presence of any "reportable
        concentrations" (as defined in 310 CMR 40.0006) of Hazardous
        Substances resulting from the discharge of any Hazardous Substances
        to the septic systems at the Palm Manor Nursing Home or the Westford
        Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, or (d) any environmental
        conditions, noncompliance with environmental laws, or other events,
        acts or conditions identified in (i) the Level I environmental site
        assessments of the Operated Facilities prepared by Rizzo Associates,
        Inc. and provided to Sellers on or before the Closing Date or (ii)
        any environmental assessments, reports or other documents concerning
        the Facilities provided by Sellers to Buyer where, in the case of
        either (i) or (ii), Buyer refrained from any further investigation,
        it being understood that all such matters where Buyer refrained from
        further investigation are listed in a letter between counsel to the
        respective parties, dated the date hereof.  Third party claims
        subject to indemnification pursuant to this Section 8.19(d) shall be
        subject to the procedures set forth in Section 12.5. Owner Parties'
        obligation to indemnify Buyer pursuant to this Section 8.19(d) shall
        not be limited or otherwise affected by Sellers' disclosure on
        Schedule 6.9.1 to this Acquisition Agreement.  Claims for
        indemnification hereunder shall be effected under Article 12, it
        being understood that claims with respect to Academy being made
        solely against Meyer Solomont as well as the related $300,000
        Indemnification Holdback Amount.
                    (e)  The Owner Parties shall have no obligation to
        indemnify Buyer pursuant to Section 8.19(d) with respect to any claim
        unless, on or before the fifth anniversary of the Closing Date, the
        Sellers' Representative is given notice asserting such claim and
        specifying its factual basis in reasonable detail to the extent then
        known by Buyer.
                    (f)  Buyer shall promptly provide to the Sellers'
        Representative copies of all final scopes of work, sampling data,
        notices to or from a Governmental Authority or third party, test
        results and reports concerning the actions undertaken pursuant to
        Section 8.19(a) and 8.19(b).
                    (g) To the extent that any rights of recovery,
        contribution, reimbursement or indemnification exist against the
        owner of the Palm Manor Nursing Home ("Recovery"), including, without
        limitation, by reason of Section 12.4(b) below, pursuant to the lease
        of said Facility or otherwise, Buyer and Sellers agree to use
        reasonable efforts to cooperate to obtain such Recovery and any such
        Recovery obtained will be paid to Buyer and applied against Owner
        Parties' obligation to indemnify Buyer for the Damages to which the
        Recovery relates or, to the extent Owner Parties have already made
        cash payment to Buyer Indemnities pursuant to their indemnification
        obligation with respect to the subject matter of the Recovery, the
        Recovery will be paid to Owner Parties.
                    (h) To the extent that any of the Buyer Indemnities
        obtain any recovery pursuant to an insurance policy with respect to
        Damages for which such Buyer Indemnities have received
        indemnification payments from any Owner Parties, such Buyer
        Indemnities shall thereupon reimburse such Owner Parties on a dollar
        for dollar basis.  If this provision would have the effect of causing
        any Buyer Indemnitee to lose any benefits under any such policy, this
        Section 15(h) will to the extent necessary to prevent such loss be
        deemed null and void.  In no event shall any Buyer Indemnitee suffer
        any net reduction in recovery by reason of this Section 15(h).
          16.  A new Section 8.20 is hereby added to the Acquisition
   Agreement as follows:
               "Subject to any required approval of the Lessor under the
        Operating Lease, dated June 30, 1995, between Health Care Property
        Investors and ADS Palm Chelmsford, Inc. (the "Palm and Reservoir
        Lease"), Buyer shall have the right (the "Palm Option") to purchase
        all shares of stock of ADS Reservoir Waltham, Inc. and ADS Palm
        Chelmsford, Inc. for an aggregate purchase price of $100 for each
        such corporation five days following delivery of written notice of
        exercise of such right to the Sellers' Representative at any time
        prior to January 1, 2016 (or one year after such later date to which
        the Palm and Reservoir Lease may be extended).  No person other than
        Buyer who owns any stock of either such corporation may sell, dispose
        of, transfer, pledge or encumber any of such stock, and neither such
        corporation shall sell, transfer or encumber, or enter into any
        agreement to sell, transfer or encumber, all or substantially all of
        its assets, or enter into any agreement respecting, or effect, any
        merger or consolidation, in each case at any time until the
        expiration of the Palm Option.  Until the expiration of the Palm
        Option, neither corporation shall pay any dividend (other than
        dividends payable solely in shares of stock, pro rata, to all
        shareholders) or make any distribution.  ADS Palm Chelmsford, Inc.
        hereby agrees to assign to Buyer upon request all of ADS Palm
        Chelmsford, Inc.'s rights under the Palm and Reservoir Lease, without
        any recourse to, or representation or warranty from, ADS Palm
        Chelmsford, Inc., whether or not such assignment breaches the Palm
        and Reservoir Lease, provided that Buyer shall indemnify the
        officers, directors and shareholders of ADS Palm Chelmsford, Inc. and
        ADS Reservoir Waltham, Inc. in connection with such assignment."
          17.  The final sentence of Section 9 is hereby amended by
   deleting the same in its entirety and substituting the following therefor:
               "Buyer agrees to cause Parent to permit any Seller
        receiving Parent Shares pursuant to this Agreement to include the
        sale of Parent Shares acquired by them pursuant to this Agreement in
        any registration statement effected by the Parent under the
        Securities Act of 1933 later than one year following the Closing Date
        on the same basis that the co-chief executive officers may include
        shares of common stock of the Parent therein, unless the Parent shall
        have received an opinion of counsel that such Seller may sell such
        shares without registration under such Act."
          18.  A new Section 10.11 is hereby added to the Acquisition
   Agreement as follows:
               10.11  Post-Closing Option to Purchase Heritage.  
                         (a)  Buyer and Sellers acknowledge that the
        Heritage Nursing Care Center ("Heritage") has been removed from the
        Operated Facilities the ownership of which will be transferred
        pursuant to this Agreement.  Sellers who hold ownership interests in
        Heritage ("Heritage Sellers") hereby grant and convey to Buyer an
        option to either (i) purchase Heritage, pursuant to the terms of this
        Agreement, including the application of all representations,
        warranties and covenants contained in this Agreement to Heritage but
        the liability of the Owner Parties for matters relating to Hazardous
        Substance and all environmental issues associated with Heritage under
        or with respect to this Agreement shall be limited to 10% of the
        equity price for Heritage, and at a price and in the manner set forth
        on Exhibit A to this Agreement or (ii) propose alternative terms for
        the purchase or lease by Buyer of Heritage (the "Option").
                         (b)  The Option may be exercised at any time
        during the period which shall commence on the Closing Date and shall
        expire 180 days thereafter (the "Option Period").
                         (c)  Buyer shall exercise the Option at any
        time during the Option Period by giving notice, pursuant to Section
        15.7 hereof, of such exercise to Sellers' Representative.
                         (d)  If Buyer exercises the Option in the
        manner specified in Section 10.11(a)(ii), Buyer shall include with
        its notice of the exercise of the Option a purchase or lease
        agreement reflecting Buyer's alternative terms (the "Alternative
        Purchase Agreement"), and within 30 days of receipt of Buyer's
        notice, Sellers' Representative shall notify Buyer as to whether the
        Heritage Sellers accept the sale or lease of Heritage on the terms
        proposed by Buyer.  If Sellers' Representative notifies Buyer that
        the Heritage Sellers accept the sale or lease of Heritage on Buyer's
        terms, Sellers and Buyer shall execute the Alternative Purchase
        Agreement.  If Sellers' Representative notifies Buyer that the
        Heritage Sellers are not accepting the sale or lease of Heritage on
        Buyer's terms (or if Sellers' Representative fails to so notify the
        Buyer within such 30 day period ), the Option shall expire (except
        that Buyer shall retain the Option under Section 10.11(a)(i) for an
        additional 60 days) and Buyer shall have the right to terminate at
        any time on 60 days notice the supply arrangement referred to in
        Section 10.11(h).
                         (e) The Heritage Sellers shall not
        voluntarily convey, sell, transfer, mortgage or encumber (except for
        current mortgage lien and liens for real estate taxes, properly
        assessed) Heritage, or any part thereof or interest therein, during
        the Option Period without the prior consent of Buyer.
                         (f) If Buyer fails to exercise the Option in
        the manner provided for herein during the Option Period, the Option
        shall automatically terminate.
                         (g) The purchase or lease of Heritage shall
        be effected not later than the thirtieth day (subject to extension
        for health regulatory requirements) following (i) the exercise of the
        Option in the manner set forth in Section 10.11(a)(i) or (ii) the
        acceptance of the Alternative Purchase Agreement in accordance with
        Section 10.11(d).
                         (h) Effective upon the Closing, the
        management agreement between Heritage and ADS Management, Inc. shall
        be terminated and all amounts owed thereunder shall be promptly
        settled.  Following the Closing, ADS Management, Inc. shall supply
        Heritage with accounting, reimbursement, consulting, payroll and
        other services (to be agreed upon) on an annual basis, for which
        Heritage shall pay at prices to be agreed upon, but in no event shall
        the amounts paid pursuant to such service arrangements, regardless of
        the level used by Heritage, be less than 5% of revenues of Heritage. 
        Such arrangement shall be renewed on a mutually agreeable basis.  
          19.  The following sentences are hereby added at the end of
   Section 12.4(b) of the Acquisition Agreement:
          "Any Damages incurred or suffered by Buyer in connection with
        the presence, abatement, removal, disposal or replacement of
        asbestos-containing building material shall not be subject to
        indemnification pursuant to this Agreement, but such Damages shall
        reduce the amount of the Sellers' Basket as if such Damages were
        subject to indemnification under Section 12.2 of this Agreement."
          20.  The parties hereto acknowledge that Meyer Solomont
   heretofore was substituted for David Solomont of Lowell under, among other
   things, Section 12.7.  Section 12.7 is amended by deleting therefrom the
   final sentence and substituting therefor the following:
          "Buyer shall deposit $500,000 of the Purchase Price relating to 
        Academy on the Closing Date, of which $300,000 shall secure the
        indemnification obligations under the Agreement respecting Academy
        and $200,000 shall secure potential liabilities arising from two
        severance agreements referred to on Schedule 6.17(a), all as more
        fully set forth in the Escrow Agreement.  Buyer shall be entitled to
        be indemnified dollar for dollar without regard to any basket for any
        payments that are required to be made pursuant to such severance
          21.  In view of the fact that the schedules to the Acquisition
   Agreement were completed at the Closing, no person shall have any liability
   by reason of the fact that any representation or warranty was untrue as of
   anytime prior to the Closing, so long as the same shall be true and correct
   as of the Closing.
          22.  The description of Alan Solomont's interest in certain
   assisted living ventures and other matters annexed hereto as Exhibit B is
   true and correct in all material respects and does not omit any fact
   necessary to make the statements therein  truthful and accurate as of the
   date hereof.  ADS and SSB and certain other Owner Parties have interests in
   three assisted living development projects known as Dartmouth, Danvers and
   Hingham.  At Closing, all rights and interests of such Persons in such
   projects, as well as all other nursing facilities or projects and assisted
   living projects other than those listed on Schedule 6.23 of the Acquisition
   Agreement, are being assigned to Buyer (or its affiliated designee),
   subject to third party consents and Buyer shall become responsible for all
   development costs and capital contributions.  In addition, at or after the
   Closing (upon receipt and verification of backup), Buyer shall reimburse
   each such Person for any unreimbursed expenditures by such Persons on all
   such projects, by paying to Sellers' Representative for their accounts the
   amounts set forth on Exhibit C.  The Sellers represent that none of such
   expenses has been paid by any entity being acquired pursuant to the
   Acquisition Agreement.  ADS and SSB agree to use their best efforts to
   obtain any necessary third-party consents to such transfer within 90 days
   following the Closing, ADS and SSB acknowledge and agree that such
   interests will be permitted under Section 10.9 of the Acquisition Agreement
   only until the 90th day following the Closing.
          23.  The Sellers' Representative has heretofore provided to
   Buyer a copy of an agreement respecting the termination of employment of
   Thomas Grape.  The Buyer confirms that the severance of Mr. Grape under the
   terms set forth in such agreement will not constitute a breach of the
   Acquisition Agreement.  Sellers' Representative agrees that it is the
   intention of the parties that, except for the obligation of the Buyer to
   pay $95,000 to Mr. Grape, the financial terms of such letter agreement
   shall not adversely affect Buyer and that any payments to Mr. Grape,
   regardless of whether made prior or after the Closing, will be deemed to be
   made prior to the Closing for purposes of preparation of the Closing
   Balance Sheet and any other appropriate adjustment shall be made such that
   any and all costs relating to such severance or arising out of such
   agreement will not be borne directly or indirectly by the Buyer.  
                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed
   and delivered this Amendment No. 4 as of the day and year first above
                              ADS/MULTICARE, INC.
                              By:    BRADFORD C. BURKETT                       
                              Name:  Bradford C. Burkett
                              Title: Vice-President
                              ENCARE OF MASSACHUSETTS, INC.
                              By:    DANIEL E. STRAUS                  
                              Name:  Daniel E. Straus
                              By:    ALAN D. SOLOMONT                  
                              Name:  Alan D. Solomont

                          Exhibit A
   Arcadia Associates (General Partnership)
   ASL, Inc. d/b/a Heritage Nursing Care Center (S Corporation)
     A.   Each partner of Arcadia Associates  (i.e., Alan Solomont
             (12.5%), David Solomont (12.5%), Jay Solomont (12.5%), Ahron
             Solomont (12.5%), Leon Landa (25%), E. Casso (6.25%), G. Jasne
             (6.25%), P. Altsher (6.25%) and B. Petty (6.25%)) shall
             transfer their partnership interests in Arcadia Associates to
     B.   SELCO shall pay cash consideration to each partner of Arcadia
             Associates, as follows:

               Alan Solomont           $   136,500
               David Solomont          $   136,500
               Jay Solomont            $   136,500
               Ahron Solomont          $   136,500
               Leon Landa              $   273,000
               E. Casso                $    68,250
               G. Jasne                $    68,250
               P. Altsher              $    68,250
               B. Petty                $    68,250
               TOTAL                   $ 1,092,000

     C.   The trustee of Arcadia Realty Trust will be changed to a person
             designated by SELCO.
     D.   SELCO shall strip the real estate assets out of Arcadia Realty
             Trust/Arcadia Associates.
     E.   SELCO shall lease the real estate assets to ASL, Inc.
     F.   Each stockholder of ASL, Inc., (i.e., Alan Solomont (12.5%),
             David Solomont (12.5%), Jay Solomont (12.5%), Ahron Solomont
             (12.5%), Leon Landa (25%), E. Casso (6.25%), G. Jasne (6.25%),
             P. Altsher (6.25%) and B. Petty (6.25%)) shall sell their stock
             to Buyer.
     G.   Buyer shall pay cash consideration to each stockholder of ASL,
             Inc. as follows:

   Alan Solomont           $   125,000
   David Solomont          $   125,000
   Jay Solomont            $   125,000
   Ahron Solomont          $   125,000
   Leon Landa              $   250,000
   E. Casso                $    62,500
   G. Jasne                $    62,500
   P. Altsher              $    62,500
   B. Petty                $    62,500
   TOTAL                   $  1,000,000

     H.   Management Agreement will remain between ADS Management, Inc.
             and ASL, Inc.  License is held by ASL, Inc.
     I.   Consents required:
          (i)  The consent of each of Leon B. Landa, Elizabeth Casso,
                  Gail Jasne, Philip M. Altsher and Barbara Petty is
                  required for the transfer of each of the partnership
                  interests of all of the other partners in Arcadia
                  Associates pursuant to the Arcadia Associates partnership
          (ii) The board of directors of ASL, Inc. must waive
                  restrictions on stock transfer pursuant to the articles
                  of incorporation of ASL, Inc.
          (iii)     Loan Agreement dated 11/30/93 between ASL, Inc. and Fleet
                       Bank to be repaid.  Release liens and guaranties made by
                       Ahron Solomont, Alan Solomont, Leon Landa, Jay Solomont
                       and David Solomont.
                            Exhibit B
   Operating Assisted Living Facilities.
          ADS Senior Housing, Inc. (a company being acquired by
   Multicare) currently manages eight assisted living facilities.  Alan
   Solomont has ownership interests in five of the eight:  (i) Heritage at
   North Andover; (ii) Cabot Park Village; (iii) Heritage at the Falls; (iv)
   Heritage at Cleveland Circle; and (v) Heritage at Vernon Court.  Four of
   the five facilities (all except North Andover) are essentially joint
   ventures between an entity owned in substantially equivalent portions by
   Alan, Susan Bailis and three of Alan's brothers on one side and National
   Development of New England ("NDNE"), an independent developer, on the other
   side.  The ADS entity and NDNE have substantially equivalent general
   partner and limited partner interests in each facility.  Three of the four
   facilities (all except Cabot) also include third party investors known as
   "investor limited partners," who acquired their interests in equity
   syndications.  These investor limited partners own limited partnership
   interests ranging generally from 45%-55% of each entity.  Alan serves as
   president of each ADS entity.  In each instance, the ADS entity manages the
   facility and earns development and management fees, while NDNE develops and
   constructs the property, earning development and construction fees.
          The fifth facility, North Andover, is owned in five tranches of
   20% each by Alan, Susan and each of Alan's three brothers.
          Information setting forth more precisely the investment
   interests is attached.
   Assisted Living Development Projects.
          Alan Solomont, Susan Bailis and three of Alan's brothers have
   ownership interests in three assisted living development projects known as
   Dartmouth, Danvers and Hingham.  These are covered by Amendment No. 4. 
                             Exhibit C
   Schedule of amounts to be paid at or after Closing re Assisted Living (upon
   receipt and verification of back-up)

                               ADS Senior Housing
   Danvers Assisted Living         $  219,507
   Hingham Assisted Living         $  154,176
   Worcester Assisted Living       $  105,302
   Southington Assisted Living     $   11,574
   Dartmouth Assisted Living       $  211,624
   TOTAL ADS SENIOR HOUSING        $  702,183


                                 ADS Management
   Southeast Nursing Home          $  550,000
   TOTAL ADS MANAGEMENT            $  550,000

                                 Total ADS Group
   Total ADS Senior Housing        $   702,183
   Total ADS Management            $   550,000
   TOTAL ADS GROUP                 $ 1,252,183