CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION


                              SURESEAL CORPORATION

             Pursuant to Section 402 of the Business Corporation Law

         I, the undersigned, a natural person of at least 18 years of age, for
the purpose of forming a corporation under Section 402 of the Business
Corporation Law of the State of New York hereby certify:

FIRST:         The name of the corporation is:

                              SURESEAL CORPORATION

SECOND:        The purpose of the corporation is to engage in any lawful act
               or activity for which corporations may be organized under
               Article IV of the Business Corporation Law, except that is not
               formed to engage in any act or activity requiring the consent
               or approval of any state official, department, board, agency
               or other body without such consent or approval first being

THIRD:         The office of the corporation is to be located in the County of
               Chenango State of New York.

FOURTH:        The aggregate number of shares which the corporation shall have
               the authority to issue is Two Hundred, each of which shall be
               common stock with no par value.

FIFTH:         The Secretary of State is designated as agent of the
               corporation upon whom process against it may be served. The
               post office address to which the Secretary of State shall mail
               a copy of any process against the corporation served upon him

                                            c/o  The Corporation
                                                 P.O. Box 109
                                                 Norwich, NY 13815

SIXTH:         No director of the corporation shall have personal liability
               to the corporation or to its shareholders for damages for any
               breach of duty in such capacity; provided, however, that the
               provision shall not eliminate or limit:

               (a) the liability of any director of the corporation if a
               judgment or other final adjudication adverse to him
               establishes that his acts or omissions were in bad faith or
               involved intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law
               or that he personally gained in fact a financial profit or
               other advantage to which he was not legally entitled or, with
               respect to any director of the corporation, that his acts
               violated Section 719 of the Business Corporation Law of the
               State of New York, or

               (b) the liability of a director for any act or omission prior
               to the final adoption of this article.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this certificate of incorporation has been subscribed by the
undersigned this 10/06/94, who affirms the statements made herein are true under
the penalties of perjury.

                                          /s/ Christine Pucci
                                              Christine Pucci, Incorporator

                                          XL Corporate & Research Services, Inc.
                                          194 Washington Avenue
                                          Albany, New York 12210