July 1, 2005

Alaska Communications Systems Holdings, Inc.
600 Telephone Avenue MS 7
Anchorage, AK 99503

      Re:   Purchase of 9 7/8% Senior Notes Due 2011 (the "Securities") of
            Alaska Communications Systems Holdings, Inc. (the "Company")


            This will confirm that the agreement of the undersigned, Wellington
Management Company, LLP as investment advisor on behalf of certain accounts
managed by it (individually, the "Seller" and collectively, the "Sellers"), to
sell to the Company $34,326,000.00 principal amount of the above-described
Securities for a purchase price of $1,105.70 per Security (the "Transaction"),
together with accrued interest through, but not including, the Settlement Date
(as defined below) (the "Purchase Price").

            Subject to the conditions described herein, the Transaction will
close on or before July 20, 2005. The Company will notify the Sellers at least
two business days prior to the date the Transaction will settle (the "Settlement
Date"). On the Settlement Date, each Seller will cause the delivery of the
Securities referenced above to DTC participant account #066 (027608) on behalf
of the Company and the Company will deliver to each Seller the respective
Purchase Price by wire transfer of same day funds as set forth on Annex A.

            The Company's obligation to purchase the above referenced Securities
is subject to Company having obtained a satisfactory waiver of the terms of the
Credit Agreement dated as of February 1, 2005 among Alaska Communications
Systems Group, Inc. (the "Parent"), the Borrower, the lenders from time to time
party thereto (the "Lenders"), CIBC, as administrative agent for the Lenders
(together with its successors, in such capacity, the "Administrative Agent"),
CIBC World Markets Corp., J.P. Morgan Securities Inc. and Banc of America
Securities LLC, as co-lead arrangers and joint book managers, JPMorgan Chase
Bank, N.A., as syndication agent, and Bank of America, N.A., as documentation

            Each Seller hereby acknowledges that it knows that the Company may
have material, non-public information regarding the Company and its condition
(financial and otherwise), results of operations, businesses, properties, plans
(including, without limitation, plans regarding potential purchases of
Securities, which may be for different amounts or types of consideration) and
prospects (collectively, "Information"). Each Seller further acknowledges that
it has been offered and does not wish to receive any of this Information and
that such Information might be material to such Seller's decision to sell the
Securities or otherwise materially adverse to such Seller's interests.
Accordingly, each Seller acknowledges and agrees that the Company shall have no
obligation to disclose to such Seller any of such Information.

            Each Seller further represents that it has adequate information
concerning the business and financial condition of the Company to make an
informed decision regarding the sale of the Securities and has independently and
without reliance upon the Company made its own analysis and decision to sell the
Securities. Each Seller hereby waives and releases, to the fullest extent
permitted by law, any and all claims and causes of action it has or may have
against the Company and its affiliates, controlling persons, officers,
directors, employees, representatives and agents, based upon, relating to or
arising out of the transaction contemplated hereby, including (without
limitation) any claim or cause of action based upon, relating to or arising out
of nondisclosure of the Information.

            Each Seller is either (i) a "qualified institutional buyer" as
defined in Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities
Act"), or (ii) an "accredited investor" as defined in Rule 501 subparagraphs
(1), (2), (3) or (7) of Rule 501(a) promulgated under the Securities Act. The
Sellers have not acquired the Securities on behalf, or at the request, of the
Company or any of its affiliates. The sale of the Securities by each Seller (i)
was privately negotiated in an independent transaction and not solicited by or
on behalf of the Company or any of its affiliates and (ii) does not violate any
rules or regulations applicable to Sellers or their business.

            Please confirm your agreement to the foregoing by signing and
returning the enclosed copy of this letter to the Company.

Very truly yours,                     Acknowledged

WELLINGTON MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLP    __________________________
as investment adviser on behalf of    ALASKA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS
the accounts listed on attached       HOLDINGS, INC.
Annex A

                                      By: _______________________
By: _________________________             Name:
    Name:  Greg Konzal                    Title:
    Title: Vice President and


                                                                         ANNEX A

                                WIRE INSTRUCTIONS
