Exhibit 10.H

                                AIRBORNE EXPRESS



                               "AIRBORNE EXPRESS"


                           Effective January 1, 1993

                            SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION

1.        Purpose

          The purpose of this Plan is to achieve Corporate goals by providing 
          incentive compensation to eligible key executives who through 
          industry, ability and exceptional service, contribute materially to 
          the success of Airborne Express.

2.        Definitions

          When used in the Plan, the following words and phrases shall have 
          the following meanings:

          (a)      Beneficiary - The beneficiary or beneficiaries designated to
                   receive the amount, if any, payable under the Plan upon the
                   death of a participant.

          (b)      Board - The Board of Directors of Airborne Freight

          (c)      Compensation Committee - Members of the Board who are
                   charged with the responsibility of review and
                   recommendations to the full Board on matters relating to
                   salaries of officers and all other forms of executive and
                   key management compensation and benefits.

          (d)      Plan - The Executive Incentive Compensation Plan.

          (e)      Plan Year - Each calendar year for which specific
                   performance targets are established for the Company.

          (f)      Eligible Employee or Participant - Any executive employee
                   who is in service at the end of the Plan year and who has
                   been designated by the Board as eligible to receive awards

          (g)      Performance Measure - A specific objective measure to assess
                   individual or group success in achieving established goals.
                   The plan consists of two corporate performance measures and
                   individual MBO sections may consist of up to four additional
                   performance measures.

          (h)      Target - The point at which performance equals 100% of the
                   stated objective and earns the bonus percentage established
                   for a given position.

                                                  2                       1993
          (i)      Attainment - The actual results of individual or group
                   effort to reach a performance goal, usually stated as a
                   percentage of target.

          (j)      Threshold - The point below target at which incentive payout
                   for each performance measure begins.  Some performance
                   measures only pay incentive if target is achieved.

          (k)      Maximum - The point above target that represents the maximum
                   payout level for a particular performance measure.

          (l)      Total Disability - Complete and permanent inability by
                   reason of illness or accident to perform the duties of the
                   occupation at which a Participant was employed by Airborne
                   Express when such disability commenced.

          (m)      Retirement - When an employee leaves active service and
                   qualifies under the company's regular or early retirement 

3.        Allocation of Bonus Awards

          Each Plan year bonus awards, if any, shall be allocated among eligible
          employees, on the basis of their contributions to the successful 
          management of the total organization or of a subsidiary and in 
          accordance with such rules as the Board may prescribe.

          Upon recommendations of the Compensation Committee, the Board shall 
          determine the award maximums, the allocation of the award between 
          individuals and the total organization and individual executive 

          In determining the allocation of bonus awards among individual 
          executives, the Chairman and the President will consider Company 
          performance and individual performance goals.

          The Compensation Committee shall have the right to approve different
          performance objectives for each performance period.  However, 
          performance objectives will not be changed during any performance 
          period except as and to the extent determined by the Board in the 
          event of changes in accounting practices or extraordinary or 
          unanticipated circumstances which could have a material effect on 
          the achievement of the performance objectives.

4.        Limitation on Allocation

          The total amount allocated as a Bonus Award to an eligible employee 
          shall not exceed a fixed percentage of the employee's targeted award.

5.        Form of Payment of Incentive Compensation

          Incentive compensation awards shall be paid entirely in cash except 
          when otherwise authorized by the Board.  Payments will be made as 
          soon as practicable after audited performance results are known, 
          which should be on or about March 1.  Bonus award checks are 
          prepared by Payroll and the amounts are subject to tax withholding 
          and Capital Accumulation Plan (CAP) deductions.

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          If a participant dies before the end of the Plan year an amount 
          equal to a pro-rated portion thereof as of the date of death shall 
          be paid in one lump cash sum to the employee's beneficiary.

6.        Designation of Beneficiaries

          Each participant shall file with the Company a written designation of
          one or more persons as the Beneficiary who shall be entitled to 
          receive the amount, if any, payable under the Plan upon the 
          employee's death.  A participant may, from time to time, revoke or 
          change his Beneficiary designation without the consent of any prior 
          Beneficiary by filing a new designation.  The last such designation 
          received shall be controlling, provided, however, that no 
          designation, or change or revocation thereof, shall be effective 
          unless received by the Company prior to the Participant's death, and 
          in no event shall it be effective as of a date prior to such receipt.

7.        Absence of Valid Designation

          If no such Beneficiary designation is in effect at the time of a 
          Participant's death, or if no designated beneficiary survives the 
          participant, or if such designation conflicts with the law, the 
          Participant's estate shall be deemed to have been designated a 
          beneficiary and shall receive the payment of the amount, if any, 
          under the Plan upon the participant's death.  If the Compensation
          Committee is in doubt as to the right of any person to receive such 
          amount, the Compensation Committee may direct retention of such 
          amount, without liability for any interest thereon, until the rights
          thereto are determined or the Compensation Committee may pay such 
          amount to any court of appropriate jurisdiction and such payment 
          shall be a complete discharge of the liability of the Plan and of 
          Airborne therefore.


8.        Power and Authority

          The Compensation Committee shall have full power and authority to 
          construe, interpret and administer the Plan.  All decisions, actions 
          or interpretations of the Compensation Committee shall be final, 
          conclusive and binding upon all parties.

9.        No Liability of Compensation Committee, Board Members or Officers

          No members of the Compensation Committee, Board or Corporate officers
          shall be personally liable by reason of any contract or other 
          instrument executed by them or on their behalf nor for any mistake or
          judgment made in good faith, and Airborne shall indemnify and hold 
          harmless each member of the Board and each other officer, employee 
          or director of Airborne to whom any duty or power relating to the 
          administration or interpretation of the Plan may be allocated or 
          delegated, against any cost or expense (including counsel fees) or 
          liability (including any sum paid in settlement of a claim with the 
          approval of the Compensation Committee) arising out of any act or 
          omission to act in connection with the Plan unless arising out of 
          such person's own fraud or bad faith.

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10.       Right to Amend, Suspend or Terminate Plan

          The Board reserves the right at any time to amend, suspend or 
          terminate the Plan in whole or in part and for any reasons and 
          without the consent of any Participant or Beneficiary; provided that 
          no such amendment shall adversely affect rights to receive any 
          amount to which Participants or Beneficiaries have become entitled 
          prior to such amendment.  Any amendment, modification, suspension or
          termination of any provisions of the Plan may be made retroactively.


11.       No Rights to Continued Employment or Bonus

          Nothing contained in the Plan shall give any employee the right to 
          be retained in the employment of Airborne or affect the right of 
          Airborne to dismiss any employee.  The adoption of the Plan shall 
          not constitute a contract between Airborne and any employee.  No 
          eligible employee shall receive any right to be granted an award 
          hereunder nor shall any such award be considered as compensation
          under any employee benefit plan of Airborne except as otherwise
          determined by Airborne.

12.       No Right, Title, or Interest in Airborne Assets

          The Participant shall have no right, title, or interest whatsoever 
          in or to any investments which Airborne may make to aid in meeting 
          its obligations under the Plan.  Nothing contained in the Plan, and
          no action taken pursuant to its provisions, shall create or be 
          construed to create a fiduciary relationship between Airborne and
          any eligible employee or any other person.  To the extent that any 
          person acquires a right to receive payments from Airborne under this
          Plan, such right shall be no greater than the right of an unsecured 
          general creditor of Airborne.

13.       Unfunded Plan: Governing Law

          The Plan is intended to constitute an incentive compensation 
          arrangement for a select group of management or highly compensated
          personnel and all rights thereunder shall be governed by and 
          construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington.

14.       Executive Incentive Compensation Plan

          The specific Executive Incentive Compensation Plan (EICP) for Plan 
          year 1993 is described in the next section (pages 6 -12).

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                               "AIRBORNE EXPRESS"


                           Effective January 1, 1993

Airborne Express has adopted an executive incentive compensation program which
provides opportunities to top corporate executives to receive additional
compensation for their contribution toward achieving the Company's performance
goals as established by the Board.

1.        PURPOSE

          The purpose of this Plan is to increase the rate of growth of the  
          Company--in earnings, revenues, human resources, and strategic 
          position--by stimulating key executives to superior performance, 
          and by attracting and keeping in the employ of the Company people
          of outstanding experience and ability.


          (a)      The Compensation Committee will have the power to interpret
                   the Plan and to make all determinations necessary or
                   desirable for its administration.

          (b)      The decision of the Compensation Committee on any question
                   concerning the interpretation or administration of the Plan
                   will be final and conclusive.  Nothing in the Plan will be
                   deemed to give any officer or employee, or legal
                   representatives or assigns, any right to participate in the
                   Plan except to such extent, as the Board may determine
                   pursuant to the provisions of the Plan.


           (a)     Eligibility of employees to participate in the Plan in any 
                   Plan Year will be recommended through organizational 
                   channels and approved by the Board.

           (b)     Eligible employees will be the Chief Executive Officer and
                   those executives of the Company who have a major
                   impact on profits, growth, contribute importantly
                   to determining the Company's strategic position, or
                   who directs a major administrative division of the

                   Positions eligible for the EICP include:

                   Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
                   President and Chief Operating Officer (COO)
                   Executive Vice Presidents
                   President, ABX Air, Inc.

          (c)      With approval of the Board, prior to June 30 of each Plan
                   Year, additional

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                   employees may be included in the Plan, with any award bonus
                   pro-rated as shall be determined by the Compensation 

          (d)      Employees who retire in good standing during the year will
                   be eligible for a pro-rated bonus for the year in which they
                   retire provided they are on the active payroll on June 30th
                   or later of the plan year.

          (e)      Employees who take a leave of absence will have their awards
                   calculated based on actual Airborne salary earnings for the
                   calendar year.  Any disability insurance payments will not
                   be included as earnings in calculating bonus awards.
                   Employees who are on a leave of absence for more than 90
                   days and who continue to receive full or partial salary
                   continuance will have their awards adjusted.  Any salary
                   paid while on a leave of absence period over 90 days will
                   not be included in the base used to calculate annual bonus

          (f)      Bonus payments shall be made on or about March 1st following
                   the Plan year and after audited performance results.

          (g)      Bonus checks are prepared by Payroll and the amounts are
                   subject to tax withholding and Capital Accumulation Plan
                   (CAP) withholding.


          The Company's performance used to determine the payout of bonuses 
          on two factors -- pre-tax, pre-profit sharing net profit and 
          percent of sales revenue growth.  Performance goals will be set as 

          (a)      Pre-tax net profit earnings is the major corporate target 
                   and shall be the basis of 75% of the bonus allocation.

          (b)      An 80% threshold is set on targeted pre-tax earnings.

          (c)      A 150% maximum is set on targeted pre-tax earnings.

          (d)      Percent growth in sales revenues is the second major
                   corporate target and shall be the basis of 25% of the bonus 

          (e)      An 80% threshold is set on targeted growth in sales revenue.

          (f)      The maximum is 150% of targeted growth in sales revenue.


          (a)      The bonus percentage is applied to the participant's salary 
                   paid in the Plan (calendar) Year.

          (b)      No bonus will be paid for growth in sales revenue unless the
                   threshold net profit is achieved.

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          (c)      To receive any award under EICP, an executive's individual
                   performance must be evaluated as at least competent by the
                   Compensation Committee.


          Actual bonuses will be determined by applying the following
          percentages, or a pro-rated portion thereof, times the participant's
          annual salary.

                          Threshold                       Maximum
          Position     (80% of Target)     Target     (150% of Target)
          ---------    ---------------     ------     ----------------
          CEO & COO          10%             45%            100%
          EVP's              10%             35%             75%


          100% of the bonus award is allocated to corporate performance
          (as opposed to individual MBO achievement) for all Executive Incentive
          Compensation Plan (EICP) eligible positions.  The EICP incentive
          payment percentages for goal attainment are:

                                   CEO & COO
                                (100% CORPORATE)
          Percent of
          Attainment     Profit  (75%)     Revenue (25%)     Total
          ----------     -------------     -------------     -----
              80%             7.5 %             2.5 %         10.0%
             100%            33.75%            11.25%         45.0%
             150%            75.0 %            25.0 %        100.0%

                                (100% CORPORATE)
          Percent of
          Attainment     Profit  (75%)     Revenue (25%)     Total
          ----------     -------------     -------------     -----
              80%             7.5 %            2.5 %         10.0%
             100%            26.25%            8.75%         35.0%
             150%            56.25%           18.75%         75.0%

8.        There is an example incentive calculation for the EVP level on 
          the following page.

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                                  EICP EXAMPLE

3.        SALARY:  $200,000
4.        Bonus opportunity as percent of salary:

                   Threshold        Target       Maximum
                   ---------        ------       -------
                       10%            35%          75%

5.        Allocation:

                                                   Threshold        Target           Maximum
                                                   ---------        ---------        -------
          75% - Pre-Tax Net Profit                   7.5%            26.25%           56.25%
          25% - Growth in Revenue                    2.5%             8.75%           18.75%
          Total Bonus Opportunity                   10.0%            35.0 %           75.0 %

6.        Assumed Facts:

                   *       Profit Performance:                87%
                   *       Revenue Performance:              104%

7.        Calculations

                   Performance      =      Bonus Percentage (from table)

                        87%         =      14.06%

                   Bonus %   X      Annual Salary  =        Profit Bonus

                   14.06%    X      $200,000       =         $28,120

                   Performance      =      Bonus Percentage (from table)

                       104%         =      9.55%

                   Bonus %   X      Annual Salary  =        Profit Bonus

                   9.55%     X      $200,000       =         $19,100

          C.       TOTAL BONUS EARNED

                   Profit Bonus                              $28,120
                   Revenue Bonus                             $19,100

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                          BONUS PERCENT LOOKUP TABLE 


                       NET PROFIT FACTOR             REVENUE GROWTH FACTOR
                          (75% weight)                   (25% weight)   
                      ---------------------          ---------------------                                             
                       Percent                        Percent               
                      Attainment    Percent          Attainment    Percent    
                      (of Goal)    of Salary         (of Goal)    of Salary
                      ----------   ---------         ----------   ---------
                      below 80%        0              below 80%       0
Threshold                   80%       7.50%                 80%      2.50% 
                            81%       8.81%                 81%      2.94% 
                            82%      10.13%                 82%      3.37% 
                            83%      11.44%                 83%      3.81% 
                            84%      12.75%                 84%      4.25% 
                            85%      14.06%                 85%      4.69% 
                            86%      15.38%                 86%      5.13% 
                            87%      16.69%                 87%      5.56% 
                            88%      18.00%                 88%      6.00% 
                            89%      19.31%                 89%      6.44% 
                            90%      20.63%                 90%      6.88% 
                            91%      21.94%                 91%      7.31% 
                            92%      23.25%                 92%      7.75% 
                            93%      24.56%                 93%      8.19% 
                            94%      25.88%                 94%      8.63% 
                            95%      27.19%                 95%      9.06% 
                            96%      28.50%                 96%      9.50% 
                            97%      29.81%                 97%      9.94% 
                            98%      31.13%                 98%     10.38% 
                            99%      32.44%                 99%     10.81% 
Target                     100%      33.75%                100%     11.25% 
                           102%      35.40%                102%     11.80% 
                           104%      37.05%                104%     12.35% 
                           106%      38.70%                106%     12.90% 
                           108%      40.35%                108%     13.45% 
                           110%      42.00%                110%     14.00% 
                           112%      43.65%                112%     14.55% 
                           114%      45.30%                114%     15.10% 
                           116%      46.95%                116%     15.65% 
                           118%      48.60%                118%     16.20% 
                           120%      50.25%                120%     16.75% 
                           122%      51.90%                122%     17.30% 
                           124%      53.55%                124%     17.85% 
                           126%      52.20%                126%     18.40% 
                           128%      56.85%                128%     18.95% 
                           130%      58.50%                130%     19.50% 
                           132%      60.15%                132%     20.05% 
                           134%      61.60%                134%     20.60% 
                           136%      63.45%                136%     21.15% 
                           138%      65.10%                138%     21.70% 
                           140%      66.75%                140%     22.25% 
                           142%      68.40%                142%     22.80% 
                           144%      70.05%                144%     23.35% 
                           146%      71.70%                146%     23.90% 
                           148%      73.35%                148%     24.45% 
Maximum                    150%      75.00%                150%     25.00% 

Note:  Actual Payouts will be calculated using Formulas where % of attainment
       is rounded to the nearest 1% and % of salary is rounded to the 
       nearest .01%.



                          Bonus Percent Lookup Table


                         NET PROFIT FACTOR          REVENUE GROWTH FACTOR   
                            (75% weight)                (25% weight)
                     -------------------------     -----------------------           
                      Percent                       Percent            
                       Attnmt         Percent        Attnmt       Percent 
                     (of Goal)       of Salary     (of Goal)     of Salary 
                     ---------       ---------     ---------     ---------
                    below 80%           0         below 80%           0 
Threshold                 80%          7.50%            80%          2.50%
                          81%          8.44%            81%          2.81%
                          82%          9.37%            82%          3.13%
                          83%         10.31%            83%          3.44%
                          84%         11.25%            84%          3.75%
                          85%         12.19%            85%          4.06%
                          86%         13.13%            86%          4.38%
                          87%         14.06%            87%          4.69%
                          88%         15.00%            88%          5.00%
                          89%         15.94%            89%          5.31%
                          90%         16.88%            90%          5.63%
                          91%         17.81%            91%          5.94%
                          92%         18.75%            92%          6.25%
                          93%         19.69%            93%          6.56%
                          94%         20.63%            94%          6.88%
                          95%         21.56%            95%          7.19%
                          96%         22.50%            96%          7.50%
                          97%         23.44%            97%          7.81%
                          98%         24.38%            98%          8.13%
                          99%         25.31%            99%          8.44%
Target                   100%         26.25%           100%          8.75%
                         102%         27.45%           102%          9.15%
                         104%         28.65%           104%          9.55%
                         106%         29.85%           106%          9.95%
                         108%         31.05%           108%         10.35%
                         110%         32.25%           110%         10.75%
                         112%         33.45%           112%         11.15%
                         114%         34.65%           114%         11.55%
                         116%         35.85%           116%         11.95%
                         118%         37.05%           118%         12.35%
                         120%         38.25%           120%         12.75%
                         122%         39.45%           122%         13.15%
                         124%         40.65%           124%         13.55%
                         126%         41.85%           126%         13.95%
                         128%         43.05%           128%         14.35%
                         130%         44.25%           130%         14.75%
                         132%         45.45%           132%         15.15%
                         134%         46.65%           134%         15.55%
                         136%         47.85%           136%         15.95%
                         138%         49.05%           138%         16.35%
                         140%         50.25%           140%         16.75%
                         142%         51.45%           142%         17.15%
                         144%         52.65%           144%         17.55%
                         146%         53.85%           146%         17.95%
                         148%         55.05%           148%         18.35%
Maximum                  150%         56.25%           150%         18.75%

Note:  Actual Payouts will be calculated using Formulas where % of 
       attainment is rounded to nearest 1% and % of salary is rounded to 
       the nearest .01%.
