                             MICROSOFT CORPORATION

         Pursuant to RCW 23B.10.070, the following Restated Articles of
Incorporation are hereby submitted for filing:

                                   ARTICLE I


         The name of the corporation is Microsoft Corporation.

                                   ARTICLE II

                          REGISTERED OFFICE AND AGENT

         The address of the registered office of the "Corporation" is 5000
Columbia Center, 701 Fifth Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98104-7078, and the name
of the registered agent at such address is PTSGE Corp.

                                  ARTICLE III


         The Corporation is organized for the purposes of transacting any and
all lawful business for which a corporation may be incorporated under the
Washington Business Corporation Act, Title 23B of the Revised Code of
Washington, now or hereafter in force (the "Act").

                                   ARTICLE IV


         The total number of shares of stock which the Corporation shall have
authority to issue is 2,000,000,000 shares, which shall consist entirely of
2,000,000,000 shares of common stock, $.00005 par value per share ("Common
Stock"). All shares of Common Stock have one vote per share.

                                   ARTICLE V

                             NO PREEMPTIVE RIGHTS

         Shareholders of the Corporation have no preemptive rights to acquire
additional shares of stock or securities convertible into shares of stock
issued by the Corporation.

                                   ARTICLE VI


         6.1     The number of directors of the Corporation shall be fixed in
the manner specified by the bylaws of the Corporation.

         6.2     Vacancies and newly created directorships resulting from any
increase in the authorized number of directors shall be filled only by a
majority of the directors then in office, although less than a quorum, or by a
sole remaining director, unless for any reason there are no directors in office
in which case they shall be filled by a special election by shareholders.

                                  ARTICLE VII

                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

         Shareholders of the Corporation shall not have the right to cumulate
votes in the election of directors.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                          SPECIAL SHAREHOLDER MEETINGS

         Special meetings of the shareholders of the Corporation for any
purpose or purposes may be called at any time by the Board of Directors, or by
a committee of the Board of Directors which has been duly designated by the
Board of Directors and whose powers and authority, as provided in a resolution
of the Board of Directors or in the bylaws of the Corporation, include the
power to call such meetings, but such special meetings may not be called by any
other person or persons.



                              AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS

         In furtherance and not in limitation of the powers conferred by
statute, the Board of Directors is expressly authorized to make, adopt, repeal,
alter, amend, and rescind the bylaws of the Corporation by a resolution adopted
by a majority of the directors.

                                   ARTICLE X


         A director of the Corporation shall not be personally liable to the
Corporation or its shareholders for monetary damages for conduct as a director,
except for:

         (a)     Acts or omissions involving intentional misconduct by the
                 director or a knowing violation of law by the director;

         (b)     Conduct violating Section 23B.08.310 of the Act (which
                 involves distributions by the Corporation);

         (c)     Any transaction from which the director will personally
                 receive a benefit in money, property, or services to which the
                 director is not legally entitled.

If the Washington Business Corporation Act is amended to authorize corporate
action further eliminating or limiting the personal liability of directors,
then the liability of a director of the Corporation shall be eliminated or
limited to the fullest extent not prohibited by the Washington Business
Corporation Act, as so amended.  The provisions of this Article shall be deemed
to be a contract with each Director of the Corporation who serves as such at
any time while such provisions are in effect, and each such Directors shall be
deemed to be serving as such in reliance on the provisions of this Article.
Any repeal or modification of the foregoing paragraph by the shareholders of
the Corporation shall not adversely affect any right or protection of a
director of the Corporation with respect to any acts or omissions of such
director occurring prior to such repeal or modification.

                                   ARTICLE XI


         A merger, share exchange, sale of substantially all of the
Corporation's assets, or dissolution must be approved by the affirmative vote
of a majority of the Corporation's


outstanding shares entitled to vote, or if separate voting by voting groups is
required then by not less than a majority of all the votes entitled to be cast
by that voting group.

                                  ARTICLE XII


         12.1    Definitions.  As used in this Article:

                 a.       "Agent" means an individual who is or was an agent of
         the Corporation or an individual who, while an agent of the
         Corporation, is or was serving at the Corporation's request as a
         director, officer, partner, trustee, employee, or agent of another
         foreign or domestic corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust,
         employee benefit plan, or other enterprise.  "Agent" includes, unless
         the context requires otherwise, the spouse, heirs, estate and personal
         representative of an agent.

                 b.       "Corporation" means the Corporation, and any domestic
         or foreign predecessor entity which, in a merger or other transaction,
         ceased to exist.

                 c.       "Director" means an individual who is or was a
         director of the Corporation or an individual who, while a director of
         the Corporation, is or was serving at the Corporation's request as a
         director officer, partner, trustee, employee, or agent of another
         foreign or domestic corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust,
         employee benefit plan or other enterprise.  "Director" includes,
         unless the context requires otherwise, the spouse, heirs, estate and
         personal representative of a director.

                 d.       "Employee" means an individual who is or was an
         employee of the Corporation or an individual, while an employee of the
         Corporation, is or was serving at the Corporation's request as a
         director, officer, partner, trustee, employee, or agent of another
         foreign or domestic corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust,
         employee benefit plan, or other enterprise- "Employee" includes,
         unless the context requires otherwise, the spouse, heirs, estate and
         personal representative of an employee.

                 e.       "Expenses" include counsel fees.

                 f.       "Indemnitee" means an individual made a party to a
         proceeding because the individual is or was a Director, Officer,
         Employee, or Agent of the Corporation, and who possesses
         indemnification rights pursuant to these Articles or other corporate
         action.  "Indemnitee" includes, unless the context requires otherwise,
         the spouse, heirs, estate, and personal representative of such


                 g.       "Liability" means the obligation to pay a judgment,
         settlement penalty, fine, including an excise tax with respect to an
         employee benefit plan, or reasonable Expenses incurred with respect to
         a proceeding.

                 h.       "Officer" means an individual who is or was an
         officer of the Corporation (regardless of whether or not such
         individual was also a Director) or an individual who, while an officer
         of the Corporation, is or was serving at the Corporation's request as
         a director, officer, partner, trustee, employee, or agent of another
         foreign or domestic corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust,
         employee benefit plan, or other enterprise.  "Officer" includes,
         unless the context requires otherwise, the spouse, heirs, estate and
         personal representative of an officer.

                 i.       "Party" includes an individual who was, is, or is
         threatened to be named a defendant, respondent or witness in a

                 j.       "Proceeding" means any threatened, pending, or
         completed action, suit, or proceeding, whether civil, derivative,
         criminal, administrative, or investigative, and whether formal or

         12.2    Indemnification Rights of Directors and Officers.  The
Corporation shall indemnify its Directors and Officers to the full extent not
prohibited by applicable law now or hereafter in force against liability
arising out of a Proceeding to which such individual was made a Party because
the individual is or was a Director or an Officer.  However, such indemnity
shall not apply on account of:

         (a)     Acts or omissions of a Director or Officer finally adjudged to
                 be intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law;

         (b)     Conduct of a Director or Officer finally adjudged to be in
                 violation of Section 23B.09.3 10 of the Act relating to
                 distributions by the Corporation; or

         (c)     Any transaction with respect to which it was finally adjudged
                 that such Director or Officer personally received a benefit in
                 money, property, or services to which the Director or Officer
                 was not legally entitled.

Subject to the foregoing, it is specifically intended that Proceedings covered
by indemnification shall include Proceedings brought by the Corporation
(including derivative actions) Proceedings by government entities and
governmental officials or other third party actions.

         12.3    Indemnification of Employees and Agents of the Corporation.
The Corporation may, by action of its Board of Directors from time to time,
provide indemnification and pay Expenses in advance of the final disposition of
a Proceeding to Employees and Agents of the Corporation who are not also
Directors, in each case to the same extent as to a Director with


respect to the indemnification and advancement of Expenses pursuant to rights
granted under, or provided by, the Act or otherwise.

         12.4    Partial Indemnification.  If an Indemnitee is entitled to
indemnification by the Corporation for some or a portion of Expenses,
liabilities, or losses actually and reasonably incurred by Indemnitee in an
investigation, defense, appeal or settlement but not, however, for the total
amount thereof, the Corporation shall nevertheless indemnify Indemnitee for the
portion of such Expenses, liabilities or losses to which Indemnitee is

         12.5    Procedure for Seeking Indemnification and/or Advancement of
Expenses.  The following procedures shall apply in the absence of (or at the
option of the Indemnitee, in lieu thereof), specific procedures otherwise
applicable to an Indemnitee pursuant to a contract, trust agreement, or general
or specific action of the Board of Directors:

                 12.5.1   NOTIFICATION AND DEFENSE OF CLAIM.  Indemnitee shall
         promptly notify the Corporation in writing of any proceeding for which
         indemnification could be sought under this Article.  In addition,
         Indemnitee shall give the Corporation such information and cooperation
         as it may reasonably require and as shall be within Indemnitee's

         With respect to any such proceeding as to which Indemnitee has
         notified the Corporation:

                 (a)      The Corporation will be entitled to participate
                          therein at its own expense; and

                 (b)      Except as otherwise provided below, to the extent
                          that it may wish, the Corporation, jointly with any
                          other indemnifying party similarly notified, will be
                          entitled to assume the defense thereof, with counsel
                          satisfactory to Indemnitee.  Indemnitee's consent to
                          such counsel may not be unreasonably withheld.

                 After notice from the Corporation to Indemnitee of its
         election to assume the defense, the Corporation will not be liable to
         Indemnitee under this Article for any legal or other Expenses
         subsequently incurred by Indemnitee in connection with such defense.
         However, Indemnitee shall continue to have the right to employ its
         counsel in such proceeding, at Indemnitee's expense; and if:

                          (i)     The employment of counsel by Indemnitee has
                                  been authorized by the Corporation;

                          (ii)    Indemnitee shall have reasonably concluded
                                  that there may be a conflict of interest
                                  between the Corporation and Indemnitee in the
                                  conduct of such defense; or


                          (iii)   The Corporation shall not in fact have
                                  employed counsel to assume the defense of 
                                  such proceeding,

the fees and Expenses of Indemnitee's counsel shall be at the expense of the 

                 The Corporation shall not be entitled to assume the defense of
         any proceeding brought by or on behalf of the Corporation or as to
         which Indemnitee shall reasonably have made the conclusion that a
         conflict of interest may exist between the Corporation and the
         Indemnitee in the conduct of the defense.

         of pursuing rights to indemnification under this Article, the
         Indemnitee shall submit to the Board a sworn statement requesting
         indemnification and reasonable evidence of all amounts for which such
         indemnification is requested (together, the sworn statement and the
         evidence constitute an "Indemnification Statement").

                 Submission of an Indemnification Statement to the Board shall
         create a presumption that the Indemnitee is entitled to
         indemnification hereunder, and the Corporation shall, within sixty
         (60) calendar days thereafter, make the payments requested in the
         Indemnification Statement to or for the benefit of the Indemnitee,
         unless: (1) within such sixty (60) calendar day period it shall be
         determined by the Corporation that the Indemnitee is not entitled to
         indemnification under this Article; (2) such determination shall be
         based upon clear and convincing evidence (sufficient to rebut the
         foregoing presumption); and (3) the Indemnitee shall receive notice in
         writing of such determination, which notice shall disclose with
         particularity the evidence upon which the determination is based.

                 The foregoing determination may be made: (1) by the Board of
         Directors by majority vote of a quorum of Directors who are not at the
         time parties to the proceedings; (2) if a quorum cannot be obtained,
         by majority vote of a committee duly designated by the Board of
         Directors (in which designation Directors who are parties may
         participate) consisting solely of two (2) or more Directors not at the
         time parties to the proceeding; (3) by special legal counsel; or (4)
         by the shareholders as provided by Section 23B.08.550 of the Act.

                 Any determination that the Indemnitee is not entitled to
         indemnification, and any failure to make the payments requested in the
         Indemnification Statement, shall be subject to judicial review by any
         court of competent jurisdiction.

         Indemnitee seeking payment of Expenses in advance of a final
         disposition of the proceeding must furnish the Corporation, as part of
         the Indemnification Statement:


                          (a)     A written affirmation of the Indemnitee's
                                  good faith belief that the Indemnitee has met
                                  the standard of conduct required to be
                                  eligible for indemnification; and

                          (b)     A written undertaking, constituting an
                                  unlimited general obligation of the
                                  Indemnitee, to repay the advance if it is
                                  ultimately determined that the Indemnitee did
                                  not meet the required standard of conduct.

                 Upon satisfaction of the foregoing the Indemnitee shall have a
contractual right to the payment of such Expenses.

                 12.5.4   SETTLEMENT.  The Corporation is not liable to
         indemnify Indemnitee for any amounts paid in settlement of any
         proceeding without the Corporation's written consent.  The Corporation
         shall not settle any proceeding in any manner which would impose any
         penalty or limitation on Indemnitee without Indemnitee's written
         consent.  Neither the Corporation nor Indemnitee may unreasonably
         withhold its consent to a proposed settlement.

         12.6.   Contract and Related Rights.

                 12.6.1   CONTRACT RIGHTS.  The right of an Indemnitee to
         indemnification and advancement of Expenses is a contract right upon
         which the Indemnitee shall be presumed to have relied in determining
         to serve or to continue to serve in his or her capacity with the
         Corporation.  Such right shall continue as long as the Indemnitee
         shall be subject to any possible proceeding.  Any amendment to or
         repeal of this Article shall not adversely affect any right or
         protection of an Indemnitee with respect to any acts or omissions of
         such Indemnitee occurring prior to such amendment or repeal.

                 12.6.2   OPTIONAL INSURANCE, CONTRACTS, AND FUNDING.  The
         Corporation may:

                          (a)     Maintain insurance, at its expense, to
                                  protect itself and any Indemnitee against any
                                  liability, whether or not the Corporation
                                  would have power to indemnify the individual
                                  against the same liability under Section
                                  23B.08.5 10 or .520 of the Act;

                          (b)     Enter into contracts with any Indemnitee in
                                  furtherance of this Article and consistent
                                  with the Act; and

                          (c)     Create a trust fund, grant a security
                                  interest, or use other means (including
                                  without limitation a letter of credit) to
                                  ensure the


                                  payment of such amounts as may be necessary
                                  to effect indemnification as provided in 
                                  this Article.

                 12.6.3   SEVERABILITY.  If any provision or application of
         this Article shall be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this
         Article and its remaining applications shall not be affected thereby,
         and shall continue in full force and effect.

                 12.6.4   RIGHT OF INDEMNITEE TO BRING SUIT.  If (1) a claim
         under this Article for indemnification is not paid in full by the
         Corporation within sixty (60) days after a written claim has been
         received by the Corporation; or (2) a claim under this Article for
         advancement of Expenses is not paid in full by the Corporation within
         twenty (20) days after a written claim has been received by the
         Corporation, then the Indemnitee may, but need not, at any time
         thereafter bring suit against the Corporation to recover the unpaid
         amount of the claim.  To the extent successful in whole or in part,
         the Indemnitee shall be entitled to also be paid the expense (to be
         proportionately prorated if the Indemnitee is only partially
         successful) of prosecuting such claim.  Neither (1) the failure of the
         Corporation (including its Board of Directors, its shareholders, or
         independent legal counsel) to have made a determination prior to the
         commencement of such proceeding that indemnification or reimbursement
         or advancement of Expenses to the Indemnitee is proper in the
         circumstances; nor (2) an actual determination by the Corporation
         (including its Board of Directors, its shareholders, or independent
         legal counsel that the Indemnitee is not entitled to indemnification
         or to the reimbursement or advancement of Expenses, shall be a defense
         to the proceeding or create a presumption that the Indemnitee is not
         so entitled.

                 12.6.5   NONEXCLUSIVITY OF RIGHTS.  The right to
         indemnification and the payment of Expenses incurred in defending a
         Proceeding in advance of its final disposition granted in this Article
         shall not be exclusive of any other right which any Indemnitee may
         have or hereafter acquire under any statute, provision of this Article
         or the Bylaws, agreement, vote of shareholders or disinterested
         directors, or otherwise.  The Corporation shall have the express right
         to grant additional indemnity without seeking further approval or
         satisfaction by the shareholders.  All applicable indemnity provisions
         and any applicable law shall be interpreted and applied so as to
         provide an Indemnitee with the broadest but nonduplicative indemnity
         to which he or she is entitled.

         12.7    Contribution.  If the indemnification provided in Section 12.2
of this Article is not available to be paid to Indemnitee for any reason other
than those set forth in subparagraphs 12.2(a), 12.2(b), and 12.2(c) of Section
12.2 of this Article (for example, because indemnification is held to be
against public policy even though otherwise permitted under Section 12.2) then
in respect of any proceeding in which the Corporation is jointly liable with
Indemnitee (or would be if joined in such proceeding), the Corporation shall
contribute to the amount of loss paid or payable by Indemnitee in such
proportion as is appropriate to reflect:


                          The relative benefits received by the Corporation on
                          the one hand and the Indemnitee on the other hand
                          from the transaction from which such proceeding
                          arose, and

                          The relative fault of the Corporation on the one hand
                          and the Indemnitee on the other hand in connection
                          with the events which resulted in such loss, as well
                          as any other relevant equitable consideration.

         The relative benefits received by and fault of the Corporation on the
one hand and the Indemnitee on the other shall be determined by a court of
appropriate jurisdiction (which may be the same court in which the proceeding
took place) with reference to, among other things, the parties' relative
intent, knowledge, access to information, and opportunity to correct or prevent
the circumstances resulting in such loss.  The Corporation agrees that it would
not be just and equitable if a contribution pursuant to this Article was
determined by pro rata allocation or any other method of allocation which does
not take account of the foregoing equitable considerations.

         12.8    Exceptions. Any other provision herein to the contrary
notwithstanding, the Corporation shall not be obligated pursuant to the terms
of these Articles to indemnify or advance Expenses to Indemnitee with respect
to any proceeding.

                 12.8.1   CLAIMS INITIATED BY INDEMNITEE.  Initiated or brought
         voluntarily by Indemnitee and not by way of defense, but such
         indemnification or advancement of Expenses may be provided by the
         Corporation in specific cases if the Board of Directors finds it to be
         appropriate.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Corporation shall
         provide indemnification including the advancement of Expenses with
         respect to Proceedings brought to establish or enforce a right to
         indemnification under these Articles or any other statute or law or as
         otherwise required under the statute.

                 12.8.2   LACK OF GOOD FAITH.  Instituted by Indemnitee to
         enforce or interpret this Article, if a court of competent
         jurisdiction determines that each of the material assertions made by
         Indemnitee in such proceeding was not made in good faith or was

                 12.8.3   INSURED CLAIMS.  For which any of the Expenses or
         liabilities for indemnification is being sought have been paid
         directly to Indemnitee by an insurance carrier under a policy of
         officers' and directors' liability insurance maintained by the

                 12.8.4   PROHIBITED BY LAW.  If the Corporation is prohibited
         by the Act or other applicable law as then in effect from paying such
         indemnification and/or advancement of Expenses.  For example, the
         Corporation and Indemnitee acknowledge that the Securities and
         Exchange Commission ("SEC") has taken the position that
         indemnification is not possible for liabilities arising under certain
         federal securities laws.  Indemnitee understands and acknowledges that
         the Corporation has undertaken or may be required in


         the future to undertake with the SEC to submit the question of
         indemnification to a court in certain circumstances for a
         determination of the Corporation's right to indemnify Indemnitee.

         12.9    Successors and Assigns.  All obligations of the Corporation to
indemnify any Director or Officer shall be binding upon all successors and
assigns of the Corporation (including any transferee of all or substantially
all of its assets and any successor by merger or otherwise by operation of
law).  The Corporation shall not effect any sale of substantially all of its
assets, merger, consolidation, or other reorganization, in which it is not the
surviving entity, unless the surviving entity agrees in writing to assume all
such obligations of the Corporation.

                                  ARTICLE XIII


         The Corporation may purchase, redeem, receive, take or otherwise
acquire, own and hold, sell, lend, exchange, transfer or otherwise dispose of,
pledge, use and otherwise deal with and in its own shares.  As a specific
modification of Section 23B.06.310 of the Act, pursuant to the authority in
Section 23B.02.020(5)(c) of the Act, to include provisions related to the
management of the business and the regulation of the affairs of the
Corporation, shares of the Corporation's stock acquired by it pursuant to this
Article shall be considered "Treasury Stock" and so held by the Corporation.
The shares so acquired by the Corporation shall not be considered as authorized
and unissued but rather as authorized, issued, and held by the Corporation.
The shares, so acquired shall not be regarded as cancelled or as a reduction to
the authorized capital of the Corporation unless specifically so designated by
the Board of Directors in an amendment to these Articles of Incorporation.  The
provisions of this Article do not alter or effect the status of the
Corporation's acquisition of its shares as a "distribution" by the Corporation
as defined in Section 23B.01.400(6) of the Act, nor alter or effect the
limitations on distributions by the Corporation as set forth in Section
23B.06.400 of the Act.  Any shares so acquired by the Corporation, unless
otherwise specifically designated by the Board of Directors, at the time of
acquisition, shall be considered on subsequent disposition, as transferred
rather than reissued.  Nothing in this Article limits or restricts the right of
the Corporation to resell or otherwise dispose of any of its shares previously
acquired for such consideration and according to such procedures as established
by the Board of Directors.

         The undersigned has signed these Restated Articles of Incorporation on
May ____, 1994.

                                       William H. Neukom



         The undersigned, as Secretary of Microsoft Corporation, hereby
certifies that the accompanying Restated Articles of Incorporation were adopted
by the Board of Directors on April 23, 1994 and do not contain any amendment
requiring shareholder approval.

    Dated:  May ___, 1994.

                                       Microsoft Corporation

                                       William H. Neukom
