SHAREHOLDER'S POWER OF ATTORNEY

The Guitron Corporation
38 Place du Commerce, Suite 230
Nuns' Island, Montreal, Quebec
Canada H3E 1T8

Attention:  Richard Duffy, President

Dear Mr. Duffy:

      It is contemplated that the undersigned (hereinafter sometimes referred to
as the "Shareholder"),  along with other shareholders of The Guitron Corporation
(the "Canadian  Company") (such shareholders and the undersigned are hereinafter
sometimes referred to herein, collectively, as the "Shareholders") will exchange
their shares of the capital stock of the Canadian  Company for shares in Guitron
International Inc., a Delaware Corporation (the "Delaware Company").

      1. In  connection  with  the  foregoing,  the  undersigned  hereby  makes,
constitutes and appoints Richard Duffy the true and lawful  attorney-in-fact  of
the undersigned (the "Attorney-in-Fact"),  with full power and authority, in the
name of and for and on behalf of the undersigned:

      (a) To exchange the number of shares of stock of the Canadian Company (the
"Canadian Company Shares") owned by the undersigned, as set forth at Instruction
3 at the end of this Power of  Attorney,  for shares of the common  stock of the
Delaware Company ("Delaware Company Shares") at a ratio of 3.25 Delaware Company
Shares for each Canadian Company Share.

      (b) For the purpose of effecting such exchange,  to execute and deliver an
Agreement and Plan of Reorganization  among the Canadian  Company,  the Delaware
Company,  and the Shareholders  (the  "Acquisition  Agreement"),  which includes
representations  and warranties by the undersigned in substantially  the form of
the preliminary  copy of the Acquisition  Agreement  heretofore  received by the
undersigned  and  attached  as  Appendix  B hereto,  containing  such  terms and
conditions as the Attorney-in-Fact, in his sole discretion, shall determine and,
if  necessary,  a stock  power(s)  evidencing  the  transfer of the shares to be
exchanged by the  undersigned in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
Acquisition Agreement.


      (c) To deliver to the undersigned new certificates representing the number
of Delaware Company Shares which the undersigned shall be entitled to receive in
exchange for the  undersigned's  Canadian  Company  Shares at the closing of the
Acquisition  Agreement  and to return to the  undersigned  the old  certificates
representing  the  undersigned's  Canadian  Company  Shares  in  the  event  the
Acquisition  Agreement is not  executed or fails to close  pursuant to the terms

      (d) To make,  execute,  acknowledge and deliver all such other  contracts,
stock powers, orders, receipts, notices, instructions, certificates, letters and
other  writings,  and in general to do all things and to take all actions  which
the Attorney-in-Fact,  in his sole discretion,  may consider necessary or proper
in connection with, or to carry out, the exchange of the Canadian Company Shares
for the Delaware  Company Shares in accordance with the terms of the Acquisition
Agreement, as fully as could the undersigned if personally present and acting.

      2. This Power of Attorney and all authority  conferred  hereby are granted
and conferred  subject to and in  consideration of the interests of the Canadian
Company,  and the other  Shareholders,  and for the purposes of  completing  the
transactions  contemplated by the Acquisition Agreement.  This Power of Attorney
and all authority conferred hereby shall be irrevocable until December 31, 2000,
and shall not be  terminated  by any act of the  undersigned  or by operation of
law,  whether by the death or incapacity of the undersigned (or either or any of
them) or by the  occurrence  of any other  event or events  (including,  without
limiting the  foregoing,  the  termination  of any trust or estate for which the
undersigned is acting as a fiduciary or fiduciaries), and if after the execution
hereof the undersigned shall die or become  incapacitated,  or if any other such
event  or  events  shall  occur  before  the  completion  of  the   transactions
contemplated  by the  Acquisition  Agreement  and this  Power of  Attorney,  all
actions  taken by the  Attorney-in-Fact  hereunder  shall be as valid as if such
death,  incapacity,  or other  event or events had not  occurred  regardless  of
whether or not the  Attorney-in-Fact,  shall have received notice of such death,
incapacity or other event.

      3. The  Attorney-in-Fact  shall have full power to make and substitute any
attorney-in-fact in his place and stead, and the undersigned hereby ratifies and
confirms all that the Attorney-in-Fact or his substitute or substitutes shall do
by virtue  of these  present  all  actions  hereunder  which may be taken by the
Attorney-in-Fact or his substitutes.  The term  "Attorney-in-Fact"as used herein
shall include such substitutes.

      4. The undersigned hereby represents, warrants and agrees that:

      (a) The undersigned has full right, power and authority to enter into this
Power of Attorney and the Acquisition Agreement.

      (b) The  undersigned  has and,  at the time of  delivery  to the  Delaware
Company of the  Canadian  Company  Shares on the  Closing  Date (as such term is
defined in the Acquisition


Agreement), will have full right, power and authority to sell, assign, transfer,
and deliver the Canadian  Company  Shares to be exchanged by him pursuant to the
Acquisition Agreement.

      (c) He is, and at the time of the delivery of the Canadian  Company Shares
on the Closing  Date will be, the lawful  owner of and has,  and will then have,
valid and  unencumbered  title to such shares and, upon delivery and exchange of
such shares,  in accordance  with the terms of the  Acquisition  Agreement,  the
Delaware Company will acquire valid and unencumbered title thereto.

      (d) Neither the execution and delivery of the Acquisition Agreement,  this
Power of Attorney, the fulfillment of the terms therein or herein set forth, nor
the  consummation  of the  transactions  therein  or  herein  contemplated  will
conflict  with or constitute a breach of or default under any agreement or other
instrument to which the  undersigned  is a party,  by which the  undersigned  is
bound,  or to which the  undersigned's  property or assets are  subject,  or any
statute,  order,  rule,  regulation,   judgment  or  decree  applicable  to  the
undersigned or the undersigned's property or assets.

      (e) The  certificates  representing  the  shares  to be  exchanged  by the
undersigned  under the  Acquisition  Agreement are, and on the Closing Date will
be,  genuine and valid and the  undersigned  has no  knowledge of any fact which
would impair the validity of the certificates; the shares to be exchanged by the
undersigned  under  the  Acquisition  Agreement,  have  been  duly  and  validly
authorized and issued and are fully paid and nonassessable; and upon delivery of
such shares and receipt in exchange therefor of 3.25 Delaware Company Shares for
every Canadian Company Share, the undersigned will convey valid and unencumbered
title to such shares.

      (f) The  undersigned  has enclosed  herewith a certificate or certificates
for the number of shares proposed to be exchanged by the  undersigned  under the
Acquisition Agreement,  in proper form for good delivery, and duly executed, and
has granted the Attorney-in-Fact irrevocable authority to purchase all requisite
stock transfer tax stamps and to hold such  certificate or certificates for good
delivery,  and for exchange for  certificates  for The Delaware  Company Shares,
pursuant to the provisions of the Acquisition Agreement,  on the Closing Date on
the  undersigned's  behalf,  and the undersigned has duly executed and delivered
this  Power  of  Attorney   appointing   Richard  Duffy,   with  full  power  of
substitution,  as such Shareholder's  Attorney-in-Fact.

      5.  The  Attorney-in-Fact  shall  be  entitled  to act and  rely  upon any
statement,  request,  notice or  instructions  respecting this Power of Attorney
given  by the  undersigned,  not  only  as to the  authorization,  validity  and
effectiveness  thereof,  but  also  as to the  truth  and  acceptability  of any
information  contained  therein;  It is  understood  that  the  Attorney-in-Fact
assumes no responsibility or liability to any person other than to deal with the
certificates  for  the  Canadian  Company  Shares  deposited  with  him  and the
certificates  for the  Delaware  Company  Shares  to be  exchanged  therefor  in
accordance with the provisions hereof. The Attorney-in-Fact  shall not be liable
for any error of  judgment  or for any act done or omitted or for any mistake of
fact or law except for the Attorney-in-Fact's own negligence or bad faith.


      6. It is understood that the Attorney-in-Fact shall serve entirely without

      This Power of Attorney shall terminate if the Acquisition, as that term is
defined in the Acquisition Agreement,  is not closed on or prior to December 31,

      Witness the due  execution  of the  foregoing  Power of Attorney as of the
date written below.



1. Fill in Date.                                 ____________________

2. Fill in number of shares of
     stock beneficially* owned
     by you in The Guitron
     Corporation.                                ____________________

3. Fill in number of shares of
     The Guitron Corporation
     beneficially* represented
     by certificates enclosed
     herewith                                    ____________________

5. Sign exactly as name or names appear on stock certificate.  If certificate is
     held in more than one name, all must sign.






6. Fill in your address.





7.    Have this Power of Attorney  notarized in the appropriate form on the next

8.    Return  this  Power of  Attorney,  and your  stock  certificate(s)  in the
      enclosed  envelope.

9.    Notice to all Shareholders who are custodians,  trustees and/or guardians:
      Please enclose copies of all documentation demonstrating your authority to
      enter  into  and be  bound  by this  Power  of  Attorney  and the  Custody
      Agreement (e.g., enclose appropriate trust agreement; etc.).

- ----------
*See Appendix A attached hereto.


                          ACKNOWLEDGMENT FOR INDIVIDUAL

STATE (PROVINCE) OF _______________   )
                                      )  SS.
COUNTY OF ______________              )

      On this _______________ day of _______________, in the year , before me, a
Notary Public in and for the (State) (Province) of  _______________,  personally
appeared _______________ personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of
satisfactory  evidence)  to be the  person  whose  name  is  subscribed  to this
instrument, and acknowledged that _____ executed it.


                                       Notary Public
                                       State (Province) of _______________


                          ACKNOWLEDGMENT FOR INDIVIDUAL
                           SERVING AS ATTORNEY-IN-FACT
                                 FOR SHAREHOLDER

STATE (PROVINCE) OF _______________   )
                                      )     SS.
COUNTY OF ______________              )

      On this __________ day of _______________, in the year _______, before me,
a Notary  Public in and for the State of  _______________,  personally  appeared
_______________  personally  known  to me  (or  proved  to me on  the  basis  of
satisfactory  evidence)  to be the  person  whose  name  is  subscribed  to this
instrument as the  attorney-in-fact of  _______________,  and acknowledged to me
that _____ he subscribed the name of _______________  thereto as principal,  and
his (her) own name as attorney-in-fact.


                                       Notary Public
                                       State (Province) of _______________


                            CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT

STATE (PROVINCE) OF                   }
                                      } ss.
COUNTY OF                             }

      On this day of , 2000, before me personally appeared  ____________________
(and _______________________) to me known, who being by me sworn, did depose and
say that such person(s) is (are) the _____________________________ (and the ___)
of  _______________________________,  the  corporation  described  in and  which
executed the  foregoing  instrument  and that such  person(s)  so executed  such
instrument by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal.

[Notary Seal]                         ..........................................

My Commission Expires: ........................................


                           PARTNERSHIP ACKNOWLEDGMENT

STATE (PROVINCE) OF                   }
                                      } ss.
COUNTY OF                             }

      On this ______ day of ____________,  2000,  before me personally  appeared
________________________    one   of   the    partners    of   the    firm    of
________________________,  known  to  me to  be  the  person  who  executed  the
foregoing  instrument  and  acknowledged  that  he/she  executed,  and was  duly
authorized to execute, the same as and for the act and deed of said firm.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal.

[Notary Seal]                         ..........................................

My Commission Expires: ........................................


                                   APPENDIX A


      For  purpose of the  representations  made in the Power of  Attorney,  the
following definitions shall be applicable:

      "Beneficially"  when used in connection  with the ownership of securities,
means (a) any interest in a security which entitles a party to any of the rights
or benefits of  ownership  even though such party may not be the owner of record
or (b) securities  owned by such party directly or indirectly,  including  those
held by him for his own benefit  (regardless of how  registered)  and securities
held by  others  for his  benefit  (regardless  of how  registered),  such as by
custodians,  brokers, nominees, pledgees, etc., and including securities held by
an  estate  or  trust  in  which  such  party  has an  interest  as  legatee  or
beneficiary, securities owned by a partnership or which such party is a partner,
securities  held  by a  personal  holding  company  of  which  such  party  is a
stockholder, etc., and securities held in the name of such party's spouse, minor
children and any relative  (sharing the same home).  A  "beneficial  owner" of a
security includes any person who, directly or indirectly,  through any contract,
arrangement, understanding, relationship or otherwise has or shares:

      (1)   Voting  power  which  includes  the power to vote,  or to direct the
            voting of, such security; and/or

      (2)   investment  power which includes the power of dispose,  or to direct
            the disposition of such security.
