                                CUSTODY AGREEMENT

The Guitron Corporation
38 Place du Commerce, Suite 230
Nuns' Island, Montreal, Quebec
Canada H3E 1T8

Attention:  Richard Duffy, President

Dear Mr. Duffy:

      The undersigned  hereby delivers to you a certificate or certificates (the
"Certificate(s))  representing  _______________  shares (the  "Canadian  Company
Shares")  of  issued  and  outstanding  stock of The  Guitron  Corporation  (the
"Canadian  Company"),   duly  endorsed  for  transfer.   You  are  to  hold  the
Certificate(s)  as Custodian for the account of the  undersigned  and dispose of
them in accordance with this Letter of Transmittal.

      Concurrently   with  the   execution   and  delivery  of  this  Letter  of
Transmittal,  the  undersigned  has executed a Power of Attorney  (the "Power of
Attorney")  to Richard  Duffy,  (the  "Attorney")  authorizing  the  Attorney to
exchange all of the Canadian  Company Shares  represented by the  Certificate(s)
for shares  (the  "Delaware  Company  Shares")  of the  common  stock of Guitron
International Inc., a Delaware Corporation (the "Delaware Company") and for that
purpose to enter into an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization among the Canadian
Company, the Delaware Company, and the shareholders of the Canadian Company (the
"Acquisition  Agreement"),  for certificates  representing 3.25 Delaware Company
Shares for every one Canadian Company Share delivered to you herewith.

      If the  Acquisition  Agreement shall not be entered into prior to December
31, 2000, or if it shall be terminated pursuant to the provisions  thereof,  you
are to return the Certificate(s) to the undersigned.

      Under the terms of the power of Attorney,  the authority thereby conferred
is subject to the interests of the Company, the other Shareholders, and prior to
December  31,  2000,  is  irrevocable  and not  subject  to  termination  by the
undersigned or by operation of law, whether by death or incapacity or otherwise,
and the obligations of the undersigned under the Acquisition


Agreement  are to be  similarly  not subject to  termination.  Accordingly,  the
certificate(s)  deposited  herewith,  and this  Letter of  Transmittal  and your
authority hereunder,  are subject to the interests of the Company, and the other
Shareholders,  and this Letter of Transmittal and your authority hereunder shall
not be subject to termination by the undersigned or by operation of law, whether
by the death or incapacity of the  undersigned  (or either or any of them) or by
the  occurrence  of any other event or events.  Notwithstanding  any such death,
incapacity  of other  event  or  events,  you are  nevertheless  authorized  and
directed to deal with the Certificate(s)  deposited hereunder in accordance with
the terms and  conditions  hereof and of the  Acquisition  Agreement  as if such
death,  incapacity  or other  event or events  had not  occurred  regardless  of
whether you shall have received notice of such death,  incapacity or other event
or events.

      Until  the  Canadian  Company  Shares  deposited  herewith  are  exchanged
pursuant to the terms of the Acquisition Agreement, the undersigned shall remain
the owner of such  shares,  and shall have the right to vote such  shares and to
receive all dividends or distributions thereon.

      You shall be entitled to act and rely upon any statement, request, notice,
or  instruction  respecting  this  Letter  of  Transmittal  given  to you by the
Attorney or his  respective  substitutes.

      It is  understood  that you assume no  responsibility  or liability to any
person  other than to deal with the  Certificate(s)  deposited  herewith and the
certificates for the Delaware Company Shares proposed to be exchanged therefor.

      This  instrument  constitutes  a  representation  of the  authority of the
undersigned  to execute and deliver  this  Letter of  Transmittal,  the Power of
Attorney and the Acquisition Agreement and to exchange the shares represented by
the certificate(s)  deposited herewith and that good title to such shares,  free
and clear of all liens,  encumbrances,  equities and claims whatsoever,  will be
transferred to the Delaware Company under the Acquisition Agreement.

      Please  acknowledge  receipt  of  the  enclosed  certificate(s)  and  your
acceptance of the  authority and powers hereby  conferred on you, by signing and
returning the enclosed copy of this letter.

                                       Very truly yours,



Number of Shares of Stock
Represented by Certificate(s)
Deposited Herewith

Serial Number                       Number of Shares Represented by Each
of Certificates                     Certificate
- ---------------                     ------------------------------------






                              RECEIPT OF CUSTODIAN

      Receipt of the above  certificates  and  acceptance  of the  authority and
powers  herein  conveyed  are  hereby  acknowledged  on this  __________  day of
_______________, 2000.

                                       Richard Duffy
