EXHIBIT (a)(5)(iii)

Merrill Lynch Senior Floating Rate Fund, Inc.
February 29, 2000


                S&P    Moody's     Face                     Senior Secured
Industries     Rating   Rating    Amount            Floating Rate Loan Interests*                               Value
Air             NR++    Ba3   $ 5,923,270   Atlas Freighter Leasing I, Term, due 5/29/2004                $    5,919,568
Transportation  NR++    Ba3     6,756,229   Atlas Freighter Leasing II, Term, due 5/29/2004                    6,752,007
  --0.5%                                                                                                  --------------

Aircraft &                                  Evergreen International Aviation, Inc.:
Parts--0.2%     B+      Ba3     1,586,133     Term B, due 5/31/2002                                            1,578,451
                B+      Ba3     4,824,250     Term B, due 5/31/2003                                            4,813,194

Amusement &                                 Amfac Resorts, Inc.:
Recreational    NR++    NR++    2,450,000     Term B, due 9/30/2004                                            2,431,625
Services--2.5%  NR++    NR++    2,450,000     Term C, due 9/30/2005                                            2,431,625
                B+      B2      1,690,909   KSL Recreation Group, Inc., Revolving Credit, due 4/30/2004        1,655,682
                B+      NR++    4,912,500   Kerastotes, Term B, due 12/31/2004                                 4,900,219
                                            Metro Goldwyn Mayer Co.:
                BBB-    Baa3    4,000,000     Term A, due 3/31/2005                                            3,926,668
                BBB-    Baa3   17,500,000     Term B, due 12/31/2006                                          17,349,063
                B+      Ba2    12,000,000   Premier Park Inc., Term B, due 9/30/2005                          12,086,292
                B+      B1     25,000,000   SFX Entertainment Inc., Term B, due 6/30/2006                     25,021,875

Apparel--1.2%                               Arena Brands, Inc.:
                NR++    NR++    1,507,083     Revolving Credit, due 6/01/2002                                  1,394,051
                NR++    NR++    2,932,386     Term A, due 6/01/2002                                            2,716,122
                NR++    NR++    6,990,992     Term B, due 6/01/2002                                            6,484,145
                NR++    NR++    3,250,000   CS Brooks Canada, Inc., Term, due 6/25/2006                        3,225,625
                B+      B2      9,500,000   Humphreys Inc., Term B, due 1/15/2003                              8,122,500
                NR++    NR++    4,937,500   Norcross Safety Products, Term, due 9/30/2004                      4,906,641
                NR++    NR++    4,400,000   Renfro Corp., Term B, due 11/15/2003                               4,380,750
                                            Walls Industries:
                NR++    NR++    1,180,851     Term B, due 2/28/2005                                            1,177,161
                NR++    NR++    1,659,574     Term C, due 2/28/2006                                            1,654,388

Automotive      B+      Ba3       735,000   Accuride Corp., Term C, due 1/21/2007                                732,933
Equipment--1.9%                             Breed Technologies, Inc.:
                D       Caa1    4,947,407     Term A, due 4/27/2004                                            2,904,128
                D       Caa1    9,524,003     Term B, due 4/27/2006                                            5,515,988
                BB-     Ba3    16,456,000   Collins & Aikman Corp., Term B, due 6/30/2005                     16,328,466
                                            Safelite Glass Corp.:
                B+      B1      3,076,682     Term B, due 12/31/2004                                           1,679,868
                B-      B1      3,076,682     Term C, due 12/31/2005                                           1,679,868
                BB      Ba3     4,950,000   Stone Ridge, Term B, due 12/31/2005                                4,979,393
                                            Tenneco Automotive Inc.:
                BB      Ba3    10,000,000     Term B, due 11/02/2007                                          10,071,880
                BB      Ba2    10,000,000     Term C, due 5/02/2008                                           10,071,880

Broadcasting    B       B1     19,500,000   Benedek Broadcasting Corp., Term, due 11/20/2007                  19,469,541
  --Radio &     NR++    NR++    7,500,000   Corus Entertainment Inc., Term, due 8/31/2007                      7,523,438
Television                                  Cumulus Media Inc.:
  --1.6%        B+      B1      3,000,000     Term B, due 9/30/2007                                            3,015,939
                NR++    B1      2,000,000     Term C, due 2/28/2008                                            2,010,626
                BB-     Ba2     4,666,667   Sinclair Bradcasting, Term, due 12/29/2004                         4,546,113
                NR++    NR++    3,703,125   Spartan Communications, Term B, due 6/30/2005                      3,703,125
                NR++    NR++    4,500,000   VHR Broadcasting, Term B, due 9/30/2007                            4,508,437

Merrill Lynch Senior Floating Rate Fund, Inc.
February 29, 2000


                S&P    Moody's     Face                     Senior Secured
Industries     Rating   Rating    Amount            Floating Rate Loan Interests*                               Value
Building        NR++    NR++  $16,698,302   Dal-Tile International Inc., Term B, due 12/31/2003           $   16,391,172
Materials--1.2% NR++    NR++    5,000,000   Dayton Superior Corp., Term, due 9/29/2005                         4,997,915
                NR++    NR++   11,750,000   Trussway Industries, Term B, due 12/08/2006                       11,691,250

Business        BB-     B1      8,471,917   Info USA Inc., Term B, due 7/23/2006                               8,450,737
Services--0.5%  B+      B1      6,500,000   Muzak Audio, Term B, due 12/31/2006                                6,521,665

Cable           BB      Ba3    10,900,000   CCVIII Operations, Term B, due 2/02/2008                          10,942,437
Television      BB+     Ba3    76,443,750   Charter Communications, Term B, due 3/18/2008                     76,667,960
Services--6.0%  NR++    Ba2    23,948,437   Chelsea Communications, Term, due 9/30/2004                       23,940,966
                NR++    NR++    9,900,000   Falcon Holdings, Term C, due 12/31/2007                            9,897,940
                BB      Ba3    15,966,800   Frontiervision Operating Partners L.P., Term B,
                                            due 3/31/2006                                                     15,976,779
                BB+     Ba3     7,500,000   Insight Kentucky Partners, Term B, due 12/31/2007                  7,439,063
                B+      B1     11,500,000   Pegasus Media & Communications Inc., Term, due 4/30/2005          11,533,545
                NR++    NR++   10,000,000   UCH/HHC Inc., Term B, due 12/31/2004                              10,000,000

Chemicals--6.9% NR++    NR++    3,806,413   CII Carbon LLC, Term, due 6/25/2008                                3,801,655
                NR++    NR++   11,113,503   Cedar Chemical, Term B, due 10/31/2003                            10,946,801
                NR++    NR++    9,891,304   Epsillon Products, Term B, due 12/31/2005                          9,823,747
                                            Huntsman Corp.:
                BB      Ba2     3,407,665    Term A, due 12/31/2002                                            3,387,788
                BB      Ba2     5,227,409    Term B, due 3/15/2004                                             5,231,492
                BB      Ba2     9,063,925    Term C, due 12/31/2005                                            9,071,004
                BB      Ba2    14,422,479    Term D, due 12/31/2002                                           14,338,353
                                            Huntsman ICI Chemical LLC.:
                NR++    B+     13,500,000    Term B, due 6/30/2007                                            13,606,070
                NR++    B+     13,500,000    Term C, due 6/30/2008                                            13,606,070
                                            Illiad Limited:
                NR++    NR++    2,965,969    Term B, due 7/01/2006                                             2,958,554
                NR++    NR++    9,886,563    Term C, due 7/01/2007                                             9,861,846
                NR++    Ba2    12,527,120   Koppers Industries, Term B, due 11/30/2004                        12,472,314
                                            Lyondell Petrochemical Co.:
                Ba2     NR++    8,211,125    Term A, due 6/30/2003                                             8,225,724
                Ba3     NR++   37,297,470    Term B, due 6/30/2005                                            37,737,618
                Ba3     NR++   14,887,500    Term E, due 5/17/2006                                            15,284,862
                B+      B2      7,800,000   Pioneer Americans Acquisition Corp., Term, due 12/05/2006          6,961,500
                NR++    NR++    9,250,000   Sybron Chemical, Term B, due 7/31/2004                             9,234,580
                NR++    B1      6,156,366   Texas Petrochemicals Corp., Term B, due 6/30/2004                  6,140,975

Computer-                                   Bridge Information:
Related         NR++    NR++    2,123,610    Term, due 5/29/2003                                               2,022,738
Products--1.3%  NR++    NR++   27,749,866    Term B, due 5/29/2005                                            26,740,075
                BB-     Ba3     3,873,044   Fairchild Semiconductors Corp., Term, due 4/30/2006                3,873,044
                NR++    NR++    3,714,844   Stratus Computer, Inc., Term B, due 2/26/2005                      3,714,844

Consumer        NR++    B1      8,285,454   Amscan Holdings, Inc., Axel, due 12/31/2004                        7,664,045
Products--1.9%  BB-     Ba3    20,000,000   Burhmann NV, Term B, due 10/26/2007                               20,157,500
                B+      B1      4,228,750   Holmes Products, Term B, due 2/05/2007                             4,199,677
                B+      B2     14,850,000   Revlon Consumer Products Corp., Term, due 5/30/2002               14,218,875
                NR++    NR++    7,200,583   Ritvik Holdings, Term B, due 2/07/2003                             5,940,481

Merrill Lynch Senior Floating Rate Fund, Inc.
February 29, 2000


                S&P    Moody's     Face                     Senior Secured
Industries     Rating   Rating    Amount            Floating Rate Loan Interests*                               Value
Diversified     B+      Ba1   $22,749,123   Blount International Inc., Term B, due 6/30/2006               $  22,891,305
- - --0.8%

Drilling--0.8%  B+      B1     19,438,103   Key Energy Services Inc., Term B, due 9/14/2004                   19,474,550
                NR++    NR++    3,695,862   Rigco North America, Term, due 9/30/2000                           3,603,466

Drug/           B+      B1      4,900,000   Duane Reade Co., Term B, due 2/15/2005                             4,901,534

Electronics/    B+      B1      7,500,000   Chippac International Co., Ltd., Term B, due 7/31/2006             7,495,313
Electrical      NR++    NR++    5,383,333   Communications & Power II Acquisition Corp., Term B, due
Components--                                8/11/2002                                                          5,141,083
5.3%            B+      NR++    8,449,000   DD Inc., Term B, due 4/22/2005                                     8,367,386
                NR++    Ba3     4,473,437   General Cable, Term B, due 6/30/2007                               4,472,042
                NR++    NR++    9,954,545   International Rectifier, Term B, due 6/30/2005                     9,985,653
                BB-     Ba3    25,000,000   Intersil Corp., Term, due 8/04/2005                               25,070,325
                B+      B1      5,000,000   Knowles Electricity, Term B, due 6/29/2007                         4,979,165
                BB-     Ba3    14,444,444     Term B, due 8/04/2005                                           14,599,722
                BB-     Ba3    15,555,556     Term C, due 8/04/2007                                           15,722,778
                                            Superior Telecom:
                B+      Ba3    17,504,399     Term A, due 5/27/2004                                           17,468,265
                B+      Ba3     7,821,977     Term B, due 11/27/2005                                           7,789,382
                B       Ba3     6,630,491   Telex Communications, Inc., Term B, due 11/30/2004                 5,923,846
                                            ViaSystems Inc.:
                B+      NR++    1,391,662     Revolving Credit, due 11/30/2002                                 1,363,829
                B+      B1     19,782,990     Term C, due 6/30/2005                                           19,420,308

Energy--0.5%                                Perf-O-Log Inc.:
                NR++    NR++    1,536,818     Term, due 8/11/2003                                              1,452,293
                NR++    NR++    4,087,717     Term B, due 8/11/2003                                            3,862,893
                NR++    NR++    1,228,125     Term C, due 8/11/2003                                            1,160,578
                NR++    NR++    1,763,393     Term D, due 12/31/2004                                           1,684,040
                NR++    NR++      705,357     Term E, due 12/31/2004                                             673,616
                NR++    Ba3     3,914,692   Plains Scurlock, Term B, due 5/12/2004                             3,870,652

Environmental                               URS Corp.:
Services--0.2%  BB      Ba3     2,487,500     Term B, due 6/09/2006                                            2,507,711
                BB      Ba3     2,487,500     Term C, due 6/09/2007                                            2,507,711

Financial       NR++    B2     14,962,500   Outsourcing Solutions, Inc., Term B, due 6/01/2006                14,936,779
Services--1.7%  BB+     Ba3    31,750,000   Sovereign Bancorp. Inc., Term, due 11/17/2003                     31,888,906

Food & Kindred  B1      B+      5,000,000   B & G Foods, Term B, due 3/15/2006                                 4,993,750
Products--1.5%                              Specialty Foods, Inc.:
                NR++    B3      6,391,033     Revolving Credit, due 1/31/2001                                  6,359,078
                NR++    B3     10,906,972     Term, due 1/31/2001                                             10,934,240
                                            Triarc Consulting:
                NR++    NR++    5,759,448     Term B, due 2/25/2006                                            5,785,544
                NR++    NR++   14,053,052     Term C, due 2/25/2007                                           14,116,727

Merrill Lynch Senior Floating Rate Fund, Inc.
February 29, 2000


                S&P    Moody's     Face                     Senior Secured
Industries     Rating   Rating    Amount            Floating Rate Loan Interests*                               Value
Funeral Homes & CCC     Caa1  $14,166,667   Prime Succession Inc., Axel, due 8/01/2003                    $   12,962,500
Parlors--0.7%   BB-     NR++    6,674,593   Rose Hills Co., Axel A, due 12/01/2003                             6,357,549

Furniture &     B+      Ba3     9,175,758   Sealy Mattress, Term A, due 12/15/2002                             9,141,348
Fixtures--0.6%                              Simmons Co.:
                B+      Ba3     2,136,735     Term B, due 10/29/2005                                           2,140,074
                B+      Ba3     5,343,750     Term C, due 10/29/2006                                           5,352,102

Gaming--0.5%                                Alliance Gaming Corp.:
                B       B2     10,127,093     Term B, due 7/31/2005                                            9,823,280
                B       B2      4,040,727     Term C, due 7/31/2005                                            3,919,505

Grocery--1.8%   B+      B2      4,950,000   Big V Supermarket, Term B, due 8/10/2003                           4,896,377
                BBB-    Ba2     1,287,809   Fred Meyer, Term, due 2/28/2003                                    1,276,655
                B       B2     31,000,000   Grand Union Co., Term, due 8/17/2003                              30,845,000
                                            The Pantry Inc.:
                BB-     Ba1     4,962,113     Term B, due 1/31/2008                                            4,973,486
                BB-     Ba3     1,732,478     Term B-2, due 1/31/2006                                          1,736,449
                BB-     Ba3     5,250,000     Term C, due 7/31/2006                                            5,266,406

Health          NR++    B1      2,103,620   Caremark Rx Inc., Term A, due 6/09/2001                            1,910,633
Services--2.3%                              Community Health Systems, Inc.:
                NR++    NR++    8,936,029     Term B, due 12/31/2003                                           8,862,628
                NR++    NR++    8,936,029     Term C, due 12/31/2004                                           8,865,818
                NR++    NR++      724,479     Term D, due 12/31/2005                                             718,915
                NR++    NR++   14,700,000   Iasis Healthcare Corp., Term B, due 9/30/2006                     14,406,000
                                            Magellen Health Services:
                B+      B2      1,984,691     Term B, due 2/12/2005                                            1,889,426
                B+      B2      1,984,691     Term C, due 2/12/2006                                            1,889,426
                NR++    Ba2    26,677,636   Total Renal Care, Term, due 3/31/2008                             24,510,078

Hotels &        NR++    Ba1    21,000,000   Starwood Hotels & Resorts Trust, Term, due 2/23/2003              21,078,750
Motels--5.2%    NR++    NR++    7,406,936   Strategic Holdings Inc., Term, due 11/16/2004                      7,434,712
                                            Wyndam International Inc.:
                B+      B3     51,000,000     Term, due 6/30/2006                                             50,338,581
                B+      B3     69,000,000     Term, due 6/30/2006                                             67,198,341

Insurance--0.9%                             BRW Acquisition:
                NR++    NR++    2,475,000     Term B, due 7/09/2006                                            2,450,250
                NR++    NR++    2,475,000     Term C, due 7/09/2007                                            2,450,250
                                            Willis Corroon Group PLC:
                BB      Ba2    12,125,000     Term B, due 11/19/2006                                          12,117,422
                BB      Ba2     4,122,500     Term C, due 11/19/2007                                           4,124,219
                BB      Ba2     4,122,500     Term D, due 5/19/2008                                            4,124,219

Merrill Lynch Senior Floating Rate Fund, Inc.
February 29, 2000


                S&P    Moody's     Face                     Senior Secured
Industries     Rating   Rating    Amount            Floating Rate Loan Interests*                               Value
Leasing &       BB-     B1    $11,940,000   Anthony Crane Rental L.P., Term, due 7/20/2006                $   11,651,446
Rental                                      Avis Rent A Car Inc.:
Services--3.4%  BB+     Ba3    11,500,000     Term B, due 6/30/2006                                           11,576,073
                BB+     Ba3    11,500,000     Term C, due 6/30/2007                                           11,583,375
                CCC     B1      6,965,000   MEDIQ PRN Life Support Services, Term, due 6/30/2006               4,562,075
                                            Medical Specialties:
                NR++    NR++   12,845,455     Axel, due 6/30/2004                                             11,560,909
                NR++    NR++    4,418,182     Term, due 6/30/2001                                              3,976,364
                BB-     Ba3     7,000,000   Nations Rent Inc., Term B, due 7/20/2006                           6,997,081
                B+      B1      7,213,750   Panavision Inc., Term B, due 3/31/2005                             6,702,778
                BB-     NR++   11,970,000   Rent Way Inc., Term B, due 9/30/2006                              11,992,444
                BB+     Ba2    15,000,000   United Rentals Inc., Term C, due 8/12/2006                        14,983,590

Manufacturing   NR++    NR++    8,931,571   Channel Master, Term, due 10/10/2005                               8,886,914
  --2.6%        B+      B1     20,000,000   Citation Corporation, Term B, due 12/01/2007                      19,806,260
                BB-     B1      7,425,000   Enviromental Systems, Term B, due 9/30/2005                        7,072,313
                NR++    NR++    5,000,000   Metokote Corp., Term B, due 11/02/2005                             5,012,500
                                            Mueller Industries Inc.:
                B+      NR++    3,725,000     Term B, due 8/16/2006                                            3,750,028
                NR++    NR++    8,712,500     Term C, due 8/16/2007                                            8,771,040
                                            Terex Corp.:
                BB-     Ba3     4,900,000     Term B, due 3/06/2005                                            4,907,002
                B+      B1     15,000,000     Term C, due 2/05/2006                                           15,039,060

Medical                                     Alaris Medical Systems, Inc.:
Equipment--     B+      B1      2,816,800     Term A, due 8/01/2002                                            2,788,632
0.5%            B+      B1      4,113,055     Term B, due 11/01/2003                                           4,097,631
                B+      B1      4,113,055     Term C, due 11/01/2004                                           4,097,631
                B+      B1      1,966,637     Term D, due 5/01/2005                                            1,959,262

Metals &        CCC-    NR++   19,600,000   AEI Resources Inc., Term B, due 12/31/2004                        17,395,000
Mining--4.5%    B-      B3      9,983,731   Acme Metals, Inc., Term, due 12/01/2005                            8,715,798
                NR++    NR++    9,944,920   Asarco Inc., Term 2, due 5/15/2001                                 9,926,274
                NR++    NR++    5,940,000   Handy & Harman, Term B, due 7/30/2006                              5,938,764
                                            Ispat Inland LP:
                BB      Ba3    19,207,500     Term B, due 7/15/2005                                           19,100,783
                BB      Ba3    19,207,500     Term C, due 7/15/2006                                           19,100,783
                BB-     Ba2    13,965,000   LTV Corporation, Term, due 11/10/2004                             14,052,281
                BB-     B1     31,000,000   Ormet Corporation, Term, due 8/15/2008                            30,922,500

Other Telecom-                              Pacific Coin:
munications--   NR++    NR++    3,903,273     Acquisition Term, due 12/31/2003                                 3,317,782
0.3%            NR++    NR++    1,801,059     Term A, due 12/31/2002                                           1,530,900
                NR++    NR++    2,685,969     Term B, due 12/31/2004                                           2,283,074

Merrill Lynch Senior Floating Rate Fund, Inc.
February 29, 2000


                S&P    Moody's     Face                     Senior Secured
Industries     Rating   Rating    Amount            Floating Rate Loan Interests*                               Value
Packaging       NR++    NR++  $ 7,107,187   Dr. Pepper, Term B, due 10/07/2007                            $    7,128,410
  --1.0%        B+      B1     14,850,000   Graham Packaging, Term D, due 1/31/2007                           14,839,798
                                            Packaging Co.:
                BB      NR++    3,349,587     Term B, due 4/12/2007                                            3,368,428
                BB      Ba3     3,364,013     Term C, due 4/12/2008                                            3,382,936

Paging--0.3%    CCC     B2     10,708,333   PageNet Finance, Inc., Revolving Credit, due 12/31/2004            9,102,083

Paper--6.6%     NR++    NR++    6,439,063   Cellular Tissue, Term C, due 3/24/2005                             6,229,793
                B+      B2      7,879,498   Crown Paper Co., Term B, due 8/22/2003                             7,459,261
                B+      Ba3     7,286,544   Jefferson Smurfit Company/Container Corp. of America,
                                            Term B, due 3/24/2006                                              7,304,309
                BB      Ba2     7,213,750   Pacifica., Term B, due 12/31/2006                                  7,249,819
                B2      B+      6,500,000   Repap Brunswick, Term B, due 6/01/2004                             6,365,938
                                            Riverwood International Corp.:
                B+      B1     14,381,313     Term A, due 2/28/2003                                           14,347,934
                B+      B1     56,602,949     Term B, due 2/28/2004                                           56,835,870
                B+      B1     21,646,317     Term C, due 8/31/2004                                           21,741,019
                                            Stone Container Corp.:
                B+      Ba3    27,899,729     Term C, due 10/01/2003                                          28,012,330
                B+      Ba3    17,920,018     Term E, due 10/01/2003                                          17,992,343
                NR++    NR++    9,146,375     Term B, due 5/15/2004                                            7,774,419
                NR++    NR++    1,669,269     Term C, due 5/15/2004                                            1,418,879

Petroleum       BB-     Ba3    11,000,000   Clark Refining & Marketing, Inc., Term, due 11/15/2004             6,875,000

Pharmaceuticals                             Dade Behring Inc.:
  --0.6%        B+      Ba3     4,962,500     Term B, due 6/30/2006                                            4,975,795
                B+      Ba3     4,962,500     Term C, due 6/30/2007                                            4,975,795
                NR++    NR++    7,357,143   Endo Pharmaceuticals, Term B, due 6/30/2004                        7,265,179

Printing &                                  Advanstar Communications Inc.:
Publishing      B+      Ba3    14,722,321     Term B, due 4/30/2005                                           14,708,526
  --3.3%        B+      Ba3     5,914,911     Term C, due 6/30/2007                                            5,933,395
                BB      Ba3    12,000,000   Big Flower, Term B, due 12/06/2008                                12,048,756
                NR++    NR++   14,316,368   Enterprise News Media, Term B, due 6/30/2005                      14,244,786
                BB+     Ba1     7,000,000   Hollinger International Publishing Inc., Term B, due
                                            12/31/2004                                                         7,056,875
                BB-     B1      5,486,250   Merrill Communications LLC, Term B, due 11/23/2007                 5,525,685
                NR++    Ba3     3,760,000     Revolving Credit, due 12/31/2004                                 3,694,200
                BB-     Ba3     8,000,000     Term, due 6/30/2004                                              7,840,000
                BB-     Ba3     5,000,000     Term, due 7/31/2004                                              4,987,500
                B+      B1      4,000,000   Reiman Publications, Term B, due 12/01/2005                        4,015,000
                                            Ziff-Davis Inc.:
                BB-     Ba2     1,764,706     Revolving Credit, due 3/31/2005                                  1,732,721
                BB-     Ba2     1,444,444     Term A, due 3/31/2005                                            1,436,568
                BB-     Ba2     9,025,000     Term B, due 3/31/2006                                            9,031,047

Merrill Lynch Senior Floating Rate Fund, Inc.
February 29, 2000


                S&P    Moody's     Face                     Senior Secured
Industries     Rating   Rating    Amount            Floating Rate Loan Interests*                               Value
Property        NR++    NR++  $ 4,950,000   Meditrust Co., Term D, due 7/17/2001                          $    4,801,500
Management--    NR++    Ba3    25,000,000   NRT Inc., Term, due 7/31/2004                                     24,898,450
1.7%            NR++    Ba3    17,910,000   Prison Realty Trust Inc., Term C, due 12/31/2002                  17,904,412

Restaurants--                               Domino & Bluefence:
0.8%            B+      B1      9,144,101     Term B, due 12/21/2006                                           9,192,684
                B+      B1      9,153,632     Term C, due 12/21/2007                                           9,204,306
                NR++    B1      2,957,627   Shoney's, Inc., Term B, due 4/30/2002                              2,834,392

Retail          NR++    B1      5,727,000   Advanced Store Company, Term B, due 4/15/2006                      5,698,365

Textile Mill                                Joan Fabrics Corp.:
Products--0.5%  NR++    NR++    2,379,836     Term B, due 6/30/2005                                            2,373,887
                NR++    NR++    1,233,894     Term C, due 6/30/2006                                            1,230,809
                NR++    NR++   10,343,296   Tartan Textiles, Term B, due 5/01/2005                            10,265,721

Tower           BB-     B1     25,000,000   American Tower, Term B, due 12/30/2007                            25,192,700
Construction    NR++    NR++   15,000,000   Spectracite, Term B, due 6/30/2006                                15,052,500
& Leasing--1.4%                                                                                           --------------

Transportation  NR++    Ba1     5,000,000   Kansas City Southern Railroad, Term B, due 12/29/2006              5,038,280
Services--1.0%  B+      B1      8,000,000   North American Van Lines Inc., Term B, due 11/18/2007              7,987,504
                NR++    Ba3     6,940,063   Transport Manufacturing, Term B, due 6/15/2006                     6,979,100
                                            Travel Centers of America:
                BB-     Ba2     3,497,279     Term A, due 3/27/2005                                            3,516,951
                NR++    Ba2     3,943,573     Term B, due 3/27/2005                                            3,965,755

Utilities       NR++    Baa3    7,500,000   AES Texas Funding II, Term, due 4/24/2001                          7,509,375

Waste                                       Allied Waste North America Inc.:
Management--    BB      Ba3    10,000,000     Term A, due 6/30/2005                                            9,502,080
2.9%            BB      Ba3    31,818,182     Term B, due 6/30/2006                                           30,717,336
                BB      Ba3    38,181,818     Term C, due 6/30/2007                                           36,882,949
                BB-     B1      3,000,000   Stericycle Inc., Term B, due 11/10/2006                            3,016,407

Wired           BB+     Ba1    30,000,000   Cincinnati Bell Inc., Term, due 1/12/2007                         29,913,750
Telecommun-     NR++    NR++   10,000,000   E. Spire Communication, Term C, due 8/01/2006                      9,700,000
ications--2.2%  NR++    B3     23,333,333   Teligent Inc., Term, due 7/01/2002                                22,910,417

Wireless                                    Centennial Cellular Operating Co.:
Telecommun-     B+      B1      2,743,056     Term Loan A (PR), due 11/30/2006                                 2,736,933
ications--6.0%  B+      B1      2,256,944     Term Loan A (US), due 11/30/2006                                 2,251,907
                                            Dobson/Sygnet Operating Co.:
                NR++    B3      9,754,838     Term B, due 3/23/2007                                            9,793,165
                NR++    B3      4,950,000     Term C, due 12/23/2007                                           4,976,299
                                            Nextel Communications, Inc.:
                NR++    B1     26,000,000     Term B, due 6/30/2008                                           26,283,218
                BB-     Ba2    26,000,000     Term C, due 12/31/2008                                          26,283,218

Merrill Lynch Senior Floating Rate Fund, Inc.
February 29, 2000


                S&P    Moody's     Face                     Senior Secured
Industries     Rating   Rating    Amount            Floating Rate Loan Interests*                               Value
Wireless                                    PowerTel PCS, Inc.:
Telecommun-     NR++    NR++ $ 15,000,000     Term A, due 12/31/2004                                      $   14,948,445
ications        NR++    NR++    3,000,000     Term B, due 12/31/2006                                           2,990,625
(concluded)     NR++    B2     15,000,000   TeleCorp PCS, Term B, due 1/15/2008                               14,968,755
                NR++    B2     10,000,000   Tritel Holdings, Term B, due 12/31/2007                           10,032,500
                B+      B1     32,000,000   VoiceStream PCS Holding Corporation, Term B, due 2/25/2009        32,187,488
                NR++    B1     20,000,000   Western Wireless, Term A, due 3/31/2008                           19,962,500

                                            Total Senior Secured Floating Rate Loan Interests
                                            (Cost--$2,515,944,948)--89.0%                                  2,480,471,232

                                  Held                  Warrants & Agreements

Cable Television Services--0.0%       707   Classic Cable, Inc. (a)                                                    0

Drilling--0.0%                     12,250   Rigco North America (a)                                                    0

General                         2,178,603   Just For Feet, Inc. (b)                                               10,583
Merchandise Stores--0.0%

                                            Total Investments in Warrants & Agreements
                                            (Cost--$2,178,603)--0.0%                                              10,583

                                Amount                  Short-Term Securities

Commercial                    $50,000,000   The CIT Group Holdings, Inc., 5.76% due 3/08/2000                 49,944,000
Paper**---7.1%                 25,000,000   Ford Motor Credit Company (Puerto Rico), 5.77% due 3/10/2000      24,963,937
                               75,000,000   General Electric Capital Corp., 5.88% due 3/01/2000               75,000,000
                                7,279,000   General Motors Acceptance Corp., 5.94% due 3/01/2000               7,279,000
                               40,000,000   Transamerica Finance Corporation, 5.76% due 3/06/2000             39,968,000

US Government Agency           10,690,000   Federal Home Loan Banks, 5.66% due 3/17/2000                      10,663,109
Obligations**--3.0%                         Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation:
                               35,000,000     5.61% due 3/07/2000                                             34,967,275
                               38,709,000     5.68% due 3/21/2000                                             38,586,852

                                            Total Investments in Short-Term Securities
                                            (Cost--$281,372,173)--10.1%                                      281,372,173

Total Investments (Cost--$2,799,495,724)--99.1%                                                            2,761,853,988

Other Assets Less Liabilities--0.9%                                                                           24,003,081
Net Assets--100.0%                                                                                        $2,785,857,069

(a)Warrants entitle the Fund to purchase a predetermined number of
   shares of common stock and are non-income producing. The purchase
   price and number of shares are subject to adjustment under certain
   conditions until the expiration date.
(b)Agreement represents an obligation by Just For Feet, Inc. to pay
   an amount to the Fund on April 30, 2002, contingent upon the
   earnings before income taxes and depreciation of Just For Feet, Inc.
   as of January 31, 2002.
 ++Not Rated.
  *The interest rates on senior secured floating rate loan interests
   are subject to change periodically based on the change in the prime
   rate of a US Bank, LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate), or, in
   some cases, another base lending rate.
 **Commercial Paper and certain US Government Agency Obligations are
   traded on a discount basis; the interest rates shown reflect the
   discount rates paid at the time of purchase by the Fund.

See Notes to Financial Statements.

Merrill Lynch Senior Floating Rate Fund, Inc.
February 29, 2000


Statement of Assets and Liabilities as of February 29, 2000
Assets:             Investments, at value (identified cost--$2,799,495,724)                              $ 2,761,853,988
                    Cash                                                                                       2,982,891
                      Interest                                                         $    26,490,149
                      Capital shares sold                                                    2,998,820
                      Principal paydowns                                                       126,639
                      Commitment fees                                                            7,441        29,623,049
                    Prepaid registration fees and other assets                                                   521,545
                    Total assets                                                                           2,794,981,473

Liabilities:        Payables:
                      Dividends to shareholders                                              4,550,803
                      Investment adviser                                                     1,655,111
                      Administrator                                                            435,556         6,641,470
                    Deferred income                                                                            1,276,149
                    Accrued expenses and other liabilities                                                     1,206,785
                    Total liabilities                                                                          9,124,404

Net Assets:         Net assets                                                                           $ 2,785,857,069

Net Assets          Common Stock, par value $.10 per share; 1,000,000,000 shares
Consist of:         authorized                                                                           $    28,937,577
                    Paid-in capital in excess of par                                                       2,882,434,011
                    Undistributed investment income--net                                                           5,580
                    Accumulated realized capital losses on investments--net                                  (86,640,548)
                    Unrealized depreciation on investments--net                                              (38,879,551)
                    Net Assets--Equivalent to $9.63 per share based on 289,375,766
                    shares of capital stock outstanding                                                  $ 2,785,857,069

                    See Notes to Financial Statements.

Merrill Lynch Senior Floating Rate Fund, Inc.
February 29, 2000


Statement of Operations

                                                                                                For the Six Months Ended
                                                                                                       February 29, 2000
Investment          Interest and discount earned                                                         $   134,249,344
Income:             Facility and other fees                                                                      112,002
                    Total income                                                                             134,361,346

Expenses:           Investment advisory fees                                           $    13,987,995
                    Administrative fees                                                      3,681,051
                    Transfer agent fees                                                        834,415
                    Accounting services                                                        234,249
                    Professional fees                                                          211,769
                    Tender offer costs                                                         147,631
                    Custodian fees                                                             104,801
                    Registration fees                                                          103,724
                    Assignment fees                                                             83,322
                    Borrowing costs                                                             40,444
                    Printing and shareholder reports                                            40,209
                    Directors' fees and expenses                                                14,249
                    Other                                                                       45,331
                    Total expenses                                                                            19,529,190
                    Investment income--net                                                                   114,832,156

Realized &          Realized loss on investments--net                                                        (54,944,016)
Unrealized          Change in unrealized depreciation on investments--net                                     22,934,561
Gain (Loss)                                                                                              ---------------
on Investments      Net Increase in Net Assets Resulting from Operations                                 $    82,822,701
  --Net:                                                                                                 ===============

                    See Notes to Financial Statements.

Merrill Lynch Senior Floating Rate Fund, Inc.
February 29, 2000


Statements of Changes in Net Assets

                                                                                        For the Six          For the
                                                                                        Months Ended        Year Ended
                                                                                        February 29,        August 31,
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:                                                          2000               1999
Operations:         Investment income--net                                             $   114,832,156   $   217,406,642
                    Realized loss on investments--net                                      (54,944,016)      (21,656,805)
                    Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation on
                    investments--net                                                        22,934,561       (59,345,622)
                                                                                       ---------------   ---------------
                    Net increase in net assets resulting from operations                    82,822,701       136,404,215
                                                                                       ---------------   ---------------

Dividends to        Investment income--net                                                (114,827,228)     (217,477,740)
Shareholders:                                                                          ---------------   ---------------
                    Net decrease in net assets resulting from dividends to
                    shareholders                                                          (114,827,228)     (217,477,740)
                                                                                       ---------------   ---------------

Capital Share       Net decrease in net assets resulting from capital
Transactions:       share transactions                                                    (328,004,808)     (138,092,263)
                                                                                       ---------------   ---------------

Net Assets:         Total decrease in net assets                                          (360,009,335)     (219,165,788)
                    Beginning of period                                                  3,145,866,404     3,365,032,192
                                                                                       ---------------   ---------------
                    End of period*                                                     $ 2,785,857,069   $ 3,145,866,404
                                                                                       ===============   ===============

                   *Undistributed investment income--net                               $         5,580   $           652
                                                                                       ===============   ===============

                    See Notes to Financial Statements.

Merrill Lynch Senior Floating Rate Fund, Inc.
February 29, 2000


Statement of Cash Flows

                                                                                                For the Six Months Ended
                                                                                                       February 29, 2000
Cash Provided       Net increase in net assets resulting from operations                                 $    82,822,701
by Operating        Adjustments to reconcile net increase in net assets resulting from
Activities:         operations to net cash provided by operating activities:
                      Increase in receivables                                                                 (3,406,379)
                      Decrease in other liabilities                                                           (1,631,118)
                      Realized and unrealized loss on investments--net                                        32,009,455
                      Amortization of discount                                                                (7,707,578)
                    Net cash provided by operating activities                                                102,087,081

Cash Provided by    Proceeds from principal payments and sales of loan interests                           1,330,624,117
Investing           Purchases of loan interests                                                          (946,756,637)
Activities:         Purchases of short-term investments                                                  (11,079,042,528)
                    Proceeds from sales and maturities of short-term investments                          11,035,971,439
                    Net cash provided by investing activities                                                340,796,391

Cash Used for       Cash receipts on capital shares sold                                                     109,402,767
Financing           Cash payments on capital shares tendered                                                (489,159,762)
Activities:         Dividends paid to shareholders                                                           (62,462,664)
                    Net cash used for financing activities                                                  (442,219,659)

Cash:               Net increase in cash                                                                         663,813
                    Cash at beginning of period                                                                2,319,078
                    Cash at end of period                                                                $     2,982,891

Non-Cash            Capital shares issued in reinvestment of dividends paid to shareholders              $    52,653,929
Financing                                                                                                ===============
                    See Notes to Financial Statements.

Merrill Lynch Senior Floating Rate Fund, Inc.
February 29, 2000


Financial Highlights

The following per share data and ratios have been derived            For the Six
from information provided in the financial statements.               Months Ended
                                                                     February 29,    For the Year Ended August 31,
Increase (Decrease) in Net Asset Value:                                  2000       1999     1998      1997       1996
Per Share           Net asset value, beginning of period              $   9.73   $   9.97  $  10.02  $   9.99   $  10.02
Operating                                                             --------   --------  --------  --------   --------
Performance:        Investment income--net                                 .37        .65       .68       .68        .66
                    Realized and unrealized gain (loss) on
                    investments--net                                      (.10)      (.24)     (.05)      .03       (.03)
                                                                      --------   --------  --------  --------   --------
                    Total from investment operations                       .27        .41       .63       .71        .63
                                                                      --------   --------  --------  --------   --------
                    Less dividends from investment income--net            (.37)      (.65)     (.68)     (.68)      (.66)
                                                                      --------   --------  --------  --------   --------
                    Net asset value, end of period                    $   9.63   $   9.73  $   9.97  $  10.02   $   9.99
                                                                      ========   ========  ========  ========   ========

Total Investment    Based on net asset value per share                   2.89%++    4.23%     6.47%     7.23%      6.53%
Return:**                                                             ========   ========  ========  ========   ========

Ratios to Average   Expenses, excluding interest expense                 1.32%*     1.33%     1.35%     1.32%      1.34%
Net Assets:                                                           ========   ========  ========  ========   ========
                    Expenses                                             1.32%*     1.33%     1.40%     1.33%      1.34%
                                                                      ========   ========  ========  ========   ========
                    Investment income--net                               7.78%*     6.59%     6.79%     6.72%      6.54%
                                                                      ========   ========  ========  ========   ========
Leverage:           Average amount of borrowings outstanding
                    during the period (in thousands)                        --         --  $ 24,299  $  4,409         --
                                                                      ========   ========  ========  ========   ========
                    Average amount of borrowings outstanding
                    per share during the period                             --         --  $    .08  $    .02         --
                                                                      ========   ========  ========  ========   ========

Supplemental        Net assets, end of period (in millions)           $  2,786   $  3,146  $  3,365  $  2,992   $  2,946
Data:                                                                 ========   ========  ========  ========   ========
                    Portfolio turnover                                  34.92%     60.06%    69.59%    74.00%     80.20%
                                                                      ========   ========  ========  ========   ========

                  **Total investment returns exclude the early withdrawal charge, if
                    any. The Fund is a continuously offered closed-end fund, the shares
                    of which are offered at net asset value. Therefore, no separate
                    market exists.
                  ++Aggregate total investment return.

                    See Notes to Financial Statements.

Merrill Lynch Senior Floating Rate Fund, Inc.
February 29, 2000


1. Significant Accounting Policies:
Merrill Lynch Senior Floating Rate Fund, Inc. (the "Fund") is
registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as a
continuously offered, non-diversified, closed-end management
investment company. The Fund's financial statements are prepared in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, which may
require the use of management accruals and estimates. These
unaudited financial statements reflect all adjustments, which are,
in the opinion of management, necessary to a fair statement of the
results for the interim period presented. All such adjustments are
of a normal recurring nature.

(a) Loan participation interests--The Fund invests in senior secured
floating rate loan interests ("Loan Interests") with collateral
having a market value, at time of acquisition by the Fund, which
Fund management believes equals or exceeds the principal amount of
the corporate loan. The Fund may invest up to 20% of its total
assets in loans made on an unsecured basis. Depending on how the
loan was acquired, the Fund will regard the issuer as including the
corporate borrower along with an agent bank for the syndicate of
lenders and any intermediary of the Fund's investment. Because
agents and intermediaries are primarily commercial banks, the Fund's
investment in corporate loans at February 29, 2000 could be
considered to be concentrated in commercial banking.

(b) Valuation of investments--Loan Interests are valued in
accordance with guidelines established by the Board of Directors.
Until July 9, 1999, Loan Interests for which an active secondary
market exists and for which the Investment Adviser can obtain at
least two quotations from banks or dealers in Loan Interests were
valued by calculating the mean of the last available bid and asked
prices in the markets for such Loan Interests, and then using the
mean of those two means. If only one quote for a particular Loan
Interest was available, such Loan Interest were valued on the basis
of the mean of the last available bid and asked prices in the
market. As of July 12, 1999, pursuant to the approval of the Board
of Directors, the Loan Interests are valued at the mean between the
last available bid and asked prices from one or more brokers or
dealers as obtained from Loan Pricing Corporation. For Loan
Interests for which an active secondary market does not exist to a
reliable degree in the opinion of the Investment Adviser, such Loan
Interests will be valued by the Investment Adviser at fair value,
which is intended to approximate market value.

Other portfolio securities may be valued on the basis of prices
furnished by one or more pricing services, which determine prices
for normal, institutional-size trading units of such securities
using market information, transactions for comparable securities and
various relationships between securities that are generally
recognized by institutional traders. In certain circumstances,
portfolio securities are valued at the last sale price on the
exchange that is the primary market for such securities, or the last
quoted bid price for those securities for which the over-the-counter
market is the primary market or for listed securities in which there
were no sales during the day. Short-term securities with remaining
maturities of sixty days or less are valued at amortized cost, which
approximates market value. Securities and assets for which market
quotations are not readily available are valued at fair value as
determined in good faith by or under the direction of the Board of
Directors of the Fund.

(c) Derivative financial instruments--The Fund may engage in various
portfolio strategies to seek to increase its return by hedging its
portfolio against adverse movements in the debt markets. Losses may
arise due to changes in the value of the contract or if the
counterparty does not perform under the contract.

* Interest rate transactions--The Fund is authorized to enter into
interest rate swaps and purchase or sell interest rate caps and
floors. In an interest rate swap, the Fund exchanges with another
party their respective commitments to pay or receive interest on a
specified notional principal amount. The purchase of an interest
rate cap (or floor) entitles the purchaser, to the extent that a
specified index exceeds (or falls below) a predetermined interest
rate, to receive payments of interest equal to the difference
between the index and the predetermined rate on a notional principal
amount from the party selling such interest rate cap (or floor).

(d) Income taxes--It is the Fund's policy to comply with the
requirements of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to regulated
investment companies and to distribute substantially all of its
taxable income to its shareholders. Therefore, no Federal income tax
provision is required.

Merrill Lynch Senior Floating Rate Fund, Inc.
February 29, 2000


(e) Security transactions and investment income--Security
transactions are recorded on the dates the transactions are entered
into (the trade dates). Interest is recognized on the accrual basis.
Realized gains and losses on security transactions are determined on
the identified cost basis. Facility fees are accreted into income
over the term of the related loan.

(f) Prepaid registration fees--Prepaid registration fees are charged
to expense as the related shares are issued.

(g) Dividends and distributions--Dividends from net investment
income are declared daily and paid monthly. Distributions of capital
gains are recorded on the ex-dividend dates.

2. Investment Advisory and Administrative
Services Agreement and Transactions with
The Fund has entered into an Investment Advisory Agreement with
Merrill Lynch Asset Management, L.P. ("MLAM"). The general partner
of MLAM is Princeton Services, Inc. ("PSI"), an indirect wholly-
owned subsidiary of Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. ("ML & Co."), which is
the limited partner.

MLAM is responsible for the management of the Fund's portfolio and
provides the necessary personnel, facilities, equipment and certain
other services necessary to perform this investment advisory

For such services, the Fund pays a monthly fee at an annual rate of
 .95% of the Fund's average daily net assets. The Fund also has an
Administrative Services Agreement with MLAM whereby MLAM will
receive a fee equal to an annual rate of .25% of the Fund's average
daily net assets on a monthly basis, in return for the performance
of administrative services (other than investment advice and related
portfolio activities) necessary for the operation of the Fund.

For the six months ended February 29, 2000, Merrill Lynch Funds
Distributor, Inc. ("MLFD"), a division of Princeton Funds
Distributor, Inc. ("PFD"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Merrill
Lynch Group, Inc., earned early withdrawal charges of $2,315,123
relating to the tender of the Fund's shares.

Financial Data Services, Inc. ("FDS"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of
ML & Co., is the Fund's transfer agent.

Accounting services are provided to the Fund by MLAM at cost.

Certain officers and/or directors of the Fund are officers and/or
directors of MLAM, PSI, FDS, PFD, and/or ML & Co.

3. Investments:
Purchases and sales of investments, excluding short-term securities,
for the six months ended February 29, 2000 were $946,756,637 and
$1,330,750,756, respectively.

Net realized gains (losses) for the six months ended February 29,
2000 and net unrealized losses as of February 29, 2000 were as

                                      Gains       Unrealized
                                     (Losses)       Losses

Loan interests                   $(54,946,119)  $(37,641,736)
Short-term investments                  2,103             --
Unfunded loan interests                    --     (1,237,815)
                                 ------------   ------------
Total                            $(54,944,016)  $(38,879,551)
                                 ============   ============

As of February 29, 2000, net unrealized depreciation for financial
reporting and Federal income tax purposes aggregated $37,641,736, of
which $10,700,618 is related to appreciated securities and
$48,342,354 is related to depreciated securities. The aggregate cost
of investments at February 29, 2000 for Federal income tax purposes
was $2,799,495,725.

4. Capital Share Transactions:
Transactions in capital shares were as follows:

For the Six Months Ended                            Dollar
February 29, 2000                     Shares        Amount

Shares sold                        11,216,119   $ 108,501,025
Shares issued to share-
holders in reinvestment
of dividends                        5,448,226      52,653,929
                                -------------   -------------
Total issued                       16,664,345     161,154,954
Shares tendered                   (50,543,715)   (489,159,762)
                                -------------   -------------
Net decrease                      (33,879,370)  $(328,004,808)
                                =============   =============

Merrill Lynch Senior Floating Rate Fund, Inc.
February 29, 2000

For the Year Ended                                  Dollar
August 31, 1999                       Shares        Amount

Shares sold                        50,310,746   $ 495,433,815
Shares issued to share-
holders in reinvestment
of dividends                       10,519,160     103,371,180
                                -------------   -------------
Total issued                       60,829,906     598,804,995
Shares tendered                   (74,992,308)   (736,897,258)
                                -------------   -------------
Net decrease                      (14,162,402)  $(138,092,263)
                                =============   =============

5. Unfunded Loan Interests:
As of February 29, 2000, the Fund had unfunded loan commitments of
$33,811,100, which would be extended at the option of the borrower,
pursuant to the following loan agreements:

Borrower                       (in thousands)

Arena Brands, Inc.               $    1,926
Continental Airlines, Inc.            4,639
KSL Recreation Group, Inc.            8,309
Metro Goldwyn Mayer Co.               6,000
PageNet Finance, Inc.                 3,625
Primedia                              8,240
Speciality Foods, Inc.                   80
Viasystems Group, Inc.                  404
Ziff-Davis Inc.                         588

6. Short-Term Borrowings:
On June 21, 1999, the Fund extended its one-year credit agreement
with Bank of New York. The agreement is a $100,000,000 credit
facility bearing interest at the Federal Funds rate plus .50% and/or
the Eurodollar rate plus .50%. The Fund had no borrowings under this
commitment during the six months ended February 29, 2000. For the
six months ended February 29, 2000, the facility and commitment fees
aggregated approximately $40,444.

7. Capital Loss Carryforward:
At August 31, 1999, the Fund had a net capital loss carryforward of
approximately $12,584,000 of which $1,471,000 expires in 2004;
$3,279,000 expires in 2005, $4,468,000 expires in 2006 and
$3,366,000 expires in 2007. This amount will be available to offset
like amounts of any future taxable gains.

8. Subsequent Event:
The Fund began a quarterly tender offer on March 22, 2000 which
concludes on April 21, 2000.