Exhibit 1.3

                        I CERTIFY THIS IS A COPY OF A
                              DOCUMENT FILED ON

                                 MAR 11 1998

                               JOHN S. POWELL
                             REGISTRAR OF COMPANIES
                          PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA

                                   FORM 19

                                (Section 348)

                                 COMPANY ACT

                             SPECIAL RESOLUTION

                                                     Certificate of
                                                     Incorporation No. 326273

The following special  resolution was passed by the company referred to below on
the date stated:

Name of company:                            DSI DATOTECH SYSTEMS INC.

Date resolution passed:                     January 9, 1998


"RESOLVED as a Special  Resolution that the existing  Articles of the Company be
canceled,  and that the new form of Articles  approved by the  Directors  of the
Company and presented to members at the Annual General Meeting be adopted as the
Articles of the Company in substitution for and to the exclusion of the existing
Articles of the Company."

Certified a true copy January 28, 1998.

(Signature) /s/_________________________________

(Relationship to Company)           Solicitor

*A copy of the new form of Articles  approved by the Directors of the Company is
attached as Schedule "A" to this Resolution.



                                                    DSI DATOTECH SYSTEMS INC.

                                                    PART 1- TABLE OF CONTENTS

PART 1 - TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                  1
PART 2- INTERPRETATION                                                      2
PART 3- SHARES                                                              2
PART 4- BRANCH REGISTERS                                                    3
PART 5- TRANSFER AND TRANSMISSION OF SHARES                                 3
PART 6- PURCHASE AND REDEMPTION OF SHARES                                   4
PART 7- GENERAL MEETINGS                                                    4
PART 8- VOTING OF MEMBERS                                                   6
PART 9- DIRECTORS                                                           8
PART 10- POWERS AND DUTIES OF DIRECTORS                                     9
PART 11- DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST OF DIRECTORS                               10
PART 12- PROCEEDINGS OF DIRECTORS                                          10
PART 13- EXECUTIVE AND OTHER COMMITTEES                                    11
PART 14- OFFICERS                                                          12
   EMPLOYEES                                                               12
PART 16- DIVIDENDS AND RESERVE                                             13
PART 17- DOCUMENTS, RECORDS AND REPORTS                                    14
PART 18 -NOTICES                                                           14
PART 19- EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS                                            15
PART 20-SEAL                                                               15


                             PART 2- INTERPRETATION

2.1       These Articles are subject to the provisions of the "Company Act".

     2.2 In these Articles,  unless there is something in the subject or context
inconsistent herewith:

          "Board" and  "Directors"  or  "directors"  mean the  directors or sole
director of the Company for the time being.

          "Company  Act"  means  the  Company  Act of the  Province  of  British
          Columbia from time to time in force and includes the regulations  made
          pursuant thereto.

          "registered  owner",  "registered  holder",  "owner", or "holder" when
          used with respect to a share in the authorized  capital of the Company
          means the person  registered  in the register of members in respect of
          such share.

          "Securities  Act" means the  Securities Act of the Province of British
          Columbia from time to time in force and includes the  regulations  and
          policies made pursuant thereto.

     2.3 A reference to writing  includes any visible  form of  representing  or
reproducing words.

2.4 Words  importing  the singular or plural,  a person or  corporation,  or the
masculine,  feminine or neuter  gender will  include the other or others of them
respectively as the context requires.

2.5 The meaning of any words or phases  defined in the Company Act will,  if not
inconsistent  with the  subject  or  context,  bear the  same  meaning  in these

                                 PART 3- SHARES

3.1 The shares in the  Company  will be under the control of the  directors  who
may,  subject  to the tights of the  holders of any  shares,  allot,  issue,  or
otherwise deal with them, at such times, to such persons  (including  directors)
in such manner, at such price or consideration,  upon such terms and conditions,
as they, in their discretion, may determine.

3.2 The  directors  on behalf of the  Company  may pay a  commission  or allow a
discount  to any person in  consideration  of his  subscribing  or  agreeing  to
subscribe, whether absolutely or conditionally, for any shares in the Company or
procuring  or  agreeing  to  procure   subscriptions,   whether   absolutely  or
conditionally, for any such shares.

3.3 Except as required by law or these Articles, no person will be recognized by
the Company as having any interest whatsoever in any share except the registered
holder thereof.

     3.4 If a share is  registered in the names of two or more persons they will
be joint holders.


3.5  Neither  the  Company  nor any  transfer  agent will be liable for any loss
occasioned to the member owing to any share  certificate  being lost in the mail
or stolen.

3.6 A share  certificate or debt obligation  bearing the printed or mechanically
reproduced  signature  of a person  will not be  invalid at its date of issue by
reason of the fact that such  person  will have  ceased to hold the office he is
stated to hold on such certificate or debt obligation.

                            PART 4- BRANCH REGISTERS

4.1 Unless  prohibited  by the Company  Act, the Company may keep or cause to be
kept one or more branch registers of members or debenture  holders at such place
or places as the directors may from time to time determine.


5.1 Subject to the provisions of the Memorandum and of these Articles,  a member
may transfer any of his shares by instrument in writing executed by or on behalf
of  such  member  and  delivered  to the  Company  or its  transfer  agent.  The
instrument  of  transfer  may be in the form,  if any,  on the back of the share
certificate  representing the shares, or in such other form as the directors may
from  time to time  approve.  Except  to the  extent  that the  Company  Act may
otherwise  provide,  the  transferor  will be deemed to remain the holder of the
shares until the name of the transferee is entered in the register of members or
a branch register of members in respect thereof.

5.2  The  signature  of the  registered  owner  of any  shares,  or of his  duly
authorized attorney,  upon the instrument of transfer will constitute a complete
and sufficient authority to the Company,  its directors,  officers and agents to
register in the name of the  transferee  as named in the  instrument of transfer
or, if no transferee is named in the instrument of transfer,  in the name of the
person on whose  behalf  any  certificate  for the shares to be  transferred  is
deposited  with the Company for the purpose of having the  transfer  registered,
the number of shares specified in the instrument of transfer or, if no number is
specified,  all the shares represented by all share certificates  deposited with
the instrument of transfer.

5.3 Neither the Company nor any director, officer or agent thereof will be bound
to inquire into the title of the person named in the  instrument  of transfer as
transferee,  or, if no person is so named,  of the  person on whose  behalf  the
certificate is deposited for the purpose of having the transfer  registered,  or
be liable to any person for registering or not registering the transfer, and the
transfer  when  registered  will confer upon the person in whose name the shares
have been registered a valid title to the shares.

5.4 Every instrument of transfer will be executed by the transferor and left for
registration  at the  registered  office of the  Company or at the office of its
transfer agent or registrar  together with the share  certificate for the shares
to be  transferred  and such other  evidence,  if any, as the  directors  or the
transfer agent or registrar may require to prove the title of the transferor to,
or his right to transfer, the shares and the right of the transferee to have the
transfer  registered.  If the transfer is registered all instruments of transfer
and evidence will be retained by the Company or its transfer agent


or registrar  and, if the transfer is not  registered,  they  together  with the
share certificate will be returned to the person depositing them.

5.5 There will be paid to the  Company in  respect  of the  registration  of any
transfer such sum, if any, as the directors may from time to time determine.

5.6 In the case of the death of a member, his legal personal representative,  or
if he was a joint holder the  surviving  joint  holder,  will be the only person
recognized  by the  Company as having any title to his  interest  in the shares.
Before recognizing a person as a legal personal representative the directors may
require him to obtain from a court of competent  jurisdiction a grant of letters
probate or letters of administration.


6.1 The Company may  purchase  any of its shares  unless the special  rights and
restrictions attached thereto otherwise provide.

6.2 If the  Company  proposes  to redeem  some but not all of the  shares of any
class,  the  directors  may,  subject to the  special  rights  and  restrictions
attached  to such class of  shares,  decide the manner in which the shares to be
redeemed are to be selected.

                            PART 7- GENERAL MEETINGS

7.1 The date,  time and place of all general  meetings of the Company within the
Province of British Columbia will be fixed by the directors.

7.2 All business that is transacted at a general  meeting will be special except
in the case of an annual  general  meeting  the  conduct  of and  voting at such
meeting,  the  consideration of the financial  statements and the reports of the
directors  and the  auditor,  a resolution  to elect two or more  directors by a
single  resolution,  the election of directors,  the appointment of the auditor,
the fixing of the  remuneration of the auditor,  such other business as by these
Articles or the Company Act may be transacted at a general meeting without prior
notice  thereof  being given to the members,  and any business  which is brought
under consideration by the report of the directors; and in the case of any other
general  meeting,  such  business as relates to the conduct of or voting at that

7.3 Except as otherwise  provided by the Company Act, where any special business
to  be  considered  at  a  general  meeting  includes  considering,   approving,
ratifying,  adopting or authorizing any document or the execution thereof or the
giving of effect  thereto,  the notice  convening the meeting will be sufficient
if, with respect to such  document,  it states that a copy of the document is or
will be available for inspection by members at the registered  office or records
office of the Company or at such other place in British  Columbia  designated in
the notice during usual business hours up to the date of such general meeting.


7.4 No business,  other than the election of the chairman or the  adjournment of
the meeting,  will be transacted at any general meeting unless there is a quorum
at the commencement of the meeting,  but the quorum need not continue throughout
the meeting.

7.5 A quorum for a general meeting is two persons entitled to vote except that a
quorum for a general  meeting will be one person entitled to vote if the Company
has only one member.

7.6 If within half an hour from the time  appointed for a general  meeting there
is no quorum,  the meeting,  if convened upon the  requisition of members,  will
terminate.  In any other case it will be  adjourned  to the same day in the next
week, at the same time and place,  and, if at the adjourned  meeting there is no
quorum within half an hour from the time  appointed for the meeting,  the member
or  members  entitled  to attend  and vote at the  meeting  who are  present  or
represented by proxy or other proper authority will be the quorum.

7.7 The  Chairman of the Board,  if any, or in his absence the  President of the
Company or in his absence a Vice-  President  of the  Company,  if any,  will be
entitled to preside as chairman at every general meeting of the Company.

7.8 If at any  general  meeting  neither  the  Chairman  of the  Board  nor  the
President nor a Vice-President  is present within fifteen minutes after the time
appointed  for  holding  the  meeting  or if  present  is not  willing to act as
chairman, the directors present will choose a chairman; but if all the directors
present  decline  to take the chair or fail so to choose  or if no  director  is
present, the members present will choose a chairman.

7.9 The  chairman  may,  and will if so  directed  by the  meeting,  adjourn the
meeting  from time to time and from  place to  place,  but no  business  will be
transacted at any adjourned  meeting other than the business left  unfinished at
the meeting from which the  adjournment  took place. It will not be necessary to
give any notice of an adjourned  meeting or of the business to be  transacted at
an adjourned meeting.

7.10 The directors and any other person permitted by the chairman of the meeting
will be entitled to attend any general meeting.

     7.11 No motion  proposed  at a general  meeting  need be  seconded  and the
chairman may propose a motion.

7.12  Unless the  Company Act  otherwise  provides,  any action to be taken by a
resolution of the members may be taken by an ordinary resolution.

                            PART 8- VOTING OF MEMBERS

8.1 Subject to any special voting rights or  restrictions  attached to any class
of shares and the  restrictions  on joint holders of shares,  on a show of hands
every member who is present in person and entitled to vote thereat will have one
vote and on a poll  every  member  present m person or  represented  by proxy or
other  proper  authority  will  have one vote for each  share of which he is the
registered holder.

     8.2 A member,  being a corporation,  may appoint a proxyholder and may also
appoint a representative to act for


it by delivering to the Company a copy of a resolution of its directors or other
governing  body  naming a person  as its  representative.  Such  representative,
subject to any  restrictions  contained in the  resolution,  will be entitled to
exercise the same powers on behalf of the corporation as the  corporation  could
exercise if it were an individual  member. If the corporation is a subsidiary of
the Company its shares may not be voted and its proxyholder or representative or
the proxyholder of the representative may not be counted to make a quorum.

8.3 In the case of joint  registered  holders  of a share the vote of the senior
who exercises a vote,  whether in person or by proxyholder,  will be accepted to
the exclusion of the votes of the other joint registered  holders;  and for this
purpose  seniority  will be  determined by the order in which the names stand in
the  register  of  members.  Two or more  legal  personal  representatives  of a
deceased  member  whose  shares  are  registered  in his sole  name will for the
purpose of this Article be deemed joint registered holders.

8.4 A member of unsound  mind  entitled to attend and vote in respect of whom an
order has been made by any court having jurisdiction may vote, whether on a show
of hands or on a poll, by his committee,  curator bonis,  or other person in the
nature of a committee or curator  bonis  appointed  by that court,  and any such
committee, curator bonis, or other person may appoint a proxyholder.

8.5       A member may by proxy appoint a proxyholder to vote for him on a poll.

     8.6 In the case of an equality of votes, whether on a show of hands or on a
poll,  the  chairman of the meeting at which the show of hands takes place or at
which the poll is demanded will not be entitled to a second or casting vote.

8.7 If a poll is  demanded  it will be taken  either at the  meeting  and of the
members  present in person or represented by proxy or other proper  authority at
the time the poll is  taken,  or at such  other  time and in such  manner as the
chairman may direct.  Any business  other than that upon which the poll has been
demanded  may be  proceeded  with pending the taking of the poll. A demand for a
poll may be withdrawn.

8.8 In any dispute as to the  admission  or  rejection of a vote the decision of
the chairman made in good faith will be final and conclusive.

8.9 On a poll a person  entitled  to cast more  than one vote  need  not,  if he
votes, use all his votes or cast all the votes he uses in the same way.

8.10 A member  holding more than one share in respect of which he is entitled to
vote  will  be  entitled  to  appoint  one or  more  (but  not  more  than  two)
proxyholders  to attend,  act and vote for him on the same  occasion.  If such a
member should  appoint more than one  proxyholder  for the same occasion he will
specify the number of shares each proxyholder will be entitled to vote. A member
may also  appoint  one or more  alternate  proxyholders  to act in the place and
stead of an absent proxyholder.

8.11 A form of proxy will be in writing  under the hand of the  appointor or his
attorney  duly  authorized in writing,  or, if the  appointor is a  corporation,
either under the seal of the  corporation or under the hand of a duly authorized
officer or representative of or attorney for the corporation. A proxyholder will
be a member of the Company unless


    (a)  the Company is at the time a reporting company,

     (b) the member appointing the proxyholder is a corporation,

     (c) the Company will have at the time only one member, or

     (d) all the members present otherwise agree.

8.12 Unless otherwise  provided by the directors,  a form of proxy and the power
of attorney or other authority, if any, under which it is signed or a notarially
certified copy thereof will be deposited at the registered office of the Company
or at such other place as is specified for that purpose in the notice  convening
the meeting,  or in the information  circular  relating thereto not less than 48
hours, excluding Saturdays and holidays, before the time of the meeting.

     8.13 Except as otherwise provided by law or these Articles,  a proxy may be
in any form the directors or the chairman of the meeting approve.

8.14 A vote  given  in  accordance  with  the  terms  of a proxy  will be  valid
notwithstanding  the previous death or incapacity of the member giving the proxy
or the revocation of the proxy or of the authority under which the form of proxy
was  executed  or the  transfer  of the share in  respect  of which the proxy is
given,  provided  that no  notification  in writing of such  death,  incapacity,
revocation or transfer will have been received at the  registered  office of the
Company or by the  chairman  of the meeting or  adjourned  meeting for which the
proxy was given before the vote is taken.

                                PART 9- DIRECTORS

9.1 The members,  except as otherwise  restricted by the Memorandum or Articles,
will be  entitled  to elect  directors,  but the  number to be  elected  will be
determined by the directors.

9.2       The directors may, from time to time, appoint additional directors.

     9.3 A casual  vacancy  occurring in the Board of directors may be filled by
the remaining directors or director.

9.4 A director's term of office will expire on the date fixed at the time of his
appointment or election and in the absence  thereof on the election of directors
either at the annual general  meeting next following his appointment or election
or by the consent in writing in lieu of such meeting, as the case may be.

9.5       A retiring director will be eligible for re-election.

9.6 Any director may by written  notice to the Company  appoint any person to be
his  alternate  to act in his place at meetings of the  directors at which he is
not present or by these Articles  deemed to be present unless the directors will
have  reasonably  disapproved the appointment of such person and given notice to
that effect to the director  within a reasonable  time.  Every alternate will be
entitled to attend and vote at meetings at which the person who appointed him


is not  present or deemed to be present,  and,  if he is a  director,  to have a
separate  vote on behalf of the director he is  representing  in addition to his
own vote. A director may at any time by written notice to the Company revoke the
appointment of an alternate  appointed by him. The remuneration  payable to such
an alternate will be payable out of the remuneration of the director  appointing

     9.7 The  directors may remove from office a director who is convicted of an
indictable offence.

9.8  The  remuneration  of the  directors  as  such  may  from  time  to time be
determined by the directors.  Such remuneration may be in addition to any salary
or other  remuneration  paid to any  officer or employee of the Company who is a
director.  The directors will be repaid such  reasonable  travelling,  hotel and
other expenses as they incur in and about the business of the Company and if any
director will perform any professional or other services for the Company that in
the opinion of the  directors  are outside the ordinary  duties of a director or
will otherwise be specially occupied in or about the Company's business,  he may
be paid a  remuneration  to be fixed by the  Board,  or,  at the  option of such
director,  by resolution of the members and such  remuneration  may be either in
addition  to, or in  substitution  for,  any other  remuneration  that he may be
entitled to receive. The directors may pay a gratuity or pension or allowance on
retirement  to any director who has held any salaried  office or place of profit
with the Company or to his spouse or dependents  and may make  contributions  to
any fund and pay premiums  for the  purchase or provision of any such  gratuity,
pension or allowance.

                     PART 10- POWERS AND DUTIES OF DIRECTORS

10.1 The powers of the Company will be exercised only by the  directors,  except
those which by the Company Act or these Articles are required to be exercised by
a resolution of the members and those referred to the members by the directors .

10.2        The directors may from time to time

     (a) borrow  money in such manner and amount,  on such  security,  from such
sources and upon such terms and conditions as they think fit,

     (b) issue bonds,  debentures and other debt obligations  either outright or
as security for any  liability or obligation of the Company or any other person,

     (c) mortgage or charge,  whether by way of specific or floating charge,  or
give other security on the undertaking and the whole or any part of the property
and assets (both present and future) of the Company.

10.3  The  directors  may  from  time to time by  power  of  attorney  or  other
instrument  appoint  any  person  to be the  attorney  of the  Company  for such
purposes, and with such powers, authorities and discretions (not exceeding those
vested in or exercisable by the directors under these Articles and excepting the
powers of the directors  relating to the constitution of the Board and of any of
its  committees  and the  appointment  or removal of  officers  and the power to
declare dividends),  for such period, with such remuneration and subject to such
conditions as the directors may think


fit,  and any  such  power of  attorney  may  contain  such  provisions  for the
protection or convenience of persons dealing with such attorney as the directors
think fit. Any such attorney may be authorized by the directors to  sub-delegate
all or any of the powers,  authorities and discretions for the time being vested
in him.


11.1 A director  will  disclose  his  interest in and not vote in respect of any
proposed  contract  or  transaction  with the  Company in which he is in any way
directly or  indirectly  interested,  but such  director  will be counted in the
quorum at the  meeting  of the  directors  at which  the  proposed  contract  or
transaction is approved.

11.2 A  director  may hold any  office or place of profit  with the  Company  in
addition  to his  office of  director  for such  period and on such terms (as to
remuneration  or  otherwise)  as the  directors may determine and no director or
intended  director will be disqualified by his office from  contracting with the
Company  either with  regard to his tenure of any such other  office or place of
profit or as vendor,  purchaser  or  otherwise,  and no contract or  transaction
entered  into by or on behalf of the  Company An which a director  is in any way
interested will be voided by reason thereof

11.3 A director or his firm may act in a  professional  capacity for the Company
and he or his firm will be entitled to remuneration for professional services as
if he were not a director.

11.4 A  director  may be or  become a  director,  officer  or  employee  of,  or
otherwise  interested  in, any  corporation  or firm in which the Company may be
interested as a shareholder or otherwise,  and such director will not, except as
provided by the Company Act or these Articles, be accountable to the Company for
any  remuneration  or other  benefit  received  by him as  director,  officer or
employee of, or from his interest in, such other corporation or firm, unless the
directors otherwise direct.

                        PART 12- PROCEEDINGS OF DIRECTORS

     12.1 Unless otherwise determined by the directors the President will be the
Chairman of the Board.

     12.2 A director may, and the  Secretary  will on the request of a director,
call a meeting of the directors .

12.3 The Chairman of the Board, or in his absence the President, will preside as
chairman at every  meeting of the  directors,  or if there is no Chairman of the
Board or neither the Chairman of the Board nor the  President is present  within
fifteen  minutes of the time  appointed for holding the meeting or is willing to
act as chairman,  or if the Chairman of the Board and the President have advised
the  Secretary  that they will not be  present  at the  meeting,  the  directors
present will choose one of their number to be chairman of the meeting.

     12.4 The  directors  may meet for the  dispatch  of  business,  adjourn and
otherwise  regulate their meetings as they think fit.  Questions  arising at any
meeting will be decided by a majority of votes and


     in case of an  equality  of votes  the  chairman  will not have a second or
casting vote.

12.5 A meeting of the Board, or of any committee of the Board, may
be held in any of the following ways:

     (a) all of the participants meeting in person;

     (b) some of the  participants  meeting in person  and others  communicating
with  them,  by  telephone  or  other  means  of  communication,  so  that  each
participant can hear each of the others; or

     (c) all of the participants  communicating with each other, by telephone or
other  means of  communication,  so that each  participant  can hear each of the

12.6 The quorum  necessary for the  transaction of business by the directors may
be fixed by the directors and if not so fixed will be a majority of the Board.

     12.7  The  directors  may if  there is a  quorum  act  notwithstanding  any

     12.8 Every act of a director is valid  notwithstanding  any defect that may
afterwards be discovered in his election or appointment.

12.9 Any  resolution  of the  directors or of a committee  thereof may be passed
with the  consent in  writing  to the  resolution  of all the  directors  or the
members of that committee. The consent may be in counterparts.


13.1 The directors may appoint an Executive  Committee to consist of such member
or members of the Board as they think fit. The Executive Committee will have all
the powers vested in the Board except the power to fill  vacancies in the Board,
the power to  change  the  membership  of, or fill  vacancies  in the  Executive
Committee or any other committee of the Board and such other powers,  if any, as
are specified.

13.2 The directors may appoint one or more committees  consisting of such member
or members of the Board as they think fit and may delegate to any such committee
any powers of the Board;  except,  the power to fill vacancies in the Board, the
power to change the  membership  of or fill  vacancies  in any  committee of the
Board, and the power to appoint or remove officers appointed by the Board.

13.3 All committees may meet and adjourn as they think fit. Questions arising at
any  meeting  will be  determined  by a majority  of votes of the members of the
committee,  and in case of an  equality  of votes the  chairman  will not have a
second or casting vote.

13.4 All committees will keep minutes of their actions and will cause them to be
recorded in books kept for that purpose and will report the same to the Board at
such times as the Board requires. The directors will also have power


at any time to revoke or override any  authority  given to or acts to be done by
any such  committees  except as to acts done before such  revocation or ovemding
and to terminate the  appointment or change the membership of a committee and to
fill  vacancies  in it.  Committees  may make  rules  for the  conduct  of their
business and may appoint such assistants as they may deem necessary.

                                PART 14-OFFICERS

14.1 The  directors  may decide  what  functions  and duties each  officer  will
perform and may entrust to and confer upon him any of the powers  exercisable by
them upon such terms and  conditions as they think fit and may from time to time
revoke, withdraw, alter or vary any of such functions, duties and powers .

                                  AND EMPLOYEES

15.1 Subject to the  provisions of the Company Act, the Company will indemnify a
director or former  director  of the  Company  and the  Company may  indemnify a
director or former  director of a  corporation  of which the Company is or was a
shareholder  and the  heirs  and  personal  representatives  of any such  person
against all costs,  charges and expenses,  including an amount paid to settle an
action or satisfy a judgment, actually and reasonably incurred by him or them in
a civil,  criminal or administrative action or proceeding to which he is or they
are made a party by reason of his being or having been a director of the Company
or a director of such  corporation,  including any action brought by the Company
or any such  corporation.  Each  person  who acts or has acted at the  Company's
request as a director and each  director on being  elected or appointed  will be
deemed  to have  contracted  with the  Company  on the  terms  of the  foregoing

15.2 Subject to the  provisions  of the Company Act, the directors may cause the
Company to  indemnify  any  officer,  employee  or agent of the  Company or of a
corporation of which the Company is or was a shareholder  (notwithstanding  that
he may also be a director)  and his heirs and personal  representatives  against
all costs, charges and expenses whatsoever incurred by him or them and resulting
from  his  acting  as an  officer,  employee  or agent  of the  Company  or such
corporation.  In addition  the Company  will  indemnify  the  Secretary  and any
Assistant  Secretary  of the  Company if he is not a full time  employee  of the
Company and  notwithstanding  that he may also be a director and his  respective
heirs  and  legal  representatives  against  all  costs,  charges  and  expenses
whatsoever  incurred by him or them and arising out of the functions assigned to
the  Secretary  by the  Company  Act or these  Articles  and the  Secretary  and
Assistant  Secretary will on being  appointed be deemed to have  contracted with
the Company on the terms of the foregoing indemnity.

     15.3 The failure of a director or officer of the Company to comply with the
provisions of the Company Act, the


Memorandum or these  Articles will not  invalidate  any indemnity to which he is
entitled under this Part.

15.4 The directors may cause the Company to purchase and maintain  insurance for
the benefit of any person who is or was serving as a director, officer, employee
or agent of the  Company or as a  director,  officer,  employee  or agent of any
corporation  of which  the  Company  is or was a  shareholder  and his  heirs or
personal representatives against any liability incurred by him as such director,
officer, employee or agent.

                         PART 16- DIVIDENDS AND RESERVE

16.1 The directors  may from time to time declare and authorize  payment of such
dividends,  if any,  as they  deem  advisable  and need not give  notice of such
declaration to any member.  No dividend will be paid otherwise than out of funds
or assets  properly  available for the payment of dividends and a declaration by
the  directors as to the amount of such funds or assets  available for dividends
will  be  conclusive.  Any  dividend  may  be  paid  wholly  or in  part  by the
distribution of specific assets and in particular by shares,  bonds,  debentures
or other  securities  of the Company or any other  corporation  or in any one or
more such  ways as may be  authorized  by the  directors.  Where any  difficulty
arises with regard to such a  distribution  the directors may settle the same as
they see fit,  and in  particular  may fix the  value for  distribution  of such
specific  assets or any part  thereof,  and may  determine  that cash payment in
substitution  for all or any part of the specific  assets to which any member is
entitled  will be made to the member on the basis of the value so fixed in order
to adjust the rights of all parties and may vest any specific assets in trustees
for the persons entitled to the dividend.

     16.2 Any  dividend  declared on shares of any class may be made  payable on
such date as is fixed by the directors.

16.3 If persons are  registered as joint  holders of any share,  any one of them
may give an effective receipt for any dividend, bonus or other monies payable in
respect of the share.

16.4 Unless otherwise  determined by the directors,  no dividend will be paid on
any share which has been purchased or redeemed by the Company while the share is
held by the Company.

16.5 Any  dividend,  bonus or other monies  payable in cash in respect of shares
may be paid by cheque. The mailing of such cheque will, to the extent of the sum
represented thereby (plus the amount of any tax required by law to be deducted),
discharge  all  liability  for the  dividend  unless  the  cheque is not paid on
presentation  or the amount of tax so  deducted  is not paid to the  appropriate
taxing authority.

16.6 Notwithstanding anything contained in these Articles the directors may from
time to time capitalize any undistiibuted surplus on hand of the Company and may
from time to time issue shares,  bonds,  debentures or debt  obligations  of the
Company as a dividend  representing  such  undistributed  surplus on hand or any
part thereof


                     PART 17- DOCUMENTS, RECORDS AND REPORTS

17.1 No member of the Company will be entitled to inspect the accounting records
of the Company unless the directors determine otherwise.

                                PART 18- NOTICES

18.1 Any notice required to be given by these Articles or the Company Act unless
the form is otherwise specified may be given orally or in writing.

18.2 A notice in writing,  statement,  report or other  document  will have been
effectively sent or given if posted prepaid, delivered, telegraphed or cabled to
the person entitled thereto at his address recorded on a register  maintained by
the Company;  and a certificate  signed by the Secretary or other officer of the
Company or of any other  corporation  acting on behalf of the  Company  that the
notice,  statement,  report  or  other  document  was so sent or  given  will be
conclusive evidence thereof.

18.3 A notice,  statement,  report or other document may be given by the Company
to the joint holders of a share by giving it to any of them.

18.4 A notice,  statement,  report or other document may be given by the Company
to the persons  entitled to a share in consequence  of the death,  bankruptcy or
incapacity  of a member in the same  manner as the same might have been given if
the death, bankruptcy or incapacity had not occurred.

18.5  Notice  of each  directors'  meeting,  except a  directors'  meeting  held
immediately  following  an annual  general  meeting  of which no notice  will be
required,  will be given to  every  director  and  alternate  director  except a
director  or  alternate  director  who has waived  notice or is absent  from the
Province of British Columbia.

18.6 The accidental  omission to give notice of a meeting to, or the non-receipt
thereof  by, any person  entitled  to receive  notice  will not  invalidate  the
proceedings at that meeting.

18.7 Every  notice of a meeting  will  specify  the  place,  day and time of the
meeting and if for a general meeting the general nature of all special  business
intended to be conducted  thereat,  unless specified in an information  circular
relating thereto.

18.8 A  director  may waive  his  entitlement  to  receive a notice of any past,
present or future  meeting or meetings of directors and may at any time withdraw
such  waiver.  After  the  waiver is  received  by the  Company  and until it is
withdrawn  no notice  need be given to such  director  or,  unless the  director
otherwise  requires in writing to the Company,  to his  altemate.  Meetings held
without such notice being given will not have been  improperly  called by reason


     18.9 Not less than two  hours'  notice of a  directors'  meeting  requiring
notice will be given.

18.10 Where in these Articles any period of time dating from a given day, act or
event is  prescribed  the time will be reckoned  exclusive  of such day,  act or

                         PART 19- EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS

     19.1 Any document  may be executed by the Company,  under seal or not under

     (a) by any  one  director  or any one of the  Chairman  of the  Board,  the
President, a Vice-President or the Secretary;

     (b) in any manner directed by the Board, either generally or in relation to
a particular document; or

     (c) in any other manner permitted by law.

                                  PART 20-SEAL

     20.1 The Company may have a seal, but need not.

     20.2 The Company may have a seal for use in any place or places  other than
British Columbia.

20.3 Any seal of the Company may, as directed by the Board, be reproduced on any
document in any form or by any means rather than by an impression of it.


British                    Ministry of Finance       2nd Floor - 940 Blanshard Street   ANNUAL REPORT
Columbia                   and Corporate Relations   P. O. Box 9432 Stn Prov Govt                  Form 16
                           Corporate and Personal    Victoria BC V8W 9V3                Sections 333 and 334
                           Property Registries       Telephone: (250) 35608626               COMPANY ACT

Please check this form for any errors or omissions                              Filing Fee $35.00 Page 1 of 2
(Instructions on reverse)



DSI DATOTECH SYSTEMS INC.                                              D DATE OF INCORPORATION, AMALGAMATION OR
1100 1055 WEST HASTINGS STREET                                                       CONTINUATION
VANCOUVER     BC V6E 2E9                                                        1987 MAY      07

                                                                       E IS THIS A REPORTING COMPANY?


                                                                       F   DATE OF ANNUAL REPORT (ANNIVERSARY DATE)

                                                                                1999 MAY     07

G    Has there been a change of registered   H    Has there been a change of
     or records office address?  If YES, a        directors?  If YES, a Notice
     Notice to Change Office (Form 4) must        of Directors (Form 8/9) must
     be filed.  See instructions on reverse.      be filed.  See instructions
                                                  on reverse.



CALVERT,              THOMAS                                4612 STRATHCONA RD.                                         V7G1G3
                                                            NORTH VANCOUVER BC

GIBBINS,              ALLAN S.                              212 WESTRIDGE DR                                            L0J1C0
                                                            KLEINBERG ON

PARDIAK,              EDWARD C.                             4278 SHERBROOKE ST W, SUITE 7                               H3Z1C7
                                                            WESTMOUNT PQ

SEGEV,                ELLI                                  STE 501 738 BROUGHTON STREET                                V6G 3A7
                                                            VANCOUVER BC


PARDIAK               EDWARD C.                             4278 SHERBROOKE ST W, SUITE 7,                              H3Z1C7
CHAIRMAN                                                    WESTMOUNT PQ

                                                                                               Page 2 of 2



SEGEV,                ELLI                                  STE 501 - 738 BROUGHTON STREET                              V6G 3A7
PRESIDENT                                                   VANCOUVER  BC

SHIMOKURA,            BETSY                                 STE 3001 867 HAMILTON STREET                                V6B6B7
SECRETARY                                                   VANCOUVER  BC

EGERY,                ROBERT                                480 ELIZABETH DRIVE                                         H9W1H1
DIRECTOR OF                                                 BEACONSFIELD, PQ

K    CERTIFIED CORRECT - I have read this form and found           DATE SIGNED
     it to be correct.
     Signature of a current Director, Officer,                        99/05/27
     or Company Solicitor

X    /s/