April 27, 2001

Mercury HW Variable Trust              Merrill Lynch Variable Series Funds, Inc.
Mercury HW International               Merrill Lynch International
Value VIP Portfolio                    Equity Focus Fund
725 S. Figueroa Street                 800 Scudders Mill Road
Suite 4000                             Plainsboro, New Jersey  08536
Los Angeles, California  90017-5400

    Re:    Reorganization of Mercury HW Variable Trust (Mercury HW International
           Value VIP Portfolio) and Merrill Lynch Variable Series Funds, Inc.
           (Merrill Lynch International Equity Focus Fund)

Ladies and Gentlemen:

      We are  outside  counsel to Mercury HW  Variable  Trust,  a  Massachusetts
business  trust  (the  "Trust"),  of which  Mercury HW  International  Value VIP
Portfolio   ("Acquiring   Fund")  is  a  series.   An  Agreement   and  Plan  of
Reorganization  (the  "Agreement")  by and  between  the  Trust,  on  behalf  of
Acquiring  Fund,  and Merrill  Lynch  Variable  Series  Funds,  Inc., a Maryland
corporation  (the  "Company"),  on behalf of one of its  series,  Merrill  Lynch
International  Equity Focus Fund  ("Acquired  Fund"),  has been  approved by the
Boards of each of the Trust and the Company pursuant to which Acquired Fund will
transfer to Acquiring Fund  substantially  all of the assets of Acquired Fund in
exchange  solely for  voting  shares of  Acquiring  Fund and the  assumption  by
Acquiring  Fund of  substantially  all of the  liabilities,  if any, of Acquired
Fund.  Acquired Fund will then  distribute the shares of Acquiring Fund acquired
in the exchange to its shareholders and Acquired Fund will liquidate pursuant to
the Agreement (the "Reorganization").

      You  have  requested  our  opinion  as  to  certain   federal  income  tax
consequences  of the  Reorganization.  The opinion  that follows is based on the
Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through the date hereof (the "Code"),
judicial  decisions,  administrative  rulings  and  regulations,  and such other
sources of legal  authority as we deemed  necessary to consult in rendering this
opinion.  The  opinion is also based on (i) factual  representations,  including
those set forth on Exhibits A and B hereto, (ii) the representations made by the
parties in the Agreement,  and (iii) our understanding  that the  Reorganization
will take place  substantially  as set out in the  Agreement and as described in
the Prospectus/Proxy Statement (the "Proxy Statement") included in Pre-Effective
Amendment  No. 1 to the  Registration  Statement on Form N-14 filed by the Trust
with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  on March  16,  2001  (File  No.
333-54884) in connection  with the meeting of shareholders of Acquired Fund held
on April 26, 2001.

Mercury HW Variable Trust
Merrill Lynch Variable Series Funds, Inc.
April 27, 2001
Page 2
                           SUMMARY OF THE TRANSACTION

      In the  Reorganization,  Acquired Fund will transfer  substantially all of
its assets and  liabilities  to Acquiring Fund in exchange for an equal value of
shares of Acquiring Fund. Acquired Fund will then distribute to its shareholders
as a liquidating  distribution  all of such shares of Acquiring Fund in exchange
for and in cancellation of each respective  outstanding  share of Acquired Fund,
and  Acquired  Fund  will be  terminated  as a series  of the  Company  and will
liquidate pursuant to the Agreement.

                                BUSINESS PURPOSE

      Our  opinion  is based in part  upon our  understanding  that the  primary
business  purpose of this  transaction  is to achieve  certain  cost  savings by
combining the assets of Acquired Fund and Acquiring  Fund as is  represented  on
Exhibits  A and B  hereto.  A  description  of  the  business  purposes  of  the
Reorganization is set out in the Proxy Statement.


      In rendering our opinion, we are, with your permission,  assuming that the
transaction will occur substantially as described in the Agreement and the Proxy
Statement.  We are also relying upon the additional  representations  which have
been  certified  to us by  Acquired  Fund and  Acquiring  Fund,  as set forth on
Exhibits A and B hereto.


      Based upon the foregoing, the representations  contained in Exhibits A and
B hereto,  and our review of the relevant legal  authorities,  it is our opinion

      1. The acquisition by Acquiring Fund of substantially all of the assets of
Acquired  Fund in exchange  solely for voting  shares of Acquiring  Fund and the
assumption by Acquiring Fund of Acquired Fund's liabilities, if any, followed by
Acquired Fund's distribution to its shareholders,  pro rata, of Acquiring Fund's
shares in complete  liquidation  of Acquired  Fund pursuant to the Agreement and
constructively  in exchange for the  shareholders'  Acquired  Fund shares,  will
constitute a reorganization within the meaning of Section 368(a)(1) of the Code,
and Acquired Fund and Acquiring Fund each will be "a party to a  reorganization"
within the meaning of Section 368(b) of the Code.

      2. No gain or loss will be  recognized  by Acquired Fund upon the transfer
of  substantially  all of its assets to  Acquiring  Fund in exchange  solely for
voting shares of Acquiring Fund and the assumption by Acquiring Fund of Acquired
Fund's liabilities,  if any. Code ss.ss. 361(a) and 357(a). In addition, no gain
or loss will be recognized by Acquired Fund on the  distribution  of such shares
to the Acquired Fund  shareholders  in liquidation  of Acquired  Fund.  Code ss.

      3.  No gain  or  loss  will be  recognized  by  Acquiring  Fund  upon  the
acquisition  of Acquired  Fund's assets in exchange  solely for voting shares of
Acquiring Fund and the assumption of Acquired Fund's  liabilities,  if any. Code
ss. 1032(a).

Mercury HW Variable Trust
Merrill Lynch Variable Series Funds, Inc.
April 27, 2001
Page 3

      4. Acquired  Fund's  shareholders  will recognize no gain or loss upon the
receipt  of voting  shares of  Acquiring  Fund  solely  in  exchange  for and in
cancellation  of Acquired Fund shares of common stock, as described above and in
the Agreement. Code ss. 354(a)(1).

      5. Acquiring  Fund's basis in the assets  acquired from Acquired Fund will
be the  same  as the  basis  of  such  assets  in the  hands  of  Acquired  Fund
immediately  before the  Reorganization,  and the holding  period of such assets
acquired by Acquiring  Fund will include the holding period thereof when held by
Acquired Fund  immediately  before the  Reorganization.  Code ss.ss.  362(b) and

      6. Acquired Fund shareholders' basis in the shares of Acquiring Fund to be
received  by them  pursuant  to the  Reorganization  will be the  same as  their
respective basis in the shares of Acquired Fund to be constructively surrendered
in exchange therefor. Code ss. 358(a)(1).

      7. The holding  period of Acquiring Fund shares to be received by Acquired
Fund  shareholders  will include the period during which Acquired Fund shares to
be  constructively  surrendered  in exchange  therefor were held,  provided such
Acquired Fund shares were held as capital  assets by those  shareholders  on the
effective date of the Reorganization. Code ss. 1223(1).

      8. The taxable year of Acquired Fund will end on the effective date of the
Reorganization,  and  Acquiring  Fund will  succeed to and take into account the
items  described in Section  381(c) of the Code,  subject to the  provisions and
limitations specified in Sections 381 through 384 of the Code.

      You should be aware  that this  opinion  is not  binding  on the  Internal
Revenue Service or the courts. However, a ruling of the Internal Revenue Service
has been requested regarding these matters.  No opinion is expressed  concerning
the state, local or foreign tax consequences of the Reorganization.

      This opinion is being  delivered to you  pursuant to  paragraphs  8(f) and
9(h) of the Agreement.

      We hereby give you our  consent to your  inclusion  of this  opinion as an
exhibit to Post-Effective  Amendment No. 1 to the Registration Statement on Form
N-14 filed by Acquiring Fund with the Securities and Exchange  Commission and to
the  references  to our firm  contained in the Proxy  Statement.  In giving such
consent,  we do not thereby  admit that we come  within the  category of persons
whose  consent is required  under  Section 7 of the  Securities  Act of 1933, as
amended,  or the Rules and Regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission
promulgated thereunder.

                                        Very truly yours,

                                   /s/ Gardner Carton & Douglas

                               Exhibit A


                            April 27, 2001

Gardner, Carton & Douglas
321 North Clark Street
Chicago, Illinois  60610

     Re:   Reorganization of Mercury HW Variable Trust (Mercury HW International
           Value VIP Portfolio) and Merrill Lynch Variable Series Funds, Inc.
           (Merrill Lynch International Equity Focus Fund)

Ladies and Gentlemen:

      An Agreement and Plan of Reorganization (the "Agreement") has been entered
into pursuant to which Merrill Lynch International  Equity Focus Fund ("Acquired
Fund"),  a series of Merrill  Lynch  Variable  Series  Funds,  Inc.,  a Maryland
corporation (the "Company"), will transfer to Mercury HW International Value VIP
Portfolio  ("Acquiring  Fund"),  a  series  of  Mercury  HW  Variable  Trust,  a
Massachusetts  business trust,  substantially all of the assets of Acquired Fund
in exchange  solely for voting  shares of Acquiring  Fund and the  assumption by
Acquiring Fund of the liabilities,  if any, of Acquired Fund. Within thirty (30)
days of such  exchange,  the  shares  of  Acquiring  Fund  so  received  will be
distributed to the Acquired Fund  shareholders  in liquidation of Acquired Fund,
and  Acquired  Fund  will  be  terminated  as  a  series  of  the  Company  (the
"Reorganization").  We have  asked you to render an  opinion  regarding  certain
federal income tax consequences of the Reorganization.  You have advised us that
your  opinion  depends in part on  particular  facts  relating to those  parties
involved.  The  purpose  of  this  letter  is to set  forth  relevant  facts  to
facilitate  your rendering an opinion.  We understand  that your opinion will be
dependent on the facts presented in this letter and in a similar letter from the
Company,  as well as on your  understanding  that the  Reorganization  will take
place  substantially  as set  out  in the  Agreement  and  as  described  in the
Prospectus/Proxy  Statement (the "Proxy  Statement")  included in  Pre-Effective
Amendment No. 1 to the Registration  Statement on Form N-14 filed by us with the
Securities and Exchange  Commission (File No. 333-54884).  We further understand
that any  inaccuracy or change in the following  prior to the closing may change
your opinion on the federal income tax  consequences of the  Reorganization  and
that our reliance on your opinion is therefore predicated on the accuracy of the
following  statements  of fact.  We  undertake  to inform  you of any  change in
circumstances which would cause any of the following statements to be inaccurate
as of the date of closing.  We understand  that you have not  attempted,  and we
have not asked you to attempt,  to verify any of the  following  representations
through independent investigation.

Gardner, Carton & Douglas
April 27, 2001
Page 2
                           SUMMARY OF THE TRANSACTION

      In the  Reorganization,  Acquired Fund will transfer  substantially all of
its assets and  liabilities  to Acquiring Fund in exchange for an equal value of
shares of Acquiring Fund. Acquired Fund will then distribute to its shareholders
as a liquidating  distribution  all of such shares of Acquiring Fund in exchange
for and in cancellation of each respective  outstanding  share of Acquired Fund,
and  Acquired  Fund  will be  terminated  as a series  of the  Company  and will
liquidate pursuant to the Agreement.

                                BUSINESS PURPOSE

      Your  opinion is based in part upon your  understanding  that the  primary
business  purpose of this  transaction  is to achieve  certain  cost  savings by
combining  the assets of  Acquired  Fund and  Acquiring  Fund as is  represented
below. A description of the business  purposes of the  Reorganization is set out
in the Proxy Statement.


      The undersigned on behalf of Acquiring Fund hereby certifies as follows:

      1. The primary  business purpose of this transaction is to achieve certain
cost  savings by  combining  the assets of  Acquired  Fund and  Acquiring  Fund.
Acquired  Fund  and  Acquiring  Fund  have  similar  investment  objectives  and
investment policies,  and the combination would result in increased economies of

      2. The fair market value of the shares of Acquiring  Fund received by each
Acquired Fund shareholder  will be approximately  equal to the fair market value
of the respective shares of Acquired Fund surrendered in exchange therefor.

      3. Each share of Acquiring Fund received by the Acquired Fund shareholders
in the  Reorganization  will  carry  with it the  right to vote for the Board of
Trustees of Acquiring Fund.

      4. No cash or  property,  other than  shares of  Acquiring  Fund,  will be
transferred  to  Acquired  Fund or  distributed  to Acquired  Fund  shareholders
pursuant to the Reorganization.

      5.  Acquiring  Fund will  acquire at least 90  percent of the fair  market
value of the net assets and at least 70 percent of the fair market  value of the
gross  assets held by Acquired  Fund  immediately  prior to the  Reorganization,
including,  but not  limited  to, the  historic  business  assets  described  in
paragraph 9 below. For purposes of this representation, amounts used by Acquired
Fund to pay its  Reorganization  expenses,  amounts  paid  by  Acquired  Fund to
shareholders  who  receive  cash or  other  property,  and all  redemptions  and
distributions  (except  for  redemptions  and  distributions  occurring  in  the
ordinary course of Acquired Fund's  business as an open-end  investment  company
pursuant to section  22(e) of the  Investment  Company Act of 1940 (the  "Act"))
made by Acquired  Fund  immediately  preceding  the transfer will be included as
assets of

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April 27, 2001
Page 3

Acquired Fund held  immediately  prior to the  Reorganization.  There will be no
payments to dissenters, as shareholders may redeem their shares at any time.

      6. There is no plan or intention by Acquiring  Fund or any person  related
to  Acquiring  Fund (as  defined  in  section  1.368-1(e)(3)  of the  Income Tax
Regulations1 (the  "Regulations"))  to acquire or redeem any shares of Acquiring
Fund issued in the  Reorganization,  either directly or through any transaction,
agreement,  or arrangement with any other person,  other than redemptions in the
ordinary course of Acquiring Fund's business as an open-end  investment  company
as required by section 22(e) of the Act.

      7. To the best of Acquiring Fund's knowledge,  during the five-year period
ending on the date of the  Reorganization,  neither Acquired Fund nor any person
related to Acquired Fund (as defined in section 1.368-1(e)(3) of the Regulations
without regard to section  1.368-1(e)(3)(i)(A)  of the  Regulations2)  will have
directly or through any  transaction,  agreement,  or arrangement with any other
person, (i) acquired stock of Acquired Fund with consideration other than shares
of Acquiring  Fund or Acquired  Fund,  except for stock redeemed in the ordinary
course of Acquired Fund's business as an open-end investment company as required
by section 22(e) of the Act, or (ii) made distributions with respect to Acquired
Fund stock,  except for (a) distributions  described in sections 852 and 4982 of
the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"),  and (b) additional
distributions   (including  distributions  in  liquidation  of  a  shareholder's
interest),  to the  extent  such  distributions  do not exceed 50 percent of the
value (without giving effect to such distributions) of the proprietary  interest
in Acquired Fund on the effective date of the Reorganization.

      8. Prior to or in the transaction,  neither  Acquiring Fund nor any person
related  to  Acquiring  Fund  (as  defined  in  section   1.368-1(e)(3)  of  the
Regulations  and  summarized  in the  footnote  to  paragraph 6 above) will have
acquired  directly or  indirectly  or through  any  transaction,  agreement,  or
arrangement   with  any  other   person,   any  shares  of  Acquired  Fund  with
consideration other than shares of Acquiring Fund.

- ----------
1 In general,  under section 1.368-1(e)(3) of the Regulations,  a corporation is
related to Acquiring Fund if (i) it is a member of the same affiliated  group as
Acquiring  Fund or (ii) (a) at  least  50  percent  of the  voting  power of all
classes of stock  entitled  to vote or at least 50 percent of the total value of
shares of all classes of stock of Acquiring  Fund and (b) at least 50 percent of
the voting power of all classes of stock entitled to vote or at least 50 percent
of the total value of shares of all  classes of stock of such other  corporation
are under common  ownership,  taking into account  attribution of ownership from
related  parties.  In general,  an affiliated  group is a chain of  corporations
connected through stock ownership with a common parent corporation where (i) the
common parent directly owns at least 80 percent of the total voting power and 80
percent of the total value of the stock of at least one of the corporations, and
(ii) one or more of the corporations  (other than the common parent corporation)
owns at least 80 percent of the total  voting  power and 80 percent of the total
value of the stock of at least one of the other corporations.

2 For purposes of this representation, a corporation is related to Acquired Fund
if (a) at least 50 percent of the voting power of all classes of stock  entitled
to vote or at least 50  percent of the total  value of shares of all  classes of
stock of  Acquiring  Fund and (b) at least 50 percent of the voting power of all
classes of stock  entitled  to vote or at least 50 percent of the total value of
shares of all  classes  of stock of such  other  corporation  are  under  common
ownership, taking into account attribution of ownership from related parties.

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April 27, 2001
Page 4

      9. Acquiring  Fund may dispose of a portion of the assets  acquired in the
Reorganization  and will reinvest the proceeds  consistent  with its  investment
objectives  and  policies,  but will  retain at least 33 1/3 percent of Acquired
Fund's historic  business assets (such retained  historic  business assets to be
other  than  liquidity  positions)  and will use such  assets  in its  business.
Historic business assets are those assets of Acquired Fund acquired by it in the
ordinary   course  of  its  business  as  an  investment   company  and  not  in
contemplation of or as part of the Reorganization. Otherwise, Acquiring Fund has
no plan or  intention  to sell or  otherwise  dispose  of any of the  assets  of
Acquired Fund acquired in the transaction,  except for dispositions  made in the
ordinary  course of Acquiring  Fund's  business as an investment  company (i.e.,
dispositions resulting from investment decisions made on the basis of investment
considerations  arising after and  independent of the  Reorganization)  and will
reinvest the proceeds consistent with its investment objectives and policies.

      10.  Following  the  Reorganization,  Acquiring  Fund  will  continue  the
historic business of Acquired Fund.

      11. After the Reorganization, the shareholders of Acquired Fund will be in
control of  Acquiring  Fund  within the meaning of section  368(a)(2)(H)  of the

      12. At the time of the  Reorganization,  Acquiring  Fund will not have any
outstanding  warrants,  options,  convertible  securities,  or any other type of
right  pursuant to which any person could acquire shares of Acquiring Fund that,
if  exercised or  converted,  would  affect the  Acquired  Fund's  shareholders'
acquisition or retention of control (as defined in section  368(a)(2)(H)  of the
Code) of Acquiring Fund.

      13. All expenses  incurred in connection with the  Reorganization  will be
borne equally by Acquired Fund and Acquiring Fund.

      14. There is no  intercorporate  indebtedness  existing between  Acquiring
Fund and  Acquired  Fund that was  issued,  acquired,  or will be  settled  at a

      15.  Acquiring  Fund  meets the  requirements  of a  regulated  investment
company as  referred  to in section  368(a)(2)(F)  of the Code.  In  general,  a
regulated  investment company meets the requirements of section  368(a)(2)(F) of
the  Code if not more  than 25  percent  of the  value of its  total  assets  is
invested  in the stock and  securities  of any one  issuer  and not more than 50
percent of the value of its total assets is invested in the stock and securities
of five or fewer issuers.  Acquiring Fund has elected to be taxed as a regulated
investment company under section 851 of the Code and for all its taxable periods
has  qualified  for the  special tax  treatment  afforded  regulated  investment
companies under the Code.  Following the Reorganization,  Acquiring Fund intends
to continue to so qualify.

      16. Acquiring Fund does not own, directly or indirectly,  nor has it owned
during the past five years, directly or indirectly, any shares of Acquired Fund.

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April 27, 2001
Page 5

      17. The  liabilities  of Acquired  Fund assumed by  Acquiring  Fund in the
Reorganization,  if any, and the liabilities to which the transferred assets are
subject,  if any, were  incurred by Acquired Fund in the ordinary  course of its
business and are associated with the assets to be transferred.

      18.  Each of the fair  market  value and the  adjusted  basis of  Acquired
Fund's assets  transferred to Acquiring Fund will equal or exceed the sum of the
liabilities,  if any, assumed by Acquiring Fund plus the liabilities, if any, to
which the transferred assets are subject.

      19.  The  amount  of  cash,  if any,  retained  by  Acquired  Fund to meet
expenses, plus liabilities,  if any, of Acquired Fund to be assumed by Acquiring
Fund  in the  Reorganization,  plus  the  liabilities,  if  any,  to  which  the
transferred assets are subject,  will not equal or exceed 20 percent of the fair
market  value of all property  held by Acquired  Fund  immediately  prior to the

      20. The undersigned is properly  authorized to make these  representations
on behalf of Acquiring Fund.

      I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate.

                                    MERCURY HW VARIABLE TRUST, on behalf of
                                    MERCURY HW INTERNATIONAL VALUE VIP PORTFOLIO

                                    By:    s/b Donald Burke
                                    Title: Treasurer

                                    Exhibit B


                                 April 27, 2001

Gardner, Carton & Douglas
321 North Clark Street
Chicago, Illinois  60610

     Re:   Reorganization of Mercury HW Variable Trust (Mercury HW International
           Value VIP Portfolio) and Merrill Lynch Variable Series Funds, Inc.
           (Merrill Lynch International Equity Focus Fund)

Ladies and Gentlemen:

      An Agreement and Plan of Reorganization (the "Agreement") has been entered
into pursuant to which Merrill Lynch International  Equity Focus Fund ("Acquired
Fund"),  a series of Merrill  Lynch  Variable  Series  Funds,  Inc.,  a Maryland
corporation (the "Company"), will transfer to Mercury HW International Value VIP
Portfolio  ("Acquiring  Fund"),  a  series  of  Mercury  HW  Variable  Trust,  a
Massachusetts  business trust (the "Trust"),  substantially all of the assets of
Acquired  Fund in exchange  solely for voting  shares of Acquiring  Fund and the
assumption  by  Acquiring  Fund of the  liabilities,  if any, of Acquired  Fund.
Within  thirty  (30) days of such  exchange,  the  shares of  Acquiring  Fund so
received will be distributed to the Acquired Fund shareholders in liquidation of
Acquired  Fund,  and Acquired Fund will be terminated as a series of the Company
(the  "Reorganization").  You have been  asked to render  an  opinion  regarding
certain federal income tax consequences of the Reorganization.  You have advised
us that your  opinion  depends in part on  particular  facts  relating  to those
parties  involved.  The purpose of this letter is to set forth relevant facts to
facilitate  your rendering an opinion.  We understand  that your opinion will be
dependent on the facts presented in this letter and in a similar letter from the
Trust, as well as on your understanding that the Reorganization  will take place
substantially   as  set  out  in  the   Agreement   and  as   described  in  the
Prospectus/Proxy  Statement (the "Proxy  Statement")  included in  Pre-Effective
Amendment  No. 1 to the  Registration  Statement on Form N-14 filed by Acquiring
Fund with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  (File No.  333-54884).  We
further  understand  that any inaccuracy or change in the following prior to the
closing may change your opinion on the federal  income tax  consequences  of the
Reorganization and that our reliance on your opinion is therefore  predicated on
the accuracy of the following  statements of fact. We undertake to inform you of
any change in circumstances which would cause any of the following statements to
be  inaccurate  as of the  date of  closing.  We  understand  that  you have not
attempted,  and we have not asked you to attempt, to verify any of the following
representations through independent investigation.

Gardner, Carton & Douglas
April 27, 2001
Page 2

                           SUMMARY OF THE TRANSACTION

      In the  Reorganization,  Acquired Fund will transfer  substantially all of
its assets and  liabilities  to Acquiring Fund in exchange for an equal value of
shares of Acquiring Fund. Acquired Fund will then distribute to its shareholders
as a liquidating  distribution  all of such shares of Acquiring Fund in exchange
for and in cancellation of each respective  outstanding  share of Acquired Fund,
and  Acquired  Fund  will be  terminated  as a series  of the  Company  and will
liquidate pursuant to the Agreement.

                                BUSINESS PURPOSE

      Your  opinion is based in part upon your  understanding  that the  primary
business  purpose of this  transaction  is to achieve  certain  cost  savings by
combining  the assets of  Acquired  Fund and  Acquiring  Fund as is  represented
below. A description of the business  purposes of the  Reorganization is set out
in the Proxy Statement.


      The undersigned on behalf of Acquired Fund hereby certifies as follows:

      1. The primary  business purpose of this transaction is to achieve certain
cost  savings by  combining  the assets of  Acquired  Fund and  Acquiring  Fund.
Acquired  Fund  and  Acquiring  Fund  have  similar  investment  objectives  and
investment policies,  and the combination would result in increased economies of

      2. The fair market value of the shares of Acquiring  Fund received by each
Acquired Fund shareholder  will be approximately  equal to the fair market value
of the respective shares of Acquired Fund surrendered in exchange therefor.

      3. Each share of Acquiring Fund received by the Acquired Fund shareholders
in the  Reorganization  will  carry  with it the  right to vote for the Board of
Trustees of Acquiring Fund.

      4. After the Reorganization,  the shareholders of Acquired Fund will be in
control of  Acquiring  Fund  within the meaning of section  368(a)(2)(H)  of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").

      5. No cash or property,  other than the shares of Acquiring  Fund, will be
transferred  to  Acquired  Fund or  distributed  to Acquired  Fund  shareholders
pursuant to the Reorganization.

      6.  Acquiring  Fund will  acquire at least 90  percent of the fair  market
value of the net assets and at least 70 percent of the fair market  value of the
gross  assets held by Acquired  Fund  immediately  prior to the  Reorganization,
including,  but not  limited  to, the  historic  business  assets  described  in
paragraph  11  below.  For  purposes  of this  representation,  amounts  used by
Acquired Fund to pay its Reorganization expenses,  amounts paid by Acquired Fund
to  shareholders  who receive cash or other  property,  and all  redemptions and

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April 27, 2001
Page 3

distributions  (except  for  redemptions  and  distributions  occurring  in  the
ordinary course of Acquired Fund's  business as an open-end  investment  company
pursuant to section  22(e) of the  Investment  Company Act of 1940 (the  "Act"))
made by Acquired  Fund  immediately  preceding  the transfer will be included as
assets of Acquired Fund held immediately prior to the Reorganization. There will
be no payments to  dissenters,  as  shareholders  may redeem their shares at any

      7. To the best of Acquired Fund's knowledge, there is no plan or intention
by Acquiring Fund or any person related to Acquiring Fund (as defined in section
1.368-1(e)(3) of the Income Tax Regulations1 (the  "Regulations")) to acquire or
redeem  any  shares  of  Acquiring  Fund  issued in the  Reorganization,  either
directly or through any  transaction,  agreement,  or arrangement with any other
person,  other than  redemptions  in the  ordinary  course of  Acquiring  Fund's
business as an open-end  investment  company as required by section 22(e) of the

      8. During the five-year  period ending on the date of the  Reorganization,
neither  Acquired  Fund nor any person  related to Acquired  Fund (as defined in
section   1.368-1(e)(3)   of  the   Regulations   without   regard  to   section
1.368-1(e)(3)(i)(A)  of the  Regulations2)  will have  directly  or through  any
transaction, agreement, or arrangement with any other person, (i) acquired stock
of  Acquired  Fund with  consideration  other than shares of  Acquiring  Fund or
Acquired  Fund,  except for stock  redeemed in the  ordinary  course of Acquired
Fund's business as an open-end  investment  company as required by section 22(e)
of the Act, or (ii) made  distributions  with  respect to  Acquired  Fund stock,
except for (a) distributions described in sections 852 and 4982 of the Code, and
(b)  additional  distributions  (including  distributions  in  liquidation  of a
shareholder's  interest),  to the  extent  such  distributions  do not exceed 50
percent  of the  value  (without  giving  effect to such  distributions)  of the
proprietary   interest  in  Acquired   Fund  on  the   effective   date  of  the

      9.  To  the  best  of  Acquired  Fund's  knowledge,  prior  to or  in  the
transaction, neither Acquiring Fund nor any person related to Acquiring Fund (as
defined  in section  1.368-1(e)(3)  of the  Regulations  and  summarized  in the
footnote to  paragraph 7 above) will have  acquired

- ----------
1 In general,  under section 1.368-1(e)(3) of the Regulations,  a corporation is
related to Acquiring Fund if (i) it is a member of the same affiliated  group as
Acquiring  Fund or (ii) (a) at  least  50  percent  of the  voting  power of all
classes of stock  entitled  to vote or at least 50 percent of the total value of
shares of all classes of stock of Acquiring  Fund and (b) at least 50 percent of
the voting power of all classes of stock entitled to vote or at least 50 percent
of the total value of shares of all  classes of stock of such other  corporation
are under common  ownership,  taking into account  attribution of ownership from
related  parties.  In general,  an affiliated  group is a chain of  corporations
connected through stock ownership with a common parent corporation where (i) the
common parent directly owns at least 80 percent of the total voting power and 80
percent of the total value of the stock of at least one of the corporations, and
(ii) one or more of the corporations  (other than the common parent corporation)
owns at least 80 percent of the total  voting  power and 80 percent of the total
value of the stock of at least one of the other corporations.

2 For purposes of this representation, a corporation is related to Acquired Fund
if (i) at least 50 percent of the voting power of all classes of stock  entitled
to vote or at least 50  percent of the total  value of shares of all  classes of
stock of Acquiring  Fund and (ii) at least 50 percent of the voting power of all
classes of stock  entitled  to vote or at least 50 percent of the total value of
shares of all  classes  of stock of such  other  corporation  are  under  common
ownership, taking into account attribution of ownership from related parties.

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April 27, 2001
Page 4

directly or indirectly or through any  transaction,  agreement,  or  arrangement
with any other person, any shares of Acquired Fund with consideration other than
shares of Acquiring Fund.

      10.  In  accordance  with and  pursuant  to the Plan,  Acquired  Fund will
distribute the shares it receives in the  Reorganization  to its shareholders as
soon as  practicable  after the closing  date,  and in any event  within 30 days
thereafter.  As soon as  practicable  after the closing  date,  and in any event
within 12 months thereafter, Acquired Fund will be liquidated for federal income
tax purposes.  Acquired  Fund will have no assets to  distribute  other than the
shares of Acquiring Fund received in the Reorganization.

      11. In conjunction with the transfer of substantially all of its assets to
Acquiring  Fund,  Acquired  Fund will  transfer at least 33 1/3% of its historic
business  assets (such  transferred  historic  business  assets to be other than
liquidity   positions)   to   Acquiring   Fund  at  the  closing   date  of  the
Reorganization.  Historic  business  assets are those  assets of  Acquired  Fund
acquired by it in the ordinary  course of its business and not in  contemplation
of or as part of the Reorganization.

      12. All expenses  incurred in connection with the  Reorganization  will be
borne equally by Acquired Fund and Acquiring Fund.

      13. There is no  intercorporate  indebtedness  existing between  Acquiring
Fund and  Acquired  Fund that was  issued,  acquired,  or will be  settled  at a

      14. Acquired Fund meets the requirements of a regulated investment company
as  referred to in section  368(a)(2)(F)  of the Code.  In general,  a regulated
investment company meets the requirements of section 368(a)(2)(F) of the Code if
not more than 25 percent  of the value of its total  assets is  invested  in the
stock and securities of any one issuer and not more than 50 percent of the value
of its total  assets is  invested in the stock and  securities  of five or fewer
issuers. Acquired Fund has elected to be taxed as a regulated investment company
under  section 851 of the Code and for all its taxable  periods  (including  the
last  short  taxable  period  ending  on the  date  of the  Reorganization)  has
qualified for the special tax treatment afforded regulated  investment companies
under the Code.

      15. Acquiring Fund does not own, directly or indirectly,  nor has it owned
during the past five years, directly or indirectly, any shares of Acquired Fund.

      16. The  liabilities  of Acquired  Fund assumed by  Acquiring  Fund in the
Reorganization,  if any, and the liabilities to which the transferred assets are
subject,  if any, were  incurred by Acquired Fund in the ordinary  course of its
business and are associated with the assets to be transferred.

      17.  Each of the fair  market  value and the  adjusted  basis of  Acquired
Fund's assets  transferred to Acquiring Fund will equal or exceed the sum of the
liabilities,  if any, assumed by Acquiring Fund plus the liabilities, if any, to
which the transferred assets are subject.

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April 27, 2001
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      18.  The  amount  of  cash,  if any,  retained  by  Acquired  Fund to meet
expenses, plus liabilities,  if any, of Acquired Fund to be assumed by Acquiring
Fund  in the  Reorganization,  plus  the  liabilities,  if  any,  to  which  the
transferred assets are subject,  will not equal or exceed 20 percent of the fair
market  value of all property  held by Acquired  Fund  immediately  prior to the

      19.  Acquired Fund is not under the  jurisdiction of a court in a title 11
or similar case within the meaning of section 368(a)(3)(A) of the Code.

      20. In connection with the Reorganization,  Acquired Fund has not and will
not  distribute  to its  creditors  any shares of Acquired  Fund,  any shares of
Acquiring  Fund to be  received,  or  rights  to  acquire  any  shares of either
Acquired Fund or Acquiring Fund.

      21. It is anticipated  that there will be no amount remaining in the hands
of Acquired Fund after the payment of the liabilities of Acquired Fund.

      22. The undersigned is properly  authorized to make these  representations
on behalf of Acquired Fund.

      I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate.

                         MERRILL LYNCH VARIABLE SERIES FUNDS, INC., on behalf of
                         Merrill LYNCH INTERNATIONAL EQUITY FOCUS FUND

                         By:    s/b Donald Burke
                         Title: Treasurer