Exhibit 9

                                CUSTODY AGREEMENT

      Agreement made as of this 14th day of June, 1993, between MuniAssets Fund,
Inc.,  a  corporation  organized  and  existing  under  the laws of the State of
Maryland   having   its   principal    office   and   place   of   business   at
                                    hereinafter called the "Fund"), and THE BANK
OF NEW YORK, a New York corporation authorized to do a banking business,  having
its principal office and place of business at 48 Wall Street, New York, New York
10286 (hereinafter called the "Custodian").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

that for and in consideration of the mutual promises  hereinafter set forth, the
Fund and the Custodian agree as follows:

                                   ARTICLE I.


      Whenever used in this Agreement,  the following words and phrases,  unless
the context otherwise requires, shall have the following meanings:

      1. "Book-Entry System" shall mean the Federal Reserve/Treasury  book-entry
system for  United  States and  federal  agency  securities,  its  successor  or
successors and its nominee or nominees.

      2. "Call  Option"  shall mean an exchange  traded  option with  respect to
Securities  other than Stock  Index  Options,  Futures  Contracts,  and  Futures
Contract Options  entitling the holder,  upon timely exercise and payment of the
exercise  price, as specified  therein,  to purchase from the writer thereof the
specified underlying Securities.

      3. "Certificate" shall mean any notice,  instruction,  or other instrument
in  writing,  authorized  or  required  by this  Agreement  to be  given  to the
Custodian  which is actually  received by the  Custodian and signed on behalf of
the  Fund by any two  Officers,  and the term  Certificate  shall  also  include
instructions by the Fund to the Custodian communicated by a Terminal Link.

      4.  "Clearing  Member"  shall mean a registered  broker-dealer  which is a
clearing member under the rules of O.C.C. and a member of a national  securities
exchange  qualified  to act as a custodian  for an  investment  company,  or any
broker-dealer reasonably believed by the Custodian to be such a clearing member.

      5.  "Collateral  Account"  shall mean a segregated  account so denominated
which is  specifically  allocated  to a Series and pledged to the  Custodian  as
security for, and in consideration  of, the Custodian's  issuance of (a) any Put
Option guarantee letter or similar document  described in paragraph 8 of Article
V herein, or (b) any receipt described in Article V or VIII herein.

      6. "Covered Call Option"  shall mean an exchange  traded option  entitling
the holder, upon timely exercise and payment of the exercise price, as specified
therein, to purchase from the writer thereof the specified underlying Securities
(excluding  Futures Contracts) which are owned by the writer thereof and subject
to appropriate restrictions.

      7.  "Depository"  shall  mean The  Depository  Trust  Company  ("DTC"),  a
clearing  agency  registered  with the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  its
successor or successors and its nominee or nominees. The term "Depository" shall
further  mean and include any other  person  authorized  to act as a  depository
under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940,  its successor or successors and its
nominee or nominees, specifically identified in a certified copy of a resolution
of the Fund's Board of Directors  specifically approving deposits therein by the

      8. "Financial  Futures  Contract" shall mean the firm commitment to buy or
sell fixed income securities including, without limitation, U.S. Treasury Bills,
U.S. Treasury Notes, U.S. Treasury Bonds, domestic bank certificates of deposit,
and Eurodollar  certificates  of deposit,  during a specified month at an agreed
upon price.

      9. "Futures Contract" shall mean a Financial Futures Contract and/or Stock
Index Futures Contracts.

      10.  "Futures  Contract  Option"  shall mean an option  with  respect to a
Futures Contract.

      11.  "Margin  Account"  shall mean a  segregated  account in the name of a
broker,  dealer,  futures commission  merchant,  or a Clearing Member, or in the
name of the  Fund  for the  benefit  of a  broker,  dealer,  futures  commission
merchant,  or Clearing  Member,  or otherwise,  in accordance  with an agreement
between  the Fund,  the  Custodian  and a  broker,  dealer,  futures  commission
merchant  or a Clearing  Member (a "Margin  Account  Agreement"),  separate  and
distinct from the custody account,  in which certain  Securities and/or money of
the Fund shall be deposited and withdrawn  from time to time in connection  with
such  transactions as the Fund may from time to time determine.  Securities held
in the  Book-Entry  System  or the  Depository  shall  be  deemed  to have  been
deposited in, or withdrawn from, a Margin Account upon the Custodian's effecting
an appropriate entry in its books and records.


      12.  "Money  Market   Security"  shall  be  deemed  to  include,   without
limitation,  certain Reverse Repurchase  Agreements,  debt obligations issued or
guaranteed as to interest and  principal by the  government of the United States
or agencies or instrumentalities  thereof, any tax, bond or revenue anticipation
note issued by any state or municipal government or public authority, commercial
paper,  certificates of deposit and bankers' acceptances,  repurchase agreements
with respect to the same and bank time deposits,  where the purchase and sale of
such securities normally requires settlement in federal funds on the same day as
such purchase or sale.

      13.  "O.C.C."  shall mean the  Options  Clearing  Corporation,  a clearing
agency registered under Section 17A of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, its
successor or successors, and its nominee or nominees.

      14.  "Officers"  shall  be  deemed  to  include  the  President,  any Vice
President,  the  Secretary,   the  Treasurer,  the  Controller,   any  Assistant
Secretary,  any Assistant Treasurer, and any other person or persons, whether or
not any such  other  person is an officer of the Fund,  duly  authorized  by the
Board of Directors of the Fund to execute any Certificate,  instruction,  notice
or other instrument on behalf of the Fund and listed in the Certificate  annexed
hereto  as  Appendix  A or such  other  Certificate  as may be  received  by the
Custodian from time to time.

      15.  "Option" shall mean a Call Option,  Covered Call Option,  Stock Index
Option and/or a Put Option.

      16. "Oral Instructions"  shall mean verbal instructions  actually received
by the  Custodian  from an Officer or from a person  reasonably  believed by the
Custodian to be an Officer.

      17. "Put  Option"  shall mean an exchange  traded  option with  respect to
Securities  other than Stock  Index  Options,  Futures  Contracts,  and  Futures
Contract  Options  entitling the holder,  upon timely exercise and tender of the
specified underlying  Securities,  to sell such Securities to the writer thereof
for the exercise price.

      18. "Reverse  Repurchase  Agreement"  shall mean an agreement  pursuant to
which the Fund sells  Securities and agrees to repurchase  such  Securities at a
described or specified date and price.

      19.  "Security"  shall be deemed to  include,  without  limitation,  Money
Market Securities,  Call Options, Put Options,  Stock Index Options, Stock Index
Futures  Contracts,  Stock Index Futures  Contract  Options,  Financial  Futures
Contracts,  Financial Futures Contract Options,  Reverse Repurchase  Agreements,
common  stocks and other  securities  having  characteristics  similar to common
stocks, preferred


stocks, debt obligations issued by state or municipal  governments and by public
authorities  (including,  without limitation,  general obligation bonds, revenue
bonds,  industrial bonds and industrial  development bonds), bonds,  debentures,
notes, mortgages or other obligations, and any certificates,  receipts, warrants
or other instruments representing rights to receive, purchase, sell or subscribe
for the  same,  or  evidencing  or  representing  any other  rights or  interest
therein, or any property or assets.

      20.  "Senior  Security  Account"  shall  mean an  account  maintained  and
specifically  allocated  to a Series  under  the  terms of this  Agreement  as a
segregated account,  by recordation or otherwise,  within the custody account in
which certain Securities and/or other assets of the Fund specifically  allocated
to such Series shall be deposited and withdrawn  from time to time in accordance
with Certificates received by the Custodian in connection with such transactions
as the Fund may from time to time determine.

      21.  "Series"  shall mean the various  portfolios,  if any, of the Fund as
described  from time to time in the current  and  effective  prospectus  for the

      22.  "Shares" shall mean the shares of capital stock of the Fund,  each of
which is, in the case of a Fund having Series, allocated to a particular Series.

      23.  "Stock  Index  Futures  Contract"  shall mean a  bilateral  agreement
pursuant  to which the  parties  agree to take or make  delivery of an amount of
cash equal to a specified  dollar amount times the difference  between the value
of a  particular  stock  index  at the  close of the  last  business  day of the
contract and the price at which the futures contract is originally struck.

      24. "Stock Index Option"  shall mean an exchange  traded option  entitling
the holder,  upon timely  exercise,  to receive an amount of cash  determined by
reference  to the  difference  between the  exercise  price and the value of the
index on the date of exercise.

      25.  "Terminal  Link"  shall mean an  electronic  data  transmission  link
between the Fund and the Custodian  requiring in connection with each use of the
Terminal Link by or on behalf of the Fund use of an authorization  code provided
by the Custodian and at least two access codes established by the Fund.


                                   ARTICLE II.

                            APPOINTMENT OF CUSTODIAN

      1. The Fund hereby  constitutes and appoints the Custodian as custodian of
the  Securities  and moneys at any time  owned by the Fund  during the period of
this Agreement.

      2. The Custodian  hereby accepts  appointment as such custodian and agrees
to perform the duties thereof as hereinafter set forth.

                                  ARTICLE III.

                         CUSTODY OF CASH AND SECURITIES

      1.  Except as  otherwise  provided in  paragraph 7 of this  Article and in
Article  VIII,  the Fund will deliver or cause to be delivered to the  Custodian
all Securities and all moneys owned by it, at any time during the period of this
Agreement,  and shall  specify  with  respect to such  Securities  and money the
Series  to which  the same  are  specifically  allocated.  The  Custodian  shall
segregate,  keep and maintain the assets of the Series  separate and apart.  The
Custodian  will not be  responsible  for any  Securities and moneys not actually
received by it. The  Custodian  will be entitled to reverse any credits  made on
the Fund's  behalf where such credits have been  previously  made and moneys are
not  finally  collected.  The Fund shall  deliver to the  Custodian  a certified
resolution of the Board of Directors of the Fund,  substantially  in the form of
Exhibit A hereto,  approving,  authorizing  and  instructing  the Custodian on a
continuous and on-going basis to deposit in the Book-Entry System all Securities
eligible  for deposit  therein,  regardless  of the Series to which the same are
specifically  allocated  and to  utilize  the  Book-Entry  System to the  extent
possible  in  connection  with its  performance  hereunder,  including,  without
limitation, in connection with settlements of purchases and sales of Securities,
loans of Securities and deliveries and returns of Securities  collateral.  Prior
to a deposit of Securities specifically allocated to a Series in the Depository,
the Fund shall deliver to the  Custodian a certified  resolution of the Board of
Directors of the Fund, substantially in the form of Exhibit B hereto, approving,
authorizing  and  instructing  the  Custodian on a continuous  and ongoing basis
until  instructed  to the  contrary by a  Certificate  actually  received by the
Custodian to deposit in the Depository all Securities  specifically allocated to
such Series eligible for deposit  therein,  and to utilize the Depository to the
extent  possible  with  respect  to  such  Securities  in  connection  with  its
performance  hereunder,   including,  without  limitation,  in  connection  with
settlements  of purchases  and sales of  Securities,  loans of  Securities,  and
deliveries and returns of Securities collateral. Securities and moneys deposited
in either the Book-Entry System or the


      Depository  will be represented in accounts which include only assets held
by the Custodian for customers, including, but not limited to, accounts in which
the  Custodian  acts in a  fiduciary  or  representative  capacity  and  will be
specifically  allocated on the Custodian's books to the separate account for the
applicable Series. Prior to the Custodian's accepting, utilizing and acting with
respect to Clearing Member confirmations for Options and transactions in Options
for a Series as provided in this Agreement,  the Custodian shall have received a
certified resolution of the Fund's Board of Directors, substantially in the form
of Exhibit C hereto,  approving,  authorizing and instructing the Custodian on a
continuous and on-going basis, until instructed to the contrary by a Certificate
actually  received by the  Custodian,  to accept,  utilize and act in accordance
with such  confirmations  as provided  in this  Agreement  with  respect to such

      2. The Custodian shall establish and maintain  separate  accounts,  in the
name of each Series,  and shall  credit to the separate  account for each Series
all  moneys  received  by it for the  account  of the Fund with  respect to such
Series.  Money credited to a separate account for a Series shall be disbursed by
the Custodian only:

            (a) As hereinafter provided;

            (b) Pursuant to  Certificates  setting forth the name and address of
      the person to whom the  payment is to be made,  the  Series  account  from
      which  payment is to be made and the  purpose  for which  payment is to be
      made; or

            (c) In payment of the fees and in  reimbursement of the expenses and
      liabilities of the Custodian attributable to such Series.

      3. Promptly  after the close of business on each day, the Custodian  shall
furnish the Fund with confirmations and a summary, on a per Series basis, of all
transfers to or from the account of the Fund for a Series,  either  hereunder or
with any  co-custodian  or  sub-custodian  appointed  in  accordance  with  this
Agreement  during said day. Where  Securities are  transferred to the account of
the Fund for a Series,  the  Custodian  shall also by  book-entry  or  otherwise
identify as belonging to such Series a quantity of Securities in a fungible bulk
of Securities  registered in the name of the Custodian (or its nominee) or shown
on  the  Custodian's  account  on the  books  of the  Book-Entry  System  or the
Depository.  At least monthly and from time to time, the Custodian shall furnish
the Fund with a detailed statement, on a per Series basis, of the Securities and
moneys held by the Custodian for the Fund.

      4.  Except as  otherwise  provided in  paragraph 7 of this  Article and in
Article VIII, all Securities held by the


Custodian  hereunder,  which are issued or issuable only in bearer form,  except
such  Securities  as are  held in the  Book-Entry  System,  shall be held by the
Custodian in that form; all other Securities held hereunder may be registered in
the name of the Fund, in the name of any duly  appointed  registered  nominee of
the Custodian as the Custodian may from time to time  determine,  or in the name
of the Book-Entry System or the Depository or their successor or successors,  or
their  nominee  or  nominees.  The  Fund  agrees  to  furnish  to the  Custodian
appropriate  instruments  to enable the  Custodian  to hold or deliver in proper
form for transfer,  or to register in the name of its  registered  nominee or in
the name of the Book-Entry  System or the Depository any Securities which it may
hold  hereunder and which may from time to time be registered in the name of the
Fund. The Custodian shall hold all such Securities  specifically  allocated to a
Series which are not held in the  Book-Entry  System or in the  Depository  in a
separate account in the name of such Series  physically  segregated at all times
from those of any other person or persons.

      5. Except as otherwise  provided in this  Agreement  and unless  otherwise
instructed to the contrary by a Certificate, the Custodian by itself, or through
the use of the Book-Entry  System or the  Depository  with respect to Securities
held hereunder and therein deposited,  shall with respect to all Securities held
for the Fund hereunder in accordance with preceding paragraph 4:

            (a) Collect all income due or payable;

            (b) Present for  payment  and collect the amount  payable  upon such
      Securities which are called, but only if either (i) the Custodian receives
      a written  notice of such call, or (ii) notice of such call appears in one
      or more of the publications listed in Appendix B annexed hereto, which may
      be amended at any time by the Custodian without the prior  notification or
      consent of the Fund;

            (c) Present for  payment  and  collect the amount  payable  upon all
      Securities which mature;

            (d) Surrender   Securities  in   temporary   form   for   definitive

            (e) Execute,   as   custodian,   any   necessary   declarations   or
      certificates of ownership under the Federal Income Tax Laws or the laws or
      regulations of any other taxing authority now or hereafter in effect; and

            (f) Hold  directly,   or  through  the  Book-Entry  System   or  the
      Depository with respect to Securities therein  deposited,  for the account
      of a Series,  all rights and similar securities issued with respect to any
      Securities held by the Custodian for such Series hereunder.


      6.  Upon  receipt  of a  Certificate  and not  otherwise,  the  Custodian,
directly or through the use of the Book-Entry System or the Depository, shall:

      (a)  Execute  and  deliver to such  persons as may be  designated  in such
Certificate proxies, consents, authorizations, and any other instruments whereby
the  authority  of the  Fund as owner of any  Securities  held by the  Custodian
hereunder for the Series specified in such Certificate may be exercised;

      (b) Deliver any Securities held by the Custodian  hereunder for the Series
specified in such Certificate in exchange for other Securities or cash issued or
paid in connection with the liquidation,  reorganization,  refinancing,  merger,
consolidation or  recapitalization  of any  corporation,  or the exercise of any
conversion  privilege and receive and hold hereunder  specifically  allocated to
such Series any cash or other Securities received in exchange;

      (c) Deliver any Securities held by the Custodian  hereunder for the Series
specified  in  such  Certificate  to any  protective  committee,  reorganization
committee or other person in connection  with the  reorganization,  refinancing,
merger,  consolidation,  recapitalization  or sale of assets of any corporation,
and  receive  and hold  hereunder  specifically  allocated  to such  Series such
certificates of deposit,  interim receipts or other  instruments or documents as
may be issued to it to evidence such delivery;

      (d) Make such transfers or exchanges of the assets of the Series specified
in such  Certificate,  and take  such  other  steps as shall be  stated  in such
Certificate to be for the purpose of  effectuating  any duly  authorized plan of
liquidation,  reorganization,  merger,  consolidation or recapitalization of the
Fund; and

      (e) Present for payment and collect the amount payable upon Securities not
described in  preceding  paragraph  5(b) of this Article  which may be called as
specified in the Certificate.

      7. Notwithstanding any provision elsewhere contained herein, the Custodian
shall not be required to obtain  possession  of any  instrument  or  certificate
representing any Futures  Contract,  any Option,  or any Futures Contract Option
until after it shall have determined,  or shall have received a Certificate from
the Fund stating,  that any such instruments or certificates are available.  The
Fund  shall  deliver  to the  Custodian  such a  Certificate  no later  than the
business day preceding the  availability  of any such instrument or certificate.
Prior to such availability, the Custodian shall comply with Section 17(f) of the
Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended,  in  connection  with the purchase,


settlement,  closing out or writing of Futures  Contracts,  Options,  or Futures
Contract  Options by making  payments or  deliveries  specified in  Certificates
received by the Custodian in connection with any such purchase,  sale,  writing,
settlement  or closing out upon its receipt  from a broker,  dealer,  or futures
commission  merchant of a statement or confirmation  reasonably  believed by the
Custodian  to be in the form  customarily  used by brokers,  dealers,  or future
commission merchants with respect to such Futures Contracts, Options, or Futures
Contract  Options,  as the case may be, confirming that such Security is held by
such  broker,  dealer or futures  commission  merchant,  in  book-entry  form or
otherwise,  in the name of the  Custodian  (or any nominee of the  Custodian) as
custodian for the Fund, provided,  however,  that notwithstanding the foregoing,
payments to or deliveries from the Margin Account,  and payments with respect to
Securities to which a Margin Account  relates,  shall be made in accordance with
the terms and  conditions  of the Margin  Account  Agreement.  Whenever any such
instruments or certificates are available, the Custodian shall,  notwithstanding
any provision in this  Agreement to the  contrary,  make payment for any Futures
Contract,  Option, or Futures Contract Option for which such instruments or such
certificates  are  available  only against the delivery to the Custodian of such
instrument  or such  certificate,  and deliver any Futures  Contract,  Option or
Futures  Contract  Option for which such  instruments or such  certificates  are
available only against  receipt by the Custodian of payment  therefor.  Any such
instrument  or  certificate  delivered  to the  Custodian  shall  be held by the
Custodian  hereunder in accordance  with, and subject to, the provisions of this

                                   ARTICLE IV.

                            FUTURES CONTRACT OPTIONS

      1. Promptly  after each  purchase of Securities by the Fund,  other than a
purchase of an Option, a Futures  Contract,  or a Futures  Contract Option,  the
Fund shall  deliver  to the  Custodian  (i) with  respect  to each  purchase  of
Securities which are not Money Market Securities,  a Certificate,  and (ii) with
respect to each  purchase of Money  Market  Securities,  a  Certificate  or Oral
Instructions,  specifying with respect to each such purchase:  (a) the Series to
which such  Securities  are to be  specifically  allocated;  (b) the name of the
issuer  and the  title  of the  Securities;  (c) the  number  of  shares  or the
principal  amount  purchased  and  accrued  interest,  if any;  (d) the  date of
purchase and  settlement;  (e) the purchase price per unit; (f) the total amount
payable upon such  purchase;  (g) the name of the person from whom or the broker
through whom the purchase was made, and the name of the


clearing broker, if any; and (h) the name of the broker to whom payment is to be
made. The Custodian  shall,  upon receipt of Securities  purchased by or for the
Fund, pay to the broker  specified in the Certificate out of the moneys held for
the account of such Series the total amount payable upon such purchase, provided
that  the  same  conforms  to the  total  amount  payable  as set  forth in such
Certificate or Oral Instructions.

      2. Promptly  after each sale of Securities by the Fund,  other than a sale
of any  Option,  Futures  Contract,  Futures  Contract  Option,  or any  Reverse
Repurchase  Agreement,  the Fund shall deliver to the Custodian (i) with respect
to each sale of Securities which are not Money Market Securities, a Certificate,
and (ii) with respect to each sale of Money Market Securities,  a Certificate or
Oral Instructions,  specifying with respect to each such sale: (a) the Series to
which such Securities were  specifically  allocated;  (b) the name of the issuer
and the title of the  Security;  (c) the  number of shares or  principal  amount
sold, and accrued interest, if any; (d) the date of sale; (e) the sale price per
unit;  (f) the total amount  payable to the Fund upon such sale; (g) the name of
the broker through whom or the person to whom the sale was made, and the name of
the  clearing  broker,  if any;  and (h) the  name  of the  broker  to whom  the
Securities  are to be  delivered.  The Custodian  shall  deliver the  Securities
specifically allocated to such Series to the broker specified in the Certificate
against payment of the total amount payable to the Fund upon such sale, provided
that  the  same  conforms  to the  total  amount  payable  as set  forth in such
Certificate or Oral Instructions.

                                   ARTICLE V.


      1. Promptly  after the purchase of any Option by the Fund,  the Fund shall
deliver to the  Custodian a Certificate  specifying  with respect to each Option
purchased:  (a) the Series to which such Option is specifically  allocated;  (b)
the type of Option  (put or call);  (c) the name of the issuer and the title and
number of shares subject to such Option or, in the case of a Stock Index Option,
the stock  index to which such  Option  relates  and the  number of Stock  Index
Options  purchased;  (d) the expiration  date; (e) the exercise  price;  (f) the
dates of purchase and  settlement;  (g) the total amount  payable by the Fund in
connection with such purchase;  (h) the name of the Clearing Member through whom
such Option was purchased;  and (i) the name of the broker to whom payment is to
be made. The Custodian shall pay, upon receipt of a Clearing Member's  statement
confirming  the  purchase of such Option  held by such  Clearing  Member for the
account of the Custodian (or any duly  appointed and  registered  nominee of the
Custodian) as custodian for the Fund,  out of moneys held for the account of the
Series to which such Option is to be


specifically  allocated,  the total  amount  payable  upon such  purchase to the
Clearing  Member  through  whom the purchase  was made,  provided  that the same
conforms to the total amount payable as set forth in such Certificate.

      2. Promptly after the sale of any Option purchased by the Fund pursuant to
paragraph  1 hereof,  the Fund shall  deliver  to the  Custodian  a  Certificate
specifying  with respect to each such sale:  (a) the Series to which such Option
was specifically  allocated;  (b) the type of Option (put or call); (c) the name
of the issuer and the title and number of shares  subject to such  Option or, in
the case of a Stock Index Option,  the stock index to which such Option  relates
and the number of Stock Index Options sold;  (d) the date of sale;  (e) the sale
price; (f) the date of settlement; (g) the total amount payable to the Fund upon
such sale;  and (h) the name of the  Clearing  Member  through whom the sale was
made.  The  Custodian  shall  consent to the  delivery of the Option sold by the
Clearing  Member  which  previously  supplied  the  confirmation   described  in
preceding  paragraph  1 of this  Article  with  respect to such  Option  against
payment to the Custodian of the total amount payable to the Fund,  provided that
the same conforms to the total amount payable as set forth in such Certificate.

      3. Promptly after the exercise by the Fund of any Call Option purchased by
the Fund pursuant to paragraph 1 hereof, the Fund shall deliver to the Custodian
a  Certificate  specifying  with respect to such Call Option:  (a) the Series to
which such Call Option was  specifically  allocated;  (b) the name of the issuer
and the  title  and  number  of  shares  subject  to the  Call  Option;  (c) the
expiration date; (d) the date of exercise and settlement; (e) the exercise price
per share;  (f) the total amount to be paid by the Fund upon such exercise;  and
(g) the name of the Clearing Member through whom such Call Option was exercised.
The Custodian shall,  upon receipt of the Securities  underlying the Call Option
which was exercised, pay out of the moneys held for the account of the Series to
which such Call Option was  specifically  allocated the total amount  payable to
the Clearing  Member through whom the Call Option was  exercised,  provided that
the same conforms to the total amount payable as set forth in such Certificate.

      4. Promptly after the exercise by the Fund of any Put Option  purchased by
the Fund pursuant to paragraph 1 hereof, the Fund shall deliver to the Custodian
a  Certificate  specifying  with  respect to such Put Option:  (a) the Series to
which such Put Option was specifically allocated; (b) the name of the issuer and
the title and number of shares  subject to the Put  Option;  (c) the  expiration
date; (d) the date of exercise and settlement; (e) the exercise price per share;
(f) the total amount to be paid to the Fund upon such exercise; and (g) the name
of the Clearing Member through whom such Put Option was exercised. The Custodian
shall,  upon receipt of the amount  payable upon the exercise of the Put Option,
deliver or


direct the Depository to deliver the Securities  specifically  allocated to such
Series,  provided  the same  conforms  to the amount  payable to the Fund as set
forth in such Certificate.

      5.  Promptly  after the  exercise  by the Fund of any Stock  Index  Option
purchased by the Fund pursuant to paragraph 1 hereof,  the Fund shall deliver to
the Custodian a Certificate  specifying with respect to such Stock Index Option:
(a) the Series to which such Stock Index Option was specifically allocated;  (b)
the type of Stock Index  Option (put or call);  (c) the number of Options  being
exercised;  (d) the stock index to which such Option relates; (e) the expiration
date; (f) the exercise price; (g) the total amount to be received by the Fund in
connection.  with such  exercise;  and (h) the  Clearing  Member  from whom such
payment is to be received.

      6. Whenever the Fund writes a Covered Call Option, the Fund shall promptly
deliver to the Custodian a Certificate  specifying  with respect to such Covered
Call Option: (a) the Series for which such Covered Call Option was written;  (b)
the name of the issuer and the title and number of shares for which the  Covered
Call Option was written and which underlie the same;  (c) the  expiration  date;
(d) the exercise price; (e) the premium to be received by the Fund; (f) the date
such Covered Call Option was  written;  and (g) the name of the Clearing  Member
through whom the premium is to be received. The Custodian shall deliver or cause
to be  delivered,  in  exchange  for  receipt of the  premium  specified  in the
Certificate  with  respect to such Covered  Call  Option,  such  receipts as are
required  in  accordance  with the customs  prevailing  among  Clearing  Members
dealing in Covered Call Options and shall  impose,  or direct the  Depository to
impose, upon the underlying Securities specified in the Certificate specifically
allocated to such Series such  restrictions as may be required by such receipts.
Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  the Custodian has the right, upon prior written
notification  to the  Fund,  at any time to refuse  to issue  any  receipts  for
Securities  in the  possession  of the  Custodian  and not  deposited  with  the
Depository underlying a Covered Call Option.

      7. Whenever a Covered Call Option written by the Fund and described in the
preceding  paragraph  of this  Article is  exercised,  the Fund  shall  promptly
deliver to the Custodian a Certificate  instructing the Custodian to deliver, or
to direct the Depository to deliver, the Securities subject to such Covered Call
Option and  specifying:  (a) the Series for which such  Covered  Call Option was
written;  (b) the name of the issuer and the title and number of shares  subject
to the Covered  Call  Option;  (c) the  Clearing  Member to whom the  underlying
Securities  are to be  delivered;  and (d) the total amount  payable to the Fund
upon  such  delivery.  Upon  the  return  and/or  cancellation  of any  receipts
delivered pursuant to paragraph 6 of this Article,  the Custodian shall deliver,
or direct the Depository to deliver, the underlying Securities as specified


in the Certificate  against payment of the amount to be received as set forth in
such Certificate.

      8. Whenever the Fund writes a Put Option,  the Fund shall promptly deliver
to the Custodian a Certificate  specifying with respect to such Put Option:  (a)
the Series for which such Put Option was written; (b) the name of the issuer and
the title and number of shares  for which the Put  Option is  written  and which
underlie the same; (c) the  expiration  date;  (d) the exercise  price;  (e) the
premium to be received by the Fund; (f) the date such Put Option is written; (g)
the name of the Clearing  Member  through whom the premium is to be received and
to whom a Put  Option  guarantee  letter is to be  delivered;  (h) the amount of
cash, and/or the amount and kind of Securities,  if any, specifically  allocated
to such Series to be deposited in the Senior  Security  Account for such Series;
and (i) the amount of cash and/or the amount and kind of Securities specifically
allocated to such Series to be deposited  into the  Collateral  Account for such
Series.  The  Custodian  shall,  after making the deposits  into the  Collateral
Account  specified  in the  Certificate,  issue a Put  Option  guarantee  letter
substantially  in the form  utilized by the  Custodian on the date  hereof,  and
deliver the same to the Clearing  Member  specified in the  Certificate  against
receipt  of the  premium  specified  in said  Certificate.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  the  Custodian  shall be under no obligation to issue any Put Option
guarantee  letter  or  similar  document  if it is  unable  to  make  any of the
representations contained therein.

      9.  Whenever  a Put  Option  written  by the  Fund  and  described  in the
preceding  paragraph  is  exercised,  the Fund  shall  promptly  deliver  to the
Custodian a Certificate specifying:  (a) the Series to which such Put Option was
written;  (b) the name of the issuer  and title and number of shares  subject to
the Put Option; (c) the Clearing Member from whom the underlying  Securities are
to be received; (d) the total amount payable by the Fund upon such delivery; (e)
the  amount  of cash  and/or  the  amount  and kind of  Securities  specifically
allocated to such Series to be withdrawn  from the  Collateral  Account for such
Series  and (f) the amount of cash  and/or  the  amount and kind of  Securities,
specifically  allocated to such Series,  if any, to be withdrawn from the Senior
Security  Account.  Upon  the  return  and/or  cancellation  of any  Put  Option
guarantee  letter or similar document issued by the Custodian in connection with
such Put Option,  the Custodian shall pay out of the moneys held for the account
of the  Series to which such Put Option  was  specifically  allocated  the total
amount payable to the Clearing Member  specified in the Certificate as set forth
in such  Certificate  against  delivery of such  Securities,  and shall make the
withdrawals specified in such Certificate.

      10. Whenever the Fund writes a Stock Index Option, the Fund shall promptly
deliver to the  Custodian a  Certificate  specifying  with respect to such Stock
Index Option: (a) the


Series for which such Stock Index  Option was  written;  (b) whether  such Stock
Index  Option is a put or a call;  (c) the  number of options  written;  (d) the
stock index to which such  Option  relates;  (e) the  expiration  date;  (f) the
exercise  price;  (g) the Clearing  Member through whom such Option was written;
(h) the premium to be  received  by the Fund;  (i) the amount of cash and/or the
amount and kind of Securities,  if any, specifically allocated to such Series to
be deposited in the Senior Security  Account for such Series;  (j) the amount of
cash and/or the amount and kind of Securities, if any, specifically allocated to
such Series to be deposited in the Collateral  Account for such Series;  and (k)
the  amount  of  cash  and/or  the  amount  and  kind  of  Securities,  if  any,
specifically  allocated to such Series to be deposited in a Margin Account,  and
the name in which such account is to be or has been  established.  The Custodian
shall,  upon  receipt of the  premium  specified  in the  Certificate,  make the
deposits, if any, into the Senior Security Account specified in the Certificate,
and  either  (1)  deliver  such  receipts,  if  any,  which  the  Custodian  has
specifically  agreed  to  issue,  which  are  in  accordance  with  the  customs
prevailing  among Clearing  Members in Stock Index Options and make the deposits
into  the  Collateral  Account  specified  in the  Certificate,  or (2) make the
deposits into the Margin Account specified in the Certificate.

      11. Whenever a Stock Index Option written by the Fund and described in the
preceding  paragraph  of this  Article is  exercised,  the Fund  shall  promptly
deliver to the  Custodian a  Certificate  specifying  with respect to such Stock
Index Option: (a) the Series for which such Stock Index Option was written;  (b)
such  information  as may be  necessary to identify the Stock Index Option being
exercised; (c) the Clearing Member through whom such Stock Index Option is being
exercised;  (d) the total amount  payable upon such  exercise,  and whether such
amount is to be paid by or to the Fund; (e) the amount of cash and/or amount and
kind of Securities, if any, to be withdrawn from the Margin Account; and (f) the
amount of cash and/or  amount and kind of  Securities,  if any, to be  withdrawn
from the Senior Security Account for such Series;  and the amount of cash and/or
the amount and kind of  Securities,  if any, to be withdrawn from the Collateral
Account for such Series.  Upon the return and/or cancellation of the receipt, if
any,  delivered  pursuant  to the  preceding  paragraph  of  this  Article,  the
Custodian  shall pay out of the  moneys  held for the  account  of the Series to
which such Stock Index Option was specifically  allocated to the Clearing Member
specified  in the  Certificate  the total amount  payable,  if any, as specified

      12.  Whenever  the Fund  purchases  any Option  identical  to a previously
written  Option  described  in  paragraphs,  6,  8 or 10 of  this  Article  in a
transaction expressly designated as a "Closing Purchase Transaction" in order to
liquidate its position as a writer of an Option, the Fund shall promptly deliver
to the Custodian a Certificate specifying with respect to the


Option  being  purchased:  (a)  that  the  transaction  is  a  Closing  Purchase
Transaction;  (b) the Series for which the Option was  written;  (c) the name of
the issuer and the title and number of shares subject to the Option,  or, in the
case of a Stock Index Option,  the stock index to which such Option  relates and
the number of Options held; (d) the exercise  price;  (e) the premium to be paid
by the Fund; (f) the expiration  date; (g) the type of Option (put or call); (h)
the date of such  purchase;  (i) the  name of the  Clearing  Member  to whom the
premium is to be paid;  and (j) the amount of cash and/or the amount and kind of
Securities,  if any, to be withdrawn  from the Collateral  Account,  a specified
Margin  Account,  or the  Senior  Security  Account  for such  Series.  Upon the
Custodian's  payment of the premium and the return  and/or  cancellation  of any
receipt issued pursuant to paragraphs 6, 8 or 10 of this Article with respect to
the Option  being  liquidated  through the  Closing  Purchase  Transaction,  the
Custodian  shall  remove,  or direct the  Depository to remove,  the  previously
imposed restrictions on the Securities underlying the Call Option.

      13. Upon the expiration,  exercise or  consummation of a Closing  Purchase
Transaction  with  respect  to any Option  purchased  or written by the Fund and
described  in this  Article,  the  Custodian  shall  delete such Option from the
statements delivered to the Fund pursuant to paragraph 3 Article III herein, and
upon the return and/or  cancellation  of any receipts  issued by the  Custodian,
shall make such withdrawals from the Collateral Account,  and the Margin Account
and/or the Senior Security Account as may be specified in a Certificate received
in connection with such expiration, exercise, or consummation.

                                   ARTICLE VI.

                                FUTURES CONTRACTS

      1. Whenever the Fund shall enter into a Futures  Contract,  the Fund shall
deliver to the Custodian a Certificate  specifying  with respect to such Futures
Contract, (or with respect to any number of identical Futures Contract(s)):  (a)
the Series for which the Futures Contract is being entered;  (b) the category of
Futures   Contract  (the  name  of  the  underlying  stock  index  or  financial
instrument); (c) the number of identical Futures Contracts entered into; (d) the
delivery  or  settlement  date of the  Futures  Contract  (s);  (e) the date the
Futures  Contract(s)  was (were) entered into and the maturity date; (f) whether
the Fund is  buying  (going  long) or  selling  (going  short)  on such  Futures
Contract(s); (g) the amount of cash and/or the amount and kind of Securities, if
any, to be deposited  in the Senior  Security  Account for such Series;  (h) the
name of the broker,  dealer,  or futures  commission  merchant  through whom the
Futures  Contract was entered into; and (i) the amount of fee or commission,  if
any, to be paid and the name of the broker,


dealer,  or futures  commission  merchant to whom such amount is to be paid. The
Custodian  shall make the deposits,  if any, to the Margin Account in accordance
with the terms and  conditions of the Margin  Account  Agreement.  The Custodian
shall make  payment out of the moneys  specifically  allocated to such Series of
the fee or commission,  if any,  specified in the Certificate and deposit in the
Senior Security Account for such Series the amount of cash and/or the amount and
kind of Securities specified in said Certificate.

      2. (a) Any variation margin payment or similar payment required to be made
by the Fund to a broker,  dealer, or futures commission merchant with respect to
an outstanding  Futures  Contract,  shall be made by the Custodian in accordance
with the terms and conditions of the Margin Account Agreement.

         (b) Any  variation  margin  payment or similar  payment  from a broker,
dealer,  or  futures  commission  merchant  to  the  Fund  with  respect  to  an
outstanding Futures Contract,  shall be received and dealt with by the Custodian
in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Margin Account Agreement.

      3. Whenever a Futures Contract held by the Custodian hereunder is retained
by the Fund until delivery or settlement is made on such Futures  Contract,  the
Fund shall deliver to the Custodian a  Certificate  specifying:  (a) the Futures
Contract and the Series to which the same  relates;  (b) with respect to a Stock
Index Futures Contract, the total cash settlement amount to be paid or received,
and with respect to a Financial Futures  Contract,  the Securities and/or amount
of cash  to be  delivered  or  received;  (c) the  broker,  dealer,  or  futures
commission  merchant  to or  from  whom  payment  or  delivery  is to be made or
received;  and (d) the amount of cash and/or Securities to be withdrawn from the
Senior Security Account for such Series. The Custodian shall make the payment or
delivery specified in the Certificate, and delete such Futures Contract from the
statements delivered to the Fund pursuant to paragraph 3 of Article III herein.

      4.  Whenever  the Fund  shall  enter into a Futures  Contract  to offset a
Futures Contract held by the Custodian hereunder,  the Fund shall deliver to the
Custodian a Certificate  specifying:  (a) the items of information required in a
Certificate  described  in  paragraph  1 of this  Article,  and (b) the  Futures
Contract  being  offset.  The  Custodian  shall  make  payment  out of the money
specifically  allocated  to  such  Series  of the  fee or  commission,  if  any,
specified in the Certificate  and delete the Futures  Contract being offset from
the  statements  delivered  to the Fund  pursuant to  paragraph 3 of Article III
herein,  and make such  withdrawals  from the Senior  Security  Account for such
Series as may be specified in such Certificate.  The withdrawals,  if any, to be
made from the Margin  Account shall be made by the Custodian in accordance  with
the terms and conditions of the Margin Account Agreement.


                                  ARTICLE VII.

                            FUTURES CONTRACT OPTIONS

      1. Promptly after the purchase of any Futures Contract Option by the Fund,
the Fund shall promptly  deliver to the Custodian a Certificate  specifying with
respect to such Futures Contract Option:  (a) the Series to which such Option is
specifically  allocated;  (b) the type of Futures Contract Option (put or call);
(c) the type of Futures Contract and such other  information as may be necessary
to  identify  the  Futures  Contract  underlying  the  Futures  Contract  Option
purchased;  (d) the expiration  date; (e) the exercise  price;  (f) the dates of
purchase and  settlement;  (g) the amount of premium to be paid by the Fund upon
such purchase; (h) the name of the broker or futures commission merchant through
whom such  option  was  purchased;  and (i) the name of the  broker,  or futures
commission merchant,  to whom payment is to be made. The Custodian shall pay out
of the moneys specifically allocated to such Series, the total amount to be paid
upon such purchase to the broker or futures  commissions  merchant  through whom
the purchase was made,  provided  that the same conforms to the amount set forth
in such Certificate.

      2. Promptly after the sale of any Futures Contract Option purchased by the
Fund  pursuant to  paragraph 1 hereof,  the Fund shall  promptly  deliver to the
Custodian a Certificate specifying with respect to each such sale: (a) Series to
which such Futures Contract Option was specifically  allocated;  (b) the type of
Future Contract Option (put or call);  (c) the type of Futures Contract and such
other  information  as  may  be  necessary  to  identify  the  Futures  Contract
underlying  the  Futures  Contract  Option;  (d) the date of sale;  (e) the sale
price; (f) the date of settlement; (g) the total amount payable to the Fund upon
such sale; and (h) the name of the broker of futures commission merchant through
whom the sale was made. The Custodian  shall consent to the  cancellation of the
Futures  Contract  Option being closed  against  payment to the Custodian of the
total amount payable to the Fund, provided the same conforms to the total amount
payable as set forth in such Certificate.

      3. Whenever a Futures  Contract  Option  purchased by the Fund pursuant to
paragraph 1 is exercised  by the Fund,  the Fund shall  promptly  deliver to the
Custodian  a  Certificate  specifying:  (a) the  Series  to which  such  Futures
Contract Option was specifically allocated;  (b) the particular Futures Contract
Option  (put or  call)  being  exercised;  (c)  the  type  of  Futures  Contract
underlying the Futures Contract Option;  (d) the date of exercise;  (e) the name
of the broker or futures  commission  merchant through whom the Futures Contract
Option is exercised;  (f) the net total amount, if any, payable by the Fund; (g)
the amount, if any, to be received by the Fund; and


(h) the amount of cash and/or the amount and kind of  Securities to be deposited
in the Senior Security Account for such Series. The Custodian shall make, out of
the moneys and Securities  specifically  allocated to such Series, the payments,
if any, and the deposits,  if any, into the Senior Security Account as specified
in the Certificate. The deposits, if any, to be made to the Margin Account shall
be made by the  Custodian in  accordance  with the terms and  conditions  of the
Margin Account Agreement.

      4.  Whenever  the Fund writes a Futures  Contract  Option,  the Fund shall
promptly deliver to the Custodian a Certificate  specifying with respect to such
Futures Contract  Option:  (a) the Series for which such Futures Contract Option
was written; (b) the type of Futures Contract Option (put or call); (c) the type
of Futures  Contract and such other  information as may be necessary to identify
the Futures Contract  underlying the Futures Contract Option; (d) the expiration
date;  (e) the exercise  price;  (f) the premium to be received by the Fund; (g)
the name of the broker or futures  commission  merchant through whom the premium
is to be  received;  and (h) the  amount of cash  and/or  the amount and kind of
Securities,  if any, to be  deposited  in the Senior  Security  Account for such
Series.  The  Custodian  shall,  upon  receipt of the premium  specified  in the
Certificate,  make out of the moneys and  Securities  specifically  allocated to
such Series the deposits into the Senior Security Account,  if any, as specified
in the Certificate. The deposits, if any, to be made to the Margin Account shall
be made by the  Custodian in  accordance  with the terms and  conditions  of the
Margin Account Agreement.

      5. Whenever a Futures  Contract Option written by the Fund which is a call
is  exercised,  the Fund shall  promptly  deliver to the Custodian a Certificate
specifying:   (a)  the  Series  to  which  such  Futures   Contract  Option  was
specifically  allocated;  (b) the particular  Futures Contract Option exercised;
(c) the type of Futures Contract underlying the Futures Contract Option; (d) the
name of the broker or futures  commission  merchant  through  whom such  Futures
Contract Option was exercised;  (e) the net total amount, if any, payable to the
Fund upon such exercise;  (f) the net total amount,  if any, payable by the Fund
upon such  exercise;  and (g) the  amount of cash  and/or the amount and kind of
Securities to be deposited in the Senior Security  Account for such Series.  The
Custodian  shall,  upon its receipt of the net total amount payable to the Fund,
if any,  specified  in such  Certificate  make  the  payments,  if any,  and the
deposits,  if  any,  into  the  Senior  Security  Account  as  specified  in the
Certificate.  The  deposits,  if any, to be made to the Margin  Account shall be
made by the Custodian in accordance  with the terms and conditions of the Margin
Account Agreement.

      6.  Whenever a Futures  Contract  Option  which is written by the Fund and
which is a put is exercised,  the Fund shall promptly deliver to the Custodian a
Certificate specifying:


(a) the  Series  to  which  such  Option  was  specifically  allocated;  (b) the
particular  Futures Contract Option exercised;  (c) the type of Futures Contract
underlying such Futures Contract  Option;  (d) the name of the broker or futures
commission merchant through whom such Futures Contract Option is exercised;  (e)
the net total amount,  if any,  payable to the Fund upon such exercise;  (f) the
net total amount,  if any,  payable by the Fund upon such exercise;  and (g) the
amount and kind of Securities  and/or cash to be withdrawn from or deposited in,
the Senior Security Account for such Series,  if any. The Custodian shall,  upon
its receipt of the net total amount  payable to the Fund,  if any,  specified in
the Certificate, make out of the moneys and Securities specifically allocated to
such Series,  the payments,  if any, and the  deposits,  if any, into the Senior
Security  Account  as  specified  in the  Certificate.  The  deposits  to and/or
withdrawals  from the Margin Account,  if any, shall be made by the Custodian in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the Margin Account Agreement.

      7. Whenever the Fund purchases any Futures  Contract Option identical to a
previously written Futures Contract Option described in this Article in order to
liquidate  its position as a writer of such Futures  Contract  Option,  the Fund
shall promptly deliver to the Custodian a Certificate specifying with respect to
the Futures Contract Option being purchased: (a) the Series to which such Option
is specifically  allocated;  (b) that the transaction is a closing  transaction;
(c) the type of Future  Contract and such other  information as may be necessary
to identify the Futures Contract underlying the Futures Option Contract; (d) the
exercise price; (e) the premium to be paid by the Fund; (f) the expiration date;
(g) the name of the broker or futures commission merchant to whom the premium is
to be paid; and (h) the amount of cash and/or the amount and kind of Securities,
if any, to be withdrawn from the Senior  Security  Account for such Series.  The
Custodian  shall  effect  the  withdrawals  from  the  Senior  Security  Account
specified  in the  Certificate.  The  withdrawals,  if any,  to be made from the
Margin  Account shall be made by the Custodian in accordance  with the terms and
conditions of the Margin Account Agreement.

      8. Upon the expiration, exercise, or consummation of a closing transaction
with respect to, any Futures  Contract  Option  written or purchased by the Fund
and  described  in this  Article,  the  Custodian  shall (a) delete such Futures
Contract Option from the statements  delivered to the Fund pursuant to paragraph
3 of Article III herein and, (b) make such  withdrawals  from and/or in the case
of an  exercise  such  deposits  into  the  Senior  Security  Account  as may be
specified in a Certificate.  The deposits to and/or  withdrawals from the Margin
Account, if any, shall be made by the Custodian in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the Margin Account Agreement.


      9.  Futures  Contracts  acquired  by the Funds through  the  exercise of a
Futures Contract Option described in this Article shall be subject to Article VI

                                  ARTICLE VIII.

                                   SHORT SALES

      1.  Promptly  after any short  sales by any  Series of the Fund,  the Fund
shall promptly deliver to the Custodian a Certificate specifying: (a) the Series
for which such short sale was made;  (b) the name of the issuer and the title of
the  Security;  (c) the number of shares or principal  amount sold,  and accrued
interest or dividends, if any; (d) the dates of the sale and settlement; (e) the
sale price per unit;  (f) the total amount  credited to the Fund upon such sale,
if any, (g) the amount of cash and/or the amount and kind of Securities, if any,
which are to be deposited in a Margin  Account and the name in which such Margin
Account  has been or is to be  established;  (h) the  amount of cash  and/or the
amount and kind of  Securities,  if any, to be  deposited  in a Senior  Security
Account,  and (i) the name of the broker  through whom such short sale was made.
The Custodian shall upon its receipt of a statement from such broker  confirming
such sale and that the total amount credited to the Fund upon such sale, if any,
as  specified in the  Certificate  is held by such broker for the account of the
Custodian (or any nominee of the  Custodian)  as custodian of the Fund,  issue a
receipt or make the  deposits  into the Margin  Account and the Senior  Security
Account specified in the Certificate.

      2. In connection  with the  closing-out  of any short sale, the Fund shall
promptly deliver to the Custodian a Certificate  specifying with respect to each
such closing out: (a) the Series for which such  transaction  is being made; (b)
the name of the issuer and the title of the  Security;  (c) the number of shares
or the principal amount, and accrued interest or dividends,  if any, required to
effect  such  closing-out  to be  delivered  to the  broker;  (d) the  dates  of
closing-out and  settlement;  (e) the purchase price per unit; (f) the net total
amount  payable  to the Fund upon  such  closing-out;  (g) the net total  amount
payable  to the  broker  upon such  closing-out;  (h) the amount of cash and the
amount and kind of Securities to be withdrawn,  if any, from the Margin Account;
(i) the amount of cash and/or the amount and kind of  Securities,  if any, to be
withdrawn  from the  Senior  Security  Account;  and (j) the name of the  broker
through whom the Fund is effecting such  closing-out.  The Custodian shall, upon
receipt of the net total amount payable to the Fund upon such  closing-out,  and
the return and/ or cancellation of the receipts, if any, issued by the Custodian
with respect to the short sale being closed-out,  pay out of the moneys held for
the  account  of the Fund to the  broker  the net total  amount  payable  to the
broker, and make the withdrawals from the Margin Account and the


Senior Security Account, as the same are specified in the Certificate.

                                   ARTICLE IX.

                          REVERSE REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS

      1.  Promptly  after the Fund enters a Reverse  Repurchase  Agreement  with
respect to Securities and money held by the Custodian hereunder,  the Fund shall
deliver to the Custodian a Certificate,  or in the event such Reverse Repurchase
Agreement  is a Money  Market  Security,  a  Certificate  or  Oral  Instructions
specifying:  (a) the  Series  for  which the  Reverse  Repurchase  Agreement  is
entered;  (b) the  total  amount  payable  to the Fund in  connection  with such
Reverse Repurchase Agreement and specifically  allocated to such Series; (c) the
broker or  dealer  through  or with whom the  Reverse  Repurchase  Agreement  is
entered;  (d) the amount and kind of  Securities  to be delivered by the Fund to
such broker or dealer;  (e) the date of such Reverse Repurchase  Agreement;  and
(f) the  amount  of cash  and/or  the  amount  and kind of  Securities,  if any,
specifically  allocated  to such  Series to be  deposited  in a Senior  Security
Account for such Series in connection  with such Reverse  Repurchase  Agreement.
The  Custodian  shall,  upon  receipt  of the total  amount  payable to the Fund
specified in the Certificate,  Oral Instructions,  or Written  Instructions make
the delivery to the broker or dealer,  and the  deposits,  if any, to the Senior
Security Account, specified in such Certificate or Oral Instructions.

      2. Upon the  termination of a Reverse  Repurchase  Agreement  described in
preceding  paragraph  1 of this  Article,  the Fund  shall  promptly  deliver  a
Certificate or, in the event such Reverse Repurchase Agreement is a Money Market
Security,  a Certificate or Oral Instructions to the Custodian  specifying:  (a)
the Reverse Repurchase  Agreement being terminated and the Series for which same
was entered;  (b) the total amount  payable by the Fund in connection  with such
termination;  (c) the amount and kind of  Securities  to be received by the Fund
and specifically  allocated to such Series in connection with such  termination;
(d) the  date of  termination;  (e) the name of the  broker  or  dealer  with or
through whom the Reverse Repurchase  Agreement is to be terminated;  and (f) the
amount of cash and/or the amount and kind of Securities to be withdrawn from the
Senior Securities  Account for such Series. The Custodian shall, upon receipt of
the amount and kind of  Securities  to be received by the Fund  specified in the
Certificate or Oral Instructions,  make the payment to the broker or dealer, and
the  withdrawals,  if any, from the Senior Security  Account,  specified in such
Certificate or Oral Instructions.


                                   ARTICLE X.


      1. Promptly after each loan of portfolio Securities specifically allocated
to a Series held by the Custodian hereunder,  the Fund shall deliver or cause to
be delivered to the Custodian a Certificate specifying with respect to each such
loan: (a) the Series to which the loaned Securities are specifically  allocated;
(b) the name of the  issuer and the title of the  Securities,  (c) the number of
shares or the principal  amount loaned,  (d) the date of loan and delivery,  (e)
the total  amount  to be  delivered  to the  Custodian  against  the loan of the
Securities,  including the amount of cash  collateral  and the premium,  if any,
separately  identified,  and (f) the name of the broker,  dealer,  or  financial
institution  to  which  the loan was  made.  The  Custodian  shall  deliver  the
Securities  thus  designated to the broker,  dealer or financial  institution to
which the loan was made upon  receipt of the total  amount  designated  as to be
delivered  against the loan of  Securities.  The Custodian may accept payment in
connection  with a delivery  otherwise  than  through the  Book-Entry  System or
Depository  only in the form of a certified or bank  cashier's  check payable to
the order of the Fund or the Custodian  drawn on New York  Clearing  House funds
and may deliver  Securities  in  accordance  with the customs  prevailing  among
dealers in securities.

      2. Promptly after each  termination of the loan of Securities by the Fund,
the Fund shall  deliver or cause to be delivered to the  Custodian a Certificate
specifying with respect to each such loan  termination and return of Securities:
(a) the Series to which the loaned  Securities are specifically  allocated;  (b)
the name of the issuer and the title of the  Securities to be returned,  (c) the
number  of  shares  or the  principal  amount  to be  returned,  (d) the date of
termination,  (e) the total amount to be delivered by the  Custodian  (including
the  cash  collateral  for such  Securities  minus  any  offsetting  credits  as
described  in said  Certificate),  and (f) the name of the  broker,  dealer,  or
financial institution from which the Securities will be returned.  The Custodian
shall  receive all  Securities  returned from the broker,  dealer,  or financial
institution to which such  Securities were loaned and upon receipt thereof shall
pay,  out of the  moneys  held for the  account  of the Fund,  the total  amount
payable upon such return of Securities as set forth in the Certificate.


                                   ARTICLE XI.


      1. The  Custodian  shall,  from time to time,  make such  deposits  to, or
withdrawals  from,  a Senior  Security  Account as  specified  in a  Certificate
received by the Custodian.  Such Certificate  shall specify the Series for which
such  deposit  or  withdrawal  is to be made and the  amount of cash  and/or the
amount  and kind of  Securities  specifically  allocated  to such  Series  to be
deposited in, or withdrawn from,  such Senior Security  Account for such Series.
In the event that the Fund fails to specify in a  Certificate  the  Series,  the
name of the issuer,  the title and the number of shares or the principal  amount
of any particular Securities to be deposited by the Custodian into, or withdrawn
from, a Senior Securities Account, the Custodian shall be under no obligation to
make any such deposit or withdrawal and shall so notify the Fund.

      2. The Custodian  shall make  deliveries or payments from a Margin Account
to the broker,  dealer,  futures commission merchant or Clearing Member in whose
name,  or for whose  benefit,  the account was  established  as specified in the
Margin Account Agreement.

      3. Amounts  received by the  Custodian as payments or  distributions  with
respect to  Securities  deposited in any Margin  Account  shall be dealt with in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the Margin Account Agreement.

      4. The Custodian shall have a continuing lien and security interest in and
to any  property at any time held by the  Custodian  in any  Collateral  Account
described  herein.  In accordance  with applicable law the Custodian may enforce
its lien and  realize  on any such  property  whenever  the  Custodian  has made
payment  or  delivery  pursuant  to any Put Option  guarantee  letter or similar
document or any receipt  issued  hereunder  by the  Custodian.  In the event the
Custodian  should  realize on any such property net proceeds which are less than
the Custodian's  obligations  under any Put Option  guarantee  letter or similar
document or any receipt,  such deficiency  shall be a debt owed the Custodian by
the Fund within the scope of Article XIV herein.

      5. On each  business  day the  Custodian  shall  furnish  the Fund  with a
statement  with respect to each Margin  Account in which money or Securities are
held  specifying  as of the close of business on the previous  business day: (a)
the name of the  Margin  Account;  (b) the amount  and kind of  Securities  held
therein;  and (c) the amount of money held  therein.  The  Custodian  shall make
available upon request to any broker,  dealer,  or futures  commission  merchant
specified in the name of a Margin Account a copy of the statement  furnished the
Fund with respect to such Margin Account.


      6. Promptly after the close of business on each business day in which cash
and/or  Securities  are maintained in a Collateral  Account for any Series,  the
Custodian  shall  furnish  the  Fund  with a  statement  with  respect  to  such
Collateral  Account  specifying the amount of cash and/or the amount and kind of
Securities held therein. No later than the close of business next succeeding the
delivery to the Fund of such statement,  the Fund shall furnish to the Custodian
a Certificate  or Written  Instructions  specifying the then market value of the
Securities  described in such statement.  In the event such then market value is
indicated  to be less  than  the  Custodian's  obligation  with  respect  to any
outstanding  Put Option  guarantee  letter or similar  document,  the Fund shall
promptly  specify in a Certificate the additional  cash and/or  Securities to be
deposited in such Collateral Account to eliminate such deficiency.

                                  ARTICLE XII.


      1. The Fund shall furnish to the Custodian a copy of the resolution of the
Board of Directors  of the Fund,  certified  by the  Secretary or any  Assistant
Secretary, either (i) setting forth with respect to the Series specified therein
the date of the declaration of a dividend or  distribution,  the date of payment
thereof,  the record date as of which shareholders  entitled to payment shall be
determined,  the amount payable per Share of such Series to the  shareholders of
record as of that date and the total amount  payable to the  Dividend  Agent and
any sub-dividend  agent or co-dividend agent of the Fund on the payment date, or
(ii) authorizing with respect to the Series specified therein the declaration of
dividends and  distributions  on a daily basis and  authorizing the Custodian to
rely on  Oral  Instructions  or a  Certificate  setting  forth  the  date of the
declaration of such dividend or distribution,  the date of payment thereof,  the
record date as of which  shareholders  entitled to payment shall be  determined,
the amount payable per Share of such Series to the  shareholders of record as of
that date and the total  amount  payable to the  Dividend  Agent on the  payment

      2. Upon the payment date specified in such resolution,  Oral  Instructions
or  Certificate,  as the case may be, the Custodian  shall pay out of the moneys
held for the account of each  Series the total  amount  payable to the  Dividend
Agent and any sub-dividend  agent or co-dividend  agent of the Fund with respect
to such Series.


                                  ARTICLE XIII.

                          SALE AND REDEMPTION OF SHARES

      1.  Whenever  the Fund  shall  sell any  Shares,  it shall  deliver to the
Custodian a Certificate duly specifying:

            (a) The Series,  the number of Shares sold,  trade date,  and price;

            (b) The amount of money to be received by the Custodian for the sale
of such Shares and  specifically  allocated to the  separate account in the name
of such Series.

      2. Upon  receipt of such money  from the  Transfer  Agent,  the  Custodian
shall  credit such money to the  separate  account in the name of the Series for
which such money was received.

      3. Upon  issuance of any Shares of any Series  described in the  foregoing
provisions of this Article,  the Custodian  shall pay, out of the money held for
the account of such  Series,  all original  issue or other taxes  required to be
paid by the  Fund in  connection  with  such  issuance  upon  the  receipt  of a
Certificate specifying the amount to be paid.

      4.  Whenever  the Fund  desires the  Custodian  to make payment out of the
money held by the  Custodian  hereunder in  connection  with a redemption of any
Shares, it shall furnish to the Custodian:

            (a) A resolution by the Board of Directors of the Fund directing the
                Transfer Agent to redeem the Shares; and

            (b) A  Certificate  specifying  the  number  and  Series  of  Shares
                redeemed; and

            (c) The amount to be paid for such Shares.

      5. Upon  receipt from the Transfer  Agent of an advice  setting  forth the
Series and number of Shares  received by the Transfer  Agent for  redemption and
that such  Shares  are in good form for  redemption,  the  Custodian  shall make
payment to the Transfer Agent out of the moneys held in the separate  account in
the name of the Series the total  amount  specified  in the  Certificate  issued
pursuant to the foregoing paragraph 4 of this Article.


                                  ARTICLE XIV.

                           OVERDRAFTS OR INDEBTEDNESS

      1. If the Custodian, should in its sole discretion advance funds on behalf
of any Series  which  results in an  overdraft  because  the moneys  held by the
Custodian in the separate  account for such Series shall be  insufficient to pay
the total amount payable upon a purchase of Securities specifically allocated to
such  Series,  as set  forth in a  Certificate  or Oral  Instructions,  or which
results in an overdraft  in the  separate  account of such Series for some other
reason,  or if the Fund is for any other reason  indebted to the Custodian  with
respect to a Series,  including any  indebtedness  to The Bank of New York under
the Fund's Cash Management and Related Services  Agreement,  (except a borrowing
for  investment  or for  temporary or emergency  purposes  using  Securities  as
collateral  pursuant to a separate  agreement  and subject to the  provisions of
paragraph 2 of this Article),  such overdraft or indebtedness shall be deemed to
be a loan made by the  Custodian  to the Fund for such Series  payable on demand
and shall bear  interest  from the date incurred at a rate per annum (based on a
360-day  year  for the  actual  number  of days  involved)  equal  to 1/2%  over
Custodian's prime commercial lending rate in effect from time to time, such rate
to be  adjusted  on the  effective  date of any change in such prime  commercial
lending rate but in no event to be less than 6% per annum. In addition, the Fund
hereby  agrees that the  Custodian  shall have a  continuing  lien and  security
interest in and to any  property  specifically  allocated  to such Series at any
time held by it for the  benefit of such Series or in which the Fund may have an
interest which is then in the Custodian's possession or control or in possession
or  control  of any third  party  acting  in the  Custodian's  behalf.  The Fund
authorizes the Custodian, in its sole discretion, at any time to charge any such
overdraft or indebtedness together with interest due thereon against any balance
of  account  standing  to such  Series'  credit  on the  Custodian's  books.  In
addition, the Fund hereby covenants that on each Business Day on which either it
intends to enter a Reverse Repurchase  Agreement and/ or otherwise borrow from a
third  party,  or which next  succeeds  a Business  Day on which at the close of
business  the Fund had  outstanding  a Reverse  Repurchase  Agreement  or such a
borrowing,  it shall prior to 9 a.m., New York City time,  advise the Custodian,
in writing,  of each such borrowing,  shall specify the Series to which the same
relates,  and shall not incur any  indebtedness not so specified other than from
the Custodian.

      2. The  Fund  will  cause to be  delivered  to the  Custodian  by any bank
(including, if the borrowing is pursuant to a separate agreement, the Custodian)
from  which it  borrows  money for  investment  or for  temporary  or  emergency
purposes using Securities held by the Custodian hereunder as collateral for


such borrowings,  a notice or undertaking in the form currently  employed by any
such bank setting forth the amount which such bank will loan to the Fund against
delivery of a stated amount of collateral.  The Fund shall  promptly  deliver to
the Custodian a Certificate specifying with respect to each such borrowing:  (a)
the Series to which such  borrowing  relates;  (b) the name of the bank, (c) the
amount and terms of the borrowing,  which may be set forth by  incorporating  by
reference an attached  promissory note, duly endorsed by the Fund, or other loan
agreement,  (d) the time and date, if known,  on which the loan is to be entered
into,  (e) the date on which the loan  becomes  due and  payable,  (f) the total
amount  payable  to the Fund on the  borrowing  date,  (g) the  market  value of
Securities  to be delivered as collateral  for such loan,  including the name of
the issuer,  the title and the number of shares or the  principal  amount of any
particular  Securities,  and (h) a statement specifying whether such loan is for
investment purposes or for temporary or emergency purposes and that such loan is
in  conformance  with  the  Investment  Company  Act  of  1940  and  the  Fund's
prospectus.  The Custodian  shall deliver on the borrowing  date  specified in a
Certificate the specified  collateral and the executed  promissory note, if any,
against  delivery by the lending bank of the total  amount of the loan  payable,
provided that the same conforms to the total amount  payable as set forth in the
Certificate.  The Custodian  may, at the option of the lending  bank,  keep such
collateral in its possession, but such collateral shall be subject to all rights
therein  given  the  lending  bank  by  virtue  of any  promissory  note or loan
agreement.  The Custodian shall deliver such Securities as additional collateral
as may be specified in a Certificate to  collateralize  further any  transaction
described in this paragraph.  The Fund shall cause all Securities  released from
collateral  status to be returned  directly to the Custodian,  and the Custodian
shall  receive from time to time such return of collateral as may be tendered to
it. In the event that the Fund fails to specify in a Certificate the Series, the
name of the issuer,  the title and number of shares or the  principal  amount of
any particular  Securities to be delivered as collateral by the  Custodian,  the
Custodian shall not be under any obligation to deliver any Securities.

                                   ARTICLE XV.

                                  TERMINAL LINK

      1. At no time and under no  circumstances  shall the Fund be  obligated to
have or utilize the Terminal  Link,  and the  provisions  of this Article  shall
apply if, but only if, the Fund in its sole and  absolute  discretion  elects to
utilize the Terminal Link to transmit Certificates to the Custodian.

      2. The Terminal Link shall be utilized by the Fund only for the purpose of
the Fund providing  Certificates  to the Custodian with respect to  transactions
involving  Securities  or for the transfer of money to be applied to the payment


dividends, distributions or redemptions of Fund Shares, and shall be utilized by
the Custodian  only for the purpose of providing  notices to the Fund.  Such use
shall  commence  only after the Fund shall have  delivered  to the  Custodian  a
Certificate  substantially  in the form of Exhibit D and shall have  established
access  codes.  Each use of the  Terminal  Link by the Fund shall  constitute  a
representation  and warranty  that the Terminal  Link is being used only for the
purposes  permitted  hereby,  that at least two Officers  have each  utilized an
access code, that such safekeeping procedures have been established by the Fund,
and that such use does not  contravene  the  Investment  Company Act of 1940, as
amended, or the rules or regulations thereunder.

      3. The Fund shall  obtain and  maintain  at its own cost and  expense  all
equipment and services,  including,  but not limited to communications services,
necessary for it to utilize the Terminal  Link,  and the Custodian  shall not be
responsible  for the  reliability  or  availability  of any  such  equipment  or

      4. The Fund acknowledges that any data bases made available as part of, or
through  the  Terminal  Link  and any  proprietary  data,  software,  processes,
information and  documentation  (other than any such which are or become part of
the public  domain or are legally  required to be made  available to the public)
(collectively,  the "Information"),  are the exclusive and confidential property
of the Custodian.  The Fund shall,  and shall cause others to which it discloses
the Information, to keep the Information confidential by using the same care and
discretion  it uses with  respect  to its own  confidential  property  and trade
secrets,  and shall neither make nor permit any  disclosure  without the express
prior written consent of the Custodian.

      5. Upon  termination  of this  Agreement  for any  reason,  the Fund shall
return to the Custodian any and all copies of the  Information  which are in the
Fund's  possession or under its control,  or which the Fund distributed to third
parties. The provisions of this Article shall not affect the copyright status of
any of  the  Information  which  may  be  copyrighted  and  shall  apply  to all
Information whether or not copyrighted.

      6. The Custodian  reserves the right to modify the Terminal Link from time
to time without notice to the Fund except that the Custodian shall give the Fund
notice  not  less  than 75 days  in  advance  of any  modification  which  would
materially  adversely affect the Fund's operation,  and the Fund agrees that the
Fund  shall not  modify or  attempt to modify  the  Terminal  Link  without  the
Custodian's  prior written consent.  The Fund  acknowledges that any software or
procedures  provided the Fund as part of the  Terminal  Link are the property of
the Custodian and,  accordingly,  the Fund agrees that any  modifications to the
Terminal Link, whether by the Fund, or by


the Custodian and whether with or without the Custodian's consent,  shall become
the property of the Custodian.

      7. Neither the Custodian nor any  manufacturers  and suppliers it utilizes
or the Fund utilizes in connection  with the Terminal Link makes any  warranties
or  representations,  express or implied,  in fact or in law,  including but not
limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

      8.  The  Fund  will  cause  its  Officers  and   employees  to  treat  the
authorization  codes and the  access  codes  applicable  to  Terminal  Link with
extreme care, and irrevocably authorizes the Custodian to act in accordance with
and rely on  Certificates  received by it through the  Terminal  Link.  The Fund
acknowledges that it is its  responsibility to assure that only its Officers use
the Terminal Link on its behalf,  and that a Custodian  shall not be responsible
nor liable for use of the Terminal  Link on the Fund's  behalf by persons  other
than  such  persons  or  Officers,  or by  only a  single  Officer,  nor for any
alteration, omission, or failure to promptly forward.

      9 (a). Except as otherwise  specifically  provided in Section 9(b) of this
Article,  the  Custodian  shall  have  no  liability  for any  losses,  damages,
injuries,  claims,  costs or expenses  arising out of or in connection  with any
failure,  malfunction or other problem  relating to the Terminal Link except for
money damages  suffered as the direct result of the  negligence of the Custodian
in an amount not exceeding for any incident $25,000 provided,  however, that the
Custodian  shall have no  liability  under  this  Section 9 if the Fund fails to
comply with the provisions of Section 11.

      9 (b).  The  Custodian's  liability  for its  negligence  in  executing or
failing to execute in accordance with a Certificate  received  through  Terminal
Link  shall be only with  respect to a  transfer  of funds  which is not made in
accordance with such  Certificate  after such  Certificate  shall have been duly
acknowledged  by the Custodian,  and shall be contingent upon the Fund complying
with the  provisions of Section 12 of this Article,  and shall be limited to (i)
restoration of the principal  amount  mistransferred,  if and to the extent that
the Custodian would be required to make such  restoration  under applicable law,
and (ii) the lesser of (A) a Fund's actual  pecuniary loss incurred by reason of
its  loss  of use of the  mistransferred  funds  or the  funds  which  were  not
transferred,  as the case may be, or (B) compensation for the loss of the use of
the  mistransferred  funds or the funds which were not transferred,  as the case
may be, at a rate per annum equal to the average  federal funds rate as computed
from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's daily determination of the effective
rate for federal funds,  for the period during which a Fund has lost use of such
funds. In no event shall the Custodian have any liability for failing to execute


accordance  with a  Certificate  a transfer  of funds where the  Certificate  is
received  by  the  Custodian  through  Terminal  Link  other  than  through  the
applicable  transfer  module for the particular  instructions  contained in such

      10. Without  limiting the  generality of the foregoing,  in no event shall
the  Custodian  or any  manufacturer  or  supplier  of its  computer  equipment,
software  or services  relating  to the  Terminal  Link be  responsible  for any
special, indirect,  incidental or consequential damages which the Fund may incur
or experience by reason of its use of the Terminal Link even if the Custodian or
any  manufacturer  or  supplier  has been  advised  of the  possibility  of such
damages, nor with respect to the use of the Terminal Link shall the Custodian or
any such  manufacturer or supplier be liable for acts of God, or with respect to
the following to the extent beyond such person's reasonable control:  machine or
computer breakdown or malfunction,  interruption or malfunction of communication
facilities, labor difficulties or any other similar or dissimilar cause.

      11. The Fund shall  notify  the  Custodian  of any  errors,  omissions  or
interruptions in, or delay or  unavailability  of, the Terminal Link as promptly
as  practicable,  and in any event  within 24 hours  after the  earliest  of (i)
discovery thereof, (ii) the Business Day on which discovery should have occurred
through the exercise of reasonable care and (iii) in the case of any error,  the
date of actual  receipt of the earliest  notice which  reflects  such error,  it
being agreed that  discovery  and receipt of notice may only occur on a business
day. The Custodian shall promptly advise the Fund whenever the Custodian  learns
of any errors,  omissions or interruption in, or delay or unavailability of, the
Terminal Link.

      12. The Custodian  shall verify to the Fund, by use of the Terminal  Link,
receipt of each  Certificate the Custodian  receives  through the Terminal Link,
and in the absence of such  verification  the Custodian  shall not be liable for
any  failure to act in  accordance  with such  Certificate  and the Fund may not
claim that such  Certificate was received by the Custodian.  Such  verification,
which may occur after the  Custodian has acted upon such  Certificate,  shall be
accomplished on the same day on which such Certificate is received.


                                  ARTICLE XVI.


      1. The Custodian is authorized and instructed to employ,  as sub-custodian
for each Series'  Foreign  Securities  (as such term is defined in paragraph (c)
(1) of Rule 17f-5  under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940,  as amended)  and
other  assets,   the  foreign  banking   institutions  and  foreign   securities
depositories  and clearing  agencies  designated on Schedule I hereto  ("Foreign
Sub-Custodians")  to carry out their respective  responsibilities  in accordance
with the terms of the  sub-custodian  agreement  between  each such Foreign Sub-
Custodian and the Custodian,  copies of which have been previously  delivered to
the Fund and receipt of which is hereby  acknowledged  (each such  agreement,  a
"Foreign Sub-Custodian  Agreement").  The Custodian shall be liable for the acts
and omissions of each Foreign Sub-Custodian  constituting  negligence or willful
misconduct in the conduct of its responsibilities under the terms of the Foreign
Sub-Custodian  Agreement.  Upon  receipt  of  a  Certificate,  together  with  a
certified  resolution  substantially  in the form  attached  as Exhibit E of the
Fund's  Board of  Directors,  the  Fund may  designate  any  additional  foreign
sub-custodian  with which the  Custodian has an agreement for such entity to act
as the Custodian's  agent, as its sub-custodian and any such additional  foreign
sub-custodian shall be deemed added to Schedule I. Upon receipt of a Certificate
from the Fund,  the  Custodian  shall  cease the  employment  of any one or more
Foreign  Sub-Custodians  for  maintaining  custody of the Fund's assets and such
Foreign Sub-Custodian shall be deemed deleted from Schedule I.

      2. Each Foreign Sub-Custodian Agreement shall be substantially in the form
previously  delivered  to the  Fund  and  will  not  be  amended  in a way  that
materially adversely affects the Fund without the Fund's prior written consent.

      3. The Custodian  shall  identify on its books as belonging to each Series
of the  Fund  the  Foreign  Securities  of such  Series  held  by  each  Foreign
Sub-Custodian.  At  the  election  of the  Fund,  it  shall  be  entitled  to be
subrogated to the rights of the Custodian with respect to any claims by the Fund
or any Series  against a Foreign  Sub-Custodian  as a  consequence  of any loss,
damage,  cost, expense,  liability or claim sustained or incurred by the Fund or
any Series if and to the extent  that the Fund or such  Series has not been made
whole for any such loss, damage, cost, expense, liability or claim.


      4. Upon request of the Fund, the Custodian will, consistent with the terms
of the applicable  Foreign  Sub-Custodian  Agreement,  use reasonable efforts to
arrange for the independent accountants of the Fund to be afforded access to the
books and records of any Foreign Sub-Custodian insofar as such books and records
relate to the performance of such Foreign Sub-Custodian under its agreement with
the Custodian on behalf of the Fund.

      5. The  Custodian  will supply to the Fund from time to time,  as mutually
agreed upon,  statements in respect of the  securities  and other assets of each
Series  held by  Foreign  Sub-Custodians,  including  but  not  limited  to,  an
identification of entities having possession of each Series' Foreign  Securities
and other  assets,  and advices or  notifications  of any  transfers  of Foreign
Securities  to or from each  custodial  account  maintained  by a  Foreign  Sub-
Custodian for the Custodian on behalf of the Series.

      6. The Custodian  shall furnish  annually to the Fund, as mutually  agreed
upon,  information  concerning  the  Foreign  Sub-Custodians   employed  by  the
Custodian. Such information shall be similar in kind and scope to that furnished
to the Fund in  connection  with the Fund's  initial  approval  of such  Foreign
Sub-Custodians  and, in any event, shall include  information  pertaining to (i)
the Foreign Custodians'  financial strength,  general reputation and standing in
the  countries  in which they are  located  and their  ability  to  provide  the
custodial services required,  and (ii) whether the Foreign  Sub-Custodians would
provide a level of safeguards  for  safekeeping  and custody of  securities  not
materially  different from those prevailing in the United States.  The Custodian
shall monitor the general operating  performance of each Foreign  Sub-Custodian,
and at least annually obtain and review the annual financial report published by
such Foreign  Sub-Custodian to determine that it meets the financial criteria of
an "Eligible Foreign Custodian" under Rule 17f-5(c)(2)(i) or (ii). The Custodian
will  promptly  inform the Fund in the event that the  Custodian  learns  that a
Foreign Sub-Custodian no longer satisfies the financial criteria of an "Eligible
Foreign  Custodian"  under  such Rule.  The  Custodian  agrees  that it will use
reasonable care in monitoring  compliance by each Foreign Sub-Custodian with the
terms of the relevant Foreign  Sub-Custodian  Agreement and that if it learns of
any breach of such Foreign Sub-Custodian  Agreement believed by the Custodian to
have a material adverse effect on the Fund or any Series it will promptly notify
the Fund of such  breach.  The  Custodian  also  agrees  to use  reasonable  and
diligent efforts to enforce its rights under the relevant Foreign  Sub-Custodian

      7. The Custodian shall transmit promptly to the Fund all notices,  reports
or  other  written  information   received  pertaining  to  the  Fund's  Foreign
Securities,  including without limitation,  notices of corporate action, proxies
and proxy solicitation materials.


      8.  Notwithstanding  any  provision  of this  Agreement  to the  contrary,
settlement and payment for securities received for the account of any Series and
delivery of securities maintained for the account of such Series may be effected
in accordance with the customary or established securities trading or securities
processing  practices and procedures in the  jurisdiction or market in which the
transaction occurs, including, without limitation, delivery of securities to the
purchaser  thereof or to a dealer  therefor  (or an agent for such  purchaser or
dealer)  against a receipt with the  expectation of receiving  later payment for
such securities from such purchaser or dealer.

                                  ARTICLE XVII.

                            CONCERNING THE CUSTODIAN

      1. Except as hereinafter  provided,  or as provided in Article XVI neither
the Custodian nor its nominee shall be liable for any loss or damage,  including
counsel fees, resulting from its action or omission to act or otherwise,  either
hereunder  or under any Margin  Account  Agreement,  except for any such loss or
damage  arising out of its own  negligence  or willful  misconduct.  In no event
shall  the  Custodian  be liable  to the Fund or any  third  party for  special,
indirect or consequential  damages or lost profits or loss of business,  arising
under or in connection with this Agreement,  even if previously  informed of the
possibility of such damages and regardless of the form of action.  The Custodian
may,  with  respect to  questions  of law arising  hereunder or under any Margin
Account Agreement, apply for and obtain the advice and opinion of counsel to the
Fund or of its own  counsel,  at the  expense  of the  Fund,  and shall be fully
protected  with  respect  to  anything  done or  omitted  by it in good faith in
conformity  with such advice or opinion.  The  Custodian  shall be liable to the
Fund for any loss or damage  resulting from the use of the Book-Entry  System or
any Depository  arising by reason of any negligence or willful misconduct on the
part of the Custodian or any of its employees or agents.

      2. Without  limiting the generality of the foregoing,  the Custodian shall
be under no obligation to inquire into, and shall not be liable for:

             (a) The validity of the issue of any Securities purchased, sold, or
written  by or for the Fund,  the  legality  of the  purchase,  sale or  writing
thereof, or the propriety of the amount paid or received therefor;

             (b) The legality of the sale or  redemption  of any Shares,  or the
propriety of the amount to be received or paid therefor;


             (c) The legality of the  declaration  or payment of any dividend by
the Fund;

             (d) The legality of any  borrowing by the Fund using  Securities as

             (e) The legality of any loan of portfolio Securities, nor shall the
Custodian be under any duty or obligation to see to it that any cash  collateral
delivered to it by a broker,  dealer, or financial  institution or held by it at
any  time as a  result  of such  loan of  portfolio  Securities  of the  Fund is
adequate  collateral  for the Fund against any loss it might sustain as a result
of such loan. The Custodian  specifically,  but not by way of limitation,  shall
not be under any duty or  obligation  periodically  to check or notify  the Fund
that the amount of such cash  collateral  held by it for the Fund is  sufficient
collateral  for  the  Fund,  but  such  duty or  obligation  shall  be the  sole
responsibility of the Fund. In addition, the Custodian shall be under no duty or
obligation  to see that any broker,  dealer or  financial  institution  to which
portfolio  Securities  of the Fund  are lent  pursuant  to  Article  XIV of this
Agreement  makes payment to it of any dividends or interest which are payable to
or for the  account  of the  Fund  during  the  period  of  such  loan or at the
termination of such loan, provided,  however,  that the Custodian shall promptly
notify the Fund in the event that such  dividends  or interest  are not paid and
received when due; or

             (f) The  sufficiency  or  value  of any  amounts  of  money  and/or
Securities  held in any Margin Account,  Senior  Security  Account or Collateral
Account in connection with transactions by the Fund. In addition,  the Custodian
shall be under no duty or  obligation  to see that any broker,  dealer,  futures
commission  merchant  or  Clearing  Member  makes  payment  to the  Fund  of any
variation  margin  payment or similar  payment which the Fund may be entitled to
receive  from such  broker,  dealer,  futures  commission  merchant  or Clearing
Member,  to see that any  payment  received  by the  Custodian  from any broker,
dealer, futures commission merchant or Clearing Member is the amount the Fund is
entitled  to  receive,  or to  notify  the Fund of the  Custodian's  receipt  or
non-receipt of any such payment.

      3.  The  Custodian  shall  not be  liable  for,  or  considered  to be the
Custodian of, any money,  whether or not  represented  by any check,  draft,  or
other instrument for the payment of money,  received by it on behalf of the Fund
until the Custodian actually receives and collects such money directly or by the
final  crediting  of  the  account  representing  the  Fund's  interest  at  the
Book-Entry System or the Depository.

      4. The Custodian shall have no responsibility  and shall not be liable for
ascertaining or acting upon any calls,  conversions,  exchange offers,  tenders,
interest  rate changes or similar  matters  relating to  Securities  held in the
Depository, unless the Custodian shall have actually received


timely  notice from the  Depository.  In no event shall the  Custodian  have any
responsibility or liability for the failure of the Depository to collect, or for
the late  collection or late  crediting by the  Depository of any amount payable
upon  Securities  deposited in the  Depository  which may mature or be redeemed,
retired,  called  or  otherwise  become  payable.  However,  upon  receipt  of a
Certificate  from  the  Fund of an  overdue  amount  on  Securities  held in the
Depository the Custodian  shall make a claim against the Depository on behalf of
the Fund,  except that the Custodian shall not be under any obligation to appear
in,  prosecute  or defend  any  action  suit or  proceeding  in  respect  to any
Securities held by the Depository which in its opinion may involve it in expense
or  liability,  unless  indemnity  satisfactory  to it against  all  expense and
liability be furnished as often as may be required.

      5. The Custodian  shall not be under any duty or obligation to take action
to effect  collection  of any amount due to the Fund from the Transfer  Agent of
the Fund  nor to take any  action  to  effect  payment  or  distribution  by the
Transfer  Agent of the Fund of any amount paid by the  Custodian to the Transfer
Agent of the Fund in accordance with this Agreement.

      6. The Custodian  shall not be under any duty or obligation to take action
to effect  collection of any amount, if the Securities upon which such amount is
payable  are  in  default,  or  if  payment  is  refused  after  due  demand  or
presentation, unless and until (i) it shall be directed to take such action by a
Certificate and (ii) it shall be assured to its satisfaction of reimbursement of
its costs and expenses in connection with any such action.

      7.  The   Custodian   may  in  addition  to  the   employment  of  Foreign
Sub-Custodians  pursuant to Article XVI appoint one or more banking institutions
as  Depository  or  Depositories,  as  Sub-Custodian  or  Sub-Custodians,  or as
Co-Custodian   or   Co-Custodians   including,   but  not  limited  to,  banking
institutions located in foreign countries,  of Securities and moneys at any time
owned by the  Fund,  upon such  terms and  conditions  as may be  approved  in a
Certificate or contained in an agreement executed by the Custodian, the Fund and
the appointed institution.

      8.  The  Custodian  shall  not be  under  any  duty or  obligation  (a) to
ascertain  whether any  Securities at any time delivered to, or held by it or by
any  Foreign  Sub-Custodian,  for  the  account  of the  Fund  and  specifically
allocated  to a  Series  are  such as  properly  may be held by the Fund or such
Series under the provisions of its then current prospectus,  or (b) to ascertain
whether any  transactions  by the Fund,  whether or not involving the Custodian,
are such transactions as may properly be engaged in by the Fund.


      9. The  Custodian  shall be entitled to receive and the Fund agrees to pay
to the  Custodian all  out-of-pocket  expenses and such  compensation  as may be
agreed upon from time to time between the Custodian and the Fund.  The Custodian
may charge such  compensation and any expenses with respect to a Series incurred
by the Custodian in the  performance  of its duties  pursuant to such  agreement
against any money  specifically  allocated to such Series.  Unless and until the
Fund  instructs the Custodian by a  Certificate  to apportion any loss,  damage,
liability or expense among the Series in a specified manner, the Custodian shall
also be  entitled  to charge  against  any money held by it for the account of a
Series such  Series' pro rata share (based on such Series net asset value at the
time of the charge to the  aggregate net asset value of all Series at that time)
of the amount of any loss, damage, liability or expense, including counsel fees,
for which it shall be entitled to  reimbursement  under the  provisions  of this
Agreement.   The  expenses  for  which  the  Custodian   shall  be  entitled  to
reimbursement  hereunder shall include,  but are not limited to, the expenses of
sub-custodians  and  foreign  branches  of the  Custodian  incurred  in settling
outside  of New  York  City  transactions  involving  the  purchase  and sale of
Securities of the Fund.

      10. The Custodian shall be entitled to rely upon any  Certificate,  notice
or other instrument in writing received by the Custodian and reasonably believed
by the Custodian to be a  Certificate.  The Custodian  shall be entitled to rely
upon  any Oral  Instructions  actually  received  by the  Custodian  hereinabove
provided  for.  The Fund  agrees to forward to the  Custodian a  Certificate  or
facsimile thereof  confirming such Oral Instructions in such manner so that such
Certificate or facsimile  thereof is received by the Custodian,  whether by hand
delivery,  telecopier or other  similar  device,  or otherwise,  by the close of
business of the same day that such Oral Instructions are given to the Custodian.
The Fund agrees that the fact that such confirming instructions are not received
by the  Custodian  shall in no way affect the  validity of the  transactions  or
enforceability  of the  transactions  hereby  authorized  by the Fund.  The Fund
agrees that the  Custodian  shall incur no  liability to the Fund in acting upon
Oral Instructions given to the Custodian hereunder  concerning such transactions
provided  such  instructions  reasonably  appear to have been  received  from an

      11.  The  Custodian  shall  be  entitled  to  rely  upon  any  instrument,
instruction or notice  received by the Custodian and reasonably  believed by the
Custodian to be given in accordance  with the terms and conditions of any Margin
Account  Agreement.  Without  limiting  the  generality  of the  foregoing,  the
Custodian  shall be under no duty to inquire into,  and shall not be liable for,
the  accuracy  of any  statements  or  representations  contained  in  any  such
instrument or other notice including,  without limitation,  any specification of


amount to be paid to a broker,  dealer,  futures commission merchant or Clearing

      12.  The  books  and  records  pertaining  to the  Fund  which  are in the
possession  of the Custodian  shall be the property of the Fund.  Such books and
records shall be prepared and maintained as required by the  Investment  Company
Act of 1940,  as amended,  and other  applicable  securities  laws and rules and
regulations.  The Fund,  or the Fund's  authorized  representatives,  shall have
access to such books and records during the  Custodian's  normal business hours.
Upon the  reasonable  request of the Fund,  copies of any such books and records
shall  be  provided  by the  Custodian  to the  Fund  or the  Fund's  authorized
representative,  and the Fund shall  reimburse  the  Custodian  its  expenses of
providing such copies.  Upon reasonable request of the Fund, the Custodian shall
provide in hard copy or on  micro-film,  whichever  the  Custodian  elects,  any
records included in any such delivery which are maintained by the Custodian on a
computer  disc, or are similarly  maintained,  and the Fund shall  reimburse the
Custodian for its expenses of providing such hard copy or micro-film.

      13. The Custodian  shall provide the Fund with any report  obtained by the
Custodian on the system of internal accounting control of the Book-Entry System,
the Depository or O. C. C., and with such reports on its own systems of internal
accounting control as the Fund may reasonably request from time to time.

      14.  Subject to the  foregoing  provisions of this  Agreement,  including,
without limitation, those contained in Article XVI the Custodian may deliver and
receive  Securities,  and receipts with respect to such Securities,  and arrange
for payments to be made and received by the  Custodian  in  accordance  with the
customs  prevailing  from  time  to  time  among  brokers  or  dealers  in  such
Securities.  When the  Custodian is  instructed  to deliver  Securities  against
payment,  delivery of such Securities and receipt of payment therefor may not be
completed simultaneously.  The Fund assumes all responsibility and liability for
all credit  risks  involved  in  connection  with the  Custodian's  delivery  of
Securities  pursuant  to  instructions  of the Fund,  which  responsibility  and
liability  shall  continue  until final payment in full has been received by the

      15.  The  Custodian  shall have no duties or  responsibilities  whatsoever
except such duties and  responsibilities  as are  specifically set forth in this
Agreement,  and no covenant  or  obligation  shall be implied in this  Agreement
against the Custodian.


                                 ARTICLE XVIII.


      1. Either of the parties  hereto may terminate this Agreement by giving to
the other  party a notice in writing  specifying  the date of such  termination,
which  shall be not less than  ninety (90) days after the date of giving of such
notice.  In the event such notice is given by the Fund, it shall be  accompanied
by a copy of a resolution  of the Board of  Directors of the Fund,  certified by
the Secretary or any Assistant  Secretary,  electing to terminate this Agreement
and  designating a successor  custodian or custodians,  each of which shall be a
bank or trust company having not less than $2,000,000 aggregate capital, surplus
and undivided profits.  In the event such notice is given by the Custodian,  the
Fund shall, on or before the termination  date,  deliver to the Custodian a copy
of a  resolution  of the  Board  of  Directors  of the  Fund,  certified  by the
Secretary  or any  Assistant  Secretary,  designating  a successor  custodian or
custodians.  In the absence of such  designation  by the Fund, the Custodian may
designate a successor  custodian  which shall be a bank or trust company  having
not less than $2,000,000 aggregate capital,  surplus and undivided profits. Upon
the date set  forth in such  notice  this  Agreement  shall  terminate,  and the
Custodian  shall  upon  receipt  of a  notice  of  acceptance  by the  successor
custodian  on  that  date  deliver  directly  to  the  successor  custodian  all
Securities and moneys then owned by the Fund and held by it as Custodian,  after
deducting all fees,  expenses and other amounts for the payment or reimbursement
of which it shall then be entitled.

      2. If a successor custodian is not designated by the Fund or the Custodian
in  accordance  with  the  preceding  paragraph,  the Fund  shall  upon the date
specified in the notice of  termination  of this Agreement and upon the delivery
by the Custodian of all Securities (other than Securities held in the Book-Entry
system  which cannot be delivered to the Fund) and moneys then owned by the Fund
be deemed to be its own custodian and the Custodian shall thereby be relieved of
all duties and responsibilities pursuant to this Agreement,  other than the duty
with  respect  to  Securities  held in the  Book-Entry  System  which  cannot be
delivered to the Fund to hold such Securities  hereunder in accordance with this

                                  ARTICLE XIX.


      1.  Annexed  hereto as  Appendix A is a  Certificate  signed by two of the
present  Officers of the Fund under its corporate seal,  setting forth the names
and the  signatures  of the  present  Officers  of the Fund.  The Fund agrees to
furnish to


the  Custodian a new  Certificate  in similar form in the event any such present
Officer  ceases to be an  Officer  of the Fund,  or in the event  that  other or
additional  Officers are elected or appointed.  Until such new Certificate shall
be  received,  the  Custodian  shall be fully  protected  in  acting  under  the
provisions of this Agreement upon the signatures of the Officers as set forth in
the last delivered Certificate.

      2. Any notice or other  instrument  in writing,  authorized or required by
this  Agreement to be given to the  Custodian,  shall be  sufficiently  given if
addressed  to the  Custodian  and mailed or delivered to it at its offices at 90
Washington  Street,  New York,  New York  10286,  or at such other  place as the
Custodian may from time to time designate in writing.

      3. Any notice or other  instrument  in writing,  authorized or required by
this Agreement to be given to the Fund shall be sufficiently  given if addressed
to the Fund and mailed or  delivered  to it at its office at the address for the
Fund first  above  written,  or at such other place as the Fund may from time to
time designate in writing.

      4. This Agreement may not be amended or modified in any manner except by a
written  agreement  executed by both  parties  with the same  formality  as this
Agreement and approved by a resolution of the Board of Directors of the Fund.

      5. This  Agreement  shall  extend to and shall be binding upon the parties
hereto, and their respective  successors and assigns;  provided,  however,  that
this Agreement  shall not be assignable by the Fund without the written  consent
of the Custodian,  or by the Custodian  without the written consent of the Fund,
authorized or approved by a resolution of the Fund's Board of Directors.

      6. This  Agreement  shall be construed in accordance  with the laws of the
State of New York without giving effect to conflict of laws principles  thereof.
Each party  hereby  consents  to the  jurisdiction  of a state or federal  court
situated  in New York City,  New York in  connection  with any  dispute  arising
hereunder and hereby waives its right to trial by jury.

      7. This Agreement may be executed in any number of  counterparts,  each of
which shall be deemed to be an original,  but such counterparts shall, together,
constitute only one instrument.


      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed by their respective  corporate Officers,  thereunto duly authorized and
their respective  corporate seals to be hereunto affixed, as of the day and year
first above written.

                                   MUNIASSET FUND, INC.

[SEAL]                             By: /s/ Gerald M Richard, Treasurer
                                       GERALD M. RICHARD, TREASURER

/s/ Mark B. Goldfus
- --------------------------

                                   THE BANK OF NEW YORK

[SEAL]                             By: /s/ Illegible

/s/ Illegible
- --------------------------