Exhibit 13(b)


                            AUCTION AGENT AGREEMENT


                              MUNIYIELD FUND, INC.


                        IBJ SCHRODER BANK & TRUST COMPANY

                          Dated as of December 23, 1991

                                   Relating to

                        Auction Market Preferred Stock(R)


               Series A, Series B, Series C, Series D and Series E


                              MUNIYIELD FUND, INC.


(R) Registered trademark of Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.

      THIS AUCTION AGENT AGREEMENT dated as of December 23, 1991, between
MUNIYIELD FUND, INC., a Maryland corporation (the "Company"), and IBJ SCHRODER
BANK & TRUST COMPANY, a New York banking corporation.

      The Company proposes to duly authorize and issue 900 shares of Auction
Market Preferred Stock(R), Series A ("Series A AMPS"), 900 shares of Auction
Market Preferred Stock, Series B ("Series B AMPS"), 900 shares of Auction Market
Preferred Stock, Series C ("Series C AMPS"), 900 shares of Auction Market
Preferred Stock, Series D ("Series D AMPS") and 1,400 shares of Auction Market
Preferred Stock, Series E ("Series E AMPS"), all with a par value of $.10 per
share and a liquidation preference of $50,000 per share plus an amount equal to
accumulated but unpaid dividends (whether or not earned or declared) pursuant to
the Company's Articles Supplementary (as defined below). The Series A AMPS,
Series B AMPS, Series C AMPS, Series D AMPS and Series E AMPS are sometimes
referred to together herein as "AMPS". A separate Auction (as defined below)
will be conducted for each series of AMPS. The Company desires that IBJ Schroder
Bank & Trust Company perform certain duties as agent in connection with each
Auction of shares of AMPS (the "Auction Agent") and as the transfer agent,
registrar, dividend disbursing agent and redemption agent with respect to the
shares of AMPS (the "Paying Agent") upon the terms and conditions of this
Agreement, and hereby appoints IBJ Schroder Bank & Trust Company as said Auction
Agent and Paying Agent in accordance with those terms and conditions
(hereinafter generally referred to as the "Auction Agent" except in Sections 3
and 4 below).

      NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants
contained herein, the Company and the Auction Agent agree as follows:

- --------------------
(R) Registered trademark of Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.


1. Definitions and Rules of Construction.

      1.1   Terms Defined by Reference to Articles Supplementary

      Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the respective meanings
specified in the Articles Supplementary.

      1.2   Terms Defined Herein.

      As used herein and in the Settlement Procedures (as defined below), the
following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context otherwise

            (a) "Affiliate" shall mean any Person, other than Merrill Lynch,
      Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, made known to the Auction Agent to be
      controlled by, in control of or under common control with, the Company, or
      its successors.

            (b) "Agent Member" of any Person shall mean such Person's agent
      member of the Securities Depository who is identified as such in such
      Person's Purchaser's Letter.

            (c) "Articles Supplementary" shall mean the Articles Supplementary
      of the Company, establishing the powers, preferences and rights of the
      AMPS, filed on December 20, 1991, in the Office of the State Department of
      Assessments and Taxation of the State of Maryland.

            (d) "Auction" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.1

            (e) "Auction Procedures" shall mean the Auction Procedures that are
      set forth in Paragraph 11 of the Articles Supplementary.

            (f) "Authorized Officer" shall mean each Senior Vice President, Vice
      President, Assistant Vice President, Trust Officer and Assistant Secretary
      and Assistant Treasurer of the Auction Agent assigned to its Corporate
      Trust and Agency Group and every other officer or employee of the Auction
      Agent designated as an "Authorized Officer" for purposes hereof in a
      communication to the Company.

            (g) "Broker-Dealer Agreement" shall mean each agreement between the
      Auction Agent and a Broker-Dealer substantially in the form attached
      hereto as Exhibit A.


            (h) "Company Officer" shall mean the Chairman and Chief Executive
      Officer, the President, each Vice President (whether or not designated by
      a number or word or words added before or after the title "Vice
      President"), the Secretary, the Treasurer, each Assistant Secretary and
      each Assistant Treasurer of the Company and every other officer or
      employee of the Company designated as a "Company Officer" for purposes
      hereof in a notice from the Company to the Auction Agent.

            (i) "Holder" shall be a holder of record of one or more shares of
      AMPS, listed as such in the stock register maintained by the Paying Agent
      pursuant to Section 4.6.

            (j) "Purchaser's Letter" shall mean a letter addressed to the
      Company, the Auction Agent and a Broker-Dealer, substantially in the form
      attached to the Broker-Dealer Agreement as Exhibit A.

            (k) "Settlement Procedures" shall mean the Settlement Procedures
      attached to the Broker-Dealer Agreement as Exhibit B.

      1.3   Rules of Construction.

      Unless the context or use indicates another or different meaning or
intent, the following rules shall apply to the construction of this Agreement:

            (a) Words importing the singular number shall include the plural
      number and vice versa.

            (b) The captions and headings herein are solely for convenience of
      reference and shall not constitute a part of this Agreement nor shall they
      affect its meaning, construction or effect.

            (c) The words "hereof," "herein," "hereto," and other words of
      similar import refer to this Agreement as a whole.

            (d) All references herein to a particular time of day shall be to
      New York City time.


2. The Auction.

      2.1   Purpose; Incorporation by Reference of Auction Procedures and
            Settlement Procedures.

            (a) The Articles Supplementary provide that the Applicable Rate on
      shares of Series A AMPS, Series B AMPS, Series C AMPS, Series D AMPS or
      Series E AMPS, as the case may be, for each Dividend Period therefor after
      the Initial Dividend Period shall be the rate per annum that a commercial
      bank, trust company, or other financial institution appointed by the
      Company advises results from implementation of the Auction Procedures. The
      Board of Directors of the Company has adopted a resolution appointing IBJ
      Schroder Bank & Trust Company as Auction Agent for purposes of the Auction
      Procedures. The Auction Agent hereby accepts such appointment and agrees
      that, on each Auction Date, it shall follow the procedures set forth in
      this Section 2 and the Auction Procedures for the purpose of determining
      the Applicable Rate for the AMPS, for the next Dividend Period therefor.
      Each periodic operation of such procedures is hereinafter referred to as
      an "Auction."

            (b) All of the provisions contained in the Auction Procedures and
      the Settlement Procedures are incorporated herein by reference in their
      entirety and shall be deemed to be a part hereof to the same extent as if
      such provisions were fully set forth herein.

      2.2   Preparation for Each Auction; Maintenance of Registry of Beneficial

            (a) Pursuant to Section 2.5 hereof, the Company shall not designate
      any Person to act as a Broker-Dealer without prior written approval of the
      Auction Agent (which approval shall not be withheld unreasonably). At the
      time of closing of the initial issuance and sale of the AMPS (the
      "Closing"), the Company shall provide the Auction Agent with a list of the
      Broker-Dealers previously approved by the Auction Agent and shall cause to
      be delivered to the Auction Agent for execution by the Auction Agent a
      Broker-Dealer Agreement signed by each such Broker-Dealer. The Auction
      Agent shall keep such list current and accurate, and shall indicate
      thereon, or on a separate list, the identity of each Existing Holder, if
      any, whose most recent Order was submitted by a Broker-Dealer on such list
      and resulted in such Existing Holder continuing to hold or purchasing
      shares of AMPS. Not later than five days prior to any Auction Date for
      which any change in such list of Broker-Dealers is to be effective, the
      Company shall notify the Auction Agent in


      writing of such change and, if any such change is the addition of a
      Broker-Dealer to such list, the Company shall cause to be delivered to the
      Auction Agent for execution by the Auction Agent a Broker-Dealer Agreement
      signed by such Broker-Dealer. The Auction Agent shall have entered into a
      Broker-Dealer Agreement with each Broker-Dealer prior to the participation
      of any such Broker-Dealer in any Auction.

            (b) In the event that the Auction Date for any Auction shall be
      changed after the Auction Agent shall have given the notice referred to in
      clause (vii) of Paragraph (a) of the Settlement Procedures, the Auction
      Agent, by such means as the Auction Agent deems practicable, shall give
      notice of such change to the Broker-Dealers not later than the earlier of
      9:15 A.M. on the new Auction Date or 9:15 A.M. on the old Auction Date.

            (c) With respect to each Dividend Period that is a Special Dividend
      Period, the Company may, at its sole option and to the extent permitted by
      law, by telephonic and written notice (a "Request for Special Dividend
      Period") to the Auction Agent and to each Broker-Dealer, request that the
      next succeeding Dividend Period for a series of AMPS will be a number of
      days (other than 28 in the case of Series A AMPS, Series B AMPS, Series C
      AMPS and Series D AMPS and other than 7 in the case of Series E AMPS),
      evenly divisible by seven, and not fewer than seven nor more than 364 in
      the case of a Short Term Dividend Period or a number of whole years not
      greater than five years in the case of a Long Term Dividend Period,
      specified in such notice, provided that for any Auction occurring after
      the initial Auction, the Company may not give a Request for Special
      Dividend Period (and any such request shall be null and void) unless the
      Company has received written confirmation from S&P that such action would
      not impair the rating then assigned to the AMPS by S&P and unless
      sufficient Clearing Bids were made in the last occurring Auction and
      unless full cumulative dividends, any amounts due with respect to
      mandatory redemptions and any Additional Dividends payable prior to such
      date have been paid in full. Such Request for Special Dividend Period, in
      the case of a Short Term Dividend Period, shall be given on or prior to
      the fourth day but not more than seven days prior to an Auction Date for a
      series of AMPS and, in the case of a Long Term Dividend Period, shall be
      given on or prior to the 14th day but not more than 28 days prior to the
      Auction Date for a series of AMPS. Upon receiving such Request for Special
      Dividend Period, the Broker-Dealers(s) shall jointly determine whether
      given the factors set forth in paragraph 2(c)(iii) of the Articles
      Supplementary it is advisable that


      the Company issue a Notice of Special Dividend Period for the series of
      AMPS as contemplated by such Request for Special Dividend Period and the
      Optional Redemption Price of the AMPS during such Special Dividend Period
      and the Specific Redemption Provisions and shall give the Company and the
      Auction Agent written notice (a "Response") of such determination by no
      later than the third day prior to such Auction Date. If the
      Broker-Dealer(s) shall not give the Company and the Auction Agent a
      Response by such third day or if the Response states that given the
      factors referred to above it is not advisable that the Company give a
      Notice of Special Dividend Period (as defined below) for the series of
      AMPS, the Company may not give a Notice of Special Dividend Period in
      respect of such Request for Special Dividend Period. In the event the
      Response indicates that it is advisable that the Company give a Notice of
      Special Dividend Period for the series of AMPS, the Company may by no
      later than the second day prior to such Auction Date give a notice (a
      "Notice of Special Dividend Period") to the Auction Agent, the Securities
      Depository and each Broker-Dealer, which notice will specify (i) the
      duration of the Special Dividend Period, (ii) the Optional Redemption
      Price as specified in the related Response and (iii) the Specific
      Redemption Provisions, if any, as specified in the related Response. The
      Company shall not give a Notice of Special Dividend Period, or, if such
      Notice of Special Dividend Period shall have already been given, shall
      give telephonic and written notice (a "Notice of Revocation") to the
      Auction Agent, each Broker-Dealer, and the Securities Depository on or
      prior to the Business Day prior to the relevant Auction Date if (x) either
      the 1940 Act AMPS Coverage is not satisfied or the Company shall fail to
      maintain S&P Eligible Assets and Moody's Eligible Assets each with an
      aggregate Discounted Value at least equal to the AMPS Basic Maintenance
      Amount in each case on each of the two Valuation Dates immediately
      preceding the Business Day prior to the relevant Auction Date on an actual
      basis and on a pro forma basis giving effect to the proposed Special
      Dividend Period (using as a pro forma dividend rate with respect to such
      Special Dividend Period the dividend rate which the Broker-Dealers shall
      advise the Company is an approximately equal rate for securities similar
      to the AMPS with an equal dividend period), provided that in calculating
      the aggregate Discounted Value of Moody's Eligible Assets for this
      purpose, the Moody's Exposure Period shall be deemed to be one week
      longer, (y) sufficient funds for the payment of dividends payable on the
      immediately succeeding Dividend Payment Date have not been irrevocably
      deposited with the Auction Agent by the close of business on the third
      Business Day preceding the related Auction Date or (z) the


      Broker-Dealer(s) jointly advise the Company that after consideration of
      the factors referred to above they have concluded that it is advisable to
      give a Notice of Revocation. If the Company is prohibited from giving a
      Notice of Special Dividend Period as a result of the factors enumerated in
      clause (x), (y) or (z) of the preceding sentence or if the Company gives a
      Notice of Revocation with respect to a Notice of Special Dividend Period,
      the next succeeding Dividend Period will be a 28-day Dividend Period in
      the case of Series A AMPS, Series B AMPS, Series C AMPS and Series D AMPS
      and a 7-day Dividend Period in the case of Series E AMPS, provided that if
      the then-current Dividend Period for Series A AMPS, Series B AMPS, Series
      C AMPS or Series D AMPS is a Special Dividend Period of less than 28 days,
      the next succeeding Dividend Period for such Series of AMPS will be the
      same length as the current Dividend Period. In addition, in the event
      sufficient Clearing Bids are not made in any Auction or an Auction is not
      held for any reason, the next succeeding Dividend Period will be a 28-day
      Dividend Period (in the case of Series A AMPS, Series B AMPS, Series C
      AMPS and Series D AMPS) or a 7-day Dividend Period (in the case of Series
      E AMPS) and the Company may not again give a Notice of Special Dividend
      Period (and any such attempted notice shall be null and void) until
      sufficient Clearing Bids have been made in an Auction with respect to a
      28-day Dividend Period (in the case of Series A AMPS, Series B AMPS,
      Series C AMPS and Series D AMPS) or a 7-day Dividend Period (in the case
      of Series E AMPS).

            (d) (i) Whenever the Company intends to include any net capital
      gains or other taxable income in any dividend on shares of AMPS, the
      Company will notify the Auction Agent of the amount to be so included at
      least five Business Days prior to the Auction Date on which the Applicable
      Rate for such dividend is to be established. Whenever the Auction Agent
      receives such notice from the Company, it will in turn notify each Broker-
      Dealer, who, on or prior to such Auction Date, in accordance with its
      Broker-Dealer Agreement, will notify its Existing Holders and Potential
      Holders believed to be interested in submitting an Order in the Auction to
      be held on such Auction Date.

            (ii) If the Company makes a Retroactive Taxable Allocation, the
      Company will, within 90 days (and generally within 60 days) after the end
      of its fiscal year for which a Retroactive Taxable Allocation is made
      provide notice thereof to the Auction Agent and to each holder of shares
      (initially the Securities Depository) during such fiscal year at such
      holder's address as the same appears or last appeared on the stock books
      of the Company. The Company


      will, within 30 days after such notice is given to the Auction Agent, pay
      to the Auction Agent (who will then distribute to such holders of shares
      of AMPS), out of funds legally available therefor, a cash amount equal to
      the aggregate Additional Dividend with respect to all Retroactive Taxable
      Allocations made to such holders during the fiscal year in question.

            (e) (i) On each Auction Date, the Auction Agent shall determine the
      Reference Rate and the Maximum Applicable Rate. If the Reference Rate is
      not quoted on an interest basis but is quoted on a discount basis, the
      Auction Agent shall convert the quoted rate to an Interest Equivalent, as
      set forth in Paragraph 1 of the Articles Supplementary; or, if the rate
      obtained by the Auction Agent is not quoted on an interest or discount
      basis, the Auction Agent shall convert the quoted rate to an interest rate
      after consultation with the Company as to the method of such conversion.
      Not later than 9:30 A.M. on each Auction Date, the Auction Agent shall
      notify the Company and the Broker-Dealers of the Reference Rate so
      determined and the Maximum Applicable Rate.

            (ii) If the Reference Rate is the applicable "AA" Composite
      Commercial Paper Rate and such rate is to be based on rates supplied by
      Commercial Paper Dealers and one or more of the Commercial Paper Dealers
      shall not provide a quotation for the determination of the applicable "AA"
      Composite Commercial Paper Rate, the Auction Agent shall immediately
      notify the Company so that the Company can determine whether to select a
      Substitute Commercial Paper Dealer or Substitute Commercial Paper Dealers
      to provide the quotation or quotations not being supplied by any
      Commercial Paper Dealer or Commercial Paper Dealers. The Company shall
      promptly advise the Auction Agent of any such selection. If the Company
      does not select any such Substitute Commercial Paper Dealer or Substitute
      Commercial Paper Dealers, then the rates shall be supplied by the
      remaining Commercial Paper Dealer or Commercial Paper Dealers.

            (iii) If, after the date of this Agreement, there is any change in
      the prevailing rating of AMPS by either of the rating agencies (or
      substitute or successor rating agencies) referred to in the definition of
      the Maximum Applicable Rate, thereby resulting in any change in the
      corresponding applicable percentage for the AMPS, as set forth in said
      definition (the "Percentage"), the Company shall notify the Auction Agent
      in writing of such change in the Percentage prior to 9:00 A.M. on the
      Auction Date for AMPS next succeeding such change. The Percentage for the
      AMPS on the


      date of this Agreement is as specified in paragraph 11(a)(vii) of the
      Articles Supplementary. The Auction Agent shall be entitled to rely on the
      last Percentage of which it has received notice from the Company (or, in
      the absence of such notice, the Percentage set forth in the preceding
      sentence) in determining the Maximum Applicable Rate as set forth in
      Section 2.2(e)(i) hereof.

            (f)(i) The Auction Agent shall maintain by series a current
      registry of the beneficial owners of the shares of each series of AMPS who
      shall constitute the Existing Holders for purposes of each Auction. The
      Company shall use its best efforts to provide or cause to be provided to
      the Auction Agent within ten days following the date of Closing a list of
      the initial Existing Holders of each series of AMPS, and the Broker-Dealer
      of each such Existing Holder through which such Existing Holder purchased
      such shares. The Auction Agent may rely upon, as evidence of the
      identities of the Existing Holders, such list, the results of each Auction
      and notices from any Existing Holder, the Agent Member of any Existing
      Holder or the Broker-Dealer of any Existing Holder with respect to such
      Existing Holder's transfer of any shares of AMPS to another Person.

            (ii) In the event of any partial redemption of any series of AMPS,
      upon notice by the Company to the Auction Agent of such partial
      redemption, the Auction Agent shall promptly request the Securities
      Depository to notify the Auction Agent of the identities of the Agent
      Members (and the respective numbers of shares) from the accounts of which
      shares have been called for redemption and the person or department at
      such Agent Member to contact regarding such redemption and, at least two
      Business Days prior to the Auction preceding the date of redemption with
      respect to shares of the series being partially redeemed, the Auction
      Agent shall request each Agent Member so identified to disclose to the
      Auction Agent (upon selection by such Agent Member of the Existing Holders
      whose shares are to be redeemed) the number of shares of such series of
      AMPS of each such Existing Holder, if any, to be redeemed by the Company;
      provided the Auction Agent has been furnished with the name and telephone
      number of a person or department at such Agent Member from which it is to
      request such information. If necessary to procure such information, the
      Auction Agent shall deliver to each Agent Member a facsimile copy of the
      Purchaser's Letter of each Existing Holder represented by such Agent
      Member, which authorizes and instructs such Agent Member to release such
      information to the Auction Agent. In the absence of receiving any such
      information with respect to an Existing Holder, from such Existing
      Holder's Agent


      Member or otherwise, the Auction Agent may continue to treat such Existing
      Holder as the beneficial owner of the number of shares of the series of
      AMPS shown in the Auction Agent's registry of beneficial owners.

            (iii) The Auction Agent shall register a transfer of the beneficial
      ownership of shares of a series of AMPS from an Existing Holder to another
      Person only if such transfer is made to a Person that has delivered a
      signed Purchaser's Letter to the Auction Agent and only if (A) such
      transfer is pursuant to an Auction or (B) if such transfer is made other
      than pursuant to an Auction, the Auction Agent has been notified in
      writing in a notice substantially in the form of Exhibit D to the
      Broker-Dealer Agreements, by such Existing Holder, the Agent Member of
      such Existing Holder, or the Broker-Dealer of such Existing Holder of such
      transfer. The Auction Agent is not required to accept any notice of
      transfer delivered for an Auction unless it is received by the Auction
      Agent by 3:00 P.M. on the Business Day next preceding the applicable
      Auction Date. The Auction Agent shall rescind a transfer made on the
      registry of the beneficial owners of any shares of AMPS if the Auction
      Agent has been notified in writing in a notice substantially in the form
      of Exhibit E to the Broker-Dealer Agreement by the Agent Member or the
      Broker-Dealer of any Person that (i) purchased any shares of AMPS and the
      seller failed to deliver such shares or (ii) sold any shares of AMPS and
      the purchaser failed to make payment to such Person upon delivery to the
      purchaser of such shares.

            (g) The Auction Agent may request that the Broker-Dealers, as set
      forth in Section 3.2(c) of the Broker-Dealer Agreements, provide the
      Auction Agent with a list of their respective customers that such
      Broker-Dealers believe are Existing Holders of shares of any series of
      AMPS. The Auction Agent shall keep confidential any such information and
      shall not disclose any such information so provided to any Person other
      than the relevant Broker-Dealer and the Company, provided that the Auction
      Agent reserves the right to disclose any such information if it is advised
      by its counsel that its failure to do so would be unlawful.


      2.3   Auction Schedule.

      The Auction Agent shall conduct Auctions in accordance with the schedule
set forth below. Such schedule may be changed by the Auction Agent with the
consent of the Company, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The
Auction Agent shall give notice of any such change to each Broker-Dealer. Such
notice shall be received prior to the first Auction Date on which any such
change shall be effective.

       Time                                          Event
       ----                                          -----

By 9:30 A.M.                                 Auction Agent advises the Company
                                             and the Broker-Dealers of the
                                             Reference Rate and the Maximum
                                             Applicable Rate as set forth in
                                             Section 2.2(e)(i) hereof.

9:30 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.                        Auction Agent assembles information
                                             communicated to it by Broker-
                                             Dealers as provided in Paragraph
                                             11(c)(i) of the Articles
                                             Supplementary. Submission deadline
                                             is 1:00 P.M.

Not earlier than                             Auction Agent makes determination
1:00 P.M.                                    pursuant to Paragraph 11(d)(i) of
                                             the Articles Supplementary.

By approximately                             Auction Agent advises Company of
3:00 P.M.                                    results of Auction as provided in
                                             Paragraph 11(d)(ii) of the
                                             Articles Supplementary.

                                             Submitted Bids and Submitted Sell
                                             Orders are accepted and rejected
                                             in whole or in part and shares of
                                             AMPS allocated as provided in
                                             Paragraph 11(e) of the Articles

By approximately 10:00 A.M.                  Auction Agent gives notice of
on the next succeeding                       Auction results as set forth in
Business Day                                 Section 2.4 hereof.

      2.4   Notice of Auction Results.

      On each Auction Date, the Auction Agent shall notify Broker-Dealers of the
results of the Auction held on such date by telephone or through the Auction
Agent's Auction Processing


System as set forth in Paragraph (a) of the Settlement Procedures.

      2.5   Broker-Dealers.

            (a) Not later than 12:00 noon on each Auction Date, the Company
      shall pay to the Auction Agent in New York Clearing House or similar
      next-day funds an amount in cash equal to (i) in the case of any Auction
      Date immediately preceding a 7-day Dividend Period, 28-day Dividend Period
      or Short-Term Dividend Period, the product of (A) a fraction the numerator
      of which is the number of days in such Dividend Period (calculated by
      counting the first day of such Dividend Period but excluding the last day
      thereof) and the denominator of which is 360, times (B) 1/4 of 1%, times
      (C) $50,000, times (D) the sum of the aggregate number of Outstanding
      shares of the series of AMPS for which the Auction is conducted and (ii)
      in the case of any Long Term Dividend Period, the amount determined by
      mutual consent of the Company and the Broker-Dealers pursuant to Section
      3.5 of the Broker-Dealer Agreements. The Auction Agent shall apply such
      moneys as set forth in Section 3.5 of the Broker-Dealer Agreements and
      shall thereafter remit to the Company any remaining funds paid to the
      Auction Agent pursuant to this Section 2.5(a).

            (b) The Company shall not designate any Person to act as a
      Broker-Dealer without the prior written approval of the Auction Agent,
      which written approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Company may
      designate an Affiliate and Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith
      Incorporated to act as a Broker-Dealer.

            (c) The Auction Agent shall terminate any Broker-Dealer Agreement as
      set forth therein if so directed by the Company.

            (d) Subject to Section 2.5(b) hereof, the Auction Agent shall from
      time to time enter into such Broker-Dealer Agreements as the Company shall

            (e) The Auction Agent shall maintain a list of Broker-Dealers.

      2.6   Ownership of Shares of AMPS and Submission of Bids by Company and

      Neither the Company nor any Affiliate of the Company may submit any Sell
Order or Bid, directly or indirectly, in any Auction, except that an Affiliate
of the Company that is a


Broker-Dealer may submit a Sell Order or Bid on behalf of an Existing Holder or
Potential Holder. The Company shall notify the Auction Agent if the Company or,
to the best of the Company's knowledge, any Affiliate of the Company becomes an
Existing Holder of any shares of AMPS. Any shares of AMPS redeemed, purchased or
otherwise acquired (i) by the Company shall not be reissued or (ii) by its
Affiliates shall not be transferred (other than to the Company). The Auction
Agent shall have no duty or liability with respect to enforcement of this
Section 2.6.

      2.7   Access to and Maintenance of Auction Records.

      The Auction Agent shall afford to the Company, its agents, independent
public accountants and counsel, access at reasonable times during normal
business hours to review and make extracts or copies (at the Company's sole cost
and expense) of all books, records, documents and other information concerning
the conduct and results of Auctions, provided that any such agent, accountant,
or counsel shall furnish the Auction Agent with a letter from the Company
requesting that the Auction Agent afford such person access. The Auction Agent
shall maintain records relating to any Auction for a period of two years after
such Auction (unless requested by the Company to maintain such records for such
longer period not in excess of four years, then for such longer period), and
such records shall, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the
actions taken by the Auction Agent hereunder. The Company agrees to keep any
information regarding the customers of any Broker-Dealer received from the
Auction Agent in connection with this Agreement or any Auction confidential and
shall not disclose such information or permit the disclosure of such information
without the prior written consent of the applicable Broker-Dealer to anyone
except such agent, accountant or counsel engaged to audit or review the results
of Auctions as permitted by this Section 2.7. Any such agent, accountant or
counsel, before having access to such information, shall agree to keep such
information confidential and not to disclose such information or permit
disclosure of such information without the prior written consent of the
applicable Broker-Dealer.

3. The Auction Agent as Paying Agent.

      3.1   Paying Agent.

      The Board of Directors of the Company has adopted a resolution appointing
IBJ Schroder Bank & Trust Company as transfer agent, registrar, dividend
disbursing agent and redemption agent for the company in connection with any
shares of AMPS (the "Paying Agent"). The Paying Agent hereby accepts such


appointment and agrees to act in accordance with its standard procedures and the
provisions of the Articles Supplementary which are specified herein as Paying
Agent with respect to the shares of AMPS and as set forth in this Section 3.

      3.2   The Company's Notices to Paying Agent.

      Whenever any shares of AMPS are to be redeemed, the Company shall promptly
deliver to the Paying Agent the Notice of Redemption, which will be mailed by
the Company to each Holder, at least five days prior to the date such Notice of
Redemption is required to be mailed by the Articles Supplementary. The Paying
Agent shall have no responsibility to confirm or verify the accuracy of any such

      3.3   Company to Provide Funds for Dividends, Redemptions and Additional

            (a) Not later than noon, on the Business Day immediately preceding
      each Dividend Payment Date, the Company shall deposit with the Paying
      Agent an aggregate amount of New York Clearing House or similar next-day
      funds equal to the declared dividends to be paid to Holders on such
      Dividend Payment Date and shall give the Paying Agent irrevocable
      instructions to apply such funds to the payment of such dividends on such
      Dividend Payment Date.

            (b) If the Company shall give the Notice of Redemption then, by noon
      of the Business Day immediately preceding the date fixed for redemption,
      the Company shall deposit in trust with the Paying Agent an aggregate
      amount of New York Clearing House or similar next day funds sufficient to
      redeem such shares of AMPS called for redemption and shall give the Paying
      Agent irrevocable instructions and authority to pay the redemption price
      to the Holders of shares of AMPS called for redemption upon surrender of
      the certificate or certificates therefor.

            (c) If the Company provides notice to the Auction Agent of a
      Retroactive Taxable Allocation, the Company shall, within 30 days after
      such notice is given and by noon of the Business Day immediately preceding
      the date fixed for payment of an Additional Dividend, deposit in trust
      with the Paying Agent an aggregate amount of New York Clearing House or
      similar next-day funds equal to such Additional Dividend and shall give
      the Paying Agent irrevocable instructions and authority to pay the
      Additional Dividends to Holders (or former Holders) of AMPS entitled


      3.4   Disbursing Dividends, Redemption Price and Additional Dividends.

      After receipt of the New York Clearing House or similar next-day funds and
instructions from the Company described in Sections 3.3(a), (b) and (c) above,
the Paying Agent shall pay to the Holders (or former Holders) entitled thereto
(i) on each corresponding Dividend Payment Date, dividends on the Series A AMPS,
Series B AMPS, Series C AMPS, Series D AMPS or Series E AMPS, as the case may
be, (ii) on any date fixed for redemption, the redemption price of any shares of
AMPS called for redemption and (iii) on the date fixed for payment of an
Additional Dividend, such Additional Dividend. The amount of dividends for any
Dividend Period to be paid by the Paying Agent to Holders will be determined by
the Company as set forth in Paragraph 2 of the Articles Supplementary. The
redemption price to be paid by the Paying Agent to the Holders of any shares of
AMPS called for redemption will be determined as set forth in Paragraph 4 of the
Articles Supplementary. The amount of Additional Dividends to be paid by the
Paying Agent in the event of a Retroactive Taxable Allocation to Holders will be
determined by the Company pursuant to paragraph 2(e) of the Articles
Supplementary. The Company shall notify the Paying Agent in writing of a
decision to redeem any shares of AMPS on or prior to the date specified in
Section 3.2 above, and such notice by the Company to the Paying Agent shall
contain the information required to be stated in the Notice of Redemption
required to be mailed by the Company to such Holders. The Paying Agent shall
have no duty to determine the redemption price and may rely on the amount
thereof set forth in the Notice of Redemption.

4. The Paying Agent as Transfer Agent and Registrar.

      4.1   Original Issue of Stock Certificates.

      On the Date of Original Issue, one certificate for each series of AMPS
shall be issued by the Company and registered in the name of Cede & Co., as
nominee of the Securities Depository, and countersigned by the Paying Agent.

      4.2   Registration of Transfer or Exchange of Shares.

      Except as provided in this Section 4.2, the shares of each series of AMPS
shall be registered solely in the name of the Securities Depository or its
nominee. If the Securities Depository shall give notice of its intention to
resign as such, and if the Company shall not have selected a substitute
Securities Depository acceptable to the Paying Agent prior to such resignation,
then upon such resignation, the shares of each series of AMPS may, at the
Company's request, be registered for


transfer or exchange, and new certificates thereupon shall be issued in the name
of the designated transferee or transferees, upon surrender of the old
certificates in form deemed by the Paying Agent properly endorsed for transfer
with (a) all necessary endorsers' signatures guaranteed in such manner and form
as the Paying Agent may require by a guarantor reasonably believed by the Paying
Agent to be responsible, (b) such assurances as the Paying Agent shall deem
necessary or appropriate to evidence the genuineness and effectiveness of each
necessary endorsement and (c) satisfactory evidence of compliance with all
applicable laws relating to the collection of taxes in connection with any
registration of transfer and exchange or funds necessary for the payment of such
taxes. If the certificates for shares of AMPS are not held by the Securities
Depository or its nominee, payments upon transfer of shares in an Auction shall
be made in same day funds to the Auction Agent against delivery of certificates

      4.3   Removal of Legend.

      Any request for removal of a legend indicating a restriction on transfer
from certificates evidencing shares of a series of AMPS shall be accompanied by
an opinion of counsel stating that such legend may be removed and such shares
transferred free of the restriction described in such legend, said opinion to be
delivered under cover of a letter from a Company Officer authorizing the Paying
Agent to remove the legend on the basis of said opinion.

      4.4   Lost Stock Certificates.

      The Paying Agent shall issue and register replacement certificates for
certificates represented to have been lost, stolen or destroyed, upon the
fulfillment of such requirements as shall be deemed appropriate by the Company
and the Paying Agent, subject at all times to provisions of law, the By-Laws of
the Company governing such matters and resolutions adopted by the Company with
respect to lost securities. The Paying Agent may issue new certificates in
exchange for and upon the cancellation of mutilated certificates. Any request by
the Company to the Paying Agent to issue a replacement or new certificate
pursuant to this Section 4.4 shall be deemed to be a representation and warranty
by the Company to the Paying Agent that such issuance will comply with such
provisions of applicable law and the By-Laws and resolutions of the Company.


      4.5   Disposition of Cancelled Certificates; Record Retention.

      The Paying Agent shall retain stock certificates which have been cancelled
in transfer or in exchange and accompanying documentation in accordance with
applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission for
two calendar years from the date of such cancellation. The Paying Agent shall,
upon written request from the Company, afford to the Company, its agents and
counsel access at reasonable times during normal business hours to review and
make extracts or copies (at the Company's sole cost and expense) of such
certificates and accompanying documentation. Upon the expiration of this
two-year period, the Paying Agent shall deliver to the Company the cancelled
certificates and accompanying documentation. The Company shall, at its expense,
retain such records for a minimum additional period of four calendar years from
the date of delivery of the records to the Company and shall make such records
available during this period at any time, or from time to time, for reasonable
periodic, special, or other examinations by representatives of the Securities
and Exchange Commission. The Company shall also undertake to furnish to the
Securities and Exchange Commission, upon demand, at either the principal office
or at any regional office, complete, correct and current hard copies of any and
all such records. Thereafter such records shall not be destroyed by the Company
without the approval of the Paying Agent, which shall not be unreasonably
withheld, but will be safely stored for possible future reference.

      4.6   Stock Register.

      The Paying Agent shall maintain the stock register, which shall contain a
list of the Holders, the number of shares held by each Holder and the address of
each Holder. The Paying Agent shall record in the stock register any change of
address of a Holder upon notice by such Holder. In case of any written request
or demand for the inspection of the stock register or any other books of the
Company in the possession of the Paying Agent, the Paying Agent will notify the
Company and secure instructions as to permitting or refusing such inspection.
The Paying Agent reserves the right, however, to exhibit the stock register or
other records to any person in case it is advised by its counsel that its
failure to do so would (i) be unlawful or (ii) expose it to liability, unless
the Company shall have offered indemnification satisfactory to the Paying Agent.


      4.7   Return of Funds.

      Any funds deposited with the Paying Agent by the Company for any reason
under this Agreement, including for the payment of dividends or the redemption
of shares of any series of AMPS, that remain with the Paying Agent after 12
months shall be repaid to the Company upon the written request of the Company.

5. Representations and Warranties.

      (a) The Company represents and warrants to the Auction Agent that:

            (i) the Company is a duly incorporated and validly existing
      corporation in good standing under the laws of the State of Maryland and
      has full power to execute and deliver this Agreement and to authorize,
      create and issue the shares of each series of AMPS;

            (ii) the Company is registered with the Securities and Exchange
      Commission under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, as a
      closed-end non-diversified management investment company;

            (iii) this Agreement has been duly and validly authorized, executed
      and delivered by the Company and constitutes the legal, valid and binding
      obligation of the Company, enforceable against the Company in accordance
      with its terms, subject as to such enforceability to bankruptcy,
      insolvency, reorganization and other laws of general applicability
      relating to or affecting creditors' rights and to general equitable

            (iv) the forms of certificate evidencing the shares of each series
      of AMPS comply with all applicable laws of the State of Maryland;

            (v) the shares of each series of AMPS have been duly and validly
      authorized by the Company and, upon completion of the initial sale of the
      shares of such series of AMPS and receipt of payment therefor, will be
      validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable;

            (vi) the offering of the shares of each series of AMPS has been
      registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and no further
      action by or before any governmental body or authority of the United
      States or of any state thereof is required in connection with the
      execution and delivery of this Agreement or the issuance of the shares of


      each series of AMPS except as required by applicable state securities or
      insurance laws, all of which have been taken;

            (vii) the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the issuance
      and delivery of the shares of each series of AMPS do not and will not
      conflict with, violate, or result in a breach of, the terms, conditions or
      provisions of, or constitute a default under, the Charter or the By-Laws
      of the Company, any law or regulation applicable to the Company, any order
      or decree of any court or public authority having jurisdiction over the
      Company, or any mortgage, indenture, contract, agreement or undertaking to
      which the Company is a party or by which it is bound; and

            (viii) no taxes are payable upon or in respect of the execution of
      this Agreement or the issuance of the shares of each series of AMPS.

            (b) The Auction Agent represents and warrants to the Company that
      the Auction Agent is duly organized and is validly existing as a banking
      corporation in good standing under the laws of the State of New York and
      has the corporate power to enter into and perform its obligations under
      this Agreement.

6. The Auction Agent.

      6.1   Duties and Responsibilities.

            (a) The Auction Agent is acting solely as agent for the Company
      hereunder and owes no fiduciary duties to any Person except as provided by
      this Agreement.

            (b) The Auction Agent undertakes to perform such duties and only
      such duties as are specifically set forth in this Agreement, and no
      implied covenants or obligations shall be read into this Agreement against
      the Auction Agent.

            (c) In the absence of bad faith or negligence on its part, the
      Auction Agent shall not be liable for any action taken, suffered or
      omitted or for any error of judgment made by it in the performance of its
      duties under this Agreement. The Auction Agent shall not be liable for any
      error of judgment made in good faith unless the Auction Agent shall have
      been negligent in ascertaining (or failing to ascertain) the pertinent


      6.2   Rights of the Auction Agent.

            (a) The Auction Agent may rely and shall be protected in acting or
      refraining from acting upon any communication authorized hereby and upon
      any written instruction, notice, request, direction, consent, report,
      certificate, share certificate or other instrument, paper or document
      reasonably believed by it to be genuine. The Auction Agent shall not be
      liable for acting upon any telephone communication authorized hereby which
      the Auction Agent believes in good faith to have been given by the Company
      or by a Broker-Dealer. The Auction Agent may record telephone
      communications with the Company or with the Broker-Dealers or both.

            (b) The Auction Agent may consult with counsel of its choice, and
      the written advice of such counsel shall be full and complete
      authorization and protection in respect of any action taken, suffered or
      omitted by it hereunder in good faith and in reliance thereon.

            (c) The Auction Agent shall not be required to advance, expend or
      risk its own funds or otherwise incur or become exposed to financial
      liability in the performance of its duties hereunder.

            (d) The Auction Agent may perform its duties and exercise its rights
      hereunder either directly or by or through agents or attorneys.

      6.3   Auction Agent's Disclaimer.

      The Auction Agent makes no representation as to the validity or adequacy
of this Agreement, the Broker-Dealer Agreements or the AMPS.

      6.4   Compensation. Expenses and Indemnification.

            (a) The Company shall pay the Auction Agent from time to time
      reasonable compensation for all services rendered by it under this
      Agreement and the Broker-Dealer Agreements.

            (b) The Company shall reimburse the Auction Agent upon its request
      for all reasonable expenses, disbursements and advances incurred or made
      by the Auction Agent in accordance with any provision of this Agreement
      and the Broker-Dealer Agreements (including the reasonable compensation,
      expenses and disbursements of its agents and counsel), except any expense,
      disbursement and advances attributable to its negligence or bad faith.


            (c) The Company shall indemnify the Auction Agent for, and hold it
      harmless against, any loss, liability or expense incurred without
      negligence or bad faith on its part, arising out of or in connection with
      its agency under this Agreement and the Broker-Dealer Agreements,
      including the costs and expenses of defending itself against any claim or
      liability in connection with its exercise or performance of any of its
      duties hereunder and thereunder, except such as may result from its
      negligence or bad faith.

7. Miscellaneous.

      7.1   Term of Agreement.

            (a) The term of this Agreement is unlimited unless it shall be
      terminated as provided in this Section 7.1. The Company may terminate this
      Agreement at any time by so notifying the Auction Agent, provided that if
      any AMPS remain outstanding the Company has entered into an agreement in
      substantially the form of this Agreement with a successor auction agent.
      The Auction Agent may terminate this Agreement upon prior notice to the
      Company on the date specified in such notice, which shall be no earlier
      than 60 days after delivery of such notice. If the Auction Agent resigns
      while any shares of AMPS remain outstanding, the Company shall use its
      best efforts to enter into an agreement with a successor auction agent
      containing substantially the same terms and conditions as this Agreement.

            (b) Except as otherwise provided in this Section 7.1(b), the
      respective rights and duties of the Company and the Auction Agent under
      this Agreement shall cease upon termination of this Agreement. The
      Company's representations, warranties, covenants and obligations to the
      Auction Agent under Sections 5 and 6.4 hereof shall survive the
      termination hereof. Upon termination of this Agreement, the Auction Agent
      shall (i) resign as Auction Agent under the Broker-Dealer Agreements,
      (ii) at the Company's request, promptly deliver to the Company copies of
      all books and records maintained by it in connection with its duties
      hereunder, and (iii) at the request of the Company, promptly transfer to
      the Company or any successor auction agent any funds deposited by the
      Company with the Auction Agent (whether in its capacity as Auction Agent
      or Paying Agent) pursuant to this Agreement which have not previously been
      distributed by the Auction Agent in accordance with this Agreement.


      7.2   Communications.

      Except for (i) communications authorized to be made by telephone pursuant
to this Agreement or the Auction Procedures and (ii) communications in
connection with Auctions (other than those expressly required to be in writing),
all notices, requests and other communications to any party hereunder shall be
in writing (including telecopy or similar writing) and shall be given to such
party addressed to it at its address, or telecopy number set forth below:

If to the Company,                            MuniYield Fund, Inc.
addressed:                                    800 Scudders Mill Road
                                              Plainsboro, New Jersey 08536
                                              Attention: Treasurer
                                              Telephone No.: (609) 282-2800
                                              Telecopier No.: (609) 282-3472

If to the Auction Agent,                      IBJ Schroder Bank & Trust Company
addressed:                                    One State Street
                                              New York, New York 10004
                                              Attention: Auction Window
                                                         Subcellar 1
                                              Telephone No.: (212) 858-2272
                                              Telecopier No.: (212) 797-1148

or such other address or telecopy number as such party may hereafter specify for
such purpose by notice to the other party. Each such notice, request or
communication shall be effective when delivered at the address specified herein.
Communications shall be given on behalf of the Company by a Company Officer and
on behalf of the Auction Agent by an Authorized Officer.

      7.3   Entire Agreement.

      This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties relating
to the subject matter hereof, and there are no other representations,
endorsements, promises, agreements or understandings, oral, written or inferred
between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof except for agreements
relating to the compensation of the Auction Agent.

      7.4   Benefits.

      Nothing herein, express or implied, shall give to any Person, other than
the Company, the Auction Agent and their respective successors and assigns, any
benefit of any legal or equitable right, remedy or claim hereunder.


      7.5   Amendment; Waiver.

            (a) This Agreement shall not be deemed or construed to be modified,
      amended, rescinded, cancelled or waived, in whole or in part, except by a
      written instrument signed by a duly authorized representative of the party
      to be charged. The Company shall notify the Auction Agent of any change in
      the Articles Supplementary prior to the effective date of any such change.

            (b) Failure of either party hereto to exercise any right or remedy
      hereunder in the event of a breach hereof by the other party shall not
      constitute a waiver of any such right or remedy with respect to any
      subsequent breach.

      7.6   Successor and Assigns.

      This Agreement shall be binding upon, inure to the benefit of, and be
enforceable by, the respective successors and permitted assigns of each of the
Company and the Auction Agent. This Agreement may not be assigned by either
party hereto absent the prior written consent of the other party, which consent
shall not be unreasonably withheld.

      7.7   Severability.

      If any clause, provision or section hereof shall be ruled invalid or
unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity or
unenforceability of such clause, provision or section shall not affect any of
the remaining clauses, provisions or sections hereof.

      7.8   Execution in Counterparts.

      This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which
shall be an original and all of which shall constitute but one and the same

      7.9   Governing Law.

      This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
laws of the State of New York applicable to agreements made and to be performed
in said state.


      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
duly executed and delivered by their proper and duly authorized officers as of
the date first above written.

                                       MUNIYIELD FUND, INC.

                                       Title: Vice President

                                       IBJ SCHRODER BANK & TRUST COMPANY

                                       Title: Assistant Vice President
