Exhibit 99.1

              Brigham Exploration Reports Third Quarter Results &
                        Provides Fourth Quarter Forecast

    AUSTIN, Texas, Nov. 11 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Brigham Exploration
Company (Nasdaq: BEXP) today announced its financial results for the quarter
ended September 30, 2003.  Highlights of Brigham's financial performance for
the quarter include:

     --  40% growth in revenue over revenue in the third quarter 2002 to
         $13.2 million from $9.4 million;

     --  63% increase in operating income over operating income in the third
         quarter 2002 to $5.6 million from $3.4 million; and

     --  238% increase in net income to common over net income to common in
         the third quarter 2002 to $3.3 million from $1.0 million.


    Average net daily production for the third quarter 2003 was 29.0 MMcfe/d,
compared to 28.9 MMcfe/d for the third quarter last year.  Year to date,
Brigham's net daily production has averaged 29.7 MMcfe/d, relative to
27.2 MMcfe/d in 2002.

    Revenue from the sale of oil and natural gas during the third quarter 2003
was $13.2 million.  This represents a 40% increase over revenue from the sale
of oil and natural gas during last year's third quarter.  This increase was
due to an increase in Brigham's average realized sales price for oil and
natural gas.

    Production costs, which include lease operating expenses, ad valorem taxes
and production taxes, for the third quarter 2003 were $2.3 million, up 90%
when compared to last year's third quarter production costs.  An increase in
lease operating expenses, due principally to an increase in workover activity
and to a lesser extent other routine operating expenses represented
approximately 84% of the increase.  Higher ad valorem taxes, due to higher
property valuations, represented 9% of the increase and higher production
taxes, due to an increase in Brigham's realized pre-hedge sales price for oil
and natural gas, represented approximately 7% of this increase.

    General and administrative expenses for the third quarter 2003 were
$1.1 million compared to $1.1 million in the third quarter last year.
Depletion expenses for the third quarter 2003 were $4.0 million compared to
$3.6 million in the third quarter last year.  Approximately 97% of the
increase in depletion expenses was due to a 10% increase in Brigham's
depletion rate, with the remainder due to increased production volumes.
Operating income was $5.6 million, an increase of 63% from that of the prior
year's quarter.

    Lower average outstanding debt balances for the quarter combined with a
decrease in Brigham's weighted average interest rate on its outstanding debt
resulted in a 31% decrease in Brigham's interest expense for the third quarter
2003.  Interest expense for the third quarter 2003 was $1.1 million compared
to $1.6 million during last year's third quarter.  Brigham's weighted average
interest rate on its outstanding borrowings for the third quarter 2003 was
5.8% and its weighted average outstanding debt balance was $71.7 million.

    Net income to common stockholders for the third quarter 2003 was
$3.3 million ($0.13 diluted earnings per share) compared to $1.0 million
($0.06 diluted earnings per share) in the third quarter last year.

    Net capital expenditures for oil and natural gas activities for the third
quarter 2003 were $10.3 million.  This included $8.0 million for drilling,
$1.7 million for land and geological and geophysical activities, and
$1.4 million in capitalized interest and overhead expenses.  Brigham also
received $831,000 in reimbursements and proceeds from participants in Brigham
generated projects during the third quarter 2003.


    The following forecasts and estimates of Brigham's fourth quarter 2003
results are forward looking statements subject to the risks and uncertainties
identified in the "Forward Looking Statements Disclosure" at the end of this

    Brigham currently expects fourth quarter 2003 production volumes to
average between 30 and 34 MMcfe/d, 65% of which consists of natural gas.  For
the fourth quarter 2003, lease-operating expenses, including ad valorem taxes,
are projected to be $0.42 per Mcfe.  Production taxes are projected to be 5.5%
of pre-hedge oil and natural gas revenues, net general and administrative
expenses are projected to be $1.1 million ($0.36 to $0.41 per Mcfe), depletion
expenses are projected to be $1.54 per Mcfe, depreciation and amortization
expenses are projected to be $192,000 and accretion of asset retirement
obligation is expected to be $39,000.

    Based on these production and cost estimates and an assumed average NYMEX
prices of $4.57 per MMBtu for natural gas and $29.29 per barrel for oil, and
taking into account current hedging contracts outstanding, Brigham forecasts
revenue of between $12.1 and $13.8 million and operating income of between
$4.8 and $5.8 million for the fourth quarter 2003.


    Brigham management will host a conference call to discuss the Company's
third quarter 2003 operational and financial results with investors, analysts
and other interested parties on Wednesday, November 12th, at 9:00 a.m. Central
time.  To participate in the call, participants within the U.S. please dial
800-901-5231 and participants outside the U.S. please dial 617-876-2961.  The
participant passcode for the call is 70285976.  A telephone recording of the
conference call will be available to interested parties approximately two
hours after the call is completed through 11:59 p.m. Central time on
Wednesday, November 26th.  To access the recording, domestic callers dial
888-286-8010 and international callers dial 617-801-6888.  The passcode for
the conference call playback is 88266264.  In addition, a live and archived
web cast of the conference call will be available over the Internet at either
www.bexp3d.com or www.streetevents.com .

    A copy of this press release and other financial and statistical
information about the periods covered by this press release and by the
conference call that will take place on November 12, 2003, will be available
on Brigham's website.  To access the press release go to www.bexp3d.com click
on News Releases.  The file with a copy of the press release is named Brigham
Exploration Reports Third Quarter Results & Provides Fourth Quarter Forecast
and is dated November 11, 2003.  To access the other financial and statistical
information that will be covered by the conference call that will take place
on November 12, 2003, go to www.bexp3d.com and click on Corporate
Presentation.  The file with the other financial and statistical information
is named Financial and Statistical Information for the Third Quarter 2003
Conference Call and is dated November 11, 2003.


    Brigham Exploration Company is an independent exploration and production
company that applies 3-D seismic imaging and other advanced technologies to
systematically explore and develop onshore domestic natural gas and oil
provinces.  For more information about Brigham Exploration, please visit our
website at www.bexp3d.com or contact Investor Relations at 512-427-3444.


    Except for the historical information contained herein, the matters
discussed in this news release are forward looking statements within the
meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that are based
upon current expectations.  Important factors that could cause actual results
to differ materially from those in the forward looking statements include
risks inherent in exploratory drilling activities, the timing and extent of
changes in commodity prices, unforeseen engineering and mechanical or
technological difficulties in drilling wells, availability of drilling rigs,
land issues, federal and state regulatory developments and other risks more
fully described in the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange
Commission.  All forward looking statements contained in this release,
including any forecasts and estimates, are based on management's outlook only
as of the date of this release, and we undertake no obligation to update or
revise these forward looking statements, whether as a result of subsequent
developments or otherwise.

                         BRIGHAM EXPLORATION COMPANY
              (in thousands, except per share data) (unaudited)

                                    Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
                                      September 30,        September 30,
                                     2002       2003      2002       2003
      Oil and natural gas sales     $9,434   $13,181   $24,637    $39,947
      Other revenue                     15        32        42        113
                                    $9,449   $13,213   $24,679    $40,060
    Costs and expenses:
      Lease operating                  761     1,793     2,428      4,037
      Production taxes                 475       553     1,327      2,297
      General and administrative     1,099     1,094     3,781      3,420
      Depletion of oil and natural
       gas properties                3,587     3,952    10,118     11,853
      Depreciation and amortization    103       192       307        449
      Accretion of asset retirement
       obligation                      ---        39       ---        110
                                    $6,025    $7,623   $17,961    $22,166
    Operating income                $3,424    $5,590    $6,718    $17,894

      Interest expense              (1,614)   (1,110)   (4,684)    (3,616)
      Interest income                   12         8       105         36
      Other income (expense) (a)       (87)      (80)     (256)      (250)
    Income before income taxes and
     cumulative effect of change
     in accounting principle        $1,735    $4,408    $1,883    $14,064
      Income tax expense               ---       ---       ---        ---
    Income before cumulative effect
     of change in accounting
     principle                      $1,735    $4,408    $1,883    $14,064
      Cumulative effect of
       accounting change               ---       ---       ---        268
    Net income                      $1,735    $4,408    $1,883    $14,332
      Preferred stock dividend &
       accretion                       746     1,065     2,165      3,088
    Net income (loss) to common       $989    $3,343     $(282)   $11,244

    Net income (loss) to common
     per share:
      Basic                          $0.06     $0.16    $(0.02)     $0.55
      Diluted                         0.06      0.13     (0.02)      0.43

    Wt. Avg. common shares
      Basic                         16,057    21,210    16,037     20,340
      Diluted                       19,866    30,751    16,037     32,406

     (a) Includes the following:
    Non-cash gains (losses) due to
     the change in the fair market
     value of derivative contracts
     that did not qualify as hedges
     of:                              $---      $---      $384       $---
    Non-cash gains (losses) for
     ineffective portion of hedging
     contracts of:                    (106)      (80)     (106)      (250)

                         BRIGHAM EXPLORATION COMPANY

                                    Three Months Ended    Nine Months Ended
                                       September 30,         September 30,
                                      2002      2003       2002       2003
    Average net daily production:
      Natural gas (MMcf)              16.3      18.3      16.0       17.2
      Oil (Bbls)                     2,104     1,777     1,867      2,081
      Equivalent natural gas
       (MMcfe) (6:1)                  28.9      29.0      27.2       29.7

    Total net production:
      Natural gas (MMcf)             1,463     1,648     4,307      4,648
      Oil (MBbls)                      189       160       504        562
      Equivalent natural gas
       (MMcfe) (6:1)                 2,599     2,608     7,332      8,019
      % Natural gas                     56%       63%       59%        58%

    Sales prices:
      Natural gas ($/Mcf) (a)        $3.23     $5.27     $3.02      $5.17
      Oil ($/Bbl) (a)                24.85     28.08     23.04      28.31
      Weighted average
       ($/Mcfe) (6:1)                 3.63      5.05      3.36       4.98

    (a) Includes the effects of
     hedging gains (losses) of:
      Natural gas ($/Mcf)           $(0.06)   $(0.45)   $(0.02)    $(0.99)
      Oil ($/Bbl)                    (2.19)    (2.23)    (1.46)     (2.77)

                          (in thousands) (unaudited)

                                              12/31/2002      09/30/2003
      Current assets                            $33,322         $31,521
      Oil and gas properties, at cost, net      164,980         183,745
      Other property and equipment,
       at cost, net                               1,234           1,210
      Other non-current assets                    2,523           2,697
        Total assets                           $202,059        $219,173

    Liabilities and stockholders' equity:
      Current liabilities                       $34,010         $37,588
      Notes payable                              60,000          13,000
      Senior subordinated notes                  21,797          22,685
      Other non-current liabilities                 186           2,470
        Total liabilities                      $115,993         $75,743

      Series A Preferred Stock,
       mandatorily redeemable                    19,540          21,989
      Series B Preferred Stock,
       mandatorily redeemable                     4,777           5,416
      Stockholders' equity                       61,749         116,025
        Total liabilities and
         stockholders' equity                  $202,059        $219,173

                         BRIGHAM EXPLORATION COMPANY
                          (in thousands) (unaudited)

                                    Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
                                      September 30,       September 30,
                                     2002      2003      2002       2003
    Cash flows from operating
      Net income                    $1,735    $4,408    $1,883    $14,332
      Depletion, depreciation
       and amortization              3,690     4,144    10,425     12,302
      Accretion of asset
       retirement obligation           ---        39       ---        110
      Interest paid through
       issuance of add'l senior
       sub. notes                      288       303       785        888
      Amortization of deferred
       loan fees                       303       272       888        809
      Non-cash compensation expense    ---       ---       596        ---
      Cumulative effect of adoption
       of accounting principle         ---       ---       ---       (268)
      Market value adjustment for
       derivatives instruments         106        80      (278)       250
      Changes in operating assets
       and liabilities               6,017      (339)    7,896      4,002
        Net cash provided by
         operating activities      $12,139    $8,907   $22,195    $32,425

    Cash flows used by investing
     activities                     (5,657)  (10,188)  (18,850)   (29,402)
    Cash flows (used) provided
     by financing activities           ---        66     3,725     (7,325)
    Net increase (decrease)
     in cash and cash equivalents   $6,482   $(1,215)   $7,070    $(4,302)

                            SUMMARY PER MCFE DATA

                                    Three Months Ended    Nine Months Ended
                                      September 30,         September 30,
                                      2002      2003      2002       2003
      Oil and natural gas sales      $3.63     $5.05     $3.36      $4.98
      Other revenue                   0.01      0.01      0.01       0.01
                                     $3.64     $5.06     $3.37      $4.99
    Costs and expenses:
      Lease operating                 0.29      0.69      0.33       0.50
      Production taxes                0.18      0.21      0.18       0.29
      General and administrative      0.42      0.42      0.52       0.43
      Depletion of natural gas and
       oil properties                 1.38      1.52      1.38       1.48
      Depreciation and amortization   0.04      0.07      0.04       0.06
      Accretion of asset retirement
       obligation                      ---      0.01       ---       0.01
                                     $2.31     $2.92     $2.45      $2.77
      Operating income               $1.33     $2.14     $0.92      $2.22

                         BRIGHAM EXPLORATION COMPANY

                         Q4      Q1      Q2      Q3      Q4      Q1      Q2
                        2003    2004    2004    2004    2004    2005    2005
     Swaps: MMBtu/d     4,500   3,250   2,500   1,500   1,000     ---     ---
            $/MMBtu    $4.039  $4.963  $4.252  $4.180  $4.360    $---    $---

     Collars: MMBtu/d     ---   6,000   4,500   3,250   2,500   2,250   1,500
              Floor -
               $/MMbtu   $---  $4.125  $4.139  $4.135  $4.150  $4.139  $4.083
              Ceiling -
               $/MMbtu   $---  $8.433  $5.389  $5.350  $5.662  $6.633  $5.107

     Floors: MMBtu/d    5,000     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---     ---
             $/MMBtu   $4.500    $---    $---    $---    $---    $---    $---

     Swaps: Bbls/d        450     325     225     150     100     ---     ---
            $/Bbl      $23.21  $25.35  $24.52  $23.91  $23.80    $---    $---

     Collars: Bbls/d      ---     500     350     200     175     175      75
              Floor -
               $/Bbl     $---  $23.00  $23.00  $23.00  $23.00  $23.00  $23.00
              Ceiling -
               $/Bbl     $---  $30.43  $28.92  $27.00  $26.21  $25.85  $26.45

     Note: Hedged volumes and prices reflected in this table represent average
           contract amounts for the quarterly periods presented; natural gas
           hedge prices and crude oil hedge contract prices are based on NYMEX

     Contact:  John Turner, Manager - Finance & Investor Relations
               (512) 427-3300

SOURCE  Brigham Exploration Company
    -0-                             11/11/2003
    /CONTACT:  John Turner, Manager - Finance & Investor Relations of Brigham
Exploration Company, +1-512-427-3300/
    /Web site:  http://www.streetevents.com /
    /Web site:  http://www.bexp3d.com /

CO:  Brigham Exploration Company
ST:  Texas