Execution Copy


and entered  into as of this 26th day of  December,  2003,  by and among  PHIBRO
ANIMAL HEALTH CORPORATION (formerly known as Philipp Brothers Chemicals,  Inc.),
a New York  corporation  (the  "Company"),  PRINCE MFG LLC,  a Delaware  limited
liability company (the "Prince Stockholder"),  THE PRINCE MANUFACTURING COMPANY,
an Illinois  corporation  ("Prince"  and together  with the Company,  the Prince
Stockholder and Prince, the "Phibro Parties"), and PRINCE MINERAL COMPANY, INC.,
a  Delaware  corporation  (the  "Buyer")  (each a  "Party"  and,  together,  the

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

      WHEREAS,  the Phibro Parties,  the Buyer and the shareholders of the Buyer
are parties to a Purchase and Sale  Agreement,  dated as of December 26th,  2003
(the "Purchase  Agreement"),  pursuant to which, among other things,  Prince has
agreed to convey to the Buyer, and the Buyer has agreed to purchase from Prince,
the Prince Assets (as defined in the Purchase Agreement);

      WHEREAS, the Prince Assets include,  among other things, the real property
listed  in  Schedule  2.1(a)  to  the  Purchase   Agreement  (the  "Prince  Real

      WHEREAS,  in  connection  with the closing of the  transactions  under the
Purchase Agreement, a subsidiary of the Company, Prince Agri Products, Inc., has
agreed to convey the  Kentucky  Street  Property  (as  defined  in the  Purchase
Agreement)  (the Prince Real  Property  and the  Kentucky  Street  Property  are
referred to herein as the "Real Property") to the Buyer; and

      WHEREAS,  the Phibro  Parties and the Buyer desire to  allocate,  as among
themselves, obligations and liabilities after the Closing in respect of Existing
Environmental Conditions (defined below) and certain other environmental matters
as set forth herein;

      NOW THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual promises and agreements set
forth herein, the Parties agree as follows:

      1. Indemnification.

            (a) Phibro Parties Indemnified Matters.

      Subject to the limitations and minimum amounts in Section 1(c) below,  the
Phibro Parties agree, jointly and severally,  to indemnify,  defend and hold the
Buyer (and its respective shareholders,  officers, directors, employees, agents,
successors and assigns) (collectively, the "Buyer Indemnified Parties") harmless
from and against any and all Third Party Claims or Damages  (including,  without
limitation,  costs  associated  with the  performance  of  Response  Actions  as
described in Section 2(a) of this Agreement) to the extent arising out of any of
the following (the "Phibro Parties Indemnified Matters"):

            (i) any Existing Environmental Conditions;

            (ii) any Third Party  Claims to the extent  alleging  exposure to or
Damages  arising from any Existing  Environmental  (ii)  Conditions,  including,
without  limitation,  (A) all  litigation  matters listed in Schedule 5.8 of the
Purchase Agreement or (B) all Third Party Claims relating to the Release of

or exposure to Hazardous  Materials  from any  inventory,  products,  materials,
processes or  operations  of the Prince  Business or at the Real  Property on or
before the Closing Date;

            (iii) any breach of the  representations  and warranties made by any
of the Phibro  Parties in Sections  5.9(c) (with respect to Permits issued under
or relating to Environmental Laws) or 5.11 of the Purchase Agreement;

            (iv)  (1)  the  assessment  of any  fine or monetary  penalty levied
by a Governmental  Authority on the Buyer for any violation or alleged violation
of  Environmental  Laws as in effect as of the Closing Date  associated with the
Real  Property  or the  Prince  Business,  but  only  to the  extent  that  such
assessment is caused by a violation occurring on or prior to the Closing Date or
arises from any violation described in Schedule A hereto, and (2) except for the
matters described on Schedule A hereto, all costs and expenses required to bring
the Real  Property  or the  Prince  Business  into  compliance  with  applicable
Environmental Laws as in effect as of the Closing Date; or

            (v) any past,  present  or future  Damages,  Third  Party  Claims or
claims by any  Governmental  Authority  arising from any Excluded  Real Property
(including, without limitation, the Blue Mountain Property),  including, without
limitation, Damages or Third Party Claims arising from (1) the actual or alleged
presence,  Release of, or exposure to any  Hazardous  Materials at, on, under or
emanating  from any Excluded Real  Property,  whether known or unknown,  (2) any
Hazardous  Materials generated at or transported from any Excluded Real Property
and disposed of or stored at off-site locations, (3) any violation of applicable
Environmental Laws at any Excluded Real Property, and (4) any acts or omissions,
or conditions  at the Excluded  Real Property that give rise to liability  under
any Environmental Law.

            (b) Buyer Indemnified Matters.

      Except as provided  in Section 3 of this  Agreement,  the Buyer  agrees to
indemnify,   defend  and  hold  the  Phibro   Parties   (and  their   respective
shareholders,  officers,  directors,  employees, agents, successors and assigns)
harmless from and against any and all Third Party Claims or Damages  (including,
without limitation, costs associated with the performance of Response Actions as
described in Section 2(b) of this Agreement) to the extent arising out of any of
the following (the "Buyer Indemnified Matters"):

            (i) the Release of, or exposure to any  Hazardous  Materials at, on,
under or emanating from any Real Property that occurs after the Closing Date;

            (ii) any Hazardous  Materials  generated or produced by the Buyer or
the Prince  Business or  transported  from any Real  Property and disposed of or
stored at off-site locations after the Closing Date;

            (iii) any  violation of any  Environmental  Laws by the Buyer or the
Buyer's  agents,  representatives  or employees or by the Prince Business at any
Real Property to the extent such violation  occurs after the Closing Date and is
not caused by,  related to or in  continuation  of any  violations of applicable
Environmental  Laws by the Prince  Business  or at any Real  Property  occurring
prior to the Closing Date; or

            (iv) any Third Party  Claims  relating to the Release of or exposure
to Hazardous  Materials from any inventory,  products,  materials,  processes or
operations of the Prince  Business or at the Real Property where such Release or
exposure occurs after the Closing Date.


            (c) Limitations on Indemnity.

            (i) Minimum Claim Amount.  The Phibro  Parties shall not be required
to indemnify  any Buyer  Indemnified  Party under this  Agreement  except to the
extent that (A) the  aggregate  amount of Damages  with  respect to any claim or
series of related  claims for which the Buyer  Indemnified  Parties is otherwise
entitled to  indemnification  pursuant to this Agreement  exceeds the following:
(1) with respect to any claim for indemnification  made under Section 1(a)(i) or
(iv)(2) ("Special Environmental Claims"),  $50,000 (excluding legal fees and the
Buyer's costs for investigation as described in Section 2(c) of this Agreement);
and (2) with  respect  to any  claim  for  indemnification  made  under  Section
1(a)(iii), $12,500 (excluding legal fees and the Buyer's costs for investigation
as described in Section 2(c) of this Agreement)  (each a "Minimum Claim Amount")
(it being  understood  and agreed,  with  respect to each of clause (1) and (2),
that the Phibro  Parties shall not be liable for any Damages with respect to any
claim or series of related  claims in the event that such  Damages are less than
the applicable  Minimum Claim Amount,  and if such aggregate  amount exceeds the
applicable  Minimum Claim Amount,  then the Buyer  Indemnified  Parties shall be
entitled to indemnification for the full amount of such Damages,  subject to the
deductible  and  limitations  on maximum  amount of  recovery  set forth in this
Section 1(c)), and (B) with respect to claims made under Section 1(a)(iii),  the
aggregate  amount  of  Damages  for  which the  Buyer  Indemnified  Parties  are
otherwise entitled to indemnification pursuant to this Agreement and pursuant to
Section 12 of the Purchase Agreement exceeds $210,000 (the "Deductible  Amount")
(it being  understood  and agreed,  with  respect to claims  made under  Section
1(a)(iii),  that (1) any claim or series of related claims for Damages less than
the  applicable  Minimum  Claim  Amount  shall be  disregarded  for  purposes of
calculating the Deductible Amount and (2) the Deductible Amount is intended as a
deductible, and the Phibro Parties shall not be liable for any Damages less than
the  Deductible  Amount for which the Buyer  Indemnified  Parties are  otherwise
entitled to  indemnification),  whereupon the Buyer Indemnified Parties shall be
entitled to be paid the excess of the aggregate  amount of all such Damages over
$210,000,  subject to the  limitations  on maximum  amount of recovery set forth
elsewhere in this Section 1(c); provided,  however,  that Damages arising out of
any claim for indemnification  made under Section 1(a)(ii),  (iv)(1) or (v), any
Fraud  Claim  (as  defined  in  the  Purchase  Agreement),   or  any  claim  for
indemnification  for the assessment of any fine or monetary  penalty relating to
matters   described   in  Schedule  A  hereto   (collectively,   "Non-Deductible
Environmental  Claims") shall,  subject to the other provisions of Section 1(c),
be  indemnified in their entirety by the Phibro Parties and shall not be subject
to  the  Minimum  Claim  Amount.   Neither  Special   Environmental  Claims  nor
Non-Deductible  Environmental Claims will count towards or reduce the Deductible
Amount.  Notwithstanding  anything contained herein to the contrary, the matters
described  on Schedule A shall not be subject to  indemnification  by the Phibro
Parties nor considered Phibro Parties Indemnified Matters,  except to the extent
of the assessment of any fine or monetary penalty relating to matters  described
on Schedule A hereto.

            (ii) General Limit.  The aggregate  amount of Damages payable by the
Phibro Parties  pursuant to Section  1(a)(iii)  above shall not exceed an amount
(such amount,  the "General Limit") equal to $5,000,000 less amounts  previously
paid by or on  behalf  of the  Phibro  Parties  pursuant  to this  Agreement  or
pursuant to Section 12 of the Purchase  Agreement  (excluding,  in any case, any
amounts paid in respect of Fraud Claims).

            (iii) Maximum Amount. The aggregate amount of Damages payable by the
Phibro  Parties  pursuant  to Section  1(a)(i),  (ii),  and (iv) above shall not
exceed an amount (such amount,  the "Maximum  Amount") equal to $15,000,000 less
amounts  previously paid by or on behalf of the Phibro Parties  pursuant to this
Agreement or pursuant to Section 12 of the Purchase Agreement.


            (iv)  No  Limitations  on  Indemnity  for  Excluded  Real  Property.
Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary  contained herein,  the Phibro Parties
shall  be  liable  for  any  and  all  Damages  arising  out  of any  claim  for
indemnification  made under Section  1(a)(v) and any such Damages will not count
towards or be subject to the thresholds or limitations on liability set forth in
this Agreement  (including,  without  limitation,  the Minimum Claim Amount, the
General Limit or the Maximum Amount).

            (v)  Consequential  Damages.  The  limitations  on  liability of the
Phibro  Parties  set forth in clauses  (ii) and (iii) of Section  12.5(j) of the
Purchase Agreement are hereby  incorporated by reference and made a part of this
Agreement with respect to liability under this Agreement.

            (vi)  Changes to  Environmental  Laws after the Closing  Date.  If a
Response  Action that would not be required as of the Closing Date (whether then
known or unknown)  under  Environmental  Laws in effect as of that time  becomes
necessary after the Closing Date to the extent of a change in Environmental Laws
after the Closing Date, the Phibro Parties shall not be responsible for the cost
or performance of such Response Action.  To the extent that the performance of a
Response  Action,  that is or would be  required  as of the  Closing  Date under
Environmental Laws in effect as of that time, becomes more costly due to changes
in  Environmental  Laws after the  Closing  Date,  the Phibro  Parties  shall be
responsible for performing Response Actions to the Least Stringent Environmental
Standards as provided in Section 2(a) of this Agreement.

            (d) No Assumption of Liability by the Buyer.

      Anything to the contrary notwithstanding,  the Buyer shall not assume, and
shall not be deemed to have assumed,  any liability or obligation for any of the
Phibro Parties Indemnified  Matters.  Without limiting the provisions of Section
1(c),  neither the  thresholds or  limitations on liability in Section 1(c) with
respect to  indemnification  nor any failure of the Phibro  Parties to indemnify
the Buyer shall be  construed to imply or create an  assumption  of liability by
the Buyer of any Phibro Parties Indemnified Matter.

      2. Performance of Response Actions.

            (a) Performance of Response  Actions for Phibro Parties  Indemnified

      The Phibro  Parties agree that they shall cause the  Consultant to perform
the Response Actions relating to Phibro Parties  Indemnified Matters at the Real
Property  in  accordance  with  applicable   Environmental  Laws  and  generally
acceptable engineering standards to the Least Stringent Environmental Standards.
All costs for the  performance  of Response  Actions  which are Phibro  Parties'
Indemnified  Matters  hereunder  shall be at the  Phibro  Parties  sole cost and
expense,  subject to Section 1(c) of this  Agreement.  The Buyer shall grant the
Phibro  Parties and the  Consultant  reasonable  access to the Real  Property at
reasonable  times upon  reasonable  prior notice for the performance of Response
Actions.  The Buyer shall make available to the Phibro Parties,  upon reasonable
notice and at reasonable  times,  employees of the Prince  Business or the Buyer
who  have  supervisory  responsibility  for  environmental  matters  at any Real
Property.  The Phibro  Parties agree that they shall cause the Consultant to use
commercially  reasonable  efforts to minimize or avoid any interference with the
conduct of operations at any Real Property.  The Phibro Parties shall also cause
the  Consultant  to perform such  Response  Actions in a timely and  workmanlike
manner. The Phibro Parties agree to cause the Consultant to obtain and maintain,
in full  force and  effect  during  the  period of time that the  Consultant  is
engaged in the  performance  of  Response  Actions  relating  to Phibro  Parties
Indemnified Matters,  comprehensive general liability insurance and professional
liability insurance covering all work to be performed at the


Real Property,  in a minimum  coverage  amount of $2,000,000 for personal injury
and property damage and errors and omissions.  Prior to the  commencement of any
Response  Actions,  the Consultant shall provide the Buyer with  certificates of
insurance  evidencing  such  coverage  and  naming  the  Buyer as an  additional
insured.  The Phibro  Parties  shall  restore any portions of any Real  Property
affected by the Response Actions relating to Phibro Parties  Indemnified Matters
as soon as  practicable  after  completion  of such  Response  Actions and shall
promptly  complete such restoration in a commercially  reasonable  manner at the
Phibro Parties' expense. The Phibro Parties shall provide copies of all reports,
documents  or  testing  data  to the  Buyer  within  five  (5)  days  after  the
preparation  by it or by the  Consultant  or the  receipt  of same.  The  Phibro
Parties  shall not file or submit  any  written  documents  to any  Governmental
Authority  relating  to  the  performance  of  Response  Actions,  the  Existing
Environmental Conditions or the Real Property without the prior written approval
of the Buyer,  which approval  shall not be  unreasonably  withheld.  The Phibro
Parties  shall be entitled to control the  performance  of Response  Actions for
Phibro Parties Indemnified Matters, so long as performed in conformance with the
terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Phibro Parties shall be permitted to
contact and  discuss the  performance  of  Response  Actions for Phibro  Parties
Indemnified Matters with the appropriate  Governmental Authority after providing
notice to the Buyer and the Buyer shall have the right to  participate  (or have
its  representatives  participate) in such  discussions at its  discretion.  The
Buyer  shall  have the  right to have its  representatives  present  during  the
performance  of any  Response  Actions and shall have the right to obtain  split
samples during any subsurface  testing at any Real Property.  The Phibro Parties
shall be  responsible  for any fines or penalties  assessed  with respect to the
performance of Response Actions relating to Phibro Parties Indemnified  Matters.
To the extent  that,  during the  performance  of  Response  Actions  for Phibro
Parties  Indemnified  Matters,  any  Hazardous  Material  must  be  disposed  of
off-site, the Phibro Parties shall (or shall cause the Consultant to) dispose of
such Hazardous  Materials in accordance with applicable  Environmental  Laws and
manifest or sign bills of lading with respect to such Hazardous  Materials.  The
Phibro Parties shall  indemnify the Buyer for any Damages  associated  with such
off-site disposal of Hazardous  Materials.  In the event that the Phibro Parties
fail to commence or continue the  performance of any Response Action required by
the  Phibro  Parties  under this  Agreement  within  forty-five  (45) days after
written  notice of such failure from the Buyer (or such shorter period as may be
necessitated  by emergency  situations or applicable  Environmental  Laws),  all
costs and expenses incurred by the Buyer in performing Response Actions or other
obligations  relating to Phibro  Parties  Indemnified  Matters shall  constitute
Damages and shall be indemnified by the Seller.

            (b) Performance of Response Actions for Buyer Indemnified Matters.

      In the event the Buyer  receives  any notice,  claim or demand from any of
the  Phibro  Parties  for  indemnification  of a  Buyer  Indemnified  Matter  in
accordance  with  Sections  12.3 and 12.4 of the Purchase  Agreement,  the Buyer
agrees that it shall cause the Buyer's  Consultant to perform  Response  Actions
relating to Buyer  Indemnified  Matters at the Real Property in accordance  with
applicable  Environmental Laws and generally acceptable  engineering  standards.
All costs for the  performance of Response  Actions which are Buyer  Indemnified
Matters hereunder shall be at the Buyer's sole cost and expense. The Buyer shall
also  cause  the  Buyer's  Consultant  to  perform  Response  Actions  for Buyer
Indemnified  Matters in a timely and workmanlike  manner. In connection with any
Buyer Indemnified Matter for which the Buyer receives a notice,  claim or demand
from any of the Phibro  Parties,  the Buyer shall provide copies of all reports,
documents or testing data relating in whole or in part to such Buyer Indemnified
Matter to the Phibro Parties within five (5) days after the preparation by it or
by the  Consultant  or the receipt of same.  The Buyer shall  provide the Phibro
Parties  copies  of  any  written  documents  filed  with  or  submitted  to any
Governmental Authority relating to the performance of Response Actions for Buyer
Indemnified  Matters for which any of the Phibro Parties has submitted a notice,
claim or  demand.  The Buyer  shall be  responsible  for any fines or  penalties
assessed with respect to the performance of Response  Actions  relating to Buyer
Indemnified  Matters.  To the extent that,


during the performance of Response Actions for Buyer  Indemnified  Matters,  any
Hazardous Material must be disposed of off-site, the Buyer shall (or shall cause
Buyer's  Consultant to) dispose of such Hazardous  Materials in accordance  with
applicable  Environmental Laws and manifest or sign bills of lading with respect
to such Hazardous  Materials.  The Buyer shall  indemnify the Phibro Parties for
any Damages associated with such off-site disposal of Hazardous Materials.

            (c) Investigations by the Buyer.

      The Buyer  agrees that it shall not conduct any  voluntary  subsurface  or
other  investigation  of soil and  groundwater at the Real Property  unless such
investigation  is (i) required by a  Governmental  Authority,  (ii) necessary or
reasonably advisable for the sale, conveyance or financing of any Real Property,
(iii)  required by any lender,  (iv)  necessary or reasonably  advisable for the
construction,  expansion,  demolition, repair or maintenance or operation of any
new or  existing  structures,  (v) in  response  to an  emergency  situation  or
imminent hazard, (vi) otherwise required under applicable  Environmental Laws if
such  investigation  is not performed by the Phibro  Parties within a reasonable
period of time after the Phibro Parties are notified of such requirement,  (vii)
if there is reasonable  cause to believe  there was a material  violation of any
representations  and warranties  made by the Phibro Parties under Section 5.9(c)
or Section 5.11 of the Purchase Agreement,  (viii) any investigation  associated
with the performance of Response Actions for Buyer Indemnified  Matters, or (ix)
any investigation  associated with the performance of Response Actions for which
costs are not reasonably likely to exceed the Minimum Claim Amount. If the Buyer
desires to conduct any  investigation  described in this Section  1(c), it shall
give the Phibro Parties at least two (2) days prior written  notice,  specifying
the above clause in this Section  2(c) under which such  investigation  is to be
conducted, the reason for such investigation, and the name of Buyer's Consultant
(if other than GaiaTech  Incorporated);  provided,  however,  that (1) the Buyer
shall provide such written notice for any investigation  under clause (v) within
two (2) days  after  such  investigation  and (2) the Buyer is not  required  to
provide notice for any investigation under clause (viii),  except as provided in
Section 2(b) of this Agreement.

            (d) Disputes Regarding Minimum Claim Amount.

      Prior to the  commencement by the Buyer of any Response Action (other than
for Buyer Indemnified  Matters in accordance with Section 2(b)), the Buyer shall
deliver to the Phibro Parties a written estimate from Buyer's  Consultant of all
costs of such  Response  Actions in  accordance  with this  Agreement  ("Buyer's
Consultant's  Cost Estimate").  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  nothing in this
Section  2(d)  shall  prevent  the  Buyer  from  performing  the  investigations
described in Section 2(c) of this Agreement prior to the delivery of the Buyer's
Consultant's  Cost  Estimate  to the  Phibro  Parties.  Such  estimate  shall be
reasonably  detailed,  describing  the scope of the proposed  Response  Actions,
including anticipated costs of remediation and monitoring and proposed times for
completion  of the  various  stages or phases of  Response  Actions.  The Phibro
Parties shall be entitled to obtain and deliver to the Buyer, within thirty (30)
days after receipt of Buyer's  Consultant's  Cost Estimate,  a written  estimate
from the Consultant ("Consultant's Cost Estimate") of all costs for any Response
Action  described in the Buyer's  Consultant's  Cost Estimate in accordance with
this Agreement. If Buyer's Consultant's Cost Estimate shall be for less than the
Minimum  Claim  Amount,  such  Response  Actions and the ultimate  cost thereof,
whether  less than or greater  than the  Minimum  Claim  Amount,  shall not be a
Phibro Parties  Indemnified  Matter and shall be the full  responsibility of the
Buyer;  provided,  however,  that if,  during the  performance  of such Response
Actions,  the Buyer's  Consultant  discovers that the scope of required Response
Actions is significantly  greater than  anticipated in the Buyer's  Consultant's
Cost Estimate and the cost exceeds the Minimum Claim Amount,  the Phibro Parties
shall be responsible for  indemnifying the Buyer in accordance with Section 1 of
this  Agreement  (including  reimbursement  of amounts  paid or  incurred by the
Buyer,   if  any,  for  the   performance  of  such  Response   Actions  and  of


described in Section 2(c)) and causing completion of the performance of Response
Actions in conformance with Section 2(a) of this Agreement. If both Consultant's
Cost Estimate and Buyer's  Consultant's  Cost Estimate shall be in excess of the
Minimum  Claim  Amount,  the Phibro  Parties  agree  that they  shall  cause the
Consultant  to promptly  initiate the  performance  of Response  Actions for any
Phibro  Parties  Indemnified  Matter in  accordance  with  Section  2(a) of this
Agreement  and that they shall  reimburse the Buyer for amounts paid or incurred
by the Buyer, if any, for the performance of investigations described in Section
2(c). If  Consultant's  Cost  Estimate  shall be for less than the Minimum Claim
Amount and the Buyer's  Consultant's  Cost  Estimate is in excess of the Minimum
Claim Amount and the Parties cannot reach  agreement after good faith efforts to
resolve  such  dispute,  the dispute  regarding  the Buyer's  Consultant's  Cost
Estimate and Consultant's  Cost Estimate shall be resolved pursuant to Section 5
of this  Agreement  (the  "Arbitrated  Determination").  In the  event of such a
dispute,  the Phibro Parties shall have the first right,  and if they decline or
fail to perform any Response  Action  within a reasonable  time,  then the Buyer
shall have the right to perform any such Response Actions pending  resolution of
such dispute if the Buyer's Consultant determines that the prompt performance of
such  Response  Actions is  reasonably  necessary or required  under  applicable
Environmental  Laws. If the actual cost of performing  Response  Actions for any
Phibro Parties  Indemnified Matter for which Buyer's  Consultant's Cost Estimate
exceeded the Minimum Claim Amount,  which is subject to a dispute  regarding the
Buyer's  Consultant's Cost Estimate,  (i) exceeds the Minimum Claim Amount,  the
matter  shall  constitute  a Phibro  Parties  Indemnified  Matter and the Phibro
Parties shall be responsible for (A)  indemnifying  the Buyer in accordance with
Section 1 of this Agreement (including reimbursement of amounts paid or incurred
by the Buyer,  if any,  for the  performance  of such  Response  Actions  and of
investigations  described  in Section  2(c)) and (B) causing  completion  of the
performance  of  Response  Actions  in  conformance  with  Section  2(a) of this
Agreement,  or (ii) is less than the Minimum Claim Amount,  the matter shall not
constitute a Phibro Parties Indemnified Matter and the Buyer shall reimburse the
Phibro Parties for amounts paid or incurred by the Phibro  Parties,  if any, for
the  performance  of such  Response  Actions,  in each  case  regardless  of the
Arbitrated  Determination  concerning the Buyer's Consultant's Cost Estimate and
Consultant's Cost Estimate (if an Arbitrated Determination regarding the Buyer's
Consultant's Cost Estimate or Consultant's Cost Estimate has not been made under
Section 5 such  dispute  shall be withdrawn  if the  Response  Actions  shall be
completed or if the cost of on-going  Response  Actions exceed the Minimum Claim

      3. Permitted Releases and Contribution. If any Release occurs prior to the
Closing Date, and a similar Release also occurs within  one-hundred eighty (180)
days after the Closing Date that occurs in the ordinary course of the operations
of the  Prince  Business  and in  continuation  of the  practices  of the Prince
Business in existence on or before the Closing Date (such operations hereinafter
the  "Continuing  Operations")  then,  to the extent  Response  Actions were not
required as of the Closing Date under applicable Environmental Laws as in effect
at that time,  if at any point  during the  one-hundred  eighty (180) day period
such post-Closing  Release,  if known, would require the performance of Response
Actions under applicable Environmental Laws as in effect as of the Closing Date,
the proportionate  amount of the Release actually occurring prior to the Closing
date shall constitute Phibro Parties  Indemnified  Matters and the proportionate
amount of the Release actually occurring after the Closing Date shall constitute
Buyer Indemnified  Matters. In the event a Release that occurs after the Closing
Date exacerbates or contributes to an Existing Environmental Condition such that
the  performance  of Response  Actions  become  required after the Closing Date,
where such Existing Environmental Condition, if known at the Closing Date, would
not have required the performance of Response Actions under  Environmental  Laws
as in effect at that time,  and such Release (1) does not occur as the result of
the Continuing  Operations or (2) occurs more than one-hundred eighty (180) days
after the Closing Date,  such Release shall be the  responsibility  of the Buyer
and shall not constitute a Phibro Parties  Indemnified


Matter. To the extent a Release caused by the Buyer, which does not occur as the
result of Continuing  Operations or within  one-hundred  eighty (180) days after
the Closing  Date,  exacerbates  or  contributes  to an  Existing  Environmental
Condition  that if known,  as of the  Closing  Date,  would  have  required  the
performance of Response  Actions,  the Buyer shall be  responsible  only for its
proportional  share of costs for the performance of Response  Actions  resulting
from such Release.

      4. Environmental  Insurance.  For a period of at least [5] years following
the Closing Date, the Phibro Parties will use commercially reasonable efforts to
maintain all insurance  coverage in place prior to the Closing Date with respect
to the Existing  Environmental  Conditions on the Real  Property (or  comparable
insurance with financially sound and reputable insurance 4. companies) and shall
name the Buyer as an additional insured on any insurance policies in place as of
the Closing Date. The Phibro Parties shall, at their sole  discretion,  have the
option  to obtain  additional  insurance  coverage  for  Existing  Environmental
Conditions in the form of a Pollution  Legal  Liability  Select Policy issued by
AIG or any similar  policy the Phibro  Parties  may select  (the  "Environmental
Policy").  The Buyer  shall  cooperate  with the  Phibro  Parties  in  providing
information  reasonably  required  by an  insurer  to obtain  the  Environmental
Policy.  In the event the Phibro  Parties obtain such  insurance  coverage,  the
Environmental Policy shall name the Buyer as an additional insured. In the event
of a Phibro Parties  Indemnified Matter, the Phibro Parties shall have the right
to seek insurance  coverage under the  Environmental  Policy and the Buyer shall
provide the Phibro Parties with documentation or information reasonably required
to  assert a claim  for  insurance  coverage  for a Phibro  Parties  Indemnified
Matter.  This  Section  4 shall  not limit the  Phibro  Parties  obligations  to
indemnify  the  Buyer  or  to  perform   Response  Actions  for  Phibro  Parties
Indemnified Matters.

      5.  Resolution  of  Disputes.  With  respect to  disputes  concerning  the
performance of Response  Actions,  the Buyer's  Consultant's  Cost Estimate,  or
disagreements regarding statements,  invoices, or supporting  documentation,  or
other matters relating to any claim for indemnity,  the challenging  party shall
have the right to submit the dispute to binding  arbitration by a panel selected
in the following manner:  the Phibro Parties and the Buyer shall each select one
firm principally  engaged in engineering or environmental  science,  and the two
firms  so  selected  shall  then  select a third  firm  principally  engaged  in
engineering  or  environmental  science.  The  panel so  selected  shall  make a
determination  in writing and shall prepare written  findings of fact as part of
the  determination.  The determination  shall be fully and finally binding among
the parties. The costs of any dispute resolution by this panel shall be borne as
follows:  the Phibro Parties and the Buyer shall pay the fees and other expenses
of the firm chosen by such parties, and the Phibro Parties, on the one hand, and
the Buyer, on the other hand,  shall each pay 50% of the fees and other expenses
of the firm chosen by the other two firms.

      6. Miscellaneous.

            (a) Any notice,  claim or demand  required or  permitted to be given
pursuant to this Agreement  shall be given in accordance  with Sections 12.3 and
12.4 of the Purchase Agreement.

            (b) Demand may be made  hereunder on any number of occasions  and as
often as the occasion may arise. The Party seeking  indemnification shall notify
the other  Parties of any Third  Party  Claim,  with  respect to which the Party
seeking indemnification claims indemnification hereunder, in accordance with the
procedures established in Sections 12.3 and 12.4 of the Purchase Agreement.

            (c) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of paragraph (b) above,
the  indemnifying  party  shall not have the right to settle or  compromise  any
Third Party Claims without the prior written  consent of the  indemnified  party
if, as a result of such  settlement or compromise,  the


indemnified  party  will have any  material  liability  not paid or borne by the
indemnifying  party or if the  indemnified  party  will  become  subject  to any
material restrictions or constraints not previously applicable to them.

            (d)  This  Agreement  and the  Sections  of the  Purchase  Agreement
referred  to herein  set forth the  entire  understanding  of the  Parties  with
respect to the subject  matter  hereof,  and no change or  modification  of this
Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by all of the Parties
to this Agreement.

            (e) This Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in accordance
with the laws of the State of New York.

            (f) Each provision of this Agreement  shall be interpreted in such a
manner as to be effective  and valid under  applicable  law.  Nevertheless,  the
invalidity,  irregularity or unenforceability of any of the provisions hereunder
shall not  affect the  enforceability  of the  remainder  of this  Agreement  or
constitute a defense thereto or otherwise  affect the obligations of the Parties

            (g) The  execution  of this  Agreement  is neither an  admission  of
liability  of any issue  dealt  with in this  Agreement  nor an  admission  with
respect to any  question of law or fact arising out of or relating to the Phibro
Parties Indemnified Matters or the Buyer Indemnified Matters. Accordingly, it is
the intention of the Parties that this  Agreement  will not be  admissible  into
evidence in any proceeding other than to enforce any right or obligation arising
out of this  Agreement.  It is further  agreed by the Parties  that any payments
made herein or pursuant hereto are not and do not constitute penalties, fines or
monetary sanctions of any kind.

            (h) This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of
the Parties and their respective, successors and permitted assigns. Neither this
Agreement  nor the  obligations  of any Party  hereunder  shall be assignable or
transferable  by such  Party  without  the prior  written  consent  of the other
Parties; provided, however, that nothing contained in this section shall prevent
the Buyer,  without the consent of the Phibro Parties,  (1) from transferring or
assigning  this  Agreement or their rights or  obligations  hereunder to another
entity  controlling,  under the control  of, or under  common  control  with the
Buyer, or which is acquiring all or substantially of the assets of the Buyer, or
(2) from  assigning  all or part of their rights  hereunder by way of collateral
assignment  to any bank or  financial  institution  providing  financing  to the
Buyer,  but no such transfer or  assignment  made pursuant to clauses (1) or (2)
shall relieve the Buyer of its obligations under this Agreement.

            (i) This  Agreement  may be executed in  counterparts  (including by
telecopier),  each of  which  shall  be  deemed  an  original,  but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

      7.  Definitions.  All capitalized  terms used but not defined herein shall
have the meaning set forth in the Purchase Agreement.

            (a)  "Buyer's  Consultant"  shall  mean  GaiaTech  Incorporated,  or
another  qualified  engineering  or  scientific  firm as the Buyer  may  select,
subject to the written approval of the Phibro Parties,  which approval shall not
be unreasonably withheld.

            (b)  "Consultant"  shall  mean  GaiaTech  Incorporated,  or  another
qualified  engineering  or  scientific  firm as the Phibro  Parties  may select,
subject to the  written  approval  of the  Buyer,  which  approval  shall not be
unreasonably withheld.


            (c)  "Damages"  shall  mean  any and all  losses,  costs,  expenses,
obligations, damages, liabilities,  payments, fines, penalties, liens, expenses,
and Third Party Claims for personal injury or death or damage to property or the
environment (including natural resource damages), including, without limitation,
reasonable  attorneys' fees, other reasonable  litigation  expenses,  reasonable
consultants' fees, and other reasonable costs and expenses relating thereto.

            (d)  "Environmental  Laws" shall mean any and all federal,  state or
local laws (including  principles of common law),  rules,  orders,  regulations,
statutes,   ordinances,  codes,  decrees,  guidelines,  or  agreements  with  or
requirements of any Governmental Authority regulating,  relating to, or imposing
liability  or   standards   of  conduct   concerning   health,   safety,   waste
transportation,  storage or disposal,  protection  of the  environment,  natural
resources or human health, including, without limitation, as amended through the
date  hereof,  the  Resource   Conservation  and  Recovery  Act  ("RCRA"),   the
Comprehensive  Environmental Response,  Compensation,  and Liability Act of 1980
("CERCLA"),  the Superfund  Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 ("SARA"),
the Federal  Clean Water Act, the Federal  Clean Air Act,  the Toxic  Substances
Control Act, and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.

            (e) "Existing  Environmental  Conditions" shall mean (1) the Release
of, or exposure to any Hazardous  Materials at, on, under or emanating  from any
Real  Property,  whether  known or unknown,  on or prior to the Closing  Date in
violation of or which, if known, would require Response Actions under applicable
Environmental  Laws as in  effect  as of the  Closing  Date,  (2) any  Hazardous
Materials  generated or produced by the Prince Business or transported  from any
Real  Property and disposed of or stored at off-site  locations,  on or prior to
the Closing  Date,  (3) any  violation of  applicable  Environmental  Laws as in
effect as of the Closing Date by the Prince  Business or at any Real Property to
the extent that such  violation  occurs prior to the Closing  Date,  and (4) any
acts or omissions by the Phibro Parties or the Prince  Business or conditions at
the Real  Property  existing on or before the  Closing  Date  (whether  known or
unknown) that give rise to liability under any Environmental Law as in effect as
of Closing Date.  The term Existing  Environmental  Conditions  does not include
Releases of  Hazardous  Materials  caused by the Buyer  after the Closing  Date,
subject to Section 3 of this  Agreement,  nor capital  requirements  or Response
Actions (but excluding  assessments of fines and penalties)  relating to matters
or conditions described on Schedule A hereto.

            (f)  "Governmental  Authority"  shall mean any  applicable  federal,
state, municipal, or other governmental department,  commission,  board, bureau,
agency or  instrumentality,  or any court having jurisdiction over any person or

            (g) "Governmental  Determination" shall mean a written determination
by the applicable  Governmental Authority to the effect that no further Response
Action is required with respect to an Existing Environmental Condition.

            (h) "Hazardous Materials" shall mean any hazardous waste, as defined
in 42 U.S.C.  ss.6903(5),  any  hazardous  substances,  as  defined by 42 U.S.C.
ss.9601(14),  any "pollutant or contaminant" as defined by 42 U.S.C. ss.9601(33)
and all toxic substances,  hazardous  materials or other chemicals or substances
(including,  but not  limited  to,  asbestos,  polychlorinated  biphenyls,  oil,
petroleum,  particulate  matter,  silica,  or the class of  substances  commonly
referred to as dioxins) regulated by any Environmental Laws.

            (i) "Least  Stringent  Environmental  Standards"  shall  mean,  with
respect to any Response Actions,  the least stringent  standards  required under
applicable  Environmental  Laws as in effect as of the Closing  Date to obtain a
Governmental   Determination,   provided,   however,   that  any


institutional  restrictions  proposed to be placed on any Real Property shall be
reasonably   acceptable   to  the  Buyer  and  shall  allow  the  continued  and
uninterrupted  operation of the Prince  Business or any other  operations at any
Real  Property  (including,  without  limitation,   expansion,   demolition  and
construction activities).

            (j) "Release" shall mean "Release" (as defined in CERCLA;  provided,
that in the event  CERCLA is amended so as to  broaden  the  meaning of the term
"release",  such  broader  meaning  shall  apply  with  respect  to  the  period
subsequent to the effective date of such amendment and provided,  further,  that
to the extent that the laws of the states in which the Real Property are located
establish a meaning which is broader than that  specified in CERCLA such broader
meaning shall apply) or any other discharge or disposal of Hazardous Materials.

            (k) "Response Actions" shall mean (1) any investigation, assessment,
testing, monitoring, reporting, remediation, cleanup, removal, response actions,
or containment of Existing  Environmental  Conditions  required under applicable
Environmental  Laws  or  required  by a  Governmental  Authority,  and  (2)  the
reasonable cost of restoration of any portion of any site affected by any matter
described in clause (1) of this definition.

            (l) "Third Party Claim" shall mean any action,  suit,  proceeding or
demand by a third party (excluding any Governmental Authority).



      IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  and intending to be legally bound hereby, the Parties
have caused this  Agreement to be duly executed and delivered as of the date and
year first above written.

                                    THE BUYER:

                                    PRINCE MINERAL COMPANY, INC.

                                    By: /s/ David Ventura
                                       Name:  David Ventura
                                       Title: Vice President

                                    THE PHIBRO PARTIES:

                                    PHIBRO ANIMAL HEALTH CORPORATION

                                    By: /s/ Jack C. Bendheim
                                       Name:  Jack C. Bendheim
                                       Title: President

                                    PRINCE MFG LLC

                                    By: /s/ David C. Storbeck
                                       Name:  David C. Storbeck
                                       Title: Vice President

                                    THE PRINCE MANUFACTURING COMPANY

                                    By: /s/ David C. Storbeck
                                       Name:  David C. Storbeck
                                       Title: Vice President
