                                                   OMB APPROVAL
                                                   OMB Number: 3235-0570
                                                   Expires: November 30, 2005
                                                   Estimated average burden
                                                   hours per response. . . . 5.0

                                  UNITED STATES
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM N-CSR


Investment Company Act file number     811-03907

                        Empire Builder Tax Free Bond Fund
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               (Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

                      3435 Stelzer Road, Columbus, OH 43219
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

            BISYS Fund Services 3435 Stelzer Road, Columbus, OH 43219
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     (Name and address of agent for service)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  614-470-8000

Date of fiscal year end:     February 29, 2004

Date of reporting period:    February 29, 2004

      Form  N-CSR  is to be  used by  management  investment  companies  to file
reports with the  Commission  not later than 10 days after the  transmission  to
stockholders  of any report that is required to be transmitted  to  stockholders
under Rule 30e-1 under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940 (17 CFR  270.30e-1).
The Commission may use the information provided on Form N-CSR in its regulatory,
disclosure review, inspection, and policymaking roles.

      A  registrant  is required to disclose the  information  specified by Form
N-CSR, and the Commission will make this information public. A registrant is not
required to respond to the  collection  of  information  contained in Form N-CSR
unless the Form  displays a  currently  valid  Office of  Management  and Budget
("OMB")  control number.  Please direct comments  concerning the accuracy of the
information  collection  burden  estimate and any  suggestions  for reducing the
burden to Secretary,  Securities and Exchange Commission,  450 Fifth Street, NW,
Washington,  DC 20549-0609.  The OMB has reviewed this collection of information
under the clearance requirements of 44 U.S.C. ss. 3507.

Item 1. Reports to Stockholders.

- -------------------------------- EMPIRE BUILDER --------------------------------
                                3435 Stelzer Road
                              Columbus, Ohio 43219

Dear Shareholder,

      We are  pleased to present  The Empire  Builder  Tax Free Bond Fund Annual
Report for the year ended  February 29, 2004.

      During the past year, the Federal Reserve Board has kept the Discount Rate
at an historical low of 1%. In this low interest rate environment, we are
pleased to report that the portfolio has had a good year. For the year ended
February 29, 2004 the Builder Class was up 4.16%, and the Premier Class was up

      As we mentioned in the Semi-Annual  Report,  we have shortened the average
maturity  of the Fund  because  of the low  Discount  Rate.  By  shortening  the
maturity of the Fund,  we reduce the  maturity  and  interest  rate risk for the
portfolio. We have continued with this idea and shortened the Fund further still
from 5.84 years on August 31, 2003 to 4.06 years as of  February  29,  2004.  We
believe that the Federal  Reserve  Board will have to raise the Discount Rate in
the near future.  By having a lower  average life on the Fund, we should be able
to protect the principal of the Fund.

      In our opinion,  The Empire Builder Tax Free Bond Fund is well  positioned
for the next  year.  The  no-load  structure  continues  to  offer  value to the
shareholder because there is no charge to purchase shares. We also recommend our
automatic  investment program (also known as dollar cost averaging*) that allows
you to follow a disciplined  investment  plan.  Please call the customer service
desk at 1-800-847-5886 for information on how to participate. We look forward to
helping you meet your investment needs.


/s/ Seth M. Glickenhaus
- -----------------------
Seth M. Glickenhaus

*Dollar  cost  averaging  does not insure a profit and does not protect  against
loss in declining  markets.  An investor  should  consider his or her  financial
ability to continue making additional  investments  through periods of low share
price levels.

This report must be preceded or accompanied  by a prospectus.  For more complete
information,  including  charges and  expenses,  please call  1-800-847-5886  to
receive a prospectus.  Read the prospectus carefully before investing or sending

The Fund's income may be subject to certain state and local taxes and, depending
on your tax status, the federal alternative minimum tax (AMT).

Past performance does not guarantee future results.

              Not FDIC insured. May lose value. No bank guarantee.

- -------------------------------- EMPIRE BUILDER --------------------------------

Market Conditions during the Fund's most recent fiscal year

      As we  mentioned  last year,  the  10-year  Treasury  bond is the  leading
benchmark for long-term interest rates. Interest rates in the 10-year Government
Bond Market for the fiscal year ended  February 29, 2004 began at  approximately
3.70% and ended at 3.99%.  These figures suggest a very stable year. This is not
the case,  however,  as we had yet another very volatile  market this year.  The
10-year traded in a range of approximately 3.17% to 4.46%.  Throughout the year,
we saw dramatic shifts in the interest rate of the 10-year bond.

      We try to enhance the value of the Fund whenever possible.  We continue to
manage the Fund  conservatively  taking advantage of opportunities that arise in
the marketplace due to interest rate movements and quality enhancements.

      The  following  graphs  illustrate  the  total  return  based on a $10,000
investment  in Builder  Class shares of the Fund made  February 28, 1994,  and a
$20,000* investment in Premier Class shares of the Fund made at the commencement
date of April 15, 1996,  held in each through  February 29, 2004, as well as the
performance of the Lehman Municipal Bond Index over the same period.

      The Lehman  Municipal Bond Index  includes  25,000  long-term,  investment
grade,  municipal  bonds. In the opinion of the Fund's advisor,  this index most
accurately  represents  the  performance  of the broad  municipal  bond  market.
However,  there  are  substantial  differences  between  the index and the Fund.
First,  the index covers  municipal bonds  nationwide,  whereas the Fund invests
only in New York tax exempt bonds.  Second,  the index does not reflect the cost
and expenses of actually obtaining the underlying bonds.  Third, the index had a
higher level of volatility than the Fund during the ten years ended December 31,
2003, as measured by Beta. Finally,  the index represents an unmanaged portfolio
whereas the Fund is professionally managed.

      The graphs assume all dividends and  distributions  are  reinvested at net
asset  value.  Past  performance  does  not  guarantee  future  results.  Return
calculations assume the reinvestment of distributions and do not reflect taxes a
shareholder would pay on fund distributions or on the redemption of fund shares.
The performance data quoted  represents past performance and current returns may
be higher or lower. The investment  return and net asset value will fluctuate so
that an  investor's  shares,  when  redeemed  may be worth more or less than the
original cost.

      The Fund's  Builder  Class  shares'  average  annual  total return for the
periods indicated was as follows:

            4.16%  for the  one-year  period  beginning  March 1, 2003 and ended
      February 29, 2004.

            4.90% for the  five-year  period  beginning  March 1, 1999 and ended
      February 29, 2004.

            5.13%  for the  ten-year  period  beginning  March 1, 1994 and ended
      February 29, 2004.

* The minimum initial investment into the Premier Class is $20,000.

[The following table represents a line graph in the printed material]

                     Lehman Municipal
                        Bond Index*       Empire Builder
                    ------------------    --------------
       2/28/1994        $10,000              $10,000
       2/28/1995         10,189               10,109
       2/29/1996         11,315               11,014
       2/28/1997         11,939               11,487
       2/28/1998         13,031               12,382
       2/28/1999         13,832               12,982
       2/29/2000         13,544               12,411
       2/28/2001         15,216               14,044
       2/28/2002         16,249               14,850
       2/28/2003         17,496               15,833
       2/29/2004        $18,598              $16,491

* An unmanaged portfolio.

      The Fund's  Premier  Class  shares'  average  annual  total return for the
periods indicated was as follows:

            4.40%  for the  one-year  period  beginning  March 1, 2003 and ended
      February 29, 2004.

            5.19% for the  five-year  period  beginning  March 1, 1999 and ended
      February 29, 2004.

            7.80% for the  period  beginning  April 15,  1996  (commencement  of
      operations) and ended February 29, 2004.

[The following table represents a line graph in the printed material]

                    Lehman Municipal
                       Bond Index*      Empire Builder Premier
                   ------------------   ----------------------
       4/15/1996         $20,000                $20,000
       2/28/1997          21,438                 21,280
       2/28/1998          23,399                 22,992
       2/28/1999          24,837                 24,178
       2/29/2000          24,319                 23,182
       2/28/2001          27,322                 26,319
       2/28/2002          29,177                 27,902
       2/28/2003          31,415                 29,827
       2/29/2004         $33,393                $31,140

* An unmanaged portfolio.



                  Portfolio of Investments -- February 29, 2004

                                                                                      Principal     Fair Value
Credit Ratings** Municipal Securities (98.1%)                                          Amount        (Note 2)
- ---------------------------------------------                                          ------        --------
                 New York City (14.9%)
    Aa1/AA+      Municipal Assistance Corporation for the City of New York,
                    Series N, 5.00% 7/1/2004, Non Callable, (General Obligation
                    of the Corporation).........................................     $  200,000       $  202,628
    Aa1/AA+      Municipal Assistance Corporation for the City of New York,
                    Series H, 5.50%, 7/1/2004, Non Callable, (General Obligation
                    of the Corporation)..........................................       400,000          405,908
    Aa1/AA+      Municipal Assistance Corporation for the City of New York,
                    Series J, 6.00%, 7/1/2004, Non Callable, (General Obligation
                    of the Corporation)..........................................     2,555,000        2,596,902
    Aa1/AA+      Municipal Assistance Corporation for the City of New York,
                    Series E, 6.00%, 7/1/2005, Non Callable......................     1,085,000        1,154,266
     A2/A        New York City, General Obligation, Series G, 5.00%,
                    8/1/2004, Non Callable.......................................       500,000          507,950
    Aaa/AAA      New York City, General Obligation, Series B, 5.25%, 8/1/2017,
                    Callable 8/1/2007 @ 101, (AMBAC).............................       750,000          823,913
    NR/AAA       New York City, General Obligation, Series B, 5.125%, 8/1/2019,
                    Callable 8/1/2010 @ 101, (FGIC)..............................     2,000,000        2,169,920
    Aaa/AAA      New York City, General Obligation, Series B, 5.375%, 8/1/2022,
                    Callable 8/1/2007 @ 101, (MBIA)..............................     1,250,000        1,338,725
    Aaa/AAA      New York City, Health & Hospitals Corporation, Health System
                    Revenue, Series A, 5.50%, 2/15/2018, Callable 2/15/2012
                    @ 100, (FSA).................................................     1,000,000        1,131,060
    Aaa/AAA      New York City Municipal Water Finance Authority, Water & Sewer
                    System Revenue, 5.125%, 6/15/2004, (MBIA)....................       480,000          485,650
    Aa2/AA       New York City Municipal Water Finance Authority, Water & Sewer
                    System Revenue, Series B, 5.00%, 6/15/2018, Callable
                    6/15/2014 @ 100..............................................     2,500,000        2,746,550
    Aaa/AAA      New York City Municipal Water Finance Authority, Water & Sewer
                    System Revenue, Series A, 6.125%, 6/15/2020, Callable
                    6/15/2005 @ 101..............................................     1,000,000        1,075,980
    Aa2/AA+      New York City Transitional Finance Authority, Future Tax Revenue,
                    Series B, 2.50%, 8/1/2004, Non Callable.......................    2,415,000        2,429,611
    Aa2/AA+      New York City Transitional Finance Authority, Future Tax Revenue,
                    Series B, 5.25%, 11/15/2004, Non Callable....................       300,000          308,781
                 Total New York City..............................................                    17,377,844

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



           Portfolio of Investments -- February 29, 2004 -- continued

                                                                                      Principal     Fair Value
Credit Ratings** Municipal Securities -- continuted                                     Amount        (Note 2)
- ---------------------------------------------------                                     ------        --------
                 New York State Agencies (55.3%)
                 Long Island Power Authority (2.2%)
    Aaa/AAA      Long Island Power Authority, New York Electric Systems,
                    Series A, 6.00%, 12/1/2007, Non Callable, (AMBAC)............   $1,000,000      $ 1,150,220
    Aaa/AAA      Long Island Power Authority, New York Electric Systems,
                    Series A, 5.50%, 12/1/2012, Non Callable, (FSA)..............    1,210,000        1,452,436
                 Total Long Island Power Authority...............................                     2,602,656
                 New York State Dormitory Authority (34.2%)
    A3/AA-       Albany County Airport, 5.25%, 4/1/2013, Callable 4/1/2008 @ 101      1,200,000        1,312,536
    Aaa/AAA      Augustana Lutheran Home for the Aged, Series A, 5.50%, 8/1/2020,
                    Callable 8/1/2010 @ 101, (MBIA)(FHA).........................       920,000        1,032,185
    Aaa/AAA      Augustana Lutheran Home for the Aged, Series A, 5.50%, 8/1/2030,
                    Callable 8/1/2010 @ 101, (MBIA)(FHA).........................       750,000          827,355
    A3/AA-       City University, Series 3, 6.00%, 7/1/2004, Non Callable........     1,000,000        1,016,640
    A3/AA-       City University, Series 3, 6.00%, 7/1/2004, Non Callable........       380,000          386,145
    Aaa/AAA      Columbia University, Series B, 5.375%, 7/1/2018, Callable
                    7/1/2012 @ 100...............................................       500,000          564,880
    Aaa/AAA      Columbia University, Series B, 5.375%, 7/1/2019, Callable
                     7/1/2012 @ 100..............................................     1,000,000        1,122,100
    Aaa/AAA      Columbia University, Series B, 5.375%, 7/1/2020, Callable
                    7/1/2012 @ 100...............................................     1,000,000        1,115,260
    Aaa/NR       Culinary Institute of America, 2.00%, 7/1/2004, Non Callable,
                    (XLCA).......................................................       305,000          306,034
    NR/AAA       Heritage House Nursing Center, 7.00%, 8/1/2031, Callable
                    8/1/2004 @100, (FHA).........................................       435,000          436,405
    Aaa/AAA      Lutheran Medical Center, 5.00%, 8/1/2016, Callable 2/1/2013
                    @ 100, (MBIA)(FHA)...........................................       985,000        1,088,504
    NR/AA-       Mental Health, Series F-1, 2.00%, 2/15/2005, Non Callable.......     2,520,000        2,541,370
    Aaa/AAA      New York Medical College, 5.25%, 7/1/2013, Callable 7/1/2008
                    @ 101, (MBIA)................................................     1,015,000        1,137,013
    NR/AA-       New York State Department of Health, 5.25%, 7/1/2014,
                    Non Callable.................................................     1,000,000        1,122,860
    Aaa/AAA      New York State Rehabilitation Association, Series A, 3.00%,
                    7/1/2004, Non Callable, (CIFG)...............................       600,000          603,990
    Aaa/AAA      New York University, Series 2, 5.50%, 7/1/2018, Callable
                    7/1/2011 @ 100, (AMBAC)......................................       500,000          568,615
    NR/AAA       Park Ridge Housing, Inc., 6.375%, 8/1/2020, Callable
                      8/1/2010 @ 101, (FNMA).....................................     1,000,000        1,155,580
    NR/AAA       Park Ridge Housing, Inc., 6.50%, 8/1/2025, Callable
                    8/1/2010 @ 101, (FNMA).......................................     1,470,000        1,699,996

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



           Portfolio of Investments -- February 29, 2004 -- continued

                                                                                      Principal     Fair Value
Credit Ratings** Municipal Securities -- continuted                                     Amount        (Note 2)
- ---------------------------------------------------                                     ------        --------
                 New York State Agencies -- continued
                 New York State Dormitory Authority -- continued
    Aaa/NR       Rochester Institute of Technology, Series A, 5.25%, 7/1/2016,
                    Callable 7/1/2012 @ 100, (AMBAC).............................    $2,045,000      $ 2,292,077
    Aaa/NR       Rochester Institute of Technology, Series A, 5.25%, 7/1/2017,
                    Callable 7/1/2012 @ 100, (AMBAC).............................     2,155,000        2,395,670
    Aaa/AAA      School Districts Financing, Series C, 5.25%, 4/1/2021, Callable
                    10/1/2012 @ 100, (MBIA)......................................     1,300,000        1,427,855
    Aaa/AAA      Special Acts School Districts Program, 6.00%, 7/1/2019, Callable
                    7/1/2005 @ 102, (MBIA).......................................     3,540,000        3,825,360
    NR/AAA       State Service Contract, 5.25%, 4/1/2017, Callable 4/1/2008
                    @ 101, (MBIA)................................................     1,000,000        1,087,350
    A3/AA-       State University, Educational Facilities, 5.40%, 5/15/2005,
                    Non Callable.................................................     2,000,000        2,097,040
     NR/NR       State University, 5.375%, 7/1/2021, Callable 7/1/2008
                    @ 102, (MBIA)................................................       865,000          932,118
     NR/NR       State University, 5.375%, 7/1/2021, Callable 7/1/2008
                    @ 102, (MBIA)................................................       325,000          350,202
    NR/AA-       Upstate Community Colleges, 5.125%, 7/1/2018, Callable 7/1/2014
                    @ 100........................................................     1,000,000        1,091,020
    NR/AA-       Upstate Community Colleges, 5.125%, 7/1/2019, Callable 7/1/2014
                    @ 100........................................................     1,000,000        1,084,030
    Aaa/AAA      Upstate Community Colleges, Series A, 6.00%, 7/1/2019, Callable
                    7/1/2010 @ 101, (FSA).........................................    1,000,000        1,188,240
    Aaa/AAA      Upstate Community Colleges, Series A, 6.00%, 7/1/2020, Callable
                    7/1/2010 @ 101, (FSA)........................................       845,000        1,001,908
    NR/AAA       Westchester County, Court Facilities, 5.25%, 8/1/2018, Callable
                    2/1/2009 @ 101, (MBIA).......................................     2,800,000        3,057,460
                 Total New York State Dormitory Authority........................                     39,867,798
                 New York State Energy, Research & Development Authority (0.9%)
    Aaa/AAA      Western New York Nuclear Service Center, Series PJ, 5.40%,
                    4/1/2005, (CAPMAC)...........................................     1,020,000        1,067,195
                 New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation  (2.8%)
    Aaa/AAA      State Water Pollution Control Revenue, Series C, Revolving Fund,
                    Pooled Loan, 4.50%, 6/15/2004, Non Callable..................       170,000          171,702
    Aaa/AAA      State Water Pollution Control Revenue, Revolving Fund,
                    Pooled Loan, 6.60%, 6/15/2009, Callable 6/15/2004 @ 101.5
                    (POL CTL - SRF)..............................................     1,200,000        1,237,235
    Aaa/AAA      State Water Pollution Control Revenue, Series B, Revolving Fund,
                    Pooled Loan, 5.80%, 5/15/2011, Callable 5/15/2004 @ 102,
                    (POL CTL - SRF)..............................................       185,000          190,517

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



           Portfolio of Investments -- February 29, 2004 -- continued

                                                                                      Principal     Fair Value
Credit Ratings** Municipal Securities -- continuted                                     Amount        (Note 2)
- ---------------------------------------------------                                     ------        --------
                 New York State Agencies -- continued
                 New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation -- continued
    Aaa/AAA      State Water Pollution Control Revenue, Revolving Fund, Pooled
                    Loan, 5.90%, 1/15/2018, Callable 1/15/2006 @ 102,
                    (POL CTL - SRF)..............................................    $  725,000      $   797,022
    Aaa/AAA      State Water Pollution Control Revenue, Revolving Fund,
                    Pooled Loan, 5.90%, 1/15/2018, Callable 1/15/2006 @ 102,
                    (POL CTL - SRF)..............................................       785,000          868,555
                 Total New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation.......                      3,265,031
                 New York State Housing Finance Agency (2.0%)
    Aa1/NR       Multi-Family Housing, Secured Mortgage Program, 6.45%, 8/15/2014,
                    Callable 2/15/2005 @ 101, (SONYMA)...........................     2,245,000        2,314,415
                 New York State Local Government Assistance Corporation (2.2%)
     A1/AA       New York State Local Government Assistance Corporation,
                    Series A-1, 2.00%, 4/1/2004, Non Callable, (General
                    Obligation of the Corporation)...............................     1,500,000        1,501,124
    Aaa/AAA      New York State Local Government Assistance Corporation,
                    Series A, 5.375%, 4/1/2014, Callable 4/1/2004 @ 101.50,
                    (MBIA) (General Obligation of the Corporation)...............     1,000,000        1,018,490
                 Total New York State Local Government Assistance Corporation....                      2,519,614
                 New York State Medical Care Facilities Finance Agency (0.9%)
    Aaa/AAA      Hospital & Nursing Home, St. Vincent's Hospital Project, 6.20%,
                    2/15/2021, Callable 2/15/2005 @ 101, (AMBAC)(FHA)............     1,060,000        1,086,023
                 New York State Metropolitan Transportation Authority (0.7%)
     A2/A        Metropolitan Transportation Authority Revenue, Series A, 3.00%,
                    11/15/2004, Non Callable.....................................       250,000          253,248
    Aa3/AA-      Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority Revenue, Series B, 2.00%,
                    11/15/2004, Non Callable, (General Obligation of the
                    Corporation).................................................       525,000          528,685
                 Total New York State Metropolitan Transportation Authority......                        781,933
                 New York State Thruway Authority (6.6%)
    Aaa/AAA      Highway & Bridge Trust Fund Bonds, Series B, 4.00%, 4/1/2004,
                    Non Callable, (FGIC).........................................       250,000          250,630
    Aaa/AAA      Highway & Bridge Trust Fund Bonds, Series A, 6.25%, 4/1/2004,
                    Non Callable, (AMBAC)........................................     1,390,000        1,396,089
    Aaa/AAA      Highway & Bridge Trust Fund Bonds, Series A, 5.50%, 4/1/2014
                    Callable 4/1/2011 @ 101, (FGIC)..............................     1,500,000        1,729,934
    Aaa/AAA      Highway & Bridge Trust Fund Bonds, Series B, 5.25%, 4/1/2017,
                    Callable 10/1/2011 @ 100, (MBIA).............................     2,500,000        2,766,149
     NR/NR       Service Contract Revenue, 5.30%, 4/1/2004, Non Callable, (AMBAC)        35,000           35,129
     NR/NR       Service Contract Revenue, 5.30%, 4/1/2004, Non Callable, (AMBAC)       465,000          466,608

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



           Portfolio of Investments -- February 29, 2004 -- continued

                                                                                      Principal     Fair Value
Credit Ratings** Municipal Securities -- continuted                                     Amount        (Note 2)
- ---------------------------------------------------                                     ------        --------
                 New York State Agencies -- continued
                 New York State Thruway Authority -- continued
     A1/AA       State Personal Income Tax Revenue, Series A, 4.00%,
                    3/15/2004, Non Callable......................................    $1,000,000      $ 1,001,177
                 Total New York State Thruway Authority..........................                      7,645,716
                 New York State Urban Development Corporation (2.8%)
    A3/AA-       Correctional & Youth Facilities Services, Series A, 5.00%,
                    1/1/2005, Non Callable.......................................     2,000,000        2,063,720
    A3/AA-       Empire State Development Corporation, University Facilities
                    Grants, 6.00%, 1/1/2009, Non Callable........................       905,000        1,048,624
     A1/AA       Personal Income Tax, Series C-1, 3.00%,
                    3/15/2004, Non Callable......................................       200,000          200,149
                 Total New York State Urban Development Corporation..............                      3,312,493
                 Total New York State Agencies...................................                     64,462,874
                 Other New York State Bonds (25.6%)
    Aaa/NR       Akron Central School District, General Obligation, 4.25%,
                    6/15/2004, Non Callable, (FSA)...............................       225,000          227,093
    Aaa/AAA      Albany County, Airport Authority, Series A, 4.00%, 12/15/2004,
                    Non Callable, (FSA)..........................................       460,000          470,810
     A3/NR       Albany Housing Authority, Limited Obligation, 6.25%, 10/1/2012,
                    Callable 10/1/2005 @ 102.....................................     1,000,000        1,075,080
    NR/AAA       Auburn City School District, General Obligation, Series B, 2.00%,
                    6/15/2004, Non Callable, (FGIC)..............................       200,000          200,592
    Aaa/NR       Averill Park Central School District, General Obligation, 5.25%,
                    5/1/2004, Non Callable, (FGIC)...............................       500,000          503,525
    Aaa/AAA      Buffalo Municipal Water Finance Authority, Water System Revenue,
                    5.75%, 7/1/2019, Callable 7/1/2005 @ 102, (FGIC).............       500,000          538,665
    Aaa/NR       Corning, City School District, General Obligation, 5.00%,
                    6/15/2012, Non Callable, (FSA)...............................     1,000,000        1,142,530
    Aaa/NR       Corning, City School District, General Obligation, 5.00%,
                    6/15/2013, Callable 6/15/2012 @ 100, (FSA)...................       970,000        1,093,112
    Aaa/NR       Corning, City School District, General Obligation, 5.00%,
                    6/15/2014, Callable 6/15/2012 @ 100, (FSA)...................       600,000          673,374
    Aaa/AAA      Evans, General Obligation, 6.80%, 4/15/2012, Non Callable,
                    (AMBAC)......................................................       225,000          284,510
    Aaa/AAA      Evans, General Obligation, 6.80%, 4/15/2013, Non Callable,
                    (AMBAC)......................................................       225,000          285,741
    Aaa/NR       Fayetteville Manlius, Central School District, General
                    Obligation, 5.00%, 6/15/2016, Callable 6/15/2012 @ 101,
                    (FGIC).......................................................       375,000          417,653
    Aaa/NR       Harborfields, Central School District, Greenlawn, General
                    Obligation, 4.00%, 6/1/2004, Non Callable, (FSA).............       850,000          856,299

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



           Portfolio of Investments -- February 29, 2004 -- continued

                                                                                      Principal     Fair Value
Credit Ratings** Municipal Securities -- continuted                                     Amount        (Note 2)
- ---------------------------------------------------                                     ------        --------
                 Other New York State Bonds -- continued
    Aaa/NR       Honeoye Falls Lima, Central School District, General Obligation,
                    Series B, 2.00%, 6/15/2004, Non Callable, (FSA)..............    $  250,000       $  250,740
    Aaa/NR       Ilion, Central School District, General Obligation, Series B,
                    5.50%, 6/15/2015, Callable 6/15/2012 @ 101, (FGIC)...........       550,000          643,418
    Aaa/NR       Ilion, Central School District, General Obligation, Series B,
                    5.50%, 6/15/2016, Callable 6/15/2012 @ 101, (FGIC)...........       500,000          582,550
    Aaa/NR       Islip Union Free School District 002, General Obligation, 2.50%,
                    7/15/2004, Non Callable, (MBIA)..............................       460,000          462,585
    NR/AAA       Lansing, Central School District, 1.75%, 6/15/2004,
                    Non Callable, (FSA)..........................................     1,005,000        1,007,201
    NR/AAA       Lillian Cooper Housing Development Corporation Mortgage Revenue,
                    Series A, 7.00%, 1/1/2022, Callable 7/1/2004 @ 100,
                    (FNMA)(FHA)..................................................     1,085,000        1,088,960
    Aaa/AAA      Mount Sinai Union Free School District, General Obligation,
                    6.20%, 2/15/2012, Non Callable, (AMBAC)......................     1,065,000        1,301,068
    Aaa/NR       Nassau County, General Obligation, Series D, 5.25%,
                    9/1/2004, Non Callable, (FSA)................................       420,000          428,845
     A2/AA       New York State, General Obligation, Series D, 5.125%,
                    7/15/2004, Non Callable .....................................     1,270,000        1,288,580
    Aaa/AAA      Niagara Falls Pubic Water Authority, Water & Sewer System
                    Revenue, Series A, 5.50%, 7/15/2028, Callable 7/15/2006 @ 100,
                    (MBIA).......................................................     1,000,000        1,065,880
    Aaa/NR       North Hempstead, General Obligation, 3.00%,
                    7/15/2004, Non Callable, (MBIA)..............................       635,000          639,724
    Aaa/AAA      North Hempstead, General Obligation, Series B, 6.375%,
                    4/1/2009, Non Callable, (FGIC)...............................       570,000          679,497
    Aaa/AAA      North Hempstead, General Obligation, Series B, 6.40%,
                    4/1/2010, Non Callable, (FGIC)...............................       560,000          677,158
    Aaa/AAA      Olean, City School District, General Obligation, 2.20%,
                    6/15/2004, Non Callable, (FGIC)..............................       225,000          225,792
    NR/AAA       Oneida County Industrial Development Agency, Mohawk Valley
                    Network, St. Luke's Memorial Hospital, 5.00%, 1/1/2013,
                    Callable 1/1/2008 @ 101, (FSA)...............................     2,000,000        2,156,119
    Aa1/NR       Orange County, General Obligation, Series A, 2.50%, 11/1/2004,
                    Non Callable ................................................     1,530,000        1,545,178
    Aaa/NR       Oyster Bay, General Obligation, 5.00%, 3/15/2011, Non Callable,
                    (FSA)........................................................       430,000          491,778
    Aaa/NR       Red Hook, Central School District, General Obligation, 2.50%,
                    6/15/2004, Non Callable, (FSA)...............................       560,000          562,447
    Aaa/NR       Southern Cayuga, Central School District, General Obligation,
                    5.00%, 5/15/2014, Callable 5/15/2012 @ 100, (FSA)............       400,000          448,484

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



           Portfolio of Investments -- February 29, 2004 -- continued

                                                                                      Principal     Fair Value
Credit Ratings** Municipal Securities -- continuted                                     Amount        (Note 2)
- ---------------------------------------------------                                     ------        --------
                 Other New York State Bonds -- continued
    Aaa/AAA      Suffolk County, General Obligation, Series C, 5.00%, 9/15/2015,
                    Callable 9/15/2008 @ 101, (FGIC).............................    $  965,000      $ 1,052,516
    Aaa/AAA      Suffolk County, General Obligation, Series C, 5.00%, 9/15/2016,
                    Callable 9/15/2008 @ 101, (FGIC).............................       550,000          594,770
    Aaa/AAA      Suffolk County, General Obligation, Series C, 5.00%, 9/15/2017,
                    Callable 9/15/2008 @ 101, (FGIC).............................       480,000          517,176
    Aaa/AAA      Suffolk County, General Obligation, Series D, 5.00%, 11/1/2015,
                    Callable 11/1/2008 @ 101, (FGIC).............................     1,125,000        1,229,366
    Aaa/AAA      Suffolk County, General Obligation, Series D, 5.00%, 11/1/2016,
                    Callable 11/1/2008 @ 101, (FGIC).............................     1,110,000        1,202,396
    Aaa/AAA      Warren & Washington Counties Industrial Development Agency,
                    Civic Facilities Revenue, Glens Falls Hospital Project,
                    Series B, 2.50%, 12/1/2004, Non Callable, (FSA)..............     1,845,000        1,865,738
                 Total Other New York State Bonds................................                     29,776,950
                 Other Municipal Bonds (2.3%)
                 Guam (0.2%)
    Aaa/AAA      Guam International Airport Authority Revenue, Series B, 5.25%,
                    10/1/2022, Callable 10/1/2013 @ 100, (MBIA)..................       250,000          273,405
                 Puerto Rico (2.1%)
    Aaa/AAA      Puerto Rico Commonwealth, General Obligation, 5.30%, 7/1/2004,
                    Non Callable, (MBIA).........................................       400,000          405,716
    Aaa/AAA      Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority Revenue, Series W, 5.00%,
                    7/1/2004, Non Callable.......................................     2,015,000        2,041,820
                 Total Puerto Rico...............................................                      2,447,536
                 Total Other Municipal Bonds.....................................                      2,720,941
                 Total Municipal Securities (Cost $108,482,227)-- 98.1%..........                    114,338,609
                 Short Term Investments (0.0%)

                 Dreyfus New York Municipal Cash Management Fund.................        10,000           10,000
                 Total Investments (Cost $108,492,227) (a) -- 98.1%...............                  $114,348,609
                 Other assets in excess of liabilities -- 1.9%....................                     2,203,737
                 NET ASSETS-- 100.0%.............................................                   $116,552,346

- ----------
Percentages indicated are based on net assets of $116,552,346.

(a)   Represents  cost for  financial  reporting  purposes and differs from cost
      basis for federal  income tax purposes by the amount of losses  recognized
      for  financial  reporting  in excess of federal  income tax  reporting  of
      $40,660.  Cost for  federal  income  tax  differs  from fair  value by net
      unrealized apreciatioon/depreciation of securities as follows:

     Unrealized appreciation                                                                          $5,898,995
     Unrealized depreciation                                                                              (1,953)
   Net unrealized appreciation                                                                        $5,897,042

**    Credit  Ratings  given by Moody's  Investors  Service  Inc. and Standard &
      Poor's Corporation (unaudited)

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



           Portfolio of Investments -- February 29, 2004 -- continued

      Credit  Ratings  given by Moody's  Investors  Service  Inc. and Standard &
Poor's Corporation (unaudited).

Moody's    Standard & Poor's

  Aaa             AAA         Instrument judged to be of the highest quality and
                              carrying the smallest amount of investment risk.

  Aa              AA          Instrument judged to be of high quality by all

   A               A          Instrument judged to be adequate quality by all

  Baa             BBB         Instrument judged to be moderate quality by all

  NR                          NR Not Rated. In the opinion of the Investment
                              Adviser, instrument judged to be of comparable
                              investment quality to rated securities which may
                              be purchased by the Fund.

For items  possessing  the strongest  investment  attributes of their  category,
Moody's  gives that letter  rating  followed by a number.  The Standard & Poor's
ratings may be modified by the addition of a plus or minus sign to show relative
standing within the major rating categories.

Abbreviations used in this statement:

AMBAC         Insured as to principal and interest by the American Municipal
              Bond Assurance Corporation.

CAPMAC        Insured as to principal and interest by Capital Markets Assurance

CIFG          Insured as to principal and interest by CDC IXIS Financial

FGIC          Insured as to principal and interest by the Financial Guarantee
              Insurance Corporation.

FHA           Insured as to principal and interest by the Federal Housing

FNMA          Insured as to principal and interest by the Federal National
              Mortgage Association.

FSA           Insured as to principal and interest by Financial Security

MBIA          Insured as to principal and interest by the Municipal Bond
              Insurance Association.

POL CTL-SRF   Insured as to principal and interest by the Pollution Control
              State Revenue Fund.

SONYMA        Insured as to principal and interest by the State of New York
              Mortgage Association.

XLCA          Insured as to principal and interest by XL Capital Assurance, Inc.

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



                       Statement of Assets and Liabilities
                                February 29, 2004

   Investments in securities, at fair value (cost $108,492,227) (Note 2).....................     $114,348,609
   Interest and dividend receivable..........................................................        1,077,234
   Receivable for investments sold...........................................................        6,328,891
   Prepaid expenses and other assets.........................................................           63,340
     Total Assets ...........................................................................      121,818,074

   Payable to custodian for cash overdraft...................................      $  198,602
   Dividends payable.........................................................          23,727
   Payable for investments purchased........................................        4,911,900
   Advisory fee payable (Note 4)............................................           35,851
   Administrative services fee payable (Note 4).............................            1,588
   Other accrued expenses...................................................           94,060
     Total Liabilities ......................................................................        5,265,728
Net Assets...................................................................................     $116,552,346
Net Assets:
Net assets consist of:
   Capital...................................................................................     $110,164,281
   Undistributed net investment income.......................................................           42,925
   Net realized gains from investments.......................................................          488,758
   Net unrealized appreciation from investments..............................................        5,856,382
Net Assets...................................................................................     $116,552,346
Builder Class:
   Net Assets................................................................     $55,504,464
   Shares of beneficial interest outstanding.................................       3,062,404
   Builder Class - Net Asset Value (offering and redemption
     price per share)........................................................     $     18.12
Premier Class:
   Net Assets................................................................     $61,047,882
   Shares of beneficial interest outstanding.................................       3,367,515
   Premier Class - Net Asset Value (offering and redemption
     price per share)........................................................     $     18.13

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



                             Statement of Operations
                      For the Year Ended February 29, 2004

Investment Income:
   Interest..................................................................................       $4,542,071
   Dividend..................................................................................           16,263
   Total Investment Income...................................................................        4,558,334

   Advisory fees (Note 4)...................................................        $ 456,898
   Administrative fees (Note 4)..............................................         200,000
   Transfer agency fees (Builder Class) (Note 4).............................         145,768
   Transfer agency fees (Premier Class) (Note 4).............................          49,005
   Custody fees..............................................................          36,332
   Fund accounting fees (Note 4).............................................          60,453
   Trustees' fees ...........................................................          22,114
   Other fees................................................................         148,933
     Total Expenses..........................................................       1,119,503
     Less:  Custody fee credit...............................................          (9,432)
   Total Net Expenses........................................................................        1,110,071
Net Investment Income........................................................................        3,448,263
Realized/Unrealized Gains on Investments (Notes 2 and 3)
   Net realized gains from investment transactions...........................       1,113,657
   Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation from
     investment transactions.................................................         339,136
     Net realized/unrealized gains from investment transactions..............................        1,452,793
Change in net assets resulting from operations...............................................       $4,901,056

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



                       Statements of Changes in Net Assets

                                                                    Year Ended         Year Ended
                                                                February 29, 2004  February 28, 2003
                                                                -----------------  -----------------
From Investment Activities:
Net investment income .........................................   $   3,448,263      $   4,124,066
Net realized gains from investment transactions ...............       1,113,657          2,419,769
Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation from
   investment transactions ....................................         339,136          1,026,786
                                                                  -------------      -------------
Change in net assets resulting from operations ................       4,901,056          7,570,621
                                                                  -------------      -------------
Distributions to shareholders from:
Net investment income -- Builder Class ........................      (1,593,260)        (1,891,261)
Net investment income -- Premier Class ........................      (1,842,382)        (2,218,177)
Net realized gains from investment transactions -- Builder Class       (559,031)          (797,828)
Net realized gains from investment transactions -- Premier Class       (610,097)          (851,523)
                                                                  -------------      -------------
   Total distributions ........................................      (4,604,770)        (5,758,789)
                                                                  -------------      -------------
Capital Transactions:
Proceeds from shares issued -- Builder Class ..................       2,865,115          3,393,769
Proceeds from shares issued -- Premier Class ..................       1,833,457          1,743,930
Dividends reinvested -- Builder Class .........................       1,929,811          2,408,830
Dividends reinvested -- Premier Class .........................       2,146,150          2,672,965
Cost of shares redeemed -- Builder Class ......................      (6,113,946)        (4,230,739)
Cost of shares redeemed -- Premier Class ......................      (4,107,168)        (4,260,674)
                                                                  -------------      -------------
Change in net assets from capital share transactions ..........      (1,446,581)         1,728,081
                                                                  -------------      -------------
   Change in net assets .......................................      (1,150,295)         3,539,913
Net Assets:
Beginning of period ...........................................     117,702,641        114,162,728
                                                                  -------------      -------------
End of period .................................................   $ 116,552,346      $ 117,702,641
                                                                  =============      =============
Share Transactions:
Issued -- Builder Class .......................................         158,501            188,963
Issued -- Premier Class .......................................         101,203             97,318
Reinvested -- Builder Class ...................................         107,001            135,373
Reinvested -- Premier Class ...................................         118,931            150,184
Redeemed -- Builder Class .....................................        (338,191)          (237,051)
Redeemed -- Premier Class .....................................        (227,524)          (237,735)
                                                                  -------------      -------------
Change in shares ..............................................         (80,079)            97,052
                                                                  -------------      -------------
Undistributed net investment income ...........................   $      42,925      $      42,050
                                                                  =============      =============

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



                              Financial Highlights
      For a share of beneficial interest outstanding throughout each period

                                  Year Ended         Year Ended         Year Ended         Year Ended        Year Ended
                               February 29, 2004  February 28, 2003  February 28, 2002  February 28, 2001 February 29, 2000
                               -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------------- -----------------
                               Builder  Premier   Builder  Premier   Builder  Premier   Builder  Premier   Builder Premier
                                Class    Class     Class    Class     Class    Class     Class    Class     Class   Class
                               ------   -------   ------   -------   ------   -------   ------   -------   ------  -------
Net Asset Value, Beginning
   of Period.................  $ 18.08  $ 18.08   $ 17.80  $ 17.80   $ 17.69  $ 17.69   $ 16.32  $ 16.32  $ 17.88  $ 17.88
                               -------  -------   -------  -------   -------  -------   -------  -------  -------  -------
Investment Activities:
   Net investment income......    0.51     0.55      0.61     0.66      0.72     0.77      0.73     0.79     0.78     0.84
   Net realized/ unrealized
     gains/(losses) on
     investments..............    0.22     0.23      0.54     0.54      0.27     0.27      1.37     1.37    (1.55)   (1.56)
                               -------  -------   -------  -------   -------  -------   -------  -------  -------  -------
   Total from Investment
     Operations...............    0.73     0.78      1.15     1.20      0.99     1.04      2.10     2.16    (0.77)   (0.72)
                               -------  -------   -------  -------   -------  -------   -------  -------  -------  -------
   Net investment income......   (0.51)   (0.55)    (0.61)   (0.66)    (0.71)   (0.76)    (0.73)   (0.79)   (0.76)   (0.81)
   Net realized capital gains.   (0.18)   (0.18)    (0.26)   (0.26)    (0.17)   (0.17)       --       --    (0.03)   (0.03)
                               -------  -------   -------  -------   -------  -------   -------  -------  -------  -------
   Total distributions........   (0.69)   (0.73)    (0.87)   (0.92)    (0.88)   (0.93)    (0.73)   (0.79)   (0.79)   (0.84)
                               -------  -------   -------  -------   -------  -------   -------  -------  -------  -------
Net Asset Value, End of
   Period....................  $ 18.12  $ 18.13   $ 18.08  $ 18.08   $ 17.80  $ 17.80   $ 17.69  $ 17.69  $ 16.32  $ 16.32
                               =======  =======   =======  =======   =======  =======   =======  =======  =======  =======
Total Return..................    4.16%    4.40%     6.62%    6.90%     5.74%    6.01%    13.15%   13.53%   (4.39)%  (4.12)%
Ratios/Supplementary Data:
   Net Assets, End of Period
     (in thousands)..........  $55,504  $61,048   $56,677  $61,025   $54,253  $59,910   $53,937  $60,418  $50,347  $55,636
   Ratios of Net Investment
     Income to Average
     Net Assets...............    2.85%    3.03%     3.44%    3.71%     4.04%    4.30%     4.31%    4.65%    4.47%    4.75%
   Ratios of Expenses to
     Average Net Assets.......    1.04%    0.86%     1.16%    0.89%     1.14%    0.88%     1.20%    0.86%    1.08%    0.79%
   Ratios of Expenses to
     Average Net Assets*......    1.05%    0.87%     1.16%    0.89%     1.14%    0.88%     1.22%    0.88%    1.12%    0.83%
   Portfolio Turnover Rate (a)  202.77%  202.77%   213.97%  213.97%    98.29%   98.29%   121.96%  121.96%   90.84%   90.84%

- ----------
*     The ratio does not  include a  reduction  of expenses  for  custodian  fee
      credits of cash balances maintained with the custodian.

(a)   Portfolio  turnover  is  calculated  on the  basis  of the Fund as a whole
      without distinguishing between the classes of shares issued.

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



                          Notes to Financial Statements

1. Organization:

      The Empire  Builder Tax Free Bond Fund (the "Fund") was  established  as a
Massachusetts  business  trust by an Agreement  and  Declaration  of Trust dated
September 30, 1983. The Fund is registered  under the Investment  Company Act of
1940, as amended, as an open-end,  non-diversified  investment company. The Fund
has an unlimited number of shares  authorized with no par value.

      The Fund offers two classes of shares; the Builder Class and the Premier
Class. Each class of shares outstanding bears the same dividend, liquidation and
other rights and conditions, except that the Builder Class shares and the
Premier Class shares bear separate transfer agency expenses. Each class of
shares has exclusive voting rights with respect to matters affecting only that

      Under the Fund's organizational  documents, its' Officers and Trustees are
indemnified  against certain liabilities arising out of the performance of their
duties to the Fund.  In addition,  in the normal  course of  business,  the Fund
enters into  contracts  with their  vendors and others that  provide for general
indemnifications.  The Fund's  maximum  exposure  under  these  arrangements  is
unknown as this would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund.

2. Significant Accounting Policies:

      The following is a summary of significant  accounting policies followed by
the Fund in the  preparation of its' financial  statements.  The policies are in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of

Use of Estimates

      Estimates  and  assumptions  are  required  to be made  regarding  assets,
liabilities  and changes in net assets  resulting from operations when financial
statements are prepared. Changes in the economic environment,  financial markets
and any other parameters used in determining  these estimates could cause actual
results to differ from these amounts.

Security Valuation

      Tax-exempt  securities  are valued at their fair value as determined by an
independent  pricing  service  approved  by the Fund's  Board of  Trustees.  The
pricing  service  uses  information  with  respect  to  transactions  in  bonds,
quotations from bond dealers,  market transactions in comparable  securities and
various  relationships between securities in determining fair value. The methods
used by the pricing  service and the quality of  valuations so  established  are
reviewed by Officers of the Fund and  Glickenhaus & Co. (the  "Adviser"),  under
the general supervision of the Trustees of the Fund.

      Securities for which  quotations  are not readily  available are stated at
fair value using  procedures  approved by the  Trustees of the Fund.  Short-term
debt  securities  having  remaining  maturities  of sixty  (60) days or less are
stated  at  amortized  cost,  which  approximates  fair  value.  Investments  in
investment  companies  are  reported  at their  respective  net asset  values as
reported by those companies.



                   Notes to Financial Statements -- continued

Security Transactions and Investment Income

      Security  transactions are accounted for no later than one day after trade
date.  However,  for financial  reporting  purposes,  security  transactions are
accounted for on trade date.  Interest  income,  which includes  amortization of
premium and accretion of  discounts,  is accrued as earned.  Realized  gains and
losses from security  transactions and unrealized  appreciation and depreciation
of investments are determined on the basis of identified cost.


      The Fund  qualifies  and intends to  continue  to qualify as a  "regulated
investment  company"  under  Subchapter M of the Internal  Revenue Code,  and to
distribute substantially all of its tax-exempt and taxable income. Therefore, no
federal income tax provision is required.

      In addition,  by distributing  during each calendar year substantially all
of its net investment income,  capital gains and certain other amounts,  if any,
the Fund will not be subject to a federal excise tax.

Futures Contracts

      The Fund may purchase and sell  financial  futures  contracts,  options on
such  futures  contracts  and  options on  securities  indices to hedge  against
changes in the fair value of New York tax-exempt  bonds the Fund owns or expects
to  purchase.  The Fund may also  purchase  and sell futures and options on U.S.
Treasury  securities  in order to hedge  against  interest rate changes or other
general changes in market values.

      Upon  entering  into a futures  contract,  the Fund is required to deposit
cash or pledge  securities  in an amount  equal to a certain  percentage  of the
purchase price indicated in the futures contract  (initial  margin).  Subsequent
payments, which are dependent on the daily fluctuations in the fair value of the
underlying security,  are made or received by the Fund each day (daily variation
margin) and are recorded as  unrealized  gains or losses until the contracts are
closed.  The  use  of  futures  transactions  involves  the  risk  of  imperfect
correlation in movements in the price of futures  contracts,  interest rates and
the underlying hedge assets. No futures were held on February 29, 2004.

Distributions and Dividends

      Distributions  to  shareholders  from net  investment  income are declared
daily  and  paid  monthly.   The  Fund  also   distributes   at  least  annually
substantially   all  net  capital  gains,   if  any,   realized  from  portfolio

      The amounts of distributions  from net investment  income and net realized
gains are determined in accordance  with federal income tax  regulations,  which
may differ from  generally  accepted  accounting  principles.  These  "book/tax"
differences  are either  considered  temporary or  permanent  in nature.  To the
extent these differences are permanent in nature,  such amounts are reclassified
within the composition of net assets based on their federal tax-basis treatment;
temporary differences do not require reclassification.



                   Notes to Financial Statements -- continued

Determination of Net Asset Value and Allocation of Expenses

      In calculating net asset value per share of each class,  investment income
and expenses,  other than class-specific  expenses,  are allocated daily to each
class of shares based on the value of outstanding settled shares.


      The Fund  maintains  a cash  balance  with its  custodian  and  receives a
reduction of its custody fees and expenses for the amounts of interest earned on
such uninvested cash balance.  There was no effect on net investment income. The
Fund could have  invested such cash amounts in an  income-producing  asset if it
had not agreed to a  reduction  of fees or  expenses  under the  expense  offset
arrangement with the Fund's custodian.

3. Purchases and Sales of Investment Securities:

      Purchases  and  sales  of  investment  securities,   excluding  short-term
investments,  during the year ended February 29, 2004,  amounted to $201,173,720
and $222,909,142, respectively.

4. Advisory Fees and Other Related Party Transactions:

      The Fund retains the Adviser to act as investment  adviser  pursuant to an
Investment  Advisory Agreement.  As compensation for its advisory services,  the
Adviser  receives a fee computed daily and paid monthly,  at the annual rates of
0.40% of the first  $100,000,000  of average daily net assets and 0.3333% of any
excess over $100,000,000.

      Glickenhaus  has agreed to a reduction of advisory fees to the extent that
the Fund's  expenses,  including the advisory  fees,  exceed 1.50% of the Fund's
average annual net assets.  For the year ended  February 29, 2004,  there was no
reduction of advisory fees pursuant to this agreement.

      BISYS  Fund  Services  Ohio,  Inc.  ("BISYS"  or the  "Administrator"),  a
wholly-owned  subsidiary  of  The  BISYS  Group,  Inc.,  serves  as  the  Fund's
Administrator,  Transfer Agent,  and Fund Accountant and assists the Fund in all
aspects of its administration  and operation.  BISYS is entitled to receive fees
as well as be  reimbursed  for certain  expenses  incurred for  providing  these
services. As compensation for administration and fund accounting services, BISYS
will receive .15% and .03%, respectively, of the average daily net assets of the
Fund (subject to certain  minimum  amounts).  Fees received for transfer  agency
services  are class  specific and are based on the number of accounts per class.
All fees are accrued daily and paid monthly.

      Certain Officers and Trustees of the Trust are affiliated with the Adviser
or the  Administrator.  Such Officers and Trustees receive no compensation  from
the Fund for serving in their  respective  roles.  Each of the five Trustees who
served  both on the  Board  and the  Audit  Committee  were  compensated  $6,000
($30,000 in total) for meeting and retainer fees during the year ended  February
29, 2004, and reimbursed for certain expenses.



                   Notes to Financial Statements -- continued

5. Federal Income Tax Information:

      The tax  characteristics  of  dividends  paid to  shareholders  during the
fiscal year ended February 29, 2004, were as follows:

                                               Distributions paid from
                                              -------------------------                                        Total
                                              Ordinary    Net Long-Term   Total Taxable     Tax Exempt    Distributions
                                               Income     Capital Gains   Distributions   Distributions        Paid
                                              --------    -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------
Empire Builder Tax
  Free Bond Fund...........................   $450,149      $718,979        $1,169,128     $3,440,551      $4,609,679

      The tax  characteristics  of  dividends  paid to  shareholders  during the
fiscal year ended February 28, 2003, were as follows:

                                 Distributions paid from
                                 ------------------------                                                   Total
                                 Ordinary   Net Long-Term  Total Taxable   Tax Exempt     Tax Return   Distributions
                                  Income    Capital Gains  Distributions  Distributions   of Capital        Paid
                                 --------   -------------  -------------  -------------   ----------   -------------
Empire Builder Tax
  Free Bond Fund..............   $808,613      $847,804     $1,656,417     $4,112,346       $   --      $5,768,763

      Total  Distributions  paid  differ from the  Statements  of Changes in Net
Assets because dividends are recognized when paid for tax purposes.

      As of February 29, 2004 the components of accumulated  earnings  (deficit)
on a tax basis was as follows:

                                               Undistributed                                                                Total
                 Undistributed  Undistributed    Long-Term                                Accumulated    Unrealized      Accumulated
                   Ordinary       Tax-Exempt      Capital    Accumulated   Distributions  Capital and   Appreciation/     Earnings/
                    Income          Income     Gains/Losses    Earnings       Payable     Other Losses  (Depreciation)*   (Deficit)
                    ------          ------     ------------    --------       -------     ------------  ---------------   ---------
Empire Builder
  Tax Free
  Bond Fund......  $447,849        $66,652         $249        $514,750    $  (23,727)       $   --        $5,897,042    $6,388,065

- ----------
*     The   difference   between   the   book-basis   unrealized    appreciation
      (depreciation)  is attributable  primarily to the difference  between book
      and tax amortization methods for premium and market discount.


                         Report of Independent Auditors

To the Trustees and Shareholders of
The Empire Builder Tax Free Bond Fund

In our opinion, the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities,  including
the portfolio of  investments,  and the related  statements of operations and of
changes  in net assets  and the  financial  highlights  present  fairly,  in all
material  respects,  the financial  position of The Empire Builder Tax Free Bond
Fund (the "Fund") at February 29, 2004,  the results of its  operations  for the
year then ended,  the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the
period then ended and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the
period then ended, in conformity with accounting  principles  generally accepted
in the United  States of  America.  These  financial  statements  and  financial
highlights   (hereafter   referred  to  as  "financial   statements")   are  the
responsibility  of the Fund's  management;  our  responsibility is to express an
opinion on these  financial  statements  based on our audits.  We conducted  our
audits of these  financial  statements  in accordance  with  auditing  standards
generally  accepted in the United States of America,  which require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements,  assessing the accounting  principles used and significant estimates
made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe  that our  audits,  which  included  confirmation  of  securities  at
February 29, 2004 by  correspondence  with the custodian and brokers,  provide a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Columbus, Ohio
April 20, 2004


                                 THE MANAGEMENT

                        Trustees and Officers (Unaudited)

                                                                                                   Number of
                                Positions                                                         Portfolios
                                Held With                                                        Overseen for   Directorships
                             Empire Builder      Term of                                        Empire Builder  Held Outside
Name, Address, and              Tax Free      Office/Length       Principal Occupation(s)          Tax Free       the Fund
Birthdate (month/year)          Bond Fund    of time served       During the Past 5 Years          Bond Fund       Complex
- ---------------------         -------------   ------------    -------------------------------    ------------    -----------

*SETH M. GLICKENHAUS.......     Trustee,       since 4/84   Senior Partner of Glickenhaus & Co.        1            None
Six East 43rd Street          Chairman of
New York, NY 10017              the Board
03/14                         and President

EDWARD A. FALKENBERG.......     Trustee,       since 6/89   Principal, ACME Real Estate (1998 to       1            None
23 Oak Lane                                                 present); retired, Vice President and
Scarsdale, NY 10583                                         Controller, Joseph E. Seagram & Sons,
09/40                                                       Inc.; Controller Seagram Company Ltd.

EDWARD A. KUCZMARSKI.......     Trustee,       since 4/84   Certified Public Accountant, Partner,      1        NY Daily Tax
Hays & Company                                              Hays & Company (1980 to present)                  Free Income Fund
477 Madison Ave., 10th Flr
New York, NY 10022

ELIZABETH B. NEWELL........     Trustee,       since 4/84   Director, Park Ave. Christian Church       1        NY Daily Tax
130 East End Avenue                                         Day School (2001 to present); Director,           Free Income Fund
New York, NY 10028                                          The American School in Switzerland
07/40                                                       (1991 to present)

JOHN P. STEINES............     Trustee,       since 8/84   Professor of Law, New York University      1        NY Daily Tax
NYU School of Law, Rm 440                                   School of Law (1978 to present);                  Free Income Fund
40 Washington Square. So.                                   Counsel, Deloitte & Touche LLP
New York, NY 10012                                          (2001 to present)

- ----------
*   Mr. Glickenhaus is treated by the Fund as an "interested person" (as defined
    in Section  2(a)(19)  of the 1940 Act) of the Fund,  Mr.  Glickenhaus  is an
    "interested person" because he is a Senior Partner of Glickenhaus & Co., the

    The Trustees receive fees and are reimbursed for expenses in connection with
each  meeting  of the Board of  Trustees  they  attend.  However,  no officer or
employee of BISYS Fund Services  Ohio,  Inc. or  Glickenhaus & Co.  receives any
compensation from the Empire Builder Fund for acting as a Trustee.

MICHAEL J. LYNCH...........    Senior Vice     since 3/97   Director, Unit Trust Department
Six East 43rd Street            President                   Glickenhaus & Co. (1997 to Present);
New York, NY 10017                                          formerly Divisional Vice President/Desk
07/62                                                       Supervisor, Unit Investment Trust Paine

SCOTT M. ZOLTOWSKI.........  Vice President    since 6/02   Senior Counsel, BISYS Fund Services
100 Summer Street             and Secretary    since 6/03   (2001 to present ); Attorney Dechert LLP
Ste. 1500                                                   (1999 to 2001); Counsel, ALPS, Inc.
Boston, MA 02110                                            (1998 to 1999)

TROY A. SHEETS.............     Treasurer      since 10/02  Vice President of Financial Services,
3435 Stelzer Road                                           BISYS Fund Services (2002 to present);
Columbus, Ohio 43219                                        Senior Manager, KPMG LLP
05/71                                                       (1993 to 2002)

MICK GRUNEWALD.............  Vice President    since 6/03   Director, Client Services, BISYS Fund
3435 Stelzer Road                                           Services, Inc. (1993 to Present)
Columbus, Ohio 43219


                                 EMPIRE BUILDER
                                3435 Stelzer Road
                              Columbus, Ohio 43219

                                 EMPIRE BUILDER
                               TAX FREE BOND FUND
                                  Annual Report

                                February 29, 2004

                       Investment Adviser and Distributor
                                Glickenhaus & Co.
                               6 East 43rd Street
                            New York, New York 10017

                         BISYS Fund Services Ohio, Inc.
                            BISYS Fund Services, Inc.
                                3435 Stelzer Road
                              Columbus, Ohio 43219

                    Transfer and Shareholder Servicing Agent
                            BISYS Fund Services Inc.
                                3435 Stelzer Road
                              Columbus, Ohio 43219

                          State Street Bank & Trust Co.
                             800 Pennsylvania Avenue
                                    5th Floor
                           Kansas City, MO 64105-1307

                                  Legal Counsel
                                  Ropes & Gray
                             One International Place
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02110

                              Independent Auditors
                           PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
                               100 E. Broad Street
                              Columbus, Ohio 43215

                                Customer Service
                                3435 Stelzer Road
                              Columbus, Ohio 43219

This report is submitted for the  information of the  shareholders of the Empire
Builder Tax Free Bond Fund. It is not authorized for distribution to prospective
investors in the Fund unless preceded or accompanied by an effective prospectus,
obtainable from an investment dealer, which includes  information  regarding the
Fund's objectives and policies, record,  management,  sales commission and other


Item 2. Code of Ethics.

      Disclose whether,  as of the end of the period covered by the report,  the
      registrant  has adopted a code of ethics that applies to the  registrant's
      principal  executive  officer,   principal  financial  officer,  principal
      accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions,
      regardless of whether these  individuals are employed by the registrant or
      a third party.  If the  registrant  has not adopted such a code of ethics,
      explain why it has not done so.

      The  registrant  has  adopted  a  code  of  ethics  that  applies  to  the
      registrant's  principal  executive officer,  principal  financial officer,
      principal accounting officer or controller,  or persons performing similar
functions. This code of ethics is included as Exhibit 11 (a)(1).

      During the period covered by the report,  with respect to the registrant's
      code of ethics that applies to its principal executive officer,  principal
      financial officer,  principal accounting officer or controller, or persons
      performing  similar  functions;  there have been no amendments to, nor any
      waivers  granted from, a provision that relates to any element of the code
      of ethics.

Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert.

      (a) (1) Disclose that the  registrant's  board of directors has determined
that the registrant either:

            (i)   Has at least one audit committee  financial  expert serving on
                  its audit committee; or

            (ii)  Does not have an audit committee  financial  expert serving on
                  its audit committee.

      (2) If the  registrant  provides  the  disclosure  required  by  paragraph
      (a)(1)(i) of this Item, it must  disclose the name of the audit  committee
      financial expert and whether that person is  "independent." In order to be
      considered  "independent"  for purposes of this Item, a member of an audit
      committee  may not,  other than in his or her  capacity as a member of the
      audit committee, the board of directors, or any other board committee:

            (i)   Accept  directly or indirectly any  consulting,  advisory,  or
                  other compensatory fee from the issuer; or

            (ii)  Be an "interested person" of the investment company as defined
                  in Section 2(a)(19) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 80a- 2(a)(19)).

      (3) If the  registrant  provides  the  disclosure  required  by  paragraph
      (a)(1)(ii)  of this Item,  it must  explain  why it does not have an audit
      committee financial expert.

3(a)(1) The  registrant's  board of directors has determined that the registrant
has at  least  one  audit  committee  financial  expert  serving  on  its  audit

3(a)(2) The audit committee  financial  expert is Edward A.  Kuczmarski,  who is
"independent" for purposes of this Item 3 of Form N-CSR.

Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services.

      (a) Disclose,  under the caption Audit Fees, the aggregate fees billed for
each of the last two fiscal  years for  professional  services  rendered  by the
principal  accountant  for  the  audit  of  the  registrant's  annual  financial
statements  or  services  that  are  normally  provided  by  the  accountant  in
connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements for those fiscal

      2003     $26,500
      2004     $26,500

      (b) Disclose,  under the caption  Audit-Related  Fees,  the aggregate fees
billed in each of the last two fiscal years for assurance  and related  services
by the principal  accountant  that are reasonably  related to the performance of
the audit of the  registrant's  financial  statements and are not reported under
paragraph  (a) of this  Item.  Registrants  shall  describe  the  nature  of the
services comprising the fees disclosed under this category.

      2003     $2,500
      2004     $2,500

      Fees for both 2003 & 2004 relate to the review of the annual N-1A update.

      (c) Disclose,  under the caption Tax Fees,  the  aggregate  fees billed in
each of the last two fiscal  years for  professional  services  rendered  by the
principal  accountant  for  tax  compliance,   tax  advice,  and  tax  planning.
Registrants  shall  describe  the  nature of the  services  comprising  the fees
disclosed under this category.

      2003     $3,500
      2004     $3,500

      Fees for both 2003 & 2004  relate to the  preparation  of the  Fund's  tax
returns and review of its' excise tax calculations.

      (d) Disclose,  under the caption All Other Fees, the aggregate fees billed
in each of the last two fiscal years for  products and services  provided by the
principal accountant, other than the services reported in paragraphs (a) through
(c) of  this  Item.  Registrants  shall  describe  the  nature  of the  services
comprising the fees disclosed under this category.

      2003     $0
      2004     $0

      (e)  (1)  Disclose  the  audit  committee's   pre-approval   policies  and
procedures described in paragraph (c)(7) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X.

      Registrant's  Audit  Committee  meets with the principal  accountants  and
management to review and  pre-approve  all audit  services to be provided by the
principal  accountants.  The Audit  Committee  shall  pre-approve  all  auditing
services and permissible  non-audit services (e.g., tax services) to be provided
to the Fund by the Auditor,  including  the fees  therefore  and has not adopted
pre-approval  policies and procedures as described in Rule  2-01(c)(7)(i)(B)  of
Reg. S-X.

            (2)  Disclose  the  percentage  of  services  described  in  each of
paragraphs  (b)  through  (d) of this  Item  that  were  approved  by the  audit
committee pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(i)(C) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X.

      2003     0%
      2004     0%

      (f) If greater than 50 percent,  disclose the percentage of hours expended
on the principal  accountant's  engagement to audit the  registrant's  financial
statements  for the  most  recent  fiscal  year  that  were  attributed  to work
performed by persons other than the principal accountant's full-time,  permanent

      Not applicable.

      (g)  Disclose  the  aggregate  non-audit  fees billed by the  registrant's
accountant  for  services  rendered  to  the  registrant,  and  rendered  to the
registrant's  investment  adviser (not including any  sub-adviser  whose role is
primarily portfolio  management and is subcontracted with or overseen by another
investment adviser), and any entity controlling,  controlled by, or under common
control with the adviser that provides  ongoing  services to the  registrant for
each of the last two fiscal years of the registrant.

      2003     $6,000
      2004     $6,000

      (h)  Disclose  whether the  registrant's  audit  committee of the board of
directors has  considered  whether the provision of nonaudit  services that were
rendered to the  registrant's  investment  adviser (not including any subadviser
whose  role is  primarily  portfolio  management  and is  subcontracted  with or
overseen by another investment adviser), and any entity controlling,  controlled
by, or under common  control with the investment  adviser that provides  ongoing
services to the  registrant  that were not  pre-approved  pursuant to  paragraph
(c)(7)(ii) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation  S-X is compatible  with  maintaining  the
principal accountant's independence.

      Not applicable.

Item 5. Audit Committee of Listed Registrants.

      (a)   If the  registrant is a listed issuer as defined in Rule 10A-3 under
            the  Exchange  Act  (17CFR  240.10A-3),  state  whether  or not  the
            registrant  has a  separately-designated  standing  audit  committee
            established in accordance  with Section  3(a)(58)(A) of the Exchange
            Act  (15  U.S.C.  78c(a)(58)(A)).  If  the  registrant  has  such  a
            committee,  however  designated,  identify each committee member. If
            the entire board of directors  is acting as the  registrant's  audit
            committee as specified  in Section  3(a)(58)(B)  of the Exchange Act
            (15 U.S.C. 78c(a)(58)(B)), so state.

      (b)   If  applicable,  provide the  disclosure  required by Rule  10A-3(d)
            under the Exchange Act (17CFR  240.10A-3(d))  regarding an exemption
            from the listing standards for all audit committees.

      Not applicable.

Item 6. [Reserved]

Item 7. Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End
        Management Investment Companies.

      A closed-end management investment company that is filing an annual report
on this Form N-CSR must, unless it invests exclusively in non-voting securities,
describe  the  policies and  procedures  that it uses to  determine  how to vote
proxies  relating to portfolio  securities,  including the  procedures  that the
company  uses when a vote  presents  a conflict  between  the  interests  of its
shareholders,  on the one hand, and those of the company's  investment  adviser;
principal  underwriter;  or any affiliated person (as defined in Section 2(a)(3)
of the  Investment  Company  Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C.  80a-2(a)(3))  and the rules
thereunder)  of  the  company,   its  investment   adviser,   or  its  principal
underwriter,  on the other. Include any policies and procedures of the company's
investment adviser, or any other third party, that the company uses, or that are
used on the  company's  behalf,  to determine  how to vote  proxies  relating to
portfolio securities.

      Not applicable

Item 8. Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment
        Company and Affiliated Purchasers.

(a) If the registrant is a closed-end management investment company, provide the
information specified in paragraph (b) of this Item with respect to any purchase
made by or on behalf of the registrant or any "affiliated purchaser," as defined
in Rule 10b-18(a)(3) under

the  Exchange  Act (17 CFR  240.10b-18(a)(3)),  of shares or other  units of any
class of the registrant's equity securities that is registered by the registrant
pursuant to Section 12 of the Exchange Act (15 U.S.C. 781).

      Not applicable.

Item 9. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

Describe  any  material  changes to the  procedures  by which  shareholders  may
recommend nominees to the registrant's  board of directors,  where those changes
were  implemented  after the registrant last provided  disclosure in response to
the requirements of Item 7(d)(2)(ii)(G) of Schedule 14A (17 CFR 240.14a-101), or
this Item.

      Not applicable.

Item 10. Controls and Procedures.

      (a) Disclose the conclusions of the registrant's  principal  executive and
principal financial officers, or persons performing similar functions, regarding
the  effectiveness  of the registrant's  disclosure  controls and procedures (as
defined  in Rule  30a-3(c)  under  the Act (17 CFR  270.30a-3(c)))  as of a date
within 90 days of the filing date of the report  that  includes  the  disclosure
required  by this  paragraph,  based on the  evaluation  of these  controls  and
procedures  required by Rule 30a-3(b)  under the Act (17 CFR  270.30a-3(b))  and
Rules  13a-15(b) or 15d-15(b)  under the Exchange Act (17 CFR  240.13a-15(b)  or

      The  registrant's  principal  executive  officer and  principal  financial
      officer have  concluded,  based on their  evaluation  of the  registrant's
      disclosure  controls and  procedures  as  conducted  within 90 days of the
      filing date of this report,  that these disclosure controls and procedures
      are  adequately  designed  and are  operating  effectively  to ensure that
      information  required to be disclosed by the  registrant  on Form N-CSR is
      (i) accumulated and communicated to the investment  company's  management,
      including its certifying  officers,  to allow timely  decisions  regarding
      required disclosure; and (ii) recorded, processed, summarized and reported
      within  the  time  periods   specified  in  the  Securities  and  Exchange
      Commission's rules and forms.

(b)  Disclose any change in the  registrant's  internal  control over  financial
reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Act (17 CFR 270.30a-3(d))  that
occurred during the registrant's last fiscal half-year (the registrant's  second
fiscal half-year in the case of an annual report) that has materially  affected,
or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant's  internal control
over financial reporting.

      There were no changes in the registrant's  internal control over financial
      reporting  that  occurred  during  the  registrant's  most  recent  fiscal
      half-year  (the  registrant's  second  fiscal  half-year in the case of an
      annual report) that have materially  affected or are reasonably  likely to
      materially  affect,  the  registrant's  internal  control  over  financial

Item 11. Exhibits.

      (a) File the exhibits listed below as part of this Form.  Letter or number
the exhibits in the sequence indicated.

      (a)(1) Any code of ethics,  or amendment  thereto,  that is the subject of
the disclosure  required by Item 2, to the extent that the registrant intends to
satisfy the Item 2 requirements through filing of an exhibit.

      The code of ethics that is the subject of the disclosure  required by Item
2 is attached hereto.

      (a)(2) A separate  certification for each principal  executive officer and
principal  financial  officer of the  registrant as required by Rule 30a-2 under
the Act (17 CFR 270.30a-2).

      Certifications  pursuant to Section 302 of the  Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
are attached hereto.

      (a)(3) Any written  solicitation to purchase  securities  under Rule 23c-1
under the Act (17 CFR 270.23c-1)  sent or given during the period covered by the
report by or on behalf of the registrant to 10 or more persons.

      Not applicable.

      (b)   A separate or combined  certification  for each principal  executive
            officer and principal  officer of the registrant as required by Rule
            30a-2(b) under the Act.

      Certifications  pursuant to Section 906 of the  Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
are furnished herewith.


      Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 and
the  Investment  Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report
to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

(Registrant)              Empire Builder Tax Free Bond

By (Signature and Title)* /s/ Seth M. Glickenhaus
                          Seth M. Glickenhaus, President

Date May 10, 2004

      Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 and
the  Investment  Company Act of 1940,  this report has been signed  below by the
following  persons on behalf of the  registrant and in the capacities and on the
dates indicated.

By (Signature and Title)* /s/ Seth M. Glickenhaus
                          Seth M. Glickenhaus, President

Date May 10, 2004

By (Signature and Title)* /s/ Troy A. Sheets
                          Troy A. Sheets, Treasurer

Date May 10, 2004

* Print the name and title of each signing officer under his or her signature.