July 21, 2004

Mr. Donald T. Nicolaisen Chief Accountant Office of the Chief Accountant
Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20549-1103

Via FAX - (202) 942-9656

Dear Mr. Nicolaisen:

Based on discussions  with the staff of the  Securities and Exchange  Commission
("SEC Staff") over the past several months,  culminating with a meeting with the
SEC Staff on April 29,  2004,  we have  prepared  this  letter  summarizing  the
application of FASB Interpretation No. 46 (revised December 2003), Consolidation
of Variable Interest  Entities ("FIN 46R"), to statutorily  required trusts (the
"Trusts") utilized by the undersigned registrants in the deathcare industry (the
"Registrants").  The  information  included  herein  represents our  conclusions
regarding the  accounting for the Trusts under the  requirements  of FIN 46R. We
acknowledge that our accounting conclusions that follow are an industry-specific
application of the literature  discussed  herein and should not be analogized to
in other  situations.  Based on these  discussions,  we understand the SEC Staff
will not object to these conclusions.


A significant component of the Registrants'  businesses is the sale on a preneed
basis of funeral and cemetery  merchandise  and services and cemetery  interment
rights and property.  State laws generally require all or a substantial  portion
of the funds collected for preneed funeral and cemetery  merchandise and service
contracts to be placed into merchandise and service trusts ("M&S Trusts"). State
laws also  require  a portion  of the funds  collected  from  sales of  cemetery
interment  rights and property to be placed into  perpetual  care trusts  ("Care

M&S Trusts are required by state  statutes  and are  established  explicitly  to
protect preneed  consumers by limiting access by funeral and cemetery  operators
to the funds until the  merchandise is delivered or services are performed.  The
funds  deposited  into  the M&S  Trusts  are  invested  in  accordance  with the
investment  requirements  established by statute or, where the prudent  investor
rule is applicable,  the trustees' judgment. In exchange for the amounts paid by
the customer plus the accumulated earnings on these amounts, the Registrants are
contractually  obligated  to deliver the  merchandise  or perform  the  services
stipulated  by  the  contract  terms.

Mr. Donald T. Nicolaisen
July 21, 2004
Page 2

Economically, the M&S Trust earnings compensate the funeral or cemetery operator
for  increases in the costs of  providing  the  merchandise  or  performing  the
services because funeral and cemetery  operators are contractually  obligated to
provide such  merchandise  and services in the future at a price  established at
the time the contract is entered into with the preneed  consumer.  The assets of
the M&S Trusts are not subject to the claims of the Registrants' creditors.

Care Trusts are also required by state statutes and obligate the  Registrants to
remit a portion of the proceeds from the sale of cemetery  interment  rights and
property to such Care Trusts. Earnings on the Care Trust corpus are used for the
perpetual upkeep of the cemetery grounds.  Except in very limited circumstances,
neither the  cemetery  operators  nor the  customers  have any right to the Care
Trust  corpus and the Care  Trusts'  assets are not subject to the claims of the
Registrants' creditors.

Adoption of FIN 46R

Under the  provisions  of FIN 46R,  M&S  Trusts  and Care  Trusts  are  variable
interest  entities because the Trusts meet the conditions of paragraphs 5(a) and
5(b)(1) of FIN 46R.  That is, as a group,  the equity  investors (if any) do not
have  sufficient  equity at risk and do not have the direct or indirect  ability
through voting or similar rights to make decisions about the Trusts'  activities
that have a  significant  effect on the success of the Trusts.  FIN 46R requires
the  Registrants  to  consolidate  M&S  Trusts  and Care  Trusts  for  which the
Registrants are the primary beneficiaries (i.e., those for which the Registrants
absorb a majority of the Trusts' expected  losses).  A Registrant is the primary
beneficiary  of a given Trust whenever a majority of the assets of the Trust are
attributable  to deposits for  customers of the  Registrant.  If the assets of a
given Trust arise as a result of deposits for customers of multiple  Registrants
or multiple funeral and cemetery  operators,  such that a majority of the assets
of the Trust are not  attributable  to  customers  of any single  Registrant  or
single funeral and cemetery operator, then no Registrant would absorb a majority
of the  Trust's  expected  losses  (i.e.,  the  Trust  would  not have a primary
beneficiary) and the Trust would not be consolidated under the provisions of FIN

Although FIN 46R requires  consolidation  of most of the M&S Trusts and the Care
Trusts,  it does not  change  the  legal  relationships  among the  Trusts,  the
Registrants and their  customers.  In the case of the M&S Trusts,  the customers
are the legal beneficiaries.  In the case of the Care Trusts, the Registrants do
not  have  a  legal  right  to  the  trust  assets.  For  these  reasons,   upon
consolidation  of the Trusts,  the Registrants  are recognizing  non-controlling
interests in their financial  statements to reflect the third party interests in
these Trusts in accordance  with FASB Statement No. 150,  Accounting for Certain
Financial  Instruments  with  Characteristics  of Both Liability and Equity.  As
discussed with the SEC Staff,  the Registrants  are classifying  deposits to M&S
Trusts as liability  non-controlling  interests and are classifying  deposits to
Care Trusts as equity non-controlling  interests. The Registrants are continuing
to account for amounts  received from customers prior to delivery of merchandise
or  services  that are not  deposited  in either  M&S  Trusts or Care  Trusts as
deferred revenue.

Mr. Donald T. Nicolaisen
July 21, 2004
Page 2

In consolidation, the Registrants recognize realized investment earnings of the
M&S Trusts within Other income, net. The Registrants then recognize a
corresponding expense within Other income, net that represents the realized
earnings of those trusts that are attributable to the non-controlling interest
holders. The corresponding credit for this expense is Non-controlling interest
in funeral and cemetery trusts for M&S Trusts or Non-controlling interest in
perpetual care trusts for Care Trusts. The sum of these expenses recorded in
Other income, net will offset the realized earnings of such trusts also
recognized within Other income, net. Accordingly, the Registrants' income
statements are not affected by consolidation of the Trusts in accordance with
FIN 46R (i.e., the application of this accounting policy is income statement
neutral to the Registrants' financial statements).

To the extent the earnings of the Trusts are  distributed  prior to the delivery
of  merchandise  and/or  services,  a  corresponding  amount of  non-controlling
interest will be reclassified to deferred  revenue,  until it is recognizable as
revenue.  In the case of M&S  Trusts,  the  Registrants  recognize  as  revenues
amounts previously attributed to non-controlling interests and deferred revenues
upon the performance of services and delivery of merchandise, including earnings
accumulated  in these  trusts.  In the case of the  Care  Trusts,  distributable
earnings  are  recognized  in  cemetery  revenues  to the  extent of  qualifying
cemetery maintenance costs.

Both  the  M&S  Trusts  and the  Care  Trusts  hold  investments  in  marketable
securities   that  generally  are  classified  as   available-for-sale   by  the
Registrants  under the  requirements  of FASB Statement No. 115,  Accounting for
Certain  Investments in Debt and Equity  Securities  ("FAS 115").  In accordance
with the provisions of FAS 115, available-for-sale  securities of the Trusts are
initially recorded at fair value, with unrealized gains and losses excluded from
earnings of the Registrants and initially recorded as a component of Accumulated
other comprehensive  income (loss) in the consolidated balance sheet. By analogy
to the guidance in EITF Topic D-41,  Adjustments in Assets and  Liabilities  for
Holding Gains and Losses as Related to the  Implementation of FASB Statement No.
115 ("Topic D-41"), unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale securities
of the Trusts  attributable  to the  non-controlling  interest  holders  are not
recorded as Accumulated other  comprehensive  income (loss), but are recorded as
an adjustment to either Non-controlling  interest in funeral and cemetery trusts
for M&S Trusts or  Non-controlling  interest in  perpetual  care trusts for Care
Trusts.   Therefore,   unrealized   gains  and   losses   attributable   to  the
non-controlling   interest  holders  are  reclassified  from  Accumulated  other
comprehensive  income (loss) to either  Non-controlling  interest in funeral and
cemetery  trusts for M&S Trusts or  Non-controlling  interest in perpetual  care
trusts  for Care  Trusts.  The gross  effect  from  applying  Topic  D-41 on the
Registrants'  Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) will be disclosed in
the Registrants'  footnotes to their financial statements,  but the Registrants'
Accumulated other  comprehensive  income (loss) on the face of the balance sheet
is ultimately not affected by consolidation of the Trusts.

                                    * * * * *

Mr. Donald T. Nicolaisen
July 21, 2004
Page 2

We respectfully thank the SEC Staff for their time and attention over the last
several months regarding the application of FIN 46R to the Trusts. This letter
sets forth the accounting policies that we, the Registrants, will follow as a
result of the adoption of FIN 46R.

Service Corporation International                     Alderwoods Group, Inc.

Stewart Enterprises, Inc.                             Carriage Services, Inc.

cc:  PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
      KPMG LLP