Exhibit 99.1

Third Wave Technologies                     Vida Communication
Rod Hise                                    Stephanie Diaz (investors)
(608) 663-4010                              (415) 885-2298

                                            Tim Brons (media)
                                            (646) 319-8981

For Immediate Release

           Growing molecular diagnostic account penetration, revenue
                         demonstrate marked improvement

      MADISON,  Wis., July 27, 2005--Third Wave Technologies Inc. (Nasdaq: TWTI)
today reported financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2005.

      Third Wave  reported  total revenue of $5.8 million and a net loss of $5.5
million,  or ($0.13) a diluted  share,  for the  quarter  ended  June 30,  2005,
compared  to total  revenue  of $12.6  million  and a net loss of  $106,000,  or
($0.00) a diluted share, for the same period of 2004.

      The company reported clinical molecular diagnostic revenue of $4.3 million
for the second quarter of 2005.  Second-quarter total clinical revenue increased
38% from the prior  quarter  and 25% from the  prior-year  period.  The  company
previously  indicated that research revenue would be markedly lower; it declined
by $8.0 million  during the second quarter of 2005 from the same period of 2004.
Despite the expected  research revenue  decrease,  the company continued to make
significant strides in its clinical molecular diagnostics business.

      Total  revenue for the  six-month  period ended June 30,  2005,  was $12.9
million with a net loss of $9.9 million,  or ($0.24) a share,  compared to total
revenue of $27.9 million and net income of $2.7 million,  or $0.07 a share,  for
the same period of 2004.

      Third Wave  reported  gross  margins of 69% for the quarter ended June 30,
2005. Gross margins were  approximately  70% for the sixth  consecutive  quarter
despite an  $8-million  decline in research  revenue  during the quarter.  Total
operating  expenses were $11.5 million for the second quarter of 2005,  compared
to $13.4 million for the same period of 2004.  Total operating  expenses for the
six-month  period ended June 30,  2005,  were $23.1  million,  compared to $25.2
million  for the same  period of 2004.  General  and  administrative  costs were
higher  due to  patent  litigation  the  company  is  prosecuting;  selling  and
marketing  expense  was  higher  due to the  expansion  of the  company's  sales

      The company ended the second quarter of 2005 with cash, cash  equivalents,
and short-term investments of $61.5 million.

      "Third Wave's  clinical  molecular  diagnostic  results and strong account
penetration  in the second quarter are a clear  demonstration  of the increasing
traction we are seeing in the  molecular  diagnostic  market," said John Puisis,
president  and chief  executive  officer of Third  Wave.  "Molecular  diagnostic
revenue grew nicely and we secured an  unprecedented 26 customer wins during the
quarter--including 13 incremental,  new accounts--an  important indicator of the
quality of our products and of our future prospects.

      "The company also achieved significant  milestones in our efforts to build
a  broad,  valuable  molecular  diagnostic  pipeline,"  Mr.  Puisis  said.  "Our
submission of the Invader(R) UGT1A1 test to the FDA is the company's first. This
product  is  strategically  important  as we  position  the  company  to capture
opportunities  in  the  emerging  and  potentially  high-value  pharmacogenetics

Current Product Review

Genetics: Factor V Leiden, Factor II (prothrombin) and others

      Third  Wave's  menu of  Invader(R)  analyte-specific  reagents  (ASRs) for
Factor V Leiden,  Factor II  (prothrombin)  and others generated $2.8 million in
the second quarter of 2005, compared to $2.1 million in the prior quarter and in
the same period of 2004.  The company  secured three new accounts for these ASRs
during the second  quarter,  including Emory  Healthcare.  Third Wave remains on
track to submit its Factor V Leiden and Factor II (prothrombin)  products to the
FDA this fall for clearance.

Genetics: CFTR

      Third Wave's Invader(R) ASRs that enable laboratories to develop tests for
cystic  fibrosis gene  detection  (CFTR)  generated  $0.8 million in the quarter
ended  June 30,  2005,  compared  to $0.5 in the prior  quarter  and in the same
period of 2004.  Customer  response to the company's new CFTR InPlex ASRs, which
were released in April,  continues to be  favorable.  The company added nine new
CFTR accounts during the second quarter,  bringing its CFTR account  penetration
total to 32. Second-quarter  customer wins include  Dartmouth-Hitchcock  Medical
Center, Mills-Peninsula Health Services, and Adena Health System.

Infectious Disease: HCV

      Third Wave's  Invader(R) HCV ASRs,  released  during the second quarter of
2004,  generated  $0.3 million  during the second  quarter  ended June 30, 2005,
compared to $0.1 million in the prior  quarter.  The company  nearly doubled its
HCV  market  penetration  during the  quarter,  adding 14 new HCV  accounts  and
bringing its total of HCV accounts to 31.  These new  accounts  include  Detroit
Medical Center and Morton Plant Health Care.

Oncology/Women's Health: HPV

      Third Wave continued its  early-access  rollout of Invader(R) ASRs for use
by  laboratories  to develop tests for HPV. The number of clinical  laboratories
conducting on-site evaluations of the company's HPV ASRs is growing,  continuing
to increase the company's  confidence  that HPV will add  significant  value for
Third Wave.

Molecular Diagnostic Product Pipeline Update

      Third Wave achieved a major  milestone  with its  submission to the FDA of
the  Invader(R)  UGT1A1 test.  Third Wave's UGT1A1 product is designed to detect
select polymorphisms  associated with adverse reactions to Pfizer's chemotherapy
drug,   Camptosar.   Pfizer  recently  relabeled  Camptosar  to  include  dosage
recommendations based on a patient's pharmacogenetic profile.

      The  UGT1A1  product  will  be the  first  of many  anticipated  molecular
diagnostic-drug  therapy pairings and is a part of the company's  strategic plan
to capture valuable  opportunities as the  pharmacogenetics  market emerges. The
company is developing other new pharmacogenetic products,  including several new
products in the CYP450 gene family.

      Due to  favorable  customer  response  to the  CFTR  InPlex  ASRs  and the
opportunity  to expand  penetration  in this  market  more  broadly,  Third Wave
anticipates submitting a CFTR InPlex product to the FDA this fall for clearance.
The company also expects to submit  Factor V Leiden and Factor II  (prothrombin)
products to the FDA this fall for clearance, as it announced previously.

            Third  Wave  remains  on track to meet the  following  2005  product

      o     The combination of the performance and flexibility of the Invader(R)
            chemistry with the  sensitivity of a rudimentary  form of polymerase
            chain  reaction,  or PCR, whose patents expired at the end of March.
            Third  Wave  believes  Invader(R)  Plus  provides  the  most  robust
            chemistry  combination  for  customers,  enabling  them  to  perform
            complicated  molecular testing more simply and quickly.  The company
            plans to leverage this new, proprietary chemistry aggressively, with
            an initial focus on infectious  disease,  and expects to detail more
            specific plans for Invader(R) Plus during the second half of 2005.

      o     The  company  continues  to  expect  that it will  release  ASRs for
            laboratories  to develop  tests for the human herpes  virus  family,
            including herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2,  cytomegalovirus,  and the
            Varicella-Zoster and Epstein-Barr viruses, during the second half of

      o     As part of its  effort to further  broaden  its  infectious  disease
            product   menu,   the  company  has  initiated   development   of  a
            tuberculosis  panel and a respiratory virus panel that could include
            influenza viruses A and B, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

      o     The company  also  continues to develop,  test and enhance  products
            that include HCV detection and viral load, and HIV detection as part
            of its  infectious  disease menu  expansion.  It will  announce more
            specific plans for these valuable product  opportunities  during the
            second half of 2005.

      "Third Wave continues to demonstrate the  fundamental,  long-term value we
are  building  for  our  shareholders,  as we  gain  traction  in the  molecular
diagnostic  market  and  build-out  a  valuable  molecular   diagnostic  product
pipeline,"  Mr.  Puisis said.  "While the  long-anticipated  decline in research
revenue  may  cloud  the  company's  top-line  story  in  the  short  term,  our
second-quarter  results show that the investments we have made and will continue
to make  in  molecular  diagnostic  product  development  and  distribution  are
beginning  to pay off. We are gaining  more  accounts  and  product  wins.  Most
importantly, customers are acknowledging the progress we are making.

      "Our  expectations  are high, so we know we have more to accomplish,"  Mr.
Puisis said,  "but we are pleased to be well  positioned for the  opportunity in
molecular diagnostics."

Conference Call & Webcast

      Company  management  will host a conference  call on  Wednesday,  July 27,
2005,  at 10  a.m.  EDT to  discuss  second-quarter  2005  results  and  ongoing
corporate   activities.   Domestic   callers  should  dial  (866)  770-7051  and
international  callers  should  dial (617)  213-8064.  The access  code for both
domestic  and  international  callers  is  46102755.  Please  dial in five to 10
minutes  prior to the start of  conference  call. A live webcast and a replay of
the  conference  call will be available at  www.twt.com.  The  conference  call,
webcast and replay are open to all interested parties.

About Third Wave Technologies

      Third Wave  Technologies  is a leader in the  development and marketing of
molecular  diagnostics  for a  variety  of DNA  and RNA  analysis  applications,
providing  physicians and researchers  with superior tools to diagnose and treat
disease. Third Wave's Invader(R) chemistry provides the company's customers with
exceptional  performance,  scalability,  and ease of use.  The company  offers a
number of  clinical  products  based on its  Invader(R)  chemistry  for  genetic
testing related to multiple disease areas. For more information about Third Wave
and its products, please visit the company's website at www.twt.com.

All statements in this news release that are not historical are  forward-looking
statements within the meaning of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as amended.
Such  forward-looking  statements are subject to factors that could cause actual
results to differ materially for Third Wave from those projected.  Those factors
include risks and  uncertainties  relating to the company's ability to bring new
products to market as anticipated,  the current regulatory  environment in which
the  company  sells its  products,  the  market  acceptance  of those  products,
dependence on partners and customers, successful performance under collaborative
and  commercial  agreements,   competition,  the  strength  of  the  Third  Wave
intellectual  property,  the  intellectual  property  of others  and other  risk
factors identified in the documents Third Wave has filed, or will file, with the
Securities  and Exchange  Commission.  Copies of the Third Wave filings with the
SEC may be  obtained  from the SEC  Internet  site at  www.sec.gov.  Third  Wave
expressly  disclaims  any  obligation  or  undertaking  to release  publicly any
updates or  revisions  to any  forward-looking  statements  contained  herein to
reflect  any change in Third  Wave's  expectations  with  regard  thereto or any
change in events,  conditions, or circumstances on which any such statements are
based. Third Wave  Technologies,  Invader and the Third Wave logo are trademarks
of Third Wave Technologies, Inc.

                           --Financial Tables Follow--

                          Third Wave Technologies, Inc
                             Statement of Operations
                  (In thousands, except for per share amounts)

                                                       Three Months Ended          Six Months Ended
                                                            June 30,                    June 30,
                                                       2005          2004          2005          2004
                                                     --------      --------      --------      --------
   Clinical Product                                  $  4,274      $  3,418      $  7,375      $  6,456
   Research Product                                     1,300         9,111         5,113        21,288
   License & royalty                                       90            55           183            95
   Grant                                                  108            48           227            69
                                                     --------      --------      --------      --------
                                                        5,772        12,632        12,898        27,908
                                                     --------      --------      --------      --------

Operating expenses:
   Cost of goods sold
     Product cost of goods sold                         1,313         3,152         2,852         6,751
     Intangible and long-term asset amortization          498           542           959         1,113
                                                     --------      --------      --------      --------
   Total cost of goods sold                             1,811         3,694         3,811         7,864

   Research and development                             2,040         3,027         4,506         5,700
   Selling and marketing                                3,182         2,696         6,546         5,321
   General and administrative                           4,268         3,212         8,047         5,570
   Impairment                                             203           759           203           759
                                                     --------      --------      --------      --------
                                                        9,693         9,694        19,302        17,350
                                                     --------      --------      --------      --------

Total operating expenses                               11,504        13,388        23,113        25,214
                                                     --------      --------      --------      --------

Income (loss) from operations                          (5,732)         (756)      (10,215)        2,694

Other income (expense):
   Interest income                                        393           143           740           270
   Interest expense                                       (95)          (59)         (184)         (116)
   Other                                                  (80)          566          (275)         (105)
                                                     --------      --------      --------      --------
                                                          218           650           281            49
                                                     --------      --------      --------      --------

Net income (loss)                                    ($ 5,514)     ($   106)     ($ 9,934)     $  2,743
                                                     ========      ========      ========      ========

Net loss per diluted share                           ($  0.13)     ($  0.00)     ($  0.24)     $   0.07

Weighted average diluted shares outstanding            41,088        40,325        41,105        41,875

                          Third Wave Technologies, Inc
                                 Balance Sheets

                                                         June 30,   December 31,
                                                           2005         2004
                                                         --------   ------------
   Cash, cash equivalents, and short-term investments    $61,493      $66,690
   Other current assets                                    6,449        7,281
   Equipment and leasehold improvements, net               5,251        5,971
   Intangible assets, net of amortization                  3,394        4,146
   Goodwill and indefinite lived intangible assets         1,497        1,497
   Other assets                                            1,924        2,483
                                                         -------      -------
     Total assets                                        $80,008      $88,068
                                                         =======      =======

Liabilities and shareholders' equity
   Accounts payable, accrued expenses and other          $17,010      $14,781
   Deferred revenue                                          480          384
   Debt                                                   11,018       10,168
   Shareholders' equity                                   51,500       62,735
                                                         -------      -------
     Total liabilities and shareholders' equity          $80,008      $88,068
                                                         =======      =======