Washington, D.C. 20549

                        Report Of Foreign Private Issuer

                   Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 under the
                   Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the period ending June 30, 2010
Commission File Number: 0-28542

                             ICTS International N.V.
                 (Translation of registrant's name into English)

               Biesbosch 225, 1181 JC Amstelveen, The Netherlands
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

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under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.

         Form 20-F     X                             Form 40-F        _____

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foreign private issuer must furnish and make public under the laws of the
jurisdiction in which the registrant is incorporated, domiciled or legally
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Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

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connection with Rule 12g3-2(b): 82- ________

                             ICTS INTERNATIONAL N.V
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                          June 30,  December 31,
                                                            2010        2009
                                                          --------  ------------
                                                           (US $ in thousands)
       Cash and cash equivalents                             $4,452      $4,835
       Restricted certificate of deposit                      3,500       3,500
       Accounts receivable, net                              11,805      11,556
       Prepaid expenses and other current assets              1,761       1,307
                                                          ---------    ---------
Total current assets                                        $21,518     $21,198

Property and equipment, net                                   1,528       1,873
Goodwill                                                        314         314
Receivable - Unites States Transportation
       Security Administration                                    -       3,000
Other assets                                                    310         442
                                                          ---------    ---------
Total assets                                                $23,670     $26,827
                                                          =========    =========

       Notes payable - bank                                  $5,878      $6,070
       Accounts payable                                       3,405       2,684
       Accrued expenses and other current liabilities        22,640      21,856
       Current liabilities from discontinued operations         650       1,222
                                                          ---------    ---------
Total current liabilities                                   $32,573     $31,832

Convertible notes payable to related party, including
       accrued interest                                      11,864      10,144
Other liabilities                                             1,560       3,141
                                                          ---------    ---------
                                                             13,424      13,285
                                                          ---------    ---------
Total liabilities                                           $45,997     $45,117
                                                          =========    =========

       Common stock, (Euro) 0.45 par value, 17,000,000
       shares authorized;
            8,009,185 shares issued and outstanding as
            of June 30, 2010;
            7,890,137 shares issued and outstanding as
            of December 31,2009                             $4,475       $4,409
       Additional paid-in capital                           20,843       20,661
       Accumulated deficit                                 (40,361)     (35,904)
       Accumulated other comprehensive loss                 (7,284)      (7,456)
Total shareholders' deficiency                             (22,327)     (18,290)
                                                          ---------    ---------
Total  liabilities and shareholders' equity                $23,670      $26,827
                                                          =========    =========

                             ICTS INTERNATIONAL N.V
              (US $ in thousands, except share and per share data)

                                              Six months ended  Six months ended
                                                June 30, 2010     June 30, 2009
                                                -------------     -------------

Revenue                                              $47,560            $45,973
Cost of revenue                                       42,318             41,111
                                                  -----------        -----------
GROSS PROFIT                                           5,242              4,862
Selling, general and administrative expenses           6,862              6,797
                                                  -----------        -----------
OPERATING LOSS                                         1,620              1,935
Other expenses, net                                    1.836                466
                                                  -----------        -----------
          IN AFFILIATES AND INCOME TAX EXPENSES        3,456              2,401
Equity loss from investments in affiliates               675                  -
Income tax expense                                       236                 12
                                                  -----------        -----------
LOSS FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS                        4,367              2,413
Income (Loss) from discontinued operations               (90)             4,811
                                                  -----------        -----------
NET INCOME (LOSS)                                    $(4,457)            $2,398
                                                  ===========        ===========

Continuing operations                                 $(0.55)            $(0.37)
Discontinued operations                               $(0.01)            $ 0.74
                                                  -----------        -----------
Net income (loss)                                     $(0.56)            $ 0.37
                                                  ===========        ===========

Weighted average number of shares outstanding      7,890,137          6,536,433

Net income (loss)                                    $(4,457)            $2,398
Translation adjustment                                   172                (54)
                                                  -----------        -----------
Comprehensive income (loss)                          $(4,285)            $2,344
                                                  ===========        ===========


      ICTS International, N.V., including its subsidiaries (referred here as the
"Company")  is a  provider  of  aviation  security  and other  aviation  related
services through service contracts with airline companies,  airport  authorities
and governments.

      The following  summary of information  represents  only the results of the
Company from continuing  operations  unless  mentioned  otherwise and relates to
period of six months ending at June 30, 2010 and to the comparable period ending
at June 30, 2009.  All amounts are in thousands  (U.S  Dollars).  More  detailed
information  about  the 2009  figures  can be found in the  Company's  financial
statements for the whole year 2009 which are attached to the Company's 20F form.

      Revenue - Revenues for the period  ended June 30, 2010 were $47.6  million
compared  to $46.0  million in the first six months of 2009.  Revenues  from U.S
operations  decreased by $1.1  million  compared to the first six months of 2009
mainly because of the economic  slowdown and the  increasing  competition in the
related  aviation  security   services  segment.   Revenues  from  the  European
activities  increased by $2.7 million compared to the 2009 comparable  period as
the  Company  extended  the  security  services  it  provides  in  its  existing
locations. In addition, revenues of the European activities were affected by the
translation  of the  Euro  to the  Dollars,  as this  year,  the  exchange  rate
decreased by 4.6%.

      Cost of revenue - Cost of revenue  for the period  ended June 30, 2010 was
$42.3 million  (89.0% of revenue)  compared to $41.1 million  (89.4% of revenue)
for the first six months of 2009. Cost of revenue  includes also the expenses of
the  Technology  segment of the Company  which  totaled to $1.4  million for the
period ended June 30, 2010 compared to $1.0 million in the comparable period.

      Selling,  general and administrative  expenses (SG&A) - SG&A expenses were
$6.9 million for the period  ended June 30, 2010 (14.4% of revenue)  compared to
$6.8 million (14.8% of revenue) for the 2009 comparable period.

      Other expenses,  net - Other expenses,  net include  interest to banks and
related party  regarding  the Company's  loans,  exchange  rate  expenses,  bank
charges and expenses regarding the agreements between the Company and the United
States  Transportation  Security  Administration  ("TSA") and the Unites  States
Department of Labor ("DOL"). Other expenses,  net, were $1,836 for the first six
months of 2010 compared to $466 for the comparable period ending June 30, 2009.

      During 2010,  the Company  reached an agreement  with the DOL and the TSA.
The  receivable of $3 million from the TSA was  eliminated  and the liability to
the DOL was decreased from $3 million to $1.5 million.  The financial  affect of
those  agreements  totaled  to a  onetime  expense  of $1.5  million,  which was
reflected in the results of the first six months of 2010.

      Interest expenses to related party totaled $250 in the first six months of
2010 compared to $181 in the comparable period of 2009.  Exchange rate income in
the first six months of 2010 totaled $526 compared to $37 at the 2009 comparable

      Equity loss from  investment  in  affiliates - As of December 31, 2009 the
Company had an ownership  interest in Inksure  Technologies  Inc  ("Inksure") of
27.4%.  In the  beginning  of  2010,  the  Company  invested  $675 in a  private
placement done by Inksure.  As the Company presents its investment  according to
the equity method, and as Inksure's equity after the private placement was still
negative,  the Company expensed its additional investment to the profit and loss
report. As of June 30, 2010, the Company holds 23.9% of Inksure.

      Income tax expense - Income tax  expenses  were $236 for the period  ended
June 30, 2010 compared to $12 for the 2009  comparable  period.  The increase of
the expenses  relates to income taxes  payable in different  locations in Europe
and based on the local tax requirements in the different countries.

      Loss from continued operations - As a result of the foregoing, ICTS's loss
from  continued  operations  amounted  $4.4  million for the first six months of
2010, compared to $2.4 million loss for the first six months of 2009.

      Income from  discontinued  operations  -During the first 6 months of 2009,
the Company has reached into an agreement with the landlord of the Explore sites
on which ICTS will pay to the landlord $2.6 million until December 31, 2010. The
company updated the liability recorded in its books accordingly,  which resulted
in profit of $4.7 million only from this transaction.

      Net  Profit - As a result of the  foregoing,  ICTS's  loss  amounted  $4.5
million for the first six months of 2010, compared to net income of $2.4 million
for the comparable period of 2009.

                      Segment and Geographical Information

      The Company  operates in three  reportable  segments:  (a)  Corporate  (b)
Airport security and other aviation  services and (c) Technology.  The Corporate
segment  does  not  generate  revenue  and  contains  primarily  non-operational
expenses.  The Airport  security and other  aviation  services  segment  provide
services to airlines and airport  authorities,  in the United States of America,
Europe and the Far East. The Technology segment is predominantly involved in the
development and sale of identity security software to financial institutions and
airport  authorities,  mainly in Europe.  All inter - segment  transactions  are
eliminated in the consolidation. The accounting policies of the segments are the
same as the accounting policies of the Company as a whole. The operating results
of these segments are based primarily on loss from continuing operations.

                                                                            Security and
                                                                           Other Aviation
                                                            Corporate         Services         Technology          Total
                                                            ---------         --------         ----------          -----

Six months ended June 30, 2010:
  Revenue                                                           -          $47,310           $   250        $ 47,560
  Depreciation and amortization                                     6              342                23             371
  Income (loss) from continuing operations                    (1,457)            (917)           (1,993)         (4,367)
  Total assets                                                    995           22,088               587          23,670

Six months ended June 30, 2009:
  Revenue                                                           -          $45,647           $   326        $ 45,973
  Depreciation and amortization                                     5              321                19             345
  Income (loss) from continuing  operations                   (1,021)            (235)           (1,157)         (2,413)
  Total assets                                                    718           24,769               564          26,051

Revenue by country is summarized as follows:

                                               Six months ended June 30,
                                          2010                       2009
United States of America                $ 17,077                   $ 18,222
Netherlands                               20,686                     20,875
Other                                      9,797                      6,876
Total                                   $ 47,560                   $ 45,973


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                               ICTS INTERNATIONAL N.V.

                                               By: /s/ Avraham Dan
                                               Avraham Dan, Managing Director

Dated: December  28, 2010