Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                               (Amendment No. __ )

Filed by the Registrant [x] 
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ] 
Check the appropriate box: 
[ ]   Preliminary  Proxy Statement 
[ ]   Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only 
      (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))  
[x]   Definitive Proxy Statement 
[ ]   Definitive Additional Materials 
[ ]   Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss.240.14a-11(c) or ss.240.14a-12  

                          ImClone Systems Incorporated
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person)s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[x]   No fee Required.
[ ]   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

      1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


      2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


      3) Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee
is calculated and state how it was determined):


      4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


      5) Total fee paid:


[ ]   Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]   Check  box  if  any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act
Rule 0-11(a)(2)  and  identify  the  filing  for  which the  offsetting  fee was
paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration  statement number,
or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing

      1) Amount previously paid:


      2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


      3) Filing Party:


      4) Date Filed:



                          IMCLONE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED

                                180 Varick Street
                               New York, NY 10014
                                 (212) 645-1405


                             TO BE HELD MAY 27, 1998


To The Stockholders of ImClone Systems Incorporated:

     Notice is  hereby  given  that the  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  (the
"Meeting") of ImClone Systems Incorporated (the "Company") will be held at 10:00
a.m.,  local  time,  on  Wednesday,  May  27,  1998 at the  Company's  principal
executive offices at 180 Varick Street, Seventh Floor, New York, New York 10014,
for the following purposes:

     1.   To elect ten Directors.

     2.   To vote upon a proposal to approve the Company's  1998 Employee  Stock
          Purchase Plan.

     3.   To  ratify  the  appointment  by the Board of  Directors  of KPMG Peat
          Marwick LLP to serve as the  Company's  independent  certified  public
          accountants for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1998.

     4.   To  consider  and act upon such other  business as may  properly  come
          before the Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     Only holders of Common Stock of record at the close of business on April 7,
1998 are  entitled  to notice of and to vote at the  Meeting or any  adjournment

                                              By Order of the Board of Directors

                                              /s/ John B. Landes
New York, NY                                  JOHN B. LANDES
April 22, 1998                                Secretary

Whether or not you expect to attend the Meeting,  please complete, sign and date
the  enclosed  proxy and  promptly  return it in the  envelope  provided  to the
Company's  transfer  agent,  Boston  EquiServe,  150  Royall  Street,  Mail Stop
45-02-62,  Canton, MA 02021, to be received no later than May 25, 1998. In order
to avoid the additional expense to the Company of further  solicitation,  we ask
your  cooperation in sending in your proxy promptly.  Sending in your proxy will
not prevent you from voting in person at the Meeting.

                          IMCLONE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED
                                180 Varick Street
                            New York, New York 10014


                                 PROXY STATEMENT


     This proxy  statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation of
proxies  for use at the  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  of  ImClone  Systems
Incorporated (the "Company") to be held at 10:00 a.m., local time, on Wednesday,
May 27, 1998, at the Company's principal executive offices at 180 Varick Street,
Seventh Floor, New York, New York 10014,  and at any  adjournments  thereof (the
"Meeting"). The accompanying proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors of the
Company (the "Board") and is revocable by the stockholders any time before it is
voted. The purpose of the Meeting and the matters to be acted upon are set forth
in the accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders.


     The close of  business  on April 7, 1998 has been fixed as the record  date
(the "Record Date") for the determination of stockholders entitled to notice of,
and to vote at, the  Meeting.  On the Record  Date,  the Company had  24,334,885
shares of  common  stock,  par value  $.001  per  share  (the  "Common  Stock"),
outstanding  and  entitled  to vote.  Such  shares of Common  Stock are the only
outstanding  voting securities of the Company.  Each share held of record on the
Record Date will be entitled to one vote at the Meeting. There are no cumulative
voting rights. It is expected that the Notice of Annual Meeting, Proxy Statement
and form of proxy will  first be mailed to  stockholders  on or about  April 24,

     To be elected as a Director under Proposal No. 1, a Director must receive a
plurality  of the  votes of the  shares  of Common  Stock  present  in person or
represented  by proxy at the  Meeting and  entitled  to vote on the  election of
Directors.  Broker  non-votes will not be counted as present for the purposes of
determining  the outcome of the election of Directors  and will thereby have the
effect of decreasing the number of votes needed to gain a plurality. Abstentions
will be counted as present for the  purposes of  determining  the outcome of the
election of Directors and will thereby have the effect of increasing  the number
of votes needed to gain a plurality.  The affirmative  vote of a majority of the
shares of Common Stock, present in person or represented by proxy at the Meeting
and  entitled  to vote on the  subject  matter,  is  necessary  for  approval of
Proposal Nos. 2 and 3. Abstentions will count as votes "Against" Proposal Nos. 2
and 3 and broker  non-votes will not be treated as present for  determining  the
outcome of Proposal  Nos. 2 and 3 and thereby will act to decrease the number of
votes  needed to gain a majority.  The holders of a majority of the  outstanding
shares of stock entitled to vote on a matter at the Meeting present in person or
represented by proxy shall constitute a quorum. Broker non-votes are not counted
for the purposes of a quorum for the item to which they apply.  Broker non-votes
occur where brokers are prohibited from exercising  discretionary  authority for
beneficial owners who have not provided voting instructions.

     Pursuant to the Delaware  General  Corporation Law, only votes cast "For" a
matter  constitute  affirmative  votes.  Proxies  which  are  voted  by  marking
"Withheld" or "Abstain" on a particular matter are counted as present for quorum
purposes. If a validly executed proxy card is not marked to indicate a vote on a
particular  matter and the proxy  granted  thereby is not  revoked  before it is
voted,  it will be voted "For" such matter.  The Board knows of no matters which
are  to  be  presented  for  consideration  at  the  Meeting  other  than  those
specifically described in the Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders,  but, if
other  matters  are  properly  presented,  it is the  intention  of the  persons
designated as proxies to vote on them in accordance with their judgment.

                                 PROPOSAL NO. 1

                         ELECTION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS

     It is  proposed  that the ten  nominees  named below will be elected at the
Meeting to serve as  Directors  of the Company  for  one-year  terms.  It is the
intention  of the persons  named in the  accompanying  proxy,  unless  otherwise
instructed,  to vote  for the  nominees  named  herein.  All  such  persons  are
currently members of the Board of Directors (the "Board"). No proxy may be voted
for more  persons  than the number of nominees  listed  below.  The Board has no
reason to believe that any of the  nominees  will become  unavailable  to serve,
but, if that should  occur  before the  Meeting,  proxies will be voted for such
other persons as the Board may nominate.  The nominees for election as Director,
and certain information with respect to their backgrounds are set forth below.

                              Nominees For Director

                                        Current Position            Director of 
Name                               Age    with Company             Company Since
- ----                               ---    ------------             -------------

Richard Barth (1)(2)                66    Director                       1996
Jean Carvais, M.D.                  71    Director                       1993
Vincent T. DeVita, Jr., M.D.(2)     63    Director                       1992
Robert F. Goldhammer (2)(3)(4)      67    Chairman of the Board          1984
David M. Kies (1)(4)                54    Director                       1996
Paul B. Kopperl (1)(2)(4)           64    Director                       1993
John Mendelsohn, M.D.               61    Director                       1998
William R. Miller (1)(4)            69    Director                       1996
Harlan W. Waksal, M.D. (3)(4)       45    Executive Vice President,      1984
                                           Chief Operating Officer 
                                           and Director
Samuel D. Waksal, Ph.D. (3)         50    President, Chief Executive     1985
                                           Officer and Director

(1)   Member of Audit Committee
(2)   Member of Compensation and Stock Option Committee
(3)   Member of Executive Committee
(4)   Member of Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee


     Richard  Barth,  has been a Director of the Company since October 1996. Mr.
Barth served as Chairman of the Board of Ciba-Geigy  Corporation,  United States
("Ciba-Geigy")  from 1990  until  December  1996,  and was  President  and Chief
Executive  Officer of  Ciba-Geigy  from 1986 until  April 1996.  Mr.  Barth is a
member of the Board of Directors of numerous  organizations,  including Novartis
Corporation,  United States, The Bank of New York and Bowater,  Inc., and serves
as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of New York Medical College.

     Jean Carvais, M.D., has been a Director of the Company since July 1993, and
has since 1984 been an independent consultant to companies in the pharmaceutical
industry.  Prior  to that  time,  Dr.  Carvais  was  President  of The  Research
Institute of Roger Bellon,  S.A., now a division of  Rhone-Poulenc  Rorer,  Inc.
("Rhone-Poulenc").  As such,  he was  involved in the  development  of a line of
anti-cancer drugs, including Bleomycin and Adriamycin,  as well as a new line of
antibiotics and quinolones.  Following the acquisition of Roger Bellon,  S.A. by
Rhone-Poulenc,  Dr. Carvais became a member of Rhone-Poulenc's  central research
committee  which  directs  the  company's  worldwide  research  and  development
activities. Dr. Carvais is a director of Columbia Laboratories, Inc.

     Vincent T.  DeVita,  Jr.,  M.D.,  has been a Director of the Company  since
February  1992.  Dr.  DeVita is Director  of the Yale  Cancer  Center as well as
Professor of Medicine and  Professor of  Epidemiology  and Public Health at Yale
University  School of Medicine,  New Haven,  Connecticut.  From  September  1988
through  June  1995, 


Dr.  DeVita  served as Attending  Physician at Memorial  Sloan-Kettering  Cancer
Center    ("Sloan-Kettering"),    New   York,   and   through   June   1991   as
Physician-in-Chief.  From 1980 to 1988, he served under Presidential appointment
as Director of the National Cancer Institute ("NCI"),  where he had held various
positions since 1966. During his years with the NCI, Dr. DeVita was instrumental
in developing the first successful combination cancer chemotherapy program. This
work ultimately led to effective regimes of curative  chemotherapy for a variety
of cancers.  Dr. DeVita's  numerous awards include the 1990 Armand Hammer Cancer
Prize  and the 1982  Albert  and Mary  Lasker  Medical  Research  Award  for his
contribution to the cure of Hodgkin's disease. Dr. DeVita received his M.D. from
the George Washington University School of Medicine, Washington, DC, in 1961.

     Robert F.  Goldhammer,  has served as the  Company's  Chairman of the Board
since  February  1991 and has been a Director of the Company since October 1984.
Mr.  Goldhammer has been a partner of Concord  International  Investment  Group,
L.P. since 1991. He was a partner of Rohammer Corporation,  a private investment
company, from 1989 to 1991. He was a managing director of Kidder,  Peabody Group
Inc.,  an  investment  banking  firm,  from May 1988 to  January  1989.  He is a
director of E.G.&G, Inc. and Esterline Technologies Corporation.

     David M. Kies, has been a Director of the Company since June 1996. Mr. Kies
is a Partner of the New York based law firm Sullivan & Cromwell, specializing in
mergers and  acquisitions,  securities and general corporate  matters.  Mr. Kies
joined  Sullivan & Cromwell  in 1968,  and was  elected a partner of the firm in
1976.  From 1991 until 1995,  he was the managing  partner of the firm's  London
office,  the largest office of U.S.  lawyers in London and the largest office of
U.S.  securities  lawyers in Europe.  He has had  extensive  experience  in many
complex international and U.S. financial transactions,  principally representing
non-U.S. entities or their financial advisors.

         Paul B.  Kopperl,  has served on the Board since  December  1993. He is
President of Pegasus Investments,  Inc., Boston, a private investment management
firm established in 1994. He has served as President of Delano & Kopperl,  Inc.,
a financial  advisory firm in Boston and its predecessor  firms from 1976 to the
present. From 1967 through 1975 he was Vice President and a principal of Kidder,
Peabody & Co.  Incorporated,  New York, an investment banking firm. From 1959 to
1967 he was an associate  with Goldman,  Sachs & Co., New York. Mr. Kopperl is a
Trustee and Governor of the Dana-Farber  Cancer Institute,  Boston, and over the
years has served as a trustee of numerous not-for-profit educational, performing
arts and social welfare organizations.

     John Mendelsohn, has been a Director of the Company since February 1998. He
has served as the President of M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas,
where he has also been  Professor of Medicine  since 1996.  From 1985 to 1996 he
was Chairman of the Department of Medicine at Sloan-Kettering, New York, as well
as  holder  of  the   Winthrop   Rockefeller   Chair  in  Medical   Oncology  at
Sloan-Kettering.  He was also Professor and Vice-Chairman of Medicine at Cornell
University  Medical College and an attending  physician at both Memorial and New
York  Hospitals.  Dr.  Mendelsohn  served on the  faculty of the  University  of
California,  San Diego and was  instrumental in the creation of the University's
Cancer Center,  where he served as Director from 1976 to 1985. Dr.  Mendelsohn's
work  has  focused  on  growth   factors  and  their  role  in  regulating   the
proliferation of cancer cells through cell surface receptors. Dr. Mendelsohn was
responsible for developing specific monoclonal  antibodies that block receptors,
including  epidermal  growth  factor  receptors,  which  mediate  growth  factor
activation of cell and growth and division.  Dr. Mendelsohn is currently a board
member of the Richard Lounsbery  Foundation and the Greater Houston Partnership,
and a fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine.  In 1997,  Dr.  Mendelsohn was
elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences.

     William R. Miller,  has been a Director of the Company since June 1996. Mr.
Miller  served as Vice  Chairman of the Board of Directors of the  Bristol-Myers
Squibb  Company from 1985 until 1991, at which time he retired.  Mr. Miller is a
director of Isis Pharmaceuticals,  Inc., St. Jude Medical,  Inc.,  Transkaryotic
Therapies,  Inc., Westvaco  Corporation and Xomed Surgical Products,  Inc. He is
Chairman of the Board of Vion  Pharmaceuticals,  Inc.  and SIBIA  Neurosciences,
Inc. He is Vice  Chairman  of the Board of  Trustees  of the Cold Spring  Harbor
Laboratory  and  is  a  past  Chairman  of  the  Board  of  the   Pharmaceutical
Manufacturers  Association.  Mr. Miller is a Trustee of the Manhattan  School of
Music,  Metropolitan  Opera Association and Opera Orchestra of New York. He is a
member of Oxford University  Chancellor's Court of Benefactors,  Honorary Fellow
of St.  Edmund  Hall and  Chairman of the  English-Speaking  Union of the United


     Harlan W. Waksal, M.D., is a founder of the Company and has been a Director
since April 1984. He has directed the Company's  research and development  since
April 1985,  and has served as the Company's  Executive Vice President and Chief
Operating  Officer since March 1987.  From 1985 to March 1987, Dr. Waksal served
as the  Company's  President.  Dr.  Waksal  received  his  training  in Internal
Medicine from Tufts-New  England  Medical Center  Hospital and in Pathology from
Kings  County  Hospital in  Brooklyn,  New York from 1982 to 1987.  From 1984 to
1985,  Dr. Waksal was Chief Resident in Pathology at Kings County  Hospital.  He
received his Medical Degree from Tufts University School of Medicine in 1979. He
is  currently  Adjunct  Assistant  Professor in the  Department  of Pathology at
Downstate Medical Center,  New York. Dr. Harlan Waksal and Dr. Samuel Waksal are

     Samuel D. Waksal,  Ph.D.,  President  of the  Company,  is a founder of the
Company and has been its Chief  Executive  Officer and a Director  since  August
1985 and President  since March 1987. From 1982 to 1985, Dr. Waksal was a member
of the  faculty of Mt.  Sinai  School of  Medicine  as  Associate  Professor  of
Pathology and Director of the Division of Immunotherapy within the Department of
Pathology.  He has  served  as  visiting  Investigator  of the  National  Cancer
Institute,  Immunology Branch, Research Associate of the Department of Genetics,
Stanford  University Medical School,  Assistant  Professor of Pathology at Tufts
University School of Medicine and Senior Scientist for the Tufts Cancer Research
Center. Dr. Waksal was a scholar of the Leukemia Society of America from 1979 to
1984.  Dr. Waksal  currently  serves on the Executive  Committee of the New York
Biotechnology  Association,  the  Board of  Directors  of  Cadus  Pharmaceutical
Corporation  and is Chairman of the New York  Council  for the  Humanities.  Dr.
Samuel Waksal and Dr. Harlan Waksal are brothers.

     All  Directors of the Company hold office until the next Annual  Meeting of
Stockholders and until their successors have been duly elected and qualified.

     The  Board  recommends  a vote  "FOR"  each  of the  nominees  named  above
(Proposal No. 1 on the proxy card).

                             DIRECTORS' COMPENSATION

Cash Compensation

     Each  Director  of the Company who is not an employee of the Company or who
does  not  otherwise  provide  consulting   services  to  the  Company  receives
compensation  of $10,000 per year, or a pro rata portion thereof for persons not
serving the full fiscal year,  for such person's  services as a Director as well
as reimbursement of the Director's reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred in
connection with his Board and Board committee activities.  In addition,  subject
to the  preceding  sentence,  the  Chairman  of  each  of the  Audit  Committee,
Compensation and Stock Option Committee and Nominating and Corporate  Governance
Committee  receives $5,000 per year as compensation  for the services of each as

Directors' Stock Options

     Pursuant to the Company's 1996 Non-Qualified  Stock Option Plan, as amended
(the  "Non-Qualified  Plan"),  Directors who are not full-time  employees of the
Company  automatically receive on each February 15th an option to purchase 2,500
shares of Common  Stock,  or a pro rata portion  thereof for persons not serving
the full fiscal  year.  Such  options vest after one full year of service on the
Board from the date of grant and have an exercise price equal to the fair market
value of the Common  Stock on the date of grant.  Directors  newly  joining  the
Board who are not full-time  employees of the Company are made a one-time option
grant under the  Non-Qualified  Plan to purchase  25,000 shares of Common Stock.
Such  options  vest as to 25% of the shares of Common  Stock over the  four-year
period commencing one-year after the date of grant, subject to such individual's
continued  service on the Board on the  scheduled  date of vesting,  and have an
exercise price equal to the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date of
grant. From time to time,  non-employee Directors are granted additional options
in consideration for providing services on the Board.


     The table below sets forth option grants to non-employee  Directors  during
the year ended December 31, 1997 in consideration  for such Directors serving on
the Board:

    Name                                                     Number of Options
    ----                                                     -----------------
Richard Barth                                                       2,500(1)
Jean Carvais                                                        2,500(1)
Vincent T. DeVita, Jr.                                              2,500(1)
Robert F. Goldhammer                                                2,500(1)
David M. Kies                                                       2,500(1)
Paul B. Kopperl                                                     2,500(1)
John Mendelsohn                                                         0(3)
William R. Miller                                                   2,500(1)

(1)  These  options  were  granted  automatically  pursuant  to the terms of the
Non-Qualified  Plan on February 15, 1997 at a per share exercise price of $8.125
which  is  equal to the fair  market  value of the  Common  Stock on the date of
grant. They vested and became exercisable in their entirety on February 15, 1998
and terminate February 14, 2007.

(2) These options were granted under the Non-Qualified Plan on November 26, 1997
at a per share  exercise  price of $6.00 which is equal to the fair market value
of the Common Stock on the date of grant.  They vest and become  exercisable  in
their entirety on November 26, 1998 and terminate  November 25, 2007, subject to
the respective individual's continued service on the Board.

(3) Dr. Mendelsohn joined the Board in February 1998,


     The Company has an Executive  Committee of the Board composed of Dr. Samuel
D.  Waksal  (Chairman),  Robert F.  Goldhammer  and Dr.  Harlan W.  Waksal.  The
Executive  Committee  acts for the Board when  formal  Board  action is required
between Board  meetings.  The Executive  Committee has all the power of the full
Board in the management of the business and affairs of the Company, except those
powers that by law cannot be delegated by the Board. The Executive Committee did
not meet during the year ended December 31, 1997.

     The Company has an Audit Committee of the Board composed of Paul B. Kopperl
(Chairman),  David M.  Kies,  Richard  Barth and  William R.  Miller.  The Audit
Committee  considers matters relating to the adequacy of the Company's  internal
financial  controls and the  objectivity of the Company's  financial  reporting,
reviews the Company's  annual  financial  statements and the  performance of the
Company's auditors and makes  recommendations to the Board with respect to these
matters.  The Audit Committee met three times during the year ended December 31,

     The  Company  has  a   Compensation   and  Stock  Option   Committee   (the
"Compensation  Committee")  of  the  Board  composed  of  Robert  F.  Goldhammer
(Chairman),  Paul B.  Kopperl,  Vincent T. DeVita,  Jr. and Richard  Barth.  The
Compensation  Committee is  responsible  for developing  executive  compensation
policies.  The Compensation Committee (i) determines on an annual basis the base
salary to be paid to the Chief  Executive  Officer  and  determines  bonuses and
incentive  awards to be paid from time to time to the Chief  Executive  Officer;
and (ii) 


approves  on an annual  basis a salary  plan for other  senior  officers  on the
recommendation  of the Chief Executive  Officer in conjunction with other senior
personnel and approves bonuses and incentive awards to be paid from time to time
to such senior officers on the  recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer in
conjunction  with  other  senior  personnel.  The  Compensation  Committee  also
administers the Company's various stock option plans,  including the granting of
options  thereunder.  The  Compensation  Committee  met one time during the year
ended December 31, 1997.

     The Company has a Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee composed of
David M.  Kies  (Chairman),  Paul B.  Kopperl,  William  R.  Miller,  Robert  F.
Goldhammer  and  Harlan W.  Waksal.  The  Nominating  and  Corporate  Governance
Committee  considers and makes  recommendations to the Board regarding Board and
committee nominees and membership,  director performance and officer candidates.
The  Nominating  and Corporate  Governance  Committee  also  considers and makes
recommendations  to the Board  with  respect  to  corporate  organizational  and
governance matters.  The Corporate  Governance Committee did not meet during the
year ended December 31, 1997. The Nominating and Corporate  Governance Committee
considers  nominations  for  Director  made by  stockholders  of the  Company in
accordance  with the procedures for submission of proposals at annual or special
meetings  of  stockholders  set  forth in the  Company's  Amended  and  Restated

     During the year ended  December 31, 1997,  there were five  meetings of the
Company's  Board.  No incumbent  Director  attended  fewer than 75% of the total
number of meetings of the Board and of the  Committees  of the Board on which he


     Certain  information  concerning  each  officer of the  Company is provided

     Samuel D. Waksal,  Ph.D., is the President and Chief  Executive  Officer of
the Company. Certain information concerning Dr. Waksal appears on pages 2 and 4.

     Harlan W. Waksal, M.D., is the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating
Officer of the Company.  Certain  information  concerning  Dr. Waksal appears on
pages 2 and 4.

     Peter Bohlen,  Ph.D., 55, has been Vice President,  Research of the Company
since  September 1996. From November 1995 to July 1996 he was Senior Director of
IXSYS, a privately-held biotechnology company. From October 1987 to June 1996 he
was  department  head of the Molecular  Biology  Section of American  Cyanamid's
Medical Research Division and director of the company's angiogenesis program. He
also has held a variety of  managerial  and  professorial  positions at the Salk
Institute,  San Diego and the  University  of Zurich,  Switzerland.  Dr.  Bohlen
received his Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Berne in Switzerland.  In
1983, he received the Cloetta Award in Switzerland for his  contributions in the
field of protein analysis.

     Michael Feldman,  Ph.D., 72, became Vice President,  Discovery Research for
the Company in May 1995.  Prior thereto he served as Director of Basic  Research
for the Company since 1993. Dr. Feldman is former head of the Department of Cell
Biology at the Weizmann  Institute of Science in Rehovot,  Israel,  and a former
dean of its  graduate  school.  He has  done  pioneering  work in the  areas  of
transplantation   immunology,   differentiation   of   lymphocytes   and  cancer
immunology.  In 1984,  he received the Griffuel  Award in France for his work in
cancer  metastasis,  and in 1986 received the  Rothschild  Award for his work in
immunology.  Dr.  Feldman is a member of the  Israeli  Academy of  Sciences  and
Humanities and the World Academy of Arts and Sciences.

     John A. Gilly, Ph.D., 40, joined the Company as its Vice President, Product
and  Process  Development  in May  1992.  Since  March  1995,  he has been  Vice
President,  Biopharmaceutical  Operations.  From February 1980 until joining the
Company,  Dr.  Gilly was employed by Connaught  Laboratories,  Inc.,  working in
various product development and research capacities. From October 1990 until May
1992,  Dr.  Gilly  was  the  Director  of  Product   Development  for  Connaught
Laboratories,   Inc.,  directing  all  laboratory  activities  for  new  product
development. Dr.


Gilly is a member of the Board of Trustees for the Biotechnology  Council of New
Jersey,  the  United  Way of  Somerset  County  (New  Jersey)  and the  Somerset
Partnership for Economic Development and Enterprise.

     Carl S.  Goldfischer,  M.D., 39, has served as Vice President,  Finance and
Chief  Financial  Officer  since May 1996.  From June  1994  until  joining  the
Company,  Dr. Goldfischer served as a healthcare analyst with Reliance Insurance
Company.  From June 1991  until June  1994,  Dr.  Goldfischer  was  Director  of
Research  for D. Blech & Co. Dr.  Goldfischer  received a doctorate  of medicine
from  Albert  Einstein  College of  Medicine in 1988 and served as a resident in
radiation  oncology at  Montefiore  Hospital of the Albert  Einstein  College of
Medicine until 1991. Dr.  Goldfischer is a director of Immulogic  Pharmaceutical

     John B. Landes, 50, has served as Vice President,  Business Development and
General  Counsel since November  1992.  Prior  thereto,  he was Vice  President,
Administration  and Legal since December 1984. He also has been Secretary of the
Company  since April 1985 and served as its  Treasurer  from April 1984  through
September  1991,  except for an interim  period from  December  1988 to February
1991.  From 1978 to 1984,  Mr. Landes was an associate  attorney with the Boston
law firm of Mahoney, Hawkes and Goldings.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

     Ownership of and  transactions  in the  Company's  securities  by Executive
Officers and Directors of the Company and owners of 10% or more of the Company's
outstanding  Common  Stock are  required to be reported  to the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission  (the  "Commission")  pursuant  to  Section  16(a)  of  the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the  "Exchange  Act").  During the
year ended December 31, 1997, based on information  received by the Company, all
reports required to be filed under ss.16(a) were timely filed.


                              OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT

     The  following  table sets forth,  as of March 27, 1998  (unless  otherwise
noted),  certain  information  with respect to the  beneficial  ownership of the
Company's  voting  stock  as to (i) each  person  known  by the  Company  to own
beneficially more than five percent of the Company's  outstanding  voting stock,
(ii) each Director and Director nominee of the Company, (iii) each Named Officer
specified in the Summary  Compensation  Table below,  and (iv) all Directors and
Executive  Officers of the Company as a group.  Except as otherwise  noted,  the
named beneficial owner has sole voting and investment power.

                                           Beneficially                Percent
Name and Address(1)                           Owned                    Owned(2)
- -------------------                           -----                    --------

The Oracle Group ........................  2,182,100(3)                 8.6%
712 Fifth Avenue, NY, NY 10019                                      
Amerindo Investment Advisors ............  1,762,500(4)                 7.2%
One Embarcadero Center, Suite 2300,                                 
San Francisco, CA  94111                                            
Samuel D. Waksal, Ph.D ..................    917,583(5)                 3.7%
Harlan W. Waksal, M.D ...................    898,380(6)                 3.6%
Robert F. Goldhammer ....................    769,890(7)                 3.1%
John B. Landes ..........................    154,500(8)                  *
John Mendelsohn, M.D. ...................    123,750(9)                  *
Carl S. Goldfischer,  M.D ...............   108,333(10)                  *
David M. Kies ...........................    95,147(11)                  *
Vincent  T. DeVita, Jr., M.D ............    59,342(12)                  *
Paul B. Kopperl .........................    58,960(13)                  *
John A. Gilly,Ph.D ......................    33,750(14)                  *
Jean Carvais, M.D .......................    36,042(15)                  *
William  R. Miller ......................    11,147(16)                  *
Richard Barth ...........................    10,250(17)                  *
All Directors and Executive Officers .... 3,088,824(18)                11.9% 
as a group (11 persons)                                             
* Less than 1%.                                             

(1)  Unless otherwise noted, each person's address is in care of ImClone Systems
     Incorporated, 180 Varick Street, Seventh Floor, New York, New York 10014.


(2)  The  percentage of voting stock owned by each  stockholder is calculated by
     dividing (i) the number of shares  deemed to be  beneficially  held by such
     stockholder  as of March 27, 1998, as  determined  in accordance  with Rule
     13d-3 of the Exchange Act, by (ii) the sum of (A)  24,327,685  which is the
     number of shares of Common Stock  outstanding as of March 27, 1998 plus (B)
     the number of shares of Common Stock  issuable  upon  exercise of currently
     exercisable  options or warrants held by such stockholder.  For purposes of
     this  security   ownership  table  "currently   exercisable   options"  and
     "currently   exercisable   warrants"   consist  of  options  and   warrants
     exercisable  as of March 27, 1998 or within 60 days after  March 27,  1998.
     Shares  of the  Company's  Series A  Convertible  Preferred  Stock  are not
     included because they do not have voting rights.

(3)  Includes 925,000 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently exercisable
     warrants.  This  information is as of March 4, 1998 and was obtained from a
     Schedule  13G filed with the  Commission.  The Oracle Group is comprised of
     various investment partnerships and managed accounts controlled by Larry N.

(4)  These shares are beneficially owned by Amerindo Investment Advisors Inc., a
     California corporation  ("Amerindo"),  Amerindo Investment Advisors, Inc. a
     Panama  corporation  ("Amerindo  Panama"),  Alberto  W.  Vilar  and Gary A.
     Tanaka. This information is as of December 31, 1997 and was obtained from a
     Schedule 13G filed with the  Commission.  Amerindo and Amerindo  Panama are
     investment  advisors  and all of such  shares  are held of  record by them.
     Messrs.  Vilar  and  Tanaka  are the sole  shareholders  and  directors  of
     Amerindo and Amerindo Panama.

(5)  Includes 350,000 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently exercisable
     warrants  and  45,000  shares  issuable  upon  the  exercise  of  currently
     exercisable options.

(6)  Includes 40,000 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently  exercisable
     options; 340,680 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently exercisable
     warrants;  and 2,600  shares  owned by Dr.  Waksal's  sons,  as to which he
     disclaims beneficial ownership.

(7)  Includes 36,042 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently  exercisable
     options; 379,990 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently exercisable
     warrants;  and  13,314  shares  held in trust,  as to which Mr.  Goldhammer
     disclaims beneficial ownership.

(8)  Includes 7,500 shares  issuable upon the exercise of currently  exercisable
     options  and  127,000  shares  issuable  upon  the  exercise  of  currently
     exercisable warrants.

(9)  Consists  of  123,750  shares  issuable  upon  the  exercise  of  currently
     exercisable options.

(10) Consists of 108,333 shares issuable upon exercise of currently  exercisable

(11) Includes 10,147 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently  exercisable
     options and 6,000  shares held by Mr. Kies as  custodian  for his son as to
     which he disclaims beneficial ownership.

(12) Includes 59,042 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently  exercisable

(13) Includes 35,000 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently  exercisable
     options;  2,460 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently  exercisable
     warrants;  and 500  shares  held by Mr.  Kopperl's  spouse  as to which Mr.
     Kopperl disclaims beneficial ownership.

(14) Consists  of  33,750  shares   issuable  upon  the  exercise  of  currently
     exercisable options.

(15) Consists  of  36,042  shares   issuable  upon  the  exercise  of  currently
     exercisable options.

(16) Includes 10,147 shares issuable upon the exercise of currently  exercisable


(17) Includes  8,750 shares  issuable  upon  exercise of  currently  exercisable

(18) Includes an aggregate of (i) 512,253  shares  issuable upon the exercise of
     currently  exercisable  options;  (ii) 1,073,130  shares  issuable upon the
     exercise of currently exercisable  warrants;  and (iii) 22,414 shares as to
     which beneficial ownership is disclaimed.  Shares held by Messrs. Gilly and
     Landes have not been included as they are not considered executive officers
     of the Company.

                              CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS

     Through March 1995,  the Company made  miscellaneous  non-interest  bearing
cash  advances to the President  and CEO of the Company  totaling  approximately
$156,000.  The  officer  provided  the  Company  with a demand  promissory  note
pursuant to which the officer was obligated to repay the debt over a twenty-four
month period  ending April 30, 1997. In March 1997,  the Company  accepted a new
promissory note (the "new promissory  note") in the aggregate amount of $110,000
from the  officer.  The new  promissory  note was payable as to $15,000 no later
than May 15, 1997 and the remainder upon the earlier of on demand by the Company
or December 31, 1997 and bore interest at the rate of 5%  compounded  quarterly.
The new  promissory  note covered the  remaining  balance of the original  note,
interest thereon and additional  miscellaneous cash advances made since the date
of the original note totaling $15,000.  At December 31, 1997, the new promissory
note was paid in full by the officer.

     During the year ended  December 31, 1997,  the Company paid Dr.  Vincent T.
DeVita,  Jr., a Director  of the  Company,  a total of $100,000  for  scientific
consulting services provided to the Company by Dr. DeVita.

     On November 26, 1997, Dr. John Mendelsohn,  a Director of the Company,  was
granted an option to purchase 25,000 shares of Common Stock in consideration for
his scientific  consulting to the Company.  The option vests in its entirety one
year after the date of grant and is  exercisable  at a per share  price equal to
$6.00, the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date of grant.

     In  January  1998,  the  Company   accepted  a  promissory   note  totaling
approximately  $131,000  from  its  President  and CEO in  connection  with  the
exercise of a warrant to purchase  87,305 shares of the Company's  Common Stock.
The note is due no later than two years from issuance and bears annual  interest
at the rate of 8.5%.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

Report of Compensation Committee

     The  Compensation  Committee  is  responsible  for  developing  and  making
recommendations   to  the  Board  with  respect  to  the   Company's   executive
compensation  policies.  Pursuant  to  authority  delegated  by the  Board,  the
Committee  determines  the  executive  compensation  policy of the  Company  and
determines on an annual basis the compensation to be paid to the Chief Executive
Officer and  approves  compensation  to other  officers of the  Company,  at the
recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer and other supervising personnel.

Overall Philosophy

     The Company's  overall  executive  compensation  philosophy is based on the
premise that  compensation  should be set at levels that  support the  Company's
business  strategies and long-term  objectives and should reward  executives for
their contributions to the enhancement of shareholder value. The key elements of
the executive  compensation package are base salary, annual incentive awards and
stock options. In establishing base salaries, annual incentive awards and awards
of stock options,  the Compensation  Committee  considers periodic  compensation
surveys,    including   those   provided   by   third   parties   covering   the
biopharmaceutical industry.  Officers' compensation is compared to that of other
executives in peer group surveys.


     In evaluating each senior  executive's  performance,  the Company generally
conforms to the following process:

     o    Company and  individual  goals and objectives are set at the beginning
          of the performance cycle.

     o    At the end of the performance  cycle, the executive's  manager,  or in
          the case of the Chief Executive Officer,  the Compensation  Committee,
          evaluates the  accomplishment  of the executive's goals and objectives
          and his or her contributions to the Company.

     o    The  executive's  performance  is  then  reviewed  by the  executive's
          manager with the executive and consideration is given to goals for the
          following performance cycle.

     o    The  comparative  results,   combined  with  comparative  compensation
          practices  of  other  companies  in the  industry,  are  then  used to
          determine salary, bonus, and stock option levels.

     The   Compensation   Committee   uses  no  set  formulas  in  making  these
determinations  and may afford  different  weight to different  factors for each
senior  executive.  Such  weighting may vary from year to year.  In  determining
compensation,   the  Compensation   Committee  does  not  attempt  to  correlate
compensation with specific financial results,  such as revenues or profits,  for
the  current  period.   This  is  in  large  part  due  to  the  nature  of  the
biopharmaceutical   industry  in  which  traditional  evaluations  of  corporate
performance  may not apply in  reviewing  the  performance  of  executives.  The
Committee  looks toward the progress of the Company's  research and  development
programs,  its ability to gain  appropriate  levels of support for its  programs
through its strategic partnering  agreements,  its ability to attract,  motivate
and retain talented  employees and its ability to secure capital  sufficient for
its   product   development    programs   to   achieve   rapid   and   effective
commercialization as may be practicable.

Base Salary

     At the end of each year, the Compensation Committee reviews and establishes
the base salary of the Chief Executive Officer based on a comparison to national
surveys,  taking  into  consideration  the  Company's  performance  and  current
circumstances,  accomplishment of his goals and objectives and his contributions
to the  Company.  The  Compensation  Committee  also  reviews and  approves,  or
modifies,  a salary plan for the other senior  executives  prepared by the Chief
Executive Officer in conjunction with other senior personnel.

Annual Incentive Awards

     Although the Company does not have a formal bonus plan for its  management,
the  Compensation   Committee  determines  annual  incentive  awards  to  senior
executives  from  time to time  based  on  individual  performance  and  Company
performance.  Specific  performance goals of each executive are determined early
each  year  in  direct  consultation  with  the  executive's  supervisor.  These
performance  goals  include  successful  and cost  efficient  management  of the
executive's department and specific contributions made by that department to the
immediate and ultimate goals of the Company.  For the Chief  Executive  Officer,
such goals are determined in reference to the CEO's plan for the coming year for
the  Company as a whole,  as  presented  to the Board.  The  awarding  of annual
incentive  awards  takes  into  consideration  individual  efforts  as  well  as
performance of the Company as a whole. In evaluating  performance of the Company
as a whole, several factors are examined, including productivity of research and
development  programs,  successful movement of development stage products toward
commercialization,  fostering development of successful corporate  partnerships,
expense  control,  financing  efforts and  progress  of the  Company  toward its
short-term and long-term goals.

Long-Term Incentive Compensation

     Stock options and warrants are  considered as long-term  incentives and are
intended to link the interests of the executive  with those of the  stockholder.
Such  securities  will  provide  value  to the  grantee  when  the  price of the
Company's stock increases.


     The  Compensation  Committee  conducts a formal review from time to time of
the stock option and warrant holdings and vesting schedule of each officer.  The
Compensation  Committee  authorizes  stock option  grants  (and,  in some cases,
grants of  warrants)  to the  executives  with  consideration  to the growth and
performance of the Company, individual performance and contribution, total stock
option and warrant and vesting levels and length of service.

     For their  performance in the year ended December 31, 1997, the CEO and the
other Named Officers (as hereinafter  defined) were awarded no warrants and were
awarded  options to purchase an  aggregate  of 435,000  shares of Common  Stock.
Additionally,  the term of a warrant to purchase  397,000 shares of Common Stock
held by one of the Named  Officers was extended for a two year term. See "Option
and Warrant Grants in Last Fiscal Year."

Deductibility of Compensation

     The Compensation Committee has reviewed the impact of Section 162(m) of the
Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended (the  "Code"),  which,  beginning in
1994, limits the deductibility of certain otherwise  deductible  compensation in
excess of $1 million  paid to the Chief  Executive  Officer  and the other Named
Officers (as hereinafter defined). It is the policy of the Company to attempt to
have its executive  compensation  plans treated as tax  deductible  compensation
whenever,  in the  judgment  of the  Compensation  Committee,  to do so would be
consistent with the objectives of that compensation plan.

Chief Executive Officer Compensation

     The key elements of the  compensation  for the Chief Executive  Officer are
base  salary,  annual  incentive  awards  and  stock  options  or  warrants.  In
evaluating Dr. Samuel Waksal's 1997  performance and in determining Dr. Waksal's
1998  compensation,  the  Compensation  Committee,  along  with the full  Board,
considered  the  performance  of the  Company  in  1997.  In 1997,  the  Company
continued  the progress of C225 toward late stage  clinical  trials,  initiating
clinical trials in renal cell and head and neck cancers. Also the Company's core
area of cancer  research,  inhibitors to  angiogenesis,  was broadened  with the
signing of a  collaboration  agreement with  CombiChem,  Inc. and with the rapid
progress of an anti-angiogenic  product toward development.  In addition,  BEC2,
the  Company's  lead  cancer  vaccine  candidate,  also  advanced as the Company
continued  preparation  for its  first  Phase  III  trial of a  cancer  product.
Important  development  milestones  in the Company's  agreement  with Merck KGaA
("Merck")  based on the advancement of BEC2 were achieved,  generating  revenues
for the Company.  Also,  the Company  expanded its agreement with Merck for BEC2
and  completed  an  innovative  financing  in  connection  with  the  expansion,
significantly strengthening the Company's financial position.

                        Compensation and Stock Option Committee

                        Robert F. Goldhammer, Chairman
                        Richard Barth
                        Vincent T. DeVita, Jr.
                        Paul B. Kopperl

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

     As of December 31, 1997,  the members of the  Compensation  Committee  were
Richard Barth, Vincent T. DeVita, Jr., Robert F. Goldhammer  (Chairman) and Paul
B.  Kopperl,  none of whom is an employee of the Company.  During the year ended
December  31,  1997,  the Company  paid Dr.  Vincent T.  DeVita,  Jr. a total of
$100,000  for  scientific  consulting  services  provided  to the Company by Dr.
DeVita. See "Certain Transactions," above.


                             STOCK PRICE PERFORMANCE

         The graph below  provides a comparison of the  cumulative  total return
(assuming  reinvestment of dividends) for the Company (which paid no dividends),
The Nasdaq Stock  Market (U.S.  Companies)  Total Return  Index,  and the Nasdaq
Pharmaceutical  Stocks Total Return Index for the period from  December 31, 1992
through  December 31, 1997. The graph assumes $100 was invested at the beginning
of such period.  The Nasdaq Stock  Market  (U.S.  Companies)  Total Return Index
comprises all domestic  common shares traded on the Nasdaq  National  Market and
the Nasdaq SmallCap Market. The Nasdaq  Pharmaceutical Stocks Total Return Index
represents all companies,  including biotechnology companies,  trading on Nasdaq
classified   under   the   Standard    Industrial    Classification   Code   for



  Date          ImClone Systems               Nasdaq           Pharmaceutical
  ----          ---------------               ------           --------------
12/31/92              100                      100                   100
12/31/93              53                       115                   89
12/31/94               8                       112                   67
12/31/95              66                       159                   123
12/31/96              85                       195                   123
12/31/97              71                       240                   127


                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

     The  Summary   Compensation   Table  sets  forth  the  cash  and   non-cash
compensation  awarded to,  earned by, or paid to the Company's  Chief  Executive
Officer  and the four most  highly  compensated  officers  (other than the Chief
Executive Officer) for the years ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995 who were
serving as  officers  at  December  31,  1997 and whose  total  salary and bonus
exceeded $100,000 for the year ended December 31, 1997 (the "Named Officers").

                                                                                        Long Term
                                        Annual Compensation                        Compensation Awards
                        -------------------------------------------------------   ---------------------
                                                                   Other Annual   Securities Underlying
                                     Salary          Bonus         Compensation    Options and Warrants    All Other
                         Year        ($)(1)          ($)(2)            ($)(3)            (#)(4)           Compensation
                         ----        ------          ------        ------------   ---------------------   ------------
Samuel D. Waksal         1997       $225,000       $280,000(5)           --            250,000(6)          $ 10,435(7)
President and Chief      1996        225,000        200,000(5)           --             45,000               10,435(7)
Executive Officer        1995        190,000        150,000              --            350,000               10,435(7)
Harlan W. Waksal         1997        195,000        250,000(8)           --            497,000(6)(9)           --
Executive Vice           1996        195,000        200,000(8)           --             40,000                 --
President and Chief      1995        170,000        125,000              --               --                   --
Operating Officer                                                                    
John B. Landes           1997        165,000         90,000              --             25,000                 --
Vice President,          1996        165,000         50,000              --             30,000                 --
Business Development     1995        150,000         30,000              --               --                   --
and General Counsel                                                                  
John A. Gilly            1997        165,000        100,000              --             35,000                 --
Vice President,          1996        165,000        100,000              --             75,000                 --
Biopharmaceutical        1995        137,000         50,000              --               --                   --
Carl S. Goldfischer(10)  1997        175,000         90,000              --             25,000(6)              --
Vice President, Finance  1996        109,000         75,000              --            225,000                 --
and Chief Financial      1995           --             --                --               --                   --

(1)  Amounts shown include  compensation  deferred pursuant to Section 401(k) of
     the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("the Code").

(2)  Although the Company has no formal bonus plan, the Compensation  Committee,
     in its  discretion,  may award  bonuses to  officers  of the  Company.  The
     Company has paid  bonuses  based on  individual  and  Company  performance.
     Amounts shown include awards paid relative to services  rendered in each of
     the last three  fiscal  years.  All bonus awards for each of the last three
     fiscal  years were paid in cash.  Bonuses  are  recorded  for the period in
     which they were earned.


(3)  Excludes  perquisites  and other  personal  benefits for each Named Officer
     which  did not  equal  or  exceed  the  lesser  of  $50,000  or 10% of such
     individual's  base salary and bonus for the years ended  December 31, 1997,
     1996 and 1995, respectively.

(4)  Options or warrants to purchase  the number of shares of Common Stock shown
     are recorded for the period in which they were granted, except as discussed
     in footnote 6.

(5)  During 1996, Dr. Samuel D. Waksal was paid a $100,000 bonus relating to his
     1996  performance.  During 1996, the Compensation  Committee  determined to
     consider  the  payment to him of an  additional  bonus,  in an amount to be
     determined,  subject  to the  Company's  completion  by June 30,  1997 of a
     corporate  partnership,  or similar arrangement,  with acceptable terms. In
     connection  with the December 1997 amendment of the Company's  Research and
     License  Agreement  with  Merck  and sale to Merck  of  $40,000,000  of the
     Company's Series A Convertible Preferred Stock, the Compensation  Committee
     determined to extend the June 30, 1997 period, and Dr. Samuel D. Waksal was
     paid a bonus of $100,000. This amount is reflected as a 1996 bonus.

(6)  Options to purchase  250,000,  100,000 and 25,000  shares of Common  Stock,
     respectively,  held by Drs. Samuel D. Waksal,  Harlan W. Waksal and Carl S.
     Goldfischer,  respectively, were granted in January 1998 and relate to 1997

(7)  Consists of premium payments on a term life insurance policy for Dr. Samuel
     D. Waksal under which his daughters are the beneficiaries.

(8)  During 1996, Dr. Harlan W. Waksal was paid a $100,000 bonus relating to his
     1996  performance.  During 1996, the Compensation  Committee  determined to
     consider the payment to him of an additional  $100,000  bonus at the end of
     the six month period ending June 30, 1997. In June 1997,  the  Compensation
     Committee  determined  to award  such  additional  bonus to Dr.  Harlan  W.
     Waksal. This amount is reflected as a 1996 bonus.

(9)  In March 1997, the Board extended the term of a warrant to purchase 397,000
     shares of  Common  Stock  held by Dr.  Harlan  W.  Waksal  which was due to
     expire.  The term was  extended for a period of two years on the same terms
     and  conditions  as the original  grant.  For purposes of this table,  this
     extension is treated as a new warrant  grant.  In April 1997, Dr. Harlan W.
     Waksal exercised this warrant.

(10) Dr. Goldfischer commenced employment with the Company on May 20, 1996.



         The following  table sets forth certain  information  relating to stock
option and warrant grants to the Named  Officers  during the year ended December
31, 1997.

                                     % of Total
                       Number of      Options/
                       Securities     Warrants                                                   Potential Realizable
                       Underlying    Granted to                                            Value at Assumed Annual Rates of
                        Options/      Employees                                                 Stock Price Appreciation
                        Warrants      in Fiscal    Exercise Price                               for Option/Warrant Term(3)
      Name              Granted        Year(1)      ($/share)(2)  Expiration Date        0%($)           5%($)          10%($)     
      ----              -------        -------      ------------  ---------------        -----           -----          ------     
Samuel D. Waksal       250,000(4)       24%           $ 6.06      January 20, 2008    $     --        $  953,247      $2,415,715    
Harlan W. Waksal       100,000(4)       10%             6.06      January 20, 2008          --           381,299         966,286
                       397,000(5)       38%             1.50      March 24, 1999       2,223,125(5)    2,523,059(5)    2,827,136(5)
John B. Landes          25,000(6)        2%             6.00      November 25, 2007         --            94,334         239,061
John A. Gilly           35,000(6)        3%             6.00      November 25, 2007         --           132,068         334,686
Carl S                  25,000(4)        2%             6.06      January 20, 2008          --            95,325         241,572

(1)  The  Company  granted  options to  purchase  a tot al of 643,900  shares of
     Common  Stock to employees  during 1997.  This numbe r includes the options
     granted to each of Drs.  Samuel D.  Waksal,  H arlan W.  Waksal and Carl S.
     Goldfischer in January 1998 because they relate to 1997 performance. All of
     these options were granted  pursuant to th e Company's 1996 Incentive Stock
     Option Plan,  as amended,  (the "1996 ISO Plan) at  an exercise  price that
     equaled or exceeded  the fair m arket value of the Common Stock on the date
     of grant.  The  Company  granted no  warrants  to  employees  during  1997;
     however,  the term of a warrant to purchase  397,000 shares of Common Stock
     held by Dr.  Harlan W. Waksal was extended for a period of two years on the
     same terms and conditions as the original grant and is treated for purposes
     of this table as a new grant in 1997.

(2)  Except as discussed in Footnote 5, all options and warrants were granted to
     purchase  Common  Stock at an exercise  price that  equaled or exceeded the
     fair market value of the Common Stock on the date of grant.

(3)  The amounts set forth in the three  columns  represent  hypothetical  gains
     that  might be  achieved  by the  holders  if the  respective  options  and
     warrants are exercised at the end of their terms.  These gains are based on
     assumed  rates of stock  price  appreciation  of 0%, 5% and 10%  compounded
     annually from the dates the  respective  options and warrants were granted.
     The 0%  appreciation  column is included  because,  except as  discussed in
     footnote 5, the options and  warrants  were granted  with  exercise  prices
     which  equaled or exceeded the fair market value of the  underlying  Common
     Stock on the  date of  grant,  and  thus  will  have no  value  unless  the
     Company's stock price increases above the exercise prices.

(4)  These options vest and become  exercisable in their entirety on January 21,
     1999,  subject to the  respective  holders  continued  employment  with the
     Company on the relevant vesting date. They were granted in January 1998 and
     relate to 1997 performance.

(5)  This  warrant was due to expire in March 1997.  The term of the warrant was
     extended by the Board for a two year period in March 1997 on the same terms
     and  conditions  as the original  grant,  including  the exercise  price of
     $1.50, and is treated for purposes of this table as a new warrant grant. In
     April 1997, Dr. 


     Harlan W. Waksal exercised this warrant.  See "Option and Warrant Exercises
     and Fiscal Year-End Values", below.

(6)  These options vest and become exercisable in their entirety on November 26,
     1998,  subject to the  respective  holders  continued  employment  with the
     Company on the relevant vesting date.


     The following table sets forth option and warrant exercises during the year
ended  December 31, 1997 by the Named  Officers and the value of the options and
warrants held by such persons on December 31, 1997,  whether or not  exercisable
on such date.

                       Shares                        Number of Shares Underlying          Value of Unexercised
                     Acquired                       Unexercised Options/Warrants     In-The-Money Options/Warrants
                        on             Value           at December 31, 1997(#)          at  December 31, 1997($)(2)
       Name          Exercise(#)  Realized($)(1)    Exercisable      Unexercisable      Exercisable    Unexercisable
       ----          -----------  --------------    -----------      -------------      -----------    -------------
Samuel D. Waksal       100,000    $     662,500        482,305         250,000(3)     $ 1,497,146        $ 515,500

Harlan W. Waksal       397,000        1,786,500        380,680         100,000(3)       2,259,158          206,200

John B. Landes          28,500          130,378        134,500          47,500            841,375           53,125

John A. Gilly           ----           ----             33,750          91,250            103,125           74,375

Carl S. Goldfischer     ----           ----            108,333         141,667(4)          -----            51,550

(1)  The values realized were calculated by multiplying the closing market price
     of the Common  Stock on the date of  exercise by the  respective  number of
     shares exercised and subtracting the aggregate exercise price. Accordingly,
     such  values  realized  assume a sale of such  Common  Stock on the date of
     exercise, which may not necessarily have occurred.

(2)  The values were  calculated by multiplying  the closing market price of the
     Common  Stock on  December  31,  1997  ($8.125 per share as reported by the
     Nasdaq National Market on that date) by the respective number of shares and
     subtracting the aggregate  exercise  price,  without making any adjustments
     for vesting,  termination contingencies or other variables. If the exercise
     price of an option or warrant is equal to or greater than $8.125 the option
     or warrant is deemed to have no value.

(3)  These options were granted in January 1998 and relate to 1997 performance.

(4)  Includes  options to  purchase  25,000  shares of Common  Stock  granted in
     January 1998 which relate to 1997 performance.

Other Benefit Plans

     The Company has no defined benefit or defined contribution retirement plans
other than the ImClone Systems  Incorporated  401(k) Employee  Savings Plan (the
"Plan") established under Section 401(k) of the Code.  Contributions to the Plan
are  voluntary,  and  substantially  all  full-time  employees  are  eligible to
participate.  For 1998,  the  Company  has  elected to make  voluntary  matching
contributions   equal  to  25%  of  the  first  4%  of  an  employee's  eligible
compensation  contributed by the employee,  limited to $2,500 per employee.  The
Company has not  previously  made  matching  contributions  under the Plan.  The
Company anticipates evaluating the level of its matching  contribution,  if any,
on an annual basis.


                            EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTS

     In May 1996, the Company entered into an employment agreement with Dr. Carl
S.  Goldfischer  to serve as the  Company's  Vice  President,  Finance and Chief
Financial Officer. The employment agreement is for an initial term of two years,
subject to certain earlier termination provisions,  and may be extended upon the
mutual  agreement of the parties.  Pursuant to the  agreement,  Dr.  Goldfischer
receives an annual  salary  equal to  $175,000,  is entitled to a bonus equal to
$75,000  at the end of his first year  (which  was paid in January  1997) and is
entitled to a bonus for his second year of  employment  as may be  determined by
the Board. In January 1998 the Board awarded Dr. Goldfischer a $90,000 bonus. In
the event Dr.  Goldfischer's  employment is terminated by the Company during the
initial or any  extended  term of the  agreement  (i) without  cause (as defined
therein), (ii) as a result of the Company's disposition of substantially all its
property,  business or assets,  or (iii) as a result of a merger  resulting in a
shift of voting control of more than 75% of the Company's stock, Dr. Goldfischer
is  entitled  to receive a pro rata  portion  of his  annual  salary and cost of
comparable  benefits for a period of twelve  months  should his  termination  be
effective prior to the expiration date of the agreement in May 1998. Pursuant to
the agreement,  Dr.  Goldfischer  received an option to purchase an aggregate of
225,000  shares of Common  Stock at a per share  exercise  price  equal to $8.30
which was the  average of the closing  prices of the Common  Stock for the sixty
day period ending on the date of grant. The option vested and became exercisable
as to 50,000  shares on the date of grant,  as to 58,333 shares on June 10, 1997
and will vest and become  exercisable  as to 58,333  shares on June 10, 1998 and
the  remaining  58,334  shares on June 10, 1999.  The option  terminates  in its
entirety upon termination of Dr.  Goldfischer's  employment.  Dr.  Goldfischer's
employment  agreement  further requires him to maintain the  confidentiality  of
Company information and prohibits him from competing with the Company during the
term of the employment agreement, any extensions thereof and for a period of one
year after the agreement's termination.


                                 PROPOSAL NO. 2


     On April 20, 1998, the Board of Directors  approved the 1998 Employee Stock
Purchase Plan (the  "Purchase  Plan"),  subject to  stockholder  approval of the
Purchase  Plan. A  description  of the  Purchase  Plan is set forth below and is
qualified by the full text of the Purchase Plan attached hereto as Appendix A.


Stock Subject to the Purchase Plan

     The number of shares of Common  Stock  which may be  purchased  by eligible
employees under the Purchase Plan is 500,000 shares. Such shares of Common Stock
may be newly issued shares or shares reacquired in private  transactions or open
market purchases.


     All  employees of the Company or an affiliate who have been employed for at
least six months by the Company or an affiliate and whose  customary  employment
with the Company or an affiliate is at least 20 hours per week and at least five
months per calendar  year are  eligible to  participate  in the  Purchase  Plan,
except for persons who are deemed  under  Section  423(b)(3)  of the Code to own
five percent  (5%) or more of the voting  stock of the Company.  Officers of the
Company are eligible to participate in the Purchase Plan,  except that the Board
may provide in any offering  period that certain  highly  compensated  employees
within the meaning of the Code are  ineligible to  participate.  As of April 21,
1998, approximately 100 persons would be eligible to participate in the Purchase


     The  Purchase  Plan  provides  for a series  of four  three-month  offering
periods within each year commencing on July 1, October 1, January 1 and April 1,
with the first  offering  period  commencing  on a date to be  determined by the
Board. The Board may change the duration of the offering periods; provided, that
such offering  periods  comply with the  provisions of Section  423(b)(7) of the
Code.  Eligible employees may elect to become  participants in the Purchase Plan
by enrolling during specified  enrollment periods.  During each offering period,
eligible  employees who enroll in the Purchase Plan for the offering  period are
granted  an option to  purchase  shares  through  the  accumulation  of  payroll
deductions  of not  less  than  1% nor  more  than  15%  of  each  participant's
compensation  (up to a maximum of $25,000 per calendar  year,  based on the fair
market value of the shares determined as of the date the option to purchase such
shares is granted).  The number of shares to be purchased  will be determined by
dividing the participant's  balance in the Purchase Plan account on the last day
of the offering period by the purchase price per share for the Common Stock. The
purchase  price per share  will be 85% of the fair  market  value of the  Common
Stock on the last day of the offering period.  If a fractional  number of shares
results, the number will be rounded down to the next whole number and the excess
funds shall be carried forward to the next offering period. Unless a participant
withdraws from the Purchase Plan,  such  participant's  option will be exercised
automatically on the last day of the offering  period.  No interest shall accrue
on a participant's contributions under the Purchase Plan.

     The closing  price of the Common  Stock on April 21,  1998,  was $10.00 per
share, as reported by The Nasdaq National Market.


     An  employee  may  withdraw  all but not less  than  all the  contributions
credited to his or her account  under the Purchase Plan at any time prior to the
last day of the offering period. Upon termination of a participant's  continuous
status  as an  employee  prior  to the last day of an  offering  period  for any
reason,  including  retirement  or 


death, the contributions credited to such participant's account will be returned
to such participant or such  participant's  beneficiary in the case of death. In
the event a participant  fails to remain  employed for at lest 20 hours per week
during an offering period, such participant will be deemed to have withdrawn and
the  contributions  credited  to such  participant's  account  returned  to such
participant.  A participant's  withdrawal from any offering period will not have
any effect upon his or her  eligibility to participate in a succeeding  offering

Administration; Amendment; Termination

     The  Board or a  committee  thereof  shall  supervise  and  administer  the
Purchase Plan. They shall have full power to adopt,  amend and rescind any rules
deemed desirable and appropriate for administration of the Purchase Plan and not
inconsistent with the Purchase Plan, to construe and interpret the Purchase Plan
and  to  make  all  other   determinations   necessary  or  advisable   for  the
administration  of the Purchase  Plan.  The Board or a committee may at any time
terminate or amend the Purchase Plan, except that no such termination may affect
options previously  granted,  nor may an amendment make any change in any option
granted which adversely affects the rights of any participant.  In addition,  to
the  extent  necessary  to  comply  with  Section  423 of the Code or any  other
applicable law or regulation,  the Company must obtain  stockholder  approval as

Term of Purchase Plan

     The Purchase Plan shall become  effective upon adoption by the stockholders
of the  Company  and  shall  terminate  ten  years  thereafter,  unless  earlier
terminated as provided above.  In the event the  stockholders do not approve the
Purchase Plan, the Purchase Plan will not become effective.


     Neither  contributions  credited to a participant's  account nor any rights
with  respect  to the  exercise  of an option  or to  receive  shares  under the
Purchase Plan may be assigned, transferred,  pledged or otherwise disposed of in
any way  other  than  by  will  or the  laws  of  descent  and  distribution.  A
participant  may file a written  designation of a beneficiary  who is to receive
any shares of Common  Stock and cash,  if any,  from the  participant's  account
under the Purchase Plan in the event of such  participant's  death subsequent to
the end of an offering period,  but prior to the delivery of such  participant's
shares of Common Stock and cash. A participant may file a written designation of
a beneficiary who is to receive any cash from the  participant's  account in the
event of such participant's death prior to the end of the offering period.

Adjustments Upon Changes in Stock

     If any change is made in the shares of Common Stock subject to the Purchase
Plan or subject to any option  granted under the Purchase Plan (through  merger,
consolidation,  reorganization,  distribution of substantially all of the assets
of  the  Company,   spin-off  of  a  subsidiary's   voting   securities  to  its
stockholders, recapitalization, stock dividend, split-up, combination of shares,
exchange  of  shares,  issuance  of rights to  subscribe,  or change in  capital
structure),  appropriate  adjustments  shall be made by the Board or a committee
thereof as to the maximum  number of shares subject to the Purchase Plan and the
number of shares and price per share subject to outstanding  options as shall be
equitable  to  prevent  dilution  or  enlargement  of  Option  rights.  Any such
determination  made by the Board or a committee thereof shall be final,  binding
and conclusive upon each participant.


     The  following  is  a  description  of  certain  U.S.  Federal  income  tax
consequences  of the issuance  and exercise of options to purchase  shares under
the Purchase Plan.  The options  granted under the Purchase Plan are intended to
constitute  qualified  stock options in an "employee  stock purchase plan" under
Section 423 of the Code.  No taxable  income is realized at the time options are
granted to  participants  under the Purchase  Plan or at the time of purchase of
shares  pursuant to the Purchase  Plan.  Upon the death of a participant  owning
Purchase Plan shares or upon the  disposition  of shares two years or more after
the date of the grant of the  option to  purchase  such  shares and 


at least one year after acquiring such shares, the participant will recognize as
ordinary compensation income an amount equal to the lesser of:

     (i)  the excess of the fair value of the shares on the date of  disposition
          or death over the amount paid for such shares, or

     (ii) 15% of the fair market value of the shares at the time of grant of the

     Any loss on such a disposition or the balance of any gain will be long-term
capital  loss  or  gain.  The  Company  will  not  be  entitled  to a  deduction
corresponding to the participant's compensation income.

     Upon  disposition  of the  shares  within  two years  after the date when a
participant  was  granted an option to  purchase  such shares or within one year
after the date the participant  acquired such shares, the participant  generally
will  then  recognize   compensation   income,  and  the  Company  will  have  a
corresponding deduction, to the extent of the excess of the fair market value of
the shares on the date of  exercise  over the amount  paid for the  shares.  The
amount recognized as compensation income is added to the basis of the shares.

     The Board  recommends a vote "FOR"  approval of the Company's 1998 Employee
Stock Purchase Plan (Proposal No. 2 on your proxy card).


                                 PROPOSAL NO. 3


     The Board has  selected  KPMG Peat  Marwick  LLP as  independent  certified
public  accountants  for the Company for the year ending December 31, 1998. KPMG
Peat  Marwick  LLP  has  served  as  the  Company's   auditor  since  1988.  The
ratification of the selection of independent  certified public accountants is to
be voted upon at the Meeting,  and it is intended  that the persons named in the
accompanying proxy will vote for KPMG Peat Marwick LLP.  Representatives of KPMG
Peat Marwick LLP are expected to attend the Meeting,  to have an  opportunity to
make a  statement  if they  desire to do so and to be  available  to  respond to
appropriate questions.

     The Board recommends a vote "FOR" the ratification of the selection of KPMG
Peat Marwick LLP to act as the Company's  certified  public  accountants for the
year ending December 31, 1998 (Proposal No. 3 on your proxy card).

                             STOCKHOLDERS' PROPOSALS

     A stockholder  proposal  intended to be presented at the  Company's  Annual
Meeting of Stockholders to be held in 1999 must be received by the Company on or
before  December  22,  1998 in  order  to be  included  in the  Company's  proxy
statement and form of proxy relating to that meeting.


     The cost of soliciting proxies will be borne by the Company. In addition to
the use of mails, proxies may be solicited by personal interview,  telephone and
telegraph,  and by  directors,  officers  and regular  employees of the Company,
without special compensation  therefor.  The Company expects to reimburse banks,
brokers  and  other  persons  for their  reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses  in
handling proxy  materials for beneficial  owners of the Company's  Common Stock.
Additionally,  the Company has retained Corporate Communications Investors, Inc.
to assist in the solicitation of proxies for a fee of approximately $5,000, plus
reasonable out-of-pocket expenses.

     Unless contrary instructions are indicated on the proxy card, all shares of
Common Stock represented by valid proxies received pursuant to this solicitation
(and not revoked  before  they are voted) will be voted FOR the  election of the
nominees for Directors named herein, and FOR Proposals No. 2 and 3.

     Any proxy given pursuant to this  solicitation may be revoked by the person
giving it at any time  before it is voted.  Proxies may be revoked by the filing
with the Secretary of the Company  written notice of revocation  bearing a later
date than the proxy,  by duly executing a subsequent  proxy relating to the same
shares of  Common  Stock or by  attending  the  Meeting  and  voting in  person.
Attendance at the Meeting will not in and of itself  constitute  revocation of a
proxy unless the  stockholder  votes his or her shares of Common Stock in person
at the Meeting.  Any notice  revoking a proxy should be sent to the Secretary of
the Company,  John B. Landes, Esq. at ImClone Systems  Incorporated,  180 Varick
Street, Seventh Floor, New York, New York 10014.

     The Board  knows of no  business  other  than  that set  forth  above to be
transacted  at the  Meeting,  but  if  other  matters  requiring  a vote  of the
stockholders  arise,  the persons  designated as proxies will vote the shares of
Common Stock  represented  by the proxies in accordance  with their  judgment on
such matters. If a stockholder specifies a different choice on the proxy, his or
her shares of Common Stock will be voted in accordance with the specification so


     Please complete,  sign and date the enclosed proxy card, which is revocable
as described herein, and mail it promptly in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.

                                    By Order of the Board of Directors

                                    /s/ John B. Landes
                                    John B. Landes
New York, New York
April 22, 1998



                                                                      Appendix A
                         IMCLONE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED
                        1998 EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN

     The  following  constitutes  the  provisions  of the  1998  Employee  Stock
Purchase Plan of ImClone Systems Incorporated.


     The  purpose of the Plan is to provide  employees  of the  Company  and its
     Affiliates with an opportunity to purchase Common Stock of the Company.  It
     is the intention of the Company that the Options  granted under the Plan be
     considered  options issued under an "Employee  Stock Purchase Plan" as that
     term is defined under  Section  423(b) of the Code.  The  provisions of the
     Plan  shall,   accordingly,   be  construed  so  as  to  extend  and  limit
     participation in a manner  consistent with the requirements of that section
     of the Code.


(a)  "AFFILIATE" as used in the Plan means any parent  corporation or subsidiary
     corporation of the Company,  as those terms are defined in Sections  424(e)
     and (f), respectively, of the Code.

(b)  "BOARD" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Company, or a committee of
     the Board of Directors named by the Board to administer the Plan.

(c)  "CODE" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

(d)  "COMMON  STOCK"  shall mean the  Common  Stock,  $0.001  par value,  of the

(e)  "COMPANY" shall mean ImClone Systems Incorporated, a Delaware corporation.

(f)  "COMPENSATION"  shall  mean all  compensation  that is  taxable  income for
     federal  income tax  purposes,  including,  payments  for  overtime,  shift
     premium, incentive compensation,  incentive payments, bonuses,  commissions
     and other compensation.

(g)  "CONTINUOUS   STATUS  AS  AN  EMPLOYEE"  shall  mean  the  absence  of  any
     interruption or termination of service as an employee of the Company or any
     Affiliate.  Continuous  Status  as an  Employee  shall  not  be  considered
     interrupted  in the case of a leave of absence  agreed to in writing by the
     Company or any  Affiliate,  provided that such leave is for a period of not
     more than 90 days or  reemployment  upon the  expiration  of such  leave is
     guaranteed by contract or statute.

(h)  "CONTRIBUTIONS"  shall  mean  all  amounts  credited  to the  account  of a
     participant pursuant to the Plan.

(i)  "EXERCISE  DATE"  shall  mean the last day of each  Offering  Period of the

(j)  "OFFERING  DATE" shall mean the first  business  day of an Offering  Period
     under the Plan.

(k)  "OFFERING  PERIOD" shall mean any of the three month periods  commencing on
     each of July 1,  October  1,  January  1 and  April 1 of each year (or such
     other  periods as may be  determined  by the Board which shall  comply with
     Section  423(b)(7) of the Code);  provided that the initial offering period
     shall commence at a time to be determined by the Board.

(l)  "OPTION" shall mean an option granted under Section 6 of this Plan.

(m)  "PLAN" shall mean this ImClone  Systems  Incorporated  1998 Employee  Stock
     Purchase Plan. 


(a)  Options may be granted only to  employees of the Company or any  Affiliate.
     An  employee  of the  Company or any  Affiliate  shall not be  eligible  to
     participate  in an Offering  Period,  unless on the  Offering  Date of such
     Offering  Period,  such  employee has  maintained  Continuous  Status as an
     Employee for a period of six (6) months  preceding  such Offering  Date. In
     addition,  no employee of the Company or any Affiliate shall be eligible to
     be granted an Option under the Plan,  unless,  on the Offering  Date,  such
     employee's  customary  employment  with the Company or such Affiliate is at
     least  twenty (20) hours per week and at least five (5) months per calendar

(b)  No employee shall be eligible for the grant of an Option under the Plan if,
     immediately  after any such grant, such employee owns stock possessing five
     percent  (5%) or more of the total  combined  voting  power or value of all
     classes of stock of the Company or of any  Affiliate.  For purposes of this
     subparagraph  3(b),  the rules of Section 424(d) of the Code shall apply in
     determining  the stock  ownership  of any  employee,  and stock  which such
     employee may purchase  under all  outstanding  rights and options  shall be
     treated as stock owned by such employee.

(c)  An eligible  employee  may be granted an Option under the Plan only if such
     Option,  together with any other  options  granted  under  "employee  stock
     purchase plans" of the Company and any Affiliates,  as specified by Section
     423(b)(8)  of the Code,  do not permit such  employee's  rights to purchase
     stock of the  Company or any  Affiliate  to accrue at a rate which  exceeds
     twenty-five  thousand dollars  ($25,000) of fair market value of such stock
     (determined at the time such Options are granted) for each calendar year in
     which such Options are  outstanding  at any time.  Any Option granted under
     the Plan shall be deemed to be modified to the extent  necessary to satisfy
     this paragraph 3(c).

(d)  Officers of the  Company  shall be  eligible  to  participate  in the Plan;
     provided,  however,  that the Board may provide in an Offering  Period that
     certain employees who are highly  compensated  employees within the meaning
     of Section 423(b)(4)(D) of the Code shall not be eligible to participate.


     The Plan shall be implemented by a series of Offering  Periods,  with a new
     Offering  Period  commencing on July 1, October 1, January l and April 1 of
     each year (or such other  periods as may be  determined  by the Board which
     shall comply with Section 423(b)(7) of the Code); provided that the initial
     Offering Period shall commence at a time to be determined by the Board. The
     Plan shall  continue  until  terminated in accordance  with paragraph 17 or
     paragraph 21 hereof. In addition, employees shall not be entitled to enroll
     in the Plan or  exercise  any  Options  granted  under the Plan  during any
     period in which the  Company  has  restricted  the  purchase or sale of its
     securities by its employees.


(a)  An eligible  employee may become a participant in the Plan by completing an
     enrollment form  ("Enrollment  Form") provided by the Company and filing it
     with the Company prior to the applicable Offering Date, unless a later time
     for  filing  the  Enrollment  Form is set by the  Board  for  all  eligible
     employees with respect to a given  Offering  Period.  The  Enrollment  Form
     shall set forth the  percentage of the  participant's  Compensation  (which
     shall be a whole  percentage  not less than 1% and not more than 15%) to be
     paid as Contributions pursuant to the Plan.

(b)  Payroll  deductions  shall  commence  on the first  payroll  following  the
     Offering  Date and  shall end on the last  payroll  paid on or prior to the
     Exercise  Date of the  Offering  Period  to which  the  Enrollment  Form is
     applicable,  unless  sooner  terminated by the  participant  as provided in
     paragraph 8. All payroll deductions made by a participant shall be credited
     to such  participant  in an account under the Plan. A  participant  may not
     make payments into such account.


(c)  A  participant  may  discontinue  his or her  participation  in the Plan as
     provided in paragraph 8.

(d)  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  to the extent  necessary  to comply  with
     Section  423(b)(8) of the Code and paragraph 3(c) herein,  a  participant's
     payroll  deductions may be decreased to 0% at such time during any Offering
     Period which is scheduled to end during the current  calendar year that the
     aggregate  of all  payroll  deductions  accumulated  with  respect  to such
     Offering  Period  and any other  Offering  Period  ending  within  the same
     calendar year equals $21,250.  Payroll  deductions  shall recommence at the
     rate provided in such participant's Enrollment Form at the beginning of the
     first Offering  Period which is scheduled to end in the following  calendar
     year, unless terminated by the participant as provided in paragraph 8.


(a)  On the  Offering  Date of each  Offering  Period,  each  eligible  employee
     participating  in such  Offering  Period  shall be  granted  an  Option  to
     purchase on the Exercise Date of such Offering Period a number of shares of
     Common  Stock   determined  by  dividing  such   employee's   Contributions
     accumulated  prior to such Exercise Date and retained in the  participant's
     account as of the Exercise  Date by 85% of the fair market value of a share
     of the Common  Stock on the  Exercise  Date;  provided  however,  that such
     purchase shall be subject to the  limitations set forth in Sections 3(b), 3
     (c),  3(d) and 10 hereof.  The fair  market  value of a share of the Common
     Stock shall be determined as provided in Section 6(b) below.

(b)  The  fair  market  value  of the  Common  Stock  on a given  date  shall be
     determined by the Board in its discretion;  provided that (i) if the Common
     Stock is listed on a stock exchange,  the fair market value per share shall
     be the closing  price on such exchange on such date as reported in the Wall
     Street  Journal (or, (A) if not so reported,  as otherwise  reported by the
     exchange, and (B) if not reported on such date, then on the last prior date
     on which a sale of the Common Stock was reported); or (ii) if not listed on
     an exchange but traded on the National  Association  of Securities  Dealers
     Automated  Quotation  ("Nasdaq") National Market, the fair market value per
     share shall be the last reported sale price on such date as reported in the
     Wall Street  Journal (or (A) if not so reported,  as otherwise  reported by
     the Nasdaq  National  Market and (B) if not reported on such date,  then on
     the last prior date on which a sale of the Common  Stock was  reported)  or
     (iii) if traded on Nasdaq  SmallCap  and not the  National  Market the fair
     market value per share shall be the mean of the closing bid and asked price
     per share of the Common Stock on such date,  as reported in the Wall Street
     Journal (or, (A) if not so reported,  as otherwise  reported by Nasdaq, and
     (B) if not so reported on such date, then on the last prior date on which a
     sale of the Common  Stock was  reported);  or (iv) if the  Common  Stock is
     otherwise  publicly traded, but not listed on a stock exchange or traded on
     Nasdaq,  the fair market value per share shall be  determined in good faith
     by the Board in its discretion.


(a)  Unless a  participant  withdraws  from the Plan as provided in paragraph 8,
     such  participant's  Option for the purchase of shares of Common Stock will
     be exercised  automatically on the Exercise Date of the Offering Period and
     the  maximum  number of full shares of Common  Stock  subject to the Option
     will be purchased for such  participant  at the  applicable  purchase price
     with the accumulated  Contributions  in such  participant's  account.  If a
     fractional number of shares of Common Stock results, then such number shall
     be rounded down to the next whole number and the excess Contributions shall
     be carried  forward to the next  Exercise  Date,  unless  such  participant
     withdraws  the  Contributions  pursuant to  paragraph  8(a) or is no longer
     eligible to  participate  in the Plan,  in which case such amount  shall be
     distributed to the participant without interest.  The shares purchased upon
     exercise of an Option  hereunder  shall be deemed to be  transferred to the
     participant  on the  Exercise  Date.  During a  participant's  lifetime,  a
     participant's  Option to purchase shares  hereunder is exercisable  only by
     such participant.

(b)  Shares shall not be issued with respect to an Option unless the exercise of
     such Option and the  issuance  and  delivery of such shares of Common Stock
     pursuant  thereto  shall  comply  with all  applicable  provisions  of law,
     domestic or foreign,  including,  without limitation, the Securities Act of
     1933, as amended,  the  


     Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended,  the rules and  regulations
     promulgated  thereunder,  and the  requirements  of any stock exchange upon
     which the shares of Common  Stock may then be listed,  and shall be further
     subject to the  approval of counsel for the  Company  with  respect to such
     compliance.  As a condition to the  exercise of an Option,  the Company may
     require the person  exercising  such Option to represent and warrant at the
     time of any such  exercise  that the  shares  of  Common  Stock  are  being
     purchased only for investment and without any present  intention to sell or
     distribute  such  shares of Common  Stock if, in the opinion of counsel for
     the Company, such a representation is required by any of the aforementioned
     applicable provisions of law.


(a)  A  participant  may  withdraw  all but not less than all the  Contributions
     credited  to his or her  account  under  the Plan at any time  prior to the
     Exercise Date of the Offering Period by written notice to the Company.  All
     of the participant's  Contributions  credited to such participant's account
     will  be  paid  to  such   participant   promptly  after  receipt  of  such
     participant's  notice of withdrawal and such  participant's  Option for the
     current  Offering Period will be automatically  terminated,  and no further
     Contributions  for the  purchase  of shares of  Common  Stock  will be made
     during the Offering Period.

(b)  Upon  termination of the  participant's  Continuous  Status as an Employee,
     prior to the Exercise Date of the Offering Period for any reason, including
     retirement  or death,  the  Contributions  credited  to such  participant's
     account will be returned to such  participant or, in the case of his or her
     death,  to the person or persons  entitled  thereto under paragraph 12, and
     his or her Option will be automatically terminated.

(c)  In the  event an  employee  fails to  remain  in  Continuous  Status  as an
     Employee of the Company for at least 20 hours per week during the  Offering
     Period in which the employee is a  participant,  such  participant  will be
     deemed to have  elected  to  withdraw  from the Plan and the  Contributions
     credited to such participant's account will be returned to such participant
     and the Option terminated.

(d)  A participant's withdrawal from an Offering Period will not have any effect
     upon his or her eligibility to participate in a succeeding  Offering Period
     or in any similar plan which may hereafter be adopted by the Company.


     No interest shall accrue on the Contributions of a participant in the Plan.

10.  STOCK.

     The maximum  number of shares of Common Stock which shall be made available
     for sale under the Plan shall be 500,000 shares subject to adjustment  upon
     changes in  capitalization  of the  Company as provided  in  paragraph  16.
     Shares sold under the Plan may be newly issued shares or shares  reacquired
     in private transactions or open market purchases, but all shares sold under
     the Plan  regardless  of source shall be counted  against the 500,000 share
     limitation.  If the total  number of shares  of Common  Stock  which  would
     otherwise be subject to Options granted  pursuant to Section 6(a) hereof on
     the  Offering  Date of an Offering  Period  exceeds the number of shares of
     Common Stock then available  under the Plan (after  deduction of all shares
     of  Common  Stock  for  which  Options  have  been  exercised  or are  then
     outstanding), the Company shall make a pro rata allocation of the shares of
     Common Stock remaining available for Option grant in as uniform a manner as
     shall be reasonably  practicable and as it shall determine to be equitable.
     Any amounts remaining in an employee's  account not applied to the purchase
     of  Common  Stock  pursuant  to this  Section  10 shall be  refunded  on or
     promptly  after the Exercise  Date.  In such event,  the Company shall give
     written  notice of such  reduction  of the number of shares of Common Stock
     subject to the Option to each employee affected thereby and shall similarly
     reduce the rate of Contributions, if necessary.



     The Board shall supervise and administer the Plan and shall have full power
     to adopt,  amend and rescind any rules deemed desirable and appropriate for
     the  administration  of the Plan and not  inconsistent  with the  Plan,  to
     construe  and  interpret  the Plan,  and to make all  other  determinations
     necessary or advisable for the administration of the Plan.


(a)  A participant  may file a written  designation  of a beneficiary  who is to
     receive any shares of Common Stock and cash, if any, from the participant's
     account under the Plan in the event of such participant's  death subsequent
     to  the  end  of  the  Offering  Period  but  prior  to  delivery  of  such
     participant's  shares of Common Stock and cash. In addition,  a participant
     may file a written  designation of a beneficiary who is to receive any cash
     from  the  participant's  account  under  the  Plan  in the  event  of such
     participant's death prior to the Exercise Date of the Offering Period. If a
     participant  is married and the  designated  beneficiary is not the spouse,
     spousal consent shall be required for such designation to be effective.

(b)  Such  designation of beneficiary may be changed by the participant (and his
     or her spouse,  if any) at any time by written notice.  In the event of the
     death  of a  participant  and  in  the  absence  of a  beneficiary  validly
     designated  under the Plan who is living at the time of such  participant's
     death, the Company shall deliver such shares of Common Stock and/or cash to
     the executor or administrator  of the estate of the  participant,  or if no
     such executor or administrator  has been appointed (to the knowledge of the
     Company),  the Company,  in its discretion,  may deliver such shares and/or
     cash to the spouse or to any one or more  dependents  or  relatives  of the
     participant,  or if no  spouse,  dependent  or  relative  is  known  to the
     Company, then to such other person as the Company may designate.


     Neither  Contributions  credited to a participant's  account nor any rights
     with  regard to the  exercise of an Option or to receive  shares  under the
     Plan may be assigned, transferred,  pledged or otherwise disposed of in any
     way other than by will, the laws of descent and distribution or as provided
     in paragraph 12 hereof by the participant.  Any such attempt at assignment,
     transfer,  pledge or other disposition shall be without effect, except that
     the Company may treat such act as an election to withdraw  Contributions in
     accordance with paragraph 8.


     All  Contributions  received or held by the  Company  under the Plan may be
     used by the Company for any corporate purpose, and the Company shall not be
     obligated to segregate such Contributions.


     Individual  accounts will be maintained  for each  participant in the Plan.
     Statements of account will be given to participants, the per share purchase
     price,  the number of shares  purchased and the remaining cash balance,  if


     If any change is made in the shares of Common Stock  subject to the Plan or
     subject   to  any  Option   granted   under  the  Plan   (through   merger,
     consolidation,  reorganization,  distribution of  substantially  all of the
     assets of the Company,  spin-off of a subsidiary's voting securities to the
     Company's  shareholders,   recapitalization,   stock  dividend,   split-up,
     combination of shares, exchange of shares, issuance of rights to subscribe,
     or change in capital structure),  appropriate  adjustments shall be made by
     the Board as to the  maximum  number of shares  subject to the Plan and the
     number of shares  and price per share  subject  to  


     outstanding   Options  as  shall  be  equitable  to  prevent   dilution  or
     enlargement of Option rights. Any determination made by the Board hereunder
     shall be final, binding and conclusive upon each participant.


     The Board may at any time  terminate or amend the Plan.  Except as provided
     in paragraph 16, no such termination may affect Options previously granted,
     nor may an amendment make any change in any Option therefore  granted which
     adversely affects the rights of any participant. In addition, to the extent
     necessary to comply with Section 423 of the Code (or any successor  rule or
     provision or any  applicable law or  regulation),  the Company shall obtain
     stockholder approval in such a manner and to such a degree as so required.


     All notices or other  communications  by a participant to the Company under
     or in connection with the Plan shall be deemed to have been duly given when
     received in the form  specified by the Company at the  location,  or by the
     person, designated by the Company for the receipt thereof.


     Nothing in the Plan or in any  agreement  entered into pursuant to the Plan
     shall confer upon any  participant  the right to continue in the employment
     of the Company or any  Affiliate,  or affect any right which the Company or
     any Affiliate may have to terminate the employment of such participant.


     Neither  the  granting  of an Option nor a  deduction  from  payroll  shall
     constitute  a  participant  the owner of shares  covered by an  Option.  No
     participant  shall  have any  right as a  stockholder  unless  and until an
     Option has been  exercised,  and the shares of Common Stock  underlying the
     Option have been registered in the Company's share register.


     The Plan shall become  effective upon its adoption by each of the Board and
     the  stockholders and shall continue in effect for a term of ten (10) years
     unless sooner terminated earlier under paragraph 17.


     This Plan shall be governed in accordance with the laws of Delaware.


                          IMCLONE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED

Dear Stockholder:

Please take note of the important  information  enclosed with this Proxy Ballot.
There are a number of issues  related to the  management  and  operation of your
Company that require your immediate attention and approval.  These are discussed
in detail in the enclosed proxy materials.

Your vote counts, and you are strongly encouraged to exercise your right to vote
your shares.

Please  mark the boxes on this proxy card to indicate  how your shares  shall be
voted,  then sign the card, detach it and return your proxy vote in the enclosed
postage paid envelope.

Your vote must be received prior to the Annual Meeting of Shareholders,  May 27,

Thank you in advance for your prompt consideration of these matters.


ImClone Systems Incorporated

                          IMCLONE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED

              Proxy for the Meeting of Stockholders, May 27, 1998
          This Proxy is Solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors

The undersigned hereby appoints Robert F. Goldhammer, John B. Landes and Samuel
D. Waksal as Proxies each with power of substitution and hereby authorizes each
of them to represent and to vote, as designated below, all the shares of Common
Stock of ImClone Systems Incorporated held of record by the undersigned on April
7, 1998 at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on May 27, 1998 or any
adjournment thereof.


This Proxy when properly executed will be voted in the manner directed herein by
the undersigned stockholder. IF NO DIRECTION IS MADE, THIS PROXY WILL BE VOTED


NOTE: Please sign exactly as your name(s) appear(s) on this card. All joint
owners should sign. When signing as executor, administrator, attorney, trustee
or guardian or as custodian for a minor, please give full title as such. If a
corporation, please sign in full corporate name and indicate the signer's
office. If a partner, sign the partnership name.


_____________________________________      _____________________________________
_____________________________________      _____________________________________
_____________________________________      _____________________________________


ImClone Systems Incorporated

Mark box at right if an address change or comment has been noted on the reverse
side of this card. ______


1.) ELECTION OF DIRECTORS.   For: _____   Withhold: _____  For All Except: _____


Richard Barth                  Jean Carvais
Vincent T. DeVita, Jr.         Robert F. Goldhammer
David M. Kies                  Paul B. Kopperl
John Mendelsohn                William R. Miller
Harlan W. Waksal               Samuel D. Waksal
NOTE: If you do not wish your shares voted "For" a particular nominee,  mark the
"For All  Except" box and strike a line  through the name(s) of the  nominee(s).
Your shares shall be voted for the remaining nominee(s).

2.) To vote upon a  proposal  to  approve  the  Company's  1998  Employee  Stock
Purchase Plan.

         For: _____                 Against: _____            Abstain: _____

3.) To ratify the appointment by the Board of Directors of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP
to serve as the  Company's  independent  certified  public  accountants  for the
fiscal year ending December 31, 1998.

         For: _____                 Against: _____            Abstain: _____

4.) To consider  and act upon any other  business as may come before the meeting
or any adjournment thereof.

Please be sure to sign and date this Proxy.          Date:

Stockholder sign here                       Co-owner sign here

Detach Card