Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                     Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant (X)
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant ( )

Check the appropriate box:

( )  Preliminary Proxy Statement       ( )  Confidential, for Use of the
                                            Commission Only (as permitted
                                            by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
(X)  Definitive Proxy Statement
( )  Definitive Additional Materials
( )  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section 240.14a-12

                             USLICO Series Fund
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

      (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

(X)  No fee required

( )  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

     1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
        pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
        filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

     4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     5) Total fee paid:

( )  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

( )  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
     Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
     paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     1) Amount Previously Paid:

     2) Form, Schedule, or Registration Statement No.:

     3) Filing Party:

     4) Date Filed:

                               USLICO SERIES FUND

                                                                 August 26, 1999

Dear Shareholder:

      A Special  Meeting of the  Shareholders  of the USLICO Series Fund will be
held at 2:00 p.m.  Eastern  Time on September  23,  1999,  at the offices of the
Fund.  Formal  notice of the Meeting  appears on the next page,  followed by the
proxy statement.  We hope that you can attend the meeting in person; however, we
urge you in any  event to vote your  shares  by  completing  and  returning  the
enclosed proxy card in the envelope provided at your earliest convenience.

      At the  Meeting,  you will be asked to  consider  election of the Board of
Trustees;  approving a new subadvisory  agreement between  ReliaStar  Investment
Research,  Inc. and Northstar Investment  Management  Corporation for the Fund's
Stock and Asset Allocation Portfolios; and ratification of selection of KPMG LLP
as the Fund's independent  accountants for the fiscal year 2000.

      Please  exercise your right to vote by completing,  dating and signing the
enclosed proxy card. A self-addressed,  postage-paid  envelope has been enclosed
for your  convenience.  It is  important  that you  vote and that  your  vote be
received no later than September 16, 1999.

      We appreciate your  participation and prompt response in this matter,  and
thank you for your continued support.

                                    By Order of the Board of Trustees,

                                    /s/ Robert B. Saginaw

                                    Robert B. Saginaw

                               USLICO SERIES FUND

                        To be Held on September 23, 1999

To the Shareholders of USLICO Series Fund:

      Notice  is  hereby  given  that  a  Special  Meeting  (the  "Meeting")  of
Shareholders of USLICO Series Fund (the "Fund"), a Massachusetts business trust,
will be held at the offices of the Fund, 4601 North Fairfax Drive,  Fourth Floor
Conference Room, Arlington, Virginia on September 23, 1999, at 2:00 p.m. Eastern
Time,  or at such  adjourned  time as may be  necessary  for  the  holders  of a
majority of the shares of the Fund to vote for the following purposes:

           (1) To elect the Board of Trustees;

           (2)  To  approve   a  new  subadvisory  agreement  between  ReliaStar
      Investment Research,  Inc. and Northstar Investment Management Corporation
      for the Fund's Stock and Asset Allocation Portfolios;

           (3) To ratify the selection of KPMG LLP as independent accountants of
      the Fund for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2000; and

           (4) To transact  such other  business as may properly come before the
      Special Meeting.

      The Trustees of the Fund have fixed the close of business on July 16, 1999
as the record  date for  determining  shareholders  entitled to notice of and to
vote at the Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

                                By Order of the Board of Trustees,

                                /s/ Robert B. Saginaw

                                Robert B. Saginaw

Arlington, Virginia
August 26, 1999

      Shareholders are urged to vote promptly on the above matters. Shareholders
who do not expect to attend the  meeting in person are  requested  to  complete,
date and sign the enclosed  form of proxy and return it promptly in the envelope
provided for that purpose.  Instructions for the proper execution of proxies are
set forth on the inside  cover.  Shareholders  who hold  shares in more than one
account will receive a proxy package for each account.  You must return separate
proxy cards for each separate account.

                               USLICO SERIES FUND
                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                        TO BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 23, 1999


      This  proxy   statement  is  being   furnished  in  connection   with  the
solicitation  of proxies by USLICO  Series  Fund (the  "Fund")  for the  Special
Meeting of  Shareholders  to be held on September 23, 1999,  or any  adjournment
thereof. The Fund is an open-end management investment company comprised of four
portfolios that are offered to insurance  company separate  accounts  ("Variable
Accounts")  which  serve as  investment  vehicles  for  variable  life  products
(collectively  "Variable  Contracts") issued by ReliaStar Life Insurance Company
and ReliaStar Life Insurance  Company of New York  (collectively the "Affiliated
Insurance Companies"). At the Special Meeting,  Shareholders of the Fund will be
asked to approve the  election of Trustees;  a new  subadvisory  agreement  with
respect to the Fund's Stock and Asset  Allocation  Portfolios (the  "Subadvisory
Agreement"),  a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, between ReliaStar
Investment Research,  Inc.  ("ReliaStar  Investment" or the "Adviser") (formerly
"Washington  Square  Advisers,   Inc.")  and  Northstar  Investment   Management
Corporation  ("Northstar"  or  the  "Sub-Adviser");   and  ratification  of  the
selection of KPMG LLP as independent accountants of the Fund for the fiscal year
ending  December  31,  2000.  It  is  anticipated  that  the  first  mailing  to
shareholders  of proxies  and proxy  statements  will be on or about  August 26,
1999. In accordance  with current law, the Affiliated  Insurance  Companies will
request voting instructions from the owners of the Variable Contracts ("Variable
Contract Owners") and will vote shares or other voting interests in the separate
account in  proportion  to the voting  instructions  received.  Each  Affiliated
Insurance  Company  is  required  to vote  shares of the  Portfolio  held by its
Variable  Accounts  in  accordance  with  instructions  received  from  Variable
Contract  Owners.  Each  Affiliated  Insurance  Company is also required to vote
shares of the Portfolio held in each of their respective  Variable  Accounts for
which no voting  instructions  have been  received in the same  proportion as it
votes  shares  held  by  that  Variable   Account  for  which  it  has  received
instructions.  Shares  held by an  Affiliated  Insurance  Company in its general
account,  if any,  must be voted in the same  proportion  as the votes cast with
respect  to  shares  held  in all of such  Company's  Variable  Accounts  in the
aggregate.  Variable  Contract  Owners  permitted  to give  instructions  to the
Portfolio and the number of shares for which such  instructions may be given for
purposes of voting at the Meeting, and adjournment  thereof,  will be determined
as of the record date. In connection with the solicitation of such  instructions
from Variable  Contract  Owners,  it is expected that the  Affiliated  Insurance
Companies  will  furnish a copy of this Proxy  Statement  to  Variable  Contract

      July 16, 1999 has been chosen as the record date to determine shareholders
entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Meeting. Shareholders are entitled to
one vote for each $100 of cash value in his or her Variable  Contract  (less any
amount of an outstanding loan and accrued interest  thereon),  which may be cast
by proxy or by personally  appearing at the Meeting. At the close of business on
July 16, 1999  ("Record  Date")  there were the  following  shares of the Stock,
Asset Allocation, Money Market, and Bond Portfolios, respectively,  outstanding:
280,450,  144,799, 54,229, and 8,094. The Trustees and officers of the Fund as a
group  beneficially  owned less than 1% of the  outstanding  shares of the Fund.
ReliaStar  Financial  Corporation,  the  ultimate  parent  company of  ReliaStar
Investment and Northstar, directly or through its Affiliated Insurance

Companies  owns of record 100% of the  outstanding  shares of the Fund. No other
person was known by management of the Fund to own  beneficially  or of record 5%
or more of the outstanding shares of the Fund on that date.

      The enclosed form of proxy,  if properly  executed and  returned,  will be
voted in accordance with the  instructions  specified  thereon.  If no choice is
specified, the proxy will be voted FOR the proposals,  and, in the discretion of
the proxies named on the proxy card, on any other matter properly brought before
the Meeting.  Please note that a proxy marked  "abstain" is equivalent to a vote
against proposals two and three.

      The  enclosed  proxy is revocable by you at any time prior to the exercise
thereof by submitting a written notice of revocation or a subsequently  executed
proxy.  Signing and mailing the proxy will not affect your right to give a later
proxy or to attend the Meeting and vote your shares in person.

      In the event that a quorum is not  obtained,  or if a quorum is present at
the Meeting but sufficient votes to approve the proposals are not received,  the
persons named as proxies may propose one or more  adjournments of the Meeting to
permit further  solicitation of proxies.  Any such  adjournment will require the
affirmative  vote of a majority of those  shares  represented  at the Meeting in
person or by proxy.  The persons  named as proxies will vote those proxies which
they are entitled to vote FOR the proposals in favor of such an adjournment  and
will vote those proxies  required to be voted AGAINST the proposals  against any
such adjournment. A shareholder vote may be taken on the proposals in this proxy
statement prior to any such  adjournment if sufficient  votes have been received
for approval.

      The costs of soliciting  proxies in the accompanying  form for the Special
Meeting, including the costs of preparing, printing and mailing the accompanying
Notice of Special Meeting,  the Secretary's  letter and this proxy statement and
the costs of the Special Meeting will be borne by the Fund.  Proxy material will
also be  distributed  through  brokers,  custodians  and nominees to  beneficial
owners,  and the Fund will  reimburse  such parties for  reasonable  charges and
expenses.  In addition  to the use of the mails,  proxies  may be  solicited  by
telephone or telegraph by officers and Trustees of the Fund, or their agents, on
behalf of the  Trustees  of the Fund,  expenses of which shall be charged to the
Fund. The Fund has not retained a proxy solicitor.

      It is anticipated  that the first mailing to  shareholders  of proxies and
proxy  statements will be on or about August 26, 1999. The Fund's annual report,
containing  financial  statements  for the year  ended  December  31,  1998,  is
available  at no charge  upon  written  request  to Ms.  Stephanie  L.  Beckner,
USLICO Series Fund, 300 First Stamford Place,  Stamford, Connecticut 06902 or by
calling 1-800-595-7827.



      Pursuant to the provisions of the Declaration of Trust,  the Trustees have
determined  that the number of Trustees will be fixed at nine. The nine nominees
are listed below. Messrs.  Doherty,  Goode, Gosule,  Lipson, May, Putnam, Smith,
Turner and  Wallace  were  nominated  to the Board of  Trustees  by the  Trust's
current  Board at a Special  Meeting  held on August  16,  1999.  If  elected by
shareholders,  the nine nominees shall constitute the entire Board, each to hold
office until his successor is elected or he resigns or is otherwise removed. The
current Trustees have tendered their  resignations,  effective upon the election
of the nominees as Trustees of the Fund.  If for any reason the Special  Meeting
is not held, the current  Trustees will continue to serve as such. If any of the
nominees  should  withdraw or otherwise  become  unavailable for election due to
events not now known or anticipated,  the proxy confers  discretionary  power on
the  persons  named  therein to vote for such other  nominee or  nominees as the
Nominating Committee may recommend.

      Trustees  must be elected  by a  plurality  of the  shares  present at the
Meeting  in person or by proxy and  entitled  to vote  thereon.  Unless you give
contrary  instructions  in the form of proxy,  your  proxy will be voted FOR the
election  of the nine  nominees,  and your  shares  will be voted FOR such other
nominee or nominees as the Nominating Committee may recommend.

                                  Present Position With the Fund; Business
Nominee, Age                      Experience during the Past Five Years; Other Directorships.
- ---------------                   -----------------------------------------------------------
Paul S. Doherty, Age: 65          No present position with the Fund.  President,  Doherty,  Wallace,  Pillsbury and Murphy,
                                  P.C., Attorneys. Director, Tambrands, Inc. Trustee of the Northstar affiliated investment
                                  companies (since October 1993).

Robert B. Goode, Jr., Age: 69     No present position with the Fund. Currently retired.  From 1990 to 1991, Chairman of The
                                  First  Reinsurance  Company of  Hartford.  From 1987 to 1989,  President  and Director of
                                  American  Skandia Life Assurance  Company. Trustee of the Northstar affiliated investment
                                  companies (since October 1993).

Alan L. Gosule, Age: 58           No present position with the Fund. Partner,  Rogers & Wells,  Attorneys.  Director,  F.L.
                                  Putnam Investment Management Co., Inc.  Trustee of the  Northstar  affiliated  investment
                                  companies (since June 1995).

*Mark L. Lipson, Age: 50          No present  position with the Fund.  Director,  Chairman and Chief  Executive  Officer of
                                  Northstar and Northstar Holding,  Inc. Director of Northstar  Administrators  Corporation
                                  and  Northstar  Funding,  Inc.  and  Director,  Chairman and Chief  Executive  Officer of
                                  Northstar Distributors, Inc. Trustee and President of the Northstar affiliated investment
                                  companies (since October 1993).

Walter H. May, Age: 62            No present  position with the Fund.  Retired.  Former Senior Executive for Piper Jaffray,
                                  Inc. Trustee of the Northstar affiliated investment companies (since April 1996).

- ------------
* Deemed to be an "interested person" of the Fund, as defined by the 1940 Act.


                                  Present Position With the Fund; Business
Nominee, Age                      Experience during the Past Five Years; Other Directorships.
- ---------------                   -----------------------------------------------------------
David W.C. Putnam, Age: 59        No  present  position  with the  Fund.  President,  Clerk  and  Director  of F.L.  Putnam
                                  Securities Company,  Inc., F.L. Putnam Investment  Management Company,  Inc.,  Interstate
                                  Power  Company,  Inc.,  Trust Realty Corp.  and Bow Ridge Mining Co.;  Director of Anchor
                                  Investment Management  Corporation;  President and Trustee of Anchor Capital Accumulation
                                  Trust, Anchor  International Bond Trust, Anchor Gold and Currency Trust, Anchor Resources
                                  and  Commodities  Trust and Anchor  Strategic  Assets  Trust.  Trustee  of the  Northstar
                                  affiliated investment companies (since June 1995).

John R. Smith, Age: 76            No present  position with the Fund.  From  1970-1991,  Financial Vice President of Boston
                                  College;  President of New England  Fiduciary  Company  (financial  planning) since 1991;
                                  Chairman of Massachusetts  Educational  Financing  Authority since 1987; Vice Chairman of
                                  Massachusetts  Health  and  Education  Authority.  Trustee  of the  Northstar  affiliated
                                  investment companies (since June 1995).

*John G. Turner, Age: 59          No  present  position  with the  Fund.  Since  May 1993,  Chairman  and CEO of  ReliaStar
                                  Financial  Corporation  and ReliaStar Life Insurance Co. and Chairman of other  ReliaStar
                                  Affiliated  Insurance Companies since 1995. Since October 1993, Director of Northstar and
                                  affiliates.  Prior to May 1993, President and CEO of ReliaStar and Northwestern National.
                                  Chairman and Trustee of the Northstar  affiliated  investment  companies  (since  October

David W. Wallace, Age: 75         No  present  position  with the  Fund.  Chairman  of  Putnam  Trust  Company,  Lone  Star
                                  Industries  and FECO  Engineered  Systems,  Inc. He is also  President and Trustee of the
                                  Robert R.  Young  Foundation  and  Governor  of the New York  Hospital.  Director  of UMC
                                  Electronics and Zurn Industries,  Inc. Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,  Todd
                                  Shipyards and Bangor Punta  Corporation,  and former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
                                  of  National  Securities  & Research  Corporation.  Trustee of the  Northstar  affiliated
                                  investment companies (since October 1993).

- ------------
* Deemed to be an "interested person" of the Fund, as defined by the 1940 Act.

      The Board of Trustees met four times during the fiscal year ended December
31, 1998.  The Board also acts as an Audit  Committee that reviews and evaluates
the  audit  function,  including  recommending  to  the  Board  the  independent
accountants  to be  selected  for the  Fund  (see  Proposal  Three).  The  Audit
Committee  met once during the Fund's fiscal year ended  December 31, 1998.  The
Board also acts as a Nominating  Committee that is responsible for the selection
and nomination of disinterested trustees. It is not expected that the Nominating
Committee will consider  nominees  recommended by  shareholders.  The Nominating
Committee  did not meet during the fiscal year ended  December  31,  1998.  Each
Committee  consists of Trustees who are not "interested  persons" of the Fund as
defined in the 1940 Act  ("Independent  Trustees")  (currently  Jeri A. Eckhart,
Wayne O. Jefferson,  Jr., Richard C. Kaufman) and David H. Roe, a Trustee who is
an interested person.  Except for Mr. Roe, Officers and Trustees of the Fund who
are  "interested  persons" of the Fund  receive no salary or fees from the Fund.
Each Trustee receives an annual retainer of $4,000.


      The  following  table  provides  certain   information   relating  to  the
compensation of the Fund's Trustees for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1998.

                                              Compensation Table
                                         Period Ended December 31, 1998

                                          Pension Benefits     Estimated Annual     Total Compensation
                        Compensation     Accrued as Part of      Benefits Upon         From Fund and
                          From Fund         Fund Expenses         Retirement            Complex (a)
                       --------------- --------------------  ------------------- -----------------------
Jeri A. Eckhart             $4,000               0                    0                    $4,000
Wayne O. Jefferson, Jr.      4,000               0                    0                     4,000
Richard C. Kaufman           4,000               0                    0                     4,000
David H. Roe                 4,000               0                    0                     4,000

- ---------------
(a) Compensation paid by the four series of the Fund.

Vote Required for Approval

      Election of the Trustees requires the approval by an affirmative vote of a
plurality of the shares of the Fund present, in person or by proxy.




      On August 16, 1999,  a majority of the  Trustees of the Fund,  who are not
parties to such agreement or interested  persons (as defined in the 1940 Act) of
any such party (the "Independent Trustees"),  and a majority of the entire Board
of Trustees  met in person and  approved,  subject to the  required  shareholder
approval   described  herein,   the  Subadvisory   Agreement  between  ReliaStar
Investment  and Northstar  for the Stock and Asset  Allocation  Portfolios,  and
recommended  approval  of  the  Subadvisory  Agreement  by  shareholders  of the
Portfolios.  The form of the  Subadvisory  Agreement  is  attached to this proxy
statement as Exhibit A.

      The  Subadvisory  Agreement,  if  approved  by  vote of the  holders  of a
majority of the outstanding  shares of each of the Portfolios (as defined in the
1940 Act), will become  effective on or about October 1, 1999, and will continue
in  effect  for an  initial  term  of two  years.  Thereafter,  the  Subadvisory
Agreement  will  continue  in effect  from  year to year,  subject  to  approval
annually by the Trustees of the Fund,  on behalf of the  Portfolios,  or vote of
the holders of a majority of the  outstanding  shares of each of the  Portfolios
(as  defined in the 1940 Act),  and also,  in either  event,  to  approval  by a
majority of the Independent Trustees.  For this purpose, the vote of the holders
of a  majority  of the  outstanding  shares of a  Portfolio  means the lesser of
either (i) the vote of 67% or more of the shares of the Portfolio present at the
Meeting if the holders of more than 50% of the outstanding  Portfolio shares are
present or represented by proxy or (ii) the vote of the holders of more than 50%
of the outstanding  shares of the Portfolio ("1940 Act Majority").  In the event
that  shareholders of either Portfolio do not approve the Subadvisory  Agreement


that Portfolio,  ReliaStar  Investment would continue to serve as Adviser to the
Portfolio without the services of the Sub-Adviser, and the Trustees of the Fund,
on behalf of the Portfolio,  may consider other possible  courses of action with
regard to the management of that Portfolio.


Background and Reasons for the Proposed Arrangement

      The Fund  commenced  operations  on April 29,  1988,  and  pursuant  to an
investment   advisory   agreement  with  the  Fund  dated  April  1,  1995  (the
"Agreement"), ReliaStar Investment Research, Inc. began managing the Fund's four
portfolios.  Pursuant  to the  Agreement,  ReliaStar  Investment  may  recommend
retaining, and with the approval of the Fund, retain one or more sub-advisers to
perform all or part of the advisory  function.  Pilgrim Baxter Value  Investors,
Inc.  has been  serving  as  sub-adviser  to the  Stock  and  Asset  Allocations
Portfolios   since  April  1,  1995.  The  Trustees,   however,   had  expressed
disappointment to ReliaStar Investment concerning the investment  performance of
the Stock Portfolio and the equity portion of the Asset Allocation Portfolio.

      Thereafter  at a Special  Meeting of the  Trustees,  ReliaStar  Investment
recommended  that  the  Trustees  consider   appointing   Northstar   Investment
Management  Corporation as sub-adviser  for the Stock Portfolio and that portion
of the Asset Allocation  Portfolio's assets that are allocated by the Adviser to
the management of the sub-adviser, which is substantially the equity securities.
This  recommendation  was based upon a number of  considerations,  including the
additional  technical  expertise that a qualified  sub-adviser  could utilize in
managing  the  Portfolios,  with  the  goal  of  achieving  enhanced  investment
performance.  ReliaStar  Investment  noted  that it had deemed  Northstar  to be
qualified to provide advisory services to the Portfolios. This determination was
based  on  Northstar's  investment  experience  and  technical  expertise,   the
Adviser's  performance  goals  for the  Portfolios,  the  efficiencies  achieved
because Northstar  provides  investment  advisory services to other mutual funds
dedicated  to  insurance  company  separate  accounts,  the cost of  Northstar's
services and possible other alternatives. ReliaStar Investment believed that the
application of  Northstar's  investment  philosophy in pursuing the  Portfolios'
objectives,   the  resources  of  the  firm,  and  Northstar's   reputation  and
performance  record in managing equity  portfolios  would benefit the Portfolios
and their shareholders.  A sub-adviser, if a new one were selected and approved,
would be subject to the  supervision  of the Adviser and of the  Trustees of the
Fund, on behalf of the Portfolio(s).

      After review of relevant  information  relating to Northstar and the terms
of the proposed  subadvisory  arrangement,  the Trustees concluded that entering
into the Subadvisory  Agreement would be in the best interests of each Portfolio
and its  shareholders.  In considering the Subadvisory  Agreement,  the Trustees
evaluated,  as set forth more fully  below,  materials  furnished  by  ReliaStar
Investment and Northstar, Northstar's experience in providing various investment
services to individuals and institutions,  the depth of its operations,  as well
as the firm's  reputation,  integrity,  and  financial  resources.  Among  other
things, the Trustees also considered the demonstrated skills and capabilities of
ReliaStar  Investment's  current  management,   personnel,   its  resources  and
facilities, and the fact that ReliaStar Investment


would be responsible for overseeing and monitoring the Sub-Adviser management of
the  Portfolios.  The Trustees also concluded that the advisory  services to the
Portfolios  could  be  enhanced  by the  investment  and  research  methods  and
resources offered by Northstar.  After reviewing and considering the information
and data  presented,  the Trustees  concluded  that approval of the  Subadvisory
Agreement could reasonably be expected to enhance each  Portfolio's  performance
by making  available to it additional  investment and technical  resources at no
additional cost to the Portfolios or their shareholders.

Evaluation by the Trustees

      The terms of the new Subadvisory  Agreement were reviewed by the Trustees,
including  the  Independent  Trustees,  at a Special  Meeting held on August 16,
1999. In considering whether to approve the Subadvisory  Agreement and to submit
it to  shareholders  for their  approval,  the  Trustees  considered a number of
factors.  Initially,  the Trustees  reviewed the Adviser's reasons for proposing
the  subadvisory   arrangement,   including,   in  particular,   the  investment
performance of the  Portfolios.  It was noted that retaining the services of the
Sub-Adviser  may enhance the  Portfolios'  performance and assist in maintaining
investors  in the  Portfolios.  Based upon  information  presented  by ReliaStar
Investment,  the Trustees  concluded that utilizing the resources of a qualified
investment  advisory  firm that  specializes  in the equity  investments  of the
Portfolios  was,  under  all  the  circumstances  in the  best  interest  of the
Portfolios.  In this  context,  it was  noted  that  all  fees  associated  with
retaining a sub-adviser would be borne solely by ReliaStar  Investment,  so that
the  Portfolios  would incur no additional  advisory  expense as a result of the
arrangement.  The Trustees  considered  the services and  qualifications  of the
Sub-Adviser.   Specifically,   the  Trustees   considered   (1)  the   Northstar
organization,  including its corporate structure,  financial resources,  and the
credentials of the firm's investment,  research and technical personnel; (2) the
range of services to be provided by the Sub-Adviser,  its research and technical
capabilities, and skills and capabilities of its staff to provide investment and
related services;  and (3) the nature and scope of its advisory services and the
nature of the clients served by the firm. The Trustees also considered the level
of the fee to be paid to the Sub-Adviser and the respective  responsibilities of
the  Sub-Adviser  and  the  Adviser  to the  Portfolios  under  the  subadvisory
arrangement.  Finally, the Trustees considered  performance data supplied by the

Terms of the Subadvisory Agreement

      The  terms  of the  new  Subadvisory  Agreement  will  be the  same in all
material respects as that of the current subadvisory agreement.  The Subadvisory
Agreement delegates to the Sub-Adviser  responsibility for the management of all
of the Stock Portfolio's assets and the assets of the Asset Allocation Portfolio
allocated  by  the  Adviser  to the  management  of the  Sub-Adviser,  which  is
substantially  the equity  portion,  with full  discretion,  consistent with the
Portfolios'  investment objectives.  Accordingly,  Northstar will be responsible
for selecting  investments  for  purchase,  and  determining  the timing for the
purchase and sale by the Portfolios of their investments.  ReliaStar Investment,
as Adviser,  will be responsible  for  overseeing  the advisory  services of the
Sub-Adviser and monitoring the operations of the Portfolios and their respective
compliance  functions.  The Adviser and the  Sub-Adviser  will be subject to the
overall supervision of the Fund's Trustees.

      The Subadvisory Agreement provides that ReliaStar  Investment,  at its own
expense,  will pay the Sub-Adviser an annual fee.  Accordingly,  the Subadvisory
Agreement  will not  increase  the fees paid by the  Portfolios  for  investment
advisory  services.  The Sub-Adviser will be paid an


annual  fee equal to 0.45 of 1% of the  average  daily  net  assets of the Stock
Portfolio  and an annual fee equal to 0.45 of 1% of the average daily net assets
of the Asset  Allocation  Portfolio  that are allocated to the  Sub-Adviser  for
management. This fee is calculated and accrued daily and paid to the Sub-Adviser
monthly. The maximum annual advisory fee which may be charged to each Portfolio,
as set forth in the Investment  Advisory Agreement with ReliaStar  Investment is
0.50% of the first $100 million of each Portfolio's net assets and 0.45% of each
Portfolio's net assets in excess of $100 million.  However,  all of the Variable
Contracts contain a provision limiting  investment  advisory services to no more
than an annual rate of 0.25%, which has been the rate consistently  charged. The
Affiliated  Insurance Companies reimburse for charges which are in excess of the
annual rate of 0.25% and will continue to do so.

      The Subadvisory Agreement provides that the Sub-Adviser shall exercise its
best judgment in rendering its services thereunder. The Sub-Adviser shall not be
liable to the  Portfolios  or their  shareholders  for its acts or  omissions in
rendering the services to be provided under the Subadvisory Agreement except for
damages  arising  from or  resulting  by  reason  of the  Sub-Adviser's  willful
misfeasance,  bad faith or gross  negligence in the performance of its duties or
by reason of the Sub-Adviser's  reckless disregard of its obligations and duties
under the Subadvisory Agreement.

Northstar Investment Management Corporation

      Northstar Investment Management Corporation is registered as an investment
adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Northstar's principal address
is 300 First Stamford Place, Stamford, Connecticut 06902. The firm was formed in
1993  and  is  an  indirect  wholly-owned   subsidiary  of  ReliaStar  Financial
Corporation  (the corporate  parent of ReliaStar  Investment and the  Affiliated
Insurance Companies). The Sub-Adviser is a Delaware corporation. The Sub-Adviser
currently  manages  approximately  $4.5  billion  of assets  for  mutual  funds,
variable annuity portfolios,  institutions, and collateralized bond obligations,
of which the Sub-Adviser  manages  approximately  $32 million in assets that are
invested in the Northstar  Galaxy Trust Emerging Growth  Portfolio,  a series of
the Northstar Galaxy Trust which is similar in its investment  objective to that
of the Stock Portfolio.  The Sub-Adviser receives an annual fee equal to 0.75 of
1% of the average daily net assets of the Northstar Galaxy Trust Emerging Growth

      Mary Lisanti will serve as the  portfolio  manager of the Stock  Portfolio
and the  assets of the Asset  Allocation  Portfolio  that are  allocated  to the
Sub-Adviser  for  management,   and  as  such,  will  be  the  person  primarily
responsible for the day-to-day  investment management of the Stock Portfolio and
the  assets  of  the  Asset  Allocation  Portfolio  that  are  allocated  to the
Sub-Adviser  for management.  Ms. Lisanti serves as a Portfolio  Manager and the
Chief Investment Officer -- Equities at Northstar. Ms. Lisanti has over 20 years
of investment management experience. Before joining Northstar, Ms. Lisanti was a
Portfolio  Manager at Strong  Capital  Management  where she  managed the Strong
Small Cap Fund and  co-managed  the Strong Mid Cap Fund.  From 1993 to 1996, Ms.
Lisanti was a Managing Director and Head of Small and Mid-Capitalization  Equity
Strategies  at Bankers  Trust Corp.  where she managed the BT Small Cap Fund and
the BT Capital  Appreciation  Fund.  Prior to Bankers  Trust,  Ms. Lisanti was a
Portfolio  Manager with the Evergreen  Funds. She began her career as an Analyst
specializing  in emerging  growth stocks with  Donaldson,  Lufkin & Jenrette and
Shearson  Lehman Hutton,  and was ranked the number one  Institutional  Investor
Emerging Growth Stock Analyst in 1989. She is a Chartered Financial Analyst, and
a member of the New York Society of Security  Analysts and the Financial Analyst


      The Sub-Adviser's  directors and principal  executive  officers are listed
below.  Unless  otherwise  noted,  the business address of each person is at the
principal address of the Sub-Adviser.

Name                             Position at Northstar
- -----                            ---------------------
Mark L. Lipson                   Director, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Jeffrey Aurigemma                Vice President and Senior Portfolio Manager
Stephanie L. Beckner             Vice President, Secretary and Counsel
Mary Lisanti                     Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer -- Equities
Agnes Mullady                    Senior Vice President, Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer

      If the new  Subadvisory  Agreement  is  approved by  shareholders  of each
Portfolio,  it is expected  that it will be executed and become  effective on or
about October 1, 1999 and the  subadivisory  agreement with Pilgrim Baxter Value
Investors, Inc. will be terminated.  The Subadvisory Agreement may be terminated
without  payment of any penalty by either of the  Portfolios or the Adviser upon
the  vote of a  majority  of the  Trustees  or by vote  of the  majority  of the
Portfolio's outstanding voting securities,  upon sixty (60) days' written notice
to the  Sub-Adviser,  or by the  Sub-Adviser  without cause, at any time without
penalty,  upon sixty (60) days'  written  notice to the  Portfolio  or  Adviser.
Otherwise,  the  Subadvisory  Agreement  will remain in effect for two years and
thereafter  will  continue  in  effect  from  year to year,  provided  that such
continuation is approved  annually by the Trustees of the Fund, on behalf of the
Portfolio or by vote of a majority of the outstanding  voting  securities of the
Portfolio, and by the vote, cast in person at a meeting duly called and held, of
a majority of the  Trustees  of the Fund who are not parties to the  Subadvisory
Agreement  or  "interested  persons"  (as  defined  in the 1940 Act) of any such
party. The Subadvisory  Agreement will  automatically  terminate in the event of
its  assignment (as defined in the 1940 Act) or the assignment or termination of
the Agreement.

      On July 22,  1999,  ReliaStar  Financial  Corporation  ("ReliaStar"),  the
corporate  parent  of  ReliaStar  Investment  and  Northstar,  entered  into  an
agreement with Pilgrim Capital Corp. ("Pilgrim"), under which Pilgrim will merge
into a  subsidiary  of  ReliaStar.  Pilgrim is the  corporate  parent of Pilgrim
Investments,  Inc.,  which  is the  investment  manager  of the  Pilgrim  Funds.
Completion of the acquisition is contingent upon,  among other things,  approval
by the  directors/trustees and the shareholders of the Pilgrim Funds and certain
regulatory approvals. the closing of the acquisition is scheduled for the fourth
quarter  of 1999.  The  acquisition  will not  result in a change in  control or
management of ReliaStar  Investment  or Northstar,  and approval by the Trustees
and/or  shareholders of the Fund is not required.  However, it is expected that,
following  completion  of  the  acquisition,  ReliaStar  will  consider  various
alternatives for changes in the corporate  structure of the merged entities with
a view towards  leveraging  management  resources  within the  organization  and
maximizing  efficiency.   Accordingly,   it  is  possible  that  the  investment
management   business  of  Northstar  may  be  combined  with  that  of  Pilgrim
Investments,  Inc. It is not anticipated that any such combination  would result
in any changes in the  personnel  primarily  responsible  for  management of the

Vote Required For Approval

      Adoption  of the  Subadvisory  Agreement  set forth  herein  requires  the
approval by a 1940 Act  Majority  of Stock  Portfolio  and the Asset  Allocation
Portfolio's outstanding voting securities.




      The financial  statements for the Fund for the fiscal years ended December
31, 1998 and 1999 have or will be audited by Deloitte & Touche LLP,  independent
accountants.  At its meeting on August 16,  1999 the Board of Trustees  selected
KPMG LLP as  independent  accountants  for the Fund for the fiscal  year  ending
December  31,  2000.  As required by the 1940 Act,  the  Trustees'  selection is
subject  to the  right of the Fund,  by vote of a  majority  of its  outstanding
voting  securities  at any  meeting  called  for the  purpose  of voting on such
action, to terminate such employment without penalty.  The change of independent
accountants   was  motivated  by  the  proposed   appointment  of  Northstar  as
sub-adviser to the  Portfolios,  as discussed  above in connection with Proposal
Two.  The  Trustees  concluded  that  the  Portfolios  would  benefit  from  the
qualifications of and services provided by KPMG LLP.

      The  ratification  of the selection of  independent  accountants  is to be
voted upon at the  Meeting  and it is  intended  that the  persons  named in the
accompanying  proxy  will vote FOR KPMG LLP  unless  contrary  instructions  are
given.  KPMG LLP has advised the Fund that it has no direct or material indirect
ownership  interest  in the Fund.  Representatives  of Deloitte & Touche LLP and
KPMG LLP are not expected to be present at the Meeting,  but have been given the
opportunity to make a statement if they so desire,  and will be available should
any matter arise requiring their presence to answer any questions.

      Vote Required For Approval

      Ratification  of the selection of KPMG LLP as independent  accountants for
the Fund  requires an  affirmative  vote of at least a majority of the shares of
the Fund present, in person or by proxy.


Additional Information about the Adviser

      ReliaStar  Investment  currently  serves as the investment  adviser to the
Fund pursuant to the Agreement.  The Adviser's  principal offices are located at
20 Washington Avenue South,  Minneapolis,  Minnesota 55401. ReliaStar Investment
was  organized  in  November  of  1981  as a  Minnesota  corporation.  ReliaStar
Investment,  and its affiliated  companies,  ReliaStar  Life  Insurance  Company
("ReliaStar Life"), the Fund's  administrator,  and Washington Square Securities
Inc., the Fund's distributor, are each wholly-owned by ReliaStar as is ReliaStar
Life  Insurance  Company of New York  ("RLNY").  The Fund  supports the Variable
Contracts  issued by  ReliaStar  Life and RLNY.  ReliaStar  is a New York  Stock
Exchange listed company, with over $20 billion in assets, and approximately $2.1
billion in shareholders' equity as of December 31, 1998. ReliaStar,  through its
subsidiaries,  specializes in the life and health insurance businesses,  issuing
and distributing  individual life insurance,  annuities and mutual funds,  group
life and health insurance and life and health reinsurance,  and provides related
investment management services.


      ReliaStar   Investment   registered   with  the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission  under the  Investment  Advisers Act of 1940 in December of 1981, and
began advising  mutual funds in April of 1995.  Through July of 1999,  ReliaStar
Investment  advised  the four  portfolios  of the Fund and  approximately  $14.6
billion for ReliaStar Financial Corporation and its subsidiaries.

      ReliaStar Life Insurance Company,  an affiliate of the Adviser,  serves as
administrator  for the Fund  pursuant to an  Administrative  Services  Agreement
entered into between the  Administrator  and the Fund dated January 1, 1999. The
Administrator's  principal  offices are located at 20  Washington  Avenue South,
Minneapolis,  Minnesota 55401. The  administrator  provides the overall business
management and  administrative  services  necessary to the proper conduct of the
Fund's  business,  except for services  provided by other  providers to the Fund
pursuant to separate  service  contracts,  for which the  Administrator  acts as

      Washington  Square  Securities,  Inc.,  also an  affiliate of the Adviser,
serves as Distributor of the Fund's shares pursuant to a Distribution  Agreement
entered into between the  Distributor  and the Fund dated  February 1, 1997. The
Distributor's  principal  offices are  located at 20  Washington  Avenue  South,
Minneapolis,  Minneapolis 55401. The Distributor  conducts a continuous offering
pursuant to a "best efforts" arrangement,  requiring it to take and pay for only
such securities as may be sold to the public through investment dealers.

Terms of the ReliaStar  Investment Advisory Agreement with the Fund

      Pursuant  to the  Agreement,  the  Adviser,  at its  expense,  offers  the
Portfolios  advice and assistance  with respect to the  selection,  acquisition,
holding and disposal of  securities,  maintains  all books and records  required
under the 1940 Act to the extent not maintained by the Fund's custodian and will
render to the Trustees  such  periodic  and special  reports as the Trustees may
reasonably request.  ReliaStar  Investment or the Affiliated Insurance Companies
pay  the  salary  and  expenses  of all  personnel  of the  Fund  and  ReliaStar
Investment required to perform the services under the Agreement and all expenses
incurred by ReliaStar Investment and the Fund in connection with the performance
of ReliaStar Investment's  responsibilities under the Agreement.  The Portfolios
bear all other expenses  incurred in the operation of the Portfolios,  including
interest charges,  taxes, fees and commissions of every kind, expenses of issue,
sale, repurchase or redemption of shares,  expenses of registering or qualifying
shares for sale, all charges of custodians  (including sums as custodian and for
keeping books,  performing  portfolio valuations and rendering other services to
the  Portfolios),  transfer  agents,  permits,  registrars,  auditors  and legal
counsel,  expenses of  preparing,  printing  and  distributing  to  shareholders
prospectuses, reports and notices to shareholders, and all costs incident to the
Portfolios' organization and existence.

      The  Agreement  provides  that the  Adviser  is not  liable for any act or
omission in the course of or in connection with rendering services thereunder in
the absence of willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence in fulfilling
its obligations or duties.  The Agreement permits the Adviser to render services
to others and to engage in other activities.

      The Agreement  provides for its automatic  termination in the event of its
assignment (as defined in the 1940 Act) or may be terminated at any time without
payment  of any  penalty  upon no more  than 60 nor less  than 30 days'  written
notice by ReliaStar  Investment,  by the Trustees of the Fund,  on behalf of the
Portfolio(s),  or by the  affirmative  vote of the  holders of a majority of the
outstanding voting securities of the Portfolios (as defined in the 1940 Act).


Fees Paid to ReliaStar Investment by the Portfolios

      For 1998,  ReliaStar Investment received the following investment advisory
fees:  $64,509  from the Stock  Portfolio,  $38,430  from the  Asset  Allocation
Portfolio,  $14,571  from the Money Market  Portfolio,  and $7,027 from the Bond
Portfolio.  ReliaStar Life Insurance  Company  received $93,210 for its services
under the Administrative Services Agreement during the same period.

      ReliaStar  Investment's  directors and principal executive  officers,  and
their  principal  occupations,  including any position with the Fund,  are shown
below.  Unless  otherwise  indicated,  the business address of each director and
officer is 20 Washington Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401.

                                                                                        Position with
Name                              Principal Occupation                                  the Fund
- ------                            ----------------------                                --------------
Gregory M. Anderson               Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager           None
Susan M. Bergen                   Secretary                                             None
Stephen L. Buchert                Director of Compliance                                None
Richard R. Crowl                  Senior Vice President and General Counsel             None
Gary L. Jacobson                  Senior Vice President -- Special Investments          None
Mark S. Jordahl                   President, Chief Executive Officer and Director       None
Michael L. Sheplee                Senior Vice President -- Administration and           None
Winifred Smith                    Senior Vice President -- Real Estate                  None
John G. Turner                    Director                                              None


Shareholder Proposals

      Proposals of  shareholders  must be received by the Fund a reasonable time
prior to  mailing of the proxy  materials  for a meeting  of  shareholders.  The
submission by a shareholder  of a proposal for inclusion in the proxy  statement
does not guarantee that it will be included.  Shareholder  proposals are subject
to certain regulations under the federal securities laws.

Other Business

      The Trustees know of no other  business to be brought  before the Meeting.
However,  if any other  matters  properly  come before the Meeting,  it is their
intention  that  proxies  which  do not  contain  specific  restrictions  to the
contrary  will be voted on such matters in  accordance  with the judgment of the
persons named as proxies in the enclosed form of proxy.

Other Information

      ReliaStar  Investment  Research  Inc.  serves  as  the  Fund's  investment
adviser.  ReliaStar Life Insurance Company is its administrator,  and Washington
Square  Securities,  Inc. is its  principal  underwriter.  All are located at 20
Washington Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401.


                                                                       EXHIBIT A

                              SUBADVISORY AGREEMENT

      AGREEMENT  made this 1st day of  October,  1999 by and  between  ReliaStar
Investment Research,  Inc., a Minnesota Corporation (hereinafter the "Adviser"),
investment  adviser for the USLICO  Series Fund Stock  Portfolio  and the USLICO
Series Fund Asset Allocation Portfolio  (collectively,  the "Portfolios"),  each
being a series of the USLICO Series Fund (the "Trust") and Northstar  Investment
Management Corporation, a Delaware corporation (hereinafter the "Sub-Adviser").

      WHEREAS,  the  Adviser  has  been  retained  by  the  Trust,  an  open-end
diversified  management  investment  company  registered  under  the  Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"), to provide investment advisory
services to the Portfolios  pursuant to an Investment  Advisory  Agreement dated
April 1, 1995 (the "Investment Advisory Agreement"); and

      WHEREAS,  the Trustees of the Trust,  including a majority of the Trustees
who  are  not  "interested  persons,"  as  defined  in the  1940  Act,  and  the
Portfolios'  shareholders  have approved the  appointment of the  Sub-Adviser to
perform certain investment advisory services for the Portfolios pursuant to this
Subadvisory Agreement with the Adviser and the Sub-Adviser is willing to perform
such services for the Portfolios;

      WHEREAS,  the Sub-Adviser is registered as an investment adviser under the
Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended ("Advisers Act");

      NOW  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the promises and mutual  convenants
herein  contained,  it is agreed  between  the Adviser  and the  Sub-Adviser  as

      1.  Appointment.  The Adviser hereby  appoints the  Sub-Adviser to perform
advisory  services to the  Portfolios for the periods and on the terms set forth
in this  Subadvisory  Agreement.  The Sub-Adviser  accepts such  appointment and
agrees to furnish the services  herein set forth,  for the  compensation  herein

      2. Duties of  Sub-Adviser.  The Adviser hereby  authorizes  Sub-Adviser to
manage the investment and  reinvestment of cash and  investments  comprising the
assets of the USLICO Series Fund Stock  Portfolio and those assets of the USLICO
Series Fund Asset  Allocation  Portfolio which are designated by the Adviser for
management by the Sub-Adviser (collectively, the "Assets"), with power on behalf
of and in the name of the Portfolios at Sub-Adviser's discretion; subject at all
times to the supervision of the Adviser and the Trustees of the Trust:

           (a) to direct the purchase,  subscription or other  acquisition,  and
      the sale,  redemption,  and exchange of the Assets, subject to the duty to
      render to the Trustees of the Trust and the Adviser  such written  reports
      regarding  the Assets as often as the Trustees of the Trust or the Adviser
      shall reasonably require;

           (b) to make all decisions  relating to the manner,  method and timing
      of  investment  transactions  relating to the Assets,  to select  brokers,
      dealers and other intermediaries by or through whom such transactions will
      be  effected,  and to engage  such  consultants,  analysts  and experts in
      connection therewith as may be considered necessary or appropriate;


           (c) to direct  banks,  brokers or  custodians  to  disburse  funds or
      assets solely in order to execute investment  transactions for the Assets,
      provided that the Sub-Adviser  shall have no other authority to direct the
      transfer of the Assets to itself or other  persons and shall have no other
      authority over the  disbursement  (as opposed to investment  decisions) of
      funds or assets nor any custody of any of the Assets; and

           (d) to take all such other actions as may be considered  necessary or
      appropriate to discharge its duties hereunder;  provided that any specific
      or general  directions which the Trustees of the Trust, or the Adviser may
      give to the Sub-Adviser  with regard to any of the foregoing powers shall,
      unless the  contrary is  expressly  stated  therein,  override the general
      authority  given by this  provision to the extent that the Trustees of the
      Trust may, at any time and from time to time, direct,  either generally or
      to a limited extent and either alone or in concert with the Adviser or the
      Sub-Adviser (provided that such directions would not cause the Sub-Adviser
      to  violate  any  fiduciary   duties  or  any  laws  with  regard  to  the
      Sub-Adviser's duties and responsibilities), all or any of the same as they
      shall think fit and, in  particular,  the Adviser  shall have the right to
      request the  Sub-Adviser to place trades through  brokers and other agents
      of the Adviser's choice,  subject to the Sub-Adviser's  judgment that such
      brokers or agents  will  execute  such  trades on the best  overall  terms
      available,   taking  into  consideration  factors  the  Sub-Adviser  deems
      relevant  including,  without  limitation,  the  price  of  the  security,
      research or other  services  which render that broker's  services the most
      appropriate  for the  Sub-Adviser's  needs,  the  financial  condition and
      dealing  and  execution  capability  of  the  broker  or  dealer  and  the
      reasonableness of the commission, if any, for the specific transaction and
      on a continuing  basis;  and provided further that nothing herein shall be
      construed as giving the Sub-Adviser power to manage the aforesaid cash and
      investments in such a manner as would cause either of the Portfolios to be
      considered  a  "dealer"  in stocks,  securities  or  commodities  for U.S.
      federal income tax purposes.

      The Adviser shall monitor and review the  performance  of the  Sub-Adviser
under this Agreement, including but not limited to the Sub-Adviser's performance
of the duties delineated in subparagraphs (a)-(d) of this provision.

      The Sub-Adviser further agrees that, in performing its  duties  hereunder,
it will

           (a) (i)  comply  with  the  1940 Act and all  rules  and  regulations
      thereunder,  the Advisers Act, the Internal  Revenue Code (the "Code") and
      all other applicable  federal and state laws and regulations,  the current
      Prospectus  and Statement of  Additional  Information  for the  Portfolios
      supplied  to the  Sub-Adviser  by the  Adviser,  and with  any  applicable
      procedures  adopted by the Trustees in writing supplied to the Sub-Adviser
      by the  Adviser;  (ii)  manage  the  Portfolios  in  accordance  with  the
      investment   requirements   for  regulated   investment   companies  under
      Subchapter M of the Code and regulations issued  thereunder;  (iii) direct
      the placement of orders pursuant to its investment  determinations for the
      Assets  directly  with  the  issuer,  or with any  broker  or  dealer,  in
      accordance   with  applicable   policies   expressed  in  the  Portfolios'
      Prospectus  and/or  Statement of Additional  Information and in accordance
      with applicable legal requirements.

           (b) furnish to the Portfolios  whatever  non-proprietary  reports the
      Portfolios  may   reasonably   request  with  respect  to  the  Assets  or
      contemplated  strategies.  In  addition,  the  Sub-Adviser  will  keep the
      Portfolios and the Trustees informed of developments  materially


      affecting  the Assets  and shall,  on the  Sub-Adviser's  own  initiative,
      furnish  to the  Portfolios  from time to time  whatever  information  the
      Sub-Adviser believes appropriate for this purpose;

           (c)  make  available  to  the  Portfolios'  administrator,  Northstar
      Administrators  Corporation (the  "Administrator"),  the Adviser,  and the
      Portfolios,  promptly upon their  request,  such copies of its  investment
      records and ledgers with respect to the  Portfolios  as may be required to
      assist  the  Adviser,  the  Administrator  and  the  Portfolios  in  their
      compliance  with  applicable laws and  regulations.  The Sub-Adviser  will
      furnish the Trustees with such periodic and special reports  regarding the
      Portfolios as they may reasonably request;

           (d)  immediately  notify the Adviser and the  Portfolios in the event
      that the Sub-Adviser or any of its  affiliates:  (i) becomes aware that it
      is subject to a statutory  disqualification  that prevents the Sub-Adviser
      from  serving  as an  investment  adviser  pursuant  to  this  Subadvisory
      Agreement;   or  (ii)  becomes   aware  that  it  is  the  subject  of  an
      administrative  proceeding or  enforcement  action by the  Securities  and
      Exchange Commission ("SEC") or other regulatory authority. The Sub-Adviser
      further agrees to notify the Portfolios and the Adviser immediately of any
      material  fact known to the  Sub-Adviser  respecting  or  relating  to the
      Sub-Adviser that is not contained in the Trust's  Registration  Statement,
      or any  amendment  or  supplement  thereto,  but  that is  required  to be
      disclosed  therein,  and of any statement  contained  therein that becomes
      untrue in any material respect.  The Portfolios,  Adviser,  Administrator,
      and their Affiliates shall likewise  immediately notify the Sub-Adviser if
      any of them becomes aware of any  regulatory  action of the type described
      in this subparagraph 2(d).

      3.  Allocation  of Charges and  Expenses.  The  Sub-Adviser  shall pay all
expenses associated with the management of its business operations in performing
its  responsibilities  hereunder,  including  the  cost  of  its  own  overhead,
research,  compensation  and expenses of its directors,  officers and employees,
and other internal  operating  costs;  provided,  however,  that the Sub-Adviser
shall be  entitled  to  reimbursement  on a monthly  basis by the Adviser of all
reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses  properly  incurred by it in connection with
serving as Sub-Adviser to the Assets. For the avoidance of doubt, each Portfolio
shall bear its own overhead and other internal operating costs (whether incurred
directly or by the Adviser or the Sub-Adviser) including, without limitation:

           (a) the  costs  incurred  by the  Portfolio  in the  preparation  and
      printing of the Prospectus or any offering literature  (including any form
      of advertisement  or other  solicitation  materials  calculated to lead to
      investors subscribing for shares);

           (b) all fees and expenses on behalf of the  Portfolio to the Transfer
      Agent and the Custodian;

           (c) the  reasonable  fees  and  expenses  of  accountants,  auditors,
      lawyers and other professional advisors to the Portfolio;

           (d) any  interest,  fee or charge  payable  on or on  account  of any
      borrowing by the Portfolio;

           (e) fiscal  and  governmental  charges  and  duties  relating  to the
      purchase,  sale, issue or redemption of shares and increases in authorized
      share capital of the Portfolio;


           (f) the fees of any  stock  exchange  or  over-the-counter  market on
      which shares of the Portfolio  may from time to time be listed,  quoted or
      dealt in and the  expenses of  obtaining  any such  listing,  quotation or
      permission to deal;

           (g) the fees and expenses (if any) payable to Trustees;

           (h) brokerage, fiscal or governmental charges or duties in respect of
      or in connection with the  acquisition,  holding or disposal of any of the
      assets of the Portfolio or otherwise in connection with its business;

           (i) the  expenses of  publishing  details and prices of shares of the
      Portfolio in newspapers and other publications;

           (j)  all   expenses   incurred  in  the   convening  of  meetings  of
      shareholders  or in the  preparation  of  agreements  or  other  documents
      relating  to the  Portfolio  or in  relation  to the safe  custody  of the
      documents of title of any investments;

           (k) all Trustees communication costs; and

           (l) all  premiums  and  costs for  Portfolio  insurance  and  blanket
      fidelity bonds.

      4.  Compensation.  As  compensation  for  the  services  provided  by  the
Sub-Adviser  under this  Agreement,  the Adviser will pay the Sub-Adviser at the
end of each  calendar  month an advisory  fee  computed  daily at an annual rate
equal to 0.45 of 1% of the  average  daily net asset  value of the  Assets.  The
"average daily net asset value" of the Assets shall mean the value placed on the
Assets as of 4:00 p.m.  (New York time) on each day on which the net asset value
of the  Portfolios is determined  consistent  with the  provisions of Rule 22c-1
under the 1940 Act or, if the Portfolios  lawfully  determine the value of their
net assets as of some other time on each  business  day,  as of such other time.
The value of the Assets shall always be  determined  pursuant to the  applicable
provisions of the Trust's  Declaration of Trust and the Registration  Statement.
If,  pursuant  to such  provisions,  the  determination  of net  asset  value is
suspended for any particular business day, then for the purposes of this Section
4, the value of the Assets as last determined shall be deemed to be the value of
the Assets as of the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange, or
as of such other time as the value of the Assets may lawfully be determined,  on
that  day.  If the  determination  of the net asset  value of the  shares of the
Portfolio  has been so suspended  for a period  including any month end when the
Sub-Adviser's   compensation   is  payable   pursuant  to  this   Section,   the
Sub-Adviser's compensation payable at the end of such month shall be computed on
the basis of the value of the Assets as last determined (whether during or prior
to such month).  If the  Portfolios  determine the value of the Assets more than
once on any day, then the last such  determination  thereof on that day shall be
deemed to be the sole determination thereof on that day for the purposes of this
Section 4.

      5. Books and Records.  The  Sub-Adviser  agrees to maintain such books and
records  with  respect to its  services  to the  Portfolios  as are  required by
Section  31 under  the 1940  Act,  and rules  adopted  thereunder,  and by other
applicable legal provisions, and to preserve such records for the periods and in
the manner  required by applicable laws or  regulations.  The  Sub-Adviser  also
agrees that records it maintains and preserves pursuant to Rules 31a-2 under the
1940 Act (excluding trade secrets or intellectual property rights) in connection
with its  services  hereunder  are the  property of the  Portfolios  and will be
surrendered  promptly to the  Portfolios  upon its  request and the  Sub-Adviser
further  agrees  that it will  furnish  to  regulatory  authorities  having


the  requisite  authority  any  information  or reports in  connection  with its
services  hereunder  which may be requested  in order to  determine  whether the
operations of the Portfolios are being  conducted in accordance  with applicable
laws and regulations.

      6. Standard of Care and  Limitation of Liability.  The  Sub-Adviser  shall
exercise its best judgment in rendering  the services  provided by it under this
Subadvisory  Agreement.  The  Sub-Adviser  shall not be liable  for any error of
judgment  or mistake of law or for any loss  suffered by the  Portfolios  or the
holders  of the  Portfolios'  shares or by the  Adviser in  connection  with the
matters to which this Subadvisory  Agreement  relates,  provided that nothing in
this Subadvisory  Agreement shall be deemed to protect or purport to protect the
Sub-Adviser against liability to the Portfolios or to holders of the Portfolios'
shares or to the Adviser to which the Sub-Adviser  would otherwise be subject by
reason of willful misfeasance,  bad faith or gross negligence on its part in the
performance of its duties or by reason of the Sub-Adviser's  reckless  disregard
of its obligations and duties under this Subadvisory Agreement.  As used in this
Section  6,  the term  "Sub-Adviser"  shall  include  any  officers,  directors,
employees or other  affiliates of the  Sub-Adviser  performing  services for the

      7. Services Not Exclusive.  The Advisor  understands  that the Sub-Adviser
now acts,  will continue to act and may act in the future as investment  advisor
to  fiduciary  and other  managed  accounts and as  investment  advisor to other
investment  companies,  and, except as may be separately  agreed to from time to
time between the Adviser and the Sub-Adviser,  the Trust has no objection to the
Sub-Adviser  so acting,  provided that whenever the  Portfolios  and one or more
other accounts or investment companies advised by the Sub-Adviser have available
funds for  investment,  investments  suitable and  appropriate  for each will be
allocated  in  accordance  with a  methodology  believed to be equitable to each
entity.  The  Sub-Adviser  agrees  to  allocate  similar  opportunities  to sell
securities. The Adviser recognizes that, in some cases, this procedure may limit
the size of the  position  that may be acquired or sold for the  Portfolios.  In
addition,  the Adviser  understands that the persons employed by the Sub-Adviser
to assist in the  performance  of the  Shareholder's  duties  hereunder will not
devote  their full time to such  service and nothing  contained  herein shall be
deemed to limit or restrict the right of the Sub-Adviser or any affiliate of the
Sub-Adviser  to engage in and devote time and attention to other  business or to
render services of whatever kind or nature.

      8.  Duration and  Termination.  This  Subadvisory  Agreement  shall become
effective  as of the date of its  execution  and shall  continue in effect for a
period of two years from the date of  execution.  Thereafter,  this  Subadvisory
Agreement shall continue  automatically for successive annual periods,  provided
such  continuance is specifically  approved at least annually by (i) the Trust's
Trustees  or (ii) a vote of a  "majority"  (as  defined in the 1940 Act) of each
Portfolio's  outstanding  voting  securities,  provided that in either event the
continuance  also is approved by a majority of the Trust's  Trustees who are not
"interested  persons"  (as  defined  in the  1940  Act)  of any  party  to  this
Subadvisory  Agreement,  by vote  cast in person  at a  meeting  called  for the
purpose  of  voting  on  such  approval.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  this
Subadvisory  Agreement  may be  terminated:  (a) at any time without  penalty by
either  Portfolio  or the Adviser upon the vote of a majority of the Trustees or
by vote of a majority of the Portfolio's  outstanding  voting  securities,  upon
sixty (60) days written  notice to the  Sub-Adviser,  or (b) by the  Sub-Adviser
without cause at any time without  penalty,  upon sixty (60) days written notice
to  the  Trust  or  the  Adviser.  This  Subadvisory  Agreement  will  terminate
automatically  five business days after


the  Sub-Adviser  receives  written notice of the  termination of the Investment
Advisory Agreement. This Subadvisory Agreement will also terminate automatically
in the event of its assignment (as defined in the 1940 Act).

      9. Amendments.  No provision of this Subadvisory Agreement may be changed,
waived,  discharged or terminated  orally,  but only by an instrument in writing
signed by both parties, and no material amendment of this Subadvisory  Agreement
shall be effective  until approved by an  affirmative  vote of (i) a majority of
the outstanding voting securities of each Portfolio,  and (ii) a majority of the
Trustees of the Trust,  including a majority of Trustees who are not  interested
persons of any party to this Subadvisory Agreement,  cast in person at a meeting
called for the purpose of voting on such approval,  if such approval is required
by applicable law.

      10.  Indemnification.  (a) The  Adviser  hereby  agrees to  indemnify  the
Sub-Adviser  and its  affiliates  from  and  against  all  liabilities,  losses,
expenses,  reasonable  attorneys' fees and costs (other than attorneys' fees and
costs in relation  to the  preparation  of this  Agreement;  each party  bearing
responsibility  for  its own  such  costs  and  fees)  or  damages  (other  than
liabilities, losses, expenses, attorneys' fees and costs or damages arising from
the  Sub-Adviser  failing to meet the standard of care  required in Section 6 of
this  Subadvisory  Agreement in the  performance by the  Sub-Adviser  of, or its
failure to perform, the services required hereunder), arising from the Adviser's
(its affiliates and their  respective  agents and employees)  failure to perform
its duties or assume its obligations hereunder,  or from its wrongful actions or
omissions, including, but not limited to, any claims for non-payment of advisory
fees;  claims  asserted or  threatened  by any  shareholder  of the  Portfolios,
governmental or regulatory agency, or any other person;  claims arising from any
wrongful  act by the  Portfolios  or any  of  the  Trust's  trustees,  officers,
employees,  or representatives,  or by the Adviser,  its officers,  employees or
representatives,  or from any  actions by the  Portfolios'  distributors  or any
representative  of the  Portfolios;  any action or claim against the Sub-Adviser
based on any alleged untrue  statement or  misstatement  of material fact in any
registration statement,  prospectus,  shareholder report or other information or
materials  covering  shares  filed  or  made  public  by the  Portfolios  or any
amendment  thereof or supplement  thereto,  or the failure or alleged failure to
state therein a material fact required to be stated in order that the statements
therein  are  not  misleading,  provided  that  such  claim  is not  based  upon
information  provided  to the  Adviser by the  Sub-Adviser  or  approved  by the
Sub-Adviser  in the manner  provided in paragraph  12(b) of this  Agreement,  or
which facts or information the Sub-Adviser  failed to provide or disclose.  With
respect to any claim for which the  Sub-Adviser  shall be entitled to  indemnity
hereunder, the Adviser shall assume the reasonable expenses and costs (including
any reasonable  attorneys' fees and costs) of the  Sub-Adviser of  investigating
and/or  defending any claim asserted or threatened by any party,  subject always
to the Adviser first  receiving a written  undertaking  from the  Sub-Adviser to
repay any  amounts  paid on its  behalf  in the  event and to the  extent of any
subsequent   determination   that   the   Sub-Adviser   was  not   entitled   to
indemnification hereunder in respect of such claim.

      (b) The Sub-Adviser hereby agrees to indemnify the Adviser, its affiliates
and  the  Portfolios  from  and  against  all  liabilities,   losses,  expenses,
reasonable  attorneys'  fees and costs (other than  attorneys' fees and costs in
relation to the preparation of this Agreement; each party bearing responsibility
for its own such costs and fees) or damages  (other  than  liabilities,  losses,
expenses, attorneys fees and costs or damages arising from the Adviser's failure
to perform its  responsibilities  hereunder  or claims  arising from its acts or
failure to act in performing this


Agreement)  arising from  Sub-Adviser's  (its  affiliates  and their  respective
agents and employees) willful misfeasance,  bad faith or gross negligence in the
performance of its duties or by reason of the Sub-Adviser's  reckless  disregard
of its obligations and duties under this Subadvisory Agreement,  or arising from
failure to act in any action or claim  against the Adviser  based on any alleged
untrue  statement or misstatement of a material fact made or provided by or with
the consent of Sub-Adviser contained in any registration statement,  prospectus,
shareholder  report or other information or materials relating to the Portfolios
and shares issued by the Portfolios,  or the failure or alleged failure to state
a material  fact  therein  required  to be stated in order  that the  statements
therein are not misleading,  which fact should have been made or provided by the
Sub-Adviser  to the Adviser.  With respect to any claim for which the Adviser is
entitled to indemnity  hereunder,  the  Sub-Adviser  shall assume the reasonable
expenses and costs  (including any reasonable  attorneys' fees and costs) of the
Adviser of  investigating  and/or  defending any claim asserted or threatened by
any  party,  subject  always  to  the  Sub-Adviser  first  receiving  a  written
undertaking  from the  Adviser  to repay any  amounts  paid on its behalf in the
event and to the extent of any subsequent determination that the Adviser was not
entitled to indemnification hereunder in respect of such claim.

      (c) In the event that the  Sub-Adviser or Adviser is or becomes a party to
any action or  proceedings  in respect  of which  indemnification  may be sought
hereunder,  the party seeking  indemnification  shall promptly  notify the other
party  thereof.  After  becoming  notified  of the  same,  the  party  from whom
indemnification is sought shall be entitled to participate in any such action or
proceeding  and shall  assume any  payment  for the full  defense  thereof  with
counsel  reasonably  satisfactory  to the party seeking  indemnification.  After
properly assuming the defense thereof,  the party from whom  indemnification  is
sought  shall not be liable  hereunder to the other party for any legal or other
expenses  subsequently  incurred  by such party in  connection  with the defense
thereof,  other  than  damages,  if  any,  by way of  judgment,  settlement,  or
otherwise  pursuant to this provision.  The party from whom  indemnification  is
sought shall not be liable  hereunder for any  settlement of any action or claim
effected  without its written  consent,  which consent shall not be unreasonably

      11.  Independent  Contractor.  Sub-Adviser  shall for all purposes of this
Agreement be deemed to be an  independent  contractor  and,  except as otherwise
expressly provided herein, shall have no authority to act for, bind or represent
the  Portfolios  in  any  way or  otherwise  be  deemed  to be an  agent  of the
Portfolios.   Likewise,  the  Portfolios,   the  Adviser  and  their  respective
affiliates,  agents and employees  shall not be deemed agents of the Sub-Adviser
and shall have not authority to bind Sub-Adviser.

      12. Use of Name. (a) The Portfolios may,  subject to sub-clause (b) below,
use the name, "Northstar  Investment Management  Corporation" or "Northstar" for
promotional  purposes  only  for so long as this  Agreement  (or any  extension,
renewal or amendment thereof)  continues in force,  unless the Sub-Adviser shall
specifically consent in writing to such continued use thereafter.  Any permitted
use by the Portfolios  during the term hereof of the name of the  Sub-Adviser or
Northstar  shall in no way prevent the  Sub-Adviser or any of it shareholders or
any of their successors,  from using or permitting the use of such name (whether
singly or in any combination with any other words) for, by or in connection with
an entity or  enterprise  other than the  Portfolios.  The name and right to the
name Northstar Investment  Management  Corporation or any derivation of the name
Northstar shall at all times be owned and be the sole and exclusive  property of
Northstar  and  its  affiliated  entities.   Northstar   Investment


Management  Corporation,  by  entering  into this  Agreement,  is  allowing  the
Portfolios to use the name Northstar  Investment  Management  Corporation and/or
Northstar  solely by or on behalf of the  Portfolios.  At the conclusion of this
Agreement  or in the  event  of any  termination  of  this  Agreement  or if the
Sub-Adviser's  services are  terminated  for any reason,  each of the authorized
parties  and  their  respective  employees,  representatives,   affiliates,  and
associates  agree that they shall  immediately  cease  using the name  Northstar
Investment Management  Corporation and/or Northstar of said name for any purpose

      (b) The Adviser and its affiliates  shall not publish or  distribute,  and
shall  cause  the   Portfolios   not  to  publish  or  distribute  to  Portfolio
shareholders,  prospective investors,  sales agents or members of the public any
disclosure document, offering literature (including any form of advertisement or
other solicitation  materials  calculated to lead investors to subscribe for and
purchase  shares of the  Portfolios) or other document  referring by name to the
Sub-Adviser  or  any  of its  affiliates,  unless  the  Sub-Adviser  shall  have
consented  in writing to such  references  in the form and context in which they
appear;  provided  however,  that  where the  Portfolios  timely  seek to obtain
approval of disclosure  contained in any  documents  required to be filed by the
Portfolios,  and such approval is not forthcoming on or before the date on which
such documents are required by law to be filed, the Sub-Adviser  shall be deemed
to have consented to such disclosure.

      13. Miscellaneous.

      (a) This Subadvisory  Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State
of  Massachusetts,  provided that nothing  herein shall be construed in a manner
inconsistent  with the 1940 Act, the Advisers Act, or rules or orders of the SEC
thereunder.  In the  event  of any  litigation  in  which  the  Adviser  and the
Sub-Adviser  are  adverse  parties  and  there  are no  other  parties  to  such
litigation, such action shall be brought in the United States District Court for
the State of Massachusetts, located in Boston, Massachusetts.

      (b)  The  captions  of  this   Subadvisory   Agreement  are  included  for
convenience  only and in no way define or limit any of the provisions  hereof or
otherwise affect their construction or effect.

      (c) This  Agreement  may be executed in one or more  counterparts,  all of
which taken together shall be deemed to constitute one and the same instrument.

      14.  Notices.  Any notice,  instruction  or other  instrument  required or
permitted to be given hereunder may be delivered in person to the offices of the
parties as set forth therein during normal  business hours, or delivered or sent
by prepaid  registered mail, express mail or by facsimile to the parties at such
offices or such other  address as may be notified  by either  party from time to
time. Such notice,  instruction or other instrument shall be deemed to have been
served, in the case of a registered letter at the expiration of seventy-two (72)
hours after posting;  in the case of express mail, within twenty-four (24) hours
after dispatch;  and in the case of facsimile,  immediately on dispatch,  and if
delivered outside normal business hours it shall be deemed to have been received
at the next time after  delivery  or  transmission  when normal  business  hours
commence. Evidence that the notice, instruction or other instrument was properly
addressed,  stamped  and put into  the post  shall  be  conclusive  evidence  of

      15. Non-Solicitation.  Adviser, its affiliates and their respective agents
(including  brokers engaged in marketing and selling shares of the  Portfolios),
and each of their  employees and  affiliates  agree not to knowingly  solicit to
invest,  or accept or retain as  investors,  in the  Portfolios  any  persons or
entities who are clients of or investors in any portfolio or investment  vehicle
managed by any entity owned or affiliated with Northstar  Investment  Management

      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be
executed by their officers designated below as of October 1, 1999.

                              Northstar Investment Management Corporation

                                           MARK L. LIPSON
                                           Chairman and CEO

                              ReliaStar Investment Research, Inc.

                                           MARK S. JORDAHL
                                           President and CEO


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                              SEPTEMBER 23, 1999

      The undersigned,  revoking previous instructions, hereby appoints David H.
Roc and Robert B. Saginaw, and each of them, with full power of substitution and
relocation,  as proxies,  to vote all shares of the  above-referenced  Portfolio
(the  "Portfolio"),  a  series  of  the  USLICO  Series  Fund  (the  "Fund"),  a
Massachusetts  business trust,  which are held in the account of the undersigned
in the  Variable  Account at the  Special  Meeting  of  persons  having a voting
interest in the Porfolio,  to be held on September 23, 1999 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern
Time, at the offices of the Fund, 4601 North Fairfax Drive, Arlington, Virginia,
and at any and all  adjouirments  thereof.  Messrs.  Roc and  Saginaw are hereby
instructed  to  vote  on each  proposal  described  in the  Proxy  Statement  as
specified  on the  reverse  side.  Receipt of the Notice of the  Meeting and the
accompanying Proxy Statement is hereby acknowledged.

                                               PLEASE VOTE, SIGN, DATE AND
                                               PROMPTLY MAIL THIS VOTING
                                               INSTRUCTION IN THE ENCLOSED
                                               ENVELOPE. NO POSTAGE IS NECESSARY
                                               IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES.

                                               Date: ______________________ 1999

                                               This  voting  instruction  shall
                                               be signed  exactly  as your
                                               name(s) appear hereon. If
                                               attorney, executor, guardian or
                                               in some  other  capacity  or as
                                               an  officer  of a  corporation,
                                               please state capacity or title as



This  Voting  Instructions  Form,  when  properly  executed,  will be  voted  in
accordance with the instructions marked below by the undersigned. In the absence
of contrary instructions, this Instruction Form will be voted FOR the proposal.


1.   Proposal  to  elect  the  Board  of      FOR                 WITHHELD
Trustees (all  Portfolios).                   [ ]                   [ ]

  Paul S. Doherty                       Walter H. May          David W. Wallace

  Robert B. Goode                       David D.C. Putnam

  Alan L. Gosule                        John R. Smith

  Mark L. Lipson                        John G. Turner


- -----------------------------------------------

2.    Proposal    to   approve   a   new      FOR        AGAINST        ABSTAIN
sub-advisory  agreement  for the  USLICO      [ ]          [ ]            [ ]
Series  Fund Stock and Asset  Allocation
Portfolios  (only  the  Stock  and Asset
Allocation Portfolios).

3.  Proposal to ratify the  selection of
KPMG LLP as independent  accountants for
the  Fund (all Portfolios) and, in their      [ ]          [ ]            [ ]
discretion,  upon such other business as
may  come  before  the  meeting  of  any
adjournments thereof.