This Agreement is entered into on the 10th day of October, 1998 by and between:

Ultralife Batteries, Inc., a corporation incorporated under the laws of State of
Delaware, United States of America, having its principal office of business at
1350 Route 88 S., Newark New York 14513 (hereinafter referred to as "UBI"); and

PGT Energy Corporation, currently, a preparatory office for a corporation to be
incorporated under the laws of the Republic of China (hereinafter referred to
as "ROC") with its principal office of business located at 7F-1, No. 67,
Tze-You Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as
"PGT"), together with a group of investors (as shown in Appendix I hereto). Mr.
J.F. Hsu is the Chairman to be of the PGT; after PGT is legally incorporated,
all rights and obligations provided in this Agreement shall be immediately
assigned to and assumed by PGT.


WHEREAS, UBI and PGT (together hereinafter referred to as "Parties") desire to
set up a Joint Venture Company in Taiwan, ROC, with the company name Ultralife
Taiwan, Inc., (hereinafter referred to as "UTI".) UTI shall engage in the
manufacture, distribution, sales, and R&D of lithium-ion solid polymer
rechargeable batteries. ( hereinafter referred to as "Product".)

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these premises and mutual agreements, the
Parties agree as follows:

Section 1 Total Paid-In Capital and Capital Contribution

UTI shall have total paid-in Capital of US$40 million, of which US$21.25
million shall be subscribed to by PGT and its designated parties. US$18.75
million shall be subscribed to by UBI and its designated parties (together
contributing 46.875% of UTI's initial paid-in capital and constituting it as
UTI's largest shareholder.) Nonetheless, a feasibility study conducted jointly
by the Parties is to be completed in 60 days after the execution of this
Agreement to provide for the final decision of the total capitalization of UTI.
The ratio of the share subscription shall be the same as the above provided. Of
the US$18.75 million to be contributed by UBI, US$8.75 million will be

in the form of cash  contribution,  and the other US$10  million  will be in the
form of  transferred  technology.  In order to determine the New Taiwan  Dollars
paid-in  capital,  it is agreed upon by the  Parties  that the  aforesaid  US$40
million  shall be converted  into New Taiwan  Dollars  based on the closing rate
quoted by the Taipei Foreign  Exchange  Market on the date two (2) business days
prior to the date on which UBI files its foreign investment application with the
Investment  Commission.  If the last  digit of the New  Taiwan  Dollars  paid-in
capital is not zero, the last digit shall be rounded up so that one share can be
subscribed by PGT.

     The Parties shall undertake to cause UTI to invest US$8.75 million to UBI
for 0.7 million UBI's unregistered shares at a price of US$12.5 per share. UBI
shall warrant to permit UTI to acquire additional shares for a maximum of 0.7
million shares at the base price of US$12.5 per share within five years
commencing from the execution date of this Agreement. UBI shall remit US$8.75
million to UTI for the share subscription of UTI. The US$10 million, the
remaining portion of the capital contribution by UBI, shall be in the form of
UBI's current polymer rechargeable battery technology, patent, manufacturing
know-how, reasonable technical assistance, marketing assistance, and reasonable
personnel training including dispatching UBI's technicians to UTI. Furthermore,
the capital contribution by parties shall be guided by the Parties in
accordance with the Equity Structure annexed hereto and marked "Appendix II".

Section 2 Force and Effect of this Agreement

The force and effect of this Agreement is subject to the fulfillment of the
following conditions:

2.1 PGT has obtained the formal registration of incorporation from the Ministry
of Economics Affairs ("MOEA") within thirty (30) days after the execution
ofthis Agreement.

2.2 UBI's Board of Directors shall approve this Agreement and the transactions
contemplated hereunder within fourteen (14) days after the execution of this

Section 3. Closing - Formation of UTI

Promptly after all conditions referred to in Section 2 have been fulfilled
("Effective Date"), the Parties shall proceed with and undertake the Closing at
Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, or such other places as designated by both Parties on a
date mutually acceptable, but shall not be later than ninety (90) days after
the Effective Date.

On the date of Closing, the Parties shall undertake or cause to undertake the

3.1 Incorporation of UTI

     Each party shall pay in its respective share of capital contributions as
set forth in Section 1 in accordance with Equity Structure ("Appendix II") and
shall cause UTI to be incorporated under the laws of the ROC.

     The Parties share the same objective of turning UTI into a public company
registered on Taiwan Stock Exchange or other reputable stock exchange agreed
between the Parties as soon as possible and when appropriate. The Parties shall
closely cooperate and consult with each other with respect to the procedures
and specific details of the incorporation of UTI, and undertake all necessary
steps to meet this objective.

     Any fees, expenses or costs in connection with the incorporation of UTI
shall be for the account of UTI; provided that if this Agreement is terminated
prior to the incorporation of UTI, the Parties shall share the abovesaid fees,
expenses or costs on an equal (50/50) basis.

3.2 Articles of Incorporation of UTI

     On the date of Closing and at the time of incorporation of UTI, the
Parties shall sign, execute, and cause UTI to adopt its Articles of
Incorporation in Chinese having the effect of the English version as annexed
hereto and marked "Appendix III". Both Parties shall cause the articles of
incorporation of UTI to comply with this Agreement. In case of any discrepancy
between the Articles of Incorporation and this Agreement, the provisions of
this Agreement shall prevail.

3.3 Sales Agent Agreement

     The Parties agree to cause UTI's preparatory office to enter into the
Sales Agent Agreement with UBI within sixty (60) days after the execution of
this Agreement in

order to exercise its best efforts respectively to promote products of UBI and
UTI, and diligently refer marketing opportunities and sales leads to each
other. UTI shall be the exclusive sales agent for the rechargeable batteries of
UBI for Asia. UBI shall be the exclusive sales agent for the product of UTI for
the entire world except Asia. The Sales Agent Agreement shall provide for
allocation of sale areas for Products of UBI and UTI, the cross promotion and
support of products of one Party by the other, the compensation or commission,
sale support, and supervision for such sales efforts. The definition of Asia in
this Section shall be as referred to in Section 20 of this Agreement.

3.4 Share subscription

      For the purpose of this Agreement, the shares as subscribed to by the
nominees designated by either party shall be considered as a part of the shares
subscribed to by the party who designated such nominees as if the shares were
subscribed to by the said party. The party nominating such nominees shall cause
such nominees to exercise votes vested in such shares in the same manner as the
nominating party.

3.5 UTI's Right of First Refusal

      If UBI has any further joint venture project in Asia (other than ROC and
the People's Republic of China), UTI shall have the right of first refusal to
participate in each such project within thirty (30) days after UBI serves a
notice upon UTI. With respect to the ROC, the Parties agree that UTI shall be
the sole joint venture partner of UBI, and as to the People's Republic of
China, UTI shall have the right of first refusal, but if UTI refuses to join,
UBI may carry out the project alone under the condition that UBI is the
controlling shareholder of such project. The right of first refusal shall have
the effect that UTI may take the place of UBI.

Section 4 Termination of Agreement

If one of the following conditions cannot be fuLfilled with the prescribed
period hereunder, either party shall be free to terminate this Agreement at its
own wish.

4.1 Authorization and Approval to be Obtained

      Promptly  after the  execution of this  Agreement,PGT  shall assist UBI to
file with


the appropriate competent authorities of the Government of the ROC for an
application for authorization under the Law Governing Foreign Investment with
respect to the investment it will make in UTI as referred to in this Agreement.
PGT shall apply for the approval of competent authorities for the establishment
of UTI in the Hsinchu or Tainan Science-Based Industrial Park. Both parties
shall apply for the approval of the relevant authority for the value of UBI's
technology capital contribution.

4.2 Technology Transfer Agreement to be Executed by Parties

     Within sixty (60) days after the execution of this Agreement, the Parties
shall cause UTI's preparatory office to enter into a Technology Transfer
Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Technology Transfer Agreement") with UBI
or either Party shall be entitled to terminate this Joint Venture Agreement.
The Technology Transfer Agreement shall specify the technology granted by UBI
to UTI as its capital contribution in UTI, the disclosure of the technology
granted to UTI by UBI including, but not limited to, the lithium-ion polymer
rechargeable battery technology, patent, technical information, data, and
know-how currently in possession by UBI, and the cooperation between the
Parties for technical assistance, problem solving, and personnel training. UTI
will pay to UBI a bonus in the amount of US$2.5 Million in installment payments
in the amount to be decided by the board of directors of UTI after UTI become
profitable and before any dividends are paid out. The force and effect of the
above Technology Transfer Agreement shall be canceled by either party if UTI
cannot be incorporated.

Section 5 General Meeting of Shareholders

Prior written notice of all meetings of shareholders shall be sent to all
shareholders at least twenty (20) days prior to the meeting in the case of the
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, and at least twenty (20) days prior to
the meeting in the case of a Special Meeting of Shareholders. Such notice shall
specify the time and place of the meeting and indicate matters to be resolved
in the meeting, together with copies of reports, studies and any other relevant

5.1 Transactions regarding any of the following corporate matters shall be
performed through resolutions approved by majority votes of shareholders
present at a shareholders' meeting attended by shareholders holding and
representing at least three-quarters of the total number of issued and
outstanding shares under the ROC corporate



    1) Liquidation or dissolution of UTI

    2) Merger and acquisition of UTI by another company.

5.2 Transactions regarding any of the following corporate matters shall be
performed through resolutions approved by majority votes of shareholders
present at a shareholders' meeting attended by shareholders holding and
representing at least two-thirds of the total number of issued and outstanding
shares under the ROC corporate law.

      Sale, lease, transfer or disposal in any other manner of any substantial
part of the assets or business of UTI to any other person, firm or company.

5.3 Other corporate matters shall be decided in accordance with the ROC
corporate law.

Section 6 Board of Directors

6.1 The Board of directors shall consist of six (6) members, three (3) of whom
shall be nominated by UBI and three (3) of whom shall be nominated by PGT. The
Board of Directors shall appoint a chairman who shall have full authority and
responsibility for the daily management of UTI. UBI and PGT shall have the
equal right to nominate a person for appointment by the Board of Directors as
the chairman of UTI. This arrangement shall continue for as long as UTI remains
a private joint venture company. The Parties shall approve the necessary
increase of the number of Board members for the inclusion of outside,
independent directors in the event that UTI shall become a public company.

6.2 If for any reason, a vacancy occurs in the office of a Director nominated
by PGT or UBI for any reason, such vacancy shall be filled exclusively by the
original party (PGT or UBI) who had nominated such Director.

6.3  The  Chairman  of the  Board  of UTI  shall  externally  represent  UTI and
internally  preside at Board meetings and Shareholders  Meeting.  The Chairman's
authority is restricted to those provided by laws and regulations of the ROC and
resolutions  of the Board of  Directors  and  resolutions  of the  Shareholders'
Meetings. The Chairman has no right to make a final decision if either party has
equal votes to different proposals.


6.4 If the decision of the Board cannot be reached due to equality of votes on
the Parties, then the Parties shall negotiate for a solution to be reached as a
decision of the Board; if no such solution or decision can be reached as
between the Parties, then the decision shall be determined through mediation.
Each party shall appoint a mediator immediately and these two mediators shall
decide on the third mediator. The Parties shall undertake to cause the Board to
adopt the resolution in accordance with the any decision by the meeting of

6.5 The term of office of the Directors shall be three (3) years and each
Director is entitled to be nominated for re-election.

6.6 Prior to any meeting of the Board of Directors, written notice shall be
sent to each Director, and arriving at least fifteen (15) days prior to the
date of the meeting specifying the time and place of the meetings and
indicating all matters to be discussed and considered during the meeting
together with copies of reports, studies and any other relevant data PROVIDED
HOWEVER that such notice may be waived upon the occurrence of urgent
circumstances. Any expenses of traveling or lodging in connection with the
Board meetings shall be borne by UTI.

6.7 The Board of Directors shall appoint a President who shall have full
authority and responsibility for the daily management of UTI. UBI and PGT shall
have the equal right to nominate a person for appointment by the Board of
Directors as the President of UTI.

6.8 There will be two supervisors in UTI; one is nominated by PGT and the other
is by UBI. Supervisors shall have no vote in the UTI's s board meetings.

Section 7 Confidentiality

UBI and PGT hereby expressly agree to be bound that except to the extent
legitimately required for the business operation of UTI, they shall not
disclose or deliver to any third party any confidential document and technical
information of UTI and UBI, provided that this paragraph shall not be
applicable in the case of the following:

1) Information which is, at the time of disclosure, already known to the party
receiving the same without obligation to keep it confidential;


2) Information which is publicly known; and

3) Disclosure as required by law.

Section 8 Share Transfer

8.1 Unless otherwise  agreed in writing by the Parties,  UBI and PGT each agrees
not to sell the shares of UTI unless all of such  shares  shall  first have been
offered  to the other  Party and at same price  offered by a third  party to the
Party  wishing  to sell  and  that  such  offer  to the  other  Party  has  been
conclusively  declined  or has been deemed to have been  declined.  To serve the
purpose stated in the immediately  preceding  Paragraph,  either Party of PGT or
UBI shall request its investors (who have invested in UTI) to sign a covenant to
the other Party to be so bound.  As soon as either Party  receives such covenant
from the  investor(s)  in the other Party,  the other Party is released from the
liability  imposed  upon it as provided in  Sub-Section  8.1 with respect to the
said  investor(s).  This  Section  shall not  apply to the share  transaction(s)
between  PGT  and its  affiliates,  where  PGT  owns  more  than  5%  shares  of
outstanding  shares of such affiliates or such affiliates which own more than 5%
of the shares of PGT. This Section shall not be construed to prevent transfer of
individual  shares to persons or legal  entities to the extent  required by law.
Any offer of share  pursuant  to this  Sub-Section  8.1 shall be made in writing
transmitted by registered  letter with  acknowledgment of receipt by the offeree
Party and shall  state the number of Shares  desired to be  transferred  and the
offering price.  Within ninety (90) days after receipt of such offer,  the Party
receiving  the offer shall  either  accept it or, in the  absence of  acceptance
within such period, shall be deemed to have declined the offer. The right of the
offeree Party to accept such offer shall be execrable  only if the offeree Party
accepts  all of the shares so  offered.  Any offer not so  accepted  within said
ninety (90) day period shall be deemed to have been conclusively  declined.  Any
shares offered pursuant to this Section and have been declined or deemed to have
been declined as provided above may be transferred by the offering Party without
restriction expect (a) that the transfer be accomplished at a price and on terms
no more favorable to the transferee than those offered  hereunder to the offeree
Party;  (b) that any such transfer shall be  accomplished  within six (6) months
after the time when offer of such shares was declined or was deemed to have been
declined hereunder; (c) that any such transfer can only be made to a third party
whose  identity and intended  acceptance of the offer had been  disclosed to the
offeree Party;  (d) that the transferee party becomes a party to this Agreement;
and (e) subject to terms as set forth in Sub-Section 8.2.


8.2 Any transfer referred to in Sub-Section 8.2 shall be subject to the
approval of the Government of the ROC, when and if required; and if necessary
the option period shall be extended until such approval is obtained. Any
transfer to a third party shall not be deemed completed and final unless the
transferring party, prior to the occurrence of the transfer, had caused such
third party to expressly agree in writing to be bound by all the terms and
conditions of this Agreement as a subscribing party, and upon such transfer the
said third party shall assume all the obligations of the transferring Party
under this Agreement including the obligations on the transfer of shares as set
forth in Sub-Section 8.1 of this Agreement.

8.3 Both UBI and PGT shall waive its rights respectively to acquire new shares
to be issued on or about August, 1999 as a result of UTI's increase its capital
by US$4.6 million. Both UBI and PGT understand that according to Equity
Structure and ROC laws, of the new shares to be issued on or about August,
1999, shares worth US$2.0 million are reserved for acquisition by employees
with consideration; shares of US$2.0 million are reserved for employee's
compensation and incentive to the extent permitted by law and practice in
Taiwan; and shares of US$0.6 million are to be subscribed by Jeffrey Sun with
advisory fee paid by UTI .

Section 9

9.1 If within two years from the incorporation of UTI, UTI needs to borrow
loans from financial institutions, and if UBI is requested to provide
guarantees or collaterals for such loans, PGT shall indemnify UBI against such
guarantee or collateral liability within the range of US$10,000,000.

9.2 If UTI increases its paid-in capital, UBI and PGT shall act jointly either
to subscribe for new shares or to waive the subscription right, and in the
latter case, UTI shall find a proper third party agreeable to UBI and PGT, to
subscribe for such new shares.

Section 10 Accounting System and Records

The Parties shall cause UTI to keep true and accurate accounting records of all
business transactions and operations and to maintain accounting records and
present its financial reports in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles in the ROC.


To the extent permissible by the generally accepted accounting principles of
the ROC and the United States of America, the sales revenues of UTI can be
entered into the book of UBI at its discretion.

Section 11 Covenants

PGT and its Partners  shall not,  directly or  indirectly,  invest in,  operate,
license,  participate  in or otherwise  support a company or any other  business
entity which engages in any business that competes  against any business engaged
in by UTI and UBI during the term of the  Agreement and for ten (10) years after
the termination thereof.

Section 12 Duration of Agreement

12.1 This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until UTI is wound
up or otherwise cease to exist as separate corporate entity unless early
termination occurs pursuant to sub-sections 12.2 or 12.3 of this Section.

12.2 If an official order is made or an effective resolution passed or
analogous proceedings are taken for the winding up of UTI (other than for the
purposes of amalgamation or reorganization) due to substantial losses of all of
the assets or if UTI is unable to pay its debts, a general assignment for the
benefit of its creditors has occurred or a receiver or manager has been
appointed over all or a substantial part of its undertaking or assets, either
of the Parties shall be entitled forthwith to terminate this Agreement by
delivery of notice of termination to the other.

12.3 This Agreement shall be terminated automatically in the event that either
Party ceases to hold any shares in UTI for any reason except however that in
such event this Agreement shall continue to apply as between the other Party
and any other person or company who upon transfer of shares has become a party
to this Agreement.

12.4 Termination of this Agreement pursuant to this Section shall not release
either Party from any other liability which at the time of termination has
already accrued to the other Party. Nothing in the immediately proceeding
sentence of this Sub-Section shall affect or be construed or operate as a waiver
by any Party aggrieved by breach of this Agreement the right to be compensated
for any injury or damage resulting therefrom.


12.5 If UTI fails to obtain the governmental approvals by March 31, 1999, the
Parties are entitled to extend the said date or cancel this Agreement unless
the Parties can reschedule the capital contribution within a reasonable time.

12.6 Within the earlier of either one year after the execution of this
Agreement or upon the date on which UTI orders production equipment of a value
greater than US $50,000 for the production of the Products, PGT shall be
entitled to terminate this Agreement and in such event, (i)700,000 UBI shares
owned by UTI shall be returned to UBI without any consideration and free of
charge, (ii) the technology transferred to UTI shall be returned to UBI and UTI
shall cease from using such technology, (iii) all the UTI's shares owned by UBI
shall be transferred to PGT without any consideration and free of charge, and
(iv) PGT shall pay US$1.0 million to UBI. Any fees or taxes arising from the
above shall be for the account of PGT.

Section 13 Force Majeure

     If either party (the "Affected Party") shall be prevented from performing
or observing any of the provisions of this Agreement due to wars, riots or
insurrections, or by strikes, floods, fires, or other disturbances beyond the
control of and without the fault of the Affected Party, the obligation of the
Affected Party to perform or observe such provision of the Agreement shall be
suspended until such event or circumstance or any other such event or
circumstances cease to prevent the Affected Party from performing such
provision of this Agreement provided that:

1) if the obligation of the Affected Party shall be so suspended for a period
of more than 120 days, the other Party may by notice in writing to the Affected
Party terminate this Agreement; and

2) the Affected Party shall use its best effort to remedy the effect of such
event or circumstances and perform or observe such provision of this Agreement
as soon as is practicable.

Section 14 Entire Agreement

14.1 This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the Parties and
any prior understanding and/or agreements between the Parties in connection
with the subject matter of this Agreement are superseded if they have not been
fully expressed herein.


14.2 If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid in any respect, it
shall not affect the validity of any other provision of this Agreement.

Section 15 Notices

     All notices and other communications required or permitted to be given
hereunder shall be given in writing (and for these purposes writing includes
facsimile, and shall be addressed to the appropriate party at the address of
such party set forth below, or at such other address or place as such party may
subsequently designate in writing:

UBI:       1350 Route, 88 S., Newark, New York 14513
           Fax: 0021 201 930-1144
           Tel.: 0021 201 930-4900
PGT:       7F-1, No. 67, Tze-You Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Republic of China
           Fax: 886-03-534-9539
           Tel: 886-03-542-8475

Section 16 Non-Assignability

The benefit of this Agreement shall be non-assignable by either Party without
the prior written consent of the other Party and shall be binding upon each
Party until such time as it is replaced by a supplementary agreement.

Section 17 Miscellaneous

17.1 The failure of either Party at any time or times to require performance by
the other Party of any provision of this Agreement shall in no way affect the
right of such Party to require performance of the same provision or any other
provision, and any waiver of claim by either Party with respect to any breach
of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of claim against any
continuing or succeeding violation of such provision, a waiver of such
provision itself or a waiver of any other right under this Agreement.

17.2 ln the event that any provision of this Agreement shall be declared void
or unenforceable by any competent authorities or court, other provisions of
this Agreement which are capable of severance therefrom, shall remnin remain


Section 18 Counterparts

This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts by the Parties
hereto separately; each of which when so executed and delivered shall be deemed
an original, and all the counterparts together shall constitute one and the
same instrument.

Section 19 Governing Law

This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic
of China.

The Taiwan Taipei District Court of the Republic of China shall have the
exclusive jurisdiction over any matter arising from or in relation to this

Section 20 The Definition of Asia

The scope of "Asia" referred to in this Agreement, encompasses ROC, China, Hong
Kong, Singapore, South & North Korea, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia,
Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar.

IN WITNESSETH WHEREOF, the Parties have signed this Agreement the day and year
first written above.

Ultralife Batteries, Inc. ,           PGT Energy Corporation
                                        Preparatory Office

By: /s/ Bruce Jagid                     By: /s/ Mr. J. F. Hsu
    ---------------                         -----------------
Name: Bruce Jagid                       Name: Mr. J. F. Hsu
Title:   Chairman &                     Title: Chairman
         Chief Executive


                                                                    [Appendix I]

List  of  investors collectively referred to as PGT in this Agreement and  their
respective and approximate shareholdings

PGT Energy Co., Ltd.                                 30%

Mr. Paul Hsu and his related investors               30%

Mr. R.T. Sun and his related investors               30%

Mr. George Lin and his related investors             10%

                                                                   [Appendix II]

                                Equity Structure

US$40M           Cash - PGT         21.25M       53%
                 Cash - UBI          8.75M       47%
                 Technology-UBI     10.00M
                 Total equity       40.00M       100%

Jan. 99          US$22M ( 1st )     Cash-PGT              16.5M
                                    Technology-UBI         5.5M
                                    Total                 22.0M

            *Technology-UBI shall be less than 25% of total equity.

Feb. 99 1.UTI obtained company license from government
        2.Apply for foreign investment to UBI, transfer US$8.75M cash to UBI
          for 0.7M restricted shares at @12.5/share

Mar. 99 UBI transfers $8.75M cash to UTI as paid-in capital

May  99          US$18M ( 2nd )    Cash-UBI                8.75M
                                   Technology-UBI          4.50M
                                   Cash-PGT                4.75M
                                   Total                  18.00M

               US$8.75M will be kept in the account of US currency for the
               procurement of equipment.

Aug. 99          US$4.6M ( 3rd ) 2.0M    Employee-Cash
                                 2.0M    Employee-Compensation & incentive
                                 0.6M    Jeffrey-Compensation
                                 Total    4.6M

      *UTI will pay for free compensation of 2M+0.6M. The paid amount will be
used to purchase the shares as above mentioned.

Total closing equity= 1st + 2nd + 3rd = US$44.6M

                                                                  [Appendix III]

                           ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION


                             Ultralife Taiwan, Inc.

                          CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS

ARTICLE 1:        This company  shall be  incorporated  as a company  limited by
                  shares  under  the  Company  Law  of  the  Republic  of  China
                  (hereinafter  the  "R.O.C."),  and its name shall be  [Chinese
                  translation  of  Ultralife  Taiwan,   Inc.]  in  Chinese,  and
                  Ultralife Taiwan, Inc. in English.

ARTICLE 2:        The scope of business of the Company shall be as follows:

                  1.    To engage in the manufacture,  distribution,  sales, and
                        research and  development of  lithium-ion  solid polymer
                        rechargeable batteries ("the Products").

                  2.    To   provide   customers   with   design,   engineering,
                        installation, test, construction, technical consultation
                        and after sales  services  related to the  Products  and

                  3.    To import and  export of the  Products  accessories  and
                        related    materials,    omponents   and   manufacturing

ARTICLE 3:        The Company shall have its  headquarters in the  Science-Based
                  Industrial  Park,  Hsinchu (or Tainan),  Taiwan,  R.O.C.  When
                  deemed  necessary,  branches  may  be  set  up at  appropriate
                  locations  within or outside the territory of the R.O.C.  upon
                  resolution  of the  Board of  Directors  and  approval  of the
                  competent authorities.

ARTICLE 4:        The method of public announcements shall be made in accordance
                  with Article 28 of the Company Law of the R.O.C.

                               CHAPTER II SHARES


ARTICLE 5:        The  authorized  capital of the Company shall be in the amount
                  of  US$40,000,000.00,  which is divided  into shares of common
                  shares with a par value of NT$ 10 each.

ARTICLE 6:        All of the share  certificates  of the Company shall be signed
                  by and sealed with the chops of not less than three  Directors
                  of  the  Company  and  duly   attested  to  by  the  competent
                  institution   of  issuance  and   registration   before  their

ARTICLE 7:        A shareholder  whose share  certificates are lost or destroyed
                  shall immediately notify the Company in writing and follow all
                  necessary  procedures  for such loss as prescribed by relevant
                  regulations issued by competent authorities from time to time.

ARTICLE 8:        For the purpose of transfer  of shares,  both  the  transferor
                  and the transferee  shall fill out, sign and affix their chops
                  on, the  application  forms prepared by the Company,  and only
                  after the  transferee's  name and  domicile  have been entered
                  into the  roster of the  shareholders  shall the  transfer  of
                  shares be deemed valid as against the Company.

ARTICLE 9:        All   shareholders   shall  file  their   specimens  of  chops
                  (hereinafter   "registered   chops")   with  the   Company  as
                  identification  for the purposes of receiving  their dividends
                  and bonuses and exercising their rights as shareholders.

ARTICLE 10:       A  shareholder   who  has  lost  his  registered   chop  shall
                  immediately  notify  the  Company  in  writing  and follow all
                  necessary  procedures  for such loss as prescribed by relevant
                  regulations issued by competent authorities from time to time.

ARTICLE 11:       Registration  for transfer of shares shall be suspended during
                  the one month  period  immediately  preceding  the  calling of
                  Annual  Shareholders'   Meeting,  or  the  fifteen-day  period
                  immediately  preceding the calling of a Special  Shareholders'
                  Meeting, or the five-day period immediately preceding the base
                  date  on  which  bonuses,  interest  or  dividends  are  to be



ARTICLE 12:       Shareholders'  Meeting of the  Company  are of two kinds:  (a)
                  Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and (2) Special Meeting
                  of Shareholders.

                  Annual General Meeting of Shareholders  shall be called by the
                  Board of Directors  within six (6) months after the closing of
                  each fiscal year.

                  Special Meeting of  Shareholders  shall be called by the Board
                  of  Directors  whenever  necessary,  or  by  proposal  of  the
                  shareholder  who has held  three  percent  (3%) or more of the
                  total  issued and  outstanding  shares of the  Company  for at
                  least one year, or by the  supervisor of the Company as he/she
                  may deem necessary.

                  Both  Annual and  Special  Shareholders'  Meetings  shall as a
                  principle be held within the territory of the R.O.C.

ARTICLE 13:       Written  notice  for the  calling of a  Shareholders'  Meeting
                  shall be given to all  shareholders  at least twenty (20) days
                  in advance in case of both Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  or
                  Special  Meeting  of  Shareholders.  The time and place of the
                  meeting and matters to be  resolved in the  meeting,  together
                  with copies of reports,  studies and other relevant data shall
                  be specified in the notice.

ARTICLE 14:       Resolutions of Shareholders' Meetings shall be adopted, except
                  as otherwise required by law or provided in Article 15 hereof,
                  at   Shareholders'    Meetings    attended   by   shareholders
                  representing  at least fifty percent (50%) of the total issued
                  and outstanding shares of the Company and with more than fifty
                  percent (50%) of the total number of votes represented at such
                  Meetings in favor of the resolution.

ARTICLE 15:       The following  corporate  matters  shall be performed  through
                  resolutions approved by majority votes of shareholders present
                  at a shareholders'  meeting  attended by shareholders  holding
                  and representing at least  three-quarters  of the total number
                  of issued and outstanding shares under the ROC corporate law:

                  1) Liquidation or dissolution of UTI.

                  2) Merger and acquisition of UTI by another company.


ARTICLE 15:       The  following   corporate  matters  shall  performed  through
                  resolutions approved by majority votes of shareholders present
                  at a shareholders'  meeting  attended by shareholders  holding
                  and  representing  at least  two-thirds of the total number of
                  issued and outstanding shares under the ROC corporate law:

                  Sale,  lease,  transfer or disposal in any other manner of any
                  substantial part of the assets or business of UTI to any other
                  person, firm or company.

ARTICLE 16:       Each shareholder  shall be entitled to one vote for each share
                  he/she holds, provided,  however, that for any shareholder who
                  holds more than  three  percent  (3%) of the total  issued and
                  outstanding  shares of the Company,  his votes attributable to
                  the  shares  in  excess  of  the  said  percentage   shall  be
                  discounted by one percent (1%).

ARTICLE 17:       A  shareholder  may by issuing a Power of  Attorney  appoint a
                  proxy to attend and exercise his/her rights at a Shareholders'
                  Meeting on his/her  behalf in  accordance  with Article 177 of
                  the Company Law of the R.O.C.

ARTICLE 18:       Shareholders' Meeting shall be presided by the Chairman of the
                  Board of  Directors,  provided  that in the  event of  his/her
                  absence,  one of the directors of the Company shall preside in
                  his/her  place in  accordance  with Article 208 of the Company
                  Law of the R.O.C.

ARTICLE 19:       Minutes of Shareholders' Meetings shall be prepared and signed
                  by the  chairman  of  such  meetings  and  distributed  to all
                  shareholders  within  fifteen (15) days of the  meetings.  The
                  minutes  shall  be  kept  in the  Company  together  with  the
                  attendance lists and powers of attorney.

                         CHAPTER IV BOARD OF DIRECTORS

ARTICLE 20:       This  Company  shall  have  six  (6)  directors  and  two  (2)
                  supervisors.  The directors and  supervisors  shall be elected
                  from shareholders over twenty (20) years of age. The number of
                  shares held by each director or  supervisor  shall not be less
                  than the amount prescribed by the relevant  regulations issued
                  by competent authorities.

                  The term of office of the  Directors or  Supervisors  shall be
                  three (3) years and each Director or Supervisor is entitled to
                  be re-elected. Each


                  Director or Supervisor  holds office until his successor takes
                  office or until is resignation or removal.

ARTICLE 21:       The  directors  shall form the Board of Directors  which shall
                  have the following functions:

                  1.    To design and  realize  the  Company's  business  policy
                        within the frame prescribed by the shareholders.

                  2.    To propose profit allocation or loss coverage.

                  3.    To propose capital increase/decrease.

                  4.    To review  and  finalize  major and  material  rules and

                  5.    To appoint and remove the Company's  President who shall
                        have full  authority  and  responsibility  for the daily
                        management of the Company.

                  6.    To prepare budgets and final financial statement.

                  7.    To fulfill other  functions  provided by the Company Law
                        of the R.O.C. or resolutions of Shareholders' Meetings.

                  8.    To approve any material corporate action.

                        The Board of Directors  Shall  fulfill its  functions by
                        resolution   adopted  at  a  meeting  of  the  Board  of
                        Directors pursuant to Article 23 hereof.

ARTICLE 22:             By a majority of votes of the first meeting of the Board
                        of  Directors  of each  term of newly  elected  Board of
                        Directors,  one Chairman shall be elected from among the
                        directors. The Chairman shall, subject to the directions
                        and  policies  made  by the  Board  of  Directors,  have
                        responsibility  and all necessary powers and authorities
                        to carry  out such  duties as may be  prescribed  by the
                        Company  Law of  the  R.O.C.  and  Board  of  Directors,
                        provided  that in the event of his/her  absence,  one of
                        the  directors of the Company  shall  preside in his/her
                        place in accordance  with Article 208 of the Company Law
                        of the R.O.C.


ARTICLE 23:             Except the first  meeting of the Board of  Directors  of
                        each  term of newly  elected  Board of  Directors  which
                        shall be called by the director who received the largest
                        number of votes, meetings of Board of Directors shall be
                        called by the Chairman of the Board.  Resolutions  shall
                        be adopted,  except as  otherwise  required by law, by a
                        majority  of votes of  meetings  of Board of  Directors.
                        Meeting of Board of  Directors  shall be held within the
                        territory of the R.O.C.  unless  otherwise  agreed to by
                        and among all the directors.

ARTICLE  24:            Except the first  meeting of the Board of  Directors  of
                        each  term of newly  elected  Board of  Directors  which
                        shall be called  within  fifteen (15) days after the new
                        directors  are  elected,  meetings of Board of Directors
                        shall be called  by  giving  fifteen  (15)  days'  prior
                        written  notice  specifying  the time  and  place of the
                        meetings and  indicating all matters to be discussed and
                        considered  during the meeting  together  with copies of
                        reports,  studies,  and any other relevant data, PROVIDE
                        HOWEVER   that  such  notice  may  be  waived  upon  the
                        occurrence of urgent circumstances.

ARTICLE 25:             Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held no less
                        than once a year.

ARTICLE 26:             A  director  may,  by  written  authorization,   appoint
                        another  director  to be  his/her  proxy to  attend  and
                        exercise  his/her  rights  at  a  meeting  of  Board  of
                        Directors on his/her  behalf in accordance  with Article
                        205 of the Company Law of the R.O.C.

ARTICLE  27:            Minutes of meetings of the Board of  Directors  shall be
                        prepared and signed by the chairman of such meetings and
                        distributed to all directors within fifteen (15) days of
                        the  meeting.  The minutes  shall be kept in the Company
                        together  with  the  attendance   lists  and  powers  of

ARTICLE 28:             Meeting of the Board of  Directors  shall be presided by
                        the Chairman of the Board, provided that in the event of
                        his/her  absence,  one of the  directors  of the Company
                        shall  preside  in  his/her  place  in  accordance  with
                        Article 208 of the Company Law of the R.O.C.

ARTICLE 29:             The  supervisor  may, at any time,  examine the business
                        and  financial  condition  of the  Company,  inspect the
                        corporate  books,  records and  documents  including the
                        annual financial statements and reports referred


                        to a  Shareholders'  Meeting by the Board of  Directors,
                        and request  the Board of  Directors  to submit  reports
                        thereon.  In performing any of such acts, the supervisor
                        may,  at the cost of the  Company,  retain  a  certified
                        public accountant to review and audit the books, records
                        and  any  documents  pertaining  to  the  matters  under
                        his/her examination or inspection.

ARTICLE 30:             Each  Supervisor may attend the meetings of the Board of
                        Directors but shall not be entitled to vote.

ARTICLE 31:             The  Board of  Directors  may  appoint  or  remove  by a
                        resolution the President of the Company.

ARTICLE 32:             The President of the Company  shall have  responsibility
                        and all necessary  powers and  authorities to supervise,
                        manage and  administer  the operation and affairs of the
                        Company in accordance  with the laws and  regulations of
                        the  R.O.C.,   the  Articles  of  Incorporation  of  the
                        Company,  and directions and policies  prescribed by the
                        Board of Directors.

                              CHAPTER V ACCOUNTING

ARTICLE 33:             The fiscal year of the Company  shall be from  January 1
                        of each year to December 31 of that year.

ARTICLE 34:             After  the  close  of each  fiscal  year,  the  Board of
                        Directors  of the Company  shall  prepare the  following
                        documents and submit them for  examination  and approval
                        by the supervisor at least thirty (30) days prior to the
                        date fixed for the Regular Shareholders' Meeting:

                        1. annual report on business operation

                        2. annual balance sheet

                        3. annual property inventory

                        4. annual statement of profit and loss

                        5. annual statement of change of shareholders' equity


                        6. cash flow statement

                        7. annual proposals concerning  allocation of profits
                           or  coverage  of losses  for the  approval  by the
                           shareholders in the Shareholders' meeting.

                        Annual financial reports and statements shall be audited
                        and certified by a Certified  Public  Accountant and one
                        English version shall be in addition sent to UBI.

 ARTICLE 35:            Unless  otherwise  required by law, ten percent (10%) of
                        the  after-tax  net profit of the Company of each fiscal
                        year shall be set aside as legal  reserve  after  having
                        been  first  applied  to  covering  for  losses  of  the
                        previous fiscal year. Up to fifteen percent (15%) of the
                        after-tax  net profit the Company  shall be set aside as
                        employees'  bonus. Any remainder shall then be allocated
                        according to  resolutions  adopted by the  Shareholders'
                        Meeting.  No further  amount shall be set aside as legal
                        reserve  when the total  accumulated  legal  reserve has
                        reached an amount which is equal to the total capital of
                        the Company.  ARTICLE 36: The rates of  remuneration  of
                        the  directors  and  supervisors  shall be determined by
                        resolution of the Shareholders' Meeting.

 ARTICLE 37:            The  organizational and operational rules of the Company
                        shall  be   separately   determined   and   provided  by
                        resolution of the Board of Directors.

 ARTICLE 38:            Any matters not  otherwise  provided for herein shall be
                        governed by the Company Law of the R.O.C.

 ARTICLE 39:            The  Company may  provide  services  as a  guarantor  in
                        connection with businesses of the Company.

 ARTICLE 41:            These Articles of Incorporation were duly promulgated on