HFS Incorporated and Subsidiaries

     The pro forma  consolidated  balance sheet as of June 30, 1996 is presented
as if the  acquisition  of Avis,  Inc.  ("Avis") and issuance of Company  common
stock (the "Avis Offering") as partial  consideration  for Avis occurred on June
30, 1996.  Closing of the  acquisition  is subject to the favorable vote of Avis
participants  in the Avis Employee  Stock Option Plan  ("ESOP"),  the receipt of
regulatory approvals and completion of fleet financing arrangements. The Company
intends to undertake an initial  public  offering of a majority  interest in the
corporation  which  owns  all  company-owned  Avis  car  rental  locations  (the
"Operating Company") in 1997 and to enter into franchise, information technology
and other agreements to provide services to the Operating Company based on terms
to be determined.  Accordingly,  the pro forma financial  statements reflect the
acquired net assets and results of  operations  of the Avis rental car operating
subsidiary  intended to be sold as "Investment in car rental operating  company"
and "other revenue", respectively.
     The pro forma statements of operations for the year ended December 31, 1995
and the six months ended June 30, 1996 are  presented as if the  acquisition  of
Avis and the following transactions had occurred on January 1, 1995: (i) the May
31,  1996  acquisition  of the  common  stock  of  Coldwell  Banker  Corporation
("Coldwell Banker") and the related contribution of Coldwell Banker's owned real
estate  brokerage  offices (the "Owned  Brokerage  Business") to an  independent
trust (the "Trust") (the  "Coldwell  Banker  Transaction");  (ii) the receipt of
proceeds from an offering of the Company's  common stock (the "CB  Offering") to
the extent  necessary to fund the acquisition of Coldwell Banker and the related
repayment of indebtedness and acquisition  expenses;  (iii) the acquisitions of:
the six  non-owned  Century 21  regions  ("Century  21 NORS")  during the second
quarter of 1996, the Travelodge  franchise system  ("Travelodge") on January 23,
1996 and the Electronic Realty  Associates  franchise system ("ERA") on February
12, 1996  (collectively,  the "Other  Acquisitions");  and (iv) the February 22,
1996 issuance of $240 million of 4-3/4% convertible senior notes due 2003 to the
extent such proceeds were used to finance the Other Acquisitions.  The pro forma
statement of operations  for the year ended  December 31, 1995 is also presented
as if the  August 1, 1995  acquisition  of Century  21 Real  Estate  Corporation
("Century  21") and the  acquisition by merger (the "CCI Merger") in May 1995 of
Casino & Credit  Services,  Inc's gambling patron credit  information  business,
Central Credit Inc. ("CCI") had occurred on January 1, 1995.

     The  acquisitions  have been or will be  accounted  for using the  purchase
method of accounting.  Accordingly, assets acquired and liabilities assumed have
been or will be recorded  at their  estimated  fair values  which are subject to
further refinement,  including  appraisals and other analyses,  with appropriate
recognition  given to the effect of  current  interest  rates and income  taxes.
Management  does not expect that the final  allocation of the purchase price for
the above acquisitions will differ materially from the preliminary  allocations.
The Company has  entered  into  certain  immaterial  transactions  which are not
reflected in the pro forma statements of operations.

     The pro forma consolidated  financial  statements do not purport to present
the  financial  position  or  results  of  operations  of the  Company  had  the
transactions and events assumed therein occurred on the dates specified, nor are
they necessarily indicative of the results of operations that may be achieved in
the  future.  In  addition  to the  cost  savings  reflected  in the  pro  forma
consolidated statements of operations,  the pro forma consolidated statements of
operations  do  not  reflect   certain   additional  cost  savings  and  revenue
enhancements   that   management   believes  may  be  realized   following   the
acquisitions.  These savings are expected to be realized  primarily  through the
restructuring of franchise services of the acquired companies as well as revenue
enhancements  expected  through  leveraging  of the Company's  preferred  vendor
programs.  No assurances can be made as to the amount of cost savings or revenue
enhancements,  if any, that actually will be realized. In addition, there can be
no assurance the Company will complete the acquisition of Avis.

     The pro  forma  consolidated  financial  statements  are  based on  certain
assumptions  and  adjustments  described in the Notes to Pro Forma  Consolidated
Balance Sheet and  Statements of  Operations  and should be read in  conjunction
therewith and with the  consolidated  financial  statements and related notes of
the Company  included in its 1995 Annual Report on Form 10-K and in its June 30,
1996 Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, as amended and the financial  statements and
related  notes of the acquired or to be acquired  companies  included  elsewhere
herein or previously filed in Current Reports on Form 8-K.

                        HFS Incorporated and Subsidiaries
                               As of June 30, 1996
                                 (In thousands)

                                                                         Pro Forma
                                              HFS         Avis (1)     Adjustment (A)    Pro Forma  
Current assets
   Cash and cash equivalents ........   $   387,837    $      --    $ (336,611)         $    51,226
   Royalty accounts and notes
     receivable, net ................        82,765          636             --              83,401
   Relocation receivables ...........       113,075           --             --             113,075
   Marketing and reservation
     receivables, net ...............        43,351           --             --              43,351
   Other current assets .............        32,337          779             --              33,116
   Deferred income taxes ............        36,456           --         36,456
Total current assets ................       695,821        1,415       (336,611)            360,625

Property and equipment-net ..........        99,411       34,024         57,976             191,411
Franchise agreements-net ............       599,631           --             --             599,631
Excess of cost over fair value of
   net assets acquired-net ..........     1,316,146           --             --           1,316,146
Intangible assets-Avis ..............            --      503,037        115,133             618,170
Investment in car rental
   operating company, net............            --     (187,743)       262,743              75,000
Deferred income taxes-net ...........            --       28,033        (28,033)                 --
                                                                          5,200              5,200
Other assets ........................        78,609       59,614         (9,614)            128,609
                                        -----------   ----------     ----------         -----------
Total ...............................   $ 2,789,618   $  438,380     $   66,794         $ 3,294,792
                                        ===========   ==========     ==========         ===========

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Current Liabilities
   Accounts payable and other
     accrued liabilities ............   $   172,064   $    1,785      $      --         $   173,849
   Income taxes payable .............        62,421           --             --              62,421
   Accrued acquisition obligations ..        32,002           --         44,000              76,002
   Current portion of long-term debt         29,562           --         97,900             127,462
Total current liabilities ...........       296,049        1,785        141,900             439,734

Long-term debt ......................       540,530           --             --             540,530

Other non-current liabilities .......        30,894           --             --              30,894
Deferred income taxes ...............        85,400           --             --              85,400
Preferred Stock - Avis ..............          --        2,412        (72,412)                 --
Redeemable portion of common
    stock - ESOP ....................            --      295,465       (295,465)                 --
Unearned compensation-ESOP ..........            --     (261,702)       261,702                  --
Stockholders' Equity
   Participating convertible
     preferred stock ................            --      132,000       (132,000)                 --
   Common stock .....................         1,232          290           (234)              1,288
   Additional paid-in capital .......     1,690,347      217,445        143,988           2,051,780
   Retained earnings ................       145,166       79,120        (79,120)            145,166
   Treasury stock ...................            --     (102,269)       102,269                  --
   Foreign currency equity adjustment            --        3,834         (3,834)                 --
Total stockholders' equity ..........     1,836,745      330,420         31,069           2,198,234
                                        -----------  -----------    -----------         -----------
Total ...............................   $ 2,789,618  $   438,380    $    66,794         $ 3,294,792
                                        ===========  ===========    ===========         ===========
- ------------
(1) See Consolidated Historical Balance Sheet of Avis, Inc. as adjusted  as of May 31, 1996.

See notes to pro forma consolidated balance sheet and statements of operations.

                        HFS Incorporated and Subsidiaries
                              OF AVIS, INC. AS ADJUSTED
                               As of May 31, 1996
                                 (In thousands)

                                            Historical          Reclassification        Avis,
                                              Avis                  Adjustment        As Adjusted
Current Assets
   Cash and cash equivalents ........      $    75,122          $   (75,122)             $      --
   Royalty accounts and notes
     receivable, net ................          152,224             (151,588)                   636
   Vehicles, net ....................        2,330,630           (2,330,630)                    --
   Due from affiliated company ......           44,098              (44,098)                    --
   Other current assets .............           45,755              (44,976)                   779
   Deferred income taxes ............               --                   --                     --
Total current assets ................        2,647,829           (2,646,414)                 1,415

Property and equipment-net ..........          150,538             (116,514)                34,024
Franchise agreements-net ............               --
Excess of cost over fair value of
   net assets acquired-net ..........               --
Intangible assets-Avis ..............          503,037                   --                503,037
Investment in car rental
    operating company, net...........               --             (187,743)              (187,743)
Deferred income taxes ...............               --               28,033                 28,033
Other assets ........................          165,881             (106,267)                59,614
                                           -----------          -----------            -----------
Total ...............................      $ 3,467,285          $(3,028,905)           $   438,380
                                           ===========          ===========            ===========

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity

Accounts Payable and other .......         $   400,814          $  (399,029)           $     1,785
                                           -----------          -----------            -----------

Long-term debt ......................        2,262,223           (2,262,223)                     --
Public liability and property damage           208,692             (208,692)                     --
Due to affiliated company ...........          122,002             (122,002)                     --

Other non-current liabilities
   Deferred income taxes ............           36,959              (36,959)                     --
   Preferred stock - Avis     .......           72,412                   --                  72,412
   Redeemable portion of common
     stock - ESOP ...................          295,465                   --                 295,465
   Unearned compenstion-ESOP ........         (261,702)                  --                (261,702)
Stockholders' Equity
   Participating convertible
     preferred stock ................          132,000                   --                 132,000
   Common stock .....................              290                   --                     290
   Additional paid-in capital .......          217,445                   --                 217,445
   Retained earnings ................           79,120                   --                  79,120
   Treasury stock ...................         (102,269)                  --                (102,269)
   Foreign currency equity adjustment            3,834                   --                   3,834
Total stockholders' Equity ..........          330,420                   --                 330,420
                                           -----------          -----------             -----------
Total ...............................      $ 3,467,285          $(3,028,905)            $   438,380
                                           ===========          ===========             ===========

Note:  The  reclassification  adjustment  made to the historical  balance sheet of Avis, Inc. is to
       present the historical net assets of the car rental operations as "investment in car rental
       operating company - net".

See notes to pro forma consolidated balance sheet and statements of operations.

                        HFS Incorporated and Subsidiaries
                      For the Year Ended December 31, 1995
                    (In thousands, except per share amounts)

                                          Avis, (1)      Coldwell        Acquired       Pro Forma
                                HFS       As Adjusted     Banker        Companies       Adjustments           Pro Forma
   Franchise ..........      $ 361,238     $      --    $  68,064       $ 128,233       $  25,950      (B)      $ 583,485
   Owned brokerage
     business .........             --            --      535,207              --        (535,207)     (C)             --
   Relocation services           8,204            --       75,866           6,514              --                  90,584
   Other ..............         43,541        62,808       20,264          29,848          (4,421)                191,118
                                                                                           39,078      (D)
                              --------      --------     --------        --------        --------                --------
     Total revenue ....        412,983        62,808      699,401         164,595        (474,600)                865,187
                              ========      ========     ========        ========        =========               ========
   Marketing and
     reservation ......        143,965            --           --          20,996              --                 164,961
   Selling, general and
     administrative ...         55,538         7,205       32,367         102,857        (61,218)      (E)        136,749
   Ramada license fee .         18,911            --           --              --             --                   18,911
   Owned brokerage ....             --            --      521,376              --       (521,376)      (C)             --
   Depreciation and
     amortization .....         30,857        19,683       22,425           8,483         21,299       (F)        102,747
   Interest ...........         21,789           461        5,329           6,227          1,773       (G)         35,579
   Relocation .........          3,783            --       62,439           4,881             --                   71,103
   Other ..............          3,235           410           --          14,757           (399)      (H)         18,003
                              --------       -------     --------        --------       --------                 --------
     Total expenses ...        278,078        27,759      643,936         158,201       (559,921)                 548,053
                              --------       -------     --------        --------       --------                 --------
Income before
   income taxes .......        134,905        35,049       55,465           6,394         85,321                  317,134
Provision for
   income taxes .......         55,175        23,977       24,385           3,542         29,289       (I)        136,368
                             ---------     ---------    ---------       ---------      ---------                ---------
Net income ............      $  79,730     $  11,072    $  31,080       $   2,852      $  56,032                $ 180,766
                             =========     =========    =========       =========      =========                =========
Per Share Information
    (fully diluted)
   Net income .........      $    0.73            --           --              --             --                $    1.34
                             =========                                                                          =========
   Weighted average
     common and
     common equivalent
     shares outstanding        115,654            --           --              --         22,552        (J)       138,206
                               =======                                                    ======                  =======

Note:Certain  reclassifications  have been  made to the  historical  results  of
     acquired companies to conform with the Company's classification.

(1)  The historical financial statements of operations of Avis, as adjusted, has
     been adjusted to include the historical results of Avis operations intended
     to be retained by the  Company  and the  operating  results of the car
     rental operating company, which are  included in "Other Revenue". See Historical
     Consolidated Statement of  Operations,  as adjusted of Avis, Inc. for the year
     ended  February 29, 1996.

See notes to pro forma consolidated balance sheet and statement of operations.

                        HFS Incorporated and Subsidiaries
                            OF AVIS, INC. AS ADJUSTED
                      For the Year Ended February 29, 1996
                                 (In thousands)

                                                                                                     Rental Car             Avis
                                                               Historical     Reclassifications      Subsidiary         As Adjusted
Revenue ..............................................        $ 1,716,677        $        --         $(1,653,869)        $    62,808

   Selling, general & administrative .................          1,119,888            (16,865)         (1,095,818)              7,205
   Depreciation & amortization .......................            411,796             16,404            (408,517)             19,683
   Interest ..........................................            149,534                461            (149,534)                461
   Other .............................................                410                 --                  --                 410
                                                              -----------        -----------         -----------         -----------
     Total expenses ..................................          1,681,628                 --          (1,653,869)             27,759
                                                              -----------        -----------         -----------         -----------

Income before income taxes ...........................             35,049                 --                  --              35,049
Provision for income taxes ...........................             23,977                 --                  --              23,977
                                                              -----------        -----------         -----------         -----------
Net income ...........................................        $    11,072        $      --           $      --           $    11,072
                                                              ===========        ===========         ===========         ===========


See notes to pro forma consolidated balance sheet and statements of operations.

                        HFS Incorporated and Subsidiaries
                           OF OTHER ACQUIRED COMPANIES
                      For the Year Ended December 31, 1995
                    (In thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                       Century 21
                              CCI(1)    Century 21(1)      NORS        Travelodge         ERA         Total     
   Franchise ........         $   --       $ 53,992     $ 29,021        $ 18,361       $ 26,859       $128,233
   Relocation .......             --          6,514           --              --             --          6,514
   Other ............          3,326         10,164          403              79         15,876         29,848
                              ------       --------     --------        --------        -------       --------
     Total revenue ..          3,326         70,670       29,424          18,440         42,735        164,595
                              ------       --------     --------        --------        -------       --------
   Marketing and
     reservation ....             --          5,128        2,912          12,956             --         20,996
   Selling, general &
     administrative .             --         47,232       22,851           2,648         30,126        102,857
   Depreciation &
     amortization ...            529          5,217          578               8          2,151          8,483
   Interest .........             --          2,904           54              --          3,269          6,227
   Relocation .......             --          4,881           --              --             --          4,881
   Other ............          1,917          2,751           --              --         10,089         14,757
                              ------        -------      -------        --------       --------       --------
     Total expenses .          2,446         68,113       26,395          15,612         45,635        158,201
                              ------        -------      -------        --------       --------       --------
Income (loss) before
   income taxes .....            880          2,557        3,029           2,828         (2,900)         6,394
Provision for
   income taxes .....            313          2,097           --           1,132             --          3,542
                              ------        -------     --------        --------       --------       --------
Net income (loss) ...         $  567        $   460     $  3,029        $  1,696       $ (2,900)      $  2,852
                              ======        =======     ========        ========       ========       ========

Note: Certain reclassifications have been made to the historical results of acquired companies to conform with the Company's

(1) Reflects results of operations for the period from January 1, 1995 to the
    respective date of acquisition.

See notes to pro forma consolidated balance sheet and statements of operations.

                        HFS Incorporated and Subsidiaries
                     For the Six Months Ended June 30, 1996
                    (In thousands, except per share amounts)

                                       Avis, (1)    Coldwell        Other (2)      Pro Forma
                              HFS     As Adjusted   Banker (2)     Acquisitions    Adjustments           Pro Forma

   Franchise ..........   $ 240,135   $      --     $  25,694      $   9,631       $  11,835    (B)      $ 287,295
   Owned brokerage ....          --          --       235,625             --        (235,625)   (C)             --
   Relocation .........      15,179          --        34,159            719              --                50,057
   Other ..............      48,896      32,077         4,067          1,651          15,760    (D)        102,451
                           --------    --------     ---------      ---------       ---------             ---------
     Total revenue ....     304,210      32,077       299,545         12,001        (208,030)              439,803
                           --------    --------     ---------      ---------       ---------             ---------

   Marketing and
     reservation ......      75,491          --            --          1,134              --                 76,625
   Selling, general
     & administrative .      60,311       3,703       57,455           9,460         (52,025)   (E)          78,904
   Ramada license fee .      10,045          --           --              --              --                 10,045
   Owned brokerage ....          --          --      227,363              --        (227,363)   (C)              --
   Depreciation and
     amortization .....      23,405       9,905        9,021             421           9,804    (F)          52,556
   Interest ...........      14,574         251        3,155           1,493          (3,287)   (G)          16,186
   Relocation .........      10,184          --       27,530             641              --                 38,355
   Other ..............       6,892          18          512             764              --                  8,186
                           --------     -------     --------        --------       ---------               --------
     Total expenses ...     200,902      13,877      325,036          13,913        (272,871)               280,857
                           --------     -------     --------        --------       ---------               --------
Income (loss) before
   income taxes .......     103,308      18,200      (25,491)         (1,912)         64,841                158,946
Provision for
   income taxes .......      41,746       8,883      (10,432)             --          25,130    (I)          65,327
                          ---------   ---------    ---------       ---------       ---------              ---------
Net income (loss) .....   $  61,562   $   9,317    $ (15,059)      $  (1,912)      $  39,711              $  93,619
                          =========   =========    =========       =========       =========              =========

Per Share Information
    (fully diluted)
   Net income .........   $      .51                                                                      $     .67
                          ==========                                                                      =========

   Weighted average
     common and
     common equivalent
     shares outstanding      126,275                                                  16,771   (J)          143,046
                             =======                                                  ======                =======

Note:Certain  reclassifications  have been  made to the  historical  results  of
     acquired companies to conform with the Company's classification.

(1)  The historical financial statement of operations of Avis, as adjusted,  has
     been adjusted to include the historical results of operations intended to be
     retained by the Company and the operating results of the car rental operating
     company, which are included in "Other Revenue".  See  Historical  Consolidated
     Statement of Operations of Avis, Inc. as adjusted, for the six months ended May 31, 1996.

(2)  Reflects  results of operations  for the period from January 1, 1996 to the
     respective dates of acquisition.

See notes to pro forma consolidated balance sheet and statements of operations.

                        HFS Incorporated and Subsidiaries
                            OF AVIS, INC. AS ADJUSTED
                      For the Six Months Ended May 31, 1996
                                 (In thousands)

                                                                                  Rental Car          Avis
                                        Historical (1)    Reclassifications      Subsidiary      As Adjusted


Revenue ............................      $ 918,698           $    --            $(886,621)        $  32,077

   Selling, general & administrative        624,543            (9,168)            (611,672)            3,703
   Depreciation & amortization .....        199,924             8,917             (198,936)            9,905
   Interest ........................         76,013               251              (76,013)              251
   Other ...........................             18                --                   --                18
                                          ---------           -------            ---------          --------
     Total expenses ................        900,498                --             (886,621)           13,877
                                          ---------           -------            ---------          --------

Income before income taxes .........         18,200                --                   --            18,200
Provision for income taxes .........          8,883                --                   --             8,883
                                          ---------           -------            ---------          --------
Net income .........................      $   9,317           $    --            $      --         $   9,317
                                          =========           =======            =========         =========


(1)  The historical  financial  statements of Avis,  Inc. are for the six months
     ended May 31, 1996.  The three months ended  February 29, 1996 are included
     in the six months ended May 31, 1996 and the year ended  February 29, 1996.
     Revenue  and net loss for the three  months  ended  February  29,  1996 are
     $421.7 million and $9.7 million, respectively.

See notes to pro forma consolidated balance sheet and statements of operations.

                        HFS Incorporated and Subsidiaries
                              OF OTHER ACQUISITIONS
                     For the Six Months Ended June 30, 1996
                                 (In thousands)

                                                Century 21
                                                  NORS (1)    Travelodge (1)       ERA (1)         Total    
  Franchise .......................               $  6,668      $    688          $  2,275        $  9,631
  Relocation ......................                     --            --               719             719
   Other ...........................                   449            --             1,202           1,651
                                                  --------      --------          --------         -------
     Total revenue .................                 7,117           688             4,196          12,001
                                                  --------      --------          --------         -------

   Marketing and  reservation ......                   681           453                --           1,134
   Selling, general & administrative                 6,885            99             2,476           9,460
   Depreciation & amortization .....                   285            --               136             421
   Interest ........................                     2            --             1,491           1,493
   Relocation ......................                    --            --               641             641
   Other ...........................                    --            --               764             764
                                                   -------      --------          --------         -------
     Total expenses ................                 7,853           552             5,508          13,913
                                                   -------      --------          --------         -------
Income (loss) before
   income taxes ....................                  (736)          136            (1,312)         (1,912)
Provision for income taxes .........                    --            --                --              --
                                                  --------      --------          --------        --------
Net income (loss) ..................              $   (736)     $    136          $ (1,312)       $ (1,912)
                                                  ========      ========          ========        ======== 

Note:Certain  reclassifications  have been  made to the  historical  results  of
     acquired companies to conform with the Company's classification.

(1)  Reflects results of operations for the period from January 1, 1996 to the
     respective dates of acquisition.

See notes to pro forma consolidated balance sheet and statements of operations.

                        HFS Incorporated and Subsidiaries
                            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS

A.   Acquisition of Avis:

     The  purchase  price for Avis has been  allocated  to assets  acquired  and
liabilities  assumed  at their  estimated  fair  values.  Pro forma  adjustments
consist of the elimination of certain  acquired assets and assumed  liabilities,
net of the fair value ascribed to such assets and liabilities.

     The Company acquired Avis for the following consideration ($000's):


     Cash consideration                                                       $  336,611
     Issuance of approximately 5.6 million shares of Company
         common stock                                                            361,489
     Issuance of note to ESOP                                                     97,900
     Total pro forma acquisition cost                                            796,000

     Fair value of net assets acquired:
         Historical book value of acquired company                               330,420

         Elimination of net assets (liabilities) not acquired or assumed:
              Deferred income taxes                                              (28,033)
              Other assets                                                        (9,614)
              Preferred stock - Avis                                              72,412
              Intangible assets - Avis                                          (503,037)
              Redeemable portion of common stock - ESOP                          295,465
              Unearned compensation - ESOP                                      (261,702)

     Fair value adjustments to assets acquired and liabilities assumed:
              Deferred income tax asset, net (i)                                   5,200
              Property and equipment                                              57,976
              Investment in car rental operating company                         262,743
              Accrued acquisition obligations                                    (44,000)
     Fair value of identifiable net assets acquired                              177,830
     Intangible assets-Avis (ii)                                              $  618,170

(i)  The pro forma  adjustment to deferred  income taxes  recorded in connection
     with the acquisition  results from differences in the fair values of assets
     acquired and  liabilities  assumed and their  respective  income tax bases.
(ii) The Company has not completed the valuation of identifiable intangible

A.   Acquisition of Avis (continued)

     The pro forma  adjustments  include the  elimination of Avis  stockholders'
equity and the issuance of  approximately  5.6 million  shares of the  Company's
common stock to finance the acquisition.  The number of Company shares of common
stock  issued in  connection  with the  acquisition  assumes  a market  value of
Company common stock of $65 per share. The adjustment to stockholders' equity is
calculated as follows ($000's):

                                                              Stockholders' Equity                       
                                              Issuance of   Eimination of     Adjustment to
                                                Company     Stockholders'     Stockholders'
                                              Common Stk.      Equity            Equity     

Participating convertible preferred stock     $     --        $ 132,000       $(132,000)
Common stock ............................           56              290            (234)
Additional paid-in capital ..............      361,433          217,445         143,988
Retained earnings .......................           --           79,120         (79,120)
Treasury stock ..........................           --         (102,269)        102,269
Foreign currency equity adjustment ......           --            3,834          (3,834)
Redeemable portion of common stock ......           --               --              --
Unearned compensation ...................           --               --              --
                                             ---------        ---------       ---------
                                             $ 361,489        $ 330,420       $  31,069
                                             =========        =========       =========

B.   Franchise revenue:

     The pro forma  adjustment  reflects the  elimination  of franchise  revenue
associated with  discontinued  Century 21 international  based  operations,  the
elimination of franchise revenue paid by the Century 21 NORS to Century 21 under
sub-franchise agreements and the addition of franchise fees to be received under
franchise  contracts with owned brokerage offices upon contribution of the Owned
Brokerage  Business to the Trust.  Pro forma  adjustments  to franchise  revenue
consists of the following:

                                                      For the Year           For the Six Months
                                                         Ended                      Ended
                                                   December 31, 1995           June 30, 1996    

     Discontinued operations ...........                $    (57)                  $      -
     Century 21 revenue included as
        Century 21 NORS SG&A ...........                  (4,500)                    (1,003)
     Franchise fees from Owned Brokerage
        Business .......................                  30,507                     12,838
                                                        --------                   --------
Total ..................................                $ 25,950                   $ 11,835
                                                        ========                   ========

C.   Owned brokerage revenue and expenses:

     The pro forma  adjustments  reflect the elimination of revenue and expenses
for  Coldwell  Banker's  318  formerly  owned  brokerage  offices.  The  Company
contributed  the net assets of the Owned  Brokerage  Business  to the Trust upon
consummation of the Coldwell Banker Transaction. The free cash flow of the Trust
will be  expended  at the  discretion  of the  trustees to enhance the growth of
funds available for advertising and promotion.

D.   Other revenue

     The pro forma  adjustment  is comprised  of the  following  adjustments  to
rental car operations which have been classified as other revenue:

                                                     For the Year         For the Six Months
                                                         Ended                 Ended
                                                  December 31, 1995        June 30, 1996   

Elimination of historical  expense
     associated with:

    Long-term incentive
         compensation plans (i)......                   $  4,700             $  3,549
    Fleet costs .....................                     33,411               10,234
    Depreciation and amortization ...                     29,016               15,337
    Debt financing costs ............                      2,853                1,645

Addition of pro forma expenses
     associated with:

    Depreciation and amortization of
        property, equipment and other
        intangibles .................                    (22,898)             (11,449)
Increased financing costs ...........                     (8,004)              (3,556)
                                                        --------               -------
Total ...............................                   $ 39,078             $ 15,760
                                                        ========             ========

(i) Relates to stock appreciation rights of former owner.

E.   Selling, general and administrative expense:

     The pro forma  adjustments  eliminate  redundant costs  associated with the
restructuring  of franchise  services  and other  businesses  and the  resulting
termination  of certain  functions  and  positions  in  connection  with Company
acquisitions. Adjustments are comprised of the following ($000's):

For the year ended December 31, 1995:
                                       Century     Coldwell      Century 21
                                          21        Banker          NORS       Travelodge       ERA      Total   

Payroll and related ...                $ 10,885    $ 10,681      $  7,706       $  1,110     $  7,236   $ 37,618
Professional ..........                   2,693       1,500         1,486            154          387      6,220
Occupancy .............                   3,628          --         2,754            186        1,172      7,740
Conventions & meetings                    1,302          --           410             --           --      1,712
Franchise fees (Note B)                      --          --         4,500             --           --      4,500
Other .................                   1,826      (1,517)        1,916            167        1,036      3,428
                                       --------    --------      --------       --------     --------   --------
Total .................                $ 20,334    $ 10,664      $ 18,772       $  1,617     $  9,831   $ 61,218
                                       ========    ========      ========       ========     ========   ========

For the six months ended June 30, 1996:
                                 Coldwell    Century 21
                                  Banker         NORS        Travelodge        ERA         Total

Payroll and related ...          $  4,451     $  2,424        $     25     $    222     $  7,122
Stock option expense ..            40,801           --              --           --       40,801
Professional ..........             1,055          705               4           --        1,764
Occupancy .............                --          603               4          102          709
Conventions & meetings                 --          472              --           --          472
Franchise fees (Note B)                --        1,003              --           --        1,003
Other .................              (604)         597               4          157          154
                                 --------     --------        --------     --------     --------
Total .................          $ 45,703     $  5,804        $     37     $    481     $ 52,025
                                 ========     ========        ========     ========     ========

F.   Depreciation and amortization:

     The pro forma  adjustment for depreciation and amortization is comprised of

For the year ended December 31, 1995:

                                       CCI                                  Coldwell         Other
                                      Merger      Century 21      Avis       Banker      Acquisitions       Total  
Elimination of historical
    expense .............            $   (529)     $ (5,217)   $(19,683)   $(22,425)       $ (2,737)      $(50,591)
Property, equipment &
    furniture & fixtures                  100           534      12,400       1,295              --         14,329
Information data base ...                 375            --          --          --              --            375
Intangible assets .......                 289         3,669      20,327      25,877           7,024         57,186
                                     --------      --------    --------    --------        --------       --------
Total ...................            $    235      $ (1,014)   $ 13,044    $  4,747        $  4,287       $ 21,299
                                     ========      ========    ========    ========        ========       ========

For the six months ended June 30, 1996:

                                                                 Coldwell          Other
                                                 Avis              Banker        Acquisitions       Total  

Elimination of historical expense             $ (9,905)         $ (9,021)        $   (421)        $(19,347)
Property, equipment and
    furniture and fixtures ......                6,200               540               --            6,740
Intangible assets ...............               10,164            10,775            1,472           22,411
                                              --------          --------         --------         --------
Total ...........................             $  6,459          $  2,294         $  1,051         $  9,804
                                              ========          ========         ========         ========

CCI Merger

     The  estimated  fair values of CCI's  information  data base,  property and
equipment  and excess of cost over fair value of net  assets  acquired  are $7.5
million,  $1.0 million and $33.8 million,  respectively,  and are amortized on a
straight-line  basis over the periods to be  benefited  which are ten , five and
forty years,  respectively.  The benefit periods associated with the excess cost
over fair value of net assets acquired were  determined  based on CCI's position
as the dominant  provider of gambling patron credit  information  services since
1956,  its ability to generate  operating  profits and expansion of its customer
base and the longevity of the casino gaming industry.

Century 21

     The estimated fair values of Century 21 property and  equipment,  franchise
agreements  and  excess  cost over fair value of net  assets  acquired  are $5.5
million, $33.5 million and $140.0 million,  respectively, and are amortized on a
straight-line basis over the periods to be benefited which are seven, twelve and
forty years,  respectively.  The benefit periods associated with the excess cost
over fair value of net assets  acquired  were  determined  based on Century 21's
position as the world's largest  franchisor of residential real estate brokerage
offices, the most recognized brand name in the residential real estate brokerage
industry and the longevity of the residential real estate brokerage business.


     The estimated  fair value of Avis'  property and  equipment  intended to be
retained by the Company,  is $92 million,  comprised  primarily of a reservation
system and related  assets.  Such  property  and  equipment  is  amortized  on a
straight-line  basis over the  estimated  benefit  periods  ranging from five to
eight years.  The estimated fair values of Avis'  intangible  assets,  comprised
principally of excess of cost over fair value of net assets  acquired,  are $617
million and are amortized on a  straight-line  basis over the respective  assets
benefit periods which range between ten to forty years.

     The excess of cost over fair value of net assets acquired was determined to
have a benefit  period of forty years,  which was based on Avis' position as the
second largest car rental system in the world, the recognition of its broad name
in the car rental industry and the longevity of the car rental business.

Coldwell Banker

     The  estimated  fair value of  Coldwell  Banker's  property  and  equipment
(excluding  land) of $16.7 million,  is amortized on a straight-line  basis over
the  estimated  benefit  periods  ranging from five to  twenty-five  years.  The
estimated  fair value of  Coldwell  Banker's  intangible  assets,  comprised  of
franchise  agreements and excess of cost over fair value of net assets acquired,
is $768.4 million and is amortized on a straight-line  basis over the periods to
be  benefited.  The excess of cost over fair value of net  assets  acquired  was
determined to have a benefit period of forty years,  which was based on Coldwell
Banker's  position as the largest gross revenue producing real estate company in
North American,  the recognition of its brand name in the real estate  brokerage
industry and the longevity of the real estate brokerage business.

Other Acquisitions

     The  estimated  fair  values  of Other  Acquisitions  franchise  agreements
aggregate  $61.0  million and are being  amortized on a straight line basis over
the  periods to be  benefited,  which  range from  twelve to thirty  years.  The
estimated  fair values of Other  Acquisitions  excess of cost over fair value of
net assets acquired  aggregate  $164.2 million and are each being amortized on a
straight line basis over the periods to benefited which are forty years.

G.   Interest expense:

                                                  For the Year        For the Six Months
                                                      Ended                 Ended
                                               December 31, 1995        June 30, 1996   

Elimination of historical interest expense of
   Other Acquisitions and Century 21 ........      $(6,227)                 $(1,493)
Reversal of Coldwell Banker .................       (5,329)                  (3,155)
Century 21 ..................................        2,835                       --
Minority interest - preferred dividends .....        1,796                       --
4-3/4% Notes ...............................         8,698                    1,361
                                                   -------                  -------
Total .......................................      $ 1,773                  $(3,287)
                                                   =======                  ======= 

Century 21

     The pro forma adjustment  reflects the recording of interest expense on $60
million of  borrowings  under the  Company's  revolving  credit  facility  at an
interest rate 6.3%.  Borrowings  represent  the amount  necessary to finance the
initial cash of purchase price net of $10.2 million of acquired cash.

Coldwell Banker

     The pro forma adjustment reflects the reversal of interest expense relating
to the following ($000's):

                                                        For the Year           For the Six Months
                                                           Ended                     Ended
                                                     December 31, 1995            June 30, 1996 

Expense associated with the Owned
     Brokerage Business .....................            $   138                      $  (179)
Expense associated with revolving credit
     facility borrowings which will be repaid
     with proceeds from offering ............              5,191                        3,334
                                                         -------                      -------
Total .......................................            $ 5,329                      $ 3,155
                                                         =======                      =======

Minority interest - preferred dividends:

     The pro forma adjustment  represents  dividends on the redeemable  Series A
Adjustable  Rate  Preferred  Stock  of  Century  21.  Preferred   dividends  are
calculated based on an $80 million face value and a 4.9% dividend rate.

4-3/4% Notes

     The pro forma  adjustment  reflects  interest  expense and  amortization of
deferred financing costs related to the February 22, 1996 issuance of the 4-3/4%
Notes  to the  extent  that  such  proceeds  were  used  to  finance  the  Other

H.   Other expenses

     The pro forma adjustment eliminates $399,000 of accounting, legal and other
administrative  expenses  allocated to CCI which would not have been incurred by
the Company.

I.   Income Taxes

     The pro forma adjustment to income taxes is comprised of ($000's):

                                                      For the Year           For the Six Months
                                                          Ended                   Ended
                                                   December 31, 1995           June 30, 1996   

Reversal of historical (provision) benefit of:
     Company .................................          $ (55,175)                $ (41,746)
     CCI .....................................               (313)                       --
     Century 21 ..............................             (2,097)                       --
     Avis ....................................            (23,977)                   (8,883)
     Coldwell Banker .........................            (24,385)                   10,432
     Travelodge ..............................             (1,132)                       --
Pro forma provision ..........................            136,368                    65,327
                                                        ---------                 ---------
Total ........................................          $  29,289                 $  25,130
                                                        =========                 =========

     The pro forma  effective  tax rates are  approximately  1% higher  than the
Company's  historical  effective tax rates due to non-deductible  excess of cost
over fair vaue of net assets  acquired  to be recorded  in  connection  with the
acquisition of Avis.

J.   Weighted average common and common equivalent shares outstanding

     The pro  forma  adjustment  to  weighted  average  shares  consists  of the
following (000's):

                                                    For the Year        For the Six Months
                                                        Ended                  Ended
                                                  December 31, 1995       June 30, 1996   

CCI ..........................................              896                --
Century 21 ...................................            2,334                --
Avis Offering ................................            5,561             5,561
Coldwell Banker Offering .....................           12,838            10,581
Century 21 NORS ..............................              923               629
                                                         ------            ------
Total ........................................           22,552            16,771
                                                         ======            ======

     The unaudited Pro Forma  Consolidated  Statement of Operations is presented
as if the  acquisitions  took place at the  beginning  of the period  presented;
thus, the stock issuances referred to above are considered outstanding as of the
beginning of the period for purposes of per share calculations.