AVIS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                       AUGUST 31, 1996 AND FEBRUARY 29, 1996
                                 (In thousands)


                                                      August 31,    February 29,
                                                         1996          1996

Cash and cash equivalents ........................   $    75,683    $    49,326
Accounts receivable, net .........................       174,047        144,842
Due from affiliated company ......................       114,976         75,635
Prepaid expenses .................................        45,296         40,227
Vehicles, net ....................................     2,567,517      2,064,943
Property and equipment, net ......................       151,854        146,429
Other assets .....................................       154,035        176,368
Cost in excess of
  fair value of net assets acquired ..............       499,143        506,683
                                                     -----------    -----------

     Total assets ................................   $ 3,782,551    $ 3,204,453
                                                     ===========    ===========


Accounts payable .................................   $   231,159    $   181,920
Accrued liabilities ..............................       208,669        200,870
Current and deferred income taxes ................        39,609         36,339
Public liability and property damage .............       215,135        205,698
Debt .............................................     2,488,651      2,043,143
Due to affiliated company ........................       132,563        122,111
Redeemable preferred stock .......................        72,416         72,409
Redeemable portion of common stock ...............       295,465        295,482
Unearned compensation ............................      (257,751)      (263,024)
Participating convertible preferred stock ........       132,000        132,000
Common stock .....................................           290            290
Additional paid in capital .......................       220,401        215,644
Treasury stock ...................................      (102,269)      (102,252)
Retained earnings ................................       103,339         62,095
Foreign currency equity adjustment ...............         2,874          1,728
                                                     -----------    -----------

Commitments and contingencies

     Total liabilities and stockholders' equity ..   $ 3,782,551    $ 3,204,453
                                                     ===========    ===========

 See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements.

                           AVIS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                   FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED AUGUST 31, 1996 AND
                                  AUGUST 31, 1995
                                 (In thousands)


                                                           Six Months Ended
                                                       August 31,     August 31,
                                                           1996           1995
                                                       ---------      ----------

Revenues .........................................    $1,069,005      $ 851,724
                                                       ---------      ---------

Cost and expenses:
  Direct operating ...............................       454,302        353,413
  Vehicle depreciation ...........................       199,927        186,257
  Vehicle lease charges ..........................        74,080         67,358
  Selling, general and administrative ............       163,559        109,460
  Interest .......................................        80,938         72,365

Unrealized foreign exchange loss .................             -            471

Amortization of unearned compensation -
  Employee Stock Ownership Plan ..................         7,902          7,902

Amortization of cost in excess of fair value of net
assets acquired and other intangibles ............         8,355          8,112
                                                       ---------      ---------

Income before income taxes and preferred
  stock dividends ................................        79,942         46,386

Provision for income taxes .......................        35,363         24,948
                                                       ---------      ---------

Net income .......................................        44,579         21,438

Preferred stock dividends ........................        (3,328)        (4,384)
                                                       ---------      ---------

Income available for common shares ...............     $  41,251      $  17,054
                                                       =========      =========

 See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements.

                                   AVIS, INC.
                     FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED AUGUST 31, 1996
                                 (In thousands)


                                                      Common Stock     Preferred Stock 
                                                  -----------------   -----------------                          Foreign
                                                          Additional         Additional  Treasury                currency
                                                   Par     paid-in     Par    paid-in      stock      Retained   equity
                                                  value    capital    value   capital    (at cost)    earnings   adjustment
                                                  -----   ---------   -----  ----------  ----------   ---------  ---------- 


Balance March 1, 1996 .........................   $ 290   $ 215,644   $  98  $ 131,902   $(102,252)   $  62,095  $   1,728

Net income for the six months ended
   August 31, 1996 ...............................                                                       44,579

Tax benefit of ESOP income tax deductions
  for the six months ended August 31, 1996 .....              4,740

Foreign currency equity adjustment for the
  six months ended August 31, 1996 .............                                                                      1,146

Payment of common and preferred stock dividends                                                          (3,328)

Change in redeemable portion of common stock ..                  17

Purchase of treasury stock (1,381 shares) .....                                                (17)

Appropriation for amortization of discount
  from redemption value of preferred stock ....                                                              (7)
                                                 ------   ---------  ------  ---------   ---------    ---------   ---------

Balance August 31, 1996 .......................  $  290   $ 220,401  $   98  $ 131,902   $(102,269)   $ 103,339   $   2,874
                                                 ======   =========  ======   =========  =========    =========   ========= 

 See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements.

                           AVIS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
            FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED AUGUST 31, 1996 AND AUGUST 31, 1995
                                 (In thousands)
                Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

                                                                Six Months Ended
                                                             August 31,   August 31,
                                                               1996         1995
                                                           ------------   ----------
Net cash provided by operating activities ...............  $   362,655  $   232,207

Cash flows from investing activities:
    Payments for vehicle additions ......................   (1,518,932)  (1,066,329)
    Proceeds received  from vehicle sales ...............      750,245      549,648
    Payments for additions to property and equipment, net      (14,379)     (14,962)
                                                            ----------   -----------
Net cash used in investing activities ...................     (783,066)    (531,643)

Cash flows from financing activities:
    Increase in debt and due to affiliated company ......      452,714      318,387
    Increase in deferred debt issuance costs ............          (98)      (1,530)
    Payment of preferred stock dividends ................       (3,328)      (4,384)
    Purchase of treasury stock ..........................          (17)           -
    Increase in unearned compensation ...................       (2,629)      (1,092)
                                                               --------    ---------
Net cash provided by financing activities ...............      446,642      311,381

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash .................          126          (34)
                                                             ---------    ---------

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents ...............       26,357       11,911
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period ........       49,326       36,643
                                                             ---------    ---------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period ..............    $  75,683    $  48,554
                                                             =========    =========

Supplemental disclosure of cash flows information:
    Cash paid during the period for:
      Interest ..........................................    $  78,717    $  69,621
      Income taxes ......................................        5,355        3,204

     Disclosure of accounting  policy: For purposes of reporting cash flows, the
Company considers  deposits and short-term  investments with an initial maturity
of three months or less to be cash equivalents. The effect of unrealized foreign
currency  revaluations on the assets and liabilities of foreign subsidiaries has
been  eliminated.  Changes in vehicles and vehicle related accounts are included
in the cash flows  from  investing  activities.  See  accompanying  notes to the
consolidated financial statements.

                           AVIS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

Note 1 - Organization and Significant Accounting Policies 

     In 1987,  the trust for the Employee  Stock  Ownership Plan (ESOP) of Avis,
Inc. (the Company) acquired all the outstanding  common stock of Avis, Inc. This
transaction  has been accounted for as a purchase in accordance  with Accounting
Principles  Board  Opinion  No. 16.  Accordingly,  the  purchase  price has been
allocated  based  on the  estimated  fair  value  of  the  assets  acquired  and
liabilities assumed. The excess of the purchase price over the fair value of the
Company's  net assets is included in "Cost in excess of fair value of net assets
acquired" on the consolidated balance sheet.

     The  Company's   primary  business  is  the  rental  of  automobiles.   The
consolidated  financial  statements  include the accounts of all  majority-owned
subsidiaries of Avis, Inc.  combined with related accounts of the ESOP and Prime
Vehicles Trust.  Intercompany  accounts and  transactions  among Avis, Inc., its
subsidiaries,  the ESOP and  Prime  Vehicles  Trust  (Vehicle  Trust)  have been
eliminated.  During the year ended February 29, 1996,  the Company  acquired the
rights to the name and  certain  assets of Agency  Rent A Car,  Inc.,  a company
primarily engaged in the insurance replacement car rental business.  Investments
in  associated  companies  in which the  Company  has a 20  percent  or  greater
interest are  accounted  for under the equity  method of  accounting.  Generally
accepted accounting  principles require the use of estimates,  which are subject
to change,  in the preparation of financial  statements.  Certain amounts of the
prior period have been reclassified for comparability.

     The unaudited interim  financial  statements at August 31, 1996 and for the
six months ended August 31, 1996 and 1995 have been prepared in accordance  with
generally  accepted  accounting  principles,  and in the  opinion of the Company
include  all  adjustments,  consisting  only of  normal  recurring  adjustments,
necessary for a fair statement of the results of the interim period.

Note 2 - Gain on Sale of Leasehold Right

     In April,  1996 the Company sold a leasehold right and recognized a pre-tax
gain of approximately $4.4 million.

Note 3 - Vehicles

     Vehicles are stated at cost, net of accumulated depreciation as follows (in
                                                   August               August
                                                  31, 1996             31, 1995
                                                ----------          -----------

Vehicles ...............................        $ 2,946,820         $ 2,435,234
Accumulated depreciation ...............           (379,303)           (307,896)
                                                -----------         ----------- 
                                                $ 2,567,517         $ 2,127,338
                                                ===========         ===========

     Included in vehicles are vehicles  acquired under long-term  capital leases
of $21,496,000 and $38,693,000  (net of accumulated  depreciation of $63,437,000
and $46,240,000) at August 31, 1996 and August 31, 1995, respectively.

Vehicles also include vehicles held for sale as follows (in thousands):

                                                       August            August
                                                     31, 1996           31, 1995
                                                     --------          ---------
Vehicles held for sale .....................         $ 26,572          $ 23,873
Accumulated depreciation ...................           (4,145)           (3,693)
                                                     --------          -------- 
                                                     $ 22,427          $ 20,180
                                                     ========          ========

     Depreciation   expense   recorded  for  vehicles   was   $199,927,000   and
$186,257,000,  net  of a  gain  on  disposal  of  vehicles  of  $31,109,000  and
$9,461,000  for the six  months  ended  August 31,  1996 and  August  31,  1995,

Note 4 - Income Taxes

     The provision  (benefit) for income taxes is comprised of the following (in
                                                           Six Months Ended
                                                       August 31,    August 31,
                                                           1996           1995
                                                       ---------      ---------

   State .........................................      $  1,092       $    704
   Foreign .......................................         2,852          3,789
                                                        --------       --------
                                                           3,944          4,493
                                                        --------       --------

   Federal .......................................        27,255         17,106
   Foreign .......................................         4,164          3,349
                                                        --------       --------
                                                          31,419         20,455
                                                        --------       --------
Provision for income taxes .......................        35,363         24,948

Less:     Federal tax benefit of ESOP income tax
          deductions credited to stockholders'
          equity under SFAS No. 109 ..............        (4,740)        (6,482)
                                                        --------       --------
                                                        $ 30,623       $ 18,466
                                                        ========       ========

     The Company derives an income tax deduction for dividend  distributions  to
the ESOP. The ESOP repays the same amount to the Company to reduce the ESOP debt
due to the Company.

     The effective income tax rate varies from the federal  statutory income tax
rate due to the following: 

                                                            Six Months Ended
                                                        August 31      August 31
                                                           1996           1995
                                                        ---------      --------

Statutory U.S. federal income tax rate ...............     35.0%          35.0%
Tax effect of foreign operations  ....................      4.9            5.6
Amortization of cost in excess of net
  assets acquired and other intangibles ..............      2.7            4.8
Foreign dividends and withholding tax ................      0.5            7.0
State income taxes, net of federal
  tax benefit ........................................      0.9            1.0
Other ................................................      0.2            0.4
                                                          -----         ------
    Provision for income taxes .......................     44.2           53.8
                                                          -----         ------
Tax benefit of ESOP income tax
  deductions credited to stockholders'
      equity under SFAS No. 109                            (5.9)         (14.0)
                                                          ------        -------

Effective income tax rate ....... ....................     38.3%          39.8%
                                                          ======        ======= 

Note 5 - Subsequent Event

     On October 17, 1996, HFS Incorporated  ("HFS") completed the acquisition of
all of the outstanding  capital stock of the Company,  including  payments under
certain employee stock plans of the Company and the redemption of certain series
of preferred stock of the Company for an aggregate $806.5 million.  The purchase
price was comprised of approximately  $367.2 million in cash,  $100.9 million in
indebtedness and $338.4 million (approximately 4.6 million shares) in HFS common

Note 6 - Litigation

     On May 22, 1996 a complaint was filed in the United States  District  Court
for Eastern  District of North  Carolina  against  Avis Rent A Car System,  Inc.
(ARACS) and one of its  licensees,  New Hanover  Rent-A-Car,  Inc. (New Hanover)
alleging  discrimination  by New Hanover in the rental of  automobiles  based on
race. Plaintiff seeks an unspecified amount of compensatory and punitive damages
and a permanent  injunction  barring  ARACS and New Hanover from  continuing  to
engage in  illegally  discriminatory  conduct.  ARACS has  asserted  claims  for
indemnification  against  New  Hanover  and  intends  to  vigorously  defend the
complaint.   ARACS  believes  that  it  has  meritorious  defenses  against  the
complaint.  In the  opinion  of  management,  the  ultimate  liability,  if any,
resulting  from  this  matter  will not have a  material  adverse  effect on the
Company's consolidated financial position.