Stamford,  CT and Parsippany,  NJ, April 15, 1998 - Cendant  Corporation  (NYSE:
CD)  today  reported  that,  in  the  course  of  transferring
responsibility   for  the   Company's   accounting   functions  from former  CUC
International Inc. personnel to former HFS Incorporated accounting personnel and
preparing for the reporting of first  quarter 1998  results,  it has  discovered
potential  accounting  irregularities in certain former CUC business units which
are part of Cendant's  Alliance  Marketing  division  (formerly  the  Membership
segment).  Accordingly,  Cendant said it expects to restate annual and quarterly
net  income  and  earnings  per share  for 1997 and may  restate  certain  other
previous periods related to the former CUC businesses.

Based on presently available information, the effect on 1997 results is expected
to be a reduction to net income prior to  restructuring  and unusual  charges of
approximately  $100 to $115  million  and  earnings  per share by about 11 to 13
cents,  respectively.  In 1997, the Company had  previously  reported net income
prior to  restructuring  and unusual  charges of $872  million and  earnings per
share of $1.00.

Cendant said that the potential accounting irregularities are limited to certain
former CUC businesses,  which accounted for less than one third in Cendant's net
income in 1997. it said all its current businesses  continue to perform strongly
and that its  anticipated  percentage  growth of earnings per share in 1998 over
restated  1997  appeared  achievable.  Cendant  expects  to meet or  exceed  the
currently  forecasted Wall Street  consensus  estimate of 25 cents per share for
the quarter of 1998.  However,  since 1997 earnings per share will be reduced by
about 11 to 13 cents,  the  Company  anticipates  that 1998  full-year  earnings
expectations  will be reduced  from  current  levels by  approximately  the same

Henry R.  Silverman,  President  and CEO,  said:  "Cendant  remains a strong and
highly liquid  company.  Our businesses are very healthy and growing,  but we're
growing off a lower base than we had been  previously  led to believe by certain
members of the former CUC management."

The Company also stated it remains  committed to  completion  of the  previously
announced American Bankers, National Parking Corporation and Providian Insurance

The Company said that upon discovering the potential accounting  irregularities,
it, together with its counsel, Skadden, Arps, Slate Meagher & Flom LLP, assisted
by auditors,  immediately began an intensive  investigation.  As a result of the
discovery  and  information  developed  to date,  Cendant  has taken a number of

o    It has informed the appropriate regulatory authorities;

o    The Audit  Committee of the Board of Directors  has engaged  Willkie Farr &
     Gallagher as special  legal  counsel,  and Willkie Farr has engaged  Arthur
     Andersen LLP to perform an independent investigation;

o    The Company has  assigned all  accounting,  finance,  financial  reporting,
     budget, systems and control functions to the former HFS finance staff; and

o    The  Company  has asked  counsel  to  explore  litigation  against  certain
     officers of the former CUC as well as other potential defendants.

In  addition,  the Company will take  appropriate  action,  including  immediate
terminations,   with  respect  to  those   individuals  whom  the  investigation
establishes have had any involvement in or knowledge of the potential accounting
irregularities.  The Company expects that the  investigation its Audit Committee
has commenced will establish the identity of such individuals.

Silverman  said:  "We're outraged by the actions of a small number of former CUC
employees  who betrayed the trust that was placed in them by the Company and our
fellow  shareholders.  We are taking  the  appropriate  steps to  address  those
actions.  The Company will continue to pursue  aggressively  the independent and
internal investigations that are underway and will take whatever further actions
are necessary based on the results of that comprehensive inquiry."

The Company  said it would not comment  further on this matter until the ongoing
investigation  has  been  completed  and  the  results  presented  to its  Audit
Committee and Board of Directors.

In  accordance  with  SAS No.  1,  the  Company's  previously  issued  financial
statements and auditors'  reports should not be relied upon.  Revised  financial
statements  and  auditors'  reports  will  be  issued  upon  completion  of  the

Cendant is the  world's  premier  provider of consumer  and  business  services.
Cendant operates in three principal  segments:  Alliance  Marketing,  Travel and
Real Estate Services. In Alliance Marketing,  Cendant provides access to travel,
shopping,  auto,  dining  and other  services  through  more  than 66.5  million
memberships worldwide. In Travel Services,  Cendant is the leading franchisor of
hotels and rental car  agencies  worldwide,  the  premier  provider  of vacation
exchange  services and the second  largest  fleet  management  company.  In Real
Estate Services,  Cendant is the world's largest  franchisor of residential real
estate brokerage offices, a major provider of mortgage services to consumers and
a global leader in corporate employee relocation.  Headquartered in Stamford, CT
and Parsippany, NJ, Cendant has more than 34,000 employees, operates in over 100
countries and makes approximately 100 million customer contacts annually.

Certain matters discussed in the news release are forward-looking statements, as
defined  in  the  Private  Securities   Litigation  Reform  Act  of  1995.  Such
forward-looking  statements  are subject to a number of known and unknown  risks
and  uncertainties  including,  but not  limited  to,  the  outcome of the Audit
Committee's investigation; uncertainty as to the Company's future profitability;
the Company's ability to develop and implement operational and financial systems
to manage rapidly growing operations;  competition in the Company's existing and
potential  future  lines of business;  the  Company's  ability to integrate  and
operate successfully acquired businesses

and the risks associated with such businesses;  the Company's  ability to obtain
financing on acceptable  terms to finance the Company's  growth strategy and for
the Company to operate within the limitations imposed by financing arrangements;
uncertainty as to the future  profitability  of acquired  businesses;  and other
factors.  Other factors and assumptions not identified  above were also involved
in the derivation of these forward-looking  statements,  and the failure of such
other  assumptions to be realized as well as other factors may also cause actual
results  to differ  materially  from those  projected.  The  Company  assumes no
obligation  to update  these  forward-  looking  statements  to  reflect  actual
results,  changes in  assumptions  or changes in other  factors  affecting  such
forward-looking statements.