WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    Form 10-Q
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                  For the quarterly period ended March 31, 1998
                           Commission File No. 1-10308


                               Cendant Corporation
             (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

         Delaware                                              06-0918165
(State or other jurisdiction                                 (I.R.S. Employer
    of incorporation or                                   Identification Number)

       6 Sylvan Way
   Parsippany, New Jersey                                         07054
(Address of principal executive                               (Zip Code)

                                 (973) 428-9700
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

                                 Not Applicable
       (Former name, former address and former fiscal year, if applicable)


     Indicate  by check mark  whether the  Registrant  (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  and Exchange Act
of 1934  during the  preceding  12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the
Registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days: Yes [X] No [ ]


     The number of shares  outstanding  of each of the  Registrant's  classes of
common stock was  851,235,799  shares of Common Stock  outstanding as of May 14,

                                EXPLANATORY NOTE

As  discussed  in Note 1 and  Note 10 to the  condensed  consolidated  financial
statements of Cendant  Corporation (the "Company")  included herein, the Company
has discovered accounting irregularities in certain former business units of CUC
International  Inc.  which  are now  part of the  Company's  Alliance  Marketing
Division  (formerly the  Membership  segment).  Upon  management's  discovery of
accounting  irregularities,  the  Audit  Committee  of the  Company's  Board  of
Directors engaged special legal counsel and independent auditors to assist it in
an  investigation.  The results of this  investigation  may impact the unaudited
first  quarter  1998  results set forth  herein,  although  management  does not
believe any impact to be material.  Also,  the Company  will restate  previously
reported  quarterly  and  annual  results  of  operations,  including  the  1997
financial  information  set forth  herein.  Management  believes that 1998 first
quarter  results of  operations  were compiled in  accordance  with  appropriate
accounting practices, and reflect the elimination of known historical accounting
irregularities  currently  under  investigation  by the Audit  Committee  of the
Company's Board of Directors;  however, the balance sheets at March 31, 1998 and
December  31, 1997 have not been  adjusted to reflect,  among other  things,  an
approximate  $100  million   overstatement  in  cash  since  the   corresponding
adjustment to the statement of financial  position is unknown at this time.  The
1997 financial  information set forth herein is presented as previously reported
and includes certain reclassifications  necessary to conform to the current year
presentation; however, such 1997 financial information has not been adjusted for
any historical  accounting  irregularities  currently under  investigation.  The
Audit Committee's  investigation and the related  restatement are expected to be
completed during the summer of 1998.

                      Cendant Corporation and Subsidiaries


     Item 1 - Financial Statements
                  Consolidated Balance Sheets -
                      March 31, 1998 and December 31, 1997                     

                  Consolidated Statements of Income - Three
                      Months Ended March 31, 1998 and 1997                     

                  Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows -
                      Three Months Ended March 31, 1998 and 1997               

     Item 2 - Management=s Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                  Condition and Results of Operations                         

     Item 3 - Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk      


     Item 1 - Legal Proceedings                                               
     Item 6 - Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                               

     Certain  statements  in  this  Quarterly  Report  on Form  10-Q  constitute
"forward-looking  statements"  within  the  meaning  of the  Private  Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve known and
unknown  risks,  uncertainties  and other  factors  which  may cause the  actual
results,  performance, or achievements of the Company to be materially different
from any future results,  performance,  or achievements  expressed or implied by
such forward-looking statements.  These forward-looking statements were based on
various factors and were derived utilizing  numerous  important  assumptions and
other  important  factors that could cause actual  results to differ  materially
from those in the forward-looking  statements.  Important  assumptions and other
important  factors that could cause  actual  results to differ  materially  from
those in the forward-looking  statements,  include,  but are not limited to: the
outcome of the  investigation  of the Audit  Committee of the Company's Board of
Directors into the accounting  irregularities discussed in the Explanatory Note;
the  outcome  of  pending  or  future  litigation  relating  to such  accounting
irregularities;  uncertainty  as to  the  Company's  future  profitability;  the
Company's ability to develop and implement  operational and financial systems to
manage rapidly  growing  operations;  competition in the Company's  existing and
potential  future  lines of business;  the  Company's  ability to integrate  and
operate  successfully  acquired  businesses and the risks  associated  with such
businesses;  the Company's  ability to obtain  financing on acceptable  terms to
finance the Company's  growth strategy and for the Company to operate within the
limitations  imposed by  financing  arrangements;  uncertainty  as to the future
profitability  of acquired  businesses,  and other  factors.  Other  factors and
assumptions  not identified  above were also involved in the derivation of these
forward-looking  statements,  and the  failure of such other  assumptions  to be
realized  as well as other  factors  may also  cause  actual  results  to differ
materially  from those  projected.  The Company  assumes no obligation to update
these  forward-looking   statements  to  reflect  actual  results,   changes  in
assumptions  or  changes  in  other  factors   affecting  such   forward-looking


ITEM 1 - Financial Statements

                      Cendant Corporation and Subsidiaries
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                        (In millions, except share data)

                                                                                                   March 31,  December 31,
                                                                                                       1998        1997
                                                                                                  ----------- ------------

Current assets
   Cash and cash equivalents ..................................................................   $   259.4    $     149.5
   Receivables, net ...........................................................................     1,691.6       1,648.8
   Other current assets .......................................................................       765.3         777.0
                                                                                                  ---------     ---------

Total current assets ..........................................................................     2,716.3       2,575.3
                                                                                                  ---------     ---------

   Deferred membership acquisition costs ......................................................       437.5          424.5
   Franchise agreements, net ..................................................................       900.2          890.3
   Goodwill, net ..............................................................................     3,412.4        2,467.0
   Other intangibles, net .....................................................................     1,034.3         897.8
   Other assets ...............................................................................     1,359.0       1,152.6
                                                                                                  ---------     ---------

Total assets exclusive of assets under programs ...............................................     9,859.7       8,407.5
                                                                                                  ---------     ---------

Assets under management and mortgage programs
   Net investment in leases and leased vehicles ...............................................     3,812.6       3,659.1
   Relocation receivables .....................................................................       649.7       775.3
   Mortgage loans held for sale ...............................................................     1,795.8       1,636.3
   Mortgage servicing rights ..................................................................       408.9         373.0
                                                                                                  ---------     ---------
                                                                                                    6,667.0       6,443.7
                                                                                                  ---------     ---------

Total assets .................................................................................. $  16,526.7   $  14,851.2
                                                                                                  =========     =========

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements

                      Cendant Corporation and Subsidiaries
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                        (In millions, except share data)

                                                                                                March 31,   December 31,
                                                                                                    1998         1997
                                                                                               ---------    -----------
Liabilities and shareholders' equity
Accounts payable and other current liabilities .............................................   $ 1,691.4    $   1,742.8
                                                                                               ---------      ---------

Deferred income ............................................................................     1,046.5        1,197.2
Long-term debt .............................................................................     1,106.4        1,348.3
Other noncurrent liabilities ...............................................................       245.4          187.1
                                                                                               ---------      ---------

Total liabilities exclusive of liabilities under programs ..................................     4,089.7        4,475.4
                                                                                               ---------      ---------

Liabilities under management and mortgage programs
   Debt ....................................................................................     5,796.9        5,602.6
                                                                                               ---------      ---------
   Deferred income taxes ...................................................................       298.5          295.7
                                                                                               ---------      ---------

Mandatorily redeemable preferred securities issued by subsidiaries .........................     1,447.0           --
Commitments and contingencies

Shareholders' Equity
Preferred stock, $.01 par value - authorized
   10 million shares; none issued and outstanding ..........................................      --               --
Common stock, $.01 par value - authorized
   2 billion shares; issued 852,284,508
   and 838,333,800 shares, respectively ....................................................         8.6            8.4
Additional paid-in capital .................................................................     3,259.2        3,059.9
Retained earnings ..........................................................................     1,759.5        1,530.0
Accumulated other comprehensive loss .......................................................       (55.0)         (43.0)
Restricted stock, deferred compensation ....................................................        (3.3)          (3.4)
Treasury stock, at cost 6,750,546 shares ...................................................       (74.4)         (74.4)
                                                                                               ---------    -----------

Total shareholders' equity .................................................................     4,894.6        4,477.5
                                                                                               ---------      ---------

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity ................................................. $  16,526.7    $  14,851.2
                                                                                               =========      =========

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements

                      Cendant Corporation and Subsidiaries
                      (In millions, except per share data)

                                                                                      Three Months Ended
                                                                                            March 31,
                                                                                         1998            1997
                                                                                -------------    ------------

   Membership and service fees, net .........................................   $     1,252.9    $   1,027.1
   Fleet leasing (net of depreciation and interest costs of
     $315.6 and $286.1, respectively) .......................................            15.3           15.3
   Other ....................................................................           168.4          115.6
                                                                                  -----------    -----------
Net revenues ................................................................         1,436.6        1,158.0
                                                                                  -----------    -----------

   Operating ................................................................           425.3          360.7
   Marketing and reservation ................................................           342.4          276.9
   General and administrative ...............................................           198.6          169.1
   Depreciation and amortization ............................................            78.4           60.9
   Interest, net ............................................................            23.4           12.3
                                                                      .           -----------    -----------
Total expenses ..............................................................         1,068.1          879.9
                                                                                  -----------    -----------

Income before income taxes and minority interest ............................           368.5          278.1
Provision for income taxes ..................................................           134.1          112.2
                                                                                  -----------    -----------

Income before minority interest .............................................           234.4          165.9

Minority interest, net ......................................................            (4.9)        --
                                                                                  -----------    -----------

Net income ....................................................................   $     229.5    $     165.9
                                                                                  ===========    ===========

Per share information:
Net income per share
   Basic ......................................................................   $      0.27    $      0.21
                                                                                  ===========    ===========
   Diluted .............................................................. .....   $     0.26            0.19
                                                                                  ===========    ===========

Weighted average shares
   Basic ......................................................................       838,733        799,404
   Diluted ....................................................................       908,543        877,107

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements

                      Cendant Corporation and Subsidiaries
                                  (In millions)

                                                                                     Three Months Ended
                                                                                            March 31,
                                                                                         1998       1997
                                                                                     --------    -------

Operating Activities
Net income .....................................................................   $    229.5  $   165.9
Merger-related payments ........................................................       (131.6)      --

Depreciation and amortization ..................................................         78.4       52.6

Management and mortgage programs:
   Depreciation and amortization under management and mortgage programs ........        278.5      281.4
   Mortgage loans held for sale ................................................       (159.4)      32.9
                                                                                     --------    -------
                                                                                        119.1      314.3
                                                                                     --------    -------

Other, net .....................................................................        (97.4)    (116.8)
                                                                                     --------    -------

Net cash provided by operating activities ......................................        198.0      416.0
                                                                                     --------    -------

Investing Activities
Property and equipment additions ...............................................        (66.5)     (32.3)
Loans and investments ..........................................................       (139.2)     (24.8)
Proceeds from sales of marketable securities ...................................       --           42.6
Purchases of marketable securities .............................................       --         (314.3)
Net assets acquired, exclusive of cash acquired
   and acquisition-related payments ............................................     (1,126.8)     (84.7)
Other, net .....................................................................         41.3        7.0
                                                                                     --------    -------
                                                                                     (1,291.2)    (406.5)
                                                                                     --------    -------

Management and mortgage programs:
   Investment in leases and leased vehicles ....................................       (626.2)    (690.2)
   Payments received on investment in leases and leased vehicles ...............        222.0      268.8
   Proceeds from sales and transfers of lease and leased vehicles to
      third parties ............................................................         27.3       84.8
   Equity advances on homes under management ...................................     (1,436.8)    (900.6)
   Repayment of advances on homes under management .............................      1,564.5      962.1
   Additions to originated mortgage servicing rights ...........................       (109.5)     (41.7)
   Proceeds from sales of mortgage servicing rights ............................         39.9     --
                                                                                     --------    -------
                                                                                       (318.8)    (316.8)
                                                                                     --------    -------

Net cash used in investing activities ..........................................     (1,610.0)    (723.3)
                                                                                     --------    -------

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                                                                                   Three Months Ended
                                                                                         March 31,
                                                                                      1998       1997
                                                                                  --------    ------
Financing Activities
Proceeds from borrowings ....................................................    $   --      $   236.4
Principal payments on borrowings .........................................  ..       (239.5)     (31.1)
Issuance of convertible debt .................................................       --          542.7
Issuance of common stock .....................................................        143.9       36.2
Purchases of common stock ....................................................       --         (171.3)
Proceeds from mandatorily redeemable preferred securities
   issued by subsidiaries, net ...............................................      1,447.0     --
Other, net ...................................................................       --           (1.2)
                                                                                   --------    -------
                                                                                    1,351.4      611.7
                                                                                   --------    -------

Management and mortgage programs:
   Proceeds from debt issuance or borrowings .................................        983.8      324.5
   Principal payments on borrowings ..........................................       (449.1)    (880.1)
   Net change in short-term borrowings .......................................       (340.4)     422.6
                                                                                   --------    -------
                                                                                      194.3     (133.0)
                                                                                   --------    -------

Net cash provided by financing activities ....................................      1,545.7      478.7
                                                                                   --------    -------

Effect of changes in exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents .............        (23.8)      36.7
                                                                                   --------    -------

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents ....................................        109.9      208.1
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period ...............................        149.5      633.9
                                                                                   --------    -------

Cash and cash equivalents, end of period .....................................   $    259.4  $   842.0
                                                                                   ========    =======

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements

                      Cendant Corporation and Subsidiaries

1.   Basis of Presentation

     Cendant Corporation,  together with its subsidiaries and its joint ventures
     (the  "Company"),  is a leading  global  provider of consumer  and business
     services. The Company was created through the merger (the "Cendant Merger")
     of HFS Incorporated  ("HFS") and CUC International Inc. ("CUC") in December
     1997. The Company  provides all the services  formerly  provided by each of
     HFS  and  CUC,  including   technology-driven   membership-based   consumer
     services, travel services and real estate services.

     The  consolidated  balance  sheet of the  Company as of March 31,  1998 and
     consolidated statements of income and cash flows for the three months ended
     March  31,  1998 and  1997 are  unaudited.  The  accompanying  consolidated
     financial  statements  include the accounts and transactions of the Company
     and all wholly-owned  subsidiaries.  All material intercompany balances and
     transactions  have  been  eliminated  in  consolidation.   Subject  to  the
     exceptions   described   below,  the   accompanying   unaudited   condensed
     consolidated  financial  statements  have been prepared in accordance  with
     generally accepted accounting  principles for interim financial information
     and with the  instructions  to Form 10-Q and Rule 10-01 of Regulation  S-X.
     Accordingly,  they do not  include  all of the  information  and  footnotes
     required by generally accepted accounting principles for complete financial

     As  publicly  announced  on April 15,  1998,  the  Company  has  discovered
     accounting  irregularities  in  certain  business  units of CUC,  which now
     comprise part of the Company's  Alliance Marketing Division (formerly known
     as the Membership  segment) and the Audit  Committee of the Company's Board
     of Directors  has  initiated an  investigation  into such matters (See note
     10). The results of this investigation into these accounting irregularities
     may impact the  unaudited  first  quarter  1998  results set forth  herein,
     although  management  does not expect it to be material.  Also, the Company
     will restate previously  reported  quarterly and annual results,  including
     the 1997  financial  information  set forth herein.  The Audit  Committee's
     investigation  and the related  restatement  is  expected  to be  completed
     during  the summer of 1998.  Management  believes  that 1998 first  quarter
     results  of  operations  were  compiled  in  accordance  with   appropriate
     accounting  practices,  and reflect  the  elimination  of known  historical
     accounting  irregularities  currently  under  investigation  by  the  Audit
     Committee of the Company's Board of Directors;  however,  the balance sheet
     at March 31, 1998 and December 31, 1997 have not been  adjusted to reflect,
     among other things, an approximate $100 million overstatement in cash since
     the  corresponding  adjustment  to the  statement of financial  position is
     unknown at this time.  The 1997 financial  information  set forth herein is
     presented as  previously  reported and includes  certain  reclassifications
     necessary to conform to the current year presentation,  however,  such 1997
     financial  information has not been adjusted for any historical  accounting
     irregularities currently under investigation.  Subject to the foregoing, in
     the opinion of the Company's  management,  all  adjustments  (consisting of
     normal recurring  accruals)  considered  necessary for a fair  presentation
     have been included.  Operating results for the three months ended March 31,
     1998 are not necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for
     the year ending December 31, 1998.

2.   Earnings Per Share

     Basic  earnings per share ("EPS") is computed  based solely on the weighted
     average number of common shares outstanding during the period.  Diluted EPS
     reflects  all  potential  dilution  of common  stock and is  calculated  as

                                                                                    Three Months Ended
                                                                                           March 31,
     (In millions, except per share amounts)                                         1998            1997
                                                                                  -----------    ----------
     Net income                                                                   $    229.5     $     165.9
     Convertible debt interest                                                           3.1             3.6
                                                                                  ----------     -----------
     Net income, as adjusted                                                      $    232.6     $     169.5
                                                                                  ==========     ===========

     Weighted average shares - basic                                                   838.7           799.4
     Potential dilution of common stock:
         Stock options                                                                  49.7            39.8
         Convertible debt                                                               20.1            37.9
                                                                                  ----------     -----------
     Weighted average shares - diluted                                                 908.5           877.1
                                                                                  ==========     ===========

     Basic EPS                                                                    $      .27     $       .21
                                                                                  ==========     ===========

     Diluted EPS                                                                  $      .26     $       .19
                                                                                  ==========     ===========

3.   Comprehensive Income

     The Company  adopted  Statement of Accounting  Standards No. 130 "Reporting
     Comprehensive  Income" effective January 1, 1998. The statement establishes
     standards for reporting and display of an  alternative  income  measurement
     and its components in the financial statements.

     Components of comprehensive income is summarized as follows:

                                                                                      Three Months Ended
                                                                                            March 31,
     (In millions)                                                                   1998            1997
                                                                                  -----------    -----------
     Net income                                                                   $    229.5     $     165.9
     Other comprehensive income, net of tax:
         Currency translation adjustment                                               (13.5)          (13.2)
     Unrealized gain (losses) on marketable securities:
         Unrealized holding gains arising during the period                              1.5               -
         Reclassification adjustment for gains included
           in earnings                                                                      -           (4.3)
                                                                                  -----------    ------------
     Other comprehensive loss                                                          (12.0)          (17.5)
                                                                                  -----------    ------------

     Comprehensive income                                                         $    217.5     $     148.4
                                                                                  ==========     ===========

     The components of accumulated other comprehensive income are as follows:

                                                                                   March 31,     December 31,
     (In millions)                                                                   1998            1997
                                                                                  -----------    ------------
     Unrealized loss on marketable securities, net of tax                         $      -       $      (1.5)
     Cumulative currency translation adjustment                                        (55.0)          (41.5)
                                                                                  -----------    ------------
                                                                                  $    (55.0)    $     (43.0)
                                                                                  ===========    ============

4.   Business Combinations

     The  acquisitions  discussed  below were  accounted  for using the purchase
     method of accounting.  Accordingly, assets acquired and liabilities assumed
     were recorded at their  estimated fair values.  Excess  purchase price over
     fair value of the underlying net assets  acquired is allocated to goodwill.
     Goodwill is amortized on a straight-line  basis over the estimated  benefit
     periods, ranging from 7 to 40 years. The operating results of such acquired
     companies are included in the Company's  consolidated  statements of income
     since the  respective  dates of  acquisition.  The pro forma effect of such
     acquisitions is not material to prior periods.

     The  following  table  reflects  the fair  values  of assets  acquired  and
     liabilities   assumed  in  connection   with  the  Company's   acquisitions
     consummated  and other  acquisition-related  payments made during the three
     months ended March 31, 1998.

     (In millions)
     Total consideration:
     Cash paid (net of $17.9 million of cash acquired)          $   1,126.8

     Assets acquired                                                  202.5
     Liabilities assumed                                               47.2
     Fair value of identifiable net assets acquired                   155.3
     Goodwill                                                   $     971.5

     Harpur Group. On January 20, 1998, the Company completed the acquisition of
     The  Harpur  Group  Ltd.  ("Harpur"),  a  leading  fuel  card  and  vehicle
     management  company in the United Kingdom  ("UK"),  from privately held H-G
     Holdings,  Inc.  for  approximately  $186.0  million  in cash  plus  future
     contingent payments of up to $20.0 million over the next two years.

     Jackson Hewitt.  On January 7, 1998, the Company  completed the acquisition
     of Jackson Hewitt Inc. ("Jackson Hewitt"), for approximately $480.0 million
     in cash or $68 per share of Jackson  Hewitt  common stock.  Jackson  Hewitt
     operates the second largest tax preparation service franchise system in the
     United  States with  locations in 41 states.  Jackson  Hewitt  franchises a
     system of  approximately  2,050  offices that  specialize  in  computerized
     preparation of federal and state individual income tax returns.

     Other 1998  Acquisitions  and  Acquisition-related  Payments.  The  Company
     acquired certain entities for an aggregate  purchase price of approximately
     $378.7 million in cash during the first quarter of 1998. Additionally,  the
     Company  made  a  $100  million  cash  payment  to  the  seller  of  Resort
     Condominiums  International,  Inc. in satisfaction of a contingent purchase

5.   Merger - Related Costs and Other Unusual Charges

     The Company  incurred  merger-related  costs and other  unusual  charges of
     $844.9 million ($589.8  million,  after tax) associated with and coincident
     to the  Cendant  Merger and the fourth  quarter  1997 merger with Hebdo Mag
     International  Inc.   (collectively,   the  "Cendant  Merger  Charge").  In
     addition,  the Company  recorded a one-time  merger and  related  charge of
     $303.0  million  ($227.0  million,  after tax) during the second quarter of
     1997 (the "PHH Merger  Charge"),  coincident  to the  Company's  April 1997
     merger with PHH Corporation ("PHH).

     Cendant  Merger  Charge.   Cumulative   payments  of  $309.5  and  non-cash
     write-offs of $208.3  million were recorded  against the Cendant Merger
     Charge through the first  quarter of 1998.  The remaining  merger-related 
     costs and other unusual charges,  associated with the Cendant Merger, will
     be substantially completed during 1998.  Operating  results from activities
     that will not be continued are not material to the results of operations of
     the Company.

     PHH Merger Charge. The Company  anticipates  that  approximately  $236.0
     million will be paid in cash in connection  with the PHH Merger Charge of
     which  cumulative payments were $171.2  million  through March 31, 1998. 
     The remaining cost associated with the PHH Merger Charge will be
     substantially completed in the second quarter of 1998.  Operating  results
     from  PHH  activities  that  will  not  be continued are not material to
     the results of operations of the Company.

6. Investment in Avis Rent A Car, Inc.

     The  Company's  equity  interest  in Avis  Rent A Car,  Inc.  ("Avis ") was
     diluted from 27.5% to 20.4% as a result of a public offering by Avis of its
     common  stock in March  1998 in which the  Company  sold a  portion  of its
     investment in Avis. The Company  recognized a pre-tax gain of approximately
     $17.0  million as a result of the sale,  which is included in other revenue
     in the  consolidated  statement  of income for the three months ended March
     31, 1998.

7.   Credit Agreements

     On March 25, 1998, the Company entered into a $500 million credit agreement
     with a bank,  which  matures on June 15, 1998,  and on April 17, 1998,  the
     Company  entered into a $500  million  credit  agreement  with a bank which
     matures on July 31, 1998.  Such credit  agreements  will terminate upon the
     Company's  execution  of a $2 billion  term loan  facility for which it has
     already  received a commitment  letter from a bank. See "Subsequent  Events
     Financing Transactions."

8.   Mandatorily Redeemable Preferred Securities Issued by Subsidiaries

     On March 2, 1998, the Company issued 29.9 million FELINE PRIDES(sm) and 2.3
     million trust preferred securities and received  approximately $1.4 billion
     in gross proceeds therefrom. The FELINE  PRIDES(sm) consist of 27.6 million
     Income PRIDES and 2.3 million Growth PRIDES, each with a face amount of $50
     per PRIDE.  The Income PRIDES  consist of trust  preferred  securities  and
     stock purchase contracts under which the holders will purchase common stock
     from the  Company in  February  2001.  The Growth  PRIDES  consist of stock
     purchase  contracts under which the holders will purchase common stock from
     the Company in February 2001 and zero coupon U.S. Treasury securities.  The
     trust  preferred  securities  will bear interest,  in the form of preferred
     stock dividends,  at the annual rate of 6.45 percent.  Such preferred stock
     dividends  are  presented  as  minority   interest,   net  of  tax  in  the
     consolidated  statements of income. The forward purchase contract forming a
     part of the Income  PRIDES will pay 1.05 percent  annually in the form of a
     contract adjustment  payment.  The forward purchase contract forming a part
     of the  Growth  PRIDES  will  pay 1.3  percent  annually  in the  form of a
     contract  adjustment  payment.  The forward purchase contracts call for the
     holder to  purchase  the  minimum of 1.0395  shares and a maximum of 1.3514
     shares of Company  common  stock per PRIDES  security,  depending  upon the
     average of the  closing  price per share of Company  common  stock for a 20
     consecutive day period ending in mid-February of 2001.

9. Pending Acquisition of American Bankers Insurance Group, Inc.

     On March 23,  1998,  the Company  entered  into a  definitive  agreement to
     acquire American Bankers Insurance Group, Inc. ("American Bankers") for $67
     per share in cash and stock,  for aggregate  consideration of approximately
     $3.1  billion.  The Company  intends to  purchase  23.5  million  shares of
     American Bankers at $67 per share through its pending cash tender offer, to
     be followed by a merger in which the Company  will deliver  Cendant  shares
     with a value of $67 for each  remaining  share of American  Bankers  common
     stock outstanding. The Company has received anti-trust clearance to acquire
     American  Bankers.  The tender  offer is subject to the  receipt of tenders
     representing  at least 51 percent of the common shares of American  Bankers
     as well as customary closing conditions.  The transaction is expected to be
     completed  following  the restatement  of the Company's
     financial statements, receipt of and  approval by  American  Bankers' 
     shareholders  and receipt of required regulatory approvals, which require
     restated financial  statements.  American  Bankers provides 
     affordable,  specialty  insurance  products and services through financial 
     institutions,  retailers  and other  entities offering consumer financing.

     In connection with the Company's  proposal to acquire American Bankers,  on
     January 23, 1998, the Company  received a bank commitment to provide a $1.5
     billion, 364-day revolving credit facility which will bear interest, at the
     option of the Company,  at rates based on prime rates, as defined, or LIBOR
     plus an applicable variable margin.

10.  Subsequent Events

     Acquisition of National Parking Corporation
     On April 27,  1998,  the  Company  completed  the  acquisition  of National
     Parking  Corporation  ("NPC") for $1.3 billion in cash.  NPC is the largest
     private  (non-municipal)  single car park  operator  in the United  Kingdom
     ("UK")  with  approximately  500  locations.   NPC  has  also  developed  a
     broad-based  roadside  assistance group under the name of Green Flag. Green
     Flag  offers a  wide-range  of  emergency  support  and rescue  services to
     approximately 3.5 million members.

     Pending Acquisition of RAC Motoring Services
     On May 1, 1998,  the  Company  signed a letter of intent and  entered  into
     exclusive  negotiations  with Royal  Automobile  Club  Limited  ("RACL") to
     acquire  their RAC Motoring  Services  subsidiary  for  approximately  $750
     million  in cash.  Closing  is subject  to the  execution  of a  definitive
     agreement and approval by seventy-five percent of RACL's voting members and
     is  anticipated  in the  summer  of  1998.  RAC  Motoring  Services  is the
     second-largest roadside assistance company in the UK and also owns the UK's
     largest driving school company.

     Financing Transactions
     Credit  Facility.  On May 4,  1998,  the  Company  and a  bank  executed  a
     commitment  letter in which the bank committed to provide a $2 billion term
     loan  facility  to the  Company.  Such  commitment  is  subject  to certain
     conditions, including the execution of definitive documentation.

     Redemption of 4-3/4% Notes. On May 4, 1998, the Company redeemed all of the
     outstanding  ($144.5 million  principal amount) 4-3/4%  Convertible  Senior
     Notes at a price of 103.393% of the principal amount together with interest
     accrued to the redemption date. Prior to May 4, 1998, holders of such notes
     exchanged  $90.5  million of the  4-3/4%  Notes for 2.5  million  shares of
     Company common stock.

     Redemption  of 6-1/2% Notes.  The Company  exercised its option to call for
     the redemption of all the outstanding 6-1/2% Convertible Subordinated Notes
     (the "6-1/2%  Notes") which was  effective May 8, 1998, in accordance  with
     the provisions of the respective  indenture.  Prior to the redemption date,
     all of the outstanding  6-1/2% Notes were converted into 2.1 million shares
     of Company common stock.

     Company Restatement, Investigation and Litigation
     On April 15, 1998, the Company announced that it had discovered  accounting
     irregularities in certain former CUC business units,  which are part of the
     Company's Alliance Marketing segment (formerly the Membership  segment) and
     the Audit  Committee of the  Company's  Board of Directors has initiated an
     investigation  into such  matters.  Accordingly,  the Company  will restate
     annual and  quarterly  net income and  earnings  per share for 1997 and may
     restate   certain  other  previous   periods  related  to  the  former  CUC
     businesses. The investigation is expected to be completed during the summer
     of 1998.

     Since  the  aforementioned  Company  announcement,  and  prior  to the date
     hereof,  fifty-two  purported class action lawsuits have been filed against
     the Company, its predecessor,  CUC, and certain current and former officers
     and  directors  of the Company and CUC  asserting  claims under the Federal
     Securities law. Forty-five of these actions were filed in the United States
     District  Court for the  District  of New  Jersey,  five were  filed in the
     United States District Court for the District of Connecticut, one was filed
     in  the  United  States   District  Court  for  the  Eastern   District  of
     Pennsylvania and one has been filed in New Jersey Supreme Court.

     Certain of these actions purport to be brought on behalf of purchasers of
     CUC or the Company's  common stock during various periods from May 28, 1997
     through  April 15,  1998.  Others  are  brought  on behalf of  persons  who
     exchanged  common stock of HFS for the  Company's  common stock  coincident
     with the Cendant Merger. In addition,  five actions  pending in the United
     States District Court for the District of New Jersey and one action pending
     in New Jersey Superior Court purport to be brought either in their entirety
     or in part on behalf  of  purchasers  of the  Company's  PRIDES  securities
     offering. These actions were all commenced subsequent to the aforementioned
     Company announcement.  The complaints allege, among other things, that as a
     result of  accounting  irregularities,  the  Company  and CUC's  previously
     issued  financial  statements were materially false and misleading and that
     the defendants  knew or should have known that these  financial  statements
     caused CUC's and the  Company's  common stock prices to rise  artificially.
     The actions  variously allege violations of Section 10(b) of the Securities
     Exchange Act of 1934 (the  "Exchange  Act") and SEC Rule 10b-5  promulgated
     thereunder,   Section  14(a)  of  the  Exchange  Act  and  SEC  Rule  14a-9
     promulgated thereunder, Section 20(a) of the Exchange Act, and Sections 11,
     12 and 15 of the  Securities  Act of  1933.  Certain  actions  also  allege
     violations of common law.

     In addition,  on April 27, 1998, a  shareholder  derivative  complaint  was
     filed in the United  States  District  Court for The District of New Jersey
     against certain of the Company's directors, current or former officers, The
     Bear Stearns  Companies,  Inc.,  Bear Stearns & Co., Inc. and, as a nominal
     party,  the Company.  The  shareholder  derivative  complaint  alleges that
     individual  officers and directors of the Company have unlawfully  profited
     by selling shares of the Company's  stock while in possession of non-public
     material information  concerning accounting  irregularities.  The complaint
     also alleges various breaches of fiduciary duty, mismanagement,  negligence
     and corporate waste.

     Another action was filed on April 29, 1998 in the Court of Chancery for the
     State of Delaware (the "Corwin  Action").  The Corwin Action is purportedly
     brought on behalf of a class of all shareholders of HFS who exchanged their
     HFS shares for CUC shares in connection with the Cendant Merger,  and names
     as defendants  HFS and twelve  individuals  who were  directors of HFS. The
     complaint in the Corwin Action alleges that the  defendants  breached their
     fiduciary duties of loyalty, good faith, care and candor in connection with
     the  Cendant  Merger,  in that they  failed  to  properly  investigate  the
     operations  and financial  statements  of CUC before  approving the Cendant
     Merger at an allegedly  inadequate  price.  The Corwin Action seeks,  among
     other  things,  recision of the  Cendant  Merger and  compensation  for all
     losses and damages suffered in connection therewith.

     Another  action  was  filed  on May 4,  1998 in the  Superior  Court of New
     Jersey, Morris County (the "Rosenberg action").  The action is brought as a
     purported class action on behalf of all purchasers of Income PRIDES, Growth
     PRIDES,  stock or any other  securities  issued by Cendant  pursuant to the
     registration  statement  and  prospectus  filed  with  the SEC on or  about
     February 25, 1998. The purported class period is February 25, 1998 to April
     15, 1998.  The  Rosenberg  action  names as  defendants,  Cendant,  Cendant
     Capital I, E. Kirk Shelton and Walter A. Forbes. The complaint asserts that
     the  registration  statement and  prospectus  were false and  misleading in
     violation of Section 11 of the  Securities Act of 1933. It seeks damages in
     an unspecified amount.

     While it is not feasible to predict or determine the final outcome of these
     proceedings, an adverse outcome with respect to such proceedings could have
     a material adverse impact on the Company's financial  position,  results of
     operations and cash flow.


General Overview

In December 1997,  Cendant  Corporation  (the "Company") was created through the
merger (the "Cendant Merger") of HFS Incorporated  ("HFS") and CUC International
Inc. ("CUC").  The Company is one of the foremost consumer and business services
companies in the world.  The  combination  of HFS and CUC  provides  each of the
Company's  businesses  new access to consumer  contacts  through  the  Company's
expanded   customer   base,   while   providing   such   businesses   with   the
technology-driven  and direct  marketing  expertise  necessary  to  successfully
cross-market within its existing business units.

The  Company  provides  fee-based  services  to  consumers  within the  Alliance
Marketing,  Travel  Services and Real Estate  Services  business  segments.  The
Company generally does not own the assets or share the risks associated with the
underlying  businesses  of its  customers.  In the  Alliance  Marketing  segment
(formerly known as the Membership  segment),  the Company is a technology-driven
leading provider of membership-based  consumer services.  In the Travel Services
segment, the Company is the world's largest franchisor of lodging facilities and
rental car  facilities,  the leading  provider of  vacation  timeshare  exchange
services and a leading provider of international fleet management  services.  In
the Real Estate Services segment,  the Company is the world's largest franchisor
of residential  real estate brokerage  offices,  the world's largest provider of
corporate  relocation  services  and a leading  mortgage  lender  in the  United

Recent Developments

On April 15,  1998,  the Company  announced  that it had  discovered  accounting
irregularities in certain former CUC business units,  which now comprise part of
the Company's Alliance  Marketing  segment.  The Company also announced that the
Audit   Committee  of  the  Company's   Board  of  Directors  had  initiated  an
investigation  into such matters.  Accordingly,  the Company will restate annual
and  quarterly  net  income  and  earnings  per share  for 1997 and may  restate
financial statements for periods prior to 1997. The investigation is expected to
be completed during the summer of 1998.

Since the  aforementioned  Company  announcement,  and prior to the date hereof,
fifty-two  purported  class action lawsuits have been filed against the Company,
its  predecessor,  CUC, and certain current and former officers and directors of
the  Company  and  CUC  asserting  claims  under  the  Federal  Securities  law.
Forty-five of these actions were filed in the United States  District  Court for
the District of New Jersey,  five were filed in the United States District Court
for the District of  Connecticut,  one was filed in the United  States  District
Court for the  Eastern  District of  Pennsylvania  and one has been filed in New
Jersey Supreme Court.

Certain of these actions  purport to be brought on behalf of purchasers of CUC
or the Company's  common stock during various  periods from May 28, 1997 through
April 15,  1998.  Others are brought on behalf of persons who  exchanged  common
stock of HFS for the Company's  common stock coincident with the Cendant Merger.
In addition,  five actions  pending in the United States District Court for the
District  of New  Jersey and one action  pending  in New Jersey  Superior  Court
purport  to be  brought  either  in  their  entirety  or in  part on  behalf  of
purchasers of the Company's PRIDES securities  offering.  These actions were all
commenced subsequent to the aforementioned Company announcement.  The complaints
allege, among other things, that as a result of accounting  irregularities,  the
Company and CUC's previously  issued financial  statements were materially false
and  misleading  and that the  defendants  knew or should  have known that these
financial  statements caused CUC's and the Company's common stock prices to rise
artificially.  The actions  variously allege  violations of Section 10(b) of the
Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934  (the  "Exchange  Act")  and SEC  Rule  10b-5
promulgated  thereunder,  Section  14(a) of the  Exchange Act and SEC Rule 14a-9
promulgated  thereunder,  Section 20(a) of the Exchange Act, and Sections 11, 12
and 15 of the Securities Act of 1933.  Certain actions also allege violations of
common law.

In addition, on April 27, 1998, a shareholder  derivative complaint was filed in
the United States  District Court for The District of New Jersey against certain
of the  Company's  directors,  current  or  former  officers,  The Bear  Stearns
Companies,  Inc., Bear Stearns & Co., Inc. and, as a nominal party, the Company.
The  shareholder  derivative  complaint  alleges  that  individual  officers and
directors  of the Company  have  unlawfully  profited  by selling  shares of the
Company's  stock  while  in  possession  of  non-public   material   information
concerning  accounting  irregularities.   The  complaint  also  alleges  various
breaches of fiduciary duty, mismanagement, negligence and corporate waste.

Another  action  was filed on April 29,  1998 in the Court of  Chancery  for the
State of  Delaware  (the  "Corwin  Action").  The Corwin  Action is  purportedly
brought on behalf of a class of all  shareholders of HFS who exchanged their HFS
shares  for CUC  shares in  connection  with the  Cendant  Merger,  and names as
defendants HFS and twelve  individuals  who were directors of HFS. The complaint
in the Corwin Action alleges that the defendants breached their fiduciary duties
of loyalty,  good faith,  care and candor in connection with the Cendant Merger,
in that  they  failed to  properly  investigate  the  operations  and  financial
statements of CUC before approving the Cendant Merger at an allegedly inadequate
price.  The Corwin  Action seeks,  among other  things,  recision of the Cendant
Merger and  compensation  for all  losses and  damages  suffered  in  connection

Another  action was filed on May 4, 1998 in the  Superior  Court of New  Jersey,
Morris  County (the  "Rosenberg  action").  The action is brought as a purported
class action on behalf of all purchasers of Income PRIDES,  Growth PRIDES, stock
or any other securities issued by Cendant pursuant to the registration statement
and  prospectus  filed with the SEC on or about February 25, 1998. The purported
class period is February 25, 1998 to April 15, 1998. The Rosenberg  action names
as defendants, Cendant, Cendant Capital I, E. Kirk Shelton and Walter A. Forbes.
The complaint asserts that the registration  statement and prospectus were false
and  misleading  in violation of Section 11 of the  Securities  Act of 1933.  It
seeks damages in an unspecified amount.

While it is not  feasible  to predict or  determine  the final  outcome of these
proceedings,  an adverse outcome with respect to such  proceedings  could have a
material  adverse  impact  on  the  Company's  financial  position,  results  of
operations and cash flow.

Results of Operations - Three Months Ended March 31, 1998 vs Three Months
                        Ended March 31, 1997

The results of the  aforementioned  investigation  by the Audit Committee of the
Company's Board of Directors into the accounting  irregularities  may impact the
underlying  Alliance  Marketing  segment first quarter 1998  operating  results,
although  management  does not expect such  charges to be  material.  Previously
reported  quarterly and annual results,  including the underlying  first quarter
1997 financial  information will require restatement.  In the underlying results
of  operations  discussion  related to the  Company and its  business  segments,
operating income excludes interest expense and income taxes.

Indicative of the  Company's  operating  leverage,  net income  increased  $63.6
million (38%) to $229.5  million,  while net revenue  increased  $278.6  million
(24%) to $1.4 billion. Operating income increased $101.5 million (35%) to $391.9

The  $11.1  million  (90%)  increase  in  net  interest  expense  was  primarily
attributable to borrowings under revolving credit facilities which financed $1.1
billion of first quarter 1998  acquisitions,  including  Jackson  Hewitt and The
Harpur Group. The weighted average  effective  interest rate decreased from 6.0%
to 5.3% as a result of fixed rate borrowings with low interest rates  comprising
the majority of total debt outstanding.  The Company's effective income tax rate
decreased  from 40% to 36% as a result  of the  impact  of  lower  tax  rates in
international  jurisdictions,  lesser  non-deductible  amortization expense as a
percentage of pre-tax income and other tax planning initiatives.

Alliance Marketing Segment

The Alliance  Marketing  Segment provides  consumers with access to a variety of
goods  and  services  through  more than 20  membership  programs.  The  Company
generates  revenue  streams  from the sale of 1 to 3 year  membership  programs.
Total  memberships  and customers at March 31, 1998 exceeded 70 million,  making
the Company the largest consumer alliance marketing business worldwide.

Alliance  Marketing  growth is  generated  primarily  from direct  marketing  to
consumers or reaching  consumers through  businesses such as banks,  credit card
and travel companies that provide access to new members as a service enhancement
to their  customers.  Commencing  with the Cendant  Merger,  alliance  marketing
businesses have  unfettered  access to the Company's  Travel Segment  businesses
that  account for 1 of 6 U.S.  hotel rooms sold,  1 of 4 cars rented in the U.S.
and more than 70% of timeshare resort vacation exchanges  worldwide.  Membership
businesses also have access to real estate  businesses that  participate in more
than 25% of U.S. home sales, more than 50% of corporate employee relocations and
home buyers underlying nearly $20 billion of annual mortgage originations.

      (In millions)                            Three Months Ended March 31,
        Operating income                    1998              1997      Variance
        ----------------           -------------      ------------     ---------
         Net revenue               $       520.9      $      438.2           19%
         Operating expenses                434.7             336.7           29%
                                   -------------      ------------
         Operating income          $        86.2      $      101.5         (15%)
                                   =============      ============

Operating income decreased $15.3 million (15%) from $101.5 million in 1997. 1997
results included the impact of accounting  irregularities  in certain former CUC
business units which comprise the Alliance Marketing segment representing 22% of
first  quarter  1998   operating   income.   Upon   completion  of  the  special
investigation  directed  by the  Audit  Committee  of  the  Company's  Board  of
Directors,  the  Company  will  restate  first  quarter  1997 and full year 1997
earnings.  Management  believes that 1998 first quarter results were compiled in
accordance with appropriate accounting practices, and reflect the elimination of
known historical accounting  irregularities currently under investigation by the
Audit Committee of the Company's Board of Directors.  First quarter 1998 results
indicate operating margins including and excluding depreciation and amortization
expense approximating 17% and 19%, respectively.

Travel Services Segment

The  Company  operates  business  units  that  provide a  spectrum  of  services
necessary to domestic and  international  travelers.  The Company is the world's
largest  franchisor  of  nationally  recognized  hotel  brands  and  car  rental
operations (Avis), which are responsible for 16% and 25% of all hotel rooms sold
and cars rented in the United States, respectively.  Royalty revenue is received
from  franchisees  under  contracts that generally  range from 10 to 50 years in
duration.  The Company is the world's  largest  provider of  timeshare  exchange
services (RCI) to timeshare  owners under one to three year membership  programs
which require both exchange fees for swapping  vacation  weeks and recurring and
renewal membership fees.  Travelers that may or may not participate in the above
cross-marketed  services frequently receive Value-Added Tax ("VAT") refunds from
international  countries through Global Refund (TM), the largest
VAT refund facilitator  worldwide.  Travel Services operating units also provide
fleet  management  and leasing  services and assist  vehicle  sales  through the
largest consolidated classified advertiser worldwide.

     (In millions)                          Three Months Ended March 31,
     Operating income                       1998              1997     Variance
     ----------------                -----------       -----------   ---------
         Net revenue                 $     410.5       $     362.0          13%
         Operating expenses                257.3             244.1           5%
                                     -----------       -----------
         Operating income            $     153.2       $     117.9          30%
                                      ==========       ===========

Operating  income  increased  $35.3  million  (30%) as a result of a $48.5 (13%)
increase in revenue  while  expenses  increased  only $13.2  million  (5%).  All
business units comprising the Travel segment  contributed double digit growth in
operating  income except for ETS which  comprised less than 2% of Travel Segment
operating  income.  Lodging  operating  income increased $8.2 million (23%) as a
result of a $4.8  million  revenue  increase  and a $3.4  million  reduction  in
expenses. The revenue increase resulted from a 2% increase in franchisee revenue
per  available  room  ("REVPAR")  and a 2%  royalty  rate  increase  as  well as
increased initial  franchise fees received from new franchisees  seeking to join
Company franchise systems.  Expenses decreased due to lower amortization expense
corresponding to a reduction of intangible  assets as part of the fourth quarter
1997  restructuring  of franchise  brands and a reduction of corporate  overhead
allocated to the Travel Services segment as the Company  leveraged its corporate
infrastructure among more businesses.

The $13.0 million (66%) increase in Timeshare  operating  income resulted from a
$12.6  million  (13%)  increase  in  revenue  and a $0.5  million  reduction  in
expenses.  The Timeshare revenue increase included  continued  increases in both
exchange  volume  and  membership  (6%) as well as  average  pricing  (2%).  The
decrease  in  expenses  reflect  continued  benefits  of  the  post  acquisition
reorganization  of timeshare  operations.  Car rental operating income increased
$10.0  million  (65%) as a result of  international  trademark  license fees and
increased  royalties from Avis, which include  acquired Los Angeles,  California
area  franchised  locations in 1998.  Avis  franchisees  also  experienced  a 6%
increase in car rental pricing. Fleet Management operating income increased $5.6
million  primarily  as a result of $3.6  million of reduced  expenses  primarily
associated with the  restructuring of operations  following the Company's May 1,
1997 merger with PHH Corporation.

Real Estate Services Segment

The Company operates  business units that provide a range of services related to
home sales, principally in the United States. The Company is the world's largest
franchisor of real estate brokerage offices through its CENTURY 21(C),  Coldwell
Banker(C) and ERA(C) franchise  brands,  which were involved in more than 25% of
homes sold in the United States in 1997.  Similar to the Travel Services Segment
franchise  business,  the Company  receives  royalty revenue from  approximately
11,000  franchisees  under contracts with terms ranging from 5 to 30 years.  The
Company operates the world's largest provider of corporate  employee  relocation
services and receives  fees for providing  services  such as selling  relocating
employees  homes  (without  recourse to the Company),  assisting the  relocating
employee  in finding a home or  providing  an array of  services  such as moving
household  goods,  expense  reporting and others.  The Company also operates the
largest in-bound mortgage telemarketing  operation in the United States. Cendant
Mortgage  Corporation  generates  origination  profits from the sale of mortgage
notes,  generally within 45 days of origination but retains recurring  servicing
revenue  streams  over the  life of the  mortgage.  Each  Real  Estate  Services
business provides customer referrals from other Real Estate Services  businesses
as  well  as  fertile  data-base  for  prospective  Alliance  Marketing  Segment

     (In millions)
                                            Three Months Ended March 31,
     Operating income                  1998              1997         Variance
     ----------------            ----------       -----------       ----------
         Net revenue                  279.1       $     190.1               47%
         Operating expenses           172.2             140.3               23%
                                 ----------       -----------
         Operating income          $  106.9       $      49.8              115%
                                   ========       ============

Operating  income  increased  $57.1 million (115%) as a result of  corresponding
double digit  increases in the Real Estate  franchise,  Relocation  and Mortgage
Service  business  unit.  Revenue  increased  $89.0 million (47%) while expenses
increased only $31.9 million (23%). Real estate franchise  operating income grew
$26.4  million  (134%)  primarily  as a result of a $22.8  million  increase  in
royalty  revenue.  The  increase in royalty  revenue was  attributable  to a 21%
increase in  franchisee  home sales volume and a 14% increase in the  underlying
average  sale price of homes sold.  The  Company  relocation  services  business
operating  income  increased  $10.5 million (75%)  primarily as a result of $6.5
million of  incremental  home sale  assistance  fees  (13% increase)  and a $2.2
million  increase in other  relocation  service  fees.  Operating  income at the
Mortgage  Service  business unit  increased  $22.9 million  (179%) due to a $2.8
billion  (159%)  increase  in mortgage  originations  and a $5.8  billion  (23%)
increase in the average loan servicing  portfolio.  These factors contributed to
$34.5 million and $9.0 million  increases in production and service fee revenue,
respectively,   while  operating  expenses   reflecting  the  increase  in  loan
origination volume increased only $21.5 million (103%).

Other Segment

The  Company  operates a variety  of other  businesses,  other than those  which
comprise each of the Company's core business segments.  Such business operations
and  transactions  are primarily  comprised of (i) the  development  and sale of
educational and entertainment software for home and school use; (ii) franchising
the second  largest tax  preparation  service  system in the United  States as a
result of the Company's first quarter 1998 acquisition of Jackson Hewitt,  Inc.;
(iii) information technology and reservation system support services provided to
the car rental and hotel  industry (the "Wizcom  Business");  (iv) casino credit
information  and marketing  services (the "Casino  Marketing  Business") and the
equity in earnings  from the  Company's  investment  in the Avis Rent A Car Inc.
("Avis") car rental company.

(In millions)
                                             Three Months Ended March 31,
Operating income                         1998            1997          Variance
- ----------------                    ---------      -----------      -----------
     Net revenues                   $   226.1      $     167.7              35%
     Operating expenses                 180.5            146.5               23%
                                    ---------     ------------
     Operating income               $    45.6     $       21.2              115%
                                    =========     ============

Operating  income  increased $24.4 million (115%) primarily as a result of $27.5
million of profits from acquired  Jackson Hewitt  operations and a $17.5 million
pre-tax gain on the sale of Avis common stock in Avis' March secondary offering.
Increases  in  operating  income were  partially  offset by a $28.9  decrease in
operating income generated from software business operations. Delayed release of
the Starcraft  entertainment title until April 1998 and the January 1997 release
of titles  scheduled for December 1996  contributed to the decrease in operating
income. Software company amortization expense increased $3.0 million as a result
of goodwill amortization associated with purchase business combinations.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Acquisition Overview

The Company  continues to seek to expand and strengthen its leadership  position
in each of its business  segments  with  strategic  acquisitions.  The Company's
acquired  businesses  share similar  characteristics,  foremost of which is that
each was  immediately  accretive to Company cash flow and  earnings.  Revenue is
generally  generated  substantially  from service  fees and is not  dependent on
tangible  assets  or the  need  for  capital  expenditures  other  than  certain
technology investments.  These service businesses each generate significant cash
flow  which is  enhanced  by the  Company's  operating  leverage  that  supports
acquired   revenue   streams  without   corresponding   increases  in  operating
infrastructure expenses.

Completed and Proposed Acquisitions

RAC Motoring Services. On May 1, 1998, the Company signed a letter of intent and
entered into exclusive  negotiations with Royal Automobile Club Limited ("RACL")
to acquire their RAC Motoring Services subsidiary for approximately $750 million
in cash. Closing is subject to approval by seventy-five percent of RACL's voting
members and is anticipated  in the summer of 1998. RAC Motoring  Services is the
second-largest roadside assistance company in the United Kingdom ("UK") and also
owns the UK's largest driving school company.

National Parking  Corporation.  On April 27, 1998, the Company acquired National
Parking Corporation ("NPC") for $1.3 billion in cash. NPC is the largest private
(non-municipal)  single  car  park  operator  in the UK with  approximately  500
locations.  NPC has also developed a broad-based roadside assistance group under
the name of Green Flag. Green Flag offers a wide-range of emergency  support and
rescue services to approximately 3.5 million members.

American Bankers  Insurance  Group,  Inc. On March 23, 1998, the Company entered
into a definitive  agreement to acquire American Bankers  Insurance Group,  Inc.
("American  Bankers")  for $67  per  share  in cash  and  stock,  for  aggregate
consideration  of  approximately  $3.1 billion.  The Company intends to purchase
23.5  million  shares of American  Bankers at $67 per share  through its pending
cash tender offer,  to be followed by a merger in which the Company will deliver
Cendant shares with a value of $67 for each remaining share of American  Bankers
common  stock  outstanding.  The Company has  received  anti-trust  clearance to
acquire American Bankers.  The tender offer is subject to the receipt of tenders
representing  at least 51 percent of the common  shares of  American  Bankers as
well as  customary  closing  conditions,  including  regulatory  approvals.  The
transaction  is  expected  to be  completed  following  the  restatement  of the
Company's  financial  statements,  receipt  of  approval  of  American  Bankers'
shareholders  and receipt of regulatory  approvals.  American  Bankers  provides
affordable,   specialty   insurance  products  and  services  through  financial
institutions, retailers and other entities offering consumer financing.

In  connection  with the  company's  proposal to acquire  American  Bankers,  on
January 23,  1998,  the  Company  received a bank  commitment  to provide a $1.5
billion,  364-day  revolving  credit  facility which will bear interest,  at the
option  of the  Company,  at rates  based on Prime or LIBOR  plus an  applicable
variable margin.

Harpur Group. On January 20, 1998, the Company  completed the acquisition of The
Harpur Group Ltd. ("Harpur"), a leading fuel card and vehicle management company
in the UK, from  privately  held H-G  Holdings,  Inc. for  approximately  $186.0
million in cash plus future contingent  payments of up to $20.0 million over the
next two years.

Jackson  Hewitt.  On January 7, 1998, the Company  completed the  acquisition of
Jackson Hewitt Inc. ("Jackson Hewitt") for approximately  $480.0 million in cash
or $68 per share of Jackson  Hewitt common stock.  Jackson  Hewitt  operates the
second largest tax  preparation  service  franchise  system in the United States
with locations in 41 states. Jackson Hewitt franchises a system of approximately
2,050 offices that specialize in  computerized  preparation of federal and state
individual income tax returns.

Other  Completed  1998  Acquisitions.  The Company paid cash to acquire  certain
other  entities  and assets for an  aggregate  purchase  price of  approximately
$378.7  million  in cash.  Additionally  during the first  quarter of 1998,  the
Company paid $100.0 million to the seller of RCI in satisfaction of a contingent
purchase liability.

Providian.  On December 9, 1997, the Company executed a definitive  agreement to
acquire  Providian  Auto and Home  Insurance  Company for  approximately  $219.0
million in cash. Closing is subject to receipt of required  regulatory  approval
which will  require  restated  financial  statements  of the  Company  and other
customary conditions.  Providian sells automobile insurance to consumers through
direct response marketing in 45 states and the District of Columbia.

Financing (Exclusive of Management and Mortgage Program Financing)

The Company  believes  that it has  excellent  liquidity and access to liquidity
through various sources. The Company has also demonstrated its ability to access
equity and public debt markets and financial  institutions  to generate  capital
for  strategic  acquisitions.  The Company is unable to access equity and public
debt markets until the completion of the restatement of its prior year financial
statements.  Accordingly,  the Company has secured additional  liquidity through
other sources  including a 364-day,  $2 billion term loan facility which will be
provided to the Company on May 29, 1998,  pursuant to bank commitments  received
in May 1998. Such commitments are subject to certain  conditions,  including the
execution  of  definitive  documentation.  Proceeds  will repay $2.0  billion of
borrowings under existing Company  revolving credit  facilities and accordingly,
create $2.0  billion of  availability  under the  revolving  credit  facilities.
Current Company committed  revolving credit  facilities  include $4.5 billion of
parent company  arrangements and $175.0 million of subsidiary credit facilities.
Revolving  Credit  facilities  totaling  $1.0  billion will  terminate  upon the
execution of the $2.0 billion term loan  anticipated on May 29, 1998.  Revolving
credit  facilities  include a bank  commitment to provide a $1.5 billion 364 day
revolving  facility which is available to fund the American Bankers  acquisition
upon consummation. Additionally, the Company may also seek to access public debt
markets through a wholly-owned subsidiary.

The Company's  primary  credit  facility,  as amended,  consists of (i) a $750.0
million,  five year revolving  credit facility (the "Five Year Revolving  Credit
Facility") and (ii) a $1.25 billion, 364 day revolving credit facility (the "364
Day Revolving Credit  Facility") and  collectively  with the Five Year Revolving
Credit  Facility,  (the "Revolving  Credit  Facilities").  The 364 Day Revolving
Credit  Facility  will  mature on  September  30,  1998 but may be renewed on an
annual basis for an additional 364 days upon receiving lender approval. The Five
Year  Revolving  Credit  Facility will mature on October 1, 2001.  The Revolving
Credit  Facilities,  at the  option  of the  Company,  bear  interest  based  on
competitive bids of lenders  participating in the facilities,  at prime rates or
at LIBOR plus a margin of approximately 22 basis points. The Company is required
to  pay a per  annum  facility  fee of  .08%  and  .06%  of  the  average  daily
availability  of the Five Year Revolving  Credit  Facility and 364 Day Revolving
Credit Facility,  respectively. The interest rates and facility fees are subject
to change based upon credit ratings on the Company's senior unsecured  long-term
debt by nationally recognized statistical rating companies. The Revolving Credit
Facilities  contain  certain  restrictive  covenants  including  restrictions on
indebtedness,  mergers,  liquidations  and sale and leaseback  transactions  and
requires the maintenance of certain  financial  ratios,  including a 3:1 minimum
interest coverage ratio and a 3.5:1 maximum coverage ratio, as defined.

Company  long-term  debt was $1.1  billion at March 31,  1998,  which  primarily
consisted of $70.0 million of borrowings under the Company's  primary  revolving
credit  facilities  and $933.1 million of primarily  publicly  issued fixed rate
debt.  Substantially all borrowings under the Company's primary revolving credit
facilities of $1.1 billion in the first quarter 1998, which financed the Jackson
Hewitt, Harpur and other transactions, were completely repaid in March 1998 with
the proceeds of the Company's FELINE PRIDES Offering (see below). Of the $933.1
million  of  fixed  rate  debt,  $783.2  million   represents   publicly  issued
convertible  securities  which  mature  beginning in 2001 but may be redeemed in
part and under  certain  conditions  commencing  in 1998.  Approximately  $149.9
million of senior notes mature in December 1998.

The  Company  filed  an  amended  shelf   registration   statement  (the  "Shelf
Registration  Statement")  on February 6, 1998 with the  Securities and Exchange
Commission  for the  issuance  of up to an  aggregate  $4.0  billion of debt and
equity  securities.  Pursuant to the Shelf Registration  Statement,  the Company
issued 29.9 million FELINE PRIDES(sm) and 2.3 million trust preferred securities
on March 2, 1998 and  received  approximately  $1.4  billion  in gross  proceeds
therefrom.  The issuance of the FELINE  PRIDES  resulted in the  utilization  of
approximately $3 billion of availability under the Shelf Registration Statement.
The FELINE PRIDES  consist of 27.6 million  Income PRIDES and 2.3 million Growth
PRIDES,  each with a face amount of $50 per PRIDE.  The Income PRIDES consist of
trust  securities  and stock  purchase  contracts  under which the holders  will
purchase  common stock from the Company in February of 2001.  The Growth  PRIDES
consist of stock purchase contracts under which the holders will purchase common
stock  from  the  Company  in  February  2001  and  zero  coupon  U.S.  Treasury
securities. The trust preferred securities will bear interest at the annual rate
of 6.45 percent,  and the forward purchase contract forming a part of the Income
PRIDES  will pay 1.05  percent  annually  in the form of a  contract  adjustment
payment.  The forward purchase contract forming a part of the Growth PRIDES will
pay 1.3  percent  annually  in the for of a  contract  adjustment  payment.  The
forward  purchase  contracts call for the holder to purchase a minimum of 1.0395
shares and a maximum of 1.3514  shares of the  Company  common  stock per PRIDES
security,  depending  upon the average of the closing price per share of Company
common stock for a 20 consecutive  trading day period ending in  mid-February of

On May 4, 1998,  the Company  redeemed all of the  outstanding  ($144.5  million
principal  amount)  of 4-3/4  Convertible  Notes at a price of  103.393%  of the
principal amount together with interest accrued to the redemption date. Prior to
May 4, 1998,  $90.5 million of such notes were  exchanged for 2.5 million shares
of Company common stock.

The  Company  exercised  its  option  to call for the  redemption  of all of the
outstanding 6-1/2% Convertible Subordinated Notes (the "6-1/2% Notes") which was
effective  May 8, 1998,  in accordance  with the  provisions  of the  respective
indenture.  Prior to the redemption  date, all of the  outstanding  6-1/2% Notes
were converted into 2.1 million shares of Company common stock.

Long-term debt  decreased  $241.9 million to $1.1 billion at March 31, 1998 when
compared to amounts outstanding at December 31, 1997, primarily as a result of a
decrease in borrowings  from the  Company's  primary  revolving  facilities as a
result of the issuance of the FELINE PRIDES.

Management and Mortgage Program Financing

PHH operates their mortgage services,  fleet management  services and relocation
services businesses as a separate public reporting entity and supports purchases
of leased  vehicles and  originated  mortgages  primarily by issuing  commercial
paper and medium term notes.  PHH's  publicly  filed  financial  statements  and
underlying   publicly   issued  debt  was  not   impacted   by  the   accounting
irregularities  previously  disclosed and PHH continues to issue debt securities
in public  markets.  Such  borrowings  are not  classified  based on contractual
maturities, but rather are included in liabilities under management and mortgage
programs  rather than long-term debt since such debt  corresponds  directly with
high quality related assets.

PHH debt is issued  without  recourse to the  Company.  The  Company  expects to
continue  to have broad  access to global  capital  markets by  maintaining  the
quality of its assets under management.  This is achieved by establishing credit
standards to minimize  credit risk and the potential for losses.  Depending upon
asset growth and financial  market  conditions,  PHH utilizes the United States,
European and Canadian commercial paper markets, as well as other  cost-effective
short-term instruments. In addition, PHH will continue to utilize the public and
private debt markets as sources of financing. Augmenting these sources, PHH will
continue  to manage  outstanding  debt with the  potential  sale or  transfer of
managed  assets  to  third  parties  while   retaining   fee-related   servicing
responsibility. PHH's aggregate outstanding borrowings at the underlying balance
sheet dates were as follows ($ billions):

                                      March 31,        December 31,
                                           1998              1997
                                    -----------       ------------
Commercial paper                    $       2.2       $       2.6
Medium-term notes                           3.4               2.7
Other                                       0.2               0.3
                                    -----------       -----------
                                    $       5.8       $       5.6
                                    ===========       ===========

To provide additional financial flexibility,  the Company's current policy is to
ensure that  minimum  committed  facilities  aggregate 80 percent of the average
amount of outstanding  commercial paper. PHH maintains a $2.5 billion syndicated
unsecured  credit  facility which is backed by domestic and foreign banks and is
comprised  of $1.25  billion of lines of credit  maturing  in 364 days and $1.25
billion  maturing in the year 2000.  In  addition,  PHH has  approximately  $181
million of uncommitted lines of credit with various financial institutions which
were unused at December  31, 1997.  Management  closely  evaluates  not only the
credit  of the  banks but also the  terms of the  various  agreements  to ensure
ongoing  availability.  The full amount of PHH's committed facilities in 1997 to
date are undrawn and  available.  Management  believes  that its current  policy
provides  adequate  protection  should volatility in the financial markets limit
PHH=s access to commercial paper or medium-term notes funding.

PHH minimizes its exposure to interest  rate and liquidity  risk by  effectively
matching  floating  and fixed  interest  rate and  maturity  characteristics  of
funding  to  related   assets,   varying  short  and   long-term   domestic  and
international  funding  sources,  and securing  available credit under committed
banking facilities.

The Company and PHH currently operate under policies limiting (a) the payment of
dividends on PHH's  capital stock to 40% of net income of PHH on an annual basis
excluding one-time charges, less the outstanding principal balance of loans from
PHH to the Company as of the date of the proposed dividend payment,  and (b) the
outstanding  principal  balance of loans  from PHH to the  Company to 40% of net
income of PHH on an annual basis  excluding  one-time  charges,  less payment of
dividends on PHH's capital stock during the year.

PHH  filed a shelf  registration  statement  with the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission  effective  January 30, 1998, for the aggregate  issuance of up to $3
billion of medium-term  note debt  securities.  These  securities may be offered
from time to time,  together or  separately,  based on terms to be determined at
the time of sale.  The proceeds  will be used to finance  assets PHH manages for
its clients and for general corporate purposes.

Credit Ratings

The Company's long-term debt credit ratings from S&P, Duff and Moody's remain at
A, A and A3,  respectively,  however,  such  ratings are being  reviewed by such
agencies with  negative  implications  following  the  Company's  March 23, 1998
announcements  relating to the Company's  agreements to acquire American Bankers
and NPC and its April 15, 1998 announcement regarding accounting  irregularities
discovered at certain former CUC business units. Following the Cendant Merger in
December 1997, S&P, Moody's and Fitch Investors  Service,  LP ("Fitch") affirmed
investment  grade ratings to PHH debt of A+, A2 and A+,  respectively and A1, P1
and F1,  respectively to PHH commercial paper. Such ratings remain following the
April 15, 1998 announcement,  however, with negative implications. Duff recently
assigned  credit  ratings  of A+  and  D1 to  PHH  debt  and  commercial  paper,
respectively.  A credit  rating  is not a  recommendation  to buy,  sell or hold
securities and is subject to revision or withdrawal at any time by the assigning
rating  organization.  Each rating should be evaluated  independent of any other

Cash Flows

The Company  generated  $198.0  million of cash flows from  operations  in 1998,
representing  a  $218.0  million  decrease  from the same  period  in 1997.  The
decrease in cash flows from  operations  was primarily due to $131.6  million of
merger-related  payments in 1998 and a $192.3  million  incremental  increase in
mortgages  held  for sale  associated  with a 159%  increase  in  mortgage  loan
originations  partially  offset by increases in net income and  depreciation and
amortization.  The  Company  used $1.6  billion  in cash  flows  from  investing
activities,    which   consisted   of   $1.1   billion   of   acquisitions   and
acquisition-related  payments  and $318.8  million of net  investment  in assets
under management and mortgage programs. Cash provided by financing activities of
$1.5 billion primarily reflects the issuance of the FELINE PRIDES.

Impact of New Accounting Pronouncements

In June 1997,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 131  "Disclosures  About  Segments of an
Enterprise and Related Information" effective for annual periods beginning after
December  15,  1997  and  interim  periods  subsequent  to the  initial  year of
application. SFAS No. 131 establishes standards for the way that public business
enterprises  report  information about their operating  segments in their annual
and  interim  financial  statements.  It also  requires  public  enterprises  to
disclose  company-wide  information  regarding  products  and  services  and the
geographic areas in which they operate. The Company will adopt SFAS No.
131 in 1998.

In February 1998,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 132  "Employers'  Disclosures  about
Pension and Other Postretirement  Benefits" effective for period beginning after
December 15, 1997.  The Company will adopt SFAS No. 132  effective  for the 1998
calendar year end.

The aforementioned recently issued accounting pronouncements establish standards
for  disclosures  only  and  therefore  will  have no  impact  on the  Company's
financial position or results of operations.


In  recurring  operations,  the  Company  must deal with  effects  of changes in
interest rates and currency exchange rates. The following discussion presents an
overview of how such changes are managed and a view of their potential effects.

The Company uses various financial  instruments,  particularly interest rate and
currency swaps and currency forwards, to manage its respective interest rate and
currency  risks.  The Company is exclusively  an end user of these  instruments,
which are commonly  referred to as  derivatives.  The Company does not engage in
trading,  market-making  or  other  speculative  activities  in the  derivatives
markets.  Established  practices require that derivative  financial  instruments
relate to  specific  asset,  liability  or equity  transactions  or to  currency

The  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  requires  that  registrants  include
information  about  potential  effects of changes in interest rates and currency
exchange in their financial  statements.  Although the rules offer  alternatives
for  presenting  this   information,   none  of  the   alternatives  is  without
limitations. The following discussion is based on so-called "shock tests," which
model  effects of interest rate and currency  shifts on the  reporting  company.
Shock  tests,  while  probably  the  most  meaningful  analysis  permitted,  are
constrained by several factors,  including the necessity to conduct the analysis
based  on a  single  point  in  time  and by  their  inability  to  include  the
extraordinarily  complex  market  reactions  that normally  would arise from the
market shifts modeled.  While the following  results of shock tests for interest
rate and currencies may have some limited use as benchmarks,  they should not be
viewed as forecasts.

    One means of assessing exposure in interest rate changes is a duration-based
   analysis that measures the potential  loss in net earnings  resulting  from a
   hypothetical  10% change  (decrease) in interest  rates across all maturities
   (sometimes referred to as a "parallel shift in the yield curve").  Under this
   model,  it is estimated  that,  all else  constant,  such decrease  would not
   adversely impact the 1998 net earnings of the Company based on March 31, 1998

    One means of assessing  exposure to changes in currency exchange rates is to
   model effects on future earnings using a sensitivity analysis. March 31, 1998
   consolidated currency exposures,  including financial instruments  designated
   and effective as hedges,  were analyzed to identify the Company's  assets and
   liabilities denominated in other than their relevant functional currency. Net
   unhedged  exposures  in each  currency  were then  remeasured  assuming a 10%
   change  (decrease) in currency  exchange rates compared with the U.S. dollar.
   Under this model,  it is estimated  that, all else constant,  such a decrease
   would not  adversely  impact the 1998 net  earnings of the  Company  based on
   March 31, 1998 positions.

The categories of primary market risk exposure of the Company are: (i) long-term
U.S.  interest  rates  due  to  mortgage  loan  origination  commitments  and an
investment in mortgage loans held for resale;  (ii) short-term interest rates as
they impact vehicle and relocation  receivables;  and (iii) LIBOR and commercial
paper interest rates due to their impact on variable rate borrowings.


ITEM 1.           Legal Proceedings

The discussion contained under the heading "Company  Restatement,  Investigation
and Litigation" in Note 10 contained in Part 1 - FINANCIAL INFORMATION, Item 1 -
Financial Statements, is incorporated herein by reference.

ITEM 6.           Exhibits and Reports On Form 8-K

(a)  Exhibits

(b)   Reports on Form 8-K

      The Company filed a report on Form 8-K dated January 14, 1998  reporting
      in Item 5 the  acquisition  of Jackson  Hewitt, Inc.

      The Company filed a report on Form 8-K dated January 22, 1998 reporting in
Item 4 the  change  in  principal  independent  accountants  and  in  Item 5 the
acquisition of The Harpur Group Ltd.

      The Company filed a report on Form 8-K dated January 27, 1998 reporting in
Item 5 the  proposed  acquisition  of American  Bankers  Insurance  Group,  Inc.
("ABI") and certain supplemental financial highlights of the Company.

      The Company filed a report on Form 8-K dated January 29, 1998 reporting in
Item 5 the  supplemental  consolidated  financial  statements  and  management's
discussion and analysis of financial  condition and results of operations of the

     The Company filed a report on Form 8-K dated  February 4, 1998 reporting in
Item 5  financial  results  covering  at least 30 days of  post-merger  combined
operations of the Company.

      The Company filed a report on Form 8-K dated February 6, 1998 reporting in
Item 5 and Item 7 the filing of certain exhibits to be incorporated by reference
into the Company's registration statements.

      The Company filed a report on Form 8-K dated  February 17, 1998  reporting
in Item 5 and Item 7 the  filing  of  certain  exhibits  to be  incorporated  by
reference into the Company's registration statements.

      The Company  filed a report on Form 8-K dated March 6, 1998  reporting  in
Item 5 and Item 7 the offering by the Company of 29,900,000 FELINE  PRIDES
and the filing of certain exhibits related thereto.

     The Company  filed a report on Form 8-K dated March 25, 1998  reporting  in
Item 5 and Item 7 the execution of a definitive agreement to acquire ABI and the
filing of exhibits related thereto.


Pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Securities  and Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has duly  caused this  amendment  to this report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                               Cendant Corporation

                                       /s/ Scott E. Forbes
                                       Scott E. Forbes
                                       Executive Vice President
Date: May 15, 1998                     and Chief Accounting Officer

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

 No.           Descriptions