WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549


                                    Form 8-K
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934


                           June 4, 1998 (May 29, 1998)
               (Date of Report (date of earliest event reported))

                               Cendant Corporation
             (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

           Delaware                        1-10308                06-0918165
 (State or other jurisdiction       (Commission File No.)     (I.R.S. Employer
of incorporation or organization)                         Identification Number)

         6 Sylvan Way
     Parsippany, New Jersey                                            07054
(Address of principal executive office)                             (Zip Code)

                                 (973) 428-9700
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

       (Former name, former address and former fiscal year, if applicable)

Item 5.           Other Events

On May 29, 1998,  Cendant  Corporation  announced that it had entered into a new
$3.25  billion term loan credit  facility  with The Chase  Manhattan  Bank and a
syndicate of twenty other lenders, including Bank of America, Barclays Bank PLC,
The Bank of Nova Scotia, Credit Lyonnais and NationsBank,  N.A. The loan matures
on May 28, 1999.

The  information  set forth in the  press  release  and the Term Loan  Agreement
attached hereto as Exhibits 99.1 and 10.1, respectively, are incorporated herein
by reference in their entirety.

Item 7.   Exhibits

   No.         Description

10.1           Term Loan  Agreement,  dated as of May 29,  1998,  among  Cendant
               Corporation,  as Borrower,  the Lenders referred herein,  Bank of
               America NT & SA, as  Syndication  Agent,  Barclays  Bank PLC, The
               Bank  of  Nova   Scotia,   Credit   Lyonnais   New  York  Branch,
               NationsBank,  N.A., as Co-Documentation  Agents, CIBC Inc., First
               Union National Bank, The Industrial Bank of Japan,  Limited,  New
               York Bank, as Managing  Agents,  Bank of Tokyo  Mitsubishi  Trust
               Company,  Credit Suisse,  First Boston,  Fleet National Bank, The
               Sumitomo  Bank,  Limited,  New York Branch,  Banque  Paribas,  as
               Co-Agents and The Chase Manhattan Bank, as Administrative Agent.

10.2           Amendment, dated as of May 6, 1998, to the Five Year Competitive
               Advance and Revolving Credit Agreement and the 364-Day
               Competitive Advance and Revolving Credit Agreement, each of which
               is dated as of October 2, 1996, by and among Cendant Corporation,
               the financial institutions parties thereto, and The Chase
               Manhattan Bank, as agent for the lenders.

99.1           Press Release: Cendant Arranges New $3.25 Billion Term Loan 
               Credit Facility, dated May 29, 1998.



     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                      CENDANT CORPORATION

                                      By:  /s/     James E.  Buckman
                                           James E.  Buckman
                                           Senior Executive Vice President
                                           and General Counsel

Date: June 4, 1998


                               CENDANT CORPORATION
                           CURRENT REPORT ON FORM 8-K
                    Report Dated June 4, 1998 (May 29, 1998)

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit No.    Description

10.1           Term Loan Agreement,  dated as of May 29, 1998,  among Cendant
               Corporation, as Borrower, the Lenders referred herein, Bank of
               American NT & SA, as Syndication Agent, Barclays Bank PLC, The
               Bank of Nova Scotia, Credit Lyonnais New York Branch,  Nations
               Bank,  N.A., as Co-  Documentation  Agents,  CIBC Inc.,  First
               Union National Bank,  The Industrial  Bank of Japan,  Limited,
               New York Bank, as Managing  Agents,  Bank of Tokyo  Mitsubishi
               Trust  Company,  Credit Suisse,  First Boston,  Fleet National
               Bank,  The Sumitomo  Bank,  limited,  New York Branch,  Banque
               Paribas,  as  Co-Agents  and  The  Chase  Manhattan  Bank,  as
               Administrative Agent.

10.2           Amendment, dated as of May 6, 1998, to the Five Year Competitive
               Advance and Revolving Credit Agreement and the 364-Day
               Competitive Advance and Revolving Credit Agreement, each of which
               is dated as of October 2, 1996, by and among Cendant Corporation,
               the financial institutions parties thereto, and The Chase
               Manhattan Bank, as agent for the lenders.

99.1           Press Release: Cendant Arranges New $3.25 Billion Term Loan
               Credit Facility, dated May 29, 1998.