news release


                    CEO Henry Silverman Elected New Chairman

                         Nine CUC Board Members Resign;
                  One Additional Director to Leave by Year-End

             80% Vote on Corporate Governance Provisions Eliminated

PARSIPPANY,  NJ, July 28, 1998 -- Cendant Corporation [NYSE: CD] today announced
that Walter A. Forbes resigned as Chairman of the Company and as a member of the
Board of Directors,  effective immediately.  Henry R. Silverman, Chief Executive
Officer of Cendant,  was  unanimously  elected by the Board of  Directors  to be
Chairman and will continue to serve as CEO and President.

Nine members of the Board formerly associated with CUC International,  including
Mr. Forbes, also resigned effective immediately. One other Board member formerly
associated  with CUC will leave the Board by year end,  leaving  Cendant with 18

The Board also voted to  eliminate  the  governance  plan adopted as part of the
CUC-HFS  merger,  including the 80%  super-majority  provisions of the Company's
By-Laws which include limitations on the removal of the Chairman and the CEO. In
addition,  the Board  rescheduled  Cendant' annual meeting of  shareholders  for
October 1, 1998.

Mr.  Silverman  said,  "Walter  Forbes's  decision and the corporate  governance
changes  approved  today end any  uncertainty  about the  future  direction  and
leadership of Cendant.  That uncertainty was a serious  impediment to conducting
our business and the process of restoring trust in our company.

"Now we can focus all of our energies on  rebuilding  confidence  in our Company
and value for Cendant's  shareholders,"  Mr.  Silverman  added.  "The  company's
earnings  and  cash  flow  remain  strong.  We have  some of the  most  valuable
businesses in the world.  Most importantly,  we have outstanding  people who are
passionate about Cendant and its future."

Commenting on his action,  Mr. Forbes said, "I leave with tremendous  confidence
in the future success of Cendant.  The vision and rationale  behind its creation
remain  as  compelling  as ever.  Its  business  fundamentals  are  strong.  The
operations are sound and profitable. The opportunities for synergy are numerous.
The action I am taking today eliminates  speculation about the future leadership
of Cendant and helps the company  focus all of its  attention  and  resources on
restoring the faith of its shareholders, its customers and its people."

(Note: full statements by Mr. Silverman and Mr. Forbes are attached.)

Terms of Severance  Agreement with Mr. Forbes  Outlined 
The severance  agreement reached with Mr. Forbes gives him the benefits required
by his contract should he be terminated for reasons other than for cause.  These
benefits total $35 million in cash and include the grant of certain options.  In
addition, the Company provided a limited release for Mr. Forbes. The payments to
Mr.  Forbes  will cause  Cendant to record an unusual  expense of  approximately
$0.03 per share in the third quarter.
Board Members Resign, Size of Board Reduced
The immediate  departure of nine Directors formerly associated with CUC, and the
planned  departure of one  additional  CUC  Director,  Frederick D. Green,  will
result in Cendant having a Board with 18 Directors.  Mr. Green,  Chairman of the
Audit  Committee,  has agreed to resign  effective upon  completion of the final
Audit Committee report.

Certain matters  discussed in this news release and the attached  statements are
forward- looking  statements,  as defined in the Private  Securities  Litigation
Reform Act of 1995. Such  forward-looking  statements are subject to a number of
known and unknown  risks and  uncertainties  including,  but not limited to, the
outcome of the Audit Committee's investigation;  uncertainty as to the Company's
future profitability; the Company's ability to develop and implement operational
and financial systems to manage rapidly growing  operations;  competition in the
Company's existing and potential future lines of business; the Company's ability
to  integrate  and  operate  successfully  acquired  businesses  and  the  risks
associated with such  businesses;  the Company's  ability to obtain financing on
acceptable terms to finance the Company's growth strategy and for the Company to
operate within the limitations imposed by financing arrangements; uncertainty as
to the future  profitability of acquired  businesses;  and other factors.  Other
factors  and  assumptions  not  identified  above  were  also  involved  in  the
derivation of these  forward-looking  statements,  and the failure of such other
assumptions  to be  realized  as well as other  factors  may also  cause  actual
results  to differ  materially  from those  projected.  The  Company  assumes no
obligation to update these forward-looking statements to reflect actual results,
changes   in   assumptions   or  changes  in  other   factors   affecting   such
forward-looking statements.

Cendant is the  world's  premier  provider of consumer  and  business  services.
Cendant operates in three principal  segments:  Alliance  Marketing,  Travel and
Real Estate Services. Headquartered in Parsippany, NJ, the company has more than
40,000  employees,  operates in over 100 countries and makes  approximately  100
million customer contacts annually.

Jim Fingeroth/Victoria Weld
Kekst and Company

David M. Johnson
For Mr. Forbes:
Nicole Reilly

                         Statement from Henry Silverman
                  Chief Executive Officer, Cendant Corporation

During the past  three  months,  the  shareholders  and  people of Cendant  have
suffered unfairly from an unconscionable  fraud perpetrated  against the company
by a few  individuals  at the former CUC  International.  It has  tarnished  our
company'  reputation and created public  uncertainty and  speculation  about the
future leadership of Cendant.

Like every other shareholder and employee, I am outraged at what has transpired.
We  intend  to  take  appropriate  action  against  those  who  conducted  these
fraudulent activities,  and will continue cooperating fully with law enforcement

At the  same  time,  we have an  obligation  to our  shareholders  and  everyone
associated with Cendant to move ahead with the business of our company.  We must
do  everything  we can to put this  episode  behind us, to  eliminate  the cloud
hanging over this company, to dispel all of the uncertainty  generated by recent
events. As others have noted, it has been difficult for Cendant to rebuild trust
in our company while this uncertainty exists.

The corporate  governance  changes  approved today by our Board of Directors end
any uncertainty about the future direction and leadership of Cendant. We can now
rebuild  trust in our company.  We can focus all of our  energies on  rebuilding
value for  Cendant'  shareholders.  The  company'  earnings and cash flow remain
strong.  We  have  some of the  most  valuable  businesses  in the  world.  Most
importantly, we have outstanding people who are passionate about Cendant and its

I look  forward to working with all of the people of Cendant to move our company
forward,  build on our unique  combination  of  strengths  and  realize the full
potential of this great enterprise.

                          Statement from Walter Forbes
                         Chairman, Cendant Corporation

Together with many talented,  hard working and decent people, I devoted 25 years
of my  life  to  creating  and  building  CUC  International,  which  became  an
innovative  force in developing and marketing  consumer  services.  In combining
with  HFS,  another  great  company,  CUC  became  part  of an  enterprise  with
extraordinary  energy and vision - and an  unsurpassed  ability to capitalize on
rapidly changing consumer markets.
However,  the people of Cendant  and its  shareholders  have  suffered in recent
months as a result of  fraudulent  conduct and the  uncertainty  it has created.
Today,  it is apparent  that the actions of a few have  profoundly  hurt us all.
And, as I have said on many  occasions,  I had  absolutely  no  knowledge of the
accounting irregularities.  However, I now believe it is in the best interest of
our shareholders and employees to resolve this uncertainty.

I leave with tremendous  confidence in the future success of Cendant. The vision
and rationale  behind its creation  remain as  compelling as ever.  Its business
fundamentals  are  strong.   The  operations  are  sound  and  profitable.   The
opportunities for synergy are numerous.  The action I am taking today eliminates
speculation  about the future  leadership of Cendant and helps the company focus
all of its attention  and resources on restoring the faith of its  shareholders,
its customers and its people.

I am proud to have helped create one of the most dynamic consumer enterprises in
the world. I am grateful to all those bright,  dedicated individuals with whom I
have had the chance to work. I have an unshakable faith in Cendant's  ability to
create value for its  shareholders,  business  partners and  customers  for many
years to come. I wish everyone  associated  with the company the very best as it
fulfills that mission.