SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT

                  SETTLEMENT  AGREEMENT,  dated  as of  October  13,  1998  (the
"Agreement"),  by and among American Bankers  Insurance  Group,  Inc., a Florida
corporation ("ABIG"),  Cendant Corporation,  a Delaware corporation ("Cendant"),
and  Season  Acquisition  Corp.,  a  Delaware  corporation  and a  wholly  owned
subsidiary of Cendant ("Season").

                  WHEREAS,  ABIG,  Cendant  and  Season  have  entered  into the
Agreement  and  Plan  of  Merger,  dated  as of  March  23,  1998  (the  "Merger
Agreement"),  pursuant  to which,  among  other  things,  Season has  offered to
purchase (the "Tender Offer") 23,501,260 shares of Common Stock, par value $1.00
per share,  of ABIG ("ABIG  Common  Share") at a price of $67.00 per ABIG Common
Share, and following  consummation of the Tender Offer, ABIG will be merged (the
"Merger")  into  Season  and each  ABIG  Common  Share  issued  and  outstanding
immediately  prior to the  effective  time of the Merger (other than ABIG Common
Shares  held  by  Cendant  or  Season)  will  be  converted   into,  and  become
exchangeable  for,  that  number of shares of Common  Stock,  par value $.01 per
share, of Cendant with a value of $67.00;

                  WHEREAS,  requests have been made by certain  regulators whose
approval is required  prior to  consummation  of the Tender Offer and the Merger
for commitments from Cendant  regarding ABIG that exceed statutory  requirements
and any commitment made by Cendant in the Merger Agreement,  which requests have
created uncertainty with respect to Cendant's possible acquisition of ABIG; and

                  WHEREAS,  ABIG and Cendant  believe it is in their  respective
best interests, and in the best interests of their respective stockholders, that
the  uncertainty  with  respect to  Cendant's  possible  acquisition  of ABIG be
resolved as promptly as possible.

                  NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  premises  and the
mutual  covenants and agreements  set forth herein,  the parties hereto agree as

                1. Each of the  parties  hereto  expressly  agrees  that (i) the
Merger Agreement shall be terminated pursuant to Section 8.1 thereof immediately
upon the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the receipt by ABIG of the
Termination  Fee  (as  hereinafter  defined)  and  (ii)  as  a  result  of  such
termination,  the  Merger  Agreement  shall be null  and void and of no  further
effect,  and  no  obligations  or  provisions   thereunder  shall  survive  such
termination.   In   addition,   each  of  the  parties   hereto   agrees   that,
notwithstanding  Section  8.5(a) of the Merger  Agreement,  none of the  parties
thereto shall have any  liabilities or damages to the other parties  thereto for
any breach or alleged  breach of the Merger  Agreement,  including  any  willful
breach.  As promptly as practicable  after the execution  hereof, as a result of
the termination of the Merger Agreement Cendant and


Season agree to either  terminate the Tender Offer or permit the Tender Offer to
expire by its terms  without any ABIG Common  Shares  being  purchased  pursuant

                2. Simultaneously with the execution of this Agreement,  Cendant
shall pay to ABIG $400 million (the "Termination  Fee") by wire transfer of same
day funds to an account designated by ABIG.

                3. Cendant agrees that upon execution of this Agreement, it will
take all necessary steps to withdraw any Form A applications that it has pending
with insurance  regulatory  authorities  in order to obtain  approval to acquire
control of ABIG and to withdraw from any  proceedings  or hearings in connection
therewith.  Cendant  further  agrees  that  neither it nor any of its  officers,
directors,  employees,  affiliates, agents or other representatives or advisors,
including, without limitation, legal, investment banking and accounting advisors
(all such  persons,  collectively,  "Representatives")  shall take,  directly or
indirectly,  any actions or make any  statements  intended to frustrate or delay
any merger or other business  combination between ABIG and any other party or to
object to the acceptability of any other party as a controlling person of ABIG.

                4. Each of the  parties  hereto  absolutely,  fully and  forever
releases the other parties and their  respective  affiliates,  their  respective
Representatives  and stockholders,  and their respective  successors and assigns
(the  "Released  Parties")  from any and all  claims  relating  to the  proposed
acquisition  of ABIG by  Cendant  that any party  hereto  ever  had,  now has or
hereafter  can,  shall  or may  have  against  the  Released  Parties,  from the
beginning  of the  world  to the day of the  date of  this  release,  including,
without  limitation,  any claims  asserted  or that could have been  asserted in
connection  with the Merger  Agreement,  any Company Report or Parent Report (as
such terms are  defined in the Merger  Agreement)  or any  accounting  issues at
former CUC International Inc. businesses; provided, however, that this Section 4
shall  not  include  a  release  or  discharge  from any  claim to  enforce  the
provisions of this Agreement.

                5.  Cendant  hereby  agrees  to  continue  to be  bound  by  the
confidentiality  undertak ings and agreements of the  Confidentiality  Agreement
(as such term is defined in the Merger  Agreement) in accordance  with the terms
thereof. ABIG hereby agrees to be bound by the confidentiality  undertakings and
agreements  of  the  Confidentiality   Agreement  with  respect  to  information
furnished  to  ABIG  by  Cendant  and,  for  this  purpose,  references  in  the
Confidentiality Agreement to the "Company" shall also be deemed to be references
to Cendant  and  references  in the  Confidentiality  Agreement  to  "Evaluation
Material"  shall also be deemed to be references to any  information  concerning
Cendant (whether prepared by Cendant,  its advisors or otherwise) which has been
furnished to ABIG by or on behalf of Cendant in connection with the Merger.

                6. Each of the parties  hereto agrees that it shall not (i) make
or publish  any  statement  which is, or may  reasonably  be  considered  to be,
disparaging of the other parties or their respective  subsidiaries,  affiliates,
directors,  employees, products or services or (ii) take any action or encourage
the taking of any action by others which is, or may  reasonably be considered to
be,  adverse to the  interests  of the other  parties in respect of the  subject
matter of this Agreement.


                7. Each of the parties  hereby  represents  and  warrants to the
others that (i) it is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good
standing  under  the laws of its  state of  organization  and has the  requisite
corporate power and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement; (ii) the
execution and delivery of this Agreement by it and the consummation by it of the
transactions  contemplated  hereby have been duly  executed and delivered by its
duly authorized  officer and  constitutes a valid and binding  obligation of it;
and  (iii)  the  execution  and  delivery  of  this  Agreement  by  it  and  the
consummation by it of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby do not require the
consent,   waiver,   approval  or  authorization  of  or  any  filing  with  any
governmental or regulatory authority,  agency, commission,  body, court or other
governmental entity or any other person and will not violate, result in a breach
of or the  acceleration of any obligation  under, or constitute a default under,
any  provision of such party's  charter or by-laws,  or any material  indenture,
mortgage,  lien,  lease,  agreement,  contract,  instrument,  order,  law, rule,
regulation, ordinance, judgment, decree or restriction by which it or any of its
subsidiaries or any of their respective properties or assets is bound.

                8. This  Agreement,  together with the Merger  Agreement and the
other  documents  referred to therein,  contains the entire  agreement among the
parties  hereto with respect to the subject  matter  hereof and  supersedes  all
prior and contemporaneous  agreements and understand ings, oral or written, with
respect to such  transactions.  This  Agreement  may not be changed,  amended or
modified  orally,  but may be changed only by an agreement in writing  signed by
each of the parties hereto.  This Agreement,  and all of the parties' respective
rights and obligations  hereunder,  shall survive  indefinitely and shall not be
affected,  altered,  abridged or terminated by virtue of the  termination of the
Merger Agreement.

                9. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts,
each of which, when executed, shall be deemed to be an original and all of which
together  shall  constitute  one and  the  same  document,  provided  that  this
Agreement  shall not  become  effective  until  executed  by all of the  parties

                10.  This  Agreement  shall  be  governed  by and  construed  in
accordance  with the laws of the State of Delaware  (regardless of the laws that
might  otherwise  govern under  applicable  Delaware  principles of conflicts of


                11. Each party hereto will consult with the other parties hereto
before issuing any press release with respect to the  transactions  contemplated
by this Agreement; and no party shall


issue  any such  press  release  prior  to such  consultation  except  as may be
required by law or the  applicable  rules and  regulations of the New York Stock

                12. If any term,  provision,  covenant  or  restriction  of this
Agreement is held by a court of competent  jurisdiction  to be invalid,  void or
unenforceable,   the   remainder  of  the  terms,   provisions,   covenants  and
restrictions  of this Agreement  shall remain in full force and effect and shall
in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated.

                13. The parties  hereto agree that any breach of the  provisions
of this  Agreement  would  irreparably  injure the other parties hereto and that
money damages would be an inadequate  remedy therefor.  Accordingly,  each party
hereto shall be entitled to one or more  injunctions  enjoining  any such breach
and requiring  specific  performance  of this Agreement and consent to the entry
thereof,  in addition to any other remedy to which that party is entitled at law
or in equity.

                14. This Agreement is for settlement  purposes only and will not
be used by the parties hereto in any litigation as an admission of any liability
or wrongdoing on the part of any party hereto or its Representatives, other than
litigation arising out of this Agreement.


                IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  this  Agreement has been duly executed and
delivered by the duly  authorized  officers of the parties hereto as of the date
first written above.

                                  AMERICAN BANKERS INSURANCE GROUP, INC.

                                  By: /s/ Gerald N. Gaston
                                      Name:  Gerald N. Gaston
                                      Title: President and Chief Executive 

                                  CENDANT CORPORATION

                                  By: /s/ James E. Buckman
                                  Name:   James E. Buckman
                                  Title:  Senior Executive Vice President


                IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  this  Agreement has been duly executed and
delivered by the duly  authorized  officers of the parties hereto as of the date
first written above.

                                  SEASON ACQUISITION CORP.

                                  By: /s/ James E. Buckman
                                      Name:  James E. Buckman
                                      Title: Executive Vice President
