FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

                                   CAN PROCEED

       Company Says Divestiture of Green Flag is an Unacceptable Condition

    Cendant Says RAC Valuation Was Based on Future Synergies with Green Flag

         New York, NY, February 4,  1999--Cendant  Corporation  (NYSE: CD) today
announced  that the UK Secretary of State for Trade and Industry has cleared its
proposed  acquisition  of RAC Motoring  Services on the  condition  that Cendant
divests its Green Flag breakdown  assistance  business.  Cendant does not regard
the proposed  condition as reasonably  acceptable or  commercially  feasible and
therefore it is the Company's  intention not to proceed with the  acquisition of
RAC Motoring Services.

         Stephen P. Holmes, Cendant Corporation vice chairman, stated:
         "At the outset,  we explained to the MMC that the  divestiture of Green
Flag would not be  acceptable.  Thus,  we have  informed  the RAC that we do not
regard the condition  described by the Secretary of State as acceptable and, for
that  reason,  we are unable to proceed  with the  acquisition  of RAC  Motoring
Services.  Our valuation of RAC Motoring Services was driven by future synergies
between the RAC and Green Flag  businesses,  which  would have  resulted in cost
savings to benefit our shareholders and service  improvements to benefit RAC and
Green  Flag  members.  However,  our  intention  is now to build on the  already
successful record of Green Flag and to provide a strong and vigorous  competitor
to the RAC,  the AA and  others in the UK  breakdown  services  market.  We will
utilize the funds  committed to the RAC  transaction  to further reduce debt and
repurchase Cendant shares."

         Cendant  Corporation  is one  of  the  world's  foremost  providers  of
consumer  and  business  services.  The  Company  operates  in  three  principal
divisions:  Travel  Services,  Real Estate Services and Alliance  Marketing.  In
Travel  Services,  Cendant is the  leading  franchisor  of hotels and rental car
agencies  worldwide;  the  largest  provider of vacation  exchange  services;  a
leading fleet  management  company;  the UK's largest private car park operator;
and a leading  motorist  assistance  group in the UK. In Real  Estate  Services,
Cendant is the world's largest  franchisor of residential  real estate brokerage
offices,  a major provider of mortgage services to consumers and a global leader
in corporate employee relocation. In Alliance Marketing, Cendant provides access
to insurance,  travel,  shopping,  auto, and other services,  primarily  through
direct  marketing to customers of its affinity  partners.  Headquartered  in New
York,  NY, the Company has more than 35,000  employees  and operates in over 100

         Statements  about future  results  made in this release may  constitute
forward-looking   statements  within  the  meaning  of  the  Private  Securities
Litigation   Reform  Act  of  1995.   These  statements  are  based  on  current
expectations  and the current  economic  environment.  The Company cautions that
these statements are not guarantees of future performance. They involve a number
of risks and uncertainties  that are difficult to predict.  Actual results could
differ  materially  from  those  expressed  or  implied  in the  forward-looking
statements.  Important  assumptions and other important factors that could cause
actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements
are specified in the Company's Prospectus Supplement dated November 24, 1998.

Media Contact:                                Investor Contacts:
Elliot Bloom                                  Denise Gillen
212-413-1832                                  212-413-1833

Victoria Weld                                 Sam Levenson
Kekst and Company                             212-413-1834