EPS from Continuing Operations $0.22 in 1999 vs. $0.22 in 1998
              Net Income per Share $0.43 in 1999 vs. $0.20 in 1998

    Adjusted EBITDA from Continuing Operations Increased 12% to $450 Million

             Company Repurchased 60 Million Shares in First Quarter

                     Performance on Track to Meet 1999 Plan

New York,  NY, April 21, 1999 - Cendant  Corporation  (NYSE:  CD) today reported
1999 first quarter results.  Results of operations reflect the  reclassification
of Entertainment Publications as a discontinued operation. Operating results for
the quarter  ended March 31, 1999, as compared with the prior year first quarter
results were as follows:

o  Revenues from continuing operations were $1.3 billion, up 17% from $1.1 
o  Adjusted EBITDA from continuing operations was $450 million, up 12%
o  Net income was $362 million, up 109%
o  Net income per share was $0.43 compared with $0.20
o  Income from continuing operations per share was $0.22, equal to the first
   quarter of 1998

If  Entertainment  Publications  had not  been  reclassified  as a  discontinued
operation,  income from  continuing  operations per share would have been $0.21,
equal to $0.21 in the first  quarter of 1998. A major  component of the increase
in revenues is the acquisition of National Parking  Corporation in the UK in the
second  quarter of last year,  which lowered EBITDA margins in the first quarter
of 1999  compared  with the first  quarter of 1998.  Net income from  continuing
operations  reflects  increased interest expense in the first quarter of 1999 as
the Company used excess cash to repurchase  approximately  60 million  shares of
Cendant common stock in the first quarter of 1999.

Net  income  and net  income  per  share in 1999  include  a gain on the sale of
Cendant Software of $193 million, or $0.22 per share.  (Adjusted EBITDA excludes
certain unusual charges.  See Table 1 for adjusted results and Table 1 and Table
2 for reported results.)

Business Unit Performance on Track
Cendant  Chairman,  President and Chief  Executive  Officer,  Henry R. Silverman
stated:  "First  quarter  results  were  slightly  higher  than  our  forecasts,
confirming  our  confidence  in our  business  plan.  We  continue  to be highly
confident  that we will  deliver  earnings  per share in line  with Wall  Street
expectations of between $1.04 to $1.10 for the year. We remain  committed to our
strategy to focus on growth in our core businesses, to sell non-strategic assets
and to use the proceeds, as well as cash flow generated from operations,  to buy
back stock and retire debt."

Share Repurchase and Asset Sales
Under  the  current   share   repurchase   program,   the  Company   repurchased
approximately  60 million  shares of Cendant  common stock on the open market in
the first quarter.  To date, the Company has repurchased 80 million shares under
the program and,  including the 7.1 million shares  acquired as part of the sale
of Hebdo Mag International,  has reduced its shares outstanding by over 10%. The
Company expects to continue to use excess  financial  resources,  including cash
flow from  operations  and proceeds from asset sales,  to repurchase  shares and
retire  debt.  The  Company's  stated  objective is to maintain a target debt to
total capital ratio of 40% or less.

In  addition  to the  previously  announced  proposed  sale  of  three  Internet
companies   (Rent.Net,   Match.com  and  Bookstacks,   Inc.)  and  Entertainment
Publications,  the Company is in preliminary discussions concerning the possible
divestiture  of other  non-strategic  businesses.  Although no assurances can be
given, the Company  currently expects that it could announce the sale of certain
non-strategic  businesses  as early as the second  quarter with  closings in the
third  quarter of 1999.  If  consummated,  these  transactions  are  expected to
produce gross  proceeds at least  equivalent  to the $1.3 billion  realized from
sales closed to date.

The Company is also exploring the possible sale of a minority equity interest in
its  on-line   membership  unit  and  anticipates  that,  if  consummated,   the
transaction  will be  structured to preserve the option of an IPO in the future.
The  Company  today  separately  announced  that  it has  reached  a  definitive
agreement to sell its National Leisure Group vacation package  subsidiary to The
Leisure  Company,  a subsidiary  of America West  Holdings  Corporation,  for an
undisclosed cash amount.

Segment Results
See Table 3 for Revenues and Adjusted  EBITDA by segment and Table 4 for Segment
Revenue Driver Analysis.

Revenues  increased  $6.4  million,  or 2%, to $272.0  million  as a result of a
collective  10%  increase  in  lodging  royalties,   timeshare  memberships  and
exchanges, and car rental royalties. The increase in core revenues was partially
offset by non-recurring  items primarily comprised of a $10.7 million lower gain
on the sale of Avis Rent A Car, Inc. stock in the first quarter of 1999 compared
with the first  quarter of 1998.  Such  non-recurring  items  contributed  to an
EBITDA decrease of $4.4 million,  or 3%, to $144.7  million.  Excluding the Avis
gains from both periods, EBITDA increased 5%.

Revenues increased $5.2 million, or 5%, to $101.8 million, primarily as a result
of higher service fee revenues.  EBITDA decreased $7.9 million, or 17%, to $39.7
million  primarily  because  of  higher  operating  costs  associated  with  the
development of new products and higher borrowing costs. The negative variance on
borrowing costs in the first quarter reflects the Company's credit ratings being
placed under review in April 1998.  As a result,  this  negative  year-over-year
variance is expected to improve during the remainder of 1999.

Real Estate Franchise
Revenues  increased  $12.3  million,  or 15%, to $96.6  million,  primarily from
higher royalty revenues.  Royalty revenues rose as a result of a 14% increase in
homes sold through Cendant  franchisees,  an 8% increase in the average price of
homes  sold by  those  franchisees  and  expansion  of the  Company's  franchise
systems.  EBITDA increased $12.2 million,  or 21%, to $71.4 million, as a result
of higher royalty revenues.

Revenues decreased $8.8 million, or 9%, to $90.9 million.  This decrease was due
in part to the third quarter 1998 sale of certain asset  management  operations.
Additionally,  lower volumes on certain relocation  services in 1999 were offset
by  higher  average  fees as a result of  management's  efforts  to  renegotiate
certain  contracts.  EBITDA  decreased  $7.7 million,  or 30%, to $17.9 million,
primarily  as a result of the absence of EBITDA  from the sold asset  management
operations,  increased investment in information technology and higher borrowing

Revenues increased $15.2 million,  or 19%, to $93.2 million,  due to substantial
growth in mortgage  origination volume, which increased $1.9 billion, or 40%, to
$6.8 billion.  While revenues per loan were lower than 1998 because of increased
competitive  pressure in the mortgage  lending  market,  profitability  per loan
benefited from a shift to more profitable  processing channels.  Adjusted EBITDA
increased $6.5 million,  or 17%, to $44.0 million,  reflecting  higher  revenues
partially offset by higher operating expenses related to a previously  announced
increase  in the  number  of  personnel  hired at the  beginning  of the year to
support continued growth for the remainder of the year.

Individual Membership
Revenues increased $39.3 million, or 19%, to $243.4 million, because of a larger
membership base, higher average  membership prices, the acquisition of a company
in April 1998 that provides members access to their personal credit information,
and increased  product  sales and service fees from new and existing  individual
members.  EBITDA  increased $27.8 million from a loss of $15.9 million last year
to a profit of $11.9  million  this  year,  primarily  as a result of  increased
revenues and reduced marketing spending.

Revenues increased $5.7 million, or 4%, to $139.7 million,  primarily because of
international  customer growth.  EBITDA decreased $0.9 million,  or 2%, to $38.3
million, due to non-recurring favorable claims adjustments recorded in the first
quarter of 1998.  Excluding this non-recurring item, EBITDA would have increased

Other Consumer and Business Services
Revenues  increased  $109.7 million,  or 70%, to $267.3 million,  primarily as a
result of the April 1998  acquisition of National Parking  Corporation  (NPC) in
the UK.  Adjusted  EBITDA  increased  $22.7  million,  or 38%, to $81.8 million,
primarily from the NPC acquisition,  incremental  gains related to the Company's
financial  investments  and from a joint  venture  agreement  originated  in the
second  quarter of 1998.  These  increases  were  partially  offset by increased
investment in information technology in 1999.

Entertainment Publications - Discontinued Operations
The Company  separately  announced today that it has reclassified  Entertainment
Publications  (EPub) as a  discontinued  operation  and has  reported  financial
results for this unit on this basis. Revenues increased $3.0 million, or 32%, to
$12.5 million,  and EBITDA improved $0.3 million to a loss of $16.9 million. Due
to the seasonal nature of the business,  earnings per share from EPub was a loss
of $0.01 in both the first quarter of 1999 and 1998, therefore the effect of the
reclassification to discontinued operations is an increase in earnings per share
from continuing operations of $0.01 in the first quarter of both years. For 1998
as a whole,  EPub  reported  revenues  of  $197.2  million  and  EBITDA of $32.1

Statements   about  future   results   made  in  this  release  may   constitute
forward-looking   statements  within  the  meaning  of  the  Private  Securities
Litigation  Reform Act of 1995,  including without  limitation  statements as to
discussions  relating to the sale of certain  businesses.  These  statements are
based on current expectations and the current economic environment.  The Company
cautions that these  statements are not guarantees of future  performance.  They
involve a number of risks  and  uncertainties  that are  difficult  to  predict.
Actual results could differ  materially  from those  expressed or implied in the
forward-looking  statements.  Important  assumptions and other important factors
that  could  cause  actual  results  to  differ  materially  from  those  in the
forward-looking statements are specified in the Company's Form 10-K for the year
ended  December 31, 1998,  including the  resolution of the pending class action
litigation  against the Company and the Company's  ability to implement its plan
to divest non-strategic assets.

Cendant Corporation is a global provider of consumer and business services.  The
Company's  core  competencies  include  building  franchise  systems,  providing
outsourcing  solutions and direct  marketing.  As a  franchisor,  Cendant is the
world's leading  franchisor of hotels,  rental car agencies and residential real
estate brokerage  offices;  and the second largest franchisor of tax preparation
service.  As a provider of  outsourcing  solutions,  Cendant is a leading  fleet
management  company;  the world's largest  vacation  exchange  service;  a major
provider of mortgage  services to  consumers;  and the global leader in employee
relocation. In direct marketing,  Cendant provides access to insurance,  travel,
shopping,  auto and  other  services  primarily  to  customers  of its  affinity
partners.  Other  consumer and business  services  include NCP, the UK's largest
private car park operator;  and Green Flag, a leading motorist  assistance group
in the UK.  Headquartered  in New York,  NY, the  Company  has more than  35,000
employees and operates in over 100 countries.

More information  about Cendant,  its companies,  brands and current SEC filings
may be  obtained  by  visiting  our Web site at  www.cendant.com  or by  calling
877-4INFO-CD (877-446-3623).

Media Contact:                            Investor Contacts:
Elliot Bloom                              Denise L. Gillen
212-413-1832                              212-413-1833
                                          Samuel J. Levenson

                                                                         Table 1

Cendant Corporation and Subsidiaries
Continuing Operations

First Quarter Financial Results
(Dollars and shares in millions, except per share amounts)

As Adjusted
- -----------

The 1999 results are adjusted to exclude $7.0 million ($4.4 million,  after tax)
of costs incurred in connection with the termination of the proposed acquisition
of  RAC  Motoring   Services,   $1.7  million  ($1.1  million,   after  tax)  of
investigation-related costs and a $1.3 million gain ($0.8 million, after tax) on
the sale of Essex  Corporation,  a  Company  subsidiary.  The 1998  results  are
adjusted  to  exclude  merger-related  costs and other  unusual  charges of $3.1
million ($2.4 million, after tax).

                                                          1999              1998         % change   
                                                       ---------         ---------      ----------
Revenues                                               $ 1,304.9         $ 1,119.9           17%
Expenses                                                   994.5             801.0           24%
                                                       ---------         ---------
Income before income taxes and minority interest           310.4             318.9           (3%)

EBITDA (1)                                                 449.7             401.4           12%

Income from continuing operations                          186.0             198.6           (6%)

Earnings per share:
   Basic                                               $    0.23         $    0.24           (4%)
   Diluted                                                  0.22              0.22            -

Weighted average shares - diluted                          854.4             908.5           (6%)

As Reported
- -----------
                                                          1999              1998           % change   
                                                       ---------         ---------       -----------
Revenues                                               $ 1,304.9         $ 1,119.9           17%
Expenses                                                 1,001.9             804.1           25%
                                                       ---------         ---------
Income before income taxes and minority interest           303.0             315.8           (4%)

EBITDA (1)                                                 442.3             398.3           11%

Income from continuing operations                          181.4             196.3           (8%)

Earnings per share:
   Basic                                               $    0.23         $    0.23            -
   Diluted                                                  0.22              0.22            -

Weighted average shares - diluted                          854.4             908.5           (6%)

(1) Earnings before non-operating interest, taxes, depreciation and 

                                                                         Table 2

                      Cendant Corporation and Subsidiaries
                      (In millions, except per share data)

                                                                                     Quarterly Period Ended   
                                                                                            March 31,
                                                                                     1999              1998   
                                                                                  -----------      -----------
   Membership and service fees, net                                               $  1,247.9       $   1,048.8
   Fleet leasing (net of depreciation and interest costs of $326.4 and $311.6)          18.6              19.9
   Other                                                                                38.4              51.2
                                                                                  ----------       -----------
Net revenues                                                                         1,304.9           1,119.9
                                                                                  ----------       -----------

   Operating                                                                           432.4             311.6
   Marketing and reservation                                                           262.2             264.8
   General and administrative                                                          160.6             142.1
   Depreciation and amortization                                                        91.0              63.6
   Other charges
     Termination of proposed acquisition                                                 7.0               -
     Investigation-related costs                                                         1.7               -
     Merger-related costs and other unusual charges (credits)                           (1.3)              3.1
   Interest, net                                                                        48.3              18.9
                                                                                  ----------       -----------
Total expenses                                                                       1,001.9             804.1
                                                                                  ----------       -----------

Income from continuing operations before income taxes and
   minority interest                                                                   303.0             315.8
Provision for income taxes                                                             106.5             114.6
Minority interest, net of tax                                                           15.1               4.9
                                                                                  ----------       -----------
Income from continuing operations                                                      181.4             196.3
Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax                                          (12.1)            (23.4)
Gain on sale of discontinued operations, net of tax                                    192.7               -  
                                                                                  ----------       -----------
Net income                                                                        $    362.0       $     172.9            
                                                                                  ==========       ===========

Income (loss) per share
     Income from continuing operations                                            $     0.23       $      0.23
     Loss from discontinued operations                                                 (0.02)            (0.02)
     Gain on sale of discontinued operations                                            0.24              -   
                                                                                  -----------      -----------
     Net income                                                                   $     0.45       $      0.21
                                                                                  ===========      ===========

     Income from continuing operations                                            $     0.22       $      0.22
     Loss from discontinued operations                                                 (0.01)            (0.02)
     Gain on sale of discontinued operations                                            0.22              -   
                                                                                  ----------       -----------
     Net income                                                                   $     0.43       $      0.20
                                                                                  ==========       ===========

Weighted average shares
     Basic                                                                             800.1             838.7
     Diluted                                                                           854.4             908.5

                                                                         Table 3

Cendant Corporation and Subsidiaries
Continuing Operations

Revenues and Adjusted EBITDA by Segment
(Dollars in millions)

Quarterly Period Ended March 31,

                               Revenues                          Adjusted EBITDA  (1)     
                  -----------------------------------     -----------------------------------
                                                 %                                      %
                    1999          1998        Change        1999         1998        Change  
                  ---------    ---------    ---------     --------     ---------    ---------
Travel            $   272.0    $   265.6          2       $  144.7     $  149.1         (3)
Fleet                 101.8         96.6          5           39.7         47.6        (17)
Real Estate 
  Franchise            96.6         84.3         15           71.4         59.2         21
Relocation             90.9         99.7         (9)          17.9         25.6        (30)
Mortgage               93.2         78.0         19           44.0         37.5  (3)    17
   Membership         243.4        204.1         19           11.9        (15.9)         *
   Wholesale          139.7        134.0          4           38.3         39.2         (2)
Other                 267.3        157.6         70           81.8 (2)     59.1  (3)    38
                  ---------    ---------                  --------     --------

Total             $ 1,304.9    $ 1,119.9         17       $  449.7     $  401.4         12
                  =========    =========                  =========    ========

*    Not meaningful
(1)  Earnings  before   non-operating   interest,   taxes,   depreciation  and
     amortization, adjusted to exclude non-recurring or unusual items.
(2)  Excludes  $7.0 million of costs incurred in connection with the termination
     of the proposed acquisition of RAC Motoring Services, $1.7 million of
     investigation-related costs and a $1.3  million  gain on the sale of  Essex
     Corporation,  a  Company subsidiary.
(3)  Excludes $3.1 million of merger-related costs and other unusual charges
     comprised of $1.9 million and $1.2 million incurred within the Mortgage
     segment and Other segment, respectively.

                                                                        Table 4
Cendant Corporation and Subsidiaries
Segment Revenue Driver Analysis
(Revenue dollars in millions)

                                                                             1st Quarter
                                                              1999              1998          Change      
                                                          --------------   -------------  -------------
Travel Segment
     Domestic Rooms
       Month End Actual Rooms                                   502,613          476,242          6
                                                          -------------    -------------
       Weighted Average Rooms Available                         492,625          465,794          6
     Franchise Fee per Weighted Average Room              $      179.00    $      175.44          3
                                                          -------------    -------------
     Total Franchise Fees                                 $       88.2     $       81.7           8
                                                          -------------    -------------

     Car Rental days                                         13,872,196       12,464,857         11
     Franchise Fee per Rental day                         $        2.82    $        2.79          1
                                                          -------------    -------------
     Total Franchise Fees                                 $        39.1    $        34.8         12
                                                          -------------    -------------

         Sub-Total Franchise Fees                         $       127.3    $       116.5          9
                                                          -------------    -------------

     Number of Timeshare Exchanges                              533,359          492,436          8
                                                          -------------    -------------
     Annualized Number of Exchanges                           2,133,436        1,969,744          8
     Average Subscriptions                                    2,298,726        2,177,050          6
                                                          -------------    -------------
     Total Exchanges and Subscriptions                        4,432,162        4,146,794          7
     Average Fee                                          $       21.59    $       21.01          3
                                                          -------------    -------------
     Total Exchange/Subscription Fees                     $        95.7    $        87.1         10
                                                          -------------    -------------

     Other Revenue                                        $        49.0    $        62.0        (21)
                                                          -------------    -------------

     Total Travel Revenue                                 $       272.0    $       265.6          2
                                                          =============    =============

Fleet Segment
     Number of Cars/Cards                                     4,462,136        3,877,657         15
     Revenue per Car/Card                                 $       22.81    $       24.91         (8)
                                                          -------------    -------------
     Total Revenue                                        $       101.8    $        96.6          5
                                                          =============    =============

Real Estate Franchise Segment
     Closed sides - Domestic                                    368,333          322,995         14
     Average Price                                        $     146,517    $     135,445          8
     Adjusted Royalty Rate                                        0.15%            0.16%          
                                                          -------------    -------------
     Total Royalties                                      $        83.2    $        71.1         17
     Other                                                         13.4             13.2          2
                                                          -------------    -------------
     Total Revenue                                        $        96.6    $        84.3         15
                                                          =============    =============

Mortgage Segment
     Production Loan Closings (1)                         $       6,779    $       4,836         40
     Avg. Servicing Loan Portfolio                        $      45,405    $      30,908         47

(1)  1998 production loan closings reflect acquisitions of First Capital and
     Burnet Home Loans in the fourth quarter of 1997 and first quarter of 1998,

                                                                         Table 5

                      Cendant Corporation and Subsidiaries
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                  (In billions)

                                                                                  March 31,       December 31,
                                                                                    1999              1998    
                                                                                -----------      -------------
- ------

   Cash                                                                         $      0.5       $       1.0
   Other current assets                                                                3.1               3.6
                                                                                ----------       -----------

Total current assets                                                                   3.6               4.6

   Property and equipment - net                                                        1.4               1.4
   Goodwill - net                                                                      3.9               3.9
   Other assets                                                                        2.8               2.8
                                                                                ----------       -----------

Total assets exclusive of assets under programs                                       11.7              12.7

Assets under management and mortgage programs                                          7.2               7.5
                                                                                ----------       -----------

Total assets                                                                    $     18.9       $      20.2
                                                                                ==========       ===========

Liabilities and shareholders' equity
- ------------------------------------

Total current liabilities                                                       $      2.9               2.9

   Long-term debt                                                                      3.4               3.4
   Other non-current liabilities                                                       0.3               0.4
                                                                                ----------       -----------

Total liabilities exclusive of liabilities under programs                              6.6               6.7

Liabilities under management and mortgage programs                                     6.7               7.2

Mandatorily redeemable preferred securities issued by subsidiaries                     1.5               1.5

Commitments and contingencies

Total shareholders' equity                                                             4.1               4.8
                                                                                ----------       -----------

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                                      $     18.9       $      20.2
                                                                                ==========       ===========