Exhibit 23.1


We  consent  to  the   incorporation  by  reference  in  Cendant   Corporation's
Registration  Statement  Nos.  333-11035,   333-17323,   333-17411,   333-20391,
333-23063,  333-26927, 333-35707, 333-35709, 333-45155, 333-45227, and 333-49405
on Form S-3, and  Registration  Statement Nos.  33-74066,  33-91658,  333-00475,
333-03237,   33-58896,  33-91656,   333-03241,   33-26875,  33-75682,  33-93322,
33-93372,  33-75684,   33-80834,   33-74068,   33-41823,  33-48175,   333-09633,
333-09655, 333-09637, 333-22003, 333-30649, 333-42503,  333-34517-2,  333-42549,
333-45183, 333-47537 and 333-69505 on Form S-8 of our report dated May 10, 1999,
(which  expresses an  unqualified  opinion and includes  explanatory  paragraphs
relating to certain  litigation  as  described in Note 18, and the change in the
method of recognizing revenue and membership  solicitation costs as described in
Note 2)  appearing in this Annual  Report on Form 10-K/A of Cendant  Corporation
for the year ended December 31, 1998.


/s/ Deloitte & Touche LLP
Parsippany, New Jersey
May 10, 1999