Exhibit 99.1
                                                           FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

                       Business Unit Performance on Track

      Revenues up 8% and Adjusted EBITDA from Continuing Operations up 20%
              Net Income per Share $1.05 in 1999 vs. $0.18 in 1998
                     Adjusted EPS from Continuing Operations
                    up 26% to $0.24 in 1999 vs. $0.19 in 1998

                       Company Completes Dutch Auction and
    Continues to Sell Non-Strategic Assets in Accordance with Strategic Plan

New York, NY, July 21, 1999 - Cendant Corporation (NYSE: CD) today reported 1999
second quarter results. Cendant Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer,
Henry R. Silverman stated, "Our core businesses continue to perform in line with
our  business  plan,  with  Individual  Membership,  in  particular,   making  a
significant  contribution  to EBITDA  growth in the  second  quarter.  We remain
confident  that we will  deliver  earnings  per share in line  with Wall  Street
expectations of between $1.00 to $1.07 for the year, up 22% to 30% from $0.82 in
1998,  despite timing issues  associated with our ongoing asset  divestiture and
share repurchase programs."

Operating  results for the quarter  ended June 30,  1999,  as compared  with the
prior year second quarter were as follows:

o Revenues were $1.38 billion, up 8%  from $1.27 billion
o Adjusted EBITDA from continuing  operations was $472 million, up 20% from $394
  million o Adjusted net income from  continuing  operations was $195 million,
  up 16% from $169 million
o Adjusted income from continuing operations per share was up 26% to $0.24 vs.
o Net  income  was $862  million  compared  with $153 million
o Net income per share was $1.05 compared with $0.18

Net income  and net  income per share in 1999  include an after tax gain of $709
million, or $0.86 per share, on the dispositions of the Company's Fleet business
segment and certain other  non-strategic  businesses  of the Company,  including
Match.com,  National  Leisure  Group and  National  Library of Poetry.  Adjusted
EBITDA from  continuing  operations  excludes  the pretax  gain of $766  million
associated with the  divestitures  and net unusual pretax charges of $30 million
in  1999  and $5  million  in  1998.  Unusual  charges  in  both  years  include
investigation-elated  costs and certain other non-recurring items. (See Tables 1
and 2  for  consolidated  operating  results  from  continuing  operations  - as
adjusted and as reported.)

Share Repurchase Program and Asset Sales
The Company has reduced shares  outstanding by approximately  141 million shares
through open market  transactions,  its recently announced self tender offer and
the 7.1 million  shares  returned to the Company in connection  with the sale of
Hebdo Mag International. The Company expects to continue to use excess financial
resources, including cash flow from operations and proceeds from asset sales, to
repurchase shares and retire debt. The Company's stated objective is to maintain
a target debt to total capital ratio of 40% or less.

During the second half of 1999 the Company expects to sell several non-strategic
businesses it previously  identified to generate  proceeds  estimated at over $1
billion. The Company expects to use the proceeds and anticipated  operating cash
flows to reduce  its term loan by about  $350 to $400  million  and  reduce  its
shares  outstanding  by about 40 to 50 million  shares  (assuming  current share
prices) by year end. Accordingly, the Company anticipates that approximately 735
million  shares will be  outstanding  on a diluted basis at December 31, 1999, a
reduction of about 21% from the  commencement  of the stock  buyback  program in
November 1998.

Second Quarter Division Results
Total Company  performance in the second quarter of 1999 was consistent with the
Company's stated growth targets for the full year. The underlying  discussion of
operating  results by division for the second quarter of 1999 as compared to the
second quarter of 1998 focuses on Adjusted  EBITDA,  which is the profit measure
that the Company  uses to evaluate  performance.  (See Table 4 for  Revenues and
Adjusted EBITDA by segment and Table 5 for underlying segment revenue drivers.)

Travel Division
Travel  segment  revenues  increased  10% to $290  million  as a result  of a 9%
increase in franchise  fees from lodging  properties  and car rental  locations,
primarily from increases in available rooms,  revenue per available room and car
rental days. Increased timeshare  subscription and exchange revenues contributed
to  overall  timeshare  revenue  growth of 13%.  Adjusted  EBITDA for the Travel
segment  increased 8% to $147 million.  Adjusted EBITDA excludes a non-recurring
charge of $23 million,  or $0.02 per share after tax, to fund a contribution  to
the trust responsible for completing the previously  announced transition of the
Company's lodging franchisees to a Company-sponsored property management system.
The Adjusted EBITDA margin of 51% for 1999 was unchanged from 1998.

Cendant  disposed of its Fleet  operations as of June 30, 1999.  Fleet  revenues
increased  10% to $106  million,  primarily  as a result of higher  service  fee
revenues.  The  number  of  service  cards  and  leased  vehicles  increased  by
approximately  18% and 4%,  respectively.  EBITDA  decreased  6% to $41  million
primarily because of higher borrowing costs.

Real Estate Division
Real Estate Franchise revenues increased 21% to $159 million and EBITDA
increased 11% to $114 million.  Royalty fees increased 12% primarily as a result
of a 5% increasein home sale transactions and a 6% increase in the average price
of homes sold.  In addition,  revenues  increased  as a result of  increases  in
marketing fund revenues,  which were offset directly by marketing fund  expenses
on behalf of franchisees, with the effect of  lowering  margins  but  having  no
impact on profitability.  Preferred  Alliance revenues declined $10  million due
to certain access  fees received  in 1998, which  were  offset by a $10  million
payment received from NRT Incorporated in 1999.

Relocation  revenues  decreased  3% to $107  million.  Lower  volumes on certain
relocation  services in 1999 were partially offset by higher  ancillary  service
fees from certain  renegotiated  contracts  and increased  outsourcing  services
provided  by  the  Company.  In  1999  the  Company  entered  into  a  strategic
partnership with a third-party  insurance company,  which contributed $7 million
of additional  revenues.  These  increases were partially  offset by the sale of
certain  niche-market asset management  operations in the third quarter of 1998,
which  reduced  revenues by $4 million.  EBITDA  increased  30% to $34  million.
Operating  expenses  decreased  13%  principally  from cost  savings in regional
operations and reduced government home sale expenses.

Mortgage  revenues  increased 13% to $107 million due to  substantial  growth in
mortgage  origination  volume,  which  increased  $1.2 billion,  or 19%, to $7.8
billion.  Mortgage  closings  increased and included a shift to more  profitable
sales and processing  channels,  which was  responsible  for production  revenue
growth of $5 million.  The  servicing  portfolio  grew 29% to $43.8  billion and
servicing  revenue  increased $9 million,  or 60%, with average  servicing  fees
increasing  slightly.  EBITDA  increased  11% to $50 million  reflecting  higher
revenues  partially offset by higher operating  expenses related to increases in
hiring, technology and capacity to support continued growth.

Direct Marketing Division
Individual  Membership revenues increased 16% to $244 million due to an increase
in the  number  of club  members  and an  increase  in the  average  price  of a
membership. EBITDA increased $58 million from a loss of $41 million last year to
a profit of $17 million this year,  primarily as a result of increased  revenues
and reduced  marketing  spending,  as the Company  further  refined the targeted
audiences  for its direct  marketing  efforts and further  optimized  the use of
various  marketing media. The Company's online membership  business  contributed
$15 million to revenues but reduced  EBITDA by $10 million in the second quarter
of 1999.

Insurance/Wholesale  revenues increased 5% to $143 million, primarily because of
customer  growth,  which resulted from increases in affiliations  with financial
institutions.   The  increase  in  revenues  was  attributable   principally  to
international expansion. International revenues increased 26% due primarily to a
42% increase in customers. EBITDA increased 41% to $50 million. The segment also
benefited  from a decrease in customer  acquisition  costs  related to insurance
products. The EBITDA margin increased from 26% in 1998 to 35% in 1999.

Other Consumer and Business Services
Revenues  decreased 3% to $223  million,  primarily as a result of a decrease in
income from financial investments and the divestiture of several businesses. The
revenue  decreases  were  partially  offset by increased  revenues from National
Parking Corporation,  the largest private car park operator in the UK, which was
acquired in April 1998. Adjusted EBITDA decreased to $20 million.

Statements   about  future   results   made  in  this  release  may   constitute
forward-looking   statements  within  the  meaning  of  the  Private  Securities
Litigation   Reform  Act  of  1995.   These  statements  are  based  on  current
expectations  and the current  economic  environment.  The Company cautions that
these statements are not guarantees of future performance. They involve a number
of risks and uncertainties  that are difficult to predict.  Actual results could
differ  materially  from  those  expressed  or  implied  in the  forward-looking
statements.  Important  assumptions and other important factors that could cause
actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements
are specified in the Company's Form 10-K/A for the year ended December 31, 1998,
including  the  resolution  of the  pending  class  action  litigation  and  the
Company's ability to implement its plan to divest non-strategic assets.

Cendant Corporation is a global provider of consumer and business services.  The
Company's  core  competencies  include  building  franchise  systems,  providing
outsourcing  solutions and direct marketing.  As a franchisor,  Cendant is among
the world's leading franchisors of hotels, rental car agencies,  tax preparation
services  and real  estate  brokerage  offices.  The real estate  division  also
includes Welcome  Wagon/GETKO and the Company's  soon-to-be-created  residential
real  estate  services  portal on the  Internet.  As a provider  of  outsourcing
solutions,  Cendant is the world's largest vacation  exchange  service,  a major
provider of mortgage  services to  consumers  and the global  leader in employee
relocation. In direct marketing,  Cendant provides access to insurance,  travel,
shopping,  auto,  and other  services  primarily  to  customers  of its affinity
partners.  Other business  units include NCP, the UK's largest  private car park
operator, and Wizcom, an information technology services provider. Headquartered
in New York, NY, the Company has more than 30,000 employees and operates in over
100 countries.

More information  about Cendant,  its companies,  brands and current SEC filings
may be obtained by visiting  the  Company's  Web site at  www.Cendant.com  or by
calling 877-4INFO-CD (877-446-3623).

Media Contact:                             Investor Contact:
Elliot Bloom                               Denise L. Gillen
212-413-1832                               212-413-1833
                                           Samuel J. Levenson

                                Tables Follow

                                                                         Table 1

Cendant Corporation and Subsidiaries
Continuing Operations

Second Quarter Financial Results
(Dollars and shares in millions, except per share amounts)

As Adjusted

The 1999 results are adjusted to exclude $6.5 million ($4.0 million,  after tax)
of  investigation-related  costs,  a $23.0 million  non-recurring  charge ($14.9
million,  after tax) in connection with the transition of the Company's  lodging
franchisees  to a  Company-sponsored  property  management  system  and a $765.7
million  gain  ($709.1  million,  after  tax) on the  disposition  of the  Fleet
business  segment and certain  other  non-strategic  businesses  of the Company,
including  Match.com,  National  Leisure Group  ("NLG") and National  Library of
Poetry ("NLP").

The 1998 results are adjusted to exclude $32.2  million  ($20.4  million,  after
tax) of investigation-related  costs, including incremental financing costs. The
aforementioned  1998 charges were partially  offset by a credit of $27.5 million
($18.6  million,   after  tax)  associated  with  changes  in  the  estimate  of
liabilities  previously  recorded in connection  with  merger-related  costs and
other unusual charges ("Unusual Charges").

                                                          1999              1998          % change
                                                       ---------         ---------        --------
Revenues                                               $ 1,377.3         $ 1,272.3            8%
Expenses                                                 1,053.4             985.8            7%
                                                       ---------         ---------
Income before income taxes and minority interest           323.9             286.5           13%

EBITDA (1)                                                 472.2             393.7           20%

Income from continuing operations                          194.8             168.6           16%

Earnings per share:
   Basic                                               $    0.25         $    0.20           25%
   Diluted                                                  0.24              0.19           26%

Weighted average shares - diluted                          823.7             900.9           (9%)

As Reported
                                                          1999              1998          % change
                                                       ---------         ---------        --------
Revenues                                               $ 1,377.3          $1,272.3            8%
Expenses                                                 1,082.9             990.5            9%
Gain on businesses sold                                    765.7                 -             *
                                                       ---------         ---------
Income before income taxes and minority interest         1,060.1             281.8             *

EBITDA (1)                                               1,208.4             389.0             *

Income from continuing operations                          885.0             166.8             *

Earnings per share:
   Basic                                               $    1.15         $    0.20             *
   Diluted                                                  1.08              0.19             *

Weighted average shares - diluted                          823.7             900.9           (9%)

- ----------
*      Not meaningful
(1)    Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization.

                                                                         Table 2
Cendant Corporation and Subsidiaries
Continuing Operations

Six Months Ended June 30, 1999 and 1998 (Dollars and shares in millions,  except
per share amounts)

As Adjusted

The 1999 results are adjusted to exclude $7.0 million ($4.4 million,  after tax)
of costs incurred in connection with the termination of the proposed acquisition
of  RAC  Motoring   Services,   $8.2  million  ($5.1  million,   after  tax)  of
investigation-related  costs and a $23.0  million  non-recurring  charge  ($14.9
million,  after-tax) in connection with the transition of the Company's  lodging
franchisees to a Company-sponsored  property management system, partially offset
by a $1.3  million  gain  ($0.8  million,  after  tax)  on  the  sale  of  Essex
Corporation, a Company subsidiary. In addition, the 1999 results are adjusted to
exclude a $765.7 million gain ($709.1 million,  after tax) on the disposition of
the Fleet  business  segment and certain other  non-strategic  businesses of the
Company, including Match.com, NLG and NLP.

The 1998 results are adjusted to exclude $32.2  million  ($20.4  million,  after
tax) of investigation-related  costs, including incremental financing costs. The
aforementioned  1998 charges are  partially  offset by a credit of $24.4 million
($16.2  million,   after  tax)  associated  with  changes  in  the  estimate  of
liabilities previously recorded in connection with Unusual Charges.

                                                          1999             1998         % change
                                                       ---------         ---------      --------
Revenues                                               $ 2,682.2         $ 2,392.2         12%
Expenses                                                 2,047.9           1,786.8         15%
                                                       ---------         ---------
Income before income taxes and minority interest           634.3             605.4          5%

EBITDA (1)                                                 921.9             795.1         16%

Income from continuing operations                          380.9             367.3          4%
Earnings per share:
   Basic                                               $    0.49         $    0.43         14%
   Diluted                                                  0.46              0.41         12%

Weighted average shares - diluted                          838.9            907.8          (8%)

As Reported
                                                          1999             1998          % change
                                                       ---------         --------        --------
Revenues                                               $ 2,682.2         $2,392.2          12%
Expenses                                                 2,084.8          1,794.6          16%
Gain on businesses sold                                    765.7                -           *
                                                       ---------         --------
Income before income taxes and minority interest         1,363.1            597.6           *

EBITDA (1)                                               1,650.7            787.3           *

Income from continuing operations                        1,066.4            363.1           *

Earnings per share:
   Basic                                               $    1.36         $   0.43           *
   Diluted                                                  1.28             0.41           *

Weighted average shares - diluted                          838.9            907.8          (8%)

- ----------
*    Not meaningful
(1) Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization.

                                                                         Table 3

                      Cendant Corporation and Subsidiaries
                      (In millions, except per share data)

                                                                  Three Months Ended         Six Months Ended
                                                                         June 30,                 June 30
                                                                  ----------------------     -------------------
                                                                     1999         1998         1999       1998
                                                                  ---------     --------     ---------  --------
   Membership and service fees, net                               $ 1,333.2     $1,237.8     $ 2,573.7  $2,286.6
   Fleet leasing (net of depreciation and interest costs of
      $343.3, $318.1, $669.7 and $629.7)                               11.3         19.1          29.9      39.0
   Other                                                               32.8         15.4          78.6      66.6
                                                                  ---------     --------     ---------  --------
Net revenues                                                        1,377.3      1,272.3       2,682.2   2,392.2
                                                                  ---------     --------     ---------  --------

   Operating                                                          435.0        437.0         867.4     748.6
   Marketing and reservation                                          287.9        291.3         550.1     556.1
   General and administrative                                         182.2        150.3         342.8     292.4
   Depreciation and amortization                                       94.2         84.3         185.2     147.9
   Other charges
     Termination of proposed acquisition                                -              -           7.0         -
     Investigation-related costs                                        6.5         32.2           8.2      32.2
     Merger-related costs and other unusual charges (credits)          23.0        (27.5)         21.7     (24.4)
     Interest, net                                                     54.1         22.9         102.4      41.8
                                                                  ---------     --------     ---------   -------
Total expenses                                                      1,082.9        990.5       2,084.8   1,794.6
                                                                  ---------     --------     ---------   -------

Gain on businesses sold                                               765.7            -         765.7         -
                                                                  ---------     --------     ---------   -------

Income from continuing operations before income taxes and
   minority interest                                                1,060.1        281.8       1,363.1     597.6
Provision for income taxes                                            160.0        100.1         266.5     214.7
Minority interest, net of tax                                          15.1         14.9          30.2      19.8
                                                                  ---------     --------     ---------   -------
Income from continuing operations                                     885.0        166.8       1,066.4     363.1
Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax                          (4.1)       (13.8)        (16.2)    (37.2)
Gain (loss) on sale of discontinued operations, net of tax            (18.6)           -         174.1         -
                                                                  ----------    --------     ---------   -------
Net income                                                        $   862.3     $  153.0     $ 1,224.3   $ 325.9
                                                                  =========     ========     =========   =======

Income (loss) per share
     Income from continuing operations                            $    1.15     $   0.20     $    1.36   $  0.43
     Loss from discontinued operations                                (0.01)       (0.02)        (0.02)    (0.04)
     Gain (loss) on sale of discontinued operations                   (0.02)           -          0.22         -
                                                                  ---------    ----------    ---------   --------
     Net income                                                   $    1.12     $   0.18     $    1.56   $  0.39
                                                                  =========     ========     =========   =======

     Income from continuing operations                            $    1.08     $   0.19     $    1.28   $  0.41
     Loss from discontinued operations                                (0.01)       (0.01)        (0.02)    (0.04)
     Gain (loss) on sale of discontinued operations                   (0.02)           -          0.21         -
                                                                 ----------    ---------     ---------   --------
     Net income                                                   $    1.05     $   0.18     $    1.47   $  0.37
                                                                  =========     ========     =========   =======

Weighted average shares
     Basic                                                            769.5        850.8         784.7     844.8
     Diluted                                                          823.7        900.9         838.9     907.8

                                                                         Table 4

Cendant Corporation and Subsidiaries
Continuing Operations

Revenues and Adjusted EBITDA by Segment
(Dollars in millions)

Quarterly Period Ended June 30,

                                               Revenues                      Adjusted EBITDA  (1)
                               -----------------------------------     -----------------------------------
                                                              %                                      %
                                  1999         1998        Change        1999       1998 (6)      Change
                               ---------    ---------     --------     ---------    ---------    ---------
Travel                         $   289.6    $   263.6         10%      $146.5 (2)   $  135.7         8%
Fleet                              105.6         96.0         10%        41.1           43.7        (6%)
Real Estate Franchise              158.9        131.5         21%       113.9          103.1        11%
Relocation                         106.8        110.2         (3%)       34.2           26.4        30%
Mortgage                           106.6         94.0         13%        49.7           44.8        11%
Individual Membership              243.8        209.6         16%        17.1          (40.9)        *
Insurance/Wholesale                143.0        136.8          5%        50.0           35.5        41%
Other                              223.0        230.6         (3%)       19.7 (4)       45.4 (5)   (57%)
                               ---------    ---------                  -------      ---------
Total                          $ 1,377.3    $ 1,272.3          8%      $472.2       $  393.7        20%
                               =========    =========                  ======       ========

Six Months Ended June 30,
                                               Revenues                      Adjusted EBITDA  (1)
                               -----------------------------------     -----------------------------------
                                                              %                                      %
                                  1999         1998        Change        1999       1998 (7)      Change
                               ---------    ---------     --------     ---------    ---------    ---------
Travel                         $   561.6    $   529.2          6%      $  291.2 (2) $  284.8           2%
Fleet                              207.4        192.6          8%         80.8          91.3         (12%)
Real Estate Franchise              255.5        215.8         18%        185.3         162.3          14%
Relocation                         197.7        209.9         (6%)        52.1          52.0           -
Mortgage                           199.8        172.0         16%         93.7          82.3          14%
Individual Membership              487.2        413.7         18%         29.0         (56.8)          *
Insurance/Wholesale                282.7        270.8          4%         88.3          74.6          18%
Other                              490.3        388.2         26%         101.5 (3)    104.6 (5)      (3%)
                               ---------    ---------                  --------     ---------
Total                          $ 2,682.2    $ 2,392.2         12%      $  921.9     $  795.1          16%
                               =========    ==========                 ========     ========

- ---------------
*      Not meaningful
(1)    Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, and gains
       on businesses sold, adjusted to exclude non-recurring or unusual items.
(2)    Excludes a $23.0  million  non-recurring  charge in  connection  with the
       transition of the Company's  lodging  franchisees to a  Company-sponsored
       property management system.
(3)    Excludes: (i) the $23.0 million non-recurring charge as described in Note
       2; (ii) $8.2  million  of  investigation-related  costs;  and (iii)  $7.0
       million of costs  incurred  in  connection  with the  termination  of the
       proposed acquisition of RAC Motoring Services, partially offset by a $1.3
       million gain on the sale of Essex.
(4)    Excludes $6.5 million of investigation-related costs.
(5)    Excludes $32.2 million of investigation-related costs, including
       incremental financing costs.
(6)    Excludes a net credit of $27.5  million  associated  with  changes in the
       estimate of liabilities  previously  recorded in connection  with Unusual
       Charges.  The  aforementioned  net credit was  comprised of $5.4 million,
       $1.3  million,  $1.0  million  and $25.3  million of  credits  within the
       Travel,  Fleet,  Real Estate Franchise and Other segments,  respectively,
       and  $3.7  million  and $1.8  million  of  charges  incurred  within  the
       Relocation and Mortgage segments, respectively.
(7)    Excludes a net credit of $24.4  million  associated  with  changes in the
       estimate of liabilities  previously  recorded in connection  with Unusual
       Charges.  The  aforementioned  net credit was  comprised of $5.4 million,
       $1.3  million,  $1.0  million  and $24.1  million of  credits  within the
       Travel,  Fleet,  Real Estate Franchise and Other segments,  respectively,
       and  $3.7  million  and $3.7  million  of  charges  incurred  within  the
       Relocation and Mortgage segments, respectively

                                                             Table 5
Cendant Corporation and Subsidiaries
Segment Revenue Driver Analysis
(Revenue dollars in millions)

                                                                    2nd Quarter
                                                              1999              1998          Change
                                                          --------------   -------------    ---------
Travel Segment
     Domestic Rooms
       Month End Actual Rooms                                   509,706          487,168         5
       Weighted Average Rooms Available                         496,299          474,662         5
     Franchise Fee per Weighted Average Room              $      228.12    $      220.86         3
                                                          -------------    -------------
     Total Franchise Fees                                 $       113.2    $       104.8         8
                                                          -------------    -------------

     Car Rental days                                         15,315,889       13,867,489        10
     Franchise Fee per Rental day                         $        2.92    $        2.87         2
                                                          -------------    -------------
     Total Franchise Fees                                 $        44.7    $        39.8        12

         Sub-Total Franchise Fees                         $       157.9    $       144.6         9
                                                          -------------    -------------

     Number of Timeshare Exchanges                              455,565          411,711        11
     Annualized Number of Exchanges                           1,822,260        1,646,844        11
     Average Subscriptions                                    2,299,123        2,186,424         5
                                                          -------------    -------------
     Total Exchanges and Subscriptions                        4,121,383        3,833,268         8
     Average Fee                                          $       20.68    $       20.87        (1)
                                                          -------------    -------------
     Total Exchange/Subscription Fees                     $        85.2    $        80.0         7
                                                          -------------    -------------

     Other Revenue                                        $        46.5    $        39.0        19

     Total Travel Revenue                                 $       289.6    $       263.6        10
                                                          =============    =============

Fleet Segment
     Number of Cars/Cards                                     4,733,703        4,054,128        17
     Revenue per Car/Card                                 $       22.31    $       23.68        (6)
                                                          -------------    -------------
     Total Revenue                                        $       105.6    $        96.0        10
                                                          =============    =============

Real Estate Franchise Segment
     Closed sides - Domestic                                    524,777          498,893         5
     Average Price                                        $     151,430    $     142,735         6
     Adjusted Royalty Rate                                        0.15%            0.15%         -
                                                          -------------    -------------
     Total Royalties                                      $       121.9    $       108.7        12
     Other                                                         37.0             22.8        62
                                                          -------------    -------------
     Total Revenue                                        $       158.9    $       131.5        21
                                                          =============    =============

Mortgage Segment
     Production Loan Closings (1)                         $       7,816    $       6,576        19
     Avg. Servicing Loan Portfolio                        $      43,751    $      34,004        29

                                                                Table 6

                      Cendant Corporation and Subsidiaries
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                  (In billions)

                                                    June 30,        December 31,
                                                      1999              1998
                                                    --------        ------------

   Cash                                             $    0.3        $    1.0
   Restricted cash                                       1.2             0.1
   Other current assets                                  2.7             3.5
                                                    --------        --------

Total current assets                                     4.2             4.6

   Property and equipment, net                           1.3             1.4
   Goodwill, net                                         3.6             3.9
   Other assets                                          3.1             2.8
                                                    --------        --------

Total assets exclusive of assets under programs         12.2            12.7

Assets under management and mortgage programs            5.3             7.5
                                                    --------        --------

Total assets                                        $   17.5        $   20.2
                                                    ========        ========

Liabilities and shareholders' equity

Total current liabilities                           $    2.7        $    2.9

   Long-term debt                                        3.3             3.4

   Other non-current liabilities                         0.5             0.4
                                                    --------        --------

Total liabilities exclusive of liabilities
  under programs                                         6.5             6.7
Liabilities under management and mortgage programs       4.7             7.2

Mandatorily redeemable preferred securities issued
  by subsidiary                                          1.5             1.5

Commitments and contingencies

Total shareholders' equity                               4.8             4.8
                                                    --------        --------

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity          $   17.5        $   20.2
                                                    ========        ========